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03x14 - The Grave Sitter

Posted: 04/23/08 02:10
by bunniefuu
Did I tell you what's going on with ned?

He brings this girl home, and I barely have time to approve of her or not, and then he says, you know what, mom, she's not the girl for me.

And I'm like, ned, I thought I liked that girl.


Oh, my god.

Rick: Graffiti here in grandview?

Are you sure there was graffiti?

I mean, was the handwriting nice, at least?

Ok, this isn't funny, and we're not just talking about some random tagger.

It was meant for me.

Well, I wouldn't worry about it.

It's probably some stupid prank, some kids.

Why would they write that?

All right, have you been on and shame the devil lately?


Justin yates' obnoxious blog?


Well, there's been some chatter lately, a bunch of posts, about you.

A person of interest in grandview who claims to have more than a passing acquaintance with the dead.

I've heard about a store in town where really weird stuff happens.

I can't believe this.

It's like he's trying to out me.

How long has this been happening?

I don't know, a week.

But don't even pay attention to it.

You should see what they write about me.

He knows things, thanks to your careful and thorough notes that you let him steal, he knows everything about me.

Do you have any idea what my life is going to be like if this gets out?

I didn't let him steal my notes.

He stole my notes 'cause he's clever, he's cunning.

He lives on campus, right?

Take me to him.

You put this out there, justin.

I thought you were going to keep my secret.

Why are you trying to hurt me?

I'm not trying to hurt anybody.

People come to my blog for the truth.

Oh, yeah, 'cause you're all about the truth.

Look, this is a bad time, ok?

Hey, justin, this might be a good time to tell you about a fascinating new invention called the hanger.

Besides, according to the professor's notes, you've helped a lot of people.

You've affected a lot of people.

I mean, how long do you expect to keep this a secret?

Exactly, justin, I have helped a lot of people.

And if this gets out, my life is going to be turned upside down.

Rick: Interesting choice of words.

Hey, give that to me.

Look, I came to you a long time ago with a lot of questions, and you gave me nothing, and now you want my help?

I don't want anything from you.

I just want to be left alone.

That may not be possible. ghost.whisperer Season 3 Episode 14

It could be anybody.

I mean, that's what's so scary.

Someone who saw me doing something, or someone who talked to one of the families that I've helped.

This is what I always dreaded--

some nutjob out there decides you're a witch.

Can't the justin fellow trace this on his blog?

Well, he's not being very cooperative.

I'll make him be cooperative.

Look, this may not even have anything to do with justin or his blog.

I mean, last time I talked to him, he said that he would keep my secret.

And you believe him?


Because he wants something in return.

Uh, what would that be?

I don't know, he hasn't told me yet.

All right, so meanwhile, you're in the bulls-eye of some potential lunatic, could be someone you see everyday, a customer, a dealer.

Or payne could be... right and it could just be a school kid prank.

Look, I know you don't need to hear this, but maybe we need to talk to the police.

Look, this could just be a one-time thing.


Let's not panic.It'll probably never even happen again.

How many people do you think saw that before we got here?

We should just paint something new on the window every night, like, sacks fifth avenue.

This is really scaring me.

I mean, what if whoever or whatever is doing this, decides to take things to a whole new level?

Melinda, you should call the police.You know that.

I don't even think the police can protect me.

With everything that I've learned about grandview's history, for people who do what I do, it never ends well.

I really have to figure out who's doing this.

I have an idea.

I need to go home for 2 seconds.

I'll be right back.

We will leave this on tonight, and this should give us a perfect view of whoever's doing this.

Or the world's most boring documentary of main street.

Yeah, let's hope so.

All right, let's just leave it there, forget all about it, and have a great day.

Right.Time to make money, have fun.

I'll open up.



Dude, I live downstairs.

What's the deal with the noise every night?

What noise?

Well, it kinda sounds like you're bowling with your furniture.

Yeah, well, it wasn't me tonight, dude.

I was just sleepin'.

Oh, yeah?With who?

Thor, roman god of thunder?

You mean jupiter.

Thor's the norse god of thunder.

Oh, is that right, joseph campbell?


What would it take to get some silence up in here, man?

You could stop talking and leave.

Dude, your hamster habitat is like so upside down right now.

It's a gerbil, and he likes it that way.

Are we done?

I don't believe it.

Ok... here, give me the cord.

All right.

Keep going.

Whoa, whoa, wait.

Melinda: Why would you do this to me?

I didn't do anything.

What kind of person are you?

I was here sleeping all night.

Justin, we have it on tape.

