01x05 - Dogs Playing Poker

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x05 - Dogs Playing Poker

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Switched at birth"...

How do you say that was great? Damn right, man.

Hi, Tina Choi "Kansas city herald."

What an incredible story.

And believe me, by Monday everybody will be talking about it.



Trust me, Regina, he's bad news.

Is the whole freakin' world in love with her?

Have you ever been in a bad mood a day in your life?

Do you want me to apologize for being nice?

I'm really glad you came.

Do you want to get the hell out of here?


♪ so it goes without saying ♪
♪ that I'm hooked on you... ♪

Hey, um, don't you have to be getting back soon?

I told my parents I was staying at my friend Simone's house.

It's fine.

♪ I guess that I could have found someone else... ♪

Um, is this a bad time to do this?

Because you seemed a little distracted when we were leaving the house.

It's fine. It's totally fine.

Why are we talking and not kissing?

♪ every time you're looking away ♪
♪ you got me begging for more of you ♪
♪ more of you... ♪

Do you have anything?

Um... no.

Do you?

What, like secretly hidden in my cleavage or taped to the bottom of my shoe? No.

Wait, wait. How can you not have anything?

I don't know.

I didn't really expect for this to happen tonight.


Well, uh, next time we'll be more prepared.

♪ I guess that I should move on with my life ♪
♪ 'cause the state that I'm in is just not right ♪
♪ and I never met anyone ♪
♪ whose loving made me so damn crazy... ♪

Till next time. you would have been like, "hey, that's cool"?

At 3:00 A.M.? Of course not.

♪ you got me begging for more of you. ♪



You don't look like Simone.

Hello, sir.

What were you thinking?

You're out till...

You lied to us and...

You go god knows...

You said you were with Simone and...

Okay, you lied to me.

And if I told you I was hanging out with Ty, you would have been like, "hey, that's cool"?

At 3:00 A.M.? Of course not.

And what were you doing...

Did... wait, did you have...

Were you two...


What are you...


Can I just go to my room while you two decide how long you're gonna ground me?

We're not just grounding you. We are...

We're gonna think of something much much worse.

Yeah. You, to your room right now.



What are we gonna do?

Well, we can't stop her from seeing him.

Oh yes we can.

If we do that, we are going to be raising Ty Jr. in a year.

That's not funny.

The more we forbid it the more she's gonna want him.

Besides, she met him through Daphne and Regina.

He's from their old neighborhood.

So that makes it okay?


She's trying to figure out who she might have been, what kind of life she might have had.

I think this is part of that.

So what are we gonna do?



Here you go, honey.

So how long am I grounded for?

We're not grounding you.

You're not?

You'd just sneak out. Milk?

Can you just get to it, please?

We want Ty to come over for chili night.



No, dad might actually k*ll him.

Just want to get to know him better.

That is so hypocritical.

I dated Liam for months and you never put him on trial.

Well, we knew Liam.

You mean you played golf with his parents.

That's what this is about.

This is not about golf. And you're right.

Ty is from a different neighborhood.

But all the more reason to get to know him better.

Can't you just ground me?

Want to keep seeing Ty, he comes to dinner.

( door closes )

You're still not dressed?

I didn't feel like it.

Is this about Liam?

And Emmett and Bay.

And last night was dump-on-Daphne night.

You'll work it out.

Not if I never get dressed.

Um, why don't you hang out with Toby?

He didn't yell at you last night, right?

Hey. What are you up to today?

Oh, just playing some miniature golf with my buddies.

Oh, cool. I love miniature golf.

Actually, I'm not really playing miniature golf.

Uh, I play a little poker.

Oh, I play poker.

Oh yeah?


This is, um...

It's not...

I mean it.

I'm an incredible poker player. Most deafies are.

Deafies? Is that a word?

Deaf people are more attuned to facial expressions, body language.

We pick up people's tells.


Hearing people have so much junk vying for their attention.

We can focus, zero in on facial tics, nervous scratches.

It's like a superpower.

You should totally come with me.


You should invite Emmett too. He's even better than I am.

Bring it. The more super powers the better.

Hey, man.

Awesome job last night.

Do you want to come play poker with me and Toby?

