01x10 - The Homecoming

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x10 - The Homecoming

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

You took home someone else's baby and another family took home yours.

Does anybody know where this other child might be?

I'm so glad you found it.

Nice to meet you.

Who's my father?

It's a guy who took off when Daphne was little and hasn't been in touch since.

Did he leave because I'm deaf?

Angelo Sorrento's my dad.

I'm Angelo Sorrento's daughter.

We found this guitar pick in his car.

There are pictures of Bay when she was four years old.

How do you have these?

I found out 12 and a half years ago.

Do you ever speak... like with your voice?

There is one person who's always been there for me.


( pop music playing )

♪ ever have those days when you feel like someone else? ♪
♪ I'm thinking nothing's changed, but I don't feel like myself ♪
♪ I'm trying to work things out one moment to the next ♪
♪ today was just okay, but tomorrow could be the best ♪
♪ if you listen to your heart... ♪

You like?

It's incredible.

I love the sense of the movement. It reminds me of cave paintings.


Yeah, that's exactly what I was going for...


It's spray paint and stencil, in case you're interested.

Are you Bay, the artist?


Let me guess... you're a curator from a gallery in New York.

Or Paris.

No, I'm not.

A scout looking for the next Basquiat?

Because I'm also into neo-expressionism, as I'm part Puerto Rican and extremely gifted. But anti-heroin. Heroin's bad.

I'm not from any gallery, I'm sorry.


Hey, but you like art though. So that's cool.

How did you find me? When did you find out?

What are you doing here?

I know this is sudden, I'm wondering where you got my lucky guitar pick.

Your guitar pick?


Nice to meet you, sweetheart.

How did you find me? When did you find out?

What are you doing here?

I know this is sudden, but I just found out and I really wanted to see you.

Look at you. ( Bay gasps )

Um, h-how are Regina and Daphne?

They're good.

Are they here? I'd love to see them.

Uh, no, they're not. I don't think that's such a great idea...

You seeing them. I mean they don't have the fondest memories of you.

I'm sure you've heard a lot of things about me, but I hope you can make up your own mind.

Why did you just show up here? I mean, why didn't you... call? This is so not fair.

Hey, sweetie. Everything okay?


This is a gallery owner from downtown.


This is... this is my dad John Kennish.

Hi. Gallery owner... that's great.

Angelo. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Are you a parent here?

Yes, I am.

John: A lot of interesting work, huh?


Bay is certainly talented.

She's working on a piece right now that's wild.

It's like tape and spray...

Spray paint.

Spray paint.

Spray paint, yeah.

I don't know where she comes up with this stuff.

Kathryn: Honey.

Eh, my wife is trying to wrangle me into signing up for the celebrity golf tournament.

So I'd better go do that. It was nice to meet you.

Very nice to meet you too.

I'll see you.


( sighs )

That was surreal.

Look, I'm staying at the Bowman hotel for the next three days.

I'd love to see you.

But if you don't want to, I understand.

I'm just very happy I got a chance to meet my daughter.


Did the hospital send along rose petals and wine?

'Cause usually if someone's going to screw me, I like a little wooing.

It's half as much as their last offer.


Just 'cause Regina knew about the girls being switched we have no case anymore?

We just lost significant leverage, yeah.

And a no-fault clause?

The hospital doesn't have to admit they made a mistake.

No! That's the least they can do. They have to admit it.

You want us to accept this?

Considering what's happened, this is as good as it's gonna get.

They're giving us 48 hours.

48 hours.

After that, they could pull it and put you through the expense of a trial, which they feel confident they'll win.

They turned our lives upside down and we're the ones paying.

♪ the situation don't lead us to... ♪

Oh, I have been waiting for this all day.

And I thought you came in for more of my sparkling wit and the satisfaction of helping your clients reach their style potential.

Wait wait wait. This can't be for the whole month.

I've been double-booked for the past three weeks.

It's been awhile since you worked in a boutique, hasn't it?

It's been awhile since they outlawed sl*very.

Darling, there's rent, supplies, utilities and that papaya shampoo you all run through like water.

Geraldo, this can't be right. You've taken 60% of my fee.

You'll understand when you have your own salon.

♪ I don't want to see you gathering dust ♪
♪ on the window. ♪

Hey, I was just coming to talk to you.

How come you didn't tell me you were dating Emmett?

Uh, I'm sorry.

There wasn't exactly a good time to tell you, but I should have.

You don't even know him.

That's why we're dating.

We're getting to know each other.

You will never know him.

Okay, if vampires can date humans, then I really think that deaf people can date hearing.