You don't know for sure that was me.

Do you want to see the tape again, or should I just see if the police agree with me?

Why don't you just cut the B.S.

And tell us what's going on?

Yeah, and why the hell everything in this room is upside down.


Um, here.

Check this out.

You tell me what's going on.

Are you saying you don't have any memory of this?


As far as I know, I was asleep.

Why did you paint witchcraft on my window?

And what does the awdring of the woman with the wings mean?

I think it means I'm haunted.

Justin, I don't see ghosts anywhere.

Just you, defacing my property.

And I want it to stop.

Yeah, well, me too.

Ok, I got a lot to do, so you guys should just go.

You know what, that's the wrong answer.

Look, just leave me alone!

I think what you're talking about is somnambulism.

It's a lot more common than you might think.

It happens mostly in children, but it does happen in adults.

For example, my college girlfriend, I think she was asleep for our entire relationship.

What causes it?

Uh, I don't think she saw my spark.

I'm talking about sleep-walking.

Well, you'd have to ask a doctor to get that answer, but it could be a lot of things.

Could be anxiety, it could be a reaction to dr*gs or alcohol.

It could be a way to avoid people you see in the street and don't want to talk to.

Oh, I'll remember that the next time you come into the store.

That's harsh.

Look, I just--I don't know whether I'm supposed to be afraid of him or help him.

Well, we don't really know this guy, so I'll talk to some other professors he has and I'll ask some kids, to see what they know about him.

I'll keep an eye on him, too.

I just want to know what his secret is, you know, before anything else happens.

Man: Justin yates?

I'm actually in two of his classes.

But he doesn't talk to me, or anybody else.

The dude is like an island, like onto himself.

Ok, moving past the awkward similes, maybe he just hangs out with a different crowd.

Maybe he just doesn't like you.

Everyone likes me, professor payne.

It's like a curse, I swear.

But this dude justin, he just doesn't like people.

He's like a disanthrope.


You were close, though.

Well, I'm glad you're getting your money's worth on education here, josh.

Is there anything you can tell me at all about justin yates?

I don't know what he's doing up there in his room at night, but it's real noisy.

It's got something to do with his gerbil.

I think we're done here.

Jim: He looks like a zombie.


And he was in that same weird trance when he turned his room upside down.

Now payne thinks that he's sleep-walking.

I just keep thinking that it's another possession or ghost-related thing.

But you haven't seen a ghost?

Well, no.

But he also said it could be a reaction to medication or alcohol.

Well, if that were true, I would have slept-walked through my entire senior year in college?

Is that a guy thing?

This making jokes about college and sleep-walking?

Oh, what was the name of the drug you thought you saw?

I think there's something else going on here.

I didn't really get to see the label, but, uh...


yeah, carbamazepine.

Look, this is a drug to control convulsions, all right?

Payne could be half-right.

I mean, somnambulism in adults is usually a symptom of mental illness or seizures of some sort.

So you think there might be something really wrong with him?

I just think, you know, it might not be spiritual.

It could be very physical.

What are you doing here?

Looking for you.

How did you find me?

Doesn't matter.

Look, I know this is hard, but I need you to believe that I want to help you.

Why should you, huh?

I haven't helped you very much.

I'm not keeping score.

It's just what I do.

I don't need help.

Not yet.

You're sick, aren't you?

Look, I didn't press any charges, ok, I kept your secret.

I at least deserve the truth.

It's not that I'm sick.

It's just that I'm going to die.

Allyweird smell, like there was something burning.

Day and night, it never went away, so I finally went to a doctor.

How long ago was that?

2 years ago.

I was in ohio before I left to come here.

Wasn't there anything they could do?

Yeah, you'd think, but this particular aneurysm was in a place so deep in my brain that they couldn't get to it.

They knew it was going to burst, they knew it was going to k*ll me.

They just... didn't know when.

It isn't always fatal, is it?


But it's all about location, location, location.

And the size, of course.

I'm sorry.

Is that why you cut yourself off from everyone?

Yeah.Pretty much.

But I don't have a big family.

It's just my brother and sister back in ohio.

I don't understand.

Wouldn't you want to be close to them now?

Wouldn't you want--

they don't know.

It's better this way.

I made a clean break.

They don't have to feel sorry for me or worry about me, and I don't have to see all that pity in their eyes.

Doesn't sound fair.

So what's the deal, justin, with you turning everything in your room upside down?

I think I know why, but I can't tell you yet.

Look, it seems to me like you have this, I don't know, a pipeline, I guess, into death and wherever it is we go after it.

