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01x04 - The Whispers of Nockmaar

Posted: 12/20/22 06:42
by bunniefuu
Someone just concisely recap
everything I missed.

- What happened to them?
- Possession.

more will die.

But you can still save them.

All you have to do is submit.

Indestructible magic armor.

I can't believe I let you sucker
me into something so ridiculous.

You know, the
Cuirass isn't a w*apon.

- It's a shield.
- Against what?


A portal between
dimensions is opening.

And when they reach
it, Elora will be lost.


Graydon's hurt!

We have to get him to shelter!


Here, let me help you.

We can't go in.

Don't you see? This
is what she wants.

We have to get Graydon
inside or he'll die.

He's not the only one.

There's nothin' around
here for leagues.

This fortress was the stronghold

of the most brutal tyrant
of her age, Bavmorda.

Yeah. Or as Kit
calls her, Grandma.

There's more.

It won't be easy to
hear this, but you must.

Bavmorda's blood,
her spirit, survived.

In me, in your
brother, and in you.

Sorry about this, pal.

What do you think
she used these for?

Bavmorda knew how to romp.

Legendary parties.

Three, four days in a row.

All kinds of weird shit.

How do I look?

Like a vermathrax
at a vestal faire.

- What?
- I was...

No, it was
a really good joke.

Next time leave the levity to me.

What happened to Ballantine and
Merrick is gonna happen to me.

And you guys are gonna
have to stop me before I...


What was Ballantine
gonna do to me?

What Bavmorda started
when you were a baby.

The Ritual of the
Thirteenth Night.

Banishing your soul to a
realm of perpetual suffering.

Only the combined strength
of Willow and Raziel,

the two most powerful sorcerers
of all time, was able to stop it.

In the end, using the Fibonacci
Hex, if I'm not mistaken, right?


Willow obliterated Bavmorda,

rescued Elora Danan, you,

and saved the world.


Then what'd you do?

We all went out and got pissed.

And that thing that you did at
The Slaughtered Lamb, could you...

Blast his insides out?

A few moments of the most
excruciating pain ever endured,

promptly followed by death.

All right, well,
could've just said no.

This is all your fault.

Sorry, how'd
you figure that?


You sent us on a wild goose chase
to find some stupid artifact.

And it doesn't even exist.

We're trapped in some cursed castle,
and Airk is still half a world...

Right, Airk, your brother.

And meanwhile, your
fiancé, Grayoncé there,

is being ravaged by
a 300-year-old demon.

Come on, man.

- Don't say ravaged.
- Sorry, bud.

How long does he have?

Before it takes hold?

Not long.

Sometime in the small hours of
the night, he'll lose control.

I mean, we all know
it has to be done.

What was the last thing that
Ballantine asked you to do?

k*ll him.

He's the prince of Galladoorn,
Kit, we'd be at w*r.

Hastur knew.

Right? We all knew that
he never should've come.

And if I have to decide
between saving Airk

and waiting for Graydon to
turn into some kinda monster...

Hey, you should put that
in your wedding vows.

Kit's right.

I've had some experience
with this before

and I know I'm not
strong enough to stop it.

I don't wanna hurt you guys.

But I will.

If Her Highness is in such
a hurry to see it done,

she ought to do it herself.

Oh, you don't think I will?

Uh, I don't.

Killin' someone who isn't
tryin' to k*ll you back,

it's not an easy thing to do.


You're the greatest
sorcerer alive.

You obliterated Bavmorda.

I mean, there must be
something you can do.

When she was young, your age,

Bavmorda was bright,
curious, full of promise.

She was abducted by members of
a secret long-forgotten sect,

The Order of the Wyrm.

The Crone radicalized her,

converting her with their warped beliefs,
and gifting her with unnatural powers.

What kind of powers?

Well, for example,

she once changed the entire
Galladoorn army into pigs.

Raziel and I, eventually,
changed them all back.

It was chaos, pigs everywhere.

Sorry, all of them?


You... You turned all of
the pigs back into people?

Think so.

The point is, the Order of the Wyrm
practiced taboo magic, against nature.

If a rite exists that can
extract that kind of evil,

I think I know
where we'd find it.

The Malatrium.

Bound in the skin of a satyr.


Here, The Purgation of Namshub.

Hey, that's my
favorite purgation.

It's a ritual of
throwing, of casting out.

But, it's complicated and dangerous, and
I'm not yet back to my full strength.

I couldn't even
say the seed spell.

No. Okay.

What do you want me to do?

Call it an introduction
to alchemy.

We're gonna make a salve.