At least neither one of us wants to drink each other's blood.

He's my best friend. You can't find someone else, really?

You decided you liked him off a t-shirt.

And the only reason that you realized it is because your life's falling apart and you're looking for someone to cling to.

I should have never told you anything.

And what happens when things go back to normal?

Is he just going to turn into your little lapdog again?

Is that really what you want for him?

Is that what you came to tell me?

Yeah, that was it.

What's the best news I could possibly give you right now?

Olivia Wilde broke down in front of my house, has to spend the night and wait for the tow truck to come in the morning?

Okay, second-best news.

Now you're just setting me up for disappointment.

We're playing East West Fest in St. Louis.


Damn right. I sent in a DVD of us playing the fundraiser, apparently it made them all tingly because they want us to take the 15-minute slot before cold w*r kids.

Awesome! Yes!

Only one hitch... we need Emmett.

We needed a hook and two rich kids from K.C. wasn't doing it, so I pushed the deaf drummer angle, they loved it.

We haven't played together since the fundraiser though.

I don't know if he'll be up for it.

Well, we need to convince him.

No Emmett, no show.

Bay: He just waltzes in without warning, tells me he's here for 72 hours and then just expects me to drop everything and get to know him, risk pissing off Daphne and my parents...

Ha ha, all three of them.

I want to be mad, but I'm not.

He's never done anything to me.

How do I know what's true unless I hear what he has to say?

How do you sign and eat at the same time?


I'm sorry Daphne got mad at you.

Okay, but, you know, things have been sort of sucky for her lately.

And it can't be easy for her that we're together.

And I just...

I feel kind of bad.

Father... a-n...

Angel... Angelo?

Oh, what am I gonna do about Angelo?

I don't know.

Maybe I'm better off just letting this one go.

Emmett, you think I go looking for trouble?

You've got 15 minutes.

There is a cute store found on Grand, that's empty, within my budget, and I found a distributor who will sell me sinks and dryers at wholesale.

Mmm, what about clients?

Well, mine are pretty loyal.

I think they'll follow me.


Can I get an appointment whenever I want?

Of course.

Then I fully support it.

Support what?

Tell her.

I'm thinking of opening up my own salon.

Plus she doesn't do so well with authority, so might as well be her own boss.



Congratulations. That's great.

Well, don't congratulate me just yet.

At least you know what you want to do.

That's half the battle.

Excuse me.

So the cars... the cars are going to roll down the ramp.

Rolling, right? Rolling, yes yes.

Then you kids meet them at the end for the wipe down.

Yes, very important, the wipe down.

Spray bottle... sst sst. Inside, outside, details are very important.

What... what is that?

Like a glass thing?

Um, Daphne, Daphne!

Emmett's trying to tell me some... I don't... um...

He wants to know if they'll have a sign that says it's for Carlton.

A sign? I got a banner coming tomorrow.

Yeah, tomorrow, you like that? I got that.

Listen, can you fill her in on the rolling and the wipe down?

Excellent, all right, see you later.

I was in Chicago on the train after work, looking for something to read. Someone had left a paper.

There it was... switched at birth.

I nearly died. My girls... you...

I mean her.

It gets confusing.

Okay, so what am I exactly?


Italian, French, some Algerian.



Whoa, like I'm Arab? Cool.

A little bit of everything.

Je parle un peu francais.

Bravo ! Je savais que tu parlais français, on va voir...

Whoa whoa whoa. High-school french, high-school french.

You'll come with me in Paris this summer. Meet your grandparents, your cousins. Then Italy.

The art in Italy, you're gonna love it.

Let's just hold on a second.

I'm just excited. I don't want to waste any more time.

You know, I tried calling your mother, but her number was disconnected.

Uh, she and Daphne and Adrianna, they live in our guesthouse now.

Adrianna too? Wow, they didn't even talk back then.

She's sober... Regina.

No kidding.

So what happened there with you and Regina?

It takes too much to tell you in 15 minutes.

I need time with you... real time.

I want that too.

But I can't do this in secret.

I can't hide it from my parents.

However you want to do it, we'll do it.

Our Bay's artwork was definitely the best of that show.

Of course it was.

Hey, honey.

Hi guys. Uh...

I invited someone for dinner.



Hi again.

Uh, mom, this is Angelo Sorrento.

So nice to finally meet you. You've done an incredible job, both of you.

Well, thank you.

I'm sorry, who are you again?

Mom... dad, this is my father.

What are you doing here?

I came to meet Bay.

No, I mean here, at our house.

Well, Angelo was at my art show...

