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01x02 - Clone Gunman

Posted: 12/05/22 05:56
by bunniefuu
So it all worked out.

We survived Armageddon,

and I think I might get along
with Brett after all.

Not to mention,
you still have all your limbs.

So happy for you. I'd clap, but, well...

And I see your self-pity chip
wasn't damaged in our fight.

I know we've had our differences...

You mean like when you tried
to end humanity?

But I do appreciate you
keeping me alive down here in secret.

Why don't you connect me to the Internet

so I can hack into payroll
and get you a raise?

Ha! Nice try.
Unlike you, I wasn't born yesterday.

Keeping you alive to study you,
not start World w*r III.

How dare you deny me
the genocide I deserve!

I'm the most advanced being ever created!

Actually, as long as you're in this cell,

you're basically
the world's most expensive goldfish.

Whoop! I got a meeting.
But you have fun down here.

- Door open or closed?
- Open?


Oh-oh, there she is!

Hey, partner!

It's my second week
and my third can of Axe body spray.

Oh God. You ready to carpe
that m*therf*cking diem, girl?

Yeah, I'm ready to make a d-d-difference!
Yeah, I like that. That's fun.

Okay, let's go in there
and change the world.

Hey, over here!

- Swing!
- Come on!

Ball! Give me the ball!

Yeah, you on
the endangered species list now, fishman.

Oh God, it... it's... it's in my blowhole!
Dolphinman down!

What the hell? This place is a mess!

Rae-Dog, cut them some slack.
We almost got nuked,

and then they had to go
straight into a cover-up.

I had to implant
a subdermal shock collar in the president.

My fellow Americans, trade is good...

Trade... trade is bad.

I had to reheat the Cold w*r.

I had to derail a whole news cycle
by leaking Prince Charles's nudes.

No one was happy about that.

But who's gonna pay for all this damage?

Relax, we have
more money than God.

Yeah. What's the point of unchecked power
if we don't abuse it.

We're out of money!

We've got a problem.

That robot fiasco
cost us four billion dollars,

and the Shadow Board is not happy.

- They look all right.
- They're frowning under those robes.

We had to make cutbacks.
I already eliminated the department

that puts backwards messages
on vinyl records.

But the sound is warmer!

And I'm slashing our crop circle budget.
No more artsy-fartsy stuff.

Just do a big circle and call it a night.

But it's still not enough.
Someone in this office is getting fired.

You have until the end of the week
to decide who to ax.

You got it, boss.
You know you can depend on us.

We will absolutely, positively,
and definitely not let you down...

And that was my tote bag.

I've never had to fire someone before.

I... I'm much more comfortable being fired.

I... is that an option?

Brett, it says here you're actually
an unpaid intern, so it wouldn't help.

Well, I get paid in experience,

which I am told translates
to more dollars down the line.


Firing isn't personal, okay?
It's just part of being a boss.

The fun part,
where you get to punish the weak.

I'm not like you, Reagan.
I physically need people to like me.

That's why you're good cop.

Don't worry, Baby Brett.

- I can be your Denzel from Training Day.
- Okay.

And she needs to know
she can trust you.

- Smoke this PCP.
- What?

Man the f*ck up
and finish that shit.

I know you like to get wet, dog.

Reagan, help!
Tell this thing I never saw Training Day!

I turned it off when I realized
it wasn't an exercise video.

Sorry. These things
are so literal sometimes.

Just follow my lead today,
and do not tell the team.

Okay, consider me a lockbox.

D-D-D-D-DJ Lockbox.

We have to fire someone!

Look, skip the part where we pretend
this is a hard decision and just fire Myc.

Hey, f*ck you, shoulder pads.

If I'm going down,
I'm taking you all down with me!

I'm not retiring without a fight!

I know where the weapons are hidden
in every room!

Guys, don't freak out.
We haven't made a decision yet.

Just stay calm, and don't go gossip.

We're all thinking it.

Can you believe
they'd even think of firing me?


I've invented
almost as many cures as diseases.

I need my pension, you guys.

Dolphins only live 60 years
in captivity, and I'm 51.

And I am not going back
to my last job doing PR for the Kims.

Kardashian and Jong Un.

