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01x27 - The Addams Family and the Spaceman

Posted: 12/05/22 07:02
by bunniefuu
♪ They're creepy
and they're kooky

♪ Mysterious and spooky

♪ They're altogether ooky

♪ The Addams family
♪ The house is a museum

♪ When people come to see 'em

♪ They really are a scream

♪ The Addams family




♪ So get a witch's shawl on

♪ A broomstick you can crawl on

♪ We're gonna pay a call on

♪ The Addams family ♪

Dear Pugsley.

He does enjoy playing
with his missiles.

Keeps him out of mischief, too.

It's amazing how
that little rascal

manages to keep one step ahead

of the government space program.

A true Addams.

Ah, it's midnight.

The perfect time for
a little family picnic.

We'll surprise the children.

Oh, darling, they have to
get up so early to go to school.

Well, then we'll
leave them here.

That should certainly
surprise them.

Dear Gomez, so wise
and understanding.

That's exactly what they
said about old Senator Addams

just before they impeached him.

Uh, Lurch, bring
the car around back.

Oh, you can't beat a
night like this for a picnic.

And snail-hunting.

But where's Cousin Itt?

There you are,
you little rascal.

So sweet of you to join us, Itt.

Oh, but don't thank us.

What would a snail-hunt
be without you?

You attract them.

Isn't Mama coming?

She's going to stay
home with the children.

Teaching them to make cobwebs.

The games.

Good work, Lurch.

The family that plays
together stays together.

Put them in the
trunk please, Lurch.


Can I turn on the radio?

By all means.

I'll try to get music
to go snail-hunting by.


Dear Itt. It's his
favorite music.

Radio needs fixing.

We interrupt this program
for a special announcement.

An unidentified space aircraft

has been reported over
the Cemetery Ridge area.

Hey, that's our area.

This is an unconfirmed
report from MSO,

Mysterious Space
Objects Headquarters.

There is no cause for alarm

and residents of the area
are urged not to panic.

We now return you to
Harpsichord Reverie.

Hey, maybe they're Martians.

Couldn't we stick
around and find out?

Well, then it's settled.

We'll stay here and picnic
right in our own backyard.


Hinckley, MSO.

You saw a flying object where?

I see.

Cemetery Ridge district.

Near what house?

The old Addams house?

Well, thank you very
much, we'll look into it.

You know, that's the
14th call we've had

on that Cemetery Ridge sighting.

What do you think?

Who knows?

How about it, Professor?


We are always sending
spaceships up there.

One of these days
somebody up there

is going to send
something down here.

You mark my words.

The professor is no fool.

Well, I wouldn't go that
far, but he is dedicated.

Spending 20 years of
his life trying to figure out

what the Martians
probably talk like.

You know, all this
"ralamalabagata" talk

may prove to be very valuable.

If those little green
guys ever do land,

somebody's gonna
have to palaver with them.

I think we better get over to that
Cemetery Ridge district and look around.


Oh, uh, one more thing.

This may prove to
be another false alarm.

But just in case it isn't,
and you are captured,

you know what you have to do.

Eat the codebook.


C'est fini.

Tish, that French. You
know what it does to me.

So lovely, so tasty.

You're just hungry, dear.

Well, what's for supper?

I could eat a horse.

Come, come, Fester,
you had that for lunch.

Uncle Fester, be patient,
we'll be dining soon.

Why don't you go over and
chat with Lurch and Cousin Itt?

Oh, they're always
talking politics.

Darling, it's almost
time for my moonbath.

I'd take it easy, Morticia.

Pretty strong moon.

In fact, I'm gonna
put on my moon hat.

Well, that's very
becoming, Uncle Fester.

It's an original.

Darling, would you
fix my chair for me?


Oh, thank you, darling.

Cara. Cara.

We ought to be able to get
an excellent moonburn tonight.

Gomez, darling, what would we do

if a Martian did
land right here?

We'd do what any red-blooded
American would do. Run.



Take a look over there.

Do you see what I see?

I see it but I don't believe it.

What do you think?

I think it's time we get in
touch with headquarters.

All right in there, querida?

Yes, darling.

The moon was a bit strong.

