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01x06 - The m*rder Stone - Part Two

Posted: 12/20/22 13:11
by bunniefuu
Come on.

Deep breath.



Come on, son.

I felled it for you.

sh**t the prey, you f*cking p*ssy.

Thomas. Look at me.

I'd like to talk to you.


I know this isn't easy for you.

The eldest son, the

firstborn, doing your duty,

picking up the pieces

after Julia ran away.

Only to see her swoop in years later

and take what should have been yours.

What did you call her?

"The usurper"?

You've got money worries.

You're under tremendous pressure.

The hotel was a lifeline.

Your father let you down.

If you snapped

If you lost control, you wouldn't

be the first decent man to do so.

You wouldn't be the last.

You're in pain, Thomas.

But this is no way out.

Why don't you give me the r*fle?

I can't

I can't face them.

Missy! No!

I'm sorry.

I let you down, Dad.

I didn't k*ll it.

I didn't k*ll the stag.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

So what made him so desperate?

Mrs. Morrow

Were you really with Thomas last night?

When I woke up, Thomas was gone.

I went to look for him,

but I couldn't find him.

What time was that?

Just before midnight.

I was hungry, I went to the kitchen.

When I got back to the

room, he was asleep.

And how long were you in the kitchen?

Was it five minutes?


I lost track of time.

I see.

He lied.

Not me.

I went along with it.

This is all your

fault. You started this.

Hey, hey, hey.

You want me to add "assaulting

a police officer" to the list?

Put you in cuffs?

Calm down!

Now, we know you lied about your alibi.

- Madam, you shouldn't be in here.

- I have diazepam.

It will calm him down.

It has done in the past.

- Okay. Please.

- Thomas?

Can Mommy come in?


Aw, it's just a little

- He's faking it.

- Or the reality is too much.

That's good

That photograph triggered something.

He's on the run inside his own head.

You're the only one I was proud of.

Now all you have to do is

confess to k*lling your sister.

Please, you have to

leave. Let us do our job.

Madam, let's go.

When he's man enough

to own up, let me know.

Is this what it was

like growing up, Thomas?

Your father playing mind games,

your mother blowing hot and cold?

It's enough to damage any child.

No wonder you have secrets.

The secrets lead to lies, Thomas.

Wouldn't it be a relief

to start telling the truth?



On the night Julia was m*rder*d,

we know you left your room.

What for?


I had to call my creditors

to ask for more time.

- At midnight.

- They're in Singapore.

Why didn't you tell us about the call?

It's my f*cking business.

We need your phone. We have

to check your call logs.

Come on.

But I deleted it.

- Sandra goes through my phone.

- We'll take it anyway.

- You want me to bring him in?

- He's had enough.

Get some rest. We'll pick

this up in the morning.

Okay. Come on.

I deleted it.

I'm taking him up to his room.

Send the guard to watch him.

I'm so tired. When can

I have my phone back?

You'll get it back

when we're done with it.

When Thomas was on the roof,

he said something about

letting his father down

because he didn't sh**t the

stag. He seemed traumatized by it.

His blooding.


Thomas chickened out.

Someone else shot it dead.

But Dad went ahead

and smeared him anyway.


We had a party here

that night to celebrate.

All a lie, Mother. Yet another

Morrow myth we all just bought into.

"Thomas, the golden boy

with the golden shot."

Why did no one tell me?

Was your dad trying to protect Thomas?

Hell, no. He just couldn't face the fact

that his favourite son was a loser.

That was my role.

If Thomas didn't, who

did sh**t the stag?

It must have been Julia.


I'm unarmed, Kevin, just like we agreed.

Did you come alone?

- Yeah.

- Put your phone down.

You can trust me.

I'm here to listen, but I

need you to put your g*n down.


All I know is, I wasn't the last

person to see Blue and Tommy alive.

Who was, Kevin?

I picked up a tobacco

shipment across the border.

I filled up the truck.

We get pulled over on Pine

Ridge Road. I was almost home.

But then one of the cops

ordered us out of the car.

Blue starts filming on her phone

and I ran because I got priors.

