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24x09 - And a Trauma in a Pear Tree

Posted: 12/20/22 10:40
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice

sexually based offenses

are considered
especially heinous.

In New York City,
the dedicated detectives

who investigate
these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as
the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

Criminals don't obey laws
like the rest of us.

One of them impressed.

They're gonna approach you
with a job offer.

I'm not a teacher.

Just sleep on it.

What are you doing?

Where's Priya?

- Priya?
- You're safe now.

Elias Olsen, NYPD.

Hey, stop!

His lawyer is gonna salivate

when he sees
that lump on his head.

You shot two people and
kidnapped a 15-year-old girl.

Is this the woman
who assaulted my client?

Elias's attorney
pled not guilty.

There's no do-overs in court.

Make sure
that all your mistakes happen

before you hit the stand.

Good morning.

What's on the docket today,

Oh, aside from Elias Olsen's
attorney torturing me

with pretrial motions,
eh, not too much.

he kidnapped Priya Singh

and kept the woman locked
in a basement,

and his lawyer
won't take a deal?

Carter's just doing his job.

He's doing a good job.

You're too nice, Counselor.

- Oh, I'm too nice?
- Mm-hmm.

I'm too nice?

Wake up!
Wake up!

- Whoa!
- Oh.

Where's the fire?

It's 20 days till Christmas!

I almost forgot!

Come here.

Noah, you have had your nose

buried in that phone
all morning.

Is that something for school?

A project, sort of.

when did this graffiti go up?

Must have been last night.

Pain in the ass
to clean it off.

Mom, you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

So what is the deal
with that phone?

It's a surprise
for Christmas.


My brother wants me
to go snowboarding with him

over the holidays.

I've already got days off.
And he bought my ticket.

- So what's the problem?
- Elias Olsen.

Carisi said the judge
could schedule a trial any day.

I mean, you clocked the guy
in the head with a radio.

My guess is they're gonna
call you in as a witness.

Yeah, well, I'm already late
for prep with Carisi.

Called into
the principal's office, huh?

I've got nothing to hide, OK?

The guy was running.
I was just doing my job.

Yeah, that's a great defense.

You know,
juries love an angry cop.

- Counselor.
- Your Honor.

- You ready for this?
- I hope so.

- Noah's a good kid, Liv.
- I know he is.

It's just
he's been so secretive

with his devices lately.

- What is he, 12?
- Yeah.

That sounds about right.


Carisi wants us
at the courthouse immediately.

with the Olsen trial?

This can't be good.

Carter is definitely

gonna bring up the radio,
but don't worry.

We're gonna prep you
backwards and forwards.

But I am prepped,
all right?

I've been thinking about this
for weeks.

And by the way,
I've been on the witness list

for a whole bunch
of g*ng cases.

Oh, yeah?
How many times

have you been cross-examined?

We didn't get to that,
but look,

I've been
on 500 Bumble dates, OK?

All those questions,
how much different could it be?

Look, this guy, Carter,
on crosses,

he is the king
of the food chain.

And right now,
you are the weakest gazelle.

- Do you understand?
- No pressure.

OK, look.
I got to go.

I'm due in court.

Hey, Counselor!

No, Muncy,
I got to go.

- So where are we going?
- Arraignment court, part 42.

I hope
this isn't about Muncy's radio.

Hey! Hey!

we can finish prep later.

No, wait.
You dropped this.

You OK?

You're usually very slick.

I'm fine.

You're not worried
about Elias Olsen, are you?

I'm the one taking the stand.


Hey, what's going on?

You're just in time.

For what?

Hey, everybody.


Thank you all for coming.

What's up, Carisi?

Oh, wow.

Carisi and I were talking,

and we realized that marriage
is a lot like a crime.

You know, we have motive
and opportunity.


we figured that
all we needed were witnesses.

We don't want to do this
without any of you here.

You're gonna
start crying already, Liv?


Counselor, are you ready

to begin the longest
arrangement of your life?