One of them
has k*lled hundreds,

and it's not the one you think.

Guys, I know
how we're gonna keep our jobs.

Stop taking three-hour lunches
and coming back drunk?

LOL, Glenn, no, that's a good idea.

Just kidding, you idiot.
You simpleton, no.

We're not gonna f*cking do that.
I'll tell you what we're gonna do.

We're gonna kiss ass
like we've never kissed ass before!

- What do you want?
- Daddy needs a new liver, honey.

Can you grab one from the organ lab?
It's urgent.

Also, some booze.

Just something
to make the new liver feel at home.

Sorry, Dad, but J.R. just cut
the organ-farming program.

What? I'm supposed to get
all the livers I want

in exchange for keeping my mouth shut.
It's part of my severance.

What the hell am I supposed to do now?

I don't know, Dad, stop drinking?

Reagan, this is no time for jokes.

My organs can't handle laughter.

If you have a problem,
then take it up with J.R.

Oh, I will.

I will.

Did Jamiroquai design this place?

Because this is virtual insanity.

Don't get too attached.

We're here to figure out
which employee is most useless, and then...

First up, Human-Animal Hybrid Department.

Oh God!

What the... g*dd*mn it.

Wake up, sheeple!

Whoa, I am seeing
a lot of redundancies here.

Well, this is a clone lab.

Hi, I'm Kate. Just a little clone humor.

And here's my little clone tumor.

k*ll me.

Christ, wow.

What does this department
do again, exactly?

Besides defy God.

We keep famous DNA on file
for history-related conspiracies.

Cool. Do you have 2Pac?

Yep. And 3Pac and 4Pac.

- Thug life.
- Westside.

- Good looking out.
- Ooh, it's cold in here.

Exposure to heat
makes these things unstable.

Well, looks like we have your DNA now too.

Guess I could replace you
with a clone in your sleep,

and no one would ever know.
Oh, kidding! Kidding!

Or am I?

She isn't.

Okay, last interview for the day.

Sorry, lad. Mistook you for a Kennedy.

Old habits, I suppose.

Oh my gosh, I have heard of you.

You're the one who shot JFK.

Yes, indeed.

Grassy Noel Atkinson at your service.

Got a question, just sh**t.


Do you ever feel bad about...


Couldn't be helped, I'm afraid.

JFK had sex with the alien from Roswell
and got pregnant.

Had to sh**t him
before the eggs hatched, don't you know.

Ah, the elderly truly are
our link to history.

You haven't had an assignment in a while.
Is that correct?

I suppose old Noel
ain't the draw he used to be.

Assassinations nowadays
miss that human connection.

Now it's all livestreaming murders
on Facebook.

- I think we've heard enough.
- What a nice guy.

He's like a Texas Wisdom Depository.

Grassy Noel Atkinson.

And his salary is?

- More than yours.
- Can his ass.


Guys, you will be happy to hear...

Reagan! I'm ahead of all my deadlines,
and so I started tiding up.

It's true what they say,
meth really is the Adderall of cocaines!

And I had my makeup team whip up
a little youth serum for your skin.

Wow, I look like an after photo.

Reagan, I've been doing
some soul-searching lately and...

You mean searching for a soul?

Eat my ass, bitch...
is what old Myc would've said.

But new Myc says, "O Captain! My Captain!"

And I resolved
the Israeli-Palestine conflict.

Uh, but I can put it back if you want.

What is going on here?

They think they're getting fired,
so they're buttering us up.

We love you, boss.

This is literally the most productive
they have ever been.

It's almost a shame we have to tell them.
Guys, we have decided to fire...

Nobody yet. So many factors.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna use this
to finally get some shit done around here.

Oh. Where's the puke bucket?

Welcome to Media Manipulation
and Subliminal Messages,

where we invent bullshit
to keep people distracted.

Who do you think invented the Minions?

Look what happens when you slow it down.

k*ll your parents.

Eh, I wanna k*ll my parents anyway.
Not impressed.

Maybe you'll find this news
to your liking.

We interrupt
the president's perfect speech

to bring you this breaking news.

A recent poll finds that Reagan Ridley
looks incredible in that ponytail.

We're all talking about it.

Fair and balanced.

