01x20 - Game On

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x20 - Game On

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Switched at birth..."

I'm coach Medlock. Do you have a second?

I decided to take coach Medlock's offer.

I'm gonna join the Buckner team.

It's really nice to meet you.

What was I supposed to do?

Just watch you drop out of school?

I went out on a limb to put you on this team and I'm starting to regret that decision.

You put me on the team because I'm deaf and the school gets disability funding.

Do you guys wanna see if we can save this team?

Come on.

Daphne, it's good to have you back playing for The Mustangs.

I'm sorry, everyone.

Everybody, we... we had a fantastic season.

Just fantastic.

But Marshall didn't beat us. I blew it.

I missed an easy layup and now it's over.

No Springfield tournament.

No more girls basketball.

Hold on, we don't know that for sure.

We do not know that they are cancelling this program.

I know. Yeah.


I finished it.

I wasn't sure if you needed it back.

I told Ty that we're dating, and I should've told him a long time ago.

Can we get past this?

'cause someone's birthday is coming up.

And I have a few ideas... all of which are 100% legal.

Yeah, what's happening with all that?

Are you gonna stay with your dad?

And I will visit you wherever you are.

Hey, hey.


I got your text. What's going on?

Um, well the Carlton athletic director called me.

It seems that the Marshall girls celebrated their momentous victory in the locker room with champagne.

They've been disqualified!

Wait, what?

They're out, we're in.

So we're going to Springfield?!

We are going to Springfield!

Wait, it gets better.


We are playing the winner of the west-side qualifying game...


We're playing Buckner?


Oh yeah. Awkward.

They're really good.

We are going to wipe the floor with those girls.

Yeah, we are.


Emmett's in history.


It's about the... what situation?




I thought Emmett gets to choose.


Need a statement from me about everything that I've seen.

Melody, I...

Mmm, told you it was the best ice cream in the city.

It's good, but we're gonna have to eat a few more ice cream joints before I declare it the best.

What, you're not gonna take my word for it?

Then I wouldn't have an excuse to see you again.

Then I guess we'll have to find another time to grab a cone.


Okay, I've tried every form of nonverbal communication I know...

The subtle hand brush, leaving my knee next to yours a little too long...

And I swear you've initiated a hand brush or two yourself, so I don't get it.

My ex... whatever he was... came back into my life a few months ago, and then he disappeared again and...

So you and I...

I'm just not ready.

I mean it wouldn't be fair to you.

You don't have to worry about me.

Okay, this is more difficult than it should be.

But I...

I'm banking on you thinking that's romantic and not littering.



Remember when Craig Tebbe told us about his friend?

You know, the editor in New York...


Rya Bellows?


Apparently she read my proposal and she wants to meet with me.

Really? That's great.

I knew it. I knew that they would like it!

It's only a meeting and the problem is she's only in town this Thursday afternoon, so if I see her, I might be late for the tournament.

So you'll be late.

What if the meeting goes long?

Or there's traffic? I mean I can just talk to her on the phone.

It's such late notice. She'd understand.

Kathryn, it's a game, it's not a good enough reason to, you know, cancel.

Honey, it's not just a game, it's a tournament.

Okay, well, if you're scared then, you know...

I'm not scared.


Then you get there when you get there.



We know you can do it, Daphne.

You asked Bay to what?

I just found out myself.

Bay is the only one with first-hand knowledge of what's been going on over there.

But even so, you can't put her in that kind of position.

Why didn't you talk to me first before ambushing Bay?

I just hung up with my attorney, I saw her on campus and it came out.

I'm sorry.

I should've talked to you both first.

If I could do it any other way, I would. I promise.

Hey. Hi...


Melody came to see me and I wanted to...

I appreciate the offer, but I don't want to talk about it.

I don't need someone to give me advice or someone to bounce ideas off of.

I've got it under control, okay?


So what should I do?

You really can't win.

I knew it.

Can you take my place?

Words I never thought I'd say to you.

I mean, have you seen anything that you could testify to?

I've barely been to his dad's place since he moved out, and I've never even met the girlfriend.

Kind of a kook job.

Look, maybe I'm saying this because Melody is like a second mom to me... or third mom, I guess.

Whatever. Anyway, that's where he belongs.

I wouldn't force it.

All he needs now is just a gentle push in the right direction.

Without pissing anyone off.

No pressure.

Hey, Emmett's going to my tournament, so I'll try to nudge him too.

Oh, I'm sorry... I totally spaced on congratulating you.


I feel bad I can't go.

We have to get permission from our teachers to miss class and my english teacher's being a bitch.