I am.

Do you have the rings?

OK, um...

- You get the big one, right?
- Yes.

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here today
in the presence of this company

to join together this man
and this woman

in holy matrimony.

- Whoo!
- Whoo!

- Just married!
- That's your wifey!

- Hey.
- To love.

If you say so.

- Aw, I'm so happy for you.
- Congrats, man.

Does this mean
you get more than one drawer?

We're still negotiating.

I can't believe
that your mother is not here.

Oh, she's planning the
real wedding on Staten Island.

Just wanted to spare you
the ice sculptures.

Got it.

- Mom! Mom!
- Yes? Yes, sweetie?

I got to tell you something.

What is going on?

The Christmas surprise,
it's happening!

Connor wants to meet me.

Who is Connor?

My big brother.

Oh! Hold on.

Noah found a brother?

A half-brother
from a genetic ancestry site.

So what did he do, just check
the box that said he was 18?

He used the gift card
that you gave him.

Oh, don't try
to put this on me.

Did you know
he was talking to his brother?

He wanted it to be a surprise
for Christmas,

but then he got so excited,
he couldn't wait.

I mean, I don't think
that he was expecting

to find a half-sibling.

I don't think
you were expecting that either.

What do you know
about this brother?

Paternal match.


Johnny D had another kid?

His name is Connor.
He's 13 years old.

He was adopted
from foster care

a few years back
by Matt and Ginny McCann.

Who probably have no idea

that the kid's father
was a psychopath.

They're not gonna find out,
from me anyway.

You're not going
to meet them?

Fin, Noah and Connor

have been texting each other

They're dying
to meet each other.

- So what are you gonna do?
- I'm gonna do

what any self-respecting parent
would do in this situation.

I'm gonna ask you
to run a full background check

on the entire family.

And I need to know everything.

You know
there's another option.

Just say no.

I can't do that.

Noah thinks

this is the greatest
Christmas present ever.

Another motion
for continuance, Mr. Carter?

We just received evidentiary
materials from Dutchess County

that I need time to review
with my client.

Well, you've had
over two months.

Elias is having difficulties
on Rikers.

Not sleeping,
suffering from CPTSD.

What about the victims,
Your Honor?

The Singhs are suffering

every day
that this trial is delayed.

They just want to testify.

They want to move on
with their lives.

My client can never move on.

He has the mental maturity
of a 10-year-old child.

He needs time to prepare.

Save your defense
for the trial, Mr. Carter.

If Elias is
in that much distress,

I would reconsider
the DA's plea offer.


For what should be
a police brutality case?

I'm just asking for
a few more weeks, Your Honor.

We are approaching
the holidays.

And, Mr. Carisi,
didn't you just get married?

I did.

Congratulations, Counselor.

But the people are ready
to go to trial now.

for continuance denied.

And you're going to trial

So much for our honeymoon.

Welcome to being married
to an ADA.

At least
you'll have Christmas off.

- Don't jinx us.
- Ha.

Um, speaking of which,

have you thought about
what you're gonna tell Fordham?

I have thought about it.

You haven't talked
to Liv yet, have you?

Not yet.

But I will.

I will.

Thanks, Fin.

So when can we go
meet Connor?

You got to meet your brother,
Uncle Simon.

Honey, it's complicated, OK?

Is this because
my father was a criminal?

Of course not, Noah.

Are you afraid
Connor might be?

No, sweetheart.
I'm not saying that.

Then why did you
have Fin check up on him?

Noah, listen to me.

I just want to make sure

that these people are
who they say they are, OK?

I want to keep you safe.

Did you find anything?

They're clean.

Then I want
to meet my brother.


He's the only real family
I have.

Mom, this is beautiful.

I know.
It's so Christmassy, right?

Why don't we live up here?

Because my job
is in the city.

Does that mean
there's no bad guys up here?

Oh, trust me.
There are.

Is this it?

This is it.
It says 92 Hillcrest Avenue.

