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01x05 - Token Joe

Posted: 12/20/22 11:40
by bunniefuu
In prison they set you up!

Who's they?

- Pete.
- My Pete?

He was
afraid you'd flip.

25 years, come on!

Nobody does that kind of time.

I did.

Got sugar?

No, we have, uh... What
do you call it... Agave.

What the f*ck's that?

You work for me now, understand?

Go out there and
make some money.

This is our territory. Who
gave you permission to sell?

Black Macadam.

Local biker g*ng.

- They anything?
- Well, they ain't nothing.

Let's go, my children.

The Art of w*r
states that each man

has gotta grow a set of balls.

- Hello?
- Jo, it's me.

I heard you called Tina.

Radio silence for 25 years...

- Why now?
- I don't know.

He's dying, Dwight.

Our brother Joe is dying.

Come here.

It's all right.

It's okay.

Let me look at you.

- Let me look at you.
- You look great.

So do you. So do you.

How was your flight?

- It's good. It's good.
- Yeah?

Tina here?


Why don't we go see your
brother first, though,

before we start the
whole imbroglio.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- Just anxious.
- I know.

I don't think she's ready.

Hey Joe, look who's here.

- My condolences, Denise.
- Oh, he loved you, Dwight.

I loved him, too.
He was a great guy.

It's just so sad.

The two of you didn't
speak for so many years

and... and now this.

I'm sorry.

Twenty years in a token booth...

and for what?

Goes fast.

Well, it goes slow, too.

Wanna say a prayer?

I already did.

I'm gonna go smoke.

I'm gonna catch up with you.

Thanks for coming.

Your daughter's a
wonderful woman.

Got a degree in horticulture,
owns her own business.


This husband, Emory, he's okay?

He's a nice guy.
He adores her.

He's in, uh, finance
or something.

Is he taking care of her?

Their condo is bigger than
the house we grew up in.

Tell me about my grandchildren.

They're great.

They're adorable. Twins.

- Come on. Seriously?
- Yeah.

Cody and Ryan.

They're five, uh, maybe six.

They know about me?

You know what? I don't
wanna do this anymore.

- I don't. I...
- I don't wanna do it either.

- I gotta go back inside.
- Yeah, I gotta go too.

You're coming to
the mass tomorrow?

I'd like to say
something at the mass.

No, I don't think
that's a good idea.

Hell of a hiccup
over at the festival.

Territorial dispute.

A couple of boys had
their inventory took.

I'm talking nitrous
oxide. You two follow?

- A lot of money.
- Yeah.

We cannot have that.

As you can imagine,

I'm getting some pressure
from the top dog...

to respond, if you will.

Rapidly and resoundingly.

- What do you want from us?
- Did you hear what I just said?

The big man's not happy.

He'd like your
attention on this.


License plate number.

One of the guys
we're looking for.


I gotta hear from
strangers you're back.

What's going on?

You know, it looks bad

you sneak into town
and I'm not aware.

My brother died, but you
probably already heard that.

This is family.

- You understand?
- It's my brother.

"Token Joe," buonanima.

- But my dad...
- What about him?

Just get your ass to New
York Memorial in the morning.

It's my brother's funeral.
I have obligations.

Remember your first
and highest obligation.

My father was a
brother to you too.

Don't you f*cking forget that.

Was I?

Salon. This is Charice.

Hi. Yes. My... my name
is Tyson Mitchell.

And I'm... I'm with the
Acme Big Booty Service.

Oh, my
God. He returns.

What's going
on, baby girl? You good?

Better now. Where
the hell have you been?

Ripping and running
busy, you know?

Hey, I got my own place now, so,

you know, I'm


Here we go with this shit, man.

Hey, hey. Lemme... Lemme
call you back, all right?

Your license and registration.

Hands where I can see 'em.

Registration is in the glove.

Who's this Dwight Manfredi?

- He's my boss.
- Oh, yeah?

Why don't you step
outta the car for me?

No, you're not under arrest,
but for my protection,

I am gonna cuff you and
give you a good toss.

- You wearing a body camera?
- Why? You wanna be a movie star?

- Some bullshit, man.
- Duly noted.

Have a seat.


You can't search my
car without a warrant.

- Oh yeah? Who says?
- The constitution.

Ah, look what I found.

Now, this smells
suspiciously like marijuana.

Come on, man. That's
not even mine.

This car ain't even
mine. I told you that.

So you're saying you
stole this vehicle?

This is Dwight.
Leave a message.

