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02x06 - Goat Head Taco

Posted: 12/20/22 09:24
by bunniefuu
[guard on radio] Full lockdown, now.
No one gets in or out.

Hello, everyone. [Sighs]

I... I am so sorry
for this temporary disruption.

The people behind this
will be apprehended.

Where's the f*cking exit?

And I can assure you
that your loved ones are in no danger.

Thank you for your patience.

[speaking Spanish]

Get the Bautistas taken somewhere private
right away. You understand?

Do it. G-Go.

Here you go, sir.
And take a deep breath of this.

What the f*ck's going on?

I've still got these people's f*cking kids
all over the f*cking screen.

The investors are sh1tting their pants.

[guard 1] We're covering every floor.

Get to the A/V room
and pull the f*cking plug.

[guard 1] We are at the A/V room.

[breathing heavily, grunting]

- Clear.
- [grunts]

[door rattling]

[guard 2 speaking Spanish]

[footsteps approaching]

[guard 2 speaking Spanish]

You sure?

[guard 2 speaking Spanish]


[guard 2 speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

- [speaks Spanish]
- [guard 2 speaks Spanish]

[guard 2 speaks Spanish]

[guard 1] Mr. Albrecht.

- What is it?
- The A/V tech saw two guys.

Bring him down.

- I am so sorry. I-Is your dad okay?
- You told me things were iron tight.

And they were.

[Andrea] Do we know who did this?
Now we're all being held hostage?

Carter, you know about my family.

Whatever kind of shit show this is,
my dad and I can't be around for it.

Or my dad and I will have to deal with it.
And be seen to deal with it.

- Do you understand?
- Absolutely.

You find who did this discreetly
and legally, and you bring them to me.

I am on it.

And for God's sakes, get the guests
some champagne or something.

You've got a room full of investors
standing around like f*cking refugees.

Absolutely, thank you so much.

Everyone. Uh, everyone.

Thank you. Thank you so much
for your time and your understanding.

[guard 1]
Why don't you take a seat, gentlemen?

On behalf of myself and everyone at Virid,

I'd like to offer
our most sincere apologies.

The good news is we have a witness
who can identify the perpetrators,

so just bear with us
for a few more moments.

Um, enjoy your champagne and canapés,

and we'll just get this train
right back on the track.

Okay, uh, we just need you to stay tight,
for your own safety.

Oh, there was security all over the place.

Do you recognize anyone here?

Saving that boy's life's gonna be
the death of you and me both.

[Carter] It's all right.
You're doing great.

What about here? Do one of these people...
These look familiar?

- No.
- You're doing great. No?

- Mm-mmm.
- You sure? All right. Come on.

Right, tell me about these two.

- Anyone here? Him? You recognize him?
- [Luis] No.

[Carter] No? All right.

- They seem to know you. [Sighs]
- [Luis] No.

No? Sorry, sir. Thank you so much.

No, not really familiar with anyone
at this table, so why don't we, uh, here.

All right. Hello.

Okay, what about this man?

Do you recognize him?

Luis, do you recognize this man?

Luis, do you recognize him?

- No, sir. Sorry, uh, no.
- Okay. This gentleman?

No, sir. Sorry, I-I don't know them.

[Carter] Okay. Sorry, gentlemen.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Please enjoy your champagne, all right?
Good night.

[goat panting]


[breathing heavily]


[sighs, scoffs] Gross.

[groans, grunts]

[goats bleating]

- What are you doing?
- Nothing.

What are you doing?
Why are you up so early?

[sighs] Couldn't sleep.

What about you?

[Charlie] Found another scorpion
in my shoe this morning.


I need to tell you something.
I found some stuff out.

Yeah, like what?

Like, about back in the day.

Mom lied to us.

What do you mean?

Like, Dad isn't the reason we're running.

I-I thought it was Dad that destroyed
the government files and then...

Yeah, but... [sighs] ...that's not it.

Mom is the one who did something.

She's the reason we're running.

I guess when Mom and Dad were separated,
she and this guy...


Yeah, they were involved
in some pretty shady stuff.

Shady how?

Like, burning places down.


- [sighs] So Mom and this guy, they...
- Richard.