I know how that shit goes down.

Yeah, me too.

I heard g*nshots.


I hid, f*ck knows how long for.

- Did Tommy have a g*n on him?

- My kid brother? No.

We hate g*ns. Someone got

me this for protection.

When I came out, there was no one.

The truck was gone, I figured

the cops must have taken them in.

I laid low and

And when I heard they were

missing, I knew. I just knew.

They had to be dead.

When exactly was this?

November 13th, the year before last.

Whatever happened to them,

I didn't do it.

You believe me?

You're here. You could've kept running.

That tells me something.

But my face is all over the news.

I got to clear my name. I

can't live like this anymore.

I just want to go home.

- Okay, then you need to talk to my boss.

- No. No other cops.

They're behind this, and

they're framing me for this.

My boss, he's not like other cops.

All right? He

He cares about Blue and Tommy.

And he cares about your family.

You just have to deal with us.

Okay? We get your side of

the story on the record.

- You're lying.

- You'd have witness protection.

- Please, I swear on my life.

- Stay back!

- I'm just trying to help.

- Shut the f*ck up.

Turn around.

Turn around!

Get on your knees.

I didn't do it, Sandra.

Then why lie?

Because I messed up.

I'm in terrible debt.

The only option is

to declare bankruptcy,

which means we're

going to lose the house.

I just went outside

to call our creditors.

I couldn't do that in front of you.

I couldn't face you,

knowing what a failure I am.

I was hoping to fix it.

- So you're not having an affair?

- No. Never.

If I've been secretive, it's because

I didn't want to let you down.

- I was protecting you.

- Protect me?

I have gone through hell

imagining you with someone younger,

prettier, thinner,

injecting myself with poison,

starving myself, thinking I

wasn't good enough anymore.

- Thinking my marriage was a sham!

- Madam!

Please, madam.

You should have told me.

I could have helped you.

Just help Help me now.

Help me now, Sandra. You

got to tell them Sandra!

Okay. She still cares.

It's when the arguing

stops, you know it's over.

I'll take it from here. I

volunteered for night patrol.

- He's yours.

- Okay, let's go.

Hey, Isabelle, everything okay?

I just met with Kevin Kis.


He told me that Blue and Tommy

were m*rder*d by the Sûreté.

He thinks he's being set up.

- Will he talk to me?

- I asked him to but he took off.

I'm hoping he calls back.

If he does, come straight to

me, we can do this together.

I'll go to HQ first thing.

Look into the records and

see if his story checks out.

Isabelle, be very careful.

If Kevin is telling the truth,

we don't know who we can trust.



Great minds.

There's no point going

home at this hour.

I'd only end up disturbing Reine-Marie.

- Do you mind? May I join you?

- Please.


- Happy anniversary.

- Thank you.

I asked for Thomas' phone records.

And then we bumped into his

wife, even she had her doubts.

Thomas has spent his whole life

trying to be someone he's not.

We can thank his father for that.

He tried to fix things

even when they were

spiralling out of his control,

and it made him feel powerless,

helpless. No wonder he cracked.

Funny thing

The funny thing is that he and his

wife, they still love each other.

You can tell.

I mean, it only took a

m*rder for them to realize.

Well, sometimes it takes a shock

to make us see what we take for granted.

Yeah, if both parties still care enough.

All relationships go

through a rocky patch.

- Says the man with the perfect marriage.

- Hardly.

Or I wouldn't be spending

my anniversary with you.

Reine-Marie and I have our differences.

But the work we do

it's not easy on our partners.

All the death and pain

Failing people who are

grieving for their loved ones.

- Christ, I thought I was depressed.

- You're welcome.

Well, I lean on her. I do.


Sometimes I worry that

I'm dragging her under.

No. Reine-Marie, she

She chooses to be there for you.

And Enid doesn't?

Talk to her, Jean-Guy. Listen to her.

Even if you're afraid

of what you might hear.


Forget it. It's just a rough patch.

Just It's like you

said, it's perfectly normal.


Good night.



Something's wrong.

The dreams.

They've turned against me.

