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01x08 - Bad Guy

Posted: 12/20/22 12:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on Fire Country...

I got my dad a credit card

a while back. Now there's a huge
unpaid balance on that card.

We'll need the
first payment today.

Sitting on a transplant list
could take up to ten years...

I'll talk to your specialist,

and if she says to come
down for treatments,

I'll fly down and do them.

Vince is out today. Yeah, I'm
stepping up on his behalf,

so it's me that you'll
be coordinating with.

Tell him, tell Vince what
you did to make the board

put me on a leave of absence.

"Pride comes before the fall."

Feel like I've been
falling for a long time.

There you go. That's
good. Good job, Bode.

First Saw. It's a big deal.

Thanks, Dad.

Yes, that's it, baby.

Give me an ace.

I feel blackjack coming.

Hit me.

Come on, man.

You're gonna take the
dealer's bust card...

I'm taking a
calculated risk, homie.

Stay out of it.

Hit me.

27. Bust. Told you.

21. House wins.

That ten should have been hers.

That was my rent money, man.

That's not my problem. Yeah,
I'm gonna make it your problem.

No fighting or you're
both out of here.

Sit down. Hey!

Knock it off, guys.

You're not worth it.

I'm s... I'm sorry.

The seats are for players.

Are you in or are you out?

It's 4:30 in the morning, man.

Yeah, uh, I'm just gonna
hit the ATM... real quick.

I'll be right back.

It is about time. Come here.

I missed you. Oh, me too.

And Edgewater.

You know that everyone in L.A.
is an "influencer"?

Like, literally everyone.

And I don't know what
Lilly pumped me up with,

but I feel so good.

And she sends
her love.

Now you're gonna tell me
how much you missed me.

Desperately, you
know that. Mm.

I did resort to hanging
out with Father Pascal.

I'm gone two days, and
now you're a convert?

Um, yeah. No.

But... you know, we
just got to talking

and he made me realize that...

There's something
I need to tell you.

Something I did to
protect you, okay?


Okay, you lit a
candle in his church

or you said three
rosaries or an Our Father?

Oh, you're making me nervous.

It was me who got you put
on medical leave, not Luke.

No, no!

Why? Why would you do that?!

Shar, I was scared, okay?

Doctor said slow
down, y-you speed up.

You're unstoppable, so I...

You went over
my head to the board?

I stopped you.

No! That's not the
way we do things.

No, and you let your brother

take the blame for you?

Actually, he covered for me.

I thanked him.

So, you two handled me?

No. This is not...
Don't blame Luke.

It's not his fault. For once.

He rolled with my choices.

You are always telling me how
you can't bear to lose Bode,

you can't bear to lose
another member of this family.

And neither can I!

So I...

I'm not going anywhere.

I hate the way you did this.

I know, I know.

I do, too.

I'm sorry.

What's a
little time off

if it buys me the
rest of my life.

Whoo! First one up!

You enjoy watching my
back the whole time?

Better view than
your front. Ha ha!

Come on, guys.

Let's get some water here, okay?

Take a break for a minute.

Then we'll hike
back down to camp.


I'd love to bring Cookie here.


We should have our wedding here.

You're getting married?

Rebecca, from the women's camp?

She knows about more
than plea deals.

She says if we get hitched,
we get conjugal visits.

Next time Cookie
comes, I'm proposing.

That sounds nice, Freddy.

A weekend alone with my girl.


I can't wait to meet her.

Speaking of Rebecca,

I clocked you "seeking counsel"
with her again last night.


All right, guys. Let's go.

We're heading back
to camp. Come on.

Let's go.

Mmm! Mm-hmm.

Good, right?

Act like I don't thrown
down in the kitchen.

You could have that every day.

I'm talking breakfast,
lunch, dinner. Mm-hmm.

It sounds delicious
on many levels.

Wait, wait, so, so...

so is that a yes to moving in?

I'm still thinking about it.

It's a big decision.

Jake, couples move in too fast

and then it just ruins
everything. Hey, hey, Gabs.

Moving in is not
gonna ruin anything.

I'm sure enough
for the both of us.

Please, just say yes.

I'm just still
worried about my dad.

He was out all night again.

Well, you know...

Maybe the man is enjoying
his personal life.

Privately. Mm.

I wish that were it,
but... I don't know.

