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03x17 - Stranglehold

Posted: 05/21/08 06:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Ghost Whisperer"... had the worst dream.

It's just a dream.

No, this was a memory.

This only way it can stop is if I can figure out who this mask eyes.

I am pretty sure it has something to do with my father.

What is it that I need to know. Dad?

The truth about Grandview? Why you here?

The dangers you're facing?

There is no records of his death.

Not that I can find. No burial, no cremation.

What are these numbers?

I don't know, must pull more file folders To know my hand writing.

Carl, I just saw you write them down.

I mean, don't get me wrong.

I respect the sure order cut.

They after all have built and maintained the temple that you see before you.

But was that the best use of your father's law degree.

I think he just took that job because he was on the run OK, now you have my attention.

To run from what?

I don't know.

But what's interesting isn't inside the file, it's what on the front.

At first I thought it was a phone number but, there is too many digits.

And you're married, and any detective wait and salt can see that you have an enormous rock on your finger.

You're not getting the point.

The guy did not write this. A spirit using his body did.

You saw another possession?

I think so.

I searched the numbers on the web. I tracked them down to some security number...

What? What is that look?

1979 is that a year or did you just graphite my numbers?

1979 is the year, it's a court case. It's a docket number, five digits followed by the year.

Anybody knows that.

That is ever been sued or sued or fought speeding ticket are several have you ever done that?


If I don't mind, even if I guilty.

I like judges at certain type a day, they get tired so, they get pity on people Ok, if it's a case, would it be online?

I'm not sure. but, you can check with the courts. because once an arrest has been made, it's always public record.

Thank you.

What's the rush?

Do you have any idea how long I've talked about finding out what happened to my father.

I mean, how he died? What happened to him before that?

It's like, someone wants me to find out the truth. They were just laying on me to ask.


Hey, stranger!

Yeah, I know, night shifts.

Last time, it's on my way to see you.

But then I started reading this, and I just couldn't put it down.

Wait, so that number was a case file.


Payne was right. It's a case that my father prosecuted when he was in ADA.

So interesting. I was nine, when my dad left and...

My memories of him sometimes I feel that I made them up.

But, reading them what he had to say in court, it's like hearing his voice.

The state verses Paul Eastman.

Yeah, this is little boy "Michael Wilkins" was strangled in the woods.

Paul Eastman led them to his body. He was convicted as a crime.

But that was what I really know, about the little boy, this case Why I was led to it? It's just not enough.

Hello, can I help you?

I hope so. My name is Melinda Gordon.

Are you Ellen Wilkins?


Ma, who is it?

Melinda, right?

This is my son, Graham Hi, I was looking for some information and I think you might be able to help me.


My father was the prosecutor for your son's case.

His name was Tom Gordon.

No, that was long ago.

Please, I know it's been years.

My father's been missing almost as long.

And I think that his disappearance's tied to your son's death in some way I really don't want to talk about it.

And I'm so sorry to ask you to.

We don't want you here.

Can I come in for a moment.

You said your father's missing?

The truth is, I think he's dead.

Mom see if we can help her.

I was researching the case, and the truth is I don't have much to go on.

Did you get to know my father at all during the trial?

Don't talk about this! Make her leave! Why you even listening to her?

Did...did you see that?

Oh, it must've been the cat.

Mom, you said you're keeping the cat on the sun porch.

Our daughter is allergic.

My wife and I here with the kids for a few weeks visiting while we work on the house.

You should check on the cat.

If she got out, she is probably in the pantry.

If there is a better time?

There is not.

I don't know if you can understand this.

But my youngest Michael. This is still his home and...

I can't, I won't talk about his death. Not to you, not to anyone.

Because I'm not dead.

Don't say that. Never say that.

Excuse me.

Don't worry honey, she's leaving.

You should leave now.

Stop, you're hurting me.

No. I'm not hurting you.


It's my turn.

No it isn't.


No, it isn't.

Come on children. Stop fighting I told you...

You kept his room.

You made a place for him.

Does everyone know he's here?

Pierce, Daisy go play in the guestroom.

Ok, its alright, I am not mad.

Who are you? and what do you want really?

I can see spirits, ghosts.

And I can see your son Michael.

You can see my son?


Guessing that is not a shock to you.