Armand, dreams can

reveal your deepest fears.

What are you scared of?

That I'm stuck.

But I am here.

I'm here.

What was Charles Morrow

intending with these carvings?

- What was he trying to say?

- Good morning to you too.

- How was night watch?

- Long.

I am so hungry.

You know what this place

needs? A vending machine.

If Julia shot the stag,

this could have been for her.

An acknowledgement of sorts. Could

be why she smeared excrement on it.

Mariana is the tortoise? Duck.

- Duck.

- Mm. I love a good puzzle.

- Charles Morrow called Thomas a lame duck.

- Mm.

If the duck's for him, his

dad really is a jackass.

Peter's the dog. So, who's the cat?

I'm sorry, but this What's

this got to do with Julia's death?

Well, I'm not sure yet.

- What can I do?

- Why don't you take a break?

- Not till we've cracked this.

- Jean-Guy, could you do with some help?

I have the perfect job for you.

Four children, five carvings, was

one meant for you? The cat, perhaps?

Lola, that was Julia's kitten.

When she left, Charles

wanted to drown it.

I refused.

I knew how much she loved her,

but because I was allergic,

Peter took care of Lola. No, no.

The cat was definitely for Julia.

You nursed your father till the end.

Did he ever explain

what the carvings meant?

Who they were for?

No, he always sent me away

when he summoned Mr. Maynard.

He came by a lot towards the end stage.

He said it kept him entertained,

changing his will on a whim,

keeping the kids

guessing and in the dark.

Not just the kids.

Thank you.

Hey, Lacoste.

Thomas used his cell phone for

a video call to his creditors

from 12:02 for about half an hour.

I spoke to them, the creditors say

that Thomas was outside the hotel.

But even though they could see it

was clearly raining, he was bone dry.

The terrace has an awning,

so it's possible he was

where he said he was.

Why would he write the

note if he's innocent?

And if he didn't, who did?

I'll contact Charles Morrow's solicitor.

It seems Dad kept changing his will.

Perhaps there's somebody else who

didn't get what they were promised.

Jean-Guy. About our chat last night

Yeah. I say all kinds of

crap when I drink whiskey.


Yes. Thank you for

The phone records show

I was telling the truth.

Do you really think

I could have done it?


I love you.

I love you, too.

I'm so sorry for what I put you through.

Well, this is f*cking cozy.

I'm off the hook, bro.

You could be happy for me.

Our sister is still dead, Thomas.

And it's not my fault.

Oh, so that's okay, then, is it?

- As long as Thomas isn't in trouble.

- You've got to be kidding me.

Nothing changes, does it?

Still a self-serving prick.

And you're still a jealous

runt, aren't you, Spot?

Don't call me that.


Don't call me that!

- Thomas, please.

- We all know you're delusional.

- You didn't sh**t the stag.

- So what's your problem, Spot?

Is it because even when I screwed up,

Dad still loved me more than you, or

Is it because you're the little snitch

that ruined everything for Julia?

f*ck you.

I guess he never gave you any.

Hey! Those are my cufflinks!

I've got the penultimate

draft of the will.

After Irene, the inheritance

got split equally five ways.

There are only four kids. Who's

the fifth? The granddaughter?

Not likely. All four children are named.

According to Mr. Maynard,

Charles Morrow was going

to leave the fifth name

in a sealed envelope to be

opened only after his death.

But he changed the will again.

So who is the fifth inheritor?

Why keep that person a secret?

Did Charles Morrow want

to do right by someone,

but then lost his nerve?

Looking for something?

Yeah, it's just Sandra told Lacoste

that she heard Julia laughing

at around 11:15.

She told you that she left her room

- Just before midnight.

- She went into the kitchen.

And when she came back into

her room, Thomas was sleeping.

We know that Thomas was on that call

with his creditors until

12:30, which means that

Sandra was raiding the fridge

for at least half an hour.

Elliot says that when

he left Julia's room,

he went straight back

to work into the kitchen.

You'd think he would have

mentioned seeing Sandra?

Not the first time he

would've lied to us.

We need to speak to him again.