Let me check with the guys and we'll play a practice game.

Hit the next one.




You always find new ways to surprise me.

Oh, well, then finding out that those are not from me should continue that trend.


They're from Bruce.

And they're not for me.


Regina: Thanks. Let me get these in some water.

Regina, I thought you might like to know that this Bruce is quite a player.

And I don't mean baseball. He's a "player."

Yeah, I got that.

He's cheated on all three of his ex-wives, including Denise.

Well, luckily I have no interest in becoming his wife.


Well, why do you want to go out with him?

Why would I go on a date with a man I have no interest in marrying?

Yeah. I mean, what's the point if you don't think it's gonna go anywhere?


How do I put this?

I'm a grown woman, he's a grown man.

It's been a while since I've had some... fun.

Oh, right.


You're not planning on having some fun here, are you?

Well, when I moved in I believe you said something about no rules.

No rules means feel free to change the curtains, not have sex with my friend's ex-husband in my guest house.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Is there a list somewhere of who I can and cannot socialize with?

Exactly what base am I allowed to go to?

I am just asking you not to bring him back here.

I may not come home with Bruce, but that's only because I live with my mother and my daughter.

Excellent. Enjoy the flowers.

I will.

I'll be right back.

Where are you going?

To see Ty. I find it's best to invite someone to face a firing squad in person.

I'll take you.


You want to go see Ty, I'm taking you.

You want to make sure I don't stay too long.

So is this gonna be like some kind of interrogation?

It's gonna be exactly like one.

With cornbread and chili.

( horn honks )

Sorry, that's my dad.

What, he's here?

Yeah, he drove me. Don't ask.

I will be there in a sec!

( laughs )

Uh, I don't think I can do this.

Well, Regina and Daphne will be there.

So they'll be like human shields.

( horn honks )

Okay, look, I don't want to beg here but it was kind of an ultimatum.

( sighs )

That was embarrassing.

If you want to keep seeing this kid, we're gonna keep track of you.

What is so scary about me seeing Ty?

( chuckles )

Let me explain something to you about 19-year-old boys.

They are pigs. They will tell you whatever you want to hear.

They will do whatever it takes to get you into bed.

Ty is not like that, dad. If anything, I'm the one...

No no, sweetie, I don't want to hear.

Okay, no, dad.

La la la la!

You do not get to do that. You started this.

No no. You started this.

By growing up?


( starts engine )

Honey, is that the article of the party?

How is it?

How much champagne did you have?

My gosh, what did I say?

I'm kidding.

It's great. You look really nice.

Oh, "we're all adjusting beautifully."

That's good, isn't it?

Yeah, it's like the truth.

Only better.

It says we were plucked from East Riverside... plucked like a couple of gray hairs.

Shh, I'm reading how triumphantly Daphne's managing her handicap.

Exactly, like we should all applaud that she can walk and talk at the same time.

It's a puff piece, not a telenovela.

They keep printing articles like this about us, it may turn into one.

It's a great picture, front page too.

What do you want?

A really big favor.

No, wait, okay?

"Favor." I looked it up on youtube. Does that help? No?

Okay, wait. You can't see me apologize if you're walking away.

I'm sorry I wasn't nice Bay on Saturday night.

But reverse the situation and you'd probably be equally as evil.

Actually, you're dating Ty.

He's not my ex but he's very important to me.

Am I being evil?

You're right.

And I can get onboard with you dating Liam.

You're too late. I already broke up with him.

You did?

Yeah, happy?


I mean, I wasn't thrilled that you guys were together, but I'm not trying to make you miserable.

It was a messed up situation all around.


So if you are cool with me and Ty...

Old J.K. caught us coming home at 3:00 A.M.

He make you break up with him?


He wants to get to know him so Ty's coming over for dinner tonight.

That's not gonna go well.

Says the optimist of the family.

I get it. You need me there.

And your mom and anybody who can talk about the weather or baseball or favorite car washes that I've known.

I'll do it for Ty.

Thank you.

Regina, are you going to the laundromat?

Use our machines.

Yeah, thanks.

But I can triumph over adversity all by myself.

Kathryn, did you read this article?

Thank you.

Oh hey, Regina.