Michael loves his home and his family.

He may live differently but he lives.

And that's not gonna change. Not ever.

Ghost Whisperer Season 03 Episode 17

So how long have you known that he's been here with you.

Oh, since the day he didn't come home for dinner, going on 30 years now.

At first my husband thought I'd lost my mind in grief, and then he thought I just lost my mind.

But it was so obvious to me.

Our son couldn't be gone, he just couldn't.

Who else knows about this.

Well, when it first started, I told Michael to let graham be.

Graham was just 12, and we didn't want to frighten him.

And things just sort of stayed that way.

But your granddaughter... she seemed to be able to see him.

Yeah, I find children do when they're still very young.

I told you it was our secret.

Do you mind if I talk to Michael.

As long as your questions don't upset him.


I'm here because a spirit sent me a message.

About your case, and what happened to you.

Was that message from you.

I've been right here this whole time. I've been good.

I'm sure you have.

But you've been here for so long, it makes me think that maybe something's holding you here, something you want your mom to know.

You know that this isn't right, keeping him here with you.

Spirits belong in the light.

Michael's a child.

He's 10 years old.

He'll be 10 years old forever, and that's too young.

It's too young to be on his own.

Right. You can't keep him here until--

till the day I die, and then we'll go, together.

And you could help us then, ok.

I have never seen anything like it.

He was insisting he was alive, but she knew he was a ghost.

You've dealt with families who thought they were haunted before.

Well, they've sensed a presence, which is a lot different than, "oh, hey, could you schooch over for dead Mikey.

Wait a minute, they thought that they could see him.

Well, his mother couldn't. I saw her try to talk to him when he wasn't there.

But his niece and nephew, especially the little one, she definitely knew he was there.

And I want to help them, but I didn't go there expecting to meet that boy.

What were you looking for.

I mean, the case has been closed for almost 30 years.

I don't know. I just trust that if a ghost comes to me in any way, it's because they want me to help them somehow.

You know, or they want me to send a message or find out the truth about how they died.

Or what happened after they died.

Paul Eastman, the man who k*lled Michael, was convicted by my father.

But there was a fire at the prison, and he used it to escape.

Did they ever find him.


He disappeared.

They never found a body, and he's still wanted by the police.

Sweet girl.


I'm here.

Where am I.

It's ok, honey.

There was a man... wearing a mask, and it-- I was really scared.

It was only a dream.

Why do I keep having it.

Did I know him.

You're in danger, Melinda.


Please, I want to help you.

I don't know that you can, honey.

Be careful.

Don't trust anyone.

What are you talking about.

Don't assume anyone is who they seem... not even me.

You get done with a 12-hour shift, and I welcome you home with this.

I'm so sorry I keep doing this to you.

You're not doing it. It's your father.

He just keeps telling me this was a dream, but it feels so real.

What happened this time.

I was walking, there was blood.

The man was there, then he was gone.

Thought I'd gotten away from him, but it all ties together somehow.

The dream, the dead little boy, my father.

Wait a minute.

You said the mask was clear, right.

With kind of a reddish tint. It was hard to tell.

Or the face underneath it was red.

Did you tell me that the man that k*lled the little boy, he escaped during a prison fire.

Sometimes facial burn victims wear a clear mask during treatment so you can see the wound, but it's still protected.

So you're saying the man in the mask has been Paul Eastman this whole time.

I don't know, is that possible.

Well, the dream I keep having, it feels like a memory... maybe the memory wasn't my own.

Whose could it be.

Someone else he k*lled.

Maybe they gave me that vision.

Wait a minute, the ghost of another victim--

but as hard as he tried, my father couldn't stop Paul Eastman.

The k*ller's still out there.

Why are you being led to a case your father tried 30 years ago.

Because the k*ller's still out there. Maybe he's still k*lling.

But why an old case.

Why not something new, like a missing child report or, I don't know, a fresh corpse.

Look, all I know is this is the case that I was led to.

It might have some information about my father's file, so stop asking me so many questions and help me.

Why one of those has gobs of sugar.

They both have gobs of sugar, 'cause they're both mine.

What is it with you perky people.

You think just because I answer my phone at dawn, I'm an early riser.

I need these.


