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01x05 - The m*rder Stone - Part One

Posted: 12/20/22 13:09
by bunniefuu



[MR. MAYNARD] We are here to read

the last will and

testament of Charles Morrow.

[IRENE] Julia.

We're ready, Mr. Maynard.


"I, Charles Morrow, do

hereby direct my Executor

to distribute the residue

of my estate as follows.

To my children, Thomas,

Peter, and Mariana,

I leave the sum of $20,000 each.

To my wife, Irene,

I leave the remainder of my estate,

with one exception.

It's fitting that you're gathered here,

where so many precious, happy

family memories were made.

The Chateau Belleforet

is my greatest asset,

and I hereby bequeath

this jewel in the crown

to the child I feel most deserves it.

My daughter. Julia Morrow."

No, that's not right.

That can't be right, can it? Can it?

[MR. MAYNARD] Those were

your father's wishes.

Congratulations, Julia.

After all this time,

still tearing the family apart.

Are we done here? I need a drink.

[MR. MAYNARD] Not quite.

There's one final gift.

Behold the final gift

from Charles Marrow

to his beloved family.


f*ck, it looks like Trump.



Cheers. Happy anniversary.

[ARNOT] Twenty seven

years. What's your secret?

- He does as he's told.

- I do as I'm told.

There you go. That's it.

You keep doing that.


- All right.

[IN FRENCH] We should

do this more often.

Pierre, before you go,

- could you look at something?

- Yeah. What is it?

It's the crime scene

in Kevin Kis' bungalow.

What do you make of the

spatter patterns? Anything?

It's hard to draw any

firm conclusions, but

Armand, listen.

It's one thing to keep an

eye on a case from afar,

but interfering in a crime scene

A crime scene that went undetected

until my sergeant found it.

All the same, it's not your place.

I am telling you as a friend,

okay? You need to step back.

This could cost you your job.

[REINE-MARIE] Pierre, it's time to go.

Enjoy the rest of your stay.

And do yourself a favour?

- Relax, all right?

- Mmm.

Well, well.


I'm sorry

Clara, Peter, this is

Reine-Marie, my wife.

[SPEAKS FRENCH] Enchantée.

- What brings you two here?



It's a family gathering.

Ordeal, more like.

We're scattering my

father's ashes, so

[IN FRENCH] Our condolences.

It's okay. It's our family's hotel.

That's why we're doing it here.

It's heavenly here. We've

always wanted to come.

- You ready?

- We'll see.


- Good evening.

- Yeah.

I think we're through here Yep.

I think that's us over

there. I'll just check.


[WHISPERS] You'll be all right.

- Let's go.

- Okay.

[SANDRA] Where is Julia?

[THOMAS] Yes, where is Julia?

[IRENE] Typical, keeping us all waiting.

[THOMAS] With any luck, she

won't dare show her face.

[SANDRA] We're here

to scatter Dad's ashes.

Let's try and keep things civil?

[MAURICE] Madame.

It's so good to see

you after so many years.

Please, call me "Julia."

Congratulations on getting the

hotel. I'm very pleased for you.

Well, you're the only one who is.

Wish me luck.

I'm sorry I'm late. [EXHALES]

Anyone wants champagne? My treat.

- Not for me. It gives me heartburn.

- Yes.


Hey, Dad. Long time.

I'm glad you realized you owed me.

Dad owed you nothing.

- And you left when you were 16.

- Because of what he did.

- He was protecting you.

- He was a monster.



[JULIA] I hated him for what he did.

And I was all alone. None

of you stood up for me.

As much as you want to pretend

it didn't happen, it did.

To me.

But it doesn't matter now.

I found my son. Yeah, y'all hear me?

And as he's clearly the closest thing

I'll have to any real family, well,

I might as well give him the hotel.

You wouldn't dare.

Watch me.






No, Armand.


It was a nightmare.

That's all. Shh. That's all.

What was it about this time?

I'm not sure.

Was it bad?


[REINE-MARIE] It might be a good sign

that you're experiencing these dreams.

Perhaps. I just wake up

with this feeling of dread.

You have to stop blaming

yourself for things.


Maybe you could see a therapist?


[GAMACHE] What's going on?

Chief Inspector.

There's been an accident.


Keep everyone back.

[BEAUVOIR] Go back in,

everybody. Inside! Go!

[LACOSTE] Morning.

[GAMACHE] Morning.

Her name is Julia Morrow. We

found her under that statute.

At first, it looked like an accident.

But then see here,

the head of the statue

struck her neck and cheek.

The blood's coming

- from a different direction.

- Exactly.


Looks like blunt force trauma.

