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03x06 - Double Exposure

Posted: 11/14/07 14:11
by bunniefuu
These are intense. Are any of these yours?

No, they're my grad students' from my masters portfolio class.

Wow, you really look beautiful in this light.

Wishful thinking on both our parts. It's a model, not me.

Some photos down there you might enjoy.

Student of mine was in bangladesh.

Well, I'll tell you what I used to tell my mother when I didn't finish my dinner--

I don't care about kids from india, I just care about you.

I didn't say the last part to my mother. That'd be weird.

Although I'm sure she was fascinating.

She was, very.

But no mother issues here at all.

These have to be yours.

This is, uh, what, your apartment down in the east village?

Do you miss it, the whole bohemian lifestyle?

No, I like teaching here just fine.

How come there's no pictures of you here at all?

Come on, rick.

It's the command performance for the new dean. We're already late.

Ok. So much for small talk.

This is amazing.

Just 'cause the dean is former ivy, they rent out an entire restaurant.

You know what I got when I came to rockland U.?

I got a welcome packet with a few take-out menus.

Professor pollili.

Hi. I'm stacey adler. Not that it matters.

I know your work. I've tried to get into your classes, but they fill up so fast.

Well, it's very nice to meet you, stacey. This is professor payne.

Oh, great. I'm going to get the spelling in just a sec.

Oh, no, please.

Oh, it's just a P.R. Picture for the university magazine.

No. I said no.

I'm sorry. I just-- please, don'T.

Ok. I'm-- I didn't realize. Sorry.

I can't do this.

I thought I could, but I can'T.

What? What can't you do?

Look, it's not you. I just--

I really don't feel well, so I'm going to go. Um... that is weird.

Yeah, that's weird.

I know. I had her right in frame.

Wow. That is weird. Can I borrow this for a second?

Actually, like, right now, this second.

It's ok. I'm a professor.

Ok. Thank you very much.

Wait. Why?

Because you just gave your memory card to the anthropology department.

I appreciate it.

But--wh-what about the magazine?

Use your descriptive powers. Why, you know, cheat with pictures?


I know you guys are home. I can see your cars.

Are you expecting someone?

No one!


Hello, hello, hello!


Hey. How are you, jim?

You been working out? You look good.

There she is. Ahh. This is nice.

There's the missus, a nice crackling fire.

Nice vintage-- a little pricey.
"Scrupulistic" not a word.

Didn't you have a date tonight?

I did have a date tonight, as it were, since you're the one that forced me back into the dating world.

What happened?

Well, what happened? I'll tell you what happened.

This might have been the first time in my life that a woman said
"it's not you, it's me, " and I believed her.

Let me find these for you.

Oh, here's professor reeman, russian studies.

He just got published... again.

Ok. Oh, here we are. Ok. That's me.

Wow. This really is...a damn fine suit.

That's me, and next to me, that's where my date should be.

That big, empty space, that's where my date was. Ok?

Here's another one. That's me sitting next to... ehh, no one. Nothing's there. Ok.

Oh. Here's claudia's exit, which was abrupt, to say the least, although you can't see it on any of these photos

'cause apparently, she doesn't exist.

Let me take a look at that.

So she's not showing up in any of the photos.

Just admit it, melinda--
tonight, I got dumped by a ghost.

Does she even exist?

Yes. She has tenure.

It's publish or perish. Her photographs are published everywhere.

But she's not in any of them, and nor have I seen her in any of her personal photography, and the photos she has of herself on her desk with her family and things--

nothing. She's not in any photos.

Well, that's weird.

I mean, maybe it's something about her energy, or something the camera can't capture.

I don't think so. Paranormal occurrences usually work the opposite way.

Spirits are visible in photographs because cameras detect light and heat.

But a broader spectrum of energy the human eye can't detect.

Kind of like that?

Ok. I've never seen this before.

Hang on a second.

It's with her in every shot.

For the record, that's not who I asked out.

Maybe not, but... that's who went home with her.

Ghost Whisperer Season 3 Episode 6

I've been looking for occurrences of images being erased from a photograph.

They're hard to find.

I mean, ghosts popping up, stealing the spotlight?