Just keep the archivist occupied, ok, so I can get the case file.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, the archivist, that guy.

Why do I have to talk to that guy.

He's meaner than my uncle Snarly.


Ahem, excuse me.

Good morning.

Nice to see you again.

What can I do for you.

Well, actually, um, I'm looking for files on a court case.

I have the docket number.

Civil or criminal.


Third row on your right.

Red tabs, they go by the year.

Help yourself.

When the town lets me shred, I shred.

No better cure for the clutter.



It's a good thing I was here, I totally won that guy over.

Either that, or he got his meds right.

91, 92.

It's missing.

Or he had a personality transplant.

Oh, my god, you're right.

Don't sound so surprised.

He's possessed.

Who are you.

What are you trying to hide from me.

You don't belong down here, missy.

Neither do you.

Let's go, Melinda.

No, I want to know who's possessing him.

I want to see daylight again. Let's go now.

Hey, you.

Which one of those is for me.


Then why did you buy 2 new coffees.

I need them. These are decaf.

After that incredibly creepy experience we had back there, I need to wind down a little.

Is there anything in there about other abductions, I mean abductions other than the archivist's body.

No. Nothing.

No similar cases that match Eastman's whereabouts.

He's only a suspect in Michael's death.

That's great. I bought 4 overpriced coffees for nothing.

Well, maybe not for nothing.

Paul Eastman made threats to my father outside the courtroom.

My father told the judge about them; they were a part of the case.

What kind of threats. Like death threats.

I don't know why it never occurred to me.

This guy threatened to k*ll my father; my father who didn't just walk out on my mom and me, he vanished, only reappearing to me as a ghost.

Whoa, that's pretty heavy. You don't think... we know that Paul Eastman escaped from jail, never to be found.

We know that he wanted my father dead.

Maybe the m*rder my dad wants me to solve is his own.

I'm so sorry... about before, coming here and upsetting you and your son when I didn't know quite what I was looking for.

Now you think that that man who hurt Michael is--

I know that it's painful, but I hope that you can understand now.

But what is it you think he can do to help you.

Ghosts can travel.

My hope is that Michael might have seen something.

This man is a predator, and Michael knows what he looks like.

I don't have to help you.

You don't.

But I noticed that you like to play superhero.

And my father, he wasn't perfect, but he did like to help people.

He caught the man who hurt you, and he put him in jail.

Kind of like a hero.

And if we could lead the police to him, then you could be a hero, too.

You don't know anything.


Well, then, why don't you tell me, because you seem to know something.

Please, what is he saying.

I don't like you, and I don't like your questions.

What's he saying.

Tell her. Tell her I'm tired of this, and I want you to go away.

He doesn't want to answer.

That's not what I said.

Tell her what I said.

Michael, please.

What's happening.

Look, I know that this is hard, but I really do believe it's connected somehow.

Pierce... honey, what--what's wrong.

She wouldn't tell you what I really said.

I was trying to tell you to make her go.

I've been trying to tell you.

Honey, we've talked about this.

I've told you, leave your nephew alone.

Don't get mad at me, mommy.

She made me do it.

Don't let go of me, mommy.

Never let go.

Oh, sweetheart.

I'm so sorry.

What's happening to me.

Pierce, is that you.

I'm scared.

What's happening to me.

I don't know, but you're gonna be ok.

Michael... it's time.

Where am I.

It's ok. you're ok.

You're ok.

Hey, we've seen a possession before, right.

Where a spirit takes over a body and then releases it again later, right.

Is this a survey.

Cause I'm pretty sure I'm on the do not call list.

Listen, ok. I just saw something different.

I saw a spirit existing apart from his body.

Its living body.

That kid Michael just possessed his nephew.

Well, that's spectral displacement.

Yeah, ok, break that down for me and quick.

It's an advanced iteration of the possession phenomenon.

The visiting spirit, the possessor, if you will, doesn't control the host body's consciousness.

It gives it the old heave-ho, creating what we call a displaced spirit.

I can't believe you've actually seen one.

Yeah, and I don't think it's my first.

I need to talk to you.

How did you find me.

You've been keeping tabs.

No, but it comes in handy to have an extremely untrusting husband.

I saw dad again.

I guess even in death, you're daddy's favorite.

Don't lie to me.