They blew this place up.

They planted a... a b*mb in the lab,

and it was supposed to be empty
and everything,

but this woman was there and...

[sighs] She... Yeah.

"Yeah"? What?

She died.

Okay, but, like, Mom didn't mean to.
It was an accident.

Yeah, but she died.

Mom still k*lled someone.
It doesn't matter if it was on accident.

What? I mean, i-it doesn't mean
she doesn't feel bad about it.

You're mad 'cause she died?

No, I'm mad that they lied to us.

No. No, it was Richard.

He would have made her do it, okay?

Mom wouldn't do something like that.

I mean,
she probably still hates him for it.

Th-They were talking,
and I heard her say, like,

"Get the hell away from me."

I could totally see that assh*le trying
to convince her to do something like that.

[sighs] We have to do something.

What do you mean? I don't get it.

I mean we have to do something
to keep him away from us.

- He's the problem.
- Charlie, this is about Mom and Dad.

No, it's not! I don't wanna blame them.

But how can you not feel lied to?

Mom let Dad take the blame for everything.

- Our whole lives have been built on lies...
- You blame them for everything!

Okay? This isn't about them.
This is about Richard.

Don't make it about us. There's... [sighs]

- Charlie, that's not what I'm t...
- Why are you telling me this?

Why are you trying to make me feel bad?

Do you hate me now too?

[scoffs] No.

Never mind.

[Bill] You be careful getting home now.

Hey, call me sometime.

[Raban] Thanks for seeing me, Renee.

I... I appreciate it.
I know how busy you are.

[sighs, clears throat]
So, the thing is, a crazy thing,

Allie Fox's wife reached out to me.

I mean, she offered to turn Allie over
to us in exchange for immunity.

- We're joking here, right?
- Ju-Just, uh, do me a favor.

What... Now you want a favor?

You were told to mothball
that Allie-Margot Fox shit years ago.

And instead, you unlawfully deployed
two agents to Mexico and get them k*lled.

And so, I am stuck lying through my teeth
to my superiors.

- That's the favor, JJ. You're not in jail.
- I-I-I get it. I do.

I appreciate it very much too.
I mean, that's why I turned her down.

Good. Good. Okay.

Okay, you've made consistently bad
judgment calls that cannot be undone.

You did the right thing. Okay? Gold star.

[watch beeps]


So, my buddy at the DIA,
he flagged something.

Some targeted disruption
at a Virid PLC event in Guatemala City.

And he reviews everything
that they've got.

Right off the bat, he gets a voice match.

He... He pings this to me this morning.

[Allie] Your new boss needs me
for something, right?

Or I got that vibe, didn't you?
'Cause I definitely got that vibe.

That's Allie Fox.

I don't give a shit.

[sighs] Well, Renee, maybe you should.

I don't give a shit.

A tape threatening hostage-taking
was played at this very same event,

narrated by none other
than Richard Beaumont.

Beaumont and Allie are working together.

And Margot Fox is involved
in some crazy way.

Shit, I don't even know.

I mean, but hail, hail,
the g*ng is all back together, right?

That was no clown show.

That was a well-planned attempt
to scare off investors.

I mean, Renee, you got
major-league players involved here.

You've got corporate,
you've got individual,

you've got host government involvement.

Shit, I don't know, throw in some cartel.

But Renee, I'm telling you right now,
it is just their opening salvo.

You can bet something bigger is coming,
something big and something noisy.

Renee, people are gonna die.

[dirt scraping]

[panting, grunting]

[device beeping]

[beeping stops]

[log cracking]





[speaks Spanish] Charlie.

[in Spanish] That's so nasty.

You're kidding!

This is the best part!

[Charlie chuckling] No...

[Fermin] Seriously!
Just wait. You're gonna love it.

[Charlie, in English] Okay.

[in Spanish]
How long does this need to cook?

We wrap it in banana leaves,
and put it in the hole for...

- six or eight hours.
- Mm-hmm.

[both speaking Spanish]


No, you can have it.

[device beeping]

[soldier speaking Spanish]

[Richard speaking Spanish]

[soldier speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

[Fermin chuckles, sighs]

[speaking Spanish]

[villagers chattering]

[breathes shakily] Who the hell are you?