The mailbox is full

and cannot accept any
messages at this time.

Hey, I'm gonna need
another call, man.

Well, I need a foot massage

and it looks like
we're both outta luck.

Close group one.

Couple bottles of Sassicaia 94.

-Pinot Grigio. Whatever anybody else wants.
-Yes, sir.

-Just take care of them. Keep it coming.
-Thank you, sir.

Ah, it's good to be home.

Of course, not under
these circumstances.

I'm sorry, I don't
remember half the people.

Who's everybody here?

- This Stella. Selena.
- My daughter.

- That's Stella?
- Yeah.

There's Ethan,
Stella's husband, right?

- It's nice to meet you, Ethan.
- You know Joe Junior?

- You I know. Of course, you look exactly like your old man.
- Thank you.

- That's a good thing.
- Yeah. Thanks.

Emory, we haven't been

formally introduced.

Well, I'm Emory.
I'm Tina's husband.

Ah, we talked on the

That's right, we spoke briefly.

There was a phone where
I was too, you know?

- I... I don't follow.
- Well, I'm just saying you could have called

and sought my blessing, before
you married my daughter.

- The balls on you. Wow!
- I'm old school. I'm sorry.

Yeah, you were also
indisposed, remember?

- But very easy to find.
- Okay.

So you wanted this man
to endure a cavity search

just to secure your blessing?

You're the one who
stopped calling us.

My apologies, Emory.

- Everybody hungry?
- I don't know.

What was wrong with
Bamonte's, we had to drive

- all the way to the city?
- Stop with Bamonte's.

- Nobody eats at Bamonte's.
- Walter, this is four star.

- Broaden your horizons.
- It's very nice, Uncle Dwight.

- Joey would've loved it.
- Thank you. Yeah.

- Thank you.
- Really, foie gras ravioli?

I mean, come on.
Uncle Joey is rolling

- in his freshly dug grave, right now.
- Oh, Tina!

Am I wrong? Okay.

This isn't about what
Uncle Joey would like.

This isn't even about
what we would like.

It's about what makes
Dwight look like a big shot.

It's a nice place. That's
all. It's a gesture.

Big splash, right,

with the massive
spray of flowers

and your big fat busta.

Not for
nothing, Unc, but...

you settled the tab with
Mikey C at Supreme Memorials?

We appreciate it, but
nobody asked you to do that.

Denise, you didn't have to ask.

All right. So he
was just trying to help.

Right. Because
whenever I needed help,

first person I thought
of, was my dad.

A toast...

to Joe.

May he rest in peace.

And to...

wiping out the past...

and everybody just enjoying

the here and now, while we can.



- My deepest condolences, auntie. I love you.
- Tina.

It's okay... you guys
enjoy dinner, okay?

- I'll call you tomorrow. Come on. Good night, uncle.
- Good night, sweetheart.

- So, what did you like at Remington?
- Nothing.

Get that horse
cooled down, Richie.

Hey there. Heard you've been
moonlighting as a tough guy.


Tussle at the festival?

Seminoles, Seniors and stoners.
Quite a g*ng you run with.

- You a f*cking smartass?
- Easy, jefe!

Just a word to the wise.

-Goodie, come on. f*cking go already, would you?

Quit your hemming and hawing.
We know you ain't got shit.

- Hey, what you don't know could fill a book.
- Too bad he couldn't read it.

- I'll give youse all a f*cking schiaff'.
- Language.

- All right, go ahead.
- The General approaches.

Hey, Jerry.

- Nico, Goodie. Ladies, hi.
- Dwight.

- Dwight, how are you doing?
- Good. How are you doing, Nico?

- In town long?
- In and out, why?

Here we go. That's two.

Do I hear four?

- Got a tissue?
- Let me be of service.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Now, that's a gentleman.

- Oh, here we go.
- Come on, what are you trying to do, show me up?

- I show you up by showing up.
- Oh, yeah, that's right.

- Hey, hey. Even in the f*cking hospital?
- Vince, come on.

- Talk to him.
- It's over.

- Vince.
- Let's go.

- Chickie, thank you.
- You know, you ought to be a lifeguard, Nico.

All right. Go ahead. I'll take
more of your f*cking money.

- Vince, sit down.
- You know, I learned the word in the military.


It means respect.


You talking about
Dickinson Academy?

- Yeah.
- It's a military school.

I was a ranked cadet.

A pair of epaulets doesn't
make you George Washington.

You know that, right?

I'm gonna talk to your old man.

He's asleep.