Yeah, I read it. I thought it was fine.

Really? The part where they called Daphne handicapped?

Did it say that?

Yeah, right after you plucked us from East Riverside.

I'm talking about the part where we sound totally fine about missing out on raising our own daughters.

Where does it say that?

It's right here.

"In a way it's the best of both worlds.

Our family is stronger than ever."

I never said that.

We're in the middle of suing the hospital for emotional distress.

This does not make us sound very distressed.

Have that reporter talk to me next time.

That's exactly what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna call her right now, ask for a follow-up article.

I don't want anyone thinking it's okay what happened to us, especially not that hospital.

Did Bay tell you that Ty is coming to dinner?

Daphne did.

I'm double booked with Bruce, but I can stay till 8:00.

Have you ever had Ty over for dinner?

Sure, lots of times.

Would you be worried if Daphne and Ty had dinner alone?

Is everybody sex crazed in your world?

So you're telling me I'm totally paranoid to think that the subject might have come up between the two of them?

And I'm hoping you say yes.

Shouldn't you be talking to her about this?

I tried but...

14 seconds into it she mimes barfing and runs out of the room.

Bay is fine. She's smart.

It's not Bay I'm worried about.

Ty is smart too.


Tell me more about him.

( sighs )

Let's see, he is part cherokee.

He was raised by his great-aunt.

And he's a champion spades player.

But that's not what you're asking.

Do you think they're having sex?

I don't know, Kathryn.

Do you think they might be having sex?

Have you seen Ty without a shirt?

No. Have you?

Now that's a washing machine.

Now as soon as you got Wilkie figured out you've got to give me a signal.

I mean, it can't be sign language. They'd be all over that.

Wait, a signal?

Yeah, I don't understand.

We thought we were just playing for ourselves.

No no no. You've got to...

Look, they're not gonna let two newbies come in and clean 'em out.

But they are used to me playing pretty big.

So you see Wilkie bluffing, you give me a signal.

Say, take a sip of your drink.

Then I bet, we score, split the profits. See?

Yeah, this isn't what we had in mind.

The game is a free-for-all. Okay?

Anything goes. Trust me, it's cool.

Come on. It's about respect.

Show them deaf people really know how to play.

How will we split the pot?


Yeah, okay.

I'll take a hit just to see Wilkie get taken out.

I can't wait to see his face.

Oh, one more thing... if my parents ask, we are playing miniature golf.



( knocking ) Come in.


You have a minute?

Dad already did the sex talk, mom.

And I heard it went so well.

Mom, really, sex ed taught me all about STDs and protection.

I'm not here to talk to you about that.

I'm not reckless. I'm not into sexting or sending around naked pictures of my butt or anything.

All good things to hear.

And if this is about love or saving myself, you've got to trust that I'm old enough to make up my own mind.

You really think that I don't have anything useful to tell you?


Go ahead.


When it's with the right person it can be wonderful.

Should be wonderful.

I'm not saying it has to be rose petals and waffles in bed.

It should be with someone who makes you feel as amazing as you are...

No matter what the circumstances.

Thanks, mom.

Good sex is about the giving and receiving of pleasure.

And we're done.

Oh hey. Hi.

Hey, where are you going? I so need to get out of here.

Mini golf. We'll be back for dinner.

Who's we?

Me and Toby.

Wow, same cover story. Different sister, same not-so-bright brother.

You know about him and...

Listen to me, Daphne. Toby plays a lot of mini golf.

He doesn't always win.

Last year it took all of my birthday money to dig him out of debt.

Don't go.

I'm not gonna bail on him.

I promised I'd help him.

Help? What?

What are you talking about?

Me and Emmett...

Forget it.

Daphne, I'm serious. This is a big mistake.

I know him a lot better than you do.

Here we go again.

Okay, no. That's not what I mean. I'm not competing with you.

I swear, okay?

Hello, girls.

Daphne, hi.

Ready to go?

Where are you going?

I'm taking Daph to mini golf.

Oh, that sounds fun.

Gee, Toby, after last time when you clubbed the windmill with your putter, I thought you were never mini golfing again.

Time and practice, Bay. I'm ready.

Huh. Hope you don't get a massive sunburn.