- Let's go!
- Hold on, sweetie.

Listen, I just want you
to remember that,

you know,
not everything in life

turns out the way you think
or the way you hope it might.

I know, I know.
Come on. Let's go.

- I bet they have a big backyard.
- Oh, I bet they do.


That's me.

And you must be
Captain Benson.

I guess Noah told you.

Please call me Olivia.

Come in.
Come in, please.

- Please.
- Thank you.

Noah, we're so excited
to meet you.

Come on in.

Is a hug OK?

Uh, yeah, sure.

Connor, come meet
your little brother.



I have a PlayStation 5.

I know.
You told me.

Do you play
"Red Dead Redemption"?

No, but you can teach me.

That was delicious.

Ginny's meatloaf.

Nothing better.

Who would like dessert? Boys?

Can I show Noah
my PlayStation 5 first?


Um, where is it?

- In my room.
- Oh.

Well, honey, why don't you
just stay here with us?

Mom, he's my brother.

Why don't you
keep the door open?

OK, Connor?

Your son is so well-behaved.

Oh, thank you.
Yours too.

Apple pie?

You know, actually,
we should be going.

Oh, well, it's à la mode.

Matt's homemade ice cream.

Wow, OK.

Well, I guess
I can't say no then.

Oh, that pie.

- Wow!
- Baking is kind of a passion.

- Honey, Olivia's a guest.
- I don't mind.

I really don't.
Let me help.

You guys, I got this.
You shoo.

Why don't we go sit
by the fire?

OK. Well, thank you so much
for having us.

We're thrilled you're here.

Connor's been talking nonstop
about Noah.

Well, it must have been,

you know, quite a shock
finding out that...

That Connor had a half-brother.

It was.
And for you too.

Yes, well...

That's the beauty
of adoption, right?

You get to choose your family.

We just hope the boys can
keep building a relationship.

If I could ask,

what do you know
about Connor's birth parents?

Well, the adoption agency
put us in touch

with the birth mother.

- Mm-hmm.
- She was young.

Seemed like dr*gs
were an issue.

She didn't talk
about the birth father.

Seemed pretty tight-lipped
about it.

I'm not even sure
she knew who it was.

Are you still in touch?

She ghosted us.

Her cell was disconnected.

I thought about hiring
a private investigator.


Oh, I hope this isn't, um,

what do they call it,
over sharing?

Oh, no.

No, no.
Not at all.

That must have been difficult
for Connor.

so when he found Noah,

it was like a lifeline for him.

Here we go.

Just a little slice
for us ladies?

Oh, that looks amazing.

Connor, Noah,
pie and ice cream!

Thank you.

- Here we go, boys.
- Mom, Mom!

Connor asked me
to spend the night.

Is that OK?

Oh, Noah, sweetheart,
you know...

We would love that.

And, you know,
we have a guest room, Olivia.

You're so nice.
We already booked a motel.

But I can stay, right?



Ice machine's around back.

I put some extra towels
in your room for you.

- Great. Thank you...
- Troy.

No minibar,
but if you want,

I can make a run
to the liquor store for you.

Yeah, I'm good, Troy.

I'm good.
Good night.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


Hey, can I call you right back?


Hey, sorry about that.

Why are you calling me anyway?

Shouldn't you be
enjoying married life?

Not yet. Elias Olsen's trial
starts tomorrow.

Oh, I'm sorry.

The stuff Carisi's had
to put up with, we're even.

Hey, do you have a sec?
Are you alone?

I am alone.

And you are not going
to believe this.

I just found a hidden camera
in my motel room.

Are you kidding?

I wish I was.

It was behind the mirror
facing the bed.

Any suspects?

Well, I did get
a pretty pervy vibe

from the desk clerk.

So what's the plan?

Go to the local precinct?

Well, it depends
how bored I get.


How about I drive up?

No, no, you don't need to.

No, but I can.
The girls are at my mother's.

I probably won't see Carisi
for a week.