I mean, they're a dime a dozen.But somebody actually being knocked from the frame?

That's-- that's unusual.

I'm more interested in the shape we saw following claudia.

Oh, him. Yeah. Let's call him bob.

Ok. Bob. Why?

'Cause bob riker got my prom date drunk on peach schnapps.He stole her from me.

Now they're married with 3 kids, but I don't think they're happy.

Sad. But you've moved on to claudia.

Does she have any idea what happened to her?

Well, she flipped out the second a camera was pointed at her, and, well, I'm no expert in composition, but it sure seems like all the pictures in her office are kind of lopsided.

Like she used to be in them?

More like bob riker took them.

Can a ghost do that?

I mean, transform an existing image or print?

Well, it would help if he had basic knowledge of photographic principles--

I mean, knowing how light and heat affect pigment.

A photograph is just pixels and colors.

So in theory, he could move them all around like the piece on an ouija board.

You said he. Is this bob?

No, I'm talking about kevin.

Kevin was one of claudia's graduate students. He died 2 weeks ago.

And you're just telling me this now? That is, like, plain withholding.

What happened to him?

He died in a car crash.

But I didn't even know until this morning when I called claudia-- which, by the way, I was completely breaking my "don't call anyone for 48 hours after a disastrous date" rule.

I can't imagine how that came up in a conversation.

Actually, a pretty smooth segue from
"hey, do you know you're invisible?"

That's what makes it a great photograph, that's the unspoken narrative.

It tells a story.

I will have extended office hours this afternoon, ok?

But I need to talk to these people. And joseph, congratulations.

Oh, seriously, professor pollili, I can't thank you enough.

See you later.

Hi. I'm claudia.

Hi. Melinda.

The friend I was telling you about.

What happened to your forehead?

Oh, I was driving home last night and I clipped a parked car.

Lucky nobody was hurt.

Except for you.

Mmm. I don't know where I'm at these days.

All I know is, I came home one day to find I wasn't in any pictures.

Family, friends, travel--

the photos were still there, but I was gone.

What day was that, exactly?

It was the day after kevin graham died.

Your student.

He died in a car crash.

So talented. Nicest guy.

Last night, did you feel anything strange, like a presence?

I don't think so.

How well did you know kevin?

Was there any reason for him to be angry with you?

Kevin had the makings of a great photographer.

He had everything that it took... except for patience.

There was a gallery showing that he was just desperate to get into.

And he wanted me to make a call on his behalf, but I told him that he wasn't ready.

Was he upset?

He took it really hard, like I was telling him he didn't have a future.

But in this business, you only get one introduction, one shot, and I didn't want to blow it for him.

I mean, I thought of 100 different ways that I could have told him, but--

but you thought no matter what the outcome, it would have always been the same?

I don't know.

I mean, would he have been driving down a dangerous road at 90 miles an hour if he thought he had more to live for?

That's every teacher's worst nightmare, you know.

You toss a kid a low grade or a criticism.

Next thing you know, he snaps his cap, and he wants to off himself or you.

Is that what you're thinking?

Maybe he found a way to do both?

I don't know.

Was this always here?

This translucent shape, do you see it?

Have you seen it anywhere else?


Last week, in one of my students' work. His name's joseph.

Did he know kevin?


Professor pollili knows everybody in the photo world.

She picks up the phone, and your slides get seen.

So it's that easy?

Well, she has to like your work.

What about kevin? Did she like his work?

She's tough but fair.

And no disrespect to the dead, because kevin seemed like a nice guy, a good artist, but those 2 things, even in combination... they're not enough. You know what I mean?

I'm not sure I do.

It's so competitive.

It's, like, this tiny market with too many people to begin with.

And if you don't have what it takes, what people want... then you get squeezed out.

And kevin was feeling that squeeze.

Because she made phone calls on your behalf and not on his?

Yeah. Basically.

She said that you had some photos with this strange shape in them.

Yeah. Yeah, right. Uh... that was weird.

I did this ocean series last week--
just sand, water... and this kind of cool translucent thing.

I don't-- I don't know how it happened, but it looks great.

Can I see them?

Yeah. Yeah. Um...I could email them to you.


I promised delia that I'd check out her inventory spreadsheet.

