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01x11 - Havoc-ween

Posted: 12/06/22 11:55
by bunniefuu
Wait. So I just spent an hour of my life

watching this dude
wait for a Great Pumpkin

that never even showed up?!

It's not about the pumpkin.

It's about the message of hope.

Well then, I hope you never
waste my time like that again.

- Happy Halloween!
- Ahh!

I'm sorry.

I'm just really excited.

Halloween is my favorite time of year.

Oh. Come on, I have
something to show you!


What's all this?!

I wanted to make your first
Halloween extra special.

So I decorated your yard.

Do you like it?

Well, it's a little over the top

but I guess that's your brand.

I think it looks great, Hartley!

I especially love the
way the lights cast

just the right glow on
Amy's disgusted face.

Well, I'm gonna go back
inside before someone

mistakes me for being fun and festive.

- Synced & Corrected by Dragoniod -

Come on, Amy.

It's your first Halloween.

Let's see some holiday spirit!

Uh, did someone say spirit?!

Look who just showed up in the mail!

Hello, my lovelies!

What is that thing?!

Hey, I don't talk about
your grandmother like that.

- Grandmother?!
- Yeah, that's right.

My mother's spirit is in an orb!

The storage facility
was gonna throw her away

so we had them ship her here.

The one piece of mail the
post office couldn't lose!

Step in here and say it to my face!

Okay, hold up .

Why is your grandma in an orb?

Because glass is the only thing
that will keep her trapped.

Yeah, her villain spirit
is super dangerous.

She can take over any object or person.

She's basically a
blue-haired body snatcher.

Which allows her to act
out the evilest of deeds.

Remember when her spirit was loose?

None of us were safe.

Mummy! Get out of my son!

If you insist!

Oh, come on!

What's wrong, Havoc?

Grandma just wants some
quality time with you!

Oh, well this is not the way to get it!

Why couldn't you just throw bread
at birds like a normal grandma?


Check out this shot!

Off the Havoc, through the grandsons

and into the corner daughter.

You promised you wouldn't
body-snatch your own family!

Oh, did I? Oh, well.

Oh, right...

Ugh, get out!


No, no, no!

Got her!

I was gonna use this
as a hi-tech hand vac

but hey, whatever works!

So whatever you do,

do not let her con you
into breaking her out.

She's just itching to get loose

and reclaim the title of most
dangerous villain in the world.

How could you ditch your grandma

and move to Texas to be a normal family?

"The Maddens"? Really?

We left in a hurry.

If I didn't have time to
bring my favorite underpants,

I certainly didn't
have time to bring you.

Yeah, before I have to hear anymore

about your dad's
underpants, I'm gonna go.

Lots to do before my Sunshine Club
Halloween party tomorrow night.

You do know I invited you all, right?

- Sorry, homework.
- I only socialize with adults.

Oh, come on, it's gonna be fun!

We're gonna bob for apples
and do a witch hat ring-toss!

Or we could turn it into a
haunted house so terrifying,

that everyone cries into their
cheap, ill-fitting costumes!

It's a party. We're not trying to

send kids home with a stress disorder.

What are we even doing?

Advertise your product or brand here
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Dad has to have some device I can bring

to help liven things up at
Hartley's Halloween party.

Let's see. Brain Boiler? No.

Acid Rain Blaster? No.

I love the dude but some of these

are not worth the clean up.

Okay, Grandma, we're gonna leave you

down here for a while.

Someone left her on the front porch.

She's been taunting people for hours.

Hope you weren't too
attached to your mail carrier.

Come on, Amy, we're gonna be
late for my Halloween party.

The Glee Club is kicking things off

with a funny song about candy
corn getting stuck in your teeth.

What? It's a banger!

Like my costume?

Anyone can be a pumpkin.
I'm pumpkin guts!

Huh. Smelly, gross and hard to look at.

It's a perfect fit!

Oh, well, I still have
to put my costume on.

Why don't you two head out
and I'll just meet you there?