I probably don't know as much as you think I do.

Just tell me.

Do you really talk to the dead?

Do you really help them?


Yeah, I do.

That's why I'm here.

I don't know how, but I was meant to meet you.

Justin, look, I...

I help the dead with their unfinished business.

I help them and their loved ones find closure.

Why wait?

You're alive.

Right now.

Why wouldn't you reach out to the people who love you so that they can spend time with you while they still can?

I don't need your help with the living.

I need your help with the dead.


After I'm gone...

I need you to help me find someone.

Someone who's dead.

Someone who... may be waiting for me.

Melinda: He seems at peace with it.

Ah, it's a mask.

Deep down, he's probably scared to death.


But I really think he has a plan.

He's thought a lot about it.

What are you doing?

I'm just trying to scan on this drawing of justin's, do a search and see if anything comes up.

Yeah, what's that like to know that he could just die at any minute, just like that?

I can't imagine.

Well, if you think about it, that's pretty much what we all face.

Ok, true, but you know, we do a pretty good job of pretending it's a long way off, and, well, the odds are on our side.

But for justin... yeah, he's got inside information, and he knows the odds are totally the other way for him.

That's gotta be hard.

I mean, would you want to know?

If you were gonna die in a month-- Or a week-- Or a year-- Would you?


Yeah, I think so.

Say my good-byes, get everything straightened out, prepare.

How about you?

No, I'd want to wake up that morning thinking everything was great.

Have no idea, and then boom, all of a sudden, lights out.

No fears, no regrets, no sadness.

Just happily oblivious until the end.

Ah, happily oblivious, another guy thing.

Don't knock it.

Awareness is highly overrated.

Wait, this is it.

That's what justin drew on my window.

It's the figurehead for a boat.

Who's boat? witchcraft+boat Woman: I'm waiting for you.



I can't believe it's you.

Find me.


I'll be waiting.

Justin... melinda.

It's perfect.I saw her.


My girlfriend.

I mean, she was my girlfriend.

She's dead, and I saw her.


Here, in this room, and in the mirror.

I mean, I think it's my brain.

This aneurysm, it's letting me see things.

Ok, justin, calm down. was your girlfriend's name julie?

How did you know that?

I know what witchcraft means.

I know what the picture you drew means.


You can't hide anything on the 'net.

You, of all people, should know that.

Tell me what happened.

It was 3 years ago.

3 years, 2 months and a week.

I was datin' this girl julie.

She was like... nobody I ever knew.

Her family had money, so she could pretty much do whatever she wanted.

They gave her a freakin' vintage boat for christmas, and I'm not talking about the kind in a bottle.

She was wild, totally fearless.

She hung out with this really cool crowd, but for some reason, she liked me.

She said it was because I was smart.

Who knows?

But I loved being around her.

It was like you never knew what was going to happen next.

Want some?

When it became night, she went below to get a sweater, and she told me to start the engine so we can get home fast.

I don't know what happened, but when I went down below to find julie, the whole boat just flipped...

The keel must have ripped off in the blast, everything was upside down.

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't even know how much longer I could hold my breath.

Why didn't you ever tell me any of this?

I never told anyone.

I told everyone that I didn't remember anything.

So that's why you've been turning everything upside down?

It's like you're acting out your guilt.

Someone else has been acting it out for me.

You may not have had another choice, justin.

Both of you could have died.

That would have been better.

Better than having to live with this for the last 3 years; having to see her eyes every night... knowing that she watched me swim away from her.

Dying there would have made things a lot easier.

But you weren't meant to.


No, I was meant to hang out and get an aneurysm a couple years later.

Do you think that's your punishment?

I think I was meant to die on that boat.

I was meant to be with julie.

This?It's just a correction.

Better late than never.


no, really, it's ok.

I'm totally cool with this.

Besides...I think whatever's waiting for me after I die, it's going to be a lot more interesting than what I'm leaving behind.

Right, little buddy?

Justin, it's gonna be all right.

Am I...?

Yes.You're dead.

I totally feel normal, totally alive.

Sometimes people don't know what's happening to them at first.

You died in your sleep last night, and that's why you were able to see julie.

Yeah.She told me to find her.


I think I know where.

Justin, you have to go into the light.Ok?

I promise that I will find julie, and I will cross her over.

No.She's waiting for me.

I have to go.

Now, justin, wait!

Come on.

Hey, are you ok?

Comparatively speaking.

How are you?

I'd feel better if I knew where his spirit was.

You, uh, talked to him after he...?


He seemed relieved in a way.

