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01x03 - The Cruelest Month - Part One

Posted: 12/20/22 13:08
by bunniefuu


[WOMAN 2] Guys, this is such a bad idea.


[WOMAN 3] Let's just go along, make

sure no one does anything stupid.

- [MAN 2] We're not getting caught.

- [WOMAN 4] Keep your voices down.



[MAN] It's been a long time coming.

- Guys.

- Clara.

Well, I don't think we should do this.

[RUTH] It's f*cking late for that now.


What was that?

There's someone inside. Go.

Gabri, open up!

[PETER] Clara, no! Wait, you

don't know who's in there.



[SHUSHES] I'm trying to listen.


[WHISPERS] What is that?

You check that way.

- [CLARA] Did you hear that?


- I'm going upstairs.

- Okay.

Through here.


Stop, stop right there.

This is private property.

How did you get in?

Everyone all right?

- Oh, my God!

- [RUTH] f*ckers.

- [PETER] We need to make sure they're all out.

- Look what they've done.

We should search the house, make

sure there's no one left inside.

- I search this way, you take that side.

- Okay.

[PETER] Lock the door so

they can't get back in.

[GABRI] Got it.










to me, Gamache. Forget Two-Rivers.

Find the missing man from Three Pines.

When I wanted to investigate

a missing persons case,

you made it clear that it wasn't my job.

I also said stay away from that reserve.

But you went there, adding fuel to fire.

What? Three Pines is my punishment?

I actually like it there.

Great food, good people.

Close to Iotenen'ton: ni.

Do what you're paid to do, Armand.


God damn it.

[SIGHS] He really wants to keep

us away from the Two-Rivers.

I've been calling Arisawe,

you know, to pay my respects

but she's not answering any of my calls.

Yeah, me too.

Isabelle, would you look at

the file? Put fresh eyes on it?

Yeah, sure.

We've got to get that family

answers, one way or the other.


[BEAUVOIR] Anybody else have deja vu?

Who'd want to buy this place?

Especially since it's k*lled one person.

Houses don't k*ll. People do.

[BEAUVOIR] We've been assigned

the missing persons now.

He went into the house last

night, apparently never came out.

[GAMACHE] No power yet?

[BEAUVOIR] Generator will

be up and running soon.





- [LACOSTE] Patron.

- Hmm?

- Basement's this way.

- Sure.


- You took your time.

- What are you doing here?

Making like the Chief.

Sensing what it was like for

the missing dude in the dark.

- And what was it like, Agent Nichol?

- Dark, sir.

Want to get us up to speed?

Some locals came to check on

the place, caught a few kids

who had broken in, heard

a scream from the basement

and noticed that Marc Fortier was

missing. No one's seen him since.

The first officer here searched

the house and grounds this morning.

I did a second search

myself. No one here.

They found one of the kids' phones.

Any signs of a struggle?


It's just a dead-end, sir.

[IN FRENCH] Okay. How

many officers do we have?

[IN FRENCH] Around ten?

[NICHOL] There's old tunnels

that run under the estate.


I've got something down here.


We need to get this open.

[SPEAKING FRENCH] How do we break it ?


What are those? They're everywhere.

Kids must have made them when

this was a residential school.

Do you think they locked kids here?

I know they did.

Thousands of Indigenous kids

were tortured at these places.

Look at this.

[LACOSTE] That looks like

syllabics. Maybe Cree or Inuktitut.

What does it say?

I don't know.

- [NICHOL] You can't read it?

- Can you?

- I'm not

- Agent Nichol.

What's this?

[LACOSTE] If it is what I think it is,

the priests and nuns used

to build t*rture cells

in the crawl space of places like this.

They put kids down there as punishment.

[GAMACHE] God Almighty.



Well, he put up a fight. Someone

smashed his skull in with that rock.

He was alive when the

k*ller locked him in.

Yeah, he definitely bled out.

[IN FRENCH] We've found

his body in the basement.

Is it true? You found Marc?