The-the late hours, the
lack of transparency...

Ooh, is that Jake's
famous breakfast burritos?


Yeah, it is... It is a
"welcome back" feast.

Mm-hmm. Appreciate you, baby.

And I bet Aydan's TLC helped
you heal a lot faster.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

Nope Aydan? What happened?

Well, you know, we had a
couple of really hot weeks.

Know what I'm saying,

know what I'm saying, know
what I'm saying?

okay. But then, what?

But, uh, you know, she's
still mourning her marriage

which... you know, I get it.


You see?

Moving too fast can
screw things up.

Did I miss something?

All right,
gentlemen, remember.

This part of Edgewater is
a hotbed for brushfires.

So be thorough, please.

Is this your sister's?

No, but could be
somebody's sister.

These memorials
are morbid to me.

Why would you want to
remember where somebody died?

Well, if you ask my dad,
it's a matter of respect,

honoring the
person. And to you?

I'm just trying to look
forward, like you, you know?

Past the accident, past Riley.

Heads up, guys!

Hey, Cap, look out!

Slow down!

Whoa, too fast.

Let's go!

Get up there!

Freddy, assess that flipped car!

Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hey, hey, stop!

Stop! You're gonna
hurt yourself worse.

Stop! We got you.

A damn hit-and-run.

Should we follow
her? No, do a 360

and make sure no
one is in that car.

Bode, you and me.

Hello. Hey, can you hear me?

My name is Manny.

I'm... I'm Yara.

What... what happened?

Some idiot hit your car.

But we're gonna help you, okay?


Sam, wake up. Sam, wake up.

Sam... Sam, wake up.

Hey, Cap?

So, you and Gabriela
aren't moving in together?

Because I could use a roommate,

if she needs a place to stay
'cause of rent. No, stop, stop.

Because we are.

It's just that Gabs, she...
she wants to be sure.

And I can respect that.

You seem a little bummed.

I mean, I'm sure
about us, right?


And do-do I wish she was
too? Yeah, yeah, absolutely.


I mean, it's Gabs. So
I-I-I can be patient.

Can you?

He just...

You're funny. You're funny.

Feels good to be back with
y'all, you know what I'm saying?

You know what? It's good
to have you back, too.

Oh, I was talking to
the burritos, but...

Appreciate you.


Let's go, baby.
Missed this. Whoo!

This webbing's got to keep
this entire car from falling?

Just till the engine gets here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You're pulling too hard.

That's as far as we can take it.

Tie it off.

Hey, Cap, these kids need out
of this car. I know that, Bode.

But we're under-equipped for
an extrication like this.

All right? Now we
got backup coming.

So just go grab some cones,
and keep the traffic back.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Something's leaking.
Is that fuel?

All right, guys, listen
up. Listen up. Come here.

We do not want to add fire
to this mangled nightmare

so grab your shovels,
grab some of that dirt,

throw it on this fuel
and get it into buckets

before the engine arrives to
pull this thing off the edge.

Let's go, let's go.
Move, move, move. Sir.

Yo, does Cap seem a little
on edge today? A little?

Thank you for coming, Luke.

What's this? It's a puzzle
to keep your nerd brain

off of dialysis while you heal.

Even after I...

Dressed me down for
something I didn't do?

Yup. Aw, the memories.

Oh... I'm so sorry for even
thinking... Oh, yeah, yeah.

That you would snake my job.

Mm-hmm. I will never be
able to apologize enough.

I should be the one bringing
you a gift. Yeah, you should.

But your presence is my present.

Oh, yeah. I know.

This is a lot.

But seriously, you have taken
hits for this family before.

It's-it's not fair. Well...
We're family, Shar.

You can't shake me,
try as Vince might.

I'm so glad you didn't
try and snake my job.

Or rat me out.

Listen, while I have you here...

there is some more business
that we need to discuss.

And is not pleasant.


Sharon, I know.

You know what?

That you pulled
strings with Manny

to get Bode to
stay at Three Rock.

What's that all about?

Hey, Chief, what's
the ETA on that engine?

We are in some hell of
gridlock, but we're doing

the best we can. That's
not gonna cut it.

Heard you the first time.
We'll find a way. Copy.

all you've got, Jake?

I can't just plow
through traffic, Eve.

Hey, did my dad sound
stressed to you?

I'm stressed.

What... What if we...?