I also want to download those photos from that guy joseph.

That's claudia's star pupil, right? The one your ghost had it out for?

If that's what it's about.

Kevin said his teacher--

I don't know-- helped another grad student get into more galleries than him.

I don't want to sound harsh, but boo-hoo.

Or boo.

But since when have ghosts become reasonable?

It just makes me mad.


That this file's taking so long, or that he's tormenting his professor?

Oh, because claudia tried to hold him back until he was ready for the big, bad art world.

I mean, honestly, that's the worst thing that's happened to that guy? Seriously?

That's the story he wants told?

Are you seeing this?

I just assumed the translucent shape was kevin, but... well, that doesn't look like any kevin I've met.

Either I have the wrong ghost, or he's telling a different story.

Jim saw this?

Yeah, and so we clicked back on the same file again, and then it was just a still photo of the beach.

That's a haunting. She's made her presence known.

Yeah, but I don't get it. What does she want us to know?

For starters, she probably wants you to know you checked the wrong box under "sex of ghost."

Ok, fine, so she's a girl, not a guy.

But this all began with kevin's death, and I think he's the key.

Maybe claudia knows more than she's saying.

Or even realizes.

Claudia, what happened in here?

She's everywhere.

Here, all my pictures at home.

Joseph came by, and she's in all his pictures, too.

Who is she?

I don't know.

Joseph swears he doesn't know, either.

Why's this happening?

I don't know.

It's unusual for a ghost to want to haunt a complete stranger.

Maybe it has something to do with this place.

Well, maybe it's not something you did.

How well do you know this joseph?

He's a student.

I'm not involved in his personal life.

Well, did kevin ever talk to you about a girl? I mean, maybe this joseph's lying.

Maybe it was some kind of romantic triangle--

I told you. I don't know her, ok?

How am I supposed to help you? I've never seen this girl before in my life.

So this ghost is now showing up in claudia's pictures and joseph'S.

Claudia seems to be falling apart because of it, and joseph, as far as I can tell, is shrugging it off as weird.

There's still days I wish I was 23

anceconvind d nothing bad would ever happen to me again.

You want mustard with this?

No, thanks.

What's that?

Oh, this, it's just a study guide.

Isn't it for medical school?

Well, yeah, technically. Sure.

Ok, so you're gonna go to medical school? That's great!

Mel, there's a big difference between going and applying.

The southern michigan catalog, is that why we got that?

I thought it was just junk mail.

Look, I'm just checking out the possibilities, ok?

Or, in my case, the impossibilities.

Look, the chances of getting in anywhere are so slim, I thought, since my dad went there, I had an edge being a legacy.

So you're not just gonna change careers, we might be moving to michigan.

No. I haven't even applied.

What about our life here? And my store.

I mean, were you even going to talk to me about this?

Of course. I'm just trying to figure it out by myself at first.

I'm your wife, so why aren't you figuring it out with me?

This is a huge conversation, all right?

And it isn't just about your store, you know that.It's about what you do.

I mean, that's the real discussion, isn't it?

I mean, whether we could ever leave grandview knowing what we know about this place and what's underneath it.

That's why I wanted to wait. Look, I don't even know what I want here.

Or what I even have the right to ask you about.

Jim... let's just talk about it later, all right?

I gotta go to work, you gotta cross over a nasty ghost.

Another one, that's what you mean.

No, I didn't mean that. I didn't say that.

Look, I love you, ok? We'll figure this out.

Is this kevin?

Yeah.You never met him?

He was a friend of a friend.

Well, it's nice of you to help out.

I can't imagine packing up someone's life.

Uh, this girl. Do you know her?

'Cause I'm trying to get in touch with her.

I gave him a lease to sign, and ran into him getting mail once.

He was always alone.

I'm gonna be here for a little bit. Is that ok?

Just drop the keys downstairs.

Thank you.

Hi, this is kevin. You know what to do, so do it.

Saved messages.

Hey, it's sophie. Um, obviously.

Look, I know you're pissed, but we need to talk, and not on the phone.

I love you.

And you can't get rid of me that easy.


And here you go.

I am so sorry! Do you need some help?

No, no, we're ok. It's fine.