He's dead?

I can't believe it.

Were you here last night?


- All of you? What were you doing here?

- Gabri and I are looking after the place.

We went to check and a

few friends tagged along.

We heard noises inside,

we guessed there were kids.

Marc was with us. But

then he just disappeared.

We searched the whole

house. Where'd you find him?

I should talk to the family first.

- But he had no one.

- Hayden was all he had.

Were they related?

Best friends. It's gonna break

him, his daughter Sophie, too.

I need to talk to everyone

who was here last night.

They were all here last night.

- We need to take statements.

- I'll get on it.

What did you think when

you saw that little door?

That it was a storage room.

The surprise was that it was

a room and with a cell inside.

The k*ller must have known about it.

We're looking for someone

connected to St. Anthony's.

What do we know so far?

Well, it was a residential

school from 1896, run by nuns.

Closed in the '80s, fell into

private ownership, but stayed empty.

Until CC de Poitier bought it last year.


You smell that?

That's gasoline.

It's okay, we're okay.

- We need to speak to the others.

- Let's go.


There is gas everywhere.


Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and

my colleague, Jean-Guy Beauvoir.

We're sorry for your loss.

May we speak to your father?

Um, Dad's teaching but he won't be long.

- Come in.

- Thank you.

- You can wait here until he's done.

- [GAMACHE] Thank you.

[HAYDEN] Okay, great job today.

Just keep working on those

arpeggios, but great job, okay?

There's your mom. Okay.

[SIGHS] Hello.

We just had a few questions,

if you have the time.

Sure. Yeah, of course.

Marc was a close friend?

Since college. We always looked

after each other. Best buddies.

He's Sophie's godfather.

Sophie's mom passed when

she was three years old.

Marc helped me get back on my feet

and this was my turn to help him.

It couldn't have been easy,

three of you under one roof.

He helped with Sophie.

Driving her while I was

working, making dinner.

I was glad he's gonna be here

when she starts McGill in the Fall.

It's a difficult section.

She has a scholarship.

[HAYDEN] Schulich. Yeah.

She's going to be a composer.

- [GAMACHE] It's a great school.

- [HAYDEN] Yeah.

The nest will feel empty for a while,

but you get used to it eventually.

She's not moving out. She'll commute.

I'll drive her there and back.

Sophie needs a lot of support. Her

vision is too low to drive herself.

Has Sophie always had low vision?

[HAYDEN] She was born

with ocular albinism.

Hers is quite bad. Her

vision's too low to read

but it's never held her back.

Was Marc in a relationship?

His wife died last year. Lymphoma.

He came to stay with us for a few weeks

and ended up staying for

good, which was great.

It's what you do for your best buddy.


Did Marc have any enemies?

No. It was impossible not to like Marc.

He was the kindest guy.

Why did you go to St. Anthony's?

I got swept along with the others.

We should've never gone up there.

Did Sophie go there too?

With other kids, maybe?

No, of course not. Sophie

spends her spare time practicing.

- You ever go inside before?

- No.

Do you know why there was gasoline

on the ground at the school?

I've no idea.

Uh, may we see Marc's room?

Sure, yeah, it's upstairs.

Now, why is a squeaky clean,

straight-A student hitting the bottle?

Stress. Pressure.


I'm sure Hayden doesn't know about

his daughter's secret drinking.

Or what is driving her to it.

Perhaps things here aren't as easy

- as they seem.

- Yeah.


A team will come by and

conduct a full search.

Oh, okay, no problem. Uh

- I'll show them out, Dad.

- Thanks, honey.

What were you doing in my room?

When you can't see

perfectly with your eyes,

you learn to see with your ears.

I wasn't sure which room was Marc's.

I apologize for the intrusion.

Yeah, sorry about that.


I got your text.

Yeah, I think I have something.

Look at this.

[LACOSTE] These kids, they have

the flash reflected in their eyes.


Right here. It's coming

from the same direction.

Now look at our missing couple,

Tommy Kis and Blue

Two-Rivers. No flash.