So hey, good luck.



So any chance you wanna come down to Springfield and cheer me on?

I have a physics test on Friday and they're not letting anybody go.

Look, I feel like I screwed things up and I really wanna make this work.

It would mean a lot to me, and I got a hotel room to myself.

Have you ever had chicken pox?

'cause you could come down with a really bad case tomorrow afternoon.



I'll think about it.

Hello? Patrick?

Oh, sorry no. I can't go to breakfast.

I'm getting Daphne ready for school... or she's getting me ready for work.

You are?

So when the collector canceled, I was stuck with all these bagels.

Then I realized I'm only a couple of blocks away.

I hope you like lox.

What's lox?

Look at him, he totally thinks that we just fell off the turnip truck.

We love lox!

I'll ship in a pound from my place in Brooklyn.

It's like orange velvet.

You're the guy who opened that art gallery, right?

I loved the show.

Well, how could you not?

Uh, you better get going or you're gonna be late.

It was really nice to meet you.

You too.

Bye, mom.


She's great.

Thanks, but you can't do this.

Do what?

Stop by and meet my kid.

Yeah, but it went well, didn't it?

I wasn't ready for her to know that I was dating someone.

Sorry, I just assumed you'd told her already.

Well, I hadn't.


So I should nix my plan to show up tonight unannounced with take-out chinese?

It's not exactly against him.

It's against the circumstances that he put you in.

I don't. I got put there.

I don't want to pick sides, but your mom can be kind of convincing.

The island of Bay?

I promise.


Are you gonna be okay?


The Calder opening at Crystal Bridges.


It's Patrick.

Yeah, I got that.

The new museum in Arkansas... the one the Walmart heiress just opened.

It's on like three ponds.

Yeah, I know about it. It's supposed to be stunning.

Are you going to the opening?

We're going.

And there's this great little bed and breakfast a few blocks away.

I was going to book separate rooms unless, of course, there was only one room available.

Oh um...

When is it?

Tomorrow night.

Oh. I'm gonna be at Daphne's basketball game.

That's too bad.

Seriously, Ed Ruscha is gonna be there. John Baldessari.

I can't miss her game.


No no, I get it.

You've never dated a single mother before, have you?


It's not fair to ask you to understand.

You know what? I need to finish packing for the tournament.

Um, you have a good time at the opening, okay?

Okay. Bye.


Racking up the kills?

It's a racing game, so just a few flat tires.

Uh-huh. I need a guy's opinion.

Emmett's birthday is coming up and I want to get him something amazing.

And he's been building a motorcycle with his dad, but he still needs a fender.

I found a place that sells parts and I thought I'd paint something really cool on it.

Or option two... there's this book I could get him...

The fender.

I agree.

I just need a favor from you.

Ah okay, so we just need to look at the tire so I can make sure I get the right size.

You're really getting him a fender for his birthday?

Well, he's been looking for one.

Just kidding.

You're the coolest girlfriend ever.

Seriously, the only thing I ever got my high school boyfriend lasted like five minutes.

I think there's a measuring tape or something over there.

It's cool. I just need to check out the side of the tire, get the numbers and check out the mounting bolts.

I don't speak bike, but it sounds good.

I'm just gonna go take this.

Oh, we'll be done in like two seconds.


She enjoys sharing details about her high school sex life.

I am not seeing any numbers.

What do you mean?

I don't know, they're rubbed off or something.

Um, look for the tape measure.

Bay, uh...

What's wrong?

You think they're selling it?

There are a lot of baggies.

So that was my boss from the restaurant...

That is not mine!

I'm just holding it for a friend who's in between apartments right now.

It's none of our business and I think we're good.

Right, Tob?

Yeah, we're good.

Uh, please don't say anything about this to Melody.

She's just gonna use it against Cameron and it's gonna k*ll him if he loses Emmett.

Kennish, two rooms.

Wow, this is so cool.

Yeah. Hi.

Hi, Haley. Are you a basketball player?


They drove here from Indiana...


To see the game.

Actually we just met people in the bathroom that came here from Houston.

Wow, really?


We're here rooting for you... all of us.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Thank you, bye.

Thank you.

That is unbelievable.

That is so inspiring.

You're like a rock star to them.

Yeah. You know, maybe we should schedule an extra practice, run some of the new plays.

Yeah, I think that's an excellent idea.

I'll schedule us some more court time. Thanks very much.

Let's go back there. Look at the face.

What time did we have the court?

Right now.

All right, girls, off the court.

And don't dawdle in the shower. Massages are in 15 minutes.