She was bludgeoned,

then the statue was pushed over

to make it look like an accident?

Possibly a group effort.

- Any idea of the time of death, Patron?

- [GAMACHE] The body's getting less stiff.

So, I imagine sometime last night.

There's a wire fence

around the perimeter.

The front gates alarmed.

The k*ller could still

be on the property.

Get uniform to contain guests and staff.

And there are marks there,

where the cement hadn't hardened.

Some on his shoes, too.

And look at this.

Yeah, there are more.


That's shit.

If it is shit, somebody put it there.

[IRENE] For God's sake,

you're the manager.

We have a right to know what's

happening in our own hotel.

If you could please wait, Madame.

Maurice, where's the stag

head trophy? The one I shot.

In the storeroom, sir.

The fitting was broken.

- Well, fix it, and put my trophy back.

- Yes.

- Why are there police everywhere?


Madame Morrow. I'd

like a word in private.

And who the hell are you exactly?

Chief Inspector Gamache. Head of

Homicide for the Sûreté du Québec.

Why don't you take the child for a soda?

It's for the best.

[MARIANA] Go on, sweetie.

- Well?

- [THOMAS] What's going on?


I have very bad news.

There's been a death.


[THOMAS] Dead?

Dead? But how?

[IRENE] He said "homicide," Thomas.

Yes. Julia's been

m*rder*d. I'm very sorry.

I'll need to know your whereabouts

and all your movements last night.

Did anyone see Julia after dinner?

My wife and I went straight

to bed after dinner.

Me too. Mariana walked me up.

And then I went to my room.

Clara and I had dinner in our room.

I didn't see her after dinner. I

was in the kitchen, cleaning up.

I was in the office doing paperwork.

I'm going to need swabs from

all of you for DNA testing.

Is that really necessary?

It could be the best

way to find the m*rder*r.

I'm sure you're as

keen as I am to do that.

Thank you.



This is our first anniversary

we haven't been together.

You're needed here.

And you take care. You call me anytime.

I'll make it up to you.

I'll make sure of it.

What sort of megalomaniac

commissions a statue of himself?

The kind who jerks off on

k*lling animals for fun.

Charles Morrow was a ruthless

businessman in his day.

This used to be the family home

until he turned it into a

hotel about 20 years ago.

His fortune dwindled

and he needed the money.

- Who inherits the hotel now?

- The mother Irene Morrow, is next of kin.

Now, we have guests and staff to

process, but focus on the family.

Build up a picture of their movements,

any inconsistencies in their accounts.

And ask the hotel manager

for any CCTV footage.

Someone was with her at that statue.

Agent Nichol?

Check you out, living

it up in a fancy hotel.

Brought the pathologist's

report for the Chief.

The World Wide Web is still working.

I'm faster.

"Cause of death, subdural hematoma.

Time of death between

11:00 and 1:00 a.m."

Thank you.

Now, that I'm here, how can I help?

- What are you doing?

- I need to fetch a chair for Clara.

- Peter, sit down.

- But

Sit down. We are about to start.


I had just turned 11.

Dad said it was time for

me to make my first k*ll.

- [g*n COCKING]

- Deep breath.

Exhale. sh**t!

I lost my nerve, but

Dad talked me through it.

Come on, son.

I felled it for you.

Helped me raise my r*fle

and put it out of its misery.

[CHOKING UP] I only ever

wanted to be like you, Dad.

I hope I did you proud.

[MARIANA] What about Julia?

Shouldn't we say something?


What do you remember of her?

She was

She was funny,

clever, sensitive.

She lit up any room she went into.

She could wrap your father

around her little finger.

At least until

Madame, please.

It must have come as a terrible shock.

You and Thomas didn't seem too

happy about the inheritance.

It's been family tradition

for three generations

that this estate passes from

the father to the eldest son.

No one likes being kept in the dark.

Not that Thomas needs it.

The idea that we're under

suspicion is ludicrous.

Last night, there seemed

to be a lot of anger

and resentment around the table.

Before you get carried away,

I think it's right that

we contest the will.

Charles was ill by the end.

I guess he wanted to make amends.

Yeah. Better late than never, Pops.

You're welcome to the place. I

didn't need anything from Dad.

It's not the money, it's the principle.

- I stayed loyal.

- I didn't have a choice.

- I was forced to leave.

- Why rake over the past?

Because as much as you want to

pretend it didn't happen, it did.

To me.

I take it there was a rift in

the family when Julia left home?

[SIGHS] It's none of your business.

If it helps me find

your daughter's k*ller,

it is very much my business.

Julia got pregnant when she was 15.

We arranged to have the baby adopted.

We thought it was for the best.