The first time that I saw dad, he told me that I had a brother.

Every time I've seen him since, you haven't been far behind.


So you've seen him, too.

I knew there was something off.

What are you talking about.

The weakness, the confusion. He doesn't even look like other ghosts.

And he keeps coming in and out of it as if he doesn't have any control, because he doesn't.

You're not making any sense.

Look, a ghost is controlling his body, ok.

This whole time, I thought he was dead because I was looking at his spirit, but--


You're alive.

My sweet, sweet girl.

Yes, I'm here.

And I'm just so sorry I've been gone for so long.

I just...I can't believe it's you.

Well, don't just stand there.

See if your sister wants something to drink.

I don't have much to offer.

That's ok, I'm all set.

Sweetheart, I just got in on a bus last night, otherwise I would have called right away.

But I had to rest, doctor's orders.

What happened to your leg.

Well, let's just say I had things on my mind when I should have been looking at the road.

Hence the bus ride, heh.

Hope you don't mind if I sit down.

I'm supposed to stay off my feet.

What's that face. You're looking at me like I was a-- a ghost.

I've-- I've pictured your life like a million different ways, but the one thing I was always sure about was the end.

You're supposed to be dead.

Look, I can see how I've been like a phantom in your life-- no, it's not about what I felt.

It's about actually seeing your ghost.

But, Melinda yeah, I know.

You're alive, so I didn't see your ghost, but I--I still believed that it was your spirit.

Your displaced spirit.

My what.

It happens when a ghost possesses another body.

The displaced spirit wanders on its own.

Possessed. I think I would know it.

No, you wouldn't.

That's the point, dad, you wouldn't remember any of it.

Who could be doing this to you.

Sweetheart, what are we talkin' about.

I haven't seen my daughter in 20 years, and the first thing you want to discuss is--

it has to do with Paul Eastman. do you remember him.

You sent him to prison because he k*lled that 10-year-old boy, Michael Wilkins.

Only he escaped, and I think that he wants to hurt other children, or you.

Melinda, I'm fine.

I've put a lot of people in jail, and none of them have come after me.

What got you on to all of this.

A ghost...sent me the case. At first, I thought it was Michael.

Lots of other ghosts have tried to stop me.

Does this make any sense to you.

Why on earth would it.

Because your's tried to stop me.

Last night.

You mean my-- what'd you call it-- displaced spirit.

Does this mean anything to you.

I have no idea.

Sweetheart, I--I'm sorry.

I wish I knew how to help you.

Look, I'm... I'm not even gonna ask you why you haven't contacted me before.

That's your business.

But I do want to know why you decided to come back now.

I heard you were looking for me.

I decided it was time to stop hiding from my mistakes it's time to start being a father again.

Well, I guess I should apologize.

You're back. I guess it's just a shock.

I hope we can have a second chance.

There's so much I want to find out about you.

I'd like to do that.

My father is back in my life again for one hour, and this is our new relationship.

I steal things from his room for evidence.

Yeah, and with good reason.

It's not even his name on the ticket. He's using an alias.

What if he's in danger.

What if I was right about everything except his death.

What if he's using a fake name because he's hiding from someone, someone who he sent to prison.

What if he's just lying to protect me.

You believe that.

I don't know what to believe.

'Cause none of it makes any sense.

Why would his spirit warn me not to trust anyone, even himself.

And then I see him, and he hugs me, and he says "let's not be strangers, "

Are you sure it was him you saw in that hotel and not some ghost possessing him.

I'm as sure as I am about anything, which isn't much.

Do you want to know what I think.

I already do.

You want me to stay away from him.

Right. Because...

I have watched you every day deal with horrible things; terrible, painful things, and none of those, all of them put together, have ever hurt you as much as this one man.

But he just got here.

And you want me to pretend like he never existed.

I mean, don't I have a right to know who my father is; to know where he's been all these years.

Of course you do, yes, but are you ready for the truth.

I don't know, but I've gotta find out anyway.

Mel... look, I know it's hard to be married to me sometimes.

I'll never say that.

Just let me make it easier.

Just help me find out what my dad's been up to.

Use your doctor connections.

Find out about that accident he was in.

Help me figure out if he's been living as Jeff king from Cleveland.

It's at least somewhere to start.