This is a composite of two photographs.

It's like somebody photoshopped them in.

Blue and Tommy weren't at this party.

Good work, Isabelle. Good work.

I'll talk to Arnot about the photo.

You go to Iotenen'ton: ni,

talk to Arisawe and Kara.

Find out what you can.

Can't believe my team

missed that. Who's behind it?

Maybe they did it themselves to

They want to hide where they really

are from cops and their family

We need to find Kevin.

We only know he crossed the border.

I sent Lacoste back to Iotenen'ton: ni,

see if she can dig up something.

Don't be surprised if they

don't roll out the red carpet.


Yeah. Could you look at it too?

Yeah, sure. Armand, this could

be grounds to reopen the case.

Thank you. Thank you.

We hold the keys. We have

to keep an eye on the place.

How did you know that

kids had broken in?

We didn't. It was a routine

check but we saw lights inside.

Did the kids do any damage?

Graffiti, broken glass.

Uh-huh. Fires?


Someone poured gasoline on the ground.

One match, the place could have gone up.

Must have been those kids.

[IN FRENCH] Though it

wouldn't be the worst thing

if it burned to the ground

The realtor said something

about a sale about to go through.

Buyer wanted to turn

the place into a hotel.

Would have been competition, I guess?

- It's not what I meant.

- Pastries?

It's a horror show. The

stuff that's happened there,

- and still going on

- Nothing. Just ghost stories.

People have heard crying, seen

things. There's a dark presence.

- They call it The Caretaker.

- "The Caretaker"?

Yeah. Came up in the inquiry.

Some survivors mentioned him.

Legend is he's still walking the halls,

looking for new victims to t*rture.

That's crazy.

Jean-Guy, I found these in Marc's

room. I think that's his father.

And look here.

There he is again.

That looks a lot like

a janitor's uniform.

Wait, and that's St.

Anthony's. The Caretaker.

- Pull the short straw again, Chief?

- I was missing Gabri's cooking.


New exhibit?

For the anniversary. Forty years

since they shut St. Anthony's down.

I know people want us to

just shove it under the rug,

but folks need reminding

about what happened up there.

That's powerful.

Yeah. The whole installation is

going to be done in a couple of days.

Were you at St.

Anthony's last night, Bea?

No, I was here, working late.

That's an interesting tattoo

you have. Syllabics, isn't it?

Does it have a special meaning?

It's personal.

I apologize.

I'll be seeing you, Bea.

Any news from the pathologist?

Yes, she confirmed the dirt

and debris inside Marc's head

are consistent with being

pushed down the stairs

and dragged into that cell

Where his head was

bashed in with that rock.

I think whoever k*lled him poured

the gasoline to burn the place down,

cover their tracks.

Perhaps the plan was to torch the

place, and the m*rder was unplanned.

Most murders happen in

the heat of the moment.


Yeah, but that place was too hard

to find for it not to be planned.

No sign of Marc's cell

phone but I got his laptop.

And you two got an invite.

To what?

Dinner at the Morrows', eight

o'clock, so I guess I'll get takeout.

Yeah, well, I'm not interested.



I am so sorry about Missy, about Blue.

Just all of it.

I know you are.

Come on inside.

Tommy and Blue went to

Kevin's to bum a ride.

Tommy's crazy about Blue,

he wouldn't hurt her.

What about Kevin?

No. Kevin's not a bad kid.

He went off the rails when his

mom passed a few years back.

He had Tommy to support,

he had to make a living.

Moving cigarettes?

What's the big deal?

What's the difference from

what big tobacco companies do?

Know what the real crime

is? Tobacco is sacred.

The government turned it

into a natural resource.

If the government can profit

off it, why can't Kevin?

Could you give me

directions to his place?

Sure, but I don't think

you'll find anything.

We went there when we knew she

was missing. Nothing out of place.


[GAMACHE] Isabelle.

Looks like Tommy and

Kevin just vanished.