Ju... You got an idea?

Well, just because the engine's
stopped doesn't mean we are.

So we... Yeah. No, no, no.

Olson can take over driving

and get the engine up
there as fast as he can.

Meanwhile, we can run up
there with the combi tool,

the ram, the chain,
and the med bag.

It's not everything,

but it gives us a chance
to size up the scene.

I like it. Yeah.

Well, I know how to
move on a good idea.

Manny, we're gonna
make our way up to you

on foot with the tools.

Engine will be
behind when it can.


You're always
teaching us probies

to get the courage to speak up.

That's right. And?

You just let him

pitch your whole idea to Chief?

It's teamwork.

Hey, Manny?


My legs feel like
they're being ripped off,

and my brother Sam
is not waking up.

That's probably
for the best, Yara.

If your brother wakes
up and he gets scared,

he could rock this car.

And we don't want
that to happen.

Be-Because that would
send us over the edge?

really high up!


Get us out of here.

We're just waiting for the right
equipment to show up, Yara.

But for now I need you
to be very, very still.

Can you do that for me?



Please, please hurry.

Come on, where the
hell are you guys?

What's going on up
there? Car wreck.

They don't have time
to stop and chat, hon.

Let them work.

Who're you calling? The kids.


Finally. Hey, Chief,
we have two patients.

One conscious with
a pelvic injury,

the other one unconscious,
but he's breathing.

Let's get 'em out of there.
It's not that simple, Chief.

Car's teetering over the edge.

We so much as tap it in the
wrong direction, it goes over,

it takes both
those kids with it.

How many wrecks have to
happen on these roads

before they make 'em safer?

This is the craziest car
wreck I've ever seen.

It's not the craziest
one I've seen, sadly.

I'm sorry. I-I...

I shouldn't... No, it's
fine. It's fine. Seriously.

With a crash this serious,

I just want to make
sure my dad's up for it.

Does he seem off to you, too?

Yeah, he's been
tired and stressed.

Yeah, he's preoccupied,
with a short fuse.

Something's up with him.

Whatever it is, I have his back.

We all do. Don't worry,
all right? Thank you.

Listen, Chief, once we
start this extrication,

we're gonna disrupt
the balance of the car

and risk sending
it over the edge.

So we need to work
incredibly fast, Chief.

And if we can pull at least one
of those siblings out in time

before it goes over,
it's a huge win.

Did you say "siblings"?

That's right...
Brother and sister.

The girl, Yara... She's
in the passenger seat.

She's easier to access.
I say we go for it.

We do a peel-and-peek, and
we tent the back window.

No, Manny, that's... That's
gonna add pressure. Okay?

I don't want to risk sending
her brother over the edge.

Chief, the way I see it,
we got one bird in hand

and two in the bush.

Well, let's hope I
see it differently.

Please! Oh, no!
No, please. Oh, my God!

Tell me that's not our car!

I need backup!

- Those kids' parents are here?
- Hey, hey, guys. Guys, please.

Please. Sir, please,

Ma'am, I need you
guys to calm down.

No. I need you guys to

Mom! Dad!

Your kids need us right now.

Guys, ma'am, ma'am.

Please, calm down. MANNY:
Listen to me. Listen to me.

You can't touch the car,
or your kids. I'm sorry.

Manny, I got it. Manny, I
got it. Get out of my way.

Chief. Chief. Riley!

Riley! Out of my way, Luke.
Chief, hey, no. Vince, no!

Stop! Stop! Vince!
Vince, no! Riley!

Listen to me. There's
nothing you can do.

There's nothing you
can do. She's gone.


Riley's gone.

No! No! No. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

No! Oh, God.

Oh! I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Dad.

Dad? Dad.


You good?

Don't ever ask me that at work.

Manny, your plan's
not good enough.

What do you mean, it's
not good enough, Chief?

It's the only way to guarantee

that we actually
save a life today.

We crack the car open,
we pluck Yara out.

She could be standing here

hugging her parents
in half an hour.

Then what? They're all standing

at her brother's
funeral next week? No.

We are gonna continue
to secure the car

till it's stable enough
to extricate them both.

What? Without an
engine to secure to?

Anything, anything
goes sideways,

those parents lose both
their kids on this bridge.

I'm not gonna let that happen.
It's not entirely in your con...

That's an order, Manny!