You're not planning to go all villain

and bringing one of your dad's
devices to my party, are you?

Well, now that
you've spoiled the surprise...


Don't worry, I'll be
on my best behavior.

Grandma, my first Halloween
is supposed to be fun.

I wanna be there for Hartley

but there's nothing for me
to even do at this party.

I can't prank people,
I can't use my powers...

Bring me!

I'll definitely liven it up.

It'll be just like old times!

Remember when we took
off in that hearse?

Yeah we really put the
fun' in funeral that day.

But I don't know about bringing
you to the party, Grandma.

Oh, come on! I've missed
spending time with you.

And how much damage could I possibly do

inside this thing?

We can tell people I'm
a haunted crystal ball.

It'll be fun!

Yeah. You know what? Why not?

I like where your head's at.

Yeah, well, you know what I mean.

- Boo!
- Ahh!


Sorry, I should've seen that coming.

Just excited to be celebrating
our first Halloween!

I know! We get to wear crazy costumes

and do scary things!

It's like this day was made for us.


Hey, where's your mother?

Well, I figured we could use a break

so I had Jake put her downstairs.

Too bad he couldn't put
her further underground.




Hey, what is that?

It's my villain suit.

No, I mean, "Flashform! Flashform!"

Are you a villain or are you
doing a residency in Vegas?

Okay, look.

Since I didn't get my power or my suit

till after we moved to Texas,

I can wear this as my Halloween costume

and no one will know I'm a villain!

Oh, what a great idea!

Oh, but first, I think you need
to zip up your little villain fly.

Trick or treat!

Oh, I've heard of this!

I will take a treat.

Okay, you're supposed
to give them a treat.

Well, that's no fun.

In that case, I will give you a trick.

No, okay.

They do the tricks if you
don't give them a treat.


Well, is there nothing in this for me?

But seriously,

if you have the nerve
to come to our house

and knock on our door, then
you're gonna give us treats

or you're going to get tricked!

Here! Don't be stingy

Well, I was gonna go out
trick-or-treating tonight,

but it looks like you guys found a way

to bring the candy right to me.

Welcome to my Halloween party!

I know what you're thinking.

Games, a snack table.

Oh, how could it get better?


Say hello to my "make-your-own-spooky
snow-globe station!"

Just add water, glitter, some
cute little bats, and voila!

A spooky Halloween souvenir!

It's the highlight of my party!


It's gonna be a long night.

Wow, Grandma. Look at this place!

Hartley did a pretty good job,
this actually could be fun.

Don't you go soft on me!

What are you supposed to be?

Isn't it obvious? I'm a black cloud.

Didn't need a costume for that.

Wait. Is that...?

Grandma! In the flesh!

Well, you know what I mean.

Why did you bring her here?

Relax, we just wanted to
have some fun together.

We're gonna prank everyone and tell them

I'm a haunted crystal ball.

Are you crazy?

If Hartley finds out, she's gonna freak.

Oh, hey, Amy!

She's coming!

- I don't want it.
- I don't want it.

Ah! Hartley. Hi!

It's about time you got here.

Let me out! I want to party!

- What was that?
- Uh, that was me.

Let's party!

Oh, come on, we're gonna play
"Pin the tail on the black cat!"

Eh, pass. Sounds like animal cruelty.

It's not a real cat.

Now I feel like I'm being duped.

Just come on!


- You broke it!
- Me?

Well, I'm certainly not
going to take responsibility.

Oh, no. Look!

Oh, yeah!

Ain't no party like a Grandma party!

'Cause a Grandma party don't stop.

Ah, it feels so good
to stretch out my straw!

Grandma, we know you're
happy to be out of that orb,

but let's not do anything reckless.

Yeah, you're allowed to
scare crows but nothing else.

Ha! I can do whatever I want to do!

And neither one of you can stop me!

Wanna bet?

Great, I am literally
grasping at straws here.

I've been stuck in that orb for years.

And I'm ready to make up for lost time.