There's plates in the sink, Tommy's

meds are still in the bathroom.

Nothing to indicate where

they went or what happened.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

[BEAUVOIR] Everything okay? Right.

I'll take Peter, you

take Clara. She likes you.

No interrogating, keep it

polite. We're here for dinner.

[BEAUVOIR] Okay, Dad. I'll behave.



I'm so glad you could come. Come in.

[GAMACHE] Thank you for inviting us.

Just through here.

- We've been ambushed.

- Behave.

- Sit.

- Thank you.

- Now we can eat.

- Would you like red or white?

- Red would be lovely.

- Inspector.

Good evening.

Thank you.

- Sante?

- Sante.

I hope you don't think the only thing

that ever happens in Three Pines,

is m*rder, Chief Inspector.

No, I know there's eating.


So how did Marc kick it, then?

Jesus, Ruth, could you

be any less sensitive?

It's what we're all thinking.

Perhaps all of you could tell

us a little more about Marc.

You were all friends, if you don't mind.

He started painting recently.

Abstracts. Had a lot of talent.

Peter, can I help you in there?

Excuse us.

- "Had a lot of talent"? Seriously?

- Awkward.

If I may ask, did Marc upset

anyone? Recently or in the past?


Did he have any money or assets?

No, and he'd just started

to build up his practice.

- Practice?

- Marc trained as a psychotherapist.

Were any of you his clients?

[CHUCKLES] Now he thinks

we're all f*cking crazy.

Not all of you.

You cops, you're such a cliché.

Always looking in the same places.

- What if you look somewhere new for once?

- Might actually find the truth.

What I am saying is there's other

reasons people k*ll, aren't there?

Enlighten me.

- I'd start with vengeful ghost.

- Gabri! Come on, seriously?

There was something there that night.

Old buildings make sounds at night.

Creaking floorboards, old pipes.

One thing I know is there's

no such thing as ghosts.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Whose ghost did the evil deed then?

Was it CC de Poitier?

Some deranged nuns, maybe?

Or was it the Caretaker? [CHUCKLES]

Find that amusing, Peter?

Grown man torturing little kids?

If there's ghosts in there,

they're the souls of those children

that were ripped away from

everything that they knew,

desperate to get home.

I'm sorry, Bea.

It's a bad joke.

Marc was not k*lled by a ghost.

He was k*lled by someone

in that house that night.

All of you didn't go up there

to check up on the place

or because you were curious.

You all went there with a

plan to burn the place down.

But someone had another

plan too. Marc did something.

It made his k*ller so mad,

they couldn't stand to look

at him for another second.

All I've got to do is

find out what that was.

Thank you for inviting us.








What What are you doing here?

I thought you had that conference

in Burlington first thing.

I thought I'd break the

journey. Stay the night with you.

- You're checking up on me, aren't you?

- Never.

Well, I'm fine. Really.

- You don't need me to stay then.

- No, no, no. I didn't say that.


- I certainly didn't say that.

- You didn't?

- I'd never say that.

- I think I'm gonna stay.

I think you'll stay.

- You drive safe now.

- Now you take care. And I mean it.

- [IN FRENCH] I love you.

- [IN FRENCH] Me too.



Did you sleep here?


Yeah, I was here late, working.

Didn't make sense

driving back to the city.


Salut, Beauvy.

- Your breakfast? Trans fats and additives?

- Yeah, and Cheez Doodles for lunch.


So, all we know for sure is the k*ller

is either one of the seven villagers

that was up there that night

or some kind of zombie nun.

Don't make jokes, Agent Nichol.

We should all be ashamed

of what happened up there.

Okay. Uh

Marc was born in 1973 to Ida Martel

and Martin Fortier. Both deceased.

Martin Fortier worked at

St Anthony's as a janitor.

Statements from the inquiry

into residential schools

showed many allegations

of abuse. Thank you.

Seventeen survivors reported abuse

from a man they knew as the Caretaker.

The Caretaker was

Was Martin Fortier.