And what did Julia think?

Don't judge me, Chief Inspector.

It was Charles' decision.

He had high hopes for

her, and he was blindsided.

I had no choice in the matter.

That must have been hard for you.


I've lost her for good this time.

If you were bullied into it, Madame,

you cannot blame yourself.

[BEAUVOIR] Patron.

I'm sorry.

[BEAUVOIR] This is the

view of the back door.

He's going in the

direction of the gardens.

[GAMACHE] You said after

you left the terrace,

you and Clara went to your room.

- Yeah.

- Did you leave the room at all after that?



There's CCTV footage

of you leaving the hotel

through the back entrance,

and heading in the

direction of the statue.

I went looking for Julia,

but I didn't find her.

Where did you go?


[SCOFFS] Not the statue.

Out back. I On the terrace.

I went back in through the lounge door,

had a quick drink and went to my room.

And why were you looking for Julia?

To make up or carry on the fight?


[THOMAS] Dad owed you nothing.

- And you left when you were 16.

- Because of what he did.

- He was protecting you.

- He was a monster.

You were still desperate

to please him, weren't you?

I was just a kid.

- Telling tales out of spite?

- Yeah.

- [JULIA] Just a kid, huh?

- A kid!

You betrayed my trust, Peter!

Because of you, you know what


I didn't k*ll my sister.

Why would I?

I'm happy painting and

living a quiet life.

Thomas and Sandra wanted the hotel.

I never wanted anything from my parents.

Are we done?

There's just one more thing.

What do you make of these carvings?

They were on your father's statue.

Dad did this.


Set puzzles.

Usually designed to humiliate one of us.

Said it was character building.

Stopped us from becoming feckless.


That's an exact copy of a

drawing I did when I was six.

He never once offered to

buy one of my paintings.

I have no idea why

he'd want to keep that.

Thank you.

[NICHOL] What did she do, anyways?

Tech entrepreneur.

Pretty high flying by all accounts.

Not anymore.

- Hey!

- Whoa.

Maybe you should do a coffee run.


- What's the number for room service?

- The kitchen's just off the lobby.


Did you guys order lunch yet?

[GAMACHE] You said that you and Peter

had dinner in your room last night.


Um, then Peter was

sketching, so, I took a bath.

I thought it might relax me.

Clara, Peter was seen outside the

hotel not long before midnight.

He says he went looking for Julia.

I had no idea.

Why wouldn't he tell me that?

You betrayed my trust, Peter!

Because of you, you know what


[IRENE] Leave him, Claire. He

always was a little drama queen.

[CLARA] It's "Clara," Mother.

[IRENE] Isn't that what I said?

[MARIANA] Can we not do this, guys?

[GAMACHE] What happened between them?

Peter is the only

person without an alibi.

This is no time for secrets.

He only told me recently.

When Julia got pregnant,

she confided in Peter that she

planned to elope with her boyfriend.

For some reason,

Peter put the photo of the

baby scan on his dad's desk.

Julia was Charles' favourite.

Maybe Peter felt sidelined.

Who knows?

She never forgave him.

He was 12.

As soon as he sees them,

it's like a trigger.

The shame just eats him alive.

Must have been devastating

for him when Julia turned up.

- Peter is no k*ller.

- It takes one second to lose control.

What powers the final

thrust is an emotion.

Usually filled with grievance

or guilt.

[GAMACHE] Someone lured

Julia to her death.

We need handwriting samples

from all family members.

[LACOSTE] She had company

last night at some point.

I found two wine glasses.

I sent them for testing.

The CCTV covers most areas.

There's a blind spot

by the lounge entrance,

and another by the service entrance.

We have no idea how long he was outside?

And if Peter isn't our k*ller,

that means someone else slipped out.

Someone's lying. Check

their stories again.

Um, sure thing, Chief.

Who should I start with?

Check that we have all

the guests' details.

- Then tell them they can leave.

- Okay, Chef.

I spoke with Peter Morrow

about these carvings.

Seems Dad liked to set puzzles.

Liked to mess with the kids' minds.

[LACOSTE] Dog, duck,

cat, tortoise, and stag.

[GAMACHE] Peter says the dog was him.

The pathologist found raccoon

excrement under Julia's fingernails,

which means she probably

smeared it on the stag.

So, if these carvings are a

message to the family members,

it would be good to know

who the stag was for.

You were with your husband in your

room after dinner around 11:15?

Yes. We have no secrets.

And Julia was in her room?


You know me.

For when, exactly?

I won't let you down.

I promise.

Talk soon.


are continuing their search

for Kevin Kis, wanted in

connection with the disappearance

of Blue Two-Rivers and

Tommy Kis 19 months ago.