All right, you good?


Ok, great.
I'm so sorry. I didn't even know we had a customer until 5 seconds ago.

Well, I might be a little distracted, too, if I thought I just saw somebody drown.

Well, it was a vision, so it's just something the ghost experienced, but if I don't know who she is, I can't even help her.

I've checked obits for her.

And I've checked sophies, sophias, the local area in iowa where kevin's from.

You know what, maybe I should check accidental drownings.

Yeah, but why?

Didn't her message say "you can't get rid of me that easily?"

Well, maybe he did.

And maybe the guilt over what he had done got to him.

Or her ghost did. I mean, it would explain how their deaths are tied.

But it doesn't explain the connection with kevin's professor or the other student.

Well, what about kevin's phone?

Maybe her last name would show up on the caller I.D.

He didn't have it.

Did he have a cell phone?

I didn't see one.

You said he died in a car accident, right?

When was the last time you got in a car and you didn't have your cell phone?

You're right. You're right.

Maybe the police have it, or the morgue.

Now would be a great time to ask jim for a favor.

I've got the store covered. Go, go.

It's not that, but thanks.

We kind of had an argument.

Looks like jim might be going to medical school.

Which is amazing, and see how your face just lit up?

That was-- that was my face.

Then I realized he's looking out of state, and he hid it from me.

You know, melinda, that is a huge decision.

And I'm sure he had a lot of reservations about it.

No, his reservation is about living here.

Especially after what happened in the tunnels.

They're just holding kevin's stuff till the highway patrol report comes in.

Thanks for calling in a favor.


It's funny what survives.

There's a few recent from sophie.

Check the timestamp.

Day that kevin died.

It's a video.

She's at the beach.

I trusted you.

I gave up my life for you.

That's what you want, isn't it?****

She sent that to kevin?

Oh, my god.

She's gonna drown.

What is it?

I think we just saw a 21st century su1c1de note.

Patient was complaining of chest pains. We administered an E.K.G.

I'm looking at the irregularities. He's got S.T. Elevations.

Looks like he's having a heart attack.

Did you administer thrombolytics?

Uh, no.

I mean, he doesn't have the classic complaints.

He's got no arm discomfort.

He's got no diaphoresis, as you can see.

Look, he has sharp pains. He leans forward, he feels relief.

I mean, could it be pericarditis?

He's having chest pains with S.T. Elevations. We have to treat this as a heart attack.

Let's get going on the thrombolytics.

Don't you think there's a chance there might be--

we'll take it from here. Thanks for bringing it in.



Ok...sophie, I'm here.

And I want to understand what happened to you.

Why did you hurt yourself?


What are you doing?

Where did you get these?

Um, it's complicated, but I think the girl who's been showing up in your photos wanted me to see this.

Oh, my god.

Claudia, I'm not here to judge you, but I think that someone got hurt by aat youwhnd kevin did.

You don't know anything. You can'T.

I know a girl name sophie who is in love with kevin, and she said that she would give up her life for him, and I watched her do it.

And I think it's because kevin was sleeping with you.

What did you say her name was?


She k*lled herself, and now she's haunting you.

And I don't think she's going to stop.

I can't take this another second. Do you understand?


Please just leave me alone.

You're making a big mistake.

It wouldn't be the first.

You have to know, I have never been involved with a student before.

Never even thought about it.

With kevin, there's just this connection.

Of course there was. He looked up to you. You were his teacher.

It wasn't just that he looked up to me.

I know it was wrong.

I knew it was wrong then.

But he was just so passionate, so talented.

Look, I'm in no position to judge here, ok, but you were his teacher.

That's not a relationship between equals. That's why this is a problem.

I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you.

You know what, it's ok. You gave me a hundred reasons why not to go out with me.

It turns out it was just one. I got it.

Ok, why don't you tell me more about sophie?

I, um... knew that he had a girlfriend back home.

They were having problems.

But I didn't think that she knew about me.

And we were over.

Kevin had already ended it, and, to be honest, I think I was a little relieved, thinking, stupidly, that we'd gotten out without anyone being hurt.

But then, when you said her name, sophie, I just felt sick.

How can both of these people be dead?

I'm trying to figure out the same thing.