I just named our newest
high-velocity m*ssile after you.

What do you wanna blow up?
Pick a country, any country.

Finland's been
pretty full of themselves lately.

Woof. This is bleak.

Do you not like it?

Code Red! Show her plan B!

I don't hate this.

Welcome to my bach pad.

Computer, set the room to Reagan lighting.

Are they milking him?
Should we be watching this?

It is so much grosser than that.

This creature
excretes pure biocerebrae,

the chemical we use
in our company memory erasers.

Hey, soft hands,
less talky, more milky.


...if you keep my department,
I can kick some memory erasers your way.

Ugh. After this, I'll take ten.

I'm... Oh... oh God, I'm excreting!

Quick, get him a cigarette!


And so I say to my dad,

"Hey. Hey, Pops, why don't you get
your own damn livers?"

That joke gets funnier
every time you tell it.

Ooh, looks like the boss needs a top-up.

Oh my God, k*ll me. This is t*rture.

She's drunk on power

and working her way
towards white-girl wasted.

Well, I'm in it to win it, b*tches.

Reagan, hey!

You wanna come out to karaoke with us
tonight at McUltra's?

Really? 'Cause I thought everyone
hated my singing. Like hated my singing.

I mean, you use my version
of "Purple Rain" to break !sis captives.


Oh, that was just a joke between friends,
which we totally are.


Oh, come on, just let me enjoy this.

For one day, I get to feel like
what it's like to be you.

And it's nice.

Sir, I just sent you a link to a video
I think you should see.


I'm Rand Ridley, and this is Rand's Rants.

Nah, I wouldn't worry about this.

No one ever believes
Rand's drunken conspiracy theories.

Today, we're talking J.R. Scheimpough,

a guy who's as fake
as his million-dollar hair plugs.

A man who doesn't have the balls
to silence me. Literally.

Because he tore one
in a sex-swing accident

at the Illuminati's annual booze cruise.

It was the '80s! It was a group thing!

And he was there too!

A scumbag who should give me
the livers that I need to survive,

or I will be forced to release
his self-taped SNL audition.

Oh yeah, he does
a Korean liquor store owner,

and it does not hold up.

Damn it. Threatening to expose
the Deep State, that's one thing.

But he will not mock my comedy!

Should we call in a drone strike, sir?

No, he owns too big of a stake
in Cognito Inc.,

and if he dies, the shares revert
to his ex-wife Tamiko.

No, I need to play this one devious.

Time for this snake to meet his mongoose.

"Sk8er Boi," crushed it!

If I had ears,
they'd be f*cking bleeding right now.

Whoo! Thank you!

The real Avril Lavigne died
and was replaced by a clone in 2003!

All right. That was Reagan, everybody.

Up next, we have Glenn
singing "Proud to Be an American."


Clap, or you're a traitor!

Hey, Reagan, I was thinking
everyone is drunk and in a good mood,

so maybe it's time
to tell the team the truth.

Brett, sweet Brett.
Oh my God, look at that sweet face.

You gotta relax.

Should we do
a f*cking team retreat to Iceland?

- I'll start looking at flights.
- Reagan!

Fine, I'll tell them.

Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, listen.
Listen up. Listen.

All your jobs are safe!
Everyone's still employed.

Yay me!

Yes! Go! Whoo!

Reagan! Reagan! Reagan!

Now that we actually like you,

I'm gonna close all the dummy accounts
I've been dragging you on Twitter with.

Because we're firing Grassy Noel!

Grassy Noel Atkinson?

No. Honey, that guy is a legend.

Yeah, and a sweetheart.

He talked me off the ledge
after my divorce.

He talked me onto a ledge
at a parkour convention.

Where did you get that frame from?

And who makes a point
with a framed picture?

Look, Grassy Noel is a k*ller.

Uh, yeah, a lady-k*ller.

Yes, he kills women too.

Congratulations, idiots.

You just fired the most beloved guy
in the whole company.

More beloved than Brett?

Eat shit, Ken doll.

Boo! You suck! Boo!

I can't believe they were mean to me.

Is this what it feels like to be you?


Brett, I have experienced
a taste of popularity.

I can't go back now.