I'll start by
force-feeding caramel apples

to all the kids with braces.

You monster!

Oh, come on, we've gotta go stop her!

How? The orb's broken. We
won't be able to contain her.

- Contain who?
- Ahh!

Contain our excitement for your...

super fun "stitch the
tail on the cat game."

Oh, it's "pin the tail."

Stitch, pin, poke, prod...

Let's just stick this kitty!

Trick or treat!

Oh, so kind of you!
I would love a treat.

Oh, well then.

If I had feelings, that would've hurt.

You know what that means

If you don't give us your treats,

then you'll be getting a trick.

I love Halloween!

Wow, this is actually working!

I can't wait to divide all this up!

Oh, we already did.

Your pile is over there.

Black licorice and raisins?

This is just the stuff you don't like.

What, you want us to give
you the stuff we do like?

That's rather selfish.

I'm pretty sure you don't have
to spin me around this much.

Don't blame me.

You're the one who invented
this crazy cat game.

No need to be scared!

I just want to see how many of you

I can stuff into a locker.

And go!

I couldn't stop her.

I can see that!



We have to contain your spirit,

or we're gonna get in a ton of trouble.

What's the big deal?

I'm just a scarecrow.

An innocent scarecrow intent on scarring

these little suckers for life!

Grandma, you have to stop
before someone gets hurt.


Did I win?

- No.
- You did in my book.


What are you doing with
my scarecrow decoration?

Uh... dancing!

Yeah, it's an old villain tradition.

Grab your scarecrow, do-si-do,

Grab your scarecrow,
run out the front doe-rr?


We got another one!

Well, this one's not even asking.

It's just giving out candy.

Don't mind if I do.




Are you really trick-or-treating?

Every Halloween since
I was a young girl,

I've been the Grim Reaper.

T like to remind people
that they're dead to me.

You really should wear
that get-up more often,

You know, give people a chance
to see the softer side of you.

I heard rumors about
you two snatching candy

from the neighborhood kids.

And let me guess. You want in?

No. I want you to give those treats back

to everyone you stole them from.

And you can start by giving me double.

Oh, come on, Celia, you're
celebrating Halloween

in your own... unique way.

Let us do our thing, too.

Return the candy.

Or the real Grim Reaper
will visit you tonight

and teach you both a lesson!

Uh, Celia, we're adults!

Do you really think your little made-up

Halloween story is gonna scare us?

Time will tell.

Nighty night, neighbor!

Oh, very funny, Celia.

Okay, is it me or is she a
lot faster than she looks?

Let me go!

You're the worst dance
partner I ever had!

I have an idea. Find
something made of glass

to contain Grandma in

I'll use my super-strength to

squeeze her spirit out of the scarecrow.

Uh.. this will work!

You squeeze, I'll trap.

- Okay, here goes.
- No, no, no!

I got her!

Oh, no! It's a jack o'lantern!

She escaped through the eye holes!

Peace out, suckers!

Where'd she go?

Uh, I don't know.

She's heading for Hartley!
She's gonna body-snatch her!

Oh, come on, Grandma knows
Hartley is my best friend.

She wouldn't do that.

Grandma! Coming in hot!

Yeah, to be honest, I don't know why

I thought she wouldn't do that.


What's happening to me?

Don't panic.

But I brought my grandma to your party

Now she's trying to take over your body.

- What?
- I said don't panic.

Oh, no. Panic.

It's the last thing she'll ever do.

Don't worry. Amy's gonna
find a way to fix this.

Fix this!

Okay, but just so I'm clear...

what happens if you don't?

I'll use your body

to terrorize the world!

Oh, and wear a mini-skirt.

It's been a long time since
I could rock one of those.

Oh, not gonna happen!

Get out of me!


For someone with no body,

she's weirdly strong.

Jake, just use your super strength

to squeeze Grandma out again!

I can't squeeze Hartley
with that much force!

It'll crush her! Are you
prepared to deal with that mess?

Because I'm not.