Claudia, there was A... a timestamp on the su1c1de video that she sent to kevin.

They died within an hour of each other.

Oh, my god.

That's why he ran out.

Then do it. One phone call to one gallery.

Kevin, belive me, these people are such snobs, and you are not ready.

If they pass on you once, that's it.

A second phone call from me isn't going to get you a second chance.

You need time to--

I don't have time.

It's sophie.

Take it.

I know how much she means to you.

We're done, I know that.

I gave up my life for you.

That's what you want, isn't it?

No wonder he was driving
90 miles an hour down that terrible road.

He was trying to get to her.

Or he realized he was too late, and he didn't care if he ever made it.

You said that he spoke about her once before.

Her, um, her last name was owens.

Kevin said that she had a sister in bridgeport.

Maybe the sister can tell you what you need to help sophie move on.


Can I help you?



Do I know you?

I saw you die.

I told myself****

I told myself his death was just a stupid accident.

But what happened to you, that was no accident.


No, I tried to hurt myself, but I couldn't go through with it.

It's horrible to even think about.

But... but what I don't understand is saw it.

Kevin's cell phone was with his effects.

Um, those photos, has anything changed in them since kevin's death?


What are you talking about?

And how did you know kevin exactly?

I know how he hurt you.

How could you?

After kevin's death, some strange images started showing up in photographs.

Oh, what kind of images?

Ghostly images.

It was sort of a white, wispy image at first, and then there were images of you, drowning from the video that you sent kevin.

This doesn't make any sense.

See, he was actually able to take the skills he had in life to... torment people in death.

Your images were used for a professor at rockland university.

Claudia polilli.


Oh. Of course that was her.

I'm so stupid.

He used to talk about her all the time.

For everyone's sake, can you please just tell me what happened?

You said something in your message that he couldn't get rid of you so easily.

Because we've been fighting so much.

Every time I hung up, I wondered if we had broken up.

He wanted me to give up my job in iowa and move here, If we kept it long distance, our relationship just wasn't gonna make it.


We fought and fought until I decided I was going to make the committment.

He always got mad
'cause he said I wasn't interested in his work.

But I didn't understand it.

I mean, what could he see through the lens of his camera that made him so happy?

I got my answer.

All of a sudden, my... my body went cold. I couldn't--I couldn't breathe.

I had to get out of there, but I didn't know where to go.

Next thing I knew, I was at the beach.

I used to go there when I'd come visit, and kevin would ask me to stay.

And here I was, and for good.

And for what?

I felt so... empty and stupid and...disposable.

My heart hurt so much I wanted to die.

It--it wasn't something that I planned.

It was just something I did without thinking.

I--I think a part of me believed that was what he deserved--

to be hurt with pictures the way he hurt me.


I gave up my life my for you.

That's what you want, isn't it?

The waves just kept knocking me back.

My lungs filled with water, my body just took over.

It made me realize how crazy I was being.

I mean, to let anyone have that much power over me.

I raced back to the apartment.

By the time I got there, the police were calling, saying there'd been an accident.

I wanted to hurt him, but not like that.

I didn't want him to get hurt like that.

I need you to help me reach him.


Because kevin's spirit or whatever is trying to t*rture this claudia person?


Sophie, I know how hard this is, I really do, but haven't enough people been hurt?

Maybe it's just her guilt that's haunting her.

I don't know who you are or how you know all these things, but... if she's suffering, then it's because of what they did, not me.

And that's all I have to say.

You have my number.


No! No, kevin!

No, kevin!

Please, please...


Sophie, it's me, melinda.

Sophie, breathe. Please breathe.




Yes, I need an ambulance at 215 havenwood lane.

Yes, I'm in the residence.

I thought she was dead.

You're scaring her.

You have to cross over. Yes, I'm here.

Um, yes, she is breathing now, but she has asthma.

No, I gave her the inhaler.

Ok, deep breaths.

Ok? Deep breaths.

Will you tell her I'm here?

You're hurting her.

I've seen more than you know.

Ok? And I know what happens to people when they don't--

ok, sophie, it's going to be all right. Hello?

Yes, I'm still here. Please hurry.

