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01x04 - The Cruelest Month - Part Two

Posted: 12/20/22 13:09
by bunniefuu
Stop. We can't leave without her.



Let me go.

Let me go!

- You okay, Patron?

- Hmm.

What sort of God allows

such atrocities to happen in his name?

What sort of man allows it?

This tiny, sleepy village, full of kind,

compassionate people, and

two murders in one year.


Perhaps some of that evil from St.

Anthony's leached into the ground

and ran into Three Pines

and polluted the place.

It's all connected.

Come on.

What was your relationship

with Marc Fortier?

- We were just acquaintances.

- Oh, come on now, Peter.

We know it was more than that.

When you erase something on

your cell, it's not really, uh

it's not really gone, okay?

We can access the data, every

text, every picture you ever sent.

We have your text conversations

with Marc Fortier right here.

You met Marc quite a lot.

And judging from these texts,

your relationship was, um


"It's been years since I felt

like this, light and free.

But it only lasts

minutes after I leave you,

and then I feel bad again."

"You have to tell Clara."

"I know. But every time I try, I bail."

- "Can I see you tonight?"

- Stop, please.

It looks bad, I see that.

But it's not at all how it

sounds. I swear to God, it's not.

You wouldn't be the first married

man to have an affair with a man.

- It wasn't an affair.

- So what was it?

You were looking for something

in the cabin. What was it?

Marc's laptop.

What was on the laptop

that you wanted to hide?

My therapy notes.

I gave Marc art lessons,

he gave me therapy.

Why would you wanna hide that?

Because I know what you

do when someone dies.

I don't want anyone reading

those notes. They're private.

If you read them, you'll know.

- Know what, Peter?

- Who k*lled Marc?


Things that happened a long time ago.

Things I've never shared with Clara.

I'm sorry, I I

should have asked first.

It's just a sketch.

When can I see Peter?

Where were you when Marc cried out?

I don't know, on the ground

floor somewhere trying to get out.

You didn't seem as impressed

with Marc as your friends were.

What was it about him?

He asked me to paint him.


- And did you?

- No. I don't do commissions.

I choose my subjects because

I see something inside them.


unresolved that maybe they

don't even see inside themselves.

And you didn't see anything inside Marc?

Nothing I wanted to paint.

Were you threatened by him?

By his friendship with Peter?

No. Why would I be?

Well, we know they spent

a lot of time together.

- Perhaps that bothered you.

- I wasn't exactly thrilled about it.

Peter was with him all the time.

It didn't make any sense to me.

But do you really think

I'm capable of m*rder?

Well, I think we all are.

I'm gonna need a DNA sample.

You've reached the voicemail of

Chief Inspector Armand Gamache.

Please leave a message.

I'm going to have another look

at Kevin and Tommy's house.

I must have missed something.

Oh, my God.

Ground's a little hard.

You need some help?

What are you digging?

I called her Lillium.

I only cracked the shell to help her.

Here. Take care of it.

It's not your fault, Ruth.

Nature's way.

They can't all survive.

"Hope is the thing with feathers

that perches in the soul,

and sings the tune without the

words and never stops at all."

Yeah, yeah. Emily Dickinson.

How f*cking boring.

Well, she was a favourite of

mine, until I read Ruth Zardo.

Heard you got Peter in

a cell up in Montreal.

Not anymore.

- What were you doing in their home?

- Clara's helping with inquiries.

They've got nothing to do with it.

- Well, you have proof of that?

- I know what I know.

Could be one of them.

Instead of hypothesizing, numb-nuts,

why don't you go find

some actual evidence?

Okay. Get that bagged.

Is it blood?

We'll have it processed right away.

Can I help you?

Hi, Kathleen Barker.

Department of Youth Protection.

What's this about?

- I need to speak to you about your girls.

- Is everything okay?

- Can we go inside?

- Yeah.

There's been allegations

about your parenting.

Allegations of what?

I'm not at liberty to say.

We've been told you work long hours.

You know, I'm a police officer.

And sometimes the girls are left alone.



They're with my mother when I'm working.

They're always safe.

- You can't take them away from me.

- This is just an investigation.

The complaint was made

to the Childhelp hotline,

and we have to investigate

every complaint.

The call was anonymous?


This is crazy.

Sometimes people make

malicious allegations.

But we have to take every

call we get seriously,

you know that.

Marc's laptop's been processed. Nothing.

Just as well, I got something.

I took it upon myself to have a

little looksie at the cell phone

the kid left at the school the night of.

You wanna see what I found?

- You ready?

Yeah? - Mm-hmm.

Hey, look, it's Sophie.

Sophie was there.

Do you think she could've been

there without Hayden knowing?

Or maybe he didn't want us

thinking his little genius

was vandalizing empty properties.

Okay, are you ready for this?


Okay, look to the right of the screen.

- It's Bea.

- Bea told me she wasn't there.

So she lied.

Question is, why.

Good work.

I'm impressed.