Will you hurry? 'Cause I
don't know how much longer

I can hold her off.

Keep fighting! If she gets full control,

we could lose you forever.

We need to get her to
jump to something else.


This vessel is young and full of life.

And lives next door to you!

I can be your grandma and
your best friend in one!

What girl doesn't want that?

This girl! This girl doesn't want that!

Don't worry, Hartley, We're
gonna get her out of you!



It's done!

Hartley's gone and
Grandma is here to stay!

Maybe I should've just crushed her.

Give it up, Celia! We
know it's still you.

Yeah. We won't be scared into thinking

the real Grim Reaper is after us,

just so we'll give the candy back.

We locked the doors, right?

Of course!

But wait, she has a key!

You're right! Wait a minute!

Eva, look at us.

We've done some of the scariest things

this world has ever seen.

Are we really gonna be
frightened by the likes of

a Grandma in a Grim Reaper outfit?!

Absolutely not!

But no harm in being safe.

Eva, look!

How the heck could she have...

Okay. Clearly, that is a prop.

And she's obviously
hiding in the living room.

There's no one in here.

Of course not! We
would be crazy to think

that a literal Grim
Reaper was haunting us.

Ah! The Grim Reaper!

I don't think Celia
could've gotten upstairs.

We're surrounded!

Where are they all coming from?

Colby! Help!

It's too late for him

and it's too late for you!

Give us your candy

and I shall returneth no more!

Fine! Take it!

Take it all!

Just give us our son back!

Finally! The good stuff!

I mean...

Finally! The good stuff!

Colby. What's the matter with you?

How could you do this to us?

All right, look. It wasn't all me.


You used our own child against us?

Not just yours.

I rounded up some kids
that you stole candy from.

And let I em use my old
Grim Reaper costumes.

See? The Grim Reaper
always catches up to you.

Ooh! Jumbo size!

All right, kiddies!

Let's see you bob for these apples!


Okay, that's it. We have to stop her.

I don't even want to think
about all the destruction

she'll cause out in the world
now that she has Hartley's body.

Let me try. Grandma!

Please, listen.

Hartley's my friend. My best friend.

She's the only person here I trust.

And I know that because
she's kept our secret.

I need her.

Aside from family, she's all I've got.

Well, what about me?

I've missed you so much

being trapped inside that orb.

Don't you want us to be together again?

Of course, I do.

Which is why I've got
an even better idea.

You don't need Hartley's body.

You can take over mine.

We can share this body forever.

Amy, what are you doing?

Hartley shouldn't have
to pay for my mistake.

I brought Grandma here. This is my mess.

Take me.

That's not a bad idea.

Double the villain, double the fun!

Fine, if that's what you really want...

It is.

Well then, here I come!


No! What did you do?!

How could you trick
your own grandmother?!

How could you deceive
your own granddaughter?!

That's completely different!

Oh, wait, it's the same.

You'll be fine, Grandma.

Or maybe not. Either way,

you're the snowglobe's problem now.

Hartley, are you okay?

My spleen's a little sore

from the whole body-snatching thing.

But other than that, I'm good.

What were you thinking?!

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have brought my grandma.

You did a great job tonight.

It totally ruined what would have been

an epic Halloween party.


By the way, I heard what
you said to your grandma.

The fact that you went
up against her for me

proves what a true
friend you really are.

Great! I'm just so glad we
can put this all behind us.

- Not gonna happen.
- Had to try.

Hey. Cool snowglobe!

Ah! Stop!

That's Grandma!

Do you have any idea
what you almost unleashed?

We are not going through that again.

Kids, I'm so disappointed
that you almost

let Grandma out to terrorize the world.

At the very least, couldn't
you have taken her bowling

and "lost" her in the ball return?

I hate to say it but
what happened at the party

made me realize that Grandma's

too dangerous to have around.

What a bunch of killjoys!

"Don't steal my body!
Don't take over the world!"

Just put me back in storage.

I'll go get the box.