Ladies, we start with layup drills, please.

Jerry, free throws after that, okay?
Coach Kennish?


I need to talk to you.

I'm a little busy right now. Can we do it later?

There's been a complaint lodged against one of your players.

That is such a desperate act, to disqualify our star player at the beginning of a tournament.

Now hold on, hold on!

We didn't know about this until right now.

It was an anonymous tip.

Anonymous? It was him or one of his players!

What's going on?

It's a violation of tournament code.

He says that Daphne can't play because she switched teams.

Players have to have been members of their team for six consecutive weeks or they can't participate.

She wants me to interpret for her.

Hundreds of deaf people came from all over to see these girls play.

Daphne is a role model to them.

There's a whole community out there rooting for this team.

Do you understand that? Do you really want to let them down?

Do you really want to tell them that we disqualified our best player on a technicality?

You know what? We're fine with it.


Totally fine with it.

Okay, game will proceed as planned.

Excellent. Let's go.

Thank you.

"It's about mistakes, accidents, errors in judgment"

"and how these moments define who we are"

"and the paths we take."


I mean, I lived through it and you're making me want to read about it.


Yeah. Keep going.

Okay. "So when we were told by the genetic counselor"

"that there was a 99% chance that Bay was not related to us,"

"I looked at my daughter"

"with her proud ringlets and her fiery eyes..."

You're okay with "Proud ringlets and fiery eyes," right, Bay?

Sorry. What?

I was trying to be literary. But if you hate it, I can change it.

Uh, dad's calling.


What's going on? Is this about Melody?

Tell me.

I'll get it.


Hey, it's me.

How's it going out there?

One of the Buckner players tried to get Daphne kicked off the team.

What? Why?

Some made-up reason. It was, quote, "An anonymous tip" that she hadn't been on the Carlton team long enough.

We took care of it though.

That sucks. Who would do that?

Someone who's threatened by Daphne or holds some kind of grudge against her, I guess.

We'll talk about it later.

Then, honey, you have to do something.

If I do tell someone what I saw, then Emmett's dad could lose custody and that would destroy Emmett.

But if I don't say anything and something happens to Emmett because of what I saw... then that's my fault.

Bay honey, you're worrying me.

And if I don't make the statement, then Melody is going to hate me.

And if I do make the statement, then Emmett is never gonna forgive me.

It's a custody-battle checkmate.

I'm sure whatever you decide, Emmett will understand.

No, he won't. Mom, he made me promise to stay out of it.

And I think he's so mad at Melody over the whole motorcycle thing that he can't see clearly.

Listen to me.

If you care about him and he's really in trouble, you have to say something to someone.

No matter what the cost?

Hey, I heard about what happened.

I'm really glad it worked out.

I'm sure you are.

I am!

Wait, you... wait, do you think that I was the one who ratted you out?

It doesn't matter.

No, it wasn't me.

Yeah, because you would never play dirty like that.

Daphne, it's only fun to win when it's competitive.

You and me are the same that way.

I mean it.

I miss you.

Maybe after the season is behind us, we can call a truce and hang out.

I don't know.

Let's see how it goes.

The second Kennish I've had to beg for forgiveness today.



I'll see you on the court.

Look, I'm not trying to get anybody in troub...

I can tell this is still about Olivia and honestly it's not...

No, look, even if Melody hadn't come to me, I'm worried about Emmett.

All the fighting... he thinks that it's his fault, he hasn't been himself lately and honestly I'm afraid about what he's gonna do next.

What? Olivia move out?

Okay, now I just feel like I'm getting deeper and deeper here.


I came here because I care about Emmett and all you care about is winning?

No, that's great.

He's probably never going to talk to me again, but no biggie.

You get to win the battle with Melody and I get to lose Emmett.

"Accidents, errors in judgment"

"and how these moments define who we are"

"and the paths we take."

You know, I think your readers will relate to the challenges I've faced even if their children weren't switched at birth.

And if they were switched, then this is definitely the book for them.

You don't have to sell me.

Oh wow.

You didn't have to come all the way out here just to tell me that.

Under ordinary circumstances, your book would be a slam dunk.

Ordinary circumstances?

We know there's another book being written by a journalist.

Sarah Lazar.

And there's a good chance she gets her book out before you do, which is why we need not just your story but the other mother's as well.

But I thought you said you loved my proposal.

We feel that hearing both your stories... two mothers' perspectives... is even more compelling.

Yeah but...

Unless you get Regina on board, I'm afraid it's too much of a risk.

You nervous about the game tomorrow?

I know.