And the next time I call,
you come right away.

You ought to get
a cocker spaniel,

they come every time.

Sir. Excuse me, sir.

I need to go to that
bathroom, right now.

- It's urgent. I need to go.
- Who's stopping you?

Ain't nobody stopping me,
where I'm supposed to go?

Officer, please,

I have to go right
now, for real.

- This your phone?
- Yeah, it's my phone.

- What's your password?
- Come on now...

Don't make me beg you, officer.


Bingo. Show the man the head.

My pleasure.

So what do I owe the pleasure?

Just wanted to hear
a friendly voice.

You wanna meet for
coffee or something?

I can't.
I'm in New York.

You just booked it outta here,

after your run in at
the music festival?

- I saw my daughter.
- How'd that go?

- It didn't. She really wouldn't let me talk.
- I'm sorry.

I'd be lying if
I said I was surprised.

It's been 18 years.

Just keep trying.
She'll come around.

- You think so?
- The f*ck do I know.

Oh, God.

Listen, these nitrous guys,

there's more to them
than meets the eye, okay?

- Such as?
- Not over the phone.

Listen, uh...

I gotta take this phone call.

I'll call you when
I get back, okay?

Yeah, safe travels.


Hello? Tyson, are you there?

Bag him.

Mitchell. Tyson Mitchell.

- That's me.
- It's check-out time.

- Enjoy your stay?
- Shit, man, weak as hell.

I'll make a note,

and next time, we'll upgrade you

to less comfortable

There will be no next time, man.

- Where my car at?
- Impound on King Street.

And my phone too, man.
Quit playing with me.

It says here you
don't have no phone.

No money, either.

Whoa, I came here with $1,200.

If I were you, I'd
write your congressman.

You've reached
the Manfredi residence.

Please leave a message.

Denise, it's Dwight.

It's really nice hearing
my brother's voice

on the machine.

There were some things
I wanted to say...

Should have said...
At the church,

but I'd like to
say them now, so...

I wrote something down.

Here it goes.

"Little brother,
you were a giant.

A big man who did
the little things,

the things that really matter.

The sympathetic ear.

The helping hand.

The heart of gold.

The voice of reason.

Steady as a rock...

you were always there.

Not only for your family, but...

to do the job you loved.

I'm not sure why you loved it...

but you did.

Guys like Joe are a
rare and precious find.

Generous to a fault.

Going long,

where others fall short.

Made of mercy and malice.

Full of force and foibles.

They don't drop names,
they pick up the slack.

They don't raise their voices,

they lower the temperature.

They don't hold grudges.

They unlock potential.

They don't show off...

they show up."

- Hey!
- Manny.

So, what the f*ck
were you talking about

the other day?

You wanna pretend
like that wasn't you

- at Ogallala-land?
- No, it was me.

I'm just asking you,
like, what did you mean

by word to the wise?

Ever heard of Black Macadam?

No, what is that? A band?

Not hardly. Motorcycle g*ng.

One percenters.

My old man's sergeant at arms.

Yeah? Kinda like
leader of the pack?

Keep laughing.

They run the nitrous
game out here,

and they're not
to be f*cked with.

Meaning what?

Meaning they'll k*ll anyone
that gets in their way.

Huh, you know, it's funny,

I've actually met
people like that before.

Why don't
you Google 'em,

and then let me know how
funny you think it is.

Tyson Mitchell,
tell me about him.

I barely know him.
I barely know him.

And yet your name

is in the frequent
contacts of his cell phone?

I do business with his
boss, Dwight Manfredi.

And he is?

The bane of my
f*cking existence.

I take it that Senor Manfredi

is the older gentleman.


And what is the nature

of your business together?

I believe the term
is "extortion."

You extort people?

He's extorting me.

What do you have that he wants?

What does everybody want?


Well, his mistake.

Senor Manfredi, I mean,

is trying to take mine.

I'd be happy to relay
that message to him.

And you will.

But not quite yet.

Excuse me, ladies.

Help you, fellas?

This mutt belong to you?

It depends. He wearing a tag?

You're Mitch, right?

AKA Mitch the Stick?

Hate to break up your
little daisy chain,

but we need a word.

No, thanks.

You under the impression
that we're negotiating?

- Get the f*ck out of my joint.
- Excuse me?

You want it in
f*cking sign language?

I suggest in the
strongest of terms,

you take it down a notch.

And I suggest, since
this establishment

is situated on Cherokee land,

where you have
absolutely no authority,

that you get your fat sorry
f*cking cottage cheese asses

out of here.