Why'd you lie to me, Bea?

You were there at St. Anthony's.

Why'd you lie about that?

I've got my reasons.

- None of them are any of your concern.

- Well, I am concerned.

Do you think I'm dangerous,

Chief? You think I'm a k*ller?

Go ahead, arrest me.


I didn't think so.

Matthew, Bea's brother.

- Bea's brother?

- Mm-hmm.

She never mentioned a brother.

Matthew and a couple of boys

ran away from the school.

They tried to cross the

Bella Bella and drowned.

Their bodies were never recovered.

And that this is a list of all the kids

who went to St. Anthony's from the

time Bea was there until it closed.

Figured this one might interest you.

- Mary Two-Rivers? - Yeah,

the birth dates line up.

I think Mary is the name the nuns

gave Arisawe Two-Rivers,

a Christian name.

Maybe she can help us.

- Good work,

Jean-Guy. - Thank you.

Cowansville are understaffed so we're

guarding the crime scene tonight.


The SIJ found blood up at

Kevin and Tommy's house.

They're testing it against Blue's DNA.

The floor had been bleached down,

so they took some samples

from between the boards,

mostly just dirt and hair

and a few other fibres.

- Pine needles?

- Isabelle, are you okay?

Somebody called Youth Protection on me.

- What?

- Yeah. I

I've social workers crawling

around, calling me

Calling me a bad mom.

- If they were to take them from me

- No, no, that's not gonna happen.

No one's taking your kids anywhere.

- We'll figure this out together, okay?

- Thanks.

I need to go and speak to Arisawe.

She was a pupil at St. Anthony's.


Do you feel up to going back

out there with me tomorrow?

Yeah, yeah, of course.


I have your therapy notes.

You read them?

Just enough to know you

were telling the truth.

I deleted them from Marc's laptop.

No one need know, unless

you choose to tell them.

Secrets like this, Peter,

they're not good for the soul.

Or for a marriage.

Hayden must have known

Sophie was there that night.

So he lied to us.

Uh, you do what you gotta

do to protect your kids.


You okay? What's up?

- What was that?

- It's coming from the basement.

Are you insane?

We're here to protect

the scene, aren't we?

Hey, I don't think this is a good idea.

Police! Show yourself.


Hey, maybe I should call for back-up.

Come on.

f*cking racoon!

Okay. Come on, let's get out of here.

Where'd it go?

- Where'd it go?

- I don't care. Let's get outta here.

Hear that?

What is it?

I don't know.

But it's big enough to crawl through.

Speak for yourself,

I'm too built for that.

Oh Sure you are.




Oh, God! You didn't think I'd

stay down there all by myself?

It's a secret passageway.

Well, if the k*ller

knew about this tunnel,

he could've joined the

others without them noticing.

Yeah, and stashed this along the way.

It's the same make and model

as Marc Fortier's missing phone.


Some good news would

go a long way right now.

Find anything at Kevin's?

We're still waiting on

the forensics report.

Kevin's our best lead. Looks

like he's crossed the border.

He could be anywhere right now.

So you came all this

way to tell us nothing?


They came all this way so

you could tell them something.


For what?


I made that stupid call to

the child helpline, okay?

What? Why would you

Why would you do something like that?

I wanted you to know how it feels.

To miss someone you love.

Thought it might make you do

something to find my sister.

Go get the tea.

Go on.

We have called them back

and sorted it all out.

I'm truly sorry for what she did.

We're actually here to ask if you

could help us with another case.

What is it?

We have a case at the old

residential school in Three Pines.

We saw your name on the enrolment list.

Would you be willing to answer

some questions about that time?

Haven't you caused enough pain?


You don't have to go back there.

I'm okay.

Go on.

When you were at the school,

did you hear about three

boys who escaped? Ran away?

And they drowned.


And I know what really

happened to them, too.

They didn't drown?

A day before they ran away,

one of the boys set fire

to the janitor's office.

That man was pure evil.

We called him the

Caretaker. Ironic and all.

We were all shit scared of him.

But he was mad as hell.

He was planning their punishment.

So they The boys ran away.

Somehow, he found out that they

were gone, and he went after them.

Next day, we all heard that

they drowned in the Bella Bella.

But we didn't believe them.

What do you think really happened?


I think they're still down there.

They're down there in that basement.

If there's three, there's more.

Possibly a lot more.

We need ground radar up here.

Cover the whole site.

- Do you think we can get DNA?

- I hope so.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, too.

At least they get to go home.


Spit it out, Chief, what?

I think I found your brother.

I'm so sorry.

His name was Niyaaniipuu.

Means "stands facing forward."

Well, now that it's out,

what do you want to hear?

It was my fault he died.

How was it your fault?

That's how they knew he was

gone. 'Cause I got caught.

You think Marc's father

k*lled your brother, don't you?

I know he did.

I heard him screaming,

and I heard him stop.

It couldn't have been easy.

Seeing Marc around Three Pines,

reminding you what his father did.