Arisawe and Kara must be beside

themselves wondering what happened.

Have you spoken to them?

They told me not to

call unless I had news.

- I asked Francoeur if I could

- Let me guess, big fat no?

Anything from Sandra Morrow?


She and Thomas went to

their room around 11:15,

and they were together for the night.

She heard Julia laughing from her room

next door to them

shortly after they got in.

She said it sounded like

Julia was mocking them.


These people.

A family member dies and

they don't seem to care.

Everything okay at home?

Yeah. No more trouble.

That's something, I suppose.

Why don't you go hug your girls?

Jean-Guy and I can manage here.

Don't forget about Agent Nichol.

How could I?





[GIRL READING] "Keep your eyes shut.

For if the Gorgon Medusa does appear,

you will never be

able to return upward."

Are you okay?

I didn't really know Auntie

Julia, but Mom said she was sad.

Did she say why?

Mom said, they broke her.

That's why she keeps

me away from Grandma.

So, you won't turn to stone?

Look what happened to Grandpa.

Mom's right to protect me.

Especially if one of them's a k*ller.

Why didn't you tell me you'd

been outside looking for Julia?

I didn't want to worry you.

You told me art was

your sanity growing up.

When does the lifeboat

become the prison ship?

It's Julia, isn't it?

In your work.

The accent of red in the darkness.

You've never stopped

trying to say you're sorry.


[SOBBING] If I had known

Dad would do that

What did you think would happen?

I don't know.

I just didn't want to lose her.

I didn't want to lose her.


[MARIANA] I was out cold.

The empty minibar will testify to that.

Just don't tell Mother?

So, you were with your daughter?


She'd gone out to watch the storm.

I don't believe in boundaries.


Did you hope to inherit the hotel?


The afterthought.

A f*ck up. [LAUGHS]

I was invisible.

And I still am.

We'd see Julia from time to time.

The odd wedding or funeral.

Every family event, I hoped she'd come.

And she looked right through me.

Like I was invisible.

[MARIANA] Any plans

for the hotel, Julia?

I think the whole

place could be revamped.

I was thinking I could

help fix the place up.

Sisters together.

I always thought of myself

as an interior designer.

Thanks, Mariana, but it's

a hotel, not a commune.


I stole this before Dad

ripped all of her photos up.

I hoped to show it to her.

Show her we were once a family.

See how happy Julia looks.

We found these carvings

on the statue your dad commissioned.

- Do they mean anything to you?

- I loved Dad's sick games.


That's me.

The tortoise.

"Slow and steady wins

the race," he'd say.

That's something I suppose.

And the others?

The duck could be Thomas.

Why'd you say that?

It's what Dad called him the

last time he asked for a loan.

"A lame duck."


When was this, Mariana?

Two months back.

[BEAUVOIR] Thank you.

That's very helpful.

I'm still coming to terms with it.

After everything between us,

she was still my little sister.

It must have been a shock

when she inherited the hotel.

[THOMAS] To Julia.

The Usurper.

I'm not sitting at

the head of the table.

So, how did you do it, sis?

Did you guilt trip the

old man on his deathbed?

I didn't speak to him.

But it doesn't matter now.

I found my son. Yeah, y'all hear me?

And as he's clearly the closest thing

I'll have to any real family, well,

I might as well give him the hotel.

You wouldn't dare.

Watch me.

So much for the lucky f*cking cufflinks!

Look, I have no need of

this déclassé money pit.

I do very well.

Then why did you need to

borrow 400,000 from your father?

I wanted to invest it for him.

He was losing his faculties.

And yet, he was still

sharp enough to refuse you.

I wouldn't have expected anything else.

We found these carvings

on your father's statute.

We think they might be

representations of family members.

I'm the stag for sure.

First born, first blooded. It's

no secret I was Dad's favourite.

Any idea why Julia would smear

raccoon excrement on your carving?

She was jealous of my

relationship with him.

But the way I see it,

Dad did her a favour.

Spared her the burden of being a

teen mom and the guilt of an abortion.

I'm going to need a

sample of your handwriting.

[LACOSTE] Okay, here.

Do you want to have pizza and a movie?

- Yeah. Thanks, Mom.

- Okay. All right.

You choose, but nothing we've

seen a hundred times before, okay?




Hi, who is this?

[KEVIN] Sergeant Lacoste?

It's Kevin Kis.


Where are you?

They said I can trust you.

You gotta believe me.

There's no way I'd hurt Tommy or Blue.

Okay. Who did? Do you know?

Look, you owe it to Blue's

family to tell the truth.

I know.

I want to.

That's why I came back

when I saw the news

I want to hear your side.