All right, listen up.

Still don't have
the engine here,

so take the chains,
anchor the car

to that guardrail
post right there.

Copy. Yeah, Chief seems amped.

Cap seems pissed.

And I'm staying out of
it, following orders.

I suggest you do the same thing.


We all know this car could
go at any time, okay?

So speed is our friend.
You hear me? Yes, Chief.

Chief, Chief, if anything
goes wrong here...

Yeah, I know. Car goes over,
they die. Got it, Manny.

Will you please just
reconsider my approach?

Sam is trapped, all right?
Accessing him is a nightmare.

Yara's extrication... It's
a sure thing, all right?

It's obvious. It's right
there in front of us.

Going after both of them
instead of just Yara...

It's too risky for her.

We do that without
fully securing the car,

the boy's as good as dead.

We've got to wait
for the engine.

You know that.

Now, your crew can either
help or get out of the way.

Hey, Yara.

I'm Vince.

Are you the one to finally
get us out of here?

I'm the one.

But, uh, we need to make sure
your car is nice and secure

before we go tearing
into it, okay?


Listen, if your brother wakes
up while you're still in there,

I need you to keep him
calm and still for me.

Can you do that?

I don't know. I
don't know, Vince.

I don't feel very calm.

But you can be.

I know you can.

Deep breaths.

We're gonna get through
this... You, me and Sam.


Good. Yeah.

I-I heard my parents,
but I don't see them.

Were they hit, too?

No, not a scratch on 'em.

That's good. That's good. Okay.

Can I talk to them?

In-in case
this doesn't work out.


I don't want to brag, but
I'm kind of awesome at this.

Is-is that a "no"?

No, it's a "yes."

But you got to promise me that
you are gonna stay calm...

Calm and still. Yeah.

I promise.

There you go.

I'll be right back.

We want to see

our children right
now. I'm sorry, sir,

but I can't let
you go over there.

That car's teetering
on the edge.

If you were to touch
it, or if Yara were

to move a little
bit too much, it...

Look, the situation's

and I'm only telling you this
because if I were in your shoes,

I'd want to know the truth.

Mom, Dad, I'm Chief Leone.

How are they?

I'm going to let
you see for yourself


Thank God. Thank you.

Chief, are you sure that's wise?

Little warning about
what you're gonna see.

Sam's unconscious.

Yara's awake.

She needs her parents.


if there's anything

you want to say
to her, or-or Sam,

now'd be a good time.

Come on.


What's up?

Are you up for the
rest of today's work?

I mean, you're tired,
you've been out all night.

What? Do I have a curfew?

Dad, you're dodging
my questions.

I ran into some money issues.

And I-I told you
that I'd pay you back

for all the money that
you've sunk into diving.

I lost the house, mija.

Did you get lost on
your way to the bathroom

in your own house, or
you just don't want

to tell me what went
down with Manny?

My son's at Three Rock. So what?

Well, you got to admit,
it's a bit of a coincidence.

There aren't that many
fire camps in California.

No, I meant it's a coincidence

that he's at any
fire camp at all

after he punched Jake.

People talk, Sharon.

The C.O. let it slip the first
time I went to go see Bode.

And Manny is not the kind of
guy that's gonna take that risk,

unless you pressured him.

I made a request.

I didn't go looking for
this information, Sharon.

I-I just found it, and I
wasn't sure what to do with it.

Nothing. You do
nothing. I know.

Of course, but, you know,

with me raising
money for Red River,

the board's gonna want
to check out Three Rock,

and if they start
looking into this...

I just don't think they
care about a random inmate

with a different
last name than me.

Sacramento has bigger
issues to worry about.

Okay. I hope you're right.

But I figured this
thing out pretty easily.

Now, I'm not trying
to alarm you.

I just want us to
be prepared in case

someone who's not in your
corner starts asking questions.

That's all.

Okay. Thanks.

Hey, any word on the
hit-and-run driver?

No, not yet. She won't
get far on foot, though.

Hey, I'm relieved Chief
overruled my dad's plan.

I just don't trust his
judgment right now.

Yeah, well, I'm not sure that
I trust my dad's plan, either.

What do you mean?

My-my sister died on
a road just like this.

And he almost went up in
flames with her when he saw it.

You know, I-I've
worked really hard

to separate Riley from
the people that we help,

but... I'm not sure that he's
where I'm at on this one.