I know you're angry that I'm here,
but, um...

- [hammer cocks]
- Sit down.

Sit the f*ck down.

[breathing shakily]

[breathing heavily]
My mom told you to stay away.

Are you gonna do that?

You gonna leave my family alone?

'Cause it's your fault
that we're on the run!

[breathing shakily]
I knew you when you were a little kid.

- [Charlie] So?
- You were such a gentle child.

- What? You think I can't do this?
- [Richard] I know you could.

We all could.

It's easy to hurt someone,
especially when you're angry and afraid.

But did you know

that the human brain is
coded for compassion, Charlie?


It's in all of us.

We dehumanize our enemies

not because we're bad people,
but because we're good.

We put hoods on the faces
of people that we're about to execute...

[breathing heavily]


Because we don't want to look
in their eyes before they die.

I think it's hard
to come back from something like...

- No! Get the f*ck away from me! Shut up!
- All right, all right.

I'm not scared, assh*le.

I've already done this. [Breathes heavily]

[inhales sharply, groans]

[grunts] Look, come on, Charlie.
Charlie. [Breathing heavily]

[grunts, inhales sharply]

f*ck it.

- [trigger clicks]
- [shouts]


[both panting]

S... Stay away from us.

[Richard breathing heavily]




- [Silvia speaks Spanish]
- No. No.

- [speaks Spanish] Charlie.
- [speaks Spanish]

[Charlie] No way. Come on.

Charlie... [speaks Spanish]
Mmm. [Speaks Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

- [Silvia] Mmm. [Speaking Spanish]
- Mmm.

[Silvia speaking Spanish]

Are you going to the party?

No, I think I'll wait here for your dad.

Cooked a goat.

[sighs] A goat? Hmm.

I can bring you back some if...
If you're hungry.

[sighs] It's okay. Honestly, I'm good.


I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to say those things. I...

I was just trying to hurt you.

I understand.

I just... I need more time
to think about it.

I know.

What about your dad?

[Dina] I'll tell him.

I think I should.
I'll... I'll be the one to tell him.

No. You lost that right.

- I will.
- [sniffles]


I'm sorry, my friend.

Oh, we're friends again?

That happen while I was gone?

Now you're doing this shit?
You're threatening people?

Their families, kids?

Nobody's k*lling anyone.

Guillermo's just getting their attention.

Well, he's gotten mine.

Isn't that the point of this place?

To protect people,
not put targets on them?

It's so much more complicated than that,

Well, you tell your friend that's
the last favor I'm ever doing for him.

- I'm out.
- You did it for me.

And Guillermo's not your typical friend.

And these aren't favors
we're doing for him.

This is the price we pay for peace.


He doesn't own the people.
He owns the ground we walk on.

He's our f*cking landlord, Allie.

It's a very small community
in a very large jungle.

I've known him for a long time.
He wasn't always like this.

Oh, yeah. No, lifelong pals, right?

I had to say it like that
for you to believe it and play the part.

He had to see me turn on you.

Kiss the f*cking ring.

- So we're not... You're... You're not...
- [Isela] No.

I have to keep this person close.

Otherwise, he takes over this whole thing.

Razes the land.
Grows coca, poppy, f*cking condominiums.

He could build a whole train track
over this place.

Our people get to own
a lot of things here.

Our home, our minds,
our philosophy, that's ours.

But we don't get to own
the very ground we walk on.

The ground underneath your feet?
That's owned by Guillermo.

So be careful.

What you did today... What we did today...

We just paid this month's rent.


That's Guillermo.

What about Richard?
That's his voice on the tape, right?

Believe it or not, I don't easily forget
people that ruin my life.

Oh, I know.

That's a much longer conversation, Allie.

- [upbeat music playing]
- [people at party chattering]

[vocalist singing in Spanish]

- [Charlie] Like that?
- [speaking Spanish]

- You can dance.
- Okay. It's like...

[villagers cheering, chattering]

Your history with Richard
is different than mine.

The guy is a zealot. Pompous assh*le.

m*rder*r. Did I mention that?
Should have led with that.

Get off it, will you?