Hell of a coincidence the son

is k*lled in the same place

where the dad committed his crimes.

- You think it's revenge?

- Why now?

Marc designed a memorial for

the survivors, the victims.

He raised the money to have it cast,

and his plan was to put it on the green,

- in front of the pines.

- Anyone oppose it?

Yeah, Bea Mayer.

Really? You'd think she'd

appreciate it, right?

I had the syllabics translated.

It's a Cree girl's name.


- Bea?

- Mm-hmm.

Her Cree name, before they

changed it at St. Anthony's.

- Good work, Jean-Guy.

- Yeah.

Did you carve your name

down in that basement?

Means Sunrise Woman. My

grandmother gave me that name.

They left me there for two days.

I was lucky.

Kids got thrown in the trap.

It must be hard for you, being here.

I live with that place.

I see it every day.

Why put yourself through that?

That's how trauma works.

Leaves its mark. And the

more you try to push it away,

the greater control it has over

us. I remember, so I am free.

Confronting your demons

makes you stronger.

What happened to you, Bea?

The day before my fifth birthday,

a priest came. Took me away.

I cried all night for my mother.

In the morning, there

was no birthday cake.

Just whipped, for the

first time in my life.

You want to know the rest,

Chief? Read the report.

Enough of us stood up and told the

world what that place did to us.

The suffering that went on in that

place left its mark on the building.

Real bad energy, man.

Bea, can I ask you

You remember this man?

I try not to.

- Did you know it was Marc's father?

- Yeah.

And, you know, Marc wanted to

build a memorial for the survivors.

Yeah, I know he wanted, to make

it all about him and his guilt.

Make amends for what his daddy did.

Get himself some closure, neat and tidy.

Some good publicity is a bonus.

User, white saviour bullshit.

It was not his place

to speak on our behalf.

It wasn't his place to speak

for us. He's the last one.


Let's assume Marc's cry came when

he was pushed down the basement.

Olivier, Gabri, Ruth, Myrna,

all say they were upstairs

when they heard it.

That leaves us with

Clara, Peter, Hayden.

Time how long it'd take to get

from their spot to the others.

- Anyone connected with the school?

- Not that I could find, sir.

Hayden was sure Sophie wasn't

there, but what if she was?

[GAMACHE] Motive?

Sophie was drinking for a reason.

She's very close to her father.

Maybe Marc moving in messed that up.

- The blind kid?

- She's not blind. She has low vision.

She can find her way in the dark.

There's Clara and Peter.

Things seemed tense between

them at dinner last night.

Clara is the only one we spoke to

who isn't singing Marc's praises.

Looks like Marc had a secret.

We know who that belongs to.

I'm going to stay here.



Okay, okay.



I have a cabin in the woods.

I go there to write sometimes.

Why did Marc have the key?

He wanted somewhere private to paint.

It was for the best. He was terrible.

Kind of you to help him.

Paid a good price.

I thought he was broke.

How long did he rent it for?

Couple of months.

[GROANS] Are you cooking that?

She almost didn't make it.

I had to crack the shell

just enough to let her out.

Okay. Aren't they supposed

to fight their own way out?

Build the strength they need to survive?

I'm sure if she couldn't manage

it, you've saved her life.


You'll find the cabin there. Break

anything and I'll f*cking sue.


[GAMACHE] Thank you, Ruth.



Wasn't Marc supposed to be painting?

I don't see any paint or canvases.

Somebody's been here.




[GAMACHE] Something's out there.

[BEAUVOIR] Someone's there.

Police! Stop!

[GAMACHE] We're gonna need backup.

[BEAUVOIR] Stop! Police!

[BEAUVOIR] Where is he?

[BEAUVOIR] I see him.


[SPEAKING FRENCH] Montre-moi tes mains !

Show me your hands!

Hands above your head!

Okay, put your hands over

your head. Show me your hands!

Over your head. Put your

hands over your head!

Turn around.

[GAMACHE] Peter Morrow.