Very potent.

A precise mixture of herbs,
tonics, and tinctures,

applied at the proper time while
the purgation is read aloud

and his fluids drained.

What kind of fluids
are we draining?

Blood, pus, discharge from...

On second thought, surprise me.

Go to the armory, fetch me a dagger
with an ivory handle and selenium blade.

The Crone knows we're here.

She'll send her Gales to
ensure the ritual is completed.

We'll need to keep watch.

I can do that.

We can't allow Graydon's
infection to pass to any of us.

If it does, we won't
get out of here alive.

How contagious are you talking,
like if he coughs on us?

Or if I touch him and then I,
you know, touch my face or...

The vermiscus goo.

Don't sniff it, don't
wipe it, don't eat it.

Why would we eat it?


There's one thing even
more important than that.

No matter what, stay
out of the High Tower.

It's maybe, probably a
portal to the Netherworld.

Okay, don't touch the evil goo,
stay out of the High Tower.

Everybody got that?

I'm feelin' really energized and
optimistic about this exorcism.

Hey, I know you're hurting

but you can't keep
punishing yourself

for doing what you had to.

I know what he meant to you, and
how hard it was to, you know...

k*ll him?


Kit, Boorman's right.

It's not something that you
can understand until you do it.

I hope you never have to.

All I remember about bein'
a kid is mucking stables,

and mendin' bridles and bits.

And I was grateful, grateful
to Sorsha for giving me a home.

But when Ballantine took an interest,
he gave me something that I'd never had,

a way to use my anger, to channel
it into becoming something.

He gave me his sword and
I k*lled him with it.

I know. I...

I'm goin' to the
battlements to keep watch.

I'll come with you.

Just help Willow and Elora
gather what they need.



Oh, hello, lovely.

What treasures are you hiding?



Come to us.

Is there anything that we
can give him for the pain?


Oh, okay then.

I found everything except
for essence of nightshade.

We can't leave out ingredients.

Mix it wrong, we could
blow up the whole castle.

Brined possum bladder.

Red-throated possums eat
nothing but nightshade.

Cook down its spleen
and voilà, essence of.

Is that what you
put in your muffins?

Among other things.

Can you just go and
check if they have any?

You think that's something people
just have in their cupboards?

Worth a shot, right?

- Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, hey, hey! Come on!
- Relax.

- Is that part of...
- No.

I was sick, when I was a kid.

With what?

I don't know, exactly.

Just something bad.

I'm not supposed
to talk about it.

It's shameful.

- No, it isn't.
- Yes, it is.

It just means you're
resilient, is all.

We're gonna fix you right up.

But this might hurt a

Or a lot.



"Go ahead, Kit.

"Fetch me some brined possum
bladder, and some pixie dust

"so I can sprinkle it on my bum

"and make my gentle wind
smell like cinnamon."



What are you doing here?

You didn't find any eel jelly
or nymph butter, did you?

Um, aren't you supposed
to be watchin' out for the Gales?

I am. I was. I...

There's this door
that I've found

and it looks like a
great spot for watching.

Boorman, are you plundering
my dead grandma's castle?

No, of course not!

I don't care if you are.

Oh. Okay, in that
case, 100% yes.

Everyone thinks this
place is cursed.

Do you know how rare it is

to find an abandoned castle
that hasn't been sacked?

Guess not.

I can't open the treasure vault,

which is very frustrating...

Thank you.

What are you lookin' for?

Brined possum bladder.


You can never find it when you need it.

How's the, uh, purgation going?

It's not gonna work.

And if this ritual doesn't
k*ll him, I'll have to.




I just think Bavmorda would be very
proud of her granddaughter right now.

Oh, my God.

And she'll never
let me forget it.

Gashog ba-sog tarong amach!

Gashog ba-sog tarong amach!


This won't work if you
don't say it with me.


Gashog ba-sog
tarong amach!

- Amach.
- Amach?

Hard "K" sound.



Gashog ba-sog tarong amach!

Gashog ba-sog tarong amach!

Look at me.
Look at me, boy.

- What? No. You're not here.
- You're such a failure.

You're not real.

What did I tell you?

Give Galladoorn an heir
with a claim to Tir Asleen.

Redeem yourself for
what you stole from me.

It wasn't me!

It's okay.

You can do this.

And I'll catch you if you fall.

Why are
you torturing me?

- What's happening to him?
- Keep stirring!

Damn it, where's Kit?

Do you renounce
your name, your family?

I do.

Will you embrace
the light of the Eternal One?