You and him probably agree
on 80% of the issues

except when it comes to
how to solve them or execute them.

Ah! Execute. That's exactly the words
that I would have used.

Look, I know it's imperfect,
but he gets things done.

It's exactly what we need.

- For what?
- I don't know. [Sighs]

I only know what Guillermo tells me.

Sometimes I'm in the loop,
sometimes I'm not.

But let's get something straight,
you and I.

Let's agree to agree on some things.

You and I both share a hatred
for corrupt authority,

except one of us has the choice
to run away when it suits him.

Oh, no. I have the option of running
in exactly one direction.

And that is away.

Not exactly a choice, is it?

Well, I have 120 people's lives
who I'm responsible for.

I have no choice!

Do you hear that?

I can't run!
I can't afford that luxury, Allie.

So you're gonna resort to terrorism?

Call me old-fashioned,
but that sounds like a choice to me.

You either do do terrorism
or you don't do terrorism.

Believe it or not,
99.999 f*cking percent of the world

does not resort
to k*lling innocent people.

Now, look.

I brought my family here so that
we could build a life that we design.

So, before I get on with that,

let's cut to the chase
and tell me exactly what Guillermo wants.


- [music playing]
- [villagers cheering, chattering]

[Dina] Hey.

[sniffs] You want a taco?

No, I'm good.

You sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.


I'm sorry we fought.

I didn't mean to make you pick sides.

I know.

It's okay.

I'm glad you told me. [Sighs]

[sighs] Scoot over.

You're my only friend here, you know?


Yeah, I know.

Don't worry, I handled it.



I handled it.

Don't worry.

How did you handle it?

I just told him to stay away, okay?

[sighs] Charlie.

No, Dina, it's fine. Just trust me.



I want you to have it.

[chuckling] For good this time.

You love that watch.

It's the only thing I have to give to you.


[water splashing]


So, Richard, huh?

[Margot] Did you speak to him?

Not yet.


Allie, I want you to know
I had no part in this.

So, where have you been?

Doesn't matter.

[inhales deeply]

Everywhere is the same.

Wherever you go,
people want the same thing, you know?

Can't get away from it.

Wanna be left alone? Doesn't matter.

Wanna leave other people alone?
Doesn't matter.

The world betrays you.

Just do as you're g*dd*mn told or else.

[sips, swallows]

This place is owned by a criminal.

And I'm supposed
to go f*cking work for him.

We can't stay here.

Not like this.

[Margot sighing]

Do you have a plan?

Not yet.

Well, I do.

There's a way out.

We have something we can offer,
something big.

Something that will get us what we want.

We reach out and make a deal.

We give them Richard Beaumont.

And why would you do that?

Well, they've wanted to
get their hands on Richard for ten years.

He's an Interpol-NSA wet dream.

We ask for immunity for us,
and we go home.

I would never make a deal
with the f*cking government.

Yeah, well, maybe it's not about us,
Allie. It's not about you.

Maybe the kids need help.

This experiment, if that's what
it's called, has been a f*cking mistake.

We can fix this place.

We can't fix this place.

We get the right homeschooling
up and running.

Oh, my God.

You wanna teach them
this is the capital of Texas? Fine.

I had to drop out of school
to get a real education.

And they are living it here and right now.

Charlie loves the place.

This place is not good for Charlie,
whether he likes it or not.

He's 14, Allie. And Dina... Dina too.

So we find another place. The right place.

I just have to figure out what he's doing.

I followed him today,
and he was receiving, I don't know,

weapons or munitions drop or something.

I don't want you getting involved
with him.

I don't want you anywhere near him.

Didn't work out so well last time, did it?

Well, maybe I've changed, Allie.

Doesn't feel like it.

Feels like a second bite
at the same apple.

Allie, we're here
because you dragged us here.

We are here because you m*rder*d someone.

That's the most hateful
mischaracterization of our history.

You've called the sh*ts for 13 years.

But apparently, you've honed
and saved up a toxic piece of poison

to hurl in my f*cking face,

when I have f*cking agreed
with one f*cking thing you've wanted!


We were never supposed to be this unhappy.

You're not doing this.

Well, you're f*cking wrong,

because I am.