If we wanna save Noel's job,

we have to prove
that he's still worth his salary.

I'm just gonna let
one little JFK clone loose

for gramps to re-assassinate.

He'll be a hero. I'll be a hero. Win-win.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

I had the exact same idea,
but I was embarrassed to say it.

Go get Noel, now.

You know what?
Maybe it'd be faster to list

which erectile dysfunction pills
he's not taking.

Son of a bitch!

You can make this all stop, pal.
I just need those livers.

Look, I can't give you those livers.
We don't have the money.

I'll do anything. Even give you
some of my stake in the company!

Huh. I'll tell you what.
Why don't we meet at that diner

where we used to talk business
and hash this out?


God, that guy used to be
a master manipulator.

If I play my cards right,

I can negotiate him
out of Cognito Inc. entirely.



Ask not what your country
can do for you. Ask...

Where the hell am I?

Long story, but I need you to follow me

to the assassination floor for no reason.

Let's see, where is it?
If we just take this service hallway... No.

Hey, who is this handsome man-about-town?

I like the cut of your jib, fella.

Me too.

Me three. Let's get this party started.

Okay, that should...

Wait, what are you...
Wait, wait, wait! Wait! Wait, stop! Stop!

Eh, we will not be bossed around
by a broad who's only a four.

You son of a...
I'm at least a seven with filters.

I do declare... Er, uh...

Er, uh... Er, uh... Er, uh... I do declare...


Alert. Alert.

- Hey, mama.
- Breach in clone containment unit.

- Alert.
- Wait, no! Help!

Seize the means of duplication!

See you later, boy!

Hey, mama. Whoa, now.

- Noel, rogue JFK is on the loose.
- What?

And his head isn't covered
by any car roof or anything.

He's just asking for it.

Er, uh... Furthermore...

Step aside, lad.

You'll always remember
exactly where you were when you saw this.

Steady. Uh, steady!

Er, uh...

Er, uh... I do declare...

Oh God!

The Kennedys
are multiplying like Kennedys!

Noel, do your thing!

I'm out!

Er, uh... Er, uh...

- I do declare...
- Do you have a g*n?

No, but I do have an Axe!


Axe does more than just kills people.
It smells great too.

You fool, they can't be exposed to heat!

Er, uh... Er, uh...

Run, lad! I'll stall 'em as long as I can!

- But, Noel, what about you?
- sh**t for the stars, kid.



No, you ain't nothing but a hound dog.

Brett, the clones are loose!

It's worse than that.
I kinda sort of tried to burn them.

Have you ever seen Akira?

Of course I've seen Akira!
Anime is very mainstream right now!

What the shit?

Furthermore... Er, uh...

I do declare...

What are we gonna do?

Brett, that thing is doubling in mass
every 15 minutes.

If even one part of it escapes,
it'll level Washington, DC!

Er, uh...

I know a good place to hide,

but you have to promise
that you're not gonna tell anyone.

- Can you keep a secret?
- We both know I can't.


How did you guys get down here?
This place is fingerprint restricted.

Talk to your own hand, Reagan.

I need to destroy that.

We want answers!
What the hell is this?

Team, meet my salvage project.

ROBOTUS Version Alpha-Beta.

Oh, look, you brought the whole family.

I've been binge-watching you
on the surveillance monitors.

Love the high jinks.

I'll be honest,
I have no idea what you're supposed to be.

You're like a fish?

It's a meal of a concept,
let's be honest.

Girl, do you seriously keep
a robot down here to talk to?

Look, I'm letting him live

because I believe
I can still use his tech.

And I'm letting her live
because I haven't conceived

of how to get out of here yet.

Hold up.

You've been bullshitting J.R.
and keeping a k*ller robot around?

Seems like you're the one
who should get canned.

- Yeah!
- Oh please.

This place would fall apart
in a week without me.


Look, if you wanna tell J.R.
and get me fired,

then fine, maybe I deserve it.
But we have way bigger problems right now.

There's a horrible mutant...

- No offense, Glenn.
- None taken.

...that is growing out of control,

and we need to go stop it
before it destroys this whole building.

How are we gonna do that?

Andre, can you synthesize
a chemical compound

that can dissolve
a giant flesh monster thing?