You know how hot it gets being outside all day.

We'll take sunscreen. Thanks for your concern.

Are you guys all right?

Both: Yeah.


Everything's great, yeah.


Dinner's at 7:00.

Toby: See ya.

You know Wilkie and Haruka and Cheves.

Wait, don't tell me.

Do you remember I taught you the sign for doing the nasty?

Yeah, right on. This is your sister?

Uh, yeah.

And this is Emmett, the new drummer for guitar face.

If this dude plays cards like he drums, you can say adios to your trust fund.

Oh, okay.

And you've got to see his bike, man.

Thanks for bringing the diversity, guys.

It was getting to be a lonely burden.

Excuse me, I'm not diverse?

Dude, you drive a hummer. You are not diverse.

Hey hey, down, kitten. Don't make me get out the spray bottle.

You see what I'm dealing with?

Hey, can we get a couple of those?

Did you pay your membership fees?

Just add it to the rest. Plus I need 400 for the two of them.

I think the bank of Wilkie might be getting a little overextended.

I think the bank of Wilkie is full of my money.

Just give me the chips.

You didn't tell us it cost money to play.

Hey, I got it.

Can't let a lady hang. Or my drummer.

Hey, sit down.

All right.

So just a question. Are we gonna be signing during the game?
Haruka: Way to be tolerant.

A.S.L. is a rich and beautiful language.

Which could be used as a secret code to cheat us out of our money.

Like anyone would need a secret code to fleece you.

All right, no signing during the poker hands.


♪ we live in a cold dark world ♪
♪ with venom in its fangs, you can spit it in my face ♪
♪ but I know I'll be okay... ♪

I'll raise you 20.

I'm down for the count.

♪ a ball and chain, chew my arm off to get away ♪
♪ don't fight it ♪
♪ 'cause when it feels like a kick in the teeth ♪
♪ I can take it... ♪

Uh, 30.

Crap attack.

♪ take your sh*ts, you're setting me free ♪
♪ with one more kick in the teeth... ♪

Let's do this.

All right.

And that's a flush.

T-Bone taking out a hornet's nest with a cruise m*ssile.

( laughs ) Watch out, he's back.

( doorbell rings )



Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

That's not funny.

I was being serious.

Oh, you didn't have to get me flowers.

These are for your mom.


Hi, Ty.

Oh, hey.

Thank you for coming.

Thank you for having me.

You have a beautiful home.

Thank you.

These are for you. ( gasps )

Oh, thank you so much.

Looks like I got flowers after all.

Yeah. Nice to see you in the light of day.

Nice to see you not parked in front of my house, sir.

So, Ty, would you care for one of these?

It's a test.

Oh, I just want a soda. That'd be good.

Good answer.

I'll go get it.

I'm gonna go stir the chili.

Make yourself at home, Ty.

I'll try.

Knock knock.

Mm, smells good.

These family dinners are becoming a regular thing.




No b*llet holes. That's a good sign.

I'm really glad you guys are here.

John's not so bad. Just don't bring up politics.

He does own g*ns.


He does.

Where's Daphne?

Off playing mini golf with Toby.

Come on, let's get this started.


You said she'd be here.

She said she would be here.

Relax, Adriana and Regina are here.

We still have them outnumbered, I might drive a hummer, but I'm way too black for ultimate frisbee.

That's just how it is. Okay, I'm sorry.

Guys, are we rocking or what?

I guess.

Now don't change a thing.

This is the first time I've been up in weeks.

We need to get going. We have that dinner with Ty.

No no, a few more hands.

It's already late. We need to go.

Okay, look, I didn't want to say anything, but I owe Wilkie a little money.

Not a lot, but some.

All I need is a few more hands like we've been playing and I'm in the clear.

Play without us.

No no no.

I need you guys. Come on, you're saving my life here.

Please, for your bro?

Oh, and maybe you could check out Cheves.

See if you could figure him out too.

We're still cool, right?

( doorbell rings )



You look amazing.

So do you.

Thank you.


Oh, this is my mom Adriana.

( speaking spanish )

You speak spanish?

A little bit.

Bruce, hi.


So good to see you again.

I'm so glad you're here. I wanted to send a buckner bulletin to Isabelle.

