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02x07 - The Burning of Judas

Posted: 12/20/22 09:26
by bunniefuu
Are we talking yet?

Sure. Why not?

You want some coffee?

I'm gonna
start working Richard today.

I still disagree.

Good morning.
Good morning.

You know what that drum was
about? It was, like, all through the night.

- It kept me up.
- Oh, it turns out it was a vigil.

- For what?
- Christ's crucifixion.

Judas betrayed him. The
cock crowed. He was crucified.

It's Good Friday,
Easter weekend. Now we wait.

Wait for what?

His resurrection. Mmm.

Who wants some fresh empanadas?

Do we have milk?
Go see.


You know, you can't trust the government
in any of your dealings with them.

I know.

Do you?

When will you be back?

I've been
summoned by our landlord.

You're really gonna
give him Sandpiper?

Don't know what I'm gonna do.

Be careful.


I'll see what I can do.


You're pathetic.


Good morning.

Where are you going?

Doing a favor for the guy
that owns the land.

Little work to pay the rent.

I thought the people owned the
place. What happened to that?

Yeah, well, there's always
a landlord.

Turns out we're all
just f*cking renters.

Hey, Dad? Mom told me.

Told you what?

About that guy. Richard.

And the lab.

Is that it?


that they k*lled someone.

Some girl.

- Your mom's timing.
- Never not shitty.

And that
you've let us blame you.

Well, me.

You-You've let me blame you.


you got nothing to be sorry for.

- What?
- You didn't do anything wrong.

Yeah, you don't think
I f*cking know that?

No, Dad.

I didn't mean it that way.

Look, I mean, all these years,
I've been blaming you.

I've been... really
shitty to you about everything.

Look, maybe it's great timing.

Perfect age to start hating not just
one, but maybe both parents.

Probably just made your shrink
a millionaire.

It's not funny, Dad.


And I don't hate either of you.
It's worse than that.

How so?

Well, it just makes sense now.
How f*cked up both of you are.


No, I... No, I
just think, at a certain point,

you leading the way
and f*cking things up for us.

And saying, "We're doing this
because we're a family."

And Mom saying
the dumbest shit like,

"Your father
knows what he's doing."

Or... Or, you know,
you both saying you love us,

and never once
f*cking acting like it.

And it all
just being so f*cking awful.

I just...

I just realized...

I don't respect you.

And now, I don't respect her.

So, no. That's not what I mean
when I say, "I'm sorry."

I'm not sorry for anything.
Anything at all.

I'm sorry for you.

Your mother and I never once did
anything without first considering...


- I only ever did what I did to benefit...
- You.

Well, you seem pretty dug in.

And that makes it a
tough position to argue against.

I'm not arguing, Dad.
It's a fact.

I wanna leave. Now. Today.

Is that so?

You really wanna go?


Door's right there,
but let's be clear... use it,
and it locks behind you.

Wanna go to college?
That's great.

High time you started learning
absolutely zero.

Happy for you, honey bear.
Best of luck with that.

What? You wanna go
get a degree in what, Economics?



Maybe get soaked with your
girlfriends on the weekends.

Snapchat with your boyfriends.

Get 'em to come. Might even
settle down with one of 'em.

Sit at home. You can order in.

Order a bunch of crap online,
plastic shit for your apartment.

What a cool adventure
you're about to go on,

smack-dab into the center
of a huge cliché.

Could not be
prouder of my little girl.

You're all grown up.
I'm so happy for you.

Well, wish I could join you.

Safe travels.

You're a bully.

Oh, there she is.

You're sounding
like you already graduated.

f*ck you.

Just passing through.
I'll be out of your hair in a minute.

I doubt it.

Look, my intention is not
to cause any problems.

Tad late for that.


I'm worried.

I'm worried about Charlie.

You don't get to be.

I know. It's just, um,
he came to my place yesterday,

and he, uh,
he threatened me, basically.

Really? You're twice his size.

He had a g*n.

Where did he get it?

It was mine.

I'll talk to him.

What are you gonna say?

That he's not allowed
to sh**t you.

Oh, well, that's nice to hear.

I'm really sorry.

Is he okay?


Are you okay?


Why are you here?
What do you want?

Well, I don't wanna be here
any longer than I have to.

I don't wanna
f*ck up your life, Margot.

Isela brought me here to do
something for someone important,

and... and then I'll be gone.

f*ck it.

Come on.

Are you coming?

You wanted to know
why I'm here, right?

Well, come on.

Here. Put this on.

First-day nerves?

Okay. Okay. Okay.



One second.


You know what Dad says
about these things.

Religion is just an overture
to ignorance in A-flat.

This isn't like...

It's not like
a Jesus religious thing.

They build this...
This effigy of Judas,

and then, um,
you're supposed to, like,

fill it with the things you hate in
the world like injustice or unfairness.

And then you take the stuff
you don't like in yourself,

like, um,

regret, or...
...or guilt.

Or, like, you know...

Just, like, stuff that makes you feel
bad or... or you wish you could take back.

Anyway, you're supposed to just take
that stuff and... and, uh, put it in him

and then, I don't know,
like, just burn him, I guess.

It's supposed to be,
like, therapeutic.


You have friends.

Yeah. Yeah, I do.

I really like it here, Dina.

I know you don't, but I like it.

What's wrong? Are you okay?

So, you talked to Dad
about what we know?

Yeah. We had a big fight.

Did you make him mad?

Charlie, I was mad.



- Shit, sorry. Go away.
- No, no.

Do you want me to go? I...

No, stay. I'm okay.

I just... I hate people
seeing me cry.

What's wrong?

...I thought I knew is just...

Is... is f*cked up.

I know the truth
about some things.