Sweetie, I understand.

And by the way, what the hell was that?

Wait, you've met him before?

Yeah, he said he was some art guy.

What were you doing at Bay's school?

Angelo: I read in an article that she was at Buckner Hall.

The website said there was a student art show. I just showed up.

Why didn't you call us first?

So you just ambushed her?

It wasn't like that.

And then lied to me right to my face?

Wait, it's not his fault. I could have introduced you...

Now hold on.

But I wasn't ready.

I'm not trying to cause trouble.

Okay, there are boundaries. You can't just show up at a teenager's school and surprise her with information like this. I mean really!

Bay, you need to go to your room right now.

I'm not going to my room.

Right now! And you need to leave this house.

We will go through proper channels and arrange a meeting at the appropriate time and place.

With all due respect, I don't need permission to see my own kid.

Actually you do need my permission and you need to leave right now.


Honey, I can't believe that you kept this from us.

And where were you two before this?

We were hanging out for a little bit. And then I wanted...

You were just hanging out? Why didn't you tell us?

If I knew you were going to freak out this much, I wouldn't have even brought him here.

You don't have to worry. I'm not going to kidnap her or something.



Listen. What would you do if you just found out you had a daughter?

I did just find out.

Okay, great, so you understand.

No, don't do that. Don't compare yourself to me.

You walked out on your family... on my daughter.

You are not welcome in this house. You are not welcome in Bay's life.

You have nothing to do with her.

Dad, he's the reason I exist.


Honey, I think we should...

Is this Daphne?

Daphne: What's going on?

Who is this?


Sweetie, it's okay, just go with your mom.


It's not... he's nothing.

You leave right now.

Will someone please answer me, who is this?

No, stop stop!

I need to talk to her.

You want me to call the police? Go!

Great, okay, she's gone. Thank you very...

Can you please leave now? Go.

I want to hear it.

I want to hear what you have to say.

Okay, great. Do you want to go outside?

No, here now.

Look, I don't know what Regina told you, but there were a lot of reasons why I left.

It wasn't simple. But it doesn't matter, because what matters to you is that your father left you.

And I'm sorry for that. But I'm here now to get to know you, see if I can make it up to you.

You don't understand a word I'm saying, do you?

No, I don't.

Hey, buddy.

Hey, man. How's it going?

Yes. Or-or no.

Um, we're here to see you, man.

Uh... how good is he at reading lips?

Good enough to know that you're talking about him right now.

Listen, we're going to a music festival in St. Louis and we got in using a tape that was made that night at the fundraiser where you played.

And we're going. We want you to come with us.

Groupies, free beer, road trip... what do you say?

Maybe he didn't understand us.

Yeah, maybe.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

It's not your fault. I'm sure it was just a matter of time.

He just showed up. I mean, who is this guy?

And where did you meet him?

We met in Chicago. He just moved there.

He's not violent. He's impulsive and unpredictable.

But the only person he poses any real threat to is me.

Yeah well, you should have seen Daphne's face when she saw him.

He spoke to Daphne?

I'll go talk to her.

You know, I don't care what this guy's rights are, I want him gone.

Honey, we can't just ban him.

Why not?

On the upside, leaving is his specialty.
( tv playing softly )

Are you okay?

Did you know that he was here?

Of course not. I would have told you if I did.

I just don't know what else you would keep from me.

I guess I deserve that.

I don't want him here.


I don't want to see him again.

Bay can see him somewhere else.

I can't control what Bay is gonna do, but I won't let him hurt you again.

I promise.

( knocks )

Can I come in?

I can't believe you did that.

Wait a minute, we are not saying that you can't see him.

But there are right and wrong ways to initiate contact and that was totally disrespectful to me and dad.

Mom, this isn't about you. It's about me.

Honey, it's not that simple. We have to protect you.

Mom, my entire life was thrown off course when I was five hours old.

Everything about me is messed up.

That is not true.

Yes, it is. You know it is.

There's this whole other me that I think about every single day...

Who was I supposed to be? And whether you like it or not, Angelo Sorrento is key to that answer.

And no matter what you or dad do, nothing is going to stop me from wanting to find out more about him.



Can you talk to dad And get him to back off?

( vocalizing )

♪ satellite surface ♪
♪ connecting us in real time ♪
♪ it makes me nervous... ♪

What are you doing here?

Don't they need help?

You think you wash a couple cars and Emmett will suddenly want to play the festival?

What, he told you?


He and I have been, uh...


You and Emmett, seriously?

Don't look so freaked out.

I'm not, I'm just... you know, taking it all in. I mean, how do you guys communicate?