Maurice won't know

what shift Elliot is on.

Come back!

Give me back my lucky cufflinks!

No! Enough!

Give me the cufflinks.

Thomas! Get off him, leave him alone!

Peter, your hands!

Stop this! The pair of you!


This is not helping.

What's wrong with you?

Your sister's been k*lled

and all you can do is fight?

You didn't grow up with

him! He was a bully.

Who lived in the shadow of a

bigger, nastier bully, your father.

- Please, Dad championed him.

- And punished me

when I didn't meet his expectations.

At least he had them. Know

what it's like to be ignored?

You know what it's like to live

in fear of ever disappointing him?

I wanted to be left alone!

At least you had your art.

I was good at nothing!

You're right about that. But

Dad didn't care about my art.

He never once offered

- to buy my paintings.

- He followed your career!

He kept the g*dd*mn dog you

drew, made it into a carving!

All I got was a lousy, f*cking duck!

- Okay.

- Go find out.

It's not funny.

Your father once intended

to divide the inheritance

five ways, not counting your mother.

So that's four children, plus

any idea who that might be?

He had affairs.

- Dad?

- How would you know?

Your mom told me.

On our wedding night, she

advised me to turn a blind eye.

"Like father, like son", she said.

Well, she was wrong about that.

If you'll excuse me.

I'm sorry if I tormented you, Peter.

I was jealous.

I always knew you'd escape.

I didn't though, Tom.

I never forgave myself

for betraying Julia.

But I needed her at home.

She was the only one

who looked out for me.

That's my bad, bro.

Should have been me.

Come on.

Agent Nichol in position

for perimeter duty.


Charles may not have been

faithful, but we had a deal.

The last thing he wanted was a scandal,

which is why he dealt with

Julia's dilemma accordingly.

But he was against abortion.

So if he had slipped up

Charles was many things,

but he wasn't careless.

Unlike some, with drunken hookups


Are you any closer to

finding my daughter's k*ller?

Because I'm beginning to

tire of this wretched place.

Would you excuse me a moment?

Don't worry, dear. I won't

cut off your allowance.

We'll find something else

for you to do at home.

No need, Mother. Bean and I have

been waiting to travel for a while,

and 20 grand should buy a decent

camper van for the two of us.

Find someone else to push around.

Hello, Bean.

Who are you hiding from?

Take your pick.

- Did you hear that conversation?

- It's okay.

I know Grandpa never approved of

me. Mom called him an old dinosaur.

Hardly fair on dinosaurs.

- Is your father around, Bean?

- Mom doesn't need a man.

Tells herself in the mirror every day.

Suits me. I can make him up.

So what's he like?

Hercules? Perseus?


he's kind of like you. A man

who puts the bad guys away.

Thank you, Bean.

Where are you going, Chief?

I'm going to find the bad guys.


Sergeant Lacoste. I see

you have CCTV outside.


Out here, we're under constant

risk of getting robbed.

So I keep the files, in

case the same faces pop up.

- That's clever thinking.

- Thank you.

How far back you want to go?

Wait, there. Pause.


Can you enlarge it?

Yeah, sure.

Okay, let it play.

Pause it there.

Kevin's story checks out.

There was a cop car on his tail

the day Blue and Tommy disappeared.

So he was telling the truth.

- Cops did k*ll Blue.

- And now they're framing him for it.

If he calls, tell him we believe

him. Tell him we can help him.

The trouble is he doesn't trust

cops. I can't say I blame him.

I'm on my way over.

Send me the footage.

Elliot didn't have a place

to live, so I gave him a room.


Thank you, Maurice. If you see

Elliot, please bring him over.

Very well, monsieur.


Elliot was using an alias.

His real name is Liam Martin.

According to the database, he

was arrested a few years back,

as*ault on his girlfriend.

The m*rder w*apon?

- I may have found it in his cupboard.

- He was with her.

He's the only one who

saw her after dinner.

He was practicing his fake signature.

He could've forged Thomas' handwriting.

We should go talk to Maurice.

Well, I can't reach Elliot on the phone,

but we should find him on the CCTV.