You got it.
How long are you planning to stay.

As long as it takes to clean up this mess.

I don't understand why you're so angry.

I've done everything you asked.

No, you haven't.

Or she wouldn't be asking me these questions about Paul Eastman.

There are ways to fix that if you'd let me.

Where did I go wrong to make you hate your sister so much.

You really need me to answer that.

I have to go.

You're on your own.

Leave me alone, you hear me.

I won't let you do this to me.

I won't.

Leave me alone.

Mercy hospital, Driscoll County.

Yeah, Mr. King's complaining of pain in his lower tibia.

He says it's--he says it's from a car accident you guys treated him for.

I'm going to need all the pathology records from that event, if you could send them to me.

We do have some records on Mr. King, yes.

He's been to this hospital many times.

His G.P.S practice is here Great. Uh, what can you tell me.

He's been beaten up pretty badly, to be honest.

A couple of falls, some contusions, stitches to the elbows and knees.

Lots of separate visits.

So what can you tell me about the car accident.

We have no record of anything auto-related.

That's odd.

It is and it isn't.

How do you mean.

Look, nothing came of it, but we have reporting standards here, and Mr. King's file got sent to the C.P.D.

The pattern suggested that someone was trying to hurt Mr. King, or he was hurting himself.

Or both.

I beg your pardon.

Uh, nothing. Thanks a lot, thanks for your time.

Don't get me wrong, there's lots of things I wish my father lied to me about.

For example, I did not need to know he worked his way through medical school as a corpse beautician.

I don't think he's lying, but I'm pretty sure he's hiding something.

You don't think he's lying.

Well, Melinda, let's count all the things your father has told you that turned out to be true.

Um, you know what, why don't you go first, 'cause I can't think of any.

Look, I have lots of questions for my dad, too, which I can ask him when he gets here for lunch.

Lunch. That's nice.


My dad used a lot of rogue on those people, but they were still stiffs.

So you don't think I'll be able to tell if he's lying.

You'll be able to tell. The question is, will you want to.

Look, he has to tell me the truth, ok.

He's obviously scared.

He's been running from something for 20 years.

I can help protect him.

Protect him from what, Melinda.

You still don't know who possessed him, you don't know why you were shown that kid's ghost.

No, but I know it has to be connected somehow.

Michael Wilkins, Paul Eastman, my father.

I just have to figure out how.


Dad, yeah, I was just

I'm not gonna be able to make it.


Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Yeah, I got some news.

I hope it turns out to be good news.

He's at the doctor's.

He got held up waiting for an appointment.

Then why does it say Grandview court hotel on the caller ID, Melinda. Come on.

Are they giving free orthopedic exams with their tiny soaps and their pillow mints.

You know, maybe this is hard for you to understand, but not everything's a joke.

That man is my father.

He means something to me.

So go along with the lie or leave.

That's your cue to say, "no, rick, stay. I value your judgment.


For the record, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I don't take back what I said about your father, because you're my friend and he hurt you, and that's not ok with me.

And, you know, no matter what Oh, my god, are you all right.

Can't talk.

Where did this come from.

Need sympathy.


Where are you. Slow down.


What just happened.

I had a vision.

Did you know you could walk at the same time you have a vision.


Well, you just did.

You just vision-walked.

I have to go.

Someone just showed me how Michael's body was found. But something's wrong.

I'll tell you what's wrong-- you just vision-walked across my hand.

This is your cape, isn't it.

The one from the picture.

It's not mine, you're wrong.

It's somebody else's.

What's going on.

Your son's been hiding something you'll want to know.

Michael, is that true.

Someone led me to the cape, and they used your marbles to do it.


At first I thought it was you, but then you didn't want me to be here.

So it had to be somebody else, like a ghost or maybe somebody who wanted me to think that they were you.

Leave me alone.

Who do you think would want me to find this cape, Michael.

There's something you're not telling me.

Maybe it's something you don't even know that you know.

I said leave me alone.

I'm sorry, but I can't do that.

'Cause people's lives are in danger, including my father and maybe some kids just like you.

Leave me alone, or I'll make you.

I understand if you're scared.

I'm not scared.

But you should be.


Where are you.

No, no, this isn't right.

You have to leave.

I told her to leave me alone.