Is she still at the dixon drive house?

I believe so.

Who's Isabelle?

My ex-wife.

And you wouldn't happen to have Sabrina's new address would you?

I'll get it to you later on, certainly.

Thank you.

She's my other ex-wife.


And I know about Denise so I think we're covered.

Hey, Bruce, what's going on?

Hey, how are you doing, John?


Nice article in "the herald."

Oh yeah.

Yes, it was, except for the part about the handicap. Not our words.

Yeah well, I think that "the herald" should consult a dictionary.

Last time I checked, straight as and a wicked jump shot didn't qualify as a handicap.

Well said.

That's just what I've heard.

I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Daphne yet.

Plenty of time for that. No rush.

And I'm sure I can make that decision.


We should go. We don't want to be late.


Oh wait. You're leaving?

Hi. You're leaving? You can't.

We have a reservation. I'm gonna go grab my wrap.

I'll bring the car around. It was nice seeing all of you again.

Mucho gusto.

Bye, Bruce.

Actually, will you excuse me?

I think I should go and help Regina find that wrap.

And then there were four.

How's the chili, Ty? Not too spicy for you?

No sir.

Bring it on.

Don't invite it.

So Bay didn't tell me what school you go to.

Actually I got my G.E.D.

I was talking about college, but it's good to know.

John never went to college.

No, I played major league baseball.

It's called a career.

Ty has a career too, in construction.


Well, um, actually I got... I got laid off.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

So no college, no job...

Any plans at all?

Dad, put away the waterboard, okay?

Ty has a plan.

It's okay. I do. I do have a plan.

Great. I'm interested.

Tell me.

Well, I've enlisted in the army.

Well, that's, uh...


That's great.


You honor your country by serving.

Thank you.

Bay, you never told us that Ty enlisted.

I guess I forgot to mention it.

So that's a pretty serious time commitment, right?

It's nine weeks basic training and then three years active duty.

John: That's a long stretch.

When do you head out?

I leave for fort benning on Thursday.

I didn't mean for it to come out that way.

Cleary you didn't mean for it to come out at all.

I was going to tell you.

On a postcard from Afghanistan?

Look, Bay, I know you don't get this, but it is the right thing for me.

Your options are like Harvard or Princeton, going to Europe or volunteering in Africa for a year.

That is so unfair.

No offense, but this is why I wanted Daphne or Regina here.

Because I couldn't possibly understand?

Look, all the guys that I grew up with, half the guys on my crew, they'll take any excuse to go and get drunk on some Tuesday.

It's like their lives are already over and they're just marking time.

I don't want it to be like that for me.

That's not you.

We're not the same, Bay.

Look where you live, all right?

Things might have been different if...

If the universe hadn't tossed me into a totally different continuum?

You're actually doing this? You're gonna go?


Fine then. Go.

Okay. See you later.

Played out like Kanye.


Come on, man. We don't have all night. What's your bet?

All right, chill, dude.

I'll go for the full G.

I'm not getting into this.

You're betting $1000?

Just compensating for an aimless life of privilege.

I'll raise you again.

What do you got there, bro?

It'll cost you to find out.

All right.

Two grand.

Last card.

Mmm, all right.

I'm in for a three with three more zeros.

♪ hey you, it's w*r... ♪

( sighs )

I'm going all in.

You are a wild man.

Always loved that about you.

♪ hey, you, it's w*r ♪
♪ right now, one two three... ♪

Beat this flush.

Sorry, bro, full house... queens over eights.

Hey, I'll add it to your tab, all right?

You can come back anytime.

Nobody even touched the brownies.

Want one?

No. No.

( sighs )

I thought you'd be secretly happy.

What, that that kid is going off to w*r?

No, not that he's going off to w*r, just he won't be around.

If it's not Ty, it's gonna be some other boy coming around the corner.

Yeah, genie's out of the bottle.

Seems like I was pushing her in that swing a week ago.

Did you see her face at dinner?

I used to strap her into that swing to make sure she didn't fall out.

( chuckles )

Made her wear a helmet and elbow pads.

How do I keep her from getting her heart broken?

And that pancetta, it flavored the whole sauce.

I wanted to take a bath in it.