- This was locked when I left it.

- He's run away.

- Does he have a car?

- No.

Shit, he could be miles away.

Attention all units, suspect

Elliot escaping on foot.

Caucasian male, 5'10,

brown hair, brown eyes,

mid-20s, potentially

armed and dangerous.

Agent Nichol are you there? Copy?

Stop right there, you little shit!

- All right!

- Turn around! Turn around!

Agent Nichol, do you copy?

Get against the rock. Now!

Left hand behind your back!

Playing tough, are we?

You didn't go back to work in the

kitchen after you had sex with Julia.

So where were you, Liam?

In my room.

I ran because I knew

you'd find out who I was.

The cops are after me for

some petty stuff, so

I came here to lie low.

But I didn't k*ll Julia Morrow.

Then why was the m*rder

w*apon found in your room?

I've never seen that before.

- How the f*ck did it get there?

- Take him in.

- No.

- Oui, Chef.

- No, no, no, no.

- Good job I was on perimeter duty.

- Right place, right time.

- I didn't do it.

Please. Believe me, I

didn't do it! Please!

Sergeant Lacoste.

I can't run anymore. I

want to talk to your boss.

You're doing the right

thing. Where are you?

- Promise me it'll be safe.

- You'll be safe. You can trust us.

Kevin, we believe you.

The Vietnamese place.

- By the Montreal bus station.

- Okay, stay there.

I'll get my boss. It'll be

all right. We can protect you.

Thank you.

wants to help me choose the path.

She can't wait to get going.

So she's already presented me the

list of places she wants to visit.

Yeah? What tops the list?

- The dinosaur museum

- This photograph you're all in

Who took it?

No idea. I was a baby.

Maurice maybe. Dad let him tag

along as a beater sometimes.

He carried a spare g*n. Truth

is, we always forgot he was there.


One of the carvings was meant for you.

Finally. Can I get some service here?

I'd like to have a drink, please.

Excuse me?

Good morning, sir.


- Maurice?

- What are you reading?

Put your g*n down!

Don't move, don't move, don't move.


It's over. Come on now.

Bean has done you no harm.

- Let her go.

- Bean! Bean! Let her go!

Please! Please! Don't hurt her, please!


Can you hear me now?

Are you listening now

that one of your own

precious Morrow is in danger?

Bean, look at me.

Look at me. Everything's

gonna be all right.

My mother

My mother died of a broken heart.

Because my father

My dad, Charles Morrow,

wouldn't commit to her.

To us. He broke every promise he made.

Even after she died,

he swore he would see me

right and give me this hotel.

I had worked for him all my life.

Even though I stayed

loyal and silent and


- Their shame.

- Easy, easy!

You served the family, spoiled and

privileged, and they never saw you.

And all the while,

you knew you were the

first-born, the truly entitled.

You shot the stag, didn't you?

- You have to.

- Come on, son.

I did it for you.

I felled this deer for you.

sh**t the prey, you f*cking p*ssy.

See? I knew you could do it, son.

Come here, son.

He told me not to tell anyone.

I was always his dirty little secret.

Julia was the only one

who was ever kind to me

And I loved her.

What happened, Maurice?

Did you tell her your secret?

I thought she'd be happy

to have me as a half-brother and

we could run the hotel together.


She said she was done with the past

That I meant nothing to her.

She called me a freeloader.

She was your last hope.

The one you thought you could trust.

She laughed at me as if I was nothing!

She made you feel like the lonely,

neglected boy all over again.

I got the shovel and

I just wanted to

To stop her from laughing.

Enough children have suffered, Maurice.


Don't hurt this child.

Let her go back to her mother.

Oh, my baby!

Come on.

Any news on the spatter patterns?

Patterns from Kevin's house don't

match a g*nsh*t wound or a stabbing.

The forensics officer said it

looks as if they've been staged.

Kevin's tried calling.

- Police!

- Police!

It's not me!

- On your knees!

- Please. Please.

It's not me!

Talk to Sergeant Lacoste.

Sergeant Lacoste.

He's under arrest.