Well, uh, Noah is having
a sleepover at the McCanns'.

He doesn't want
to spend time with me.

How's that going?

he's absolutely thrilled.

You, not so much?

Like, these people,
they are so sweet.

They're like candy,
you know?

I'm just waiting
for the other shoe to drop.

Well, it's settled then.

I'm gonna drive up
tomorrow morning.

OK, all right.

But if you change your mind,
it's completely OK.

Hey, why did you call?
What did you want to tell me?

Uh, nothing. Why?

Well, because you asked
if I was alone.


Yeah, it can... it can wait
till we're in person.

All right, bye.



Matt taught me
how to throw a football.

- He did, did he?
- Watch me, Mom!

I'm watching.

Go long!

- I caught it!
- Wow, good one!

You raised
such a happy-go-lucky kid.

Yeah, the boys had
a great time last night.

- Oh, I'm so glad.
- Yeah, we loved having him.

I'm just sorry
you guys have to leave so soon.

Well, actually, about that...

Oh, you can stay longer?

Well, something
has come up in town

that I need to take care of.

A police matter?

Actually, it is.

You're a detective.


Captain, honey.

You have resources,
access to records.

I do.

Well, we're happy
to keep Noah another night,


There's something
we have to ask you.

You clean up nice.

Don't sound so shocked.

Hey, it'll be at least an
hour before I have to call you,

so you can wait in
the witness room if you want.

OK, I'll wait there.

No pissed-off face.

She's joking.

All right.
I'll see you in court.


Well, this just got real.

Just stay in the zone.

See, that's why I brought
my emotional support animal.

I understand
that you want to know

about Connor's birth father,
but, you know, I just...

I want to warn you that
it's not a Christmas story.

We can handle this.

- Yeah, we just want the truth.
- Yeah.

We met Connor's birth mother.

I know it's not a happy story.


Um, I'm sorry.

Oh, I'm so...
I'm so sorry.

This is one of my detectives.

I... I have to go.

Hey, Amanda.

So there's no visible wires.

It's probably Wi-Fi
or cell signal.

No mic, no sound.

We need to figure out
who's picking up the signal.

You know, that desk clerk
you mentioned earlier,

he's the one
on duty right now?

The one that tried to hit on me
when I walked in?

Oh, he's not exactly
a criminal mastermind.

Let's find out.


What you watching there,

Can I help you?

You can't come back here.

Actually, we can. NYPD.


I can explain.

Can you?

Stand up, Troy.

Put your hands
behind your back.

I heard a g*nsh*t
from downstairs.

I was about to exit the shower

when I saw Elias Olsen
standing in the doorway,

aiming a g*n at me.

Elias Olsen,
the defendant?


I grabbed my phone,
dialed 911.

He said, "Where's Priya?"

And then he shot me.

It wasn't until later
at the hospital

the detectives told me he had...

He had kidnapped my daughter.

Thank you.

I'm very sorry

for what your family
went through, Mrs. Singh.

I just have a few questions.

Is that OK?

The man who shot you that night

was wearing a welder's mask,


Like this,

completely covering his face,
including his eyes.


So you never
actually saw who shot you.

No, but I...

But somehow you're sure
it was my client.


Nothing further.

Redirect, Your Honor.

Mrs. Singh,
I'll ask you again.

How did you identify
Elias Olsen to the police?

I made a voice ID.

- Thank you.
- And I am sure.

My daughter told me it was him,
and so did the detectives.

- Thank you, Mrs...
- Before or after

- you made the ID?
- Your Honor.

Mr. Carter, sit down.

My apologies.

I swear,
I had nothing to do

with installing
any of those cameras.

Any? That means
there's more than one.

My cousin, Ray,
he'll hurt me.

He's got...
He's got anger issues.

So do we.

Where can we find him?

Hey, Fin notified 1PP that
we made an off-duty arrest.

Does Woodstock PD
know these guys?

Well, they both have arrests
but no convictions.