Maybe you should talk to him.

Yeah, I tried.

He and I are like oil and water.

He likes you,
though, I can tell.

I'll keep an eye out.

This car came out of
nowhere and hit us.

They were speeding
s-so fast, Dad.

And then...

they ran away.

They're cowards,
and we'll find 'em.

I'm so scared, Mom. No, no.

No, no. Shh. Shh,
shh, shh, shh, shh.

Um, I don't think I
tell you enough how much

I love you. Yeah, you do.

How proud I am of you

and Sammy.

I'm so sorry we never
got you that dog.

Oh. Then you had that pet rat.



That's right.

Oh, Mama.

You both took

such good care of her.

She lived to five years?

Big, long, full life.

I'll be right back.


Was a lucky rat.

Hey, hey, where you going?

Look, my, uh...

my wife wanted us all
to drive together,

but I let the kids
take a separate car.

Um... this is all my fault.

Uh, this is

All my fault.

All my fault.

She tried to call me.

I missed a call from
her, and she was...

she was really trying...

trying to call to have me
come pick her up instead...

instead of Bode.

And I didn't answer
the call. Oh.

Bode. Mom.

What happened?

What happened? Hmm?

You drinking? You using? Stop.

You using again? Stop it!

No. No, Dad.

Riley just...

She tried to get out of
the car, and I reached over

to pull her back in.

Don't blame this
on her! - No!

This is you! Hey! Hey!

This is you! Listen to me. Your
family is hurting enough already.

You want to fight
somebody, you fight me.

Fight me! Fight me! No!

Come here. It wasn't his fault.
Vince, look at me. Look at me.

It was just an accident.

If anything happens to my
kids, what do I do then?

I'm not gonna let that happen.

I promise.

You get back to your family.

They need you.

Aren't we not supposed to be
promising outcomes to civilians?

No, we're not. Bode
said that this might

be reminding Chief
of Riley's accident.

Someone needs to talk to Chief.

No. No. If he's on edge,
it'll only make it worse.

I mean, this rescue's
precarious as it is.

Eve, if you have a
better idea, speak.

I think we should talk to Bode.

All right, Mom,
Dad, let's back up.


The undercarriage of this
car is way too compromised.

Never mind our anchor issues.

This car is falling apart
with two lives inside of it.

Well, the engine will
be here any minute.

We don't have a minute, Chief.

This is what I was afraid
of, this right here!

Hey, the-the undercarriage
is crumbling.

Shore it up, then!

Oh, my God! Help me, please!

Please help
me! All right, Mom, Dad,

you got to get back.
I'm sorry. Go back!

resecure your lines.

Let's find another
anchor point on this car.

Perez, attach the chain
to the other shock tower.

Yara, listen to me.
I know you're scared.

We are gonna get you
out of here, okay?

How's-how's Sam doing?

He... he's still breathing.

That's good.
That's really good.

I will be right back, okay?


Deputy, we need this
road cleared now.

We got to get that
engine up here.

This car ain't gonna
hold much longer.

This accident... It's Riley
all over again. I know.

You okay?

No, I'm fine, okay? I'm
here in the present, but...

It's screwing with my dad's
head, with his planning.

Jake, we need to pivot. And
the way this car is leaning

over the edge, I'd
agree with you.

I say we move on to Cap's plan.

Wait, wait, wait. My
dad's not thinking

straight either. Are we saying

we have no clearheaded
leadership on this bridge?

Seems that way.

Do we call dispatch?

And go over their
heads? Can we do that?

No. No.

We give Chief a
chance to hear us out.

Well, you should
do it alone, Jake.

He'll listen to you.

Hey, hey, he commended
you for your decisiveness.

You know that Cap's
plan is the right one.

Go get it.

All right.

Hey, hey. Yo.

Thanks, Jake.


Hey, Chief...

Are you ready to admit
that your plan failed?

Manny, we go with your
plan, we get Yara out.

Great. Then what?
We let Sam die?

Of course not, Chief.

We're gonna do everything
we can for Sam.

'Cause the second
that engine's...

Time's up on the engine, Chief!

The car's falling apart.

We need a plan B.

Please, Chief.
Chief, Cap's right.

It's not perfect, but it's
the best option right now.

Once Yara's out,
we can reassess.