Pledge your life
to our endeavor,

that we might deliver
this world from suffering,

into his warm embrace?

I will.

The Blood of
the Six runs in your veins.

You shall be his harbinger.

Primal Priestess of the
Wyrm, -

Queen Bavmorda.


you won't defeat me. I...

Hey, you think spoiled
wine can make you...


I'm tryin' to get this damn treasure
vault open, and it's k*lling me.

I really need to
know what's in there.

What if it's something
really good like

a giant golden statue of
an eagle fighting a horse?

You see anything?


Kit's right, you know?

One of us is gonna
have to k*ll him.


And it's gonna have to
be either you or me.


Ugh! All I ever wanted to
be was a knight, to serve.

So far, I hate it.

You know, when my partner died,

I spent a lot of time
running from myself,

till I realized the only person
I'll never get away from is me.

How'd you live with it?

You set your eyes on what you want,
you go for it, and you don't look back.

And I think Ballantine
would've said the same.

All right, that's...

Everyone deserves one
good cry per quest.


Look, if you're gonna get grossed
out, or faint, or something,

can you just take a
few steps back, please?


Elora, quickly.


Ugh! That is foul.

It's not honeysuckle, but I
think that means it's ready.

Maybe he won't even feel it.

shoggog yug sugloth...

Yug shoggog el katuth...

me some water, peck.

Or you die.

Understand? Water.

Elora, water.

Hurry up!

Is somebody there?

Can anyone hear me?

If you can, please, talk to me.


Airk! We hear you.


Is that you?

Where are you?

I'm in a cell, I think.

It's dark and hot.

- I'm alone. I'm scared.
- We're coming for you.

- It's not Airk. It's the Lich.
- Please, help.

- He's trying to break our concentration.
- No.

Don't let him.

- Please!
- I can't be here.

Listen to me. We
have to carry on.

Yug shoggog yug sugloth,
yug shoggog el katuth.

Meetach harren, meetach huul...

shouldn't be doing this, Dada.

You know how it ends,
you can't change it.

You can't protect her.

- Shut up!
- Tell her the truth.

- Tell her everything or I will.
- Shut up, I say! Shut up!

harren, meetach huul.

- What does that mean?
- Focus!

Is there something that
you're not telling me?

- It doesn't matter!
- What happened to your village?

Listen, if you can't
be of any use, leave!

Now, go!

Try to relax.


I hate you, door!

I'm sorry. I'm fine.
We're fine.



You can make this right.

She took the Lux.


Those hellions.


Why are you out here?

I needed some air.

It was my choice. Is
that okay with you?

Yeah. It's fine.

I met these two...

woodcutters when I
escaped from Ballantine.

They were eating lunch
outside of their cottage.

If only I'd kept going,
they'd still be alive.

You were right.

It was stupid to think I...

I can't save anybody.

Listen, uh, when...

When they took you
from the campsite...

We all spread out
to go look for you.

Do you hear that?

What, Graydon being reamed?

Look, I'm tryin' to tell you
something right now, can you...


That voice.

I know it.

I've heard it before.

Wait. Wait, I'll come with you.

I cannot lose you a third time.

Oh, Willow's gonna be pissed.

Jade, run!



you die!


No mercy!


Stand aside
for Queen Bavmorda.

cannot stop the prophecy!

This child will
have no power over me.

- Start the ritual.
- No!

Your reign of
terror is at an end!

She will come back and
she will finish you!

- Silence, wench.
- My baby will finish you!

k*ll her.



She's here.

I feel her.

I see her!

Oh, she's grown up,
fierce and resilient.

She is the beacon of light
in a time of dread.


Sweet mercy! I
thought you were...

How did you get in here?

Through the door?


I just spent the last half
an hour barricading the door!

There's definitely something
very wrong with this castle.


God, the spiral staircase
just tried to eat me.

I feel like we'd be
better off in the storm.

All due respect, Your Majesty,

but no shit.


- Who is it?
- We have swords!

And crossbows and spiked
flails with poison.

Oh, wow. Okay, I
surrender. Now let me in.

How do we know it's you?

Oh, I don't know, my fiery aroma,
my sweet singing voice. Take your pick.

Tell us something only the
real Boorman would know.

Okay, you two have totally
got the hots for each other.

- We don't.
- Yeah, at all.

- Where is it?
- Oh! Hey!

You were the only one in
the catacombs with me,

- only you could've guessed I had it.
- Had what?

The Lux Arcana.

You have no idea what it means to me
and what I would do to get it back.

Please remove your grubby
hands from my Princess.

Uh, let's start over.