Wow, I feel bad for the guy, that's a brutal procedure.

But you said he's stable? And it was pericarditis?

Oh, good. All right. Well, if he's ok.

Thanks, man. Bye.

So you were right about the guy not having a heart attack.

Yeah, but then the medication they gave him, you see, it unclogs everything, and his heart chamber filled with blood, and they had to do this really invasive procedure to drain it.

Oh, that's awful.

The E.R. Doctor should have listened to you.

No, not really.

I mean, she read the E.K.G., She made a quick diagnosis. That's her job.

That's what sucks about being a doctor, I guess.

It's a lot of guess work on the fly.

You'd be a great doctor... if you wanted to be.


It's just, you're always so supportive of me, and...

I want to do the same for you.

Ok, let'S... let's just do first things first, ok?

I see what you go through, you know? I know the stakes.

And you were late tonight because basically, you were saving somebody's life.

That's not the point.

No, it is the point.

What you do for people, come on, it's not like a job.

I can't ask you to give that up.

You know, to take care of me.

But, honey, you can't ask me to stop wanting to take care of you.


no, and you're right.

Because what that makes me do is sometimes want to get you the hell out of here.

People die everywhere.

Their ghosts can find me.


You and I both know there's something about this place.

Lately, I haven't been able to shake the feeling that maybe we didn't choose grandview.

Maybe it chose us.

I think the same thing.

But if that's true, it had to be for a reason.

And a good one, and I'm not going to run away from that.

So if that's your only reason for wanting to leave grandview, then...

I'm sorry, I can't support that.

So what are we supposed to do, just wait for some sign from kevin?

Sophie, this is claudia.

Claudia, this is sophie.

I know exactly who you are.

What is she doing here?

I know how hard this is for you.

But I think you both need to forgive each other and move on with the rest of your lives.

I never meant for anyone to get hurt.

Then why'd you do it? Why'd you take something that wasn't yours?

She didn'T. I did.

He's here.

You tell sophie that I--
I just lost my way without her.

He said he was lost without you.

There were so many times I asked her to move to the east coast with me, and all she ever thought about was how would we make it without her job, and all I heard was she thought I wasn't gonna make it.

He thought you didn't believe in him.

I did. I dropped everything to come here.

I didn't know that. I was so focused on trying to make a sale, or even having an actual show so she'd see that I wasn't going to fail.

He wanted to prove himself to you.

He wanted to make a sale, and--

that's why he got so angry when I wouldn't help him.

Yeah, I wasn't fair.

To either of them.

He knows that you were just trying to protect him.

Tell her that I'm so sorry.

I will.

But I ended up hurting the one I loved the most.

He feels terrible about what happened.

He wanted the truth to come about what he had done and how he had hurt you.

And he knew you'd be the only that could tell it.

I just wanted to mean as much to you as your work did.

And I loved the way you looked at the world. I just... wondered, did you see me?

Sophie, you were in everything that I did.

And everything that I made, you were a part of it all.

Can you make her understand?

Is that the light?

It's so incredible.

Look... you tell her that I can't go unless I know she's forgiven me.

He needs to know that you forgive him.

I forgive you, kevin.

And I'm not sorry that I loved you. At least I know I can.

He's gone. a picture = 1000 words here's one - thanks I hate fighting.

Neither of us ever wins.

I know you're just trying to protect me.

I've been thinking a lot about the dark spirits don't just lurk underground.

That they're around me all the time.

I just want you to know that that doesn't scare me.

How is that reassuring?

Because...anger and darkness, that's just the stuff we're supposed to unravel and learn from.

And I do that all the time, with the spirits.

And I'm not afraid because...

I know that love is stronger.

I've seen it.

Ok. No decisions based on fear.

No decisions based on fear.

Does that include trigonometry and organic chemistry, because these are terrifying.

It means a whole year of undergrad courses before I can even apply.

Oh, my god.

You're gonna do it, aren't you?

Well, if you can fight the forces of evil, I think I can do pre-med.

Say it.

I really need to hear you say it.

I want to be a doctor.

What are you getting?

Just...close your eyes. I got you something.


Pick a city or a town, doesn't matter how big or how small.

When you get into med school, I'll be right there with you.