I guess it was easier on him then he thought it was going to be.

But he dn'idt want to cross over?

He saw the ghost of his girlfriend, and she told him to come and get her.

That's romantic in a dawn of the dead kind of way.

Yeah, he blames himself for her death.

And I wouldn't be surprised if she blames him, too.

Well, the school notified his next of kin.

It's his brother and sister, they're flying out tonight.

You can find out what they know.

Maybe they know something they don't even know they know.

Easy for you to say.

What are you going to do with the rodent?

I think you two need each other.

Promise I'll be back in an hour.

Will they even talk to you?

Well, since I'm the one who found their brother's body, I guess so.

You know, we could just close up for an hour.

I could go with you.

No, it looks like everybody actually wants to shop today.

I'll be back soon.

Excuse me, how much are these?

Uh, the big ones are 30, the small ones are 20.

They're beautiful.Are they local?

From a mansion in piermont.

There was like 40 or 50 doors.

I have him now.

You have to stay out of it.

I'm sorry?

It was his own free will.

There's nothing you can do.

Stay away, or I'll have someone burn your house down.

Well, that's a lot of doors.

Be great for a french farce.

You ok?


Are you?



I'm gonna take two of the big ones.

Andy, look.

Oh, I'm sorry, I can come back.

No, no, no.

Did you know justin?

Well, not very well.

But yes.I'm melinda gordon.

You must be his brother and sister.

You're the one that found him.

Yes.I'm so sorry.

The coroner is telling us it was sudden, but they really don't know yet what happened to justin.

Do you know something?

Do you know why our brother died?

I know this is really hard to understand.

I'm not sure that I totally do.

But it was really important to him not to be pitied.

He didn't want the two of you to have to grieve.

He knew that he was going to die, and there was nothing you could do to change that.

It's just not fair.

Didn't he know that we loved him?

He's the only family we have.

If it helps, he seemed really at peace with it.

For him, it was like a journey that he had to take, that he--he wanted to take.

He just felt like he had to do it alone.

Yeah, that sounds like justin.

Do you know about the boat thing?

Said he didn't remember what happened on that boat, but he was never the same after that.

It was like he just withdrew, like he felt he didn't belong here anymore.

What was he like before? a curious little boy, with the best heart.

Our parents died when we were pretty young.

Justin was only 10.

He used to save his money, whatever he could get from errands, dog walking, and he'd buy things for our mom and dad.

But they were dead?

And he would get newspapers that my dad used to read, and books that my mom would like, and he'd go there and read to them, sit with them for hours.

Bring my dad's favorite snacks, said he didn't want them to be lonely.

He gave up time with his friends.

He felt like he couldn't abandon mom and dad.

People started calling him the gravesitter.

That'S...that's amazing.

It was like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

He just...felt things very deeply.

Was he happy?When he was with julie?

He was, I guess.But we weren'T.

Why not?

She just wasn't anything like justin.

She was a spoiled rich kid.

Hung with a really fast crowd, other rich kids.Bad kids.

That detective thought the whole boat thing was suspicious.

What detective?


You came.I knew you would.

Julie, I'm so sorry.

You must hate me for what I did.

It's all right.

It's what got me here.

What is this place?

Our new home.

This is where we belong.

Why?Why are you here?

I followed you.

I was mad at you for leaving me like that.

I've been watching you all this time, waiting for you to come to me.


It's all right.

I met someone here.Someone like us.


Someone with secrets.

Someone who's bad like us.

He showed me things.

Wait, am I-- am I bad?

You know you are.

You left me there to die.

It's ok.It's allowed here.

What about the light?

Melinda said I should--

there's a secret down here.

Nobody knows it, not even melinda.

What secret?

You can live again.

You can be in the world whenever you want, and you can touch and feel and taste and laugh and cry.

We'll teach you how.

I'm just a friend of the family, but I heard ythat ou think julie anderson rt bemighesponsible for sinking the boat?

I don't think it, I know it.

Well, what makes you so sure?

Julie anderson was heavy into dr*gs.

She owed money, lots of it.

So what do you think happened?

Well, the boat was in her name.

About a month before the sinking, she took insurance out on the boat.

Covered everything, all kinds of liability.

So you're saying that she sank the boat on purpose?

I'm saying that she planned to sink the boat, she planned to blame it on justin.

Have you ever talked to justin about all this?

No.He didn't have any memory of anything, and I didn't have any real proof.

Family got to the D.A.

They got the whole thing buried.

Are you sure about all this?

Oh, yeah.