Michael, baby, no.

She's being rude.

She's not listening.

Leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

Leave me alone.


Go away.

Tell your son to let go of his brother.

If Michael says you should leave, you should leave.

I don't want her to leave.

She'll just come back again.

What are you talking about, honey.

I want her to stop asking questions, forever.

I want her to shut up, forever.

Michael, stop it.

All right. Let go of your brother.

Look, you said that he was-- he was too young to be alone.

You were right, he needs a mother now.


Let go. Right now, do you hear me.

No more.

What's a matter, mommy.

I want you to let go of your brother.

But I thought you liked being able to see me, and hold me.

You said so.

I know, sweetheart, and I do.

But now is the time to let go.


What's going on.

It's ok.

I'll explain everything.

He's only been able to-- ahem--go into other people for... a year or two.

And I really didn't understand it at first, but... yes, I knew he could do it, and I am so sorry, Graham.

All right.

Yeah, we'll talk more about it later.

I should go see how daisy's doing.

I need to know what happened the day of the accident.


I need to know everything.

You said that you were a good boy.

You are a good boy.

You just need to tell us, because somebody else got hurt that day, and I think you know who it was.

I was playing superhero in the woods.

Mommy always told me I shouldn't climb trees without an adult there, but I really wanted to fly.

I climbed up pretty high, but then I got kinda scared, so I started to climb back down again, and my cape got stuck, and I guess my foot slipped.

And the next thing I remember, I was on the ground.

My cape was gone, but I didn't care about that.

I was just thinking...

"my mom's gonna be so mad at me.

" So it was an accident.

Nobody hurt you.

I don't understand.

Yeah, I'm not sure that I do, either.

Michael, the man who led the police to your body, Paul Eastman.

How did he find you.

Was that an accident, too.


I showed him the way.


Was there a trail, like how I got led to your cape.


I talked to him.

How did-- how did he hear you. I mean--

the same way I'm talkin' to you.

Please...what's he telling you.

No, no, please don't tell her.

She'll be so mad at me.

No, she's not going to be mad at you.

No, because you did the right thing.

You told the truth.

Even though you were really scared.

That's right, sweetheart.

I am--I'm so proud of you, no matter what.

I want my mommy to hold me again.

I want to feel her arms around me again.

Michael, this may be hard for you to understand, but that can't happen anymore.

There's another place that you belong, and your mommy, she-- she wants you to go there.

She'll be with you one day.

Is that true, mommy.

Is that true.

You know what, it's hard for her to say so.

Because... the one thing a parent never wants is to be away from their child.

It's just...sometimes it happens.

Melinda's right, sweetheart.

I've been so selfish keeping you with me.

And there's another place where you belong.

Nana and grandpa will be waiting for you there.

They'll take care of you.

Is that it.

It's so bright, mom.

He sees the light.

But he's scared.

Don't be frightened, sweetheart.

You go on.

You'll be ok.

I--I think I see nana.

He's going.

It's ok.

I'll be with you someday soon.

He's gone.

This is just getting stranger and stranger.

Yeah, you're telling me.

So the guy who found the kid's body, he could see ghosts, too.

Yeah, I keep hearing Grandview attracts us. I guess that's true.

And when your father prosecuted him, he hadn't met your mother yet.

My dad would have felt the same as anyone else, that Paul Eastman is crazy.

He seemed crazy but was really innocent.

But it doesn't tell me how this all started.

I mean, who gave me that case number.

Who gave me that vision.

'Cause it couldn't have been anybody living.

Wait a minute.

What happens to someone when they have really bad burns.

Well, the infection can spread real easily.

You need ready access to antibiotics, you need water.

That's how he died.

Paul Eastman is dead.

He gave me that vision, he possessed my dad, all of it.

He's just trying to get his revenge.

But where do you hide when you're running from a ghost.

I have to warn my dad.

You know, he left his heart medicine at my house by accident.

So if he doesn't answer, you might just have to let me in, all right.

I prefer if I got a verbal ok from the hotel guest.

Yeah, well, he may not be able--

Oh, my god.


Dad, just open the door, ok.

Dad, just open the door.

Unlock it.


Help me. Push it open, help me.



dad, open the door.


Oh, my god.

Oh, my god...