Oh, I don't think it's gonna work out.

I do, but he's not a parent.

He doesn't understand Why I can't just take off for the weekend or have a spontaneous breakfast.

No matter how many times he disappears or disappoints me, he has a hold on me.

I don't want it. I swear.

I want him out of my life.

Well, I don't know about him either.

Seriously, dating sucks.

Daphne? Daphne?

What the hell are you doing? I've been looking all over for you.

You gotta get in bed.

I'm okay.

No no, listen to me, as your coach and as your father, I'm telling you...

And I'm telling you you don't understand.

I don't understand?

I was a professional athlete for 15 years.

I know what it means to want something so bad for yourself.

I don't want this for me.

Okay, I... I guess I don't understand.

Emmett's deafness defines him.

Melody too.

But I'm just Daphne.

If I were hearing, I'd still be me... just a hearing Daphne.

But like it or not, I represent.

We all do.

Every team represents their school.


I represent every parent at our school, every little sister and brother, their uncle who teaches at Gallaudet and their deaf brother-in-law who lives in Japan and heard about the game and emailed me.

When you're part of a small community,it's... it's fantastic, you have all these benefits.

You go anywhere, you see someone deaf... instant friends.

But it also means that everything you do means something.

Sometimes I just wish I could be Daphne.

Not deaf, not hearing, just a girl playing basketball.

Welcome to the Springfield division 3 finals.

With the perennial power house Buckner Bulldogs versus the surprising Carlton Mustangs.

Ladies, I want you to look around this room. I want you to think back to the beginning of our season.

Did any of you imagine that you would be here playing today?

'cause you know what? I didn't.

When I started with you all, I did not know what you were capable of.

But each and every one of you, you showed me.

Now let's go out there and show everybody else.


One two three.


Tipoff goes to Carlton.

Oh, wrong-way pass from Vasquez.

And it's an easy fast break for her old teammate Simone Sinclair.

Guess it was a good thing I couldn't get you thrown out.

Time-out, time-out, time-out!

Come on in. It's okay.

Time-out Carlton.

This could be a long game for The Mustangs.

Here she is.

And this is Emmett.

Patrick... you're here?

And with Kathryn.

I was circling the gym looking for you and she took pity on me.

He looked like a lost Carlton fan, so...

Which I am.

What about Crystal Bridges?

I went, I schmoozed and I realized I'd rather be spending the weekend with you.


Just be a girl with the ball, okay?

All right, just tune it out.


You're gonna be fine.

Fine, okay?

Here we go.



It all comes down to this.

With 15 seconds left, Buckner is up by three.

Carlton steals the inbound pass.


Come on, right here!

And it's an easy layup for two.

Buckner leads by one with only 10 seconds to go.

Run out the clock. Run out the clock!

Seven, six, five...

Let's go, bring it down!

Three, two...

Foul foul!

What was that?

Simone, what the hell are you doing?

That's a sh**ting foul.

Carlton is going to the free throw line.

What does that mean? Is the game over?

No No, she gets to sh**t two free throws.

Sorry, I'm a baseball wife.

Vasquez heads to the free throw line and the game is on her shoulders.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

What did I tell you? I knew you could do it.

So listen, next year, we gotta bring buses down here.

We gotta get more people, 'cause we are coming back!

What? What'd I say?

Let's discuss it on Monday.

But we won.

Sweetie, this is not the time.

Let's just celebrate.

Wait wait wait a second. Are you... are you telling me they're seriously thinking about cutting the program after this?

This was an amazing accomplishment, but it didn't magically create the money that we need to keep this program alive.

I'm sorry.

Okay, first of all, Olivia has like nine lbs of weed in your dad's garage.


Yes, weed!

Pot, marijuana. She is selling dr*gs out of your dad's garage.

You think that I'd make that up?

I kept picturing rival drug dealers... masked men with shotguns breaking into your house in the dead of night looking for her stash.

Emmett, I did it because I care about you.

I know. I'm sorry but...

I don't think that it's safe.

Emmett, I...

Damn it.


You need a hand?

What happened? Did you hurt yourself?

I know the feeling.

I wanted to punch a wall myself today.

Did you see the game?


I have a bottle of vodka in my room.

I was planning on having a few sh*ts and watching pay-per-view.

Yeah, you should probably go wrap that.

I could help.

Got one for you, or Emmett.

Now this will fit either a 110/90 or 120/90 tire.

Thank you, uh, but you can keep it.

I really don't think Emmett's ever gonna talk to me again.

Well, I'm sure whatever you did, he'll get over it.

You guys are perfect together.
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