By the time julie anderson was 20, she had a long and colorful history with this department.

I can't thank you enough.

There is absolutely no entertainment value whatsoever in owning a gerbil.

He won't eat a hot dog, he turned his nose up at a potato chip earlier.


This guy won't show me any affection!

He doesn't snuggle with me.

I need an animal that will cuddle!

Can you focus, please?

Ok, justin fell for a bad woman.

He's not the first guy that's happened to.

She's been haunting him.

I think she even jumped into somebody else's body.

A possession?


But I think it's just a temporary thing.

Remember, it happened to you?

I think I'll be remembering the time the ghost got into my body, made me vomit blood, long after I've forgotten my name, my address, and what a car key is for, yeah.

I think she's found something here besides justin, and she's using the possession as a way to get me a message.

What's the message?

Basically, to step off.

She said he's hers, that he came here on his own, no one forced him.

Came on his own?Came where?

Where all the damaged souls in grandview go.

No, no, no, no.No, I'm not going there.

I still have hair on the back of my neck that's still standing up from the last time.


Ok...if you're too scared.

She plays me like a piano!Wait.

I'm surprised you haven't bricked up that hole yet.

I thought I might have to go back in there.

Have you ever thought about having a revolving door installed, maybe a turnstile?

What was that?


Are we there yet?

No, let's go.


He's here.


You really shouldn't be here.

Neither should you.

No, I belong here.

No, you don'T.

They're just trying to make you think--

it's really all right.

There's so much I can do.

They're gonna teach me things here.

What things?

You don't have to tell her anything.She's not welcome.

Julie's here.

Oh, that's good.

Send her my regards.

Justin, julie made that boat sink on purpose.

She was going to blame you and then collect on the insurance.

I think she was trying to k*ll you.

Big deal.

You left me there to die.You k*lled me.

You were just being human.

Ok, you were really scared, and being scared doesn't make you bad.

You're never going to know if your choice would have changed anything.

We need you here.

And you know why we need you here.

You have nobody.

Nobody cares about you.

We're your only family now.

That's not true.Ok, your brother and sister, they care.

You spoke to them?

They're here.

They came as soon as they heard.

She's lying.

Come on.Justin, they told me about the grave.

They told me how heartbroken you were when your parents died.

They told me that you went to see them every single day; that you read to them, that you brought them gifts.

They told me how much you had to give up just to be with them!

Those aren't the actions of somebody who belongs here.

You have so much love in your heart.

They don't need what you have here.

They don't want what you have.

You have to go into the light.

Melinda, I have no idea what's going on.Should I be scared?

Were you really going to k*ll me?

It crossed my mind.

Did you like me at all?

I tolerated you-- barely.

And my friends and I laughed about you.

I just wanted money, justin, and I knew you would follow me anywhere.

She's trying to make you angry.

She wants you to hate her because that's how ghosts like her get stronger.

Please don't let her do it.

It's ok.Really.

I still loved it.Being with you.

The way you made me feel like I had something to offer.

I just never got a chance to offer to someone better than you.

So thanks for that.

And for the rest of it.

I forgive you.

And I forgive myself for leaving you there.

I'm so proud of you.

There's just one more thing you're gonna have to help me with.

You know, it would be really cruel if you were lying about this.

I'm not.I promise.

Justin's here with us.

I told him that you were in grandview and you wanted to say good-bye.

And that I'm sorry.

He also wanted to say that he was sorry.

Justin, if you're there... or here, sorry isn't good enough.

How could you cut us off like that?We're your family!

Did we do something to make you feel we didn't love you?

We would have helped you, we would have been there for you.

If I could do it over...

I could do it again.

If he could do it over again, he would.

Oh, that's gotta be it.

He sees the light.

He's ready to cross over.

What does that mean?

We'll never talk to him again?

Tell them I felt them with me, no matter how scared I got.

And tell them that somehow, I knew I wouldn't be alive that long, and it's ok.

It's ok.It's ok.

I'll tell them.

Tell us what?

You've given me a lot of hope.

You do that for a lot of people.

Don't stop, ok?No matter what.

And tell professor payne that I'm sorry for stealing his files.

And for posting all those disses on the blog.

Oh, and tell him that the gerbil, he only eats organic food.

I don't think he knows that.

I'm gonna come back.

Some day I'm going to come back, and I'm gonna tell you what's on the other side.

I'll be waiting.

Thank you...for keeping my secret.

I always wanted to touch your face again.


My mom.

Tell them. Tell them I see mom and dad.

They say they're gonna sit with me now for a little while.

He's gone.