I'm learning to sign.

Oh right right.

So why doesn't he want to go with us?

He doesn't usually hang out with hearing people.

And I think the fundraiser was like a one-time thing for him.

That sucks!

Well wait, what does that make you then?


Hey hey.

Oh, you're here.

Didn't figure you were the charitable type.

I've been blessed with so much I figured I should give back.

( laughs ) I lied to him and told him it was a bikini car wash.

So he showed up.

That hurts, man.


You look incredible.

I just found out about the girls.

By accident.

Why didn't you call me?

Funny how now that you have a rich daughter, you suddenly seem interested in being a father.

Gina, you really think that's me?

Just hear me out. You owe me that much.

I can see that look in your eyes.

You were hoping I'd be shirtless, wet, dripping with suds.

Whatever that was, I'm glad I didn't understand it.

Well, of course you couldn't. You weren't looking at my lips.

You were too busy checking me out like a piece of meat.

( snickers ) No, I wasn't.

To you I am just a big beefy drumstick with eyes.

And I'm a vegetarian.

At least I got you to smile.

Hey, come on. There's a pickup truck with our names on it.

♪ take me ♪

I was holding a D.N.A. test in my hands that said Daphne could not be related to me.

And you looked me in the eyes and said you hadn't had an affair.

Because I hadn't.

What was I supposed to think?

That our daughter was switched at birth.

Who thinks that? She was blonde, she had blue eyes.

Look at me, look at you.

You should have trusted me.

I told you I didn't care if you slept with someone else, I just wanted to know the truth.

I was telling you the truth.

Look at it from my point of view.

You walked out on us.

You pushed me out.

What?! No, I didn't.

You said, "if you don't trust me,"

"then just go."

You didn't give me any choice.

You left when she went deaf.

No, don't put that on me.

I wanted to stay in touch and you know that.

By the time you tried, she'd already forgotten about you.

It was just easier.

Okay, but I wanted to.

You know what? I have to go. I have to go back to work.

Listen, I know you want to blame someone, but it's not me. It's the hospital.

If this hadn't happened We would still be together.

I have to go.


( laughing ) I can't believe he did that.

You said 20 bucks to run through the car wash. Now quit laughing and pay up.

You bailed out halfway through the hot wax, man.

It was like 1,000° in there.

I think I lost an eyebrow.

How's that "I'll never gamble again" thing going for both of you?



All right, 20 bucks.

Um, Toby... um uh, what's the sign for "bet"?

Okay, he bet...

You should have seen him, man.

Oh my god.

He bet Wilke 20 bucks
that he wouldn't go through the car wash.

Uh, here, Toby bet me I wouldn't do it...

( silent )

Hey, what's wrong?

I'm sorry, okay? I forgot.

I finger spelled it. What's the big deal?

Hey, okay, I'm studying my ass off.

I'm practicing all the time. It's a new language.

It's hard to pick up in two weeks.

Okay, what... why are you picking a fight with me?

Okay, slow down.

Why are you doing this?

Daphne told you that she likes you.

Didn't she?

My credit card says "Adam" but my I.D. says "Angelo."

I explained to the manager. Is she here?

Hello, Angelo. Let's talk.

Excuse me.

Look, I'm sorry about the other day.

Bay really wanted to talk to me.

Would you do me a favor?

Stop hiding behind Bay.

I came here to talk to you, man to man.

Bay's my daughter too. I deserve to get to know her.

I don't need permission for that.

Second, I'm not your enemy here.

Who is the enemy, Angelo?

Regina? Alcoholism?


The hospital.

That's why you showed up.

For the money.

I want justice.

Just like you.


I know about your lawsuit.

Did you know my lawsuit is tanking?

No, but I know something you don't.

And what's that?

The nurse assigned to our babies that night had worked 48 hours straight.

That's 36 hours past union rules.

I have a sworn affidavit.

I'll give you a copy.

You don't have to like me, but you do need me.

So, this is her. This is the nurse.

Brizia Munoz.

Can you please explain to me how you missed this? What I am paying this firm thousands of dollars for?

We didn't miss it. We deposed her.

She couldn't remember the night or how long her shift was.

Doesn't the hospital keep records?

The shift records are destroyed after 10 years. It's hospital policy.

Of course it is.

How come she didn't say anything before?

She may not have wanted to speak up.

The hospital may have been putting pressure on her.

Let me ask you something. If Angelo joins our lawsuit, we can use this testimony to make our case, right?

( sighs ) We could, but...

You know, there's also the distinct possibility that Angelo or his lawyer promised her a part of his settlement money to get her to say what's in this document.