So Troy's cousin,
Ray Sprague,

he has a relative
in the local DA's office.

OK, good,
so we question him,

- and he just lawyers up.
- Yeah.

And now what?

Well, we know
his favorite bar.

What do you say
we make a night of it?

Elias Olsen threw me
into his trunk.

It was dark.
We drove for a long time.

And what happened next?

When we stopped,
he took me out of his trunk.

He brought me inside his house.
He locked me in the basement.

And then?

He told me the rules.

"Good girls get good things.

Bad girls get bad things."

Can you identify that man
for the jury, please?

The defendant,
Elias Olsen.

He didn't have his mask on
when he locked me in.

I saw his face very clearly.

Thank you.

It's easy to assume the worst
about strangers...

The way they look,
their size.

But I want to commend you
on your bravery, Ms. Singh.

Your Honor,
is there a question here?

I have no questions
for the young lady.

Mr. Carisi,
your next witness.

The people call
Detective Grace Muncy.

Any sign of Ray?

Bartender said that
he rolls in here around 5:00.

And he's got
an outstanding tab.

- Of course he does.
- So I put these on it.

The only cab that they had
came in a box.

- OK, well, cheers.
- Cheers.

How are things going
on Candy Cane Lane?

Mm, the McCanns.

Uh, great,
until they started grilling me

about Noah's pimp
r*pist birth father.

What did you tell them?

Nothing yet.

You know, when I do,
I'll just tell them

exactly what they could
find out on the Internet.

- Right.
- Nothing more.

And how much does Noah?

You know,
not everything, obviously,

not yet,
but look,

I guess
I'm gonna have to tell him

if there's any chance
that Connor finds out.

You know what?
He's a strong kid, Liv.

He's got you in his corner,

so he's gonna be able to handle
whatever comes his way.

I'm just not sure
that I will.

And on cue,
there's Ray.

What now?

You ever had a threesome?



- Hey there.
- Hi.

How's your night going?

It just got a lot better.

Well, we were wondering

if you could settle a bet
for me and my girlfriend.

Oh, sure.
Whatever you want, babe.

How long do you think
it would take us

to beat you at eight-ball?

Two on one.

OK. Well, what's in it
for me if I win?

Are you kidding me?

Are you gonna make my friend
repeat herself?

Two on one.

But first, how about you
buy us all another round?

Whatever you're having,
make it a double.

We arrested Elias Olsen
as he was attempting to flee,

and we recovered a g*n on him
that was a ballistics match

to the one he used
to sh**t the Singhs.

Detective Muncy,
during the arrest,

the defendant was injured.

Can you explain that
to the jury, please?

Yes, he was running away.

So I threw my radio.
It hit him in the head.

We subdued him,
took him to the hospital,

after which
we interrogated him.

What did the defendant tell
you during that interrogation?

That he was OK.

What did you take that
to mean?

That he didn't seem
to be fazed by the injury.


Unless Detective Muncy
can tell the jurors

which medical school
she attended.

Nothing further.

Nice to see you again,
Detective Muncy.

And this is nothing personal.
You know I'm just doing my job.

I'm waiting on the question
here, Your Honor.

Getting to it.

Detective, you claim
you threw a radio

at my client's head
to keep him from fleeing.

- That's right.
- I'm confused.

Weren't there also dozens
of police officers

in the store with you?

Not to mention the ones
in the parking lot.

- Yes.
- In fact,

the supermarket was surrounded,
wasn't it?

An airship was called out.

Yes, but the exigency
of the situation,

along with the fact that
he was believed to be armed,

required him
to be taken down.

Did that require my client
to be called names?

In the police report,
it says

you called him
"a sick bastard."

Sounds like you already
thought he was guilty.

He was.

And just who appointed
you judge? Withdrawn.

I was trying to subdue
a dangerous suspect.

Oh, first,
you're a medical doctor.

Then you're a judge.

Now you're an IAB captain.

I didn't do anything wrong.