I thought I'd filter its rays.

Oh, I wouldn't want
you getting moonburn.

Darling, you look
just like Galileo.

The astronomer?

No, Cousin Galileo.
He has a suit like that.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Right. Earth and Mars are
at their closest points tonight.

What do you think they're up to?

Whatever it is, I don't like it.

Itt, you should speak English.

Well, I guess you're right.

It is a silly language.

Now, let's see,
Uranus transits Jupiter

at exactly 12:32.

Wonderful. Right on schedule.

Punch is ready.


A big punch.

They're either getting
ready to blow up the place

or they're sending
smoke signals.

Smoke signals to whom?

Who knows? To other spaceships.

Maybe this is a
rendezvous point.

Well, the boss man said
to move in and investigate.


Darling, are those
men staring at us?

Not us. At you.

You're ravishing.

Darling, please, it's early.

Your watch is slow.

Hey, they're coming over.

They got such funny
looks in their eyes.

They could be people from Mars.

Nonsense. They're not
little, they're not green,

and they don't have things
sticking out of their heads.

Itt's right. They
could be disguised.

Well, whoever they are,
we must be neighborly.

We don't want them thinking
we Earth people are snobs.



We're from the MSO.
I mean the USO.

We do a lot of
entertaining for the troops.

You know, singing, dancing.

Well, I'm glad you're Americans.

Where are you folks from?


Uncle Fester, why don't you
get our friends some punch?

Coming up.

I like to relax
on these outings.

Do you gentlemen
mind if I smoke?

Go right ahead.


Didn't you ever see
anybody smoke before?

Everyone must be starved.

Uncle Fester, get the hotplate.

I got it right here.

Plug it in, dear, plug it in.

You ready, Fester?

Yeah, what is it, AC or DC?



I do hope you gentlemen
like tongue of yak.


Nice and fresh.

It costs a little more than the
quick-frozen, but it's so much tastier.

Would you, uh, people
excuse us a minute?

Yes, but hurry back, yak loses
something when it's overdone.

Plenty strange behavior.


They didn't even
touch Lurch's punch.

Everything about us
seems so strange to them.

I think Cousin Itt is right.

I believe they're
from another planet.

I agree.

You think it's possible?

I think.

How do you like the way
the little hairy one talked?

Do you figure that was Martian?

Not according to
Professor Altshuler.

Maybe he's a Ret*rded Martian.

Let's blow this clambake.

No! One false move
and who knows?

We're sl*ve labor on Mars.

He's right again.

One false move and who knows?

We're sl*ve labor on Mars.

This is a delicate situation.

We'd better play it by ear.

Oh dear, I do wish
Cousin Grope was here.

He has three of them.

Folks, we've decided
to level with you.

We're really not with the USO.

I knew it.

You didn't have any
taps on your shoes.

We know exactly
who you are, too.

We even speak your language.

Our language?




Gomez, dear, I think he's
trying to tell you something.

agamagabagagawhographa to you.

Excuse us.

Those two fellows
are up to something.

What are we going to do?
There's only one thing to do.

Put them under lock and key.

We want you come with us.

Oh, we couldn't do that.

We insist.

Now look here...

We accept.

How nice. I always say

there's nothing like
understanding between peoples.

Quick, the codebook.

Oh, yeah, one of
us has got to eat it.

Bon appetit.

Lurch, put the
gentlemen in the love seat.

Yes, Mrs. Addams.

You two gentlemen make
yourselves comfortable,

my wife and I have to feed
some plants in the conservatory.

But, Gomez, dear... Querida.

Oh, you may amuse
yourselves with this.

That's little Pugsley's ray g*n.

Ray g*n? Watch.

Dear Pugsley.

He's so handy with these things.

Have fun.

On second thought, we don't
want any mishaps, do we?

I'll hang on to this.

Well, at least
we're still on Earth.

Darling, aren't we being rude?

After all, the plants
don't need feeding.

In fact, Cleopatra's on a diet.

It's merely a ruse, my dear.

We must engage in
some counterintelligence.

See what their game is.

Oh, I do hope it's bridge.

What do you say
we get out of here?

Yeah, we gotta get
word to headquarters.

We were just looking around.