I didn't k*ll him, Chief.

Do you have any idea who did?

Maybe it's something,

maybe it's nothing.


Tell me, Bea.

The morning he died,

I saw Marc and Sophie talking.

But Hayden came along.

They all started arguing,

and it was really tense.

It was Marc's favourite.

Well, it's just us now.

That detective came around

again. Asked for you to call him.

I'm going to the store to get a soda.

- No.

- I know how to get there.

You know how to get to St.

Anthony's too, don't you?

I know you were there.

I lied. I lied to the police

to protect you, Sophie.

All this sneaking around,

jeopardizing everything

we've dreamed about.

What did you do?

- I just needed some air.

- Sophie

Just needed some

God, some f*cking space!

You see Mommy?

I love you.

I love you, too.


The full analysis of Marc's

financial records came back.

They found something?

Well, he was living rent-free

because Hayden thought he was broke.

It turns out he had over 100K

stashed in his bank account.

So, he's capable of

deceiving his best friend.

That's not it. He bought a plane

ticket to New York in Sophie's name.

Team, I've got something.

We found dozens of voice notes

from Marc's cell phone to Sophie's,

and from hers to his.

- They were having an affair?

- Well, maybe listen before you presume.

Okay, one second.

So, great news.

Got a call from NYU

and they're offering you

a full scholarship on the

BA in Music Technology.

I know this is what you want, Soph

But your dad loves you. He

just wants what's best for you.

I hate keeping secrets

from my best friend.

If you won't do it, Sophie, I will.

Sophie was going to New York

to get away from her dad?

And to study Music Tech.

Schulich was Hayden's dream.

I guess it wasn't Sophie's.

Marc was helping her achieve

that behind Hayden's back.

But Marc was about to

expose Sophie's secret,

which means they both

had reasons to be angry.

Angry enough to k*ll?

There's only one person

who can tell us that.

Door's open.


They're gone.

Put out an APB. Get SIJ down here.

I've already found us a great apartment.

We'll be roommates.

I can help you with your practice

and without the commute,

there'll be plenty of time

for theatre, concerts.

Isn't part of being a student getting

out into the world on your own?

That's never going to be

an option for you, honey.

There are people with my condition

who live totally normal lives.

They go to school, to work.

There's this one guy,

he has these special glasses

with telescopes for driving

Who told you that? Marc?

Marc cared about me,

about what I wanted.

Dad, I I think you missed the turn.

We're not going to Montreal, are we?

Is that the police?

Why aren't you stopping?

What's wrong?

Dad, you have to stop.

God, you're scaring me!


- Hayden's car was spotted.

- Hold on.

- Let's go.

- I'll wait for SIJ.


Were you sleeping with him?

What, no. How could you even think that?

He was filling your head

with all that nonsense about

New York and music technologies,

as if the talent you were

born with didn't matter.

You think New York was Marc's idea?

- Yes.

- It was mine.

I begged him to help me,

begged him to keep it a secret.

I was sick of living in that

prison, sick of being with you.

Christ, we didn't see that in Nicolet!

Nichol, keep your g*n on the bear.


We didn't know what to do, Chief.

Stand down, Officers. We've got this.

Move back, it's okay.

It's okay, it's all right,

it's okay. Just don't move.

Hayden, you need to get out of the car.

- I got the bear covered, sir.

- Hayden.

It's okay. I'm so sorry.

We need to get you

both away from the bear.

- What did you do?

- I didn't do anything.

You have to let Sophie out of the car.

I know you want to protect her, but

you have to let her out of the car.

Nice and slow.

- Don't leave, Soph.

- No sudden moves.


That's it, Sophie, nice and slow.

Come towards us.

That's right, nice and slow.

I'm right here.

Now, Hayden, you have

to get out of the car.

Show me your hands, your hands!

That's it.


Agent Nichol.

Put your hands behind you.

I'm arresting you for the

m*rder of Marc Fortier.

You need not say anything.

You have nothing to hope for.

No promise or favor.

Nothing to fear from any threat.

It was dark. It was an

accident, it was a mistake.

Marc's injuries tell a different story.

You smashed his skull against

that rock until he was dead.

- That's a lot of anger.

- My little girl was in danger.

- I have to keep her safe.

- Sophie's not a little girl anymore.

You have no idea how

dangerous it is out there,

I'm her father!

Perhaps she needs you to

let her make her own choices.

Chief, how did you know?

I called Richard Lyons.

- But

- Hayden was giving free piano lessons

- up at St. Anthony's. He knew the house.

- But, what made you call, sir?

If you go near a nest of chicks,

the mummy bird will freak out.

She'll do anything to

scare any intruders.


I just got a call from SIJ.

The blood at Kevin's

is a match for Blue's.

Do they think she died there?

I am waiting for the full report,

but it's looking bad for Kevin.

We need to find him fast.

Incident at the old residential

school in Three Pines.

Nearby units please respond.

Let's go.

Copy. Heading to scene.