And I wasn't disciplined
by IAB.

That's certainly reassuring.

How many times
have you used force

to make an arrest,
Detective Muncy?

If you're talking
about the BLM protest,

that was a bogus lawsuit
from years ago.

Oh, actually, I'm talking
about a few weeks ago,

wherein you followed a suspect,
Lukas Peeters,

into a cellar despite the
protestations of your sergeant.

Well, he was hurt already.

The police report shows

he sustained several
cracked ribs during the arrest.

Look, this isn't about me!

This is about that sick bastard

keeping women locked up
in his basement,

forcibly raping them,
and then k*lling their babies!

Your Honor.

Detective Muncy,
do you need a break?

Yes, I would like to use it

to have ten minutes alone
with that animal!

Your Honor, I need a moment
with my witness.

I'm not finished
with my cross.

This is highly prejudicial.

are you able to continue?

Yes, Your Honor.
I'm sorry.

Detective's prior statement

will be stricken
from the record.

Jury will disregard.

Mr. Carter, your witness.

- Are we here yet?
- Yeah, we're here.

- All right, you got this, OK?
- Come on.

Just a few steps here.

- Yeah, I got this, all right.
- Yeah, you do.

OK, all right.
Let's get inside.

Get more comfortable, huh?

All right.
I like the way you think.

- How did you find me?
- We're detectives.

Yeah, well,
you're not shrinks,

and I don't really
want company right now.

OK, well, we're just gonna
be drinking over here then.

That lawyer
really riled you up, huh?

Yeah, I screwed up this case.

How pissed is Carisi?

On a scale from one to ten...

I'd say Vladimir Putin.

Well, my career is over.

Think you're the first cop

to let some white-shoe suit
get under their skin?

This has been a lesson.

You just got to figure out how
to never let it happen again.

Drinking alone,

feeling sorry for yourself
ain't the way.

Listen to this man.

So are you gonna let us
sit with you now?

Ladies, let's get
this party started, huh?

- That's on you, honey.
- Yeah.

Well, you know, ladies first.

- Oh, of course.
- Ladies first.

Fair is fair.

Well, you know, I think
that it's time to get serious.

- Right, Ray?
- Should we get serious, Ray?

I like that.
Let's get serious.

I was thinking

maybe we should
slow this down...

What's the matter, Ray?

To savor the moment?

- Are you g*n shy?
- Me?

Or are you camera shy?

How do you know
about the camera?

No, the question, Ray, is,

how did you know
about the camera?

Impressive work, Captain.
Thank you.

Turns out
these guys were posting

the amateur homemade porn they
were filming here on SugarFap,

making over 10 grand a month.

So you can
tack on federal charges too.

Should we put him away
for a few years.

Oh, Captain,
I should let you know,

we recovered some footage
of you in a state of undress.

But don't worry.

We'll scrub it
before it goes to the DA.

If it will help convict,

tell them
that they should use it.

Are you sure about that?

You know, we ask r*pe victims
to reveal everything.


Why should I be exempt?

First of all, who knew
boxed wine is not so bad?

After three glasses,
who can tell the difference?

Here's to you, Amanda.

Mrs. Carisi.

Are you gonna
change your name?

Maybe I am.

Can I tell you how nice
it is to see you happy?

It's so nice to allow myself.

When are you gonna do the same?

With who?


Remember how I used to joke

about you two
being in a motel room?

And now here we are.

I did...

feel like Stabler was my home.

But he left me, Amanda,
and I'm...

I'm not over it.

And the thing is,
is that...

I didn't have a right
or a claim.

He's somebody else's husband.

He was your partner.

and I know this sounds crazy,

but sometimes I think it...

It would almost be easier...

If Kathy hadn't died.

She was the boundary.

And with her gone,

it's like there's nothing
but possibility,

which is paralyzing.

If things didn't go well,

so much to lose...
A whole friendship.

That is why

I am so grateful for you.