What happened? Where's Willow?

Gone. And we're in big trouble.

The ritual, it worked, sorta.

He was able to draw the
poison out of me but,

it got into him and now he's
the Lich and I'm, well...

You get my point.

Sorry, do you mind helping me
with this? I just... Thank you.

You're okay.


But Willow's not. So come
on, we have to find him.

Thank you, by the way,
for saving my life.

- Willow!
- Willow!


Where could he be?

Just wait, let me...

We can figure this out.

We have to think like he would.

Not Willow, the Lich.
Where would he go?

The High Tower!

The Ritual of the Thirteenth Night,
a doorway between two worlds. Yes!

- I'll go. It's not safe for you.
- No.

Willow saved my life,
it's my turn to save his.

How do you know where to go?

I was born here.

it's very possible

that I might have overreacted
a little bit.

So I formally apologize.

But, if you'll give me back
my Lux, I'll be on my way.

You said you didn't find it.

Yes, well, I may
have lied about that.

Which is irrelevant,
because you liars

are the only two people I've been
intimately close to since I had it.

- When were you intimately close with him?
- When were you?


It's Nockmaar tryin' to get in our
heads and pin us against each other.

What's a Lux?

Why does it mean so much to you,
that you're ready to turn on us?

Look. The tower.


You have such a
low opinion of us.

You really think we're gonna
fall for that old chestnut?

No, no, no, he's right.

There's someone up there.

- Another trick?
- Maybe.


He's not here.


I don't understand,
where could he be?

I don't know, but
maybe it's okay.

What do you mean okay?

We have to find him
before it's too late.

Don't you see?

It doesn't matter.

can't help you anymore.

Oh, shit!

We're gonna finish the ritual.


I know you're
in there, Gray.

And I know some part
of you can hear me.

I've never felt stronger.

You've looked better.

This is what you want, right?

Confidence, strength?
I can have that.

Clearly, but that's
not what I want.

It's what Airk has.

But it's not why I love him.

What did I say was the number
one most important safety rule?

"No matter what, stay
out of the High Tower."

You are the worst apprentice ever!


So tiny and helpless.

Yet you survived, when Bavmorda, the
most powerful of sorceresses, fell.

Don't you wanna know why?

fires forever kindled within.

- Let the second rite begin.
- Let the second rite begin.

I know why.

Willow defeated her using the...

The Fiberatchi
Obliteration or something.

And now he's gonna use
it to kick your ass.

Is he though?

Do you wanna tell
her or should I?

Don't listen to it, Elora.

You stupid hag!

With my magic, I'll send
her into the... Into a...

You're no sorcerer.

Into a realm where
evil cannot touch her!

Impossible! There's
no such place!

swath ben helgafel.



Willow didn't
defeat Bavmorda.

She was thwarted by
her own carelessness.

So tell me.

How will you defeat us?

Same as last time.

With my friends.

Willow, catch!


Get the hell out of Graydon!

Get off!

We have to.

It's time.

Just wait!


She needs her mother.

You can't help her.

But you can help Graydon.

You can still save him.

I can't. I tried. I...
I don't have the...

You grew the eckleberry

The seed charm.

It worked.

I saw it in the woods.

It was...

It was beautiful.

So I'm gonna need you to
get your shit together

and use whatever it is
you've got to save Graydon.

'Cause if you don't,
you're gonna regret it,

for the rest of your life.

- I don't know how.
- Yes, you do.

Just throw out the recipe.

Damn it, Elora! Don't
you dare!

Get off!

I'm not like you.

I couldn't even load the
crossbow that he gave me.

You're smarter
than I'll ever be.

Riding and fighting
doesn't make a good ruler.

Wisdom does.

Come on, Graydon.

You can do this, and I'll
catch you if you fall.

Never doubted you for a second.



Why does my face feel on fire?

That's completely
normal. Don't worry about it.

Hey, you know what, I'm
gonna miss this place.

Say what you want about the service,
but I think it's got personality.

What is the Blood of the Six?

In the beginning, in the Grove,

six fays betrayed the Mothers
to serve the dark power.

That line continued through the
ages, strong magic but corrupt.

The Blood of the Six.

So Bavmorda, she was
the Blood of the Six.

Which means so am I.

And so is Airk.

Mmm. We have to reach the Immemorial
City before she corrupts him.

Yeah, that's on the
far side of the world.

Is that even possible?

She saved Graydon.

Anything's possible.

We're finally making progress.

You may make a sorceress yet.

Take the girl.

k*ll the others.

Is somebody there?



Is anybody out there?