See? Trapped.

Darling, that was
truly inspirational.

That's what they said

about old Blood and
Thunder Addams at Shiloh.

When he deserted?
Turned traitor.

How ghastly.

Not at those prices.

Maybe we're just
imagining all this.

Maybe they're...

This is just their
way of acting friendly.

Maybe they're
just a nice, odd...

It's all a question of
strategic deployment of forces.

Darling, you're a
natural born leader.

That's what they said about old
Cannonball Addams at Bunker Hill.

Right before he turned traitor?

No, before he began
firing at his own men.

Poor old Canny, absolutely
lost without his glasses.

How about the window?


Gilbert, where are you?

I don't know!

Darling, I think we ought
to call the authorities.

Capital idea!

Now let's see, whose
jurisdiction would this come under?

Uh, CID?





Operator, get me the MSO.

MSO Headquarters.

Oh, I see.

You have a couple of
Martians in your basement.

And how do you know
they are Martians?

Oh, they spoke Martian.

And what did they say?



This is the Martians speaking.

Wait a minute,
I'll be right there.

Don't go away. You must...

Wait a minute, what is your
name? Where do you live?

Addams. Right
next to the cemetery.

It's a nice neighborhood.

A nice neighborhood?

Beep, beep, beep, bloop.

What did I say?

You Martian? Yes?


Shalom. I come in peace.

Wait here.


Hello? Operator?

MSO Headquarters. Emergency.

Please hurry. Yes.

It's QPA.

The situation is
worse than I thought.

The Martians have taken
over the whole house.

Goodbye, Agnes.



Agabaruga malata!

Alamaragabaluka malata malita.

Isn't that wonderful?

Just listen to the two
of you chattering away.

What in the world
are you saying?

I don't know about him, but I was
bidding him welcome in Swahili.

You both speak English?

Well, of course
we speak English.

After all, we are in
America, Professor Altshuler.

Oh, yes, I know that, but...

How do you know my name?

Why wouldn't we know it?

We're the ones who called you.

Stop beating around the bush.

If you don't surrender, bluey!


Yeah, bluey. I will show you.

Come and see here.


Mighty nice display, Altshuler.

It's good to know the
government is on the alert.

Isn't that an awful
lot of planes, though,

just to arrest two little
Martians in the basement?

In the basement?

Wait. Let me handle
the whole thing.

They may be violent.

I don't know. We found
them cooperative all the way.

Come along.

Well, old man, there's
one of the rascals.

Darling, where did
we put the other one?

Let me see.

Oh, yes.

Please be careful.

But they are not Martians!

Nonsense, they
even speak Martian.

They learnt it from me!

Oh, then you're Martian.

Funny, you don't look it.

Most certainly not.

Oh, for heaven's sake,
what's the matter with you?

If they are not Martians
and you are not Martians,

what am I doing here?

That's an interesting point.

Why don't we all go outside
and look around some more?

No, no, no.

I've... I've had enough
Martians for... for the whole day.

Oh, my goodness.

I forgot to call off the Plan
X before we all get k*lled.

Good thinking.

You can use this phone. Ah, yes.

Hello? Operator? Yes,
MSO Headquarters.

Mach schnell, please.

This is the silliest
thing I've... Oh.

It's QPA.

Listen what I'm going
to say now, huh?

Cancel everything.

I repeat, cancel everything.

Yes, cancel Plan
X, it's a false alarm!

Why, this Addams bunch

is... is the simplest, uh,
ordinary, uh, everyday family.

Good man, Lurch.

The whole thing seems to
have been too much for him.

Why, you space scientists.

You're all so
delicately balanced.

Oh, gentlemen, excuse me.

According to this, we'll be on
Mars in another three years.

Nonsense, Pugsley will
be there long before that.

Oh, mail's in.

Thank you, Thing.

Oh, it's from the Air Force.


Isn't that sweet?

They are thanking us for our
contribution to the nation's defense.

Due to us, Plan
X was fully tested.

"From now on, there's no need for
anyone to worry about a Martian invasion.

"The nation is ready."

By george,

I think one of Pugsley's
missiles went out of control.

No matter.

Plan X will take
care of everything.