You truly believe
that Manny's...

Manny's plan is
better here, huh?

Affirmative, Chief.

Like I said,

I know when to move
on a good idea.

Come on, Chief. All right...

The minute that Yara's out
of there, we're going for,

we're going for Sam, right?

Okay? Let's get to work.

All right, firefighters,
with me. Come on.

Come on, quick, quick,
quick, quick, quick.

All right,
watch the chains.

All right, here's
what's gonna happen.

We're gonna pop that
hatch with the combi tool,

we're gonna cut the
hinges with the recip saw,

and we're gonna tent until we
get a spine board in, copy?

Good. Let's
get to work. Let's go.

Don't you think that seems risky?

It's the only choice we
have right now, mija.

And you can thank
your chief for that.

We've lost too much time
now for a peel-and-peek.

We have to go straight
to tenting the car. Dad.


Are you sure you're up for this?

Not the time for
a check-in, mija.

Get to work.

So, Lilly set me up with the
best nephrologist at UCLA.

And I have a new
dialysis regimen,

I have a new treatment
plan for my kidneys.

Seriously, since the first time
I could admit how bad this was,

I feel like I'm finally
turning a corner.


Turning the corner
is a good thing.

Show me the smile
you love to flash.


I mean, Vince told me
that you were sick,

but I didn't know
how bad it was,

or how long it's been.

I could have helped, Sharon.

I didn't want anybody in
the department to know.

Not even my brother-in-law.

I get that.

You worked your ass off
to be division chief.

Yeah. And then, I have this
little bit of time off,

and I remember that the most
important thing is family.

Yeah. My son.

It's like I got my kid
back from the dead, Luke.

Losing Riley...

You know, I'm just, I'm
never gonna be whole again,

but this, this
feels pretty close.

So... yeah.

I-I used my position
to bend some rules.

So there you go.

If the board comes
sniffing around,

you just say that.

Because no one is gonna
argue with a Mama Bear.

Okay. So, see?

Now you're prepared.
Okay. Thank you.


Manny bent the rules because
you told him you were sick.

Yeah, see, I thought...

No, it's silly.

See, part of me honestly thought
that maybe you and Manny...

Me and Manny were...

'Cause we both know if you're
shopping for an affair,

I'm the first call
you'd make, so...

My brother's a very lucky man.

Luke, I love you like a brother.

And when I thought you
sold me out, I was hurt

and angry and sad, and
got used to the idea

of never having you
in my life again.

And I don't want
to go back there.

You don't have to, Sharon.

You need to leave. Shar...

And we will never
discuss this again.

With anyone. Especially Vince.

He would never get over this.


Just get out. Get
out of my house.


Easy, Jake.

Good. Good.

Nice. Go.

Coming through.

All right.

Tent that
roof even more.

All right, have that
backboard at the ready.

All right, Yara.

Here I come, okay?

I'm coming to get
you. Hi. Okay.

Easy, Jake. Okay, Yara.

This is what I need
you to do, okay?

Can you reach to the lever
on the side of the chair

and help me let it down? Okay.

There you go.
You got her? All right.

Where's my spine board?

I'm really happy to see you.

That's mutual, Yara.

All right.

We're gonna lift you onto
the spine board, all right?

Sam's next, right?
Yeah, we're working on him.

Ready? Go.


And go.

There we go.

One... and two.

Hold on, hold on!

What's happening?
Why'd you stop?!

Hold still.

All right. Go!

One, two... three.

Yara's almost out.

It's a good thing, dude.

Yeah, it is.

Good job. Gentle,
guys, gentle.

Well done.

Yara! Sweetie!


Oh, my God.

We're right here.

Listen, guys.

The ambulance is close enough
for us to push her to it, okay?

Look, we're
just gonna get Yara

to the hospital.
All right? Let's go.

And what about Sam?!

We're gonna try
everything we can,

and unlike my chief, I'm not
gonna make you any promises.

So, please, once you're out of
here, stay in the safe zone.

- Watch your
back. - Okay.


I know I shouldn't
have made that promise,

but why do you got to talk
to the parents like that?

I'm just telling them
like it is, Chief.

You should've stuck to my plan.

Your plan?

Your plan is what wasted
the time we did have

to do a peel-and-peek, Chief.

Your plan is what made this

already unlikely save
a complete Hail Mary.