Would you meet with me and my boss?

No other cops.

What do you mean?

Kevin, are you still there?

Listen, I know this

must be scary for you.

Just let me help you.

I'll talk. But only to you.

We meet where I say tonight.

Or you won't hear from me again.

Okay. Where do you want to meet?

[GAMACHE] Maurice, how long

have you known the Morrows?

Since I was a boy.

My mother was the housekeeper here,

and when it was converted into

a hotel, she became the manager.

And when she died, I took over.

What was Julia like?

She was the only one who'd

break the rules and talk to me.

And then one summer, she was gone.

Did anyone say why?

No, they just took down her

photos and it was just like

she never existed.

My mother used to say,

"We don't have their

money, but we have love."

This can't have been easy for you.


I'm relieved Thomas isn't the new owner.

What do you mean?

I think he was happy when

Julia left. That means

he got to be the favourite.





Is there a match?

Elliot! A word.

You told us you went back to the

kitchen to clean up after dinner.

You have anything to add?

That you were drinking wine

in Julia's room, for example?

No, I wasn't.

How do you explain your DNA on

the wine glass we found there?


As things stand, you're the

last person to see her alive.

And yet, you didn't come forward.

Why not? You have something to hide?


She asked me to join her on the roof.

When I got there, she

was dancing in the rain.

She invited me back to her

room for drinking. That's all.

We had sex.

She instigated it.

As soon as it was over,

I went back to working

You didn't ask to

meet her at the statue?

I didn't say 'cause I

didn't wanna lose my job.

When I left her, she was alive.



We have a handwriting match.

And a motive.

Good work, Jean-Guy.

You can go.

[THOMAS] I know you miss Dad, Mother.

I had more than enough of that man.

No, it's Julia I miss.

I realize now, that in

many ways, we let her down.

The least we can do is put that right.

But how?

By honouring her wishes.

I'm going to give her son the hotel.

He is my grandson after all.

[GAMACHE] Mr. Morrow.

Could we have a few words?

I have some questions

you may not want to answer

in front of your family.

What questions?

[BEAUVOIR] It's your handwriting.

- You asked to meet Julia by the statue.

- I did no such thing.

I was in my room with my

wife. Sandra, tell them.

Yes, we were together.

Why would I k*ll my own sister?

Do you want us to get into

your financial affairs here?

- Bullshit.

- [IRENE] What financial affairs?

It's nothing. A misunderstanding.

Well, I suggest you clear it up.

Not here.

How dare you try to entrap me?

Everyone thought the hotel was

coming to you, but it didn't.

You were angry and

you're in lots of debt.

You're almost bankrupt. You're

about to lose your house.

You asked to meet Julia to

persuade her to give you the hotel?

- Did she refuse?

- This is harassment.

Pure and simple, and you

are grasping at straws.

- It's your handwriting.

- No more questions without a lawyer.

- That can be arranged.

- I have an alibi.

You're not gonna pin this on me.

Stay the hell away from my family.

I want officers at the gate

and around the perimeter.

No one's allowed to leave.

Did you put the stag

head trophy back up yet?

[MAURICE] No, sorry. I

Today, or you're fired!


This is my least favourite life ♪

The one where you fly and I don't ♪

A kiss holds a million deceits ♪

And a lifetime goes up ♪

In smoke ♪

This is my least favourite you ♪

Who floats far above earth and stone ♪

The nights that I twist on the rack ♪

Is the time that I feel ♪

Most at home ♪

We're wandering in the shade ♪

And the rustle of fallen leaves ♪

A bird on the edge of a blade ♪

Lost now forever ♪

My love, in a sweet memory ♪

The blue pulls away from the sky ♪

The whisper of two broken wings ♪

Maybe they're yours ♪

Maybe they're mine ♪

This is my least favourite life ♪

The one where I am out of my mind ♪

The one where you're

just out of reach ♪

The one where I stay ♪

And you fly ♪

I'm wandering in the shade ♪

And the rustle of fallen leaves ♪

A bird on the edge of the blade ♪

Lost now forever ♪

My love, in a sweet memory ♪


[CLARA] Was that a g*nsh*t?

Oh, my God.

Where did that come from?

- Oh, my God.

- What's going on?

Keep the family here.

[NICHOL] I need you all

to stay here, please. Okay?

You heard the Chief.


Easy, easy.

[SANDRA] Thomas!


Whatever you have done, I love you!

[GAMACHE] Thomas. Look at me.

Take one step closer

- Thomas!

- and I'll sh**t.

I'll just stay here.

- I'd like to talk to you.

- Stay back, or I'll sh**t! I swear to God!