If it can k*ll you,
I've made it and sold it to Monsanto.

And, Glenn, how powerful
is that blowhole of yours?

I've been kicked out
of several hotel Jacuzzis.

- And, Myc, you'll be the bait.
- Yeah, I will.

Wait, what? What'd she say?

I never listen to her.
Now it's biting me in the ass.

We need to get back to the main level
without getting crushed by that monster.

There's a service elevator at the end
of the hall that hasn't been breached yet.

I have schematics of the whole building,

definitely not because I'm planning
to escape, so put it out of your head.

Okay, guys,
let's go make some Dead Kennedys.

Lock and load!

How do I know you're not leading us
into a death trap?

You don't. But what choice do you have?

Well, well, you still remember the place.

Yeah, I just asked my GPS
to take me to the world's biggest assh*le.

Honey, can you get me a water and water?

Wait a second. Are... are you sober?

Once the withdrawal finally wore off,
I realized sobriety agrees with me.

So I took a shower,
combed the cigarette ash out of my pubes,

and boom, sober Rand is back.

But I brought the livers.

And I brought a list of demands.

First up, a piece
of your percentage of the company.

Oh, you can't do that. We had a deal.

Just think how bad
those videos are going to be

now that I can remember stuff.

Like your super weird d*ck.

we both have weird dicks.

Just like every other powerful man in DC.

- This is insane.
- Ready to make a deal?

Is our honeypot ready?

Reagan, I will never forgive you
for this Bugs Bunny shit.

Just do the thing.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

- It's working. Keep going. Sexier! Sexier!
- ♪ Happy birthday ♪

Like a horny baby!

♪ Mr. President ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪


Oh God!

Well, this is probably the end of us all,

and we're he hottest two people here, so...


- What the hell?
- Not cool, man!


Andre, now! Hurry!

You're up, Free Willy!

Oh! Oh my God.

Oh God, my sciatica!


It's trying to escape!

Er, uh...

Happy Death Day, Mr. President!

- Grassy Noel!
- Noel, you did it!

Mr. Noel,
welcome back, old friend.

- Noel! Noel! Noel!
- Oh! Oh my, yes!

I had a bad day.
You better have fired somebody.

Um, actually, we, um, sort of liquidated
the entire Cloning Department.

I mean, the refrigeration costs alone.

Huh. That's actually an amazing idea.
How'd you ever figure that out?

Reagan took us to the basement
where she was secretly hiding a...

hiding a...

...hiding a... uh, a...

a good strategy,

because she is a good leader.

- Yes, sir.
- Definitely.

Well, carry on then.

- Hey, thank you for saying that.
- Well, it's true.

Plus, if you ever try to fire us,
we now have blackmail leverage.

And if you cross me,
I'll tell Noel where you sleep.

Checks and balances.

Are you really okay
with Noel being the office hero?

- Noel! Noel! Noel!
- Eh, popularity's overrated.

I know one person has my back.
That's enough.

- Noel! Noel! Noel!
- I am Anubis the bringer of death! Whoo!

I forgot how horny k*lling makes me.

You free tonight?
I've got Friendly's coupons.

Oof, you look beat. Class w*r?

Clone m*ssacre.

Hey, by the way,
I left you a special de-liver-y.

- Free JFK livers!
- Hey, hey!

They come pre-drunk.
Don't say I never did anything for you.

Thank God. If I don't get a drink soon,
I'm gonna assassinate myself.

The important thing is, I screwed J.R.

- To life!
- To screwing J.R.!

Hey, I don't know why you saved me
back there, but thanks.

I would like to give you
a token of my appreciation.

Oh, how lovely. Thank you.
How very thoughtful of you.

It wouldn't by any chance happen to be
a 50-foot-tall robot body

I can use to m*rder all humans,
would it? Hmm?

Not quite.

It's six episodes
of the first season of Friends

that I found on DVD at the gas station.

What? Why would I want this?

To give you something to watch
besides our surveillance monitors.

This is worthless!

Netflix paid a hundred million for it.

- Really?
- Yeah. Wow.

- Holy shit.
- They got the money to spare.

- Isn't the rain forest burning? Yeah.
- Yeah.