It's a shame you didn't enjoy your meal.

( laughs ) You don't understand.

My daughter does all the cooking and she's a vegetarian.


Do you know how many portobello mushrooms burgers I have suffered through?

Well, I'd offer you a nightcap but perhaps you'd prefer skewers instead.

I'll bet you have a spare freezer full of steaks, don't you?

( laughs )

I also have my sons tonight.

They're watching "lord of the rings" with their friends and I doubt they're even out of helm's deep yet.

Oh, well, my place is out, that's for sure.

Kind of makes you feel like a teenager, doesn't it?

( laughs )

You want to go park somewhere?

Miss Vasquez.

Don't worry about my reputation, honey.

That was gone a long time ago.

You know, you're the one who kept telling me to bet.

This is my fault? You're acting like I did it on purpose.

You took a drink. I distinctly saw you take a drink.

That's because I thought he was bluffing.

He was always shaking his leg when he didn't have anything.

Maybe he needed to take a leak.

A what?

A leak. A leak.

You know what I don't understand?

You were right all those other times.

And then when I really needed your help you blew it.

It's not an actual superpower.

I'm deaf, not superhuman.

Do you even know how much I lost tonight?

I don't know. 3,000? 4,000?

Never mind.

( phone beeps )

Oh, hey. Isn't it a beautiful night?

Oh, how'd the rest of dinner go?


Until Ty happened to mention he's leaving for the army in three days.

( sighs )

I'm sorry.

You're not even surprised.

Well, it's what a lot of guys from his neighborhood do.

It's a different world than this one.

So I keep hearing.

You want to talk about it?

Um, I'm actually just gonna head out.

You know what's gonna happen if you go there, right?

Am I exuding some kind of musk?

Because you are third in line with the sex talk.

Well, then I'm guessing you've heard about being safe.

Yes and how the person needs to love and respect me and how I'm way too young to...

Okay, I'm not gonna tell you that you shouldn't go.

Well, there's a twist.

You're never gonna believe anything I say anyway.

That much I remember.

But I also remember thinking that there would be this magic moment at the end that would change everything.

Only it never did.

No matter what happens tonight, he's still going.

It won't make him stay.

I wanted you to have this.

You can hang it up in Iraq or Afghanistan Or whatever-istan you end up.

It's about time to take ax girl global.

This... this is really awesome.

Thank you.

Listen, you know that I was...

Ty, don't.

Whatever big romantic goodbye you've prepared...

You did prepare one, right?



But I don't want to hear it.

Whatever you have to say, just say it when you get back.

Bay, I don't know...

I mean it.


Because if you lay out the big l right now...

I'm gonna be so mad at you for doing this to me.

And if you don't, I'm gonna be mad at you for not saying it.


All right.

Then I'm just not gonna say anything.

♪ words were never meant ♪
♪ to be this half-spoken ♪
♪ falling in ♪
♪ the space between ♪
♪ the universe... ♪

If you want to, I have something.

Now you have a condom?

I had one the other night too.

I didn't want to without you knowing that I was leaving.

I didn't want to hurt you.

Well, that worked out well.

♪ I've been chasing my steps ♪
♪ and fingerprint clues ♪
♪ and clips of the news... ♪

I can't.

I just came to say goodbye.

♪ we were never meant ♪
♪ to be this damn broken ♪
♪ words were never meant ♪
♪ to be this half-spoken... ♪

Oh, honey.

You didn't know he was leaving, did you?


Oh, sweetheart.

I'm gonna miss him so much.

Oh, honey. I know.

( sniffles )

We didn't sleep together.


Not because I didn't want to.

It just didn't seem like the right thing to do.

♪ winding circles ♪
♪ take me back to a place... ♪

You take care.

I will miss you.

Stay safe.

( knocking )


Sorry about missing dinner last night.

Apparently the whole "I'm sorry" thing is going around.

You were right about Toby... poker.

Oh no, what happened?

I was just trying to help, but I think I made things a lot worse.

Daphne, he did that all on his own.

( car engine starts )

Hey, need help?

You going to a gig or something?

No, pawnshop. Got any more questions?

How much did he lose?

He wouldn't say.

That means it's really bad.
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