It's probably what's gonna
leave that family broken.

You don't like the way I
talked to those parents?

You go talk to them.

Make another promise you
may not be able to keep.

You're right.

It should be me.


Your pop's listening to reason.

Then why is he
going the wrong way?

Hey, hey, the parents, the
parents are that way, Dad.

They're that way.

So is your crew and your
captain. Fall back, Bode.

Don't make this situation
any worse than it has to be.

Worse? Worse would be you
trying to get in that car

to get access to Sam.

Only way to save her. Her?

Her? Dad... Get off me, Luke!

Hey! Hey! Dad!


Let me go. It's an order.

It's not Riley in that car, Dad.

It's not Riley.

It's not Riley.

Look, this is hard for me, too,

but y-you have to separate them.

I know.


You're right.

Riley's dead.

Sam's not.

Not if I can help it.

Hey, I just saw
that. Are you okay?

My dad's the one we
need to worry about.

Okay, Jake and Eve are
getting Yara into the ambulance.

I can radio them.

No, no, this isn't Cal
Fire. This is family.

It's between me and him.

All right, it's gonna
take more than a shove

to keep me away, Dad. Hey.

Hey, just let me...
Let me do this!

You'd rather fall off a bridge

than tell those parents
that we lost their kid.

I get it. But I also get

that today we're firefighters
and not family members.

And if this doesn't work
out, that family over there

is gonna need a bad guy.

And that's us.

You did... You
did, after Riley.

I hate him.

I hate him.

Get it out.

Better you say it to
me than anybody else.

I hate my own kid. What...?

What does that make me?


I hate myself for
letting it get this far.

And I hate you.

You're his worst influence.

You're right. I'm
the fun uncle.

It was my job to give
him his first beer.

You're not his

I did the same thing for Riley.

He is not Riley.

She's really gone, huh?

She's really gone, isn't she?

She's gone.

Oh, God, my little girl.

Hey. Dad.

Hey, stop.

Hey, stop. Stop.
Stop. Back off!

I can't. I got
to get in there.

I got to save that kid.
I-I promised his parents.

Look, if you try
to get in this car,

you're gonna upset the balance.

You know, you might be able
to free Sam and push him out,

but you're gonna push this car
over the edge with you in it.

Well, I got to try.
I got to... No, no.

M-Mom can't lose you.

She needs you.

Okay, Mom-Mom needs you.

And that family
is gonna need you.

Because only you understand

what they might be
about to go through.

We work like hell

to save Sam... till it's over.

One way or the
other. All right?

I'll stay with the family
as long as I need to.


Where am I?

Where am I?

Sam. Sam?

Look, Sam, you've
been in an accident.

You know my name?

W-Where's Yara?

Did I
k*ll my sister?

No. You d... you didn't.

She's safe, Sam. She's okay.

Get me out of here!

Sam, Sam, Sam, you
got to stay still.

You got to stay still. I'm
about to fall off a bridge!

I'm getting out of here!
No, no, no. Sam, Sam.

Sam, you moving is
making this worse.

You may... Stop!

I don't want to die!

Sam, stop!

Bode, no, don't!


Help me! Get me out of here!

Did he just get in the car?

No, no, no, no!

Are we gonna fall?
Sam. No. You won't.

I'm not gonna let you, okay?

Got your belt coming...


Hey, hey, what're you doing?

What I should have
done before. Spoken up.

Greencrest. Switching
to Command 18.

I'm stuck.

No, you're okay, you're okay.

Give me your arm.

Damn it. Hey, where
is my second gurney?!

We are on Ledgewood and our
leadership is exercising

questionable judgment.

I have an inmate firefighter

hanging off the side
of a damn bridge.

Come on. Bode!

Please, help me, help me!

Why would you do this?

Help me, please. Help
me get him out, Dad!

I had to stop him. Dad, just...

Get him out now or
we're both gonna die

and this was all for nothing.

I got you, I got you.

Thank you, thank you!

I'm here, Chief.

you, thank you.

Here you go, Chief.

I got him. You got him?

Get Bode,
get Bode, get Bode.

Move, move! You're
okay, buddy.


Come here.

This thing's about to go.
Come on. Take my hand.

Dad! Come on!

Grab my hand, Bode!

Just reach for it!

Dad, I... Come on!

No, no, no, Bode!