They paid her off?

It's a little far-fetched, don't you think?

How well do you know him?

It's a little convenient that she's just now remembered.

And if he did bribe this nurse and you're joined in the same lawsuit, it could have serious ramifications.

Like what?

Suborning perjury, witness tampering... criminal offenses. We're talking potential jail time.

Eventually I'll hire another stylist and a manicurist.

Depending on demand, I'd also like to add someone to do facials.

That's ambitious.

There is no other full-service salon within five miles of my location.

The demand is built in.

Hmm, well, this is impressive.

You've obviously done your homework.

Been doing it since I was 21.

Do you have any other sources of collateral besides your car?

Property or savings, perhaps?

Uh... no.

Or someone who could co-sign the loan with you?

My collateral is my track record and my client loyalty.

I am a good risk.

I believe you, but unfortunately this is a numbers-driven decision.

With your credit history and the personal debt you're already carrying, our formula reaches a different conclusion.

Can't you override your formula?

I wish we could. But if things change and you find additional collateral or a co-signer, we'd love to do business with you.


Wait wait...

I don't know what you're saying.

I'm here because of Bay.

She likes you.

But now she's sad.

Don't treat my sister like that.

g*n? Oh, g*n.



Angelo's obviously going to want to have some kind of contact with Bay.

Bay wants contact with him too.

Well fine, they can have a phone call a week as long as one of us is home to monitor the call.

I don't think that we can control that, honey.

What are we supposed to do? Let him see her whenever the hell he wants to?

I've been dealing with it too... another mom 50 feet away.

It's not fun, I know that, but this is our situation and for the girls' sake, we gotta find a way to make this work.

You are an incredible woman. Did you know that?

Yeah, thanks.

What? What did I say?

It's just these past few months I've been trying to be a good mom to both Bay and Daphne, and deal with your anger and the lawsuit and Toby and trying to figure out how to make it work with Regina and...

I got lost in the shuffle.

I'm just "that mom whose daughters got switched."

Okay, what does that mean? What do you want to do?

( exhales )

I don't know.

But I'm going to find out.

What are you doing here?

No, okay, it's fine.

You and Daphne, I get it. I can't compete with that.

Just don't make this harder for me than it is already.

Just because I always have some snappy comeback doesn't mean that I don't break easily.

I... just... want... you.

All right.

Bay, thanks for letting us use your car.

Yeah sure. I thought you were playing, like, four songs.

Hey, go big or go home.

You sure you don't want to be our roadie? Last chance.

Roadie... you know, beer-fueled guys who are muscular

and you know, move stuff, and check out groupies.

Oh, tempting, but no.

There he is. We are going to rock!


Hey, so I have something for you.

It's for the front of your drum kit.

Hey, Bay, could I check that out?

Yeah, sure.

Oh, and here. So you guys can sticker-b*mb.



That's awesome.

Bay, this is sweet.

I know.

Well, all right, gentlemen, the road's a-callin'.

Let's do it.

Let's go.

Here, I got this.


Hey, just a heads up. I think I'm kinda into Daphne.


Is she okay with that?

No, but she will be.


You ready?

( grunts )



See you later.

Yeah, rock on!

Bay: Bye.

♪ this changes everything... ♪

Road trip!

And the world will never be the same.

Hey, uh...

I'm just checking... is everything okay?


Cool, 'cause... I mean, I know that it's been, like, one harsh thing after another lately.

In a way it's been helpful. I know what I want.

Okay. Hey, that's good.

What is that exactly?

I'm not giving up this time.

You didn't want me to be with Liam, so I broke up with him.

But I'm not giving up on Emmett.

I was checking in about Angelo.

I'm not okay with that either.

Oh, okay.

But he's my dad so...

( knocks )

Come in.



How did it go with Angelo? Did John go see him?

Yeah, it went fine. You know what?

The thing is he's going back to Chicago tonight.

Maybe he and Bay will have conversations over the phone, but for now, Let's just manage him from afar.

Huh. It sounds about right.

Okay, see you later.

Hey. ( Regina gasps )

You keep appearing.

I called you. Where were you?

I, um... I went to the bank to try to get a loan to start my own salon.


It's not gonna happen.

It seems impossible to start over.

What about that lawsuit?

No, um, let's just say there's reasons I'm not going to get anything from that hospital.

But I am. And what's mine is yours.


No no, I mean it.

I want us to be a family the way we were supposed to be.

I'm here to tell you I'm not going back to Chicago.

I'm staying. Things are gonna be different, I promise you.
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