Hmm, you did not feel that
way when I first came to SVU.

But you were
a different person back then.

You were icy.
I mean, not icy-icy.

- But you wouldn't let me in.
- Ow.

And now,
you let me into everything.

And now...

I might be leaving too.

That's funny.

I mean, there's a...
There's a job offer.

To teach at Fordham.

And you're gonna take it?

I wanna say you taught me
how to be a good detective.

Amanda, stop.
I didn't teach you anything.

You were already
a good detective.

You taught me
how to love myself

and how to let people in,

like victims, and Carisi, you.

And this is hard for me.

It's hard for you?

I made this choice.

Liv, I need you
to be OK with it.

Well, Amanda,
I wasn't expecting this,

so I'm gonna need a minute.

Where are you going?


To get ice.

I hope you enjoyed your stay,
Mrs. Benson,

and we're comping your room
because of what happened.

The friend that I was with,
Amanda Rollins,

is she still here?

Oh, she checked out.

- OK. Thank you.
- Yeah.

I'm not angry,
Detective Muncy.

- Well, you should be.
- Why are you here?

Because you want me
to yell at you?

No, I want to fix this.

Velasco said
he wants to testify.

To what exactly?

That I was acting
within departmental protocol.

When I threw the radio,
I wasn't using excessive force.

- I'm not calling Velasco.
- OK, well, then call Fin.

Muncy, the trial's over.

The defense rested.
No witnesses.

They think that we have not
made beyond a reasonable doubt.

Do you?

We have a solid case,

but I've seen solid cases melt
in front of my eyes before.

It's with the jury now.

So enjoy your day off because
we're not gonna need you.

And, Muncy,

the next time
you're on the stand,

try to remember
that you don't know everything.

We heard about that craziness
at the motel.

- Are you OK?
- I'm fine.

I hope it doesn't give you
a negative impression

of our town.

We would love
for you and Noah to come back.

We would love that as well.

So the boys?

They're in the backyard.
I'll go get them.

OK. You know,
before you go,

if you want to hear
about Connor's birth father,

I will tell you everything
that I know, just not now.

You can call me.

We appreciate that,
but we decided

it would be better
to leave things as they are.

If Connor asks when
he's older, we'll call you.

I completely understand.


And thank you
for taking care of my son.

We're family now.

Connor! Noah!

- Mom!
- Hey.

You ready to hit the road?

They gave me a present.

A PlayStation 5.

- This way, we can play together.
- Oh, my gosh.

That's so nice
but so unnecessary.

We got something for you too.

Connor, go get it.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

You don't have
to open it now.


Thank you.

So you told Liv.

How'd it go?

Not great.

I'm sorry.

- She'll come around.
- Yeah.

But you are taking
the Fordham job?

I am. I am.


- My wife, the professor.
- Yeah.

It's got a nice ring to it.

Carisi, jury's back.

- Wish me luck.
- Good luck.

A hung jury?

Judge declared a mistrial?

Yeah, Carisi says
he's gonna retry.

And don't go too hard
on Muncy, OK?

Why would I?

I'll let her explain.

That doesn't sound good.

Hey, Amanda.
It's me.

Please, please,
please call me back, OK?

- Hey.
- Oh.

I'm sorry I left like that.

I completely understand.

Amanda, I wanted to tell you...

You had a right to be upset.

I'm really sorry
that I reacted like that.

You were being open with me,
and I...

I... I shut down.

You stole one of my moves.

I'm gonna blame the boxed wine.

Good idea.

You're not losing me.

I won't see you every day.


we're friends, right?

That's not gonna change.

And I'm not gonna disappear.

I wouldn't let you
if you tried.

Look, I know
that you have to do this.

I have to try.

And if you ever want
to come back...

or not.

OK, that's settled.

So get the hell out
of my office.

Don't postpone joy.


You too.

I love you, Amanda.

I love you, Liv.

That's what's up.

I'm gonna miss you, boo.

You'll be all right.

Come here.