- See you soon.
- Looking forward to it.

f*ck's going on?

Sorry, we're closed.

I could use some roses.

What are you doing here?

Just wanted to talk.

Look, Tina, I know
you hate me, okay?

I don't hate you, Dwight.

I feel bad for you.

You have to call me
by my first name?

It's either that,
or Mr. Manfredi.

"Dad" ship kinda
left port years ago.

Dwight it is.

And I will admit, Dwight,

there is something inside me.

Little flickering
ember of love for you.

But something just tells me

to stomp it out
once and for all.

Hope you don't do that.

You're a bad bet.

How's that?

Because you haven't
learned anything.

Oh, you'd be surprised.

- I've learned a lot.
- Oh, really?


Then what in God's name
are you doing in Oklahoma?

It's a little late in the game
for me to find a new trade.

Let's just end this now, Dwight.

I wanna get home to my kids.

Can I see them, please?

Tina, is there any way for us

just to... to move past this?

We definitely can't
go back now, can we?

You know, the day
after Christmas

was always such a relief.

And that went for every holiday,

every milestone.

You learn to dread what
should be happy times,

and your life
becomes topsy-turvy.

I don't wanna talk about this.
Let's talk about Uncle Joe.

- May he rest in peace.
- Yeah.

Would you have
preferred if it was me?


But Uncle Joey...

he was parked outside
my senior prom

at the El Caribe.

Pounding Michelobs
for three hours

just to keep an eye on my date.

Ma gave me her pearls.

And Aunt Joanne got Anna
B from the Style Inn

to do my hair and makeup.


left us nothing.



- obligations that wait.
- I know.

And when you went away,

Ma didn't have so much
as a checking account.

Nico "The Package"
Bugliosi was the only one

who'd come check in on
us from time to time.

- Do you remember The Package?
- Yeah.

I just saw him at the hospital.

Well, let's just say
one Tuesday night,

while Ma was working a double

I learned the hard
way why he's called...

Why he's called what?


No, it's not. No.
Wait a minute.

I... it's not nothing. Stop.

Called what?

- "The Package"? Is that...
- Forget it.

No, I'm not... What are
you trying to tell me?

I don't wanna talk about it.

I don't even wanna
think about it, okay?

No, please. I'm...
I'm begging you.

- No. No. Just...
- Tell me what happened.

He did nothing. Just
forget it. Okay?

- I can't forget it.
- No, please. Just...

Please, Tina.
Please, I'm begging.

- No.
- Just tell me.

I'm asking you.

Promise me you
won't do anything.

Thank you.

They finally got here.

- Hey.
- How you doing?

What a sight for sore eyes.

I'm, uh...

hanging in there.

That's good.

Where's everybody?

Chickie, Nico...

They took off, to the club.


How you doing? You good?

Mm-hmm. I'm very good.

I brought you this
from my brother's wake.

I'm sorry abut that happening.

I'm sure you would've
been there if you could.

You kidding me?

Of course.

I was thinking the
other day, Pete,

that when I was in the joint,

I used to think about
the good old days

and friends, family.

Good times.

When you finally get
out, you look around...

you realize the good old days...

were not really that good.

Yeah. It's an adjustment.

Sure. It's an adjustment.

Because now I realize
what I missed.

Seeing my daughter grow up...

become a woman...

get married.

And she did all that
without me protecting her.

And that kills me.

'Cause that's what
a good father does.

Protects the ones
they're responsible for.

The ones they love.

And then there's...


You swore...

on the soul of your mother,

you'd watch out for
my wife, my kid.

You swore that.

And then this Nico...

Did you know?

Know what?

What the f*ck are
you talking about?

I'm not following you.





You didn't.

Know what?

Know what?

Raging Bull...

Then he says, "I dunno whether
to f*ck him or fight him!"

- Whose deal is it?
- Vince.

- I just f*cking dealt.
- You just dealt?

Yo! What
are you doing here?

Get the door.

My f*cking daughter?


Come on!

Enough already!
You're gonna f*cking k*ll him!

My daughter.

My f*cking daughter.

Where are you going?

You clean it up.

I know he's your friend,
pop, but Jesus...

What do we do with Dwight?

Mr. Manfredi...

Sir, you're
overplaying your hand.

When I play my hand,
you won't see it coming.

That's your idea of
cooling things down?

Nobody said I was a diplomat.

I'd like to ask
you a few questions

about a Dwight Manfredi.

Whatever you're
doing you gotta stop.