It's supposed to be good...

but it makes me feel...


It's a waste.

I can't stand the way I feel.

I'm so,
so mad at my mom and dad.

Maybe you're being too harsh.
Give them a chance. Hmm?

You don't know
what you're talking about.

All right.

My dad drank... and
k*lled himself when I was eight.

Shot himself in the head.

I'm sorry.

I was raised by my grandfather.
He died when I was 13.

So, Ridley took me in.

Do you still live with him?

Ridley? No. I, uh,
I live downriver.

I have a place.

If you had a million dollars,
what would you do?

Million dollars? I would...

I think I'd buy a house.

- Buy a house in the capital.
- Go to school.

Me too. In New York.

No one would know me there.

Or Miami.

Or Portland.


Thanks for coming.

- I missed breakfast. Hmm?
- No.

Big weekend here.
You, uh, Easter much, Allie?

Down on your knees, praying to
some power greater than yourself?

Church? Nah.

If God hadn't rested
on the seventh day,

he might have
gotten the job done.

Why should I make the
same mistake?

I figured as much.

You sure? Anyone? Bacon?

I'm good. Thank you kindly.
Then let's get to it.

It's about business, of course.

We're a family
who's dutifully delivered

whatever the world has asked us
to provide for two centuries.

Cochineal dye, indigo,
sisal and henequen.

f*cking bananas.

And most recently,
drogas. Cocaína.

Well, if it walks like a duck
and talks like a duck.

Yeah, we're just niche players.

I'm just mom-and-pop. Boutique.
But I control every route.

Provide passage to cargo moving
through a very large territory.

There are hazards.
Every business has some.

Mine happens to be
police interference.

And I need you to help me make
that go away.

So, meet Caleb.

- He's going to help you.
- Hello, Allie.

Big fan of your early work.

At MIT and Cambridge Analytica,
Sandpiper is a legend.

You created a program that can
predict any kind of movement, pattern.

Many have tried to replicate it.

Caleb's been hard at work
processing the data for your arrival.

Took me quite some time
to find a Caleb.

And a hefty recruiter's fee.

What does any of this
mean to me?

We want your algorithm.
We want Sandpiper.

To do what?

Use it to analyze and predict the
movement of law enforcement agencies.

No police
interference, no problems.

My routes will be safe,
and everyone will be happy.

I just need you
to download it for us.

Show Caleb how it works.
Hand over the keys.

I'd love to get my hands
on your Rosetta stone.

And that's it. Job done.
Go about your life at Casa Roja.

Live it up.

Look at what
they've done to this jungle.

The destruction of land
and wildlife.

Corporate greed and corruption.

When Isela told me about this,
I had to get involved.

I had to do something.
We have to do something.

We did make a difference,
you and I.

The lab shut down.
The company went bust.

They stopped genetic-modified
material from entering the food chain.

We saved the world,
just a little bit.

We were a good team.

My life ended and...
yours is just beginning.

You made a name for yourself.


It's just hard for me
to take that in,

that we made a difference,
is all.

No. Not happening.

Sorry, Caleb.

Not gonna do it with him.

You are doing it with him.
Caleb's culled the data.

This thing is mine.
I created it.

People tried to take it from
me once. Didn't end well.

If this is gonna work for you,
then you need me.

No one else. Just me.

My, my, my.

What's gotten into Allie Fox?

What can I tell you?

This guy gets all up in his
feelings, but he means it.


I'm sorry, Caleb.

It appears we no longer
require your services.

Mr. Lee will escort you out.

But you-you
promised me a three-month contract.

Step this way, kid.

This sucks.

You're sure about this?

You know she had a son?

Alison Caffrey?

His father remarried
when he was five.

He has two sisters
and a baby brother.

For a long time...

...I couldn't
think of anything else.

What happened that night...

was terrible, Margot.

Who are they?

Andrea Bautista
and Carter Albrecht.

And who are they?

The same people
whose event your husband disrupted.

The developers.

Like the National Archives.

Bienvenido to your work space.

Ancient bookkeeping
from your drug trade won't work.

It has to be
current information.

Should be sufficient
to run Sandpiper.

I need to know
all your routes. Who's involved.

Dates. Times. Vehicles.

Sandpiper can predict
police interference

if we enter
all the information you have.

Everything. You understand?

Understood, yes.
Most is on floppy disks.

And, uh, all of this is the data
that, uh, Caleb entered.

So, put your brain to good use,
and show me.

You've got 72 hours.

You just put your family
on the line, so get to work.

You're right. We were
a good team. We still can be.

I want to help.

I don't think
Allie would like that.

Don't worry about Allie. Okay?
He won't get in the way.

You got some money?

- Yeah, a bit. Why?
- I just wanna get some waters.

You want anything else?

No, I'm good.



What the hell?

What the f*ck was that?

The price we pay
to our landlord.

His traffickers get to help
themselves to whatever they want,

whenever they want it.

Sure hope you didn't talk
yourself into a real pickle up there.

Seventy-two hours
goes mighty fast.

How did it go?

How'd it go?

As expected. He wants Sandpiper.

I've kept it safe for this long.
Now it's in the hands of a drug lord.

Dina told me.

Yeah, she's in pain.



I thought you wouldn't notice.


There's something I need
to tell you about Charlie.

He put a g*n to Richard's head
and pulled the trigger.

Sorry, he what?

It wasn't loaded.

All right.
"All right" what?

All right, I get it.

"All right," you're gonna
help me get them back?

Sure. Maybe.
Or maybe something else.

What something else?

What something else, Allie?

I might have
found us a new solution.

No more pie-in-the-sky bullshit.

Sandpiper is up and running.
Now I just need to run the data.

Good. Finish up that pile
on your desk. Then we can go.