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02x05 - Simple Twist of Fate

Posted: 12/05/22 05:49
by bunniefuu
[invigorating music playing]

Who is he?

What happened? Why did he leave?

See you next time, kiddo.

[Kate] Okay, we're almost ready.

You good?

[Justine] Are you kidding?

Our girl is gonna

knock this out of the park!

Just remember,

don't be afraid to get raw.

Okay, if you need to ugly cry

or maybe throw a chair

- This is not Jerry Springer.

- [Justine] No, no, no.

This is a classy docu-special

about one woman's quest to find

the father that she never knew.

But if it gets a tad bit messy,

that's not the worst thing for ratings.

- Right?

- Excuse me, boss.

Uh, you can just call me Kate.

And I'm not the boss.

Yes, you are. You're producing this thing.

Yeah, but it's

so not a big deal. [chuckles]

That Calvin sure is cute.

And you know

what they say about sound guys

- I don't want to know.

- They like it loud.

[both chuckling]

[Cloud] Am I too late to be interviewed?

[tender music playing]

What are you doing here?

- I figured I owe you this much.

- [Tully] Oh.

Wow. Okay.

This is fantastic.

Our ratings just went up five points!

People, we need another chair.

This is now a two-hander!

Uh, Tully's mom, come with me.

Let's get you miked.

- [Kate] You don't have to do this.

- What do you mean?

You've never had a real conversation

with her about your dad.

You don't have to have it

for the first time on camera.

If there isn't a camera pointed at me,

I don't think I can do it.

[Kate sighs]

[exhales, chuckles]

[Tully] Okay, Cloud, you ready?

Has anyone ever thrown up

on one of these things?

Uh, yes, tons of times.

I've had guests barf,

pass out, pee their pants.

- At least I don't do any of that anymore.

- Ha.

My sponsor wasn't sure I should do this,

but I [sighs]

I told her I needed to make amends.

There's so much I haven't told you.

Okay, wait.

Tell me on camera.



[Kate] Roll camera.

Hey, Cloud.

Thank you for doing this.

Hey, Tallulah. You're welcome.

You and I have not always had [inhales]

the easiest relationship.

You used to tell people I was dead.

That is true.

[Cloud] It's my fault.

I was an alcoholic, a drug addict,

and a general embarrassment.

But I was pretty fun, right? [chuckles]


But that is not

what we're here to talk about.


Do you remember me asking about my father

when I was a kid?

Yeah. A bunch of times,

but I I never told you anything.

- [Tully] Why not?

- I didn't see the point.

You didn't see the point

of me knowing where I come from?

[Cloud] No.

Because if you knew the truth,

you'd hate him.

But if I let you make him up in your head,

he could be anyone.

He could be perfect.

Why would I hate him?

Did you hate him?

[Cloud inhales]


I loved him.

[Cloud breathes deeply]


[Tully] How did you meet?

[Cloud] A bookstore.

[exhales] Can I smoke?

I quit, but it's, um,

it's a special occasion.


[tender music playing]

[Cloud exhales]


He was a rich kid.

Went to prep school.

All that crap, but he was different.

[chuckles softly]

He used to read me Allen Ginsberg.

"I saw the best minds of my generation

destroyed by madness"

Yeah, I I swooned. [chuckles]

It felt like true love.

And then I got knocked up like an idiot.

Not Not saying

that having you was idiotic

That's okay.

What happened then?

He was actually happy at first.

He said we should get married.

We ran away a couple times,

but his family kept finding us

and bringing us back.

And then every time I'd go home,

my dad would beat the shit out of me

Oh shit. Shit, I Can I say that?

It's okay. We We will cut around it.


Your father and I had this plan

to sneak off for good.

In the middle of the night, we were

gonna take a train to San Francisco.

But [sniffles]

he left a letter on my doorstep instead.

He said that he had changed his mind,

and that he was gonna go

to a fancy college in Europe

to study poetry.

He actually wished me luck.

"I just ruined your life.

Good luck." [scoffs]

- What did you do then?

- What do you think I would do?

I wasn't gonna let him leave us,

so I I went to the family house.

But he was already gone.

And they said

he never wanted to see me again.

And then they gave me some money

to keep me quiet.

You know, they didn't want

me to sully the family name.

And he had this older brother. [exhales]

You ever just meet someone

that sends chills down your spine?

That guy.

There was something wrong with his soul.

He would write me a check

every time I came out of the woodwork.

I used to protest

the f*cking family company

f*ck, shit, sorry.

Sorry, I just I keep

What do you mean,

you protested the family company?

What was the family company?


They were loggers.

Wait, you're telling me

you're telling me my father was a

He was a Binswanger.

And that brother of his,

the one that would pay me off,

he actually became governor.

How 'bout that?

[invigorating music playing]

- Holy shit, Tul.

- I know.

Oh my God. I mean, you covered

Benedict Binswanger back in the day,

and he was such a d*ck to you.

And all this time he was your uncle?

This is crazy.

They're one of the richest families

in Washington.

He was the f*cking governor.

How are you so calm?

Because I'm dead inside.



I don't know. I guess I'm just numb.

Anyway, what's our next step?

I don't know.

I guess we just figure out what happened

to Binswanger's younger brother.

I mean, your dad.

Hey. Sorry to interrupt,

but is it cool if I take off?

- My band's playing at the Crocodile and

- Oh, yeah, of course.

I'll sh**t you an email

with the schedule stuff later.

Hey, if you're not too tired tonight,

come by the Croc.

- [uplifting music playing]

- Oh, uh, uh, great.

Shut up. Shut it.

Nothing about a younger brother,

but Benedict is still active in politics.

[Tully] "A pillar of the community."

Once I'm governor, I'll make it my mission

to lift every Washingtonian.

It's gonna be tough on his back.

Look at his eyes.

Even when he's giving lame soundbites,

he looks like he's hiding something.

- What do you think? Vampire? Communist?

- [Tully] Don't know yet.

That's why I snagged this.

Pretty sure you're not allowed

to steal trash.

If the can's on the street,

it's public record.

[Danny] What are you doing? Hey! Come on.

You're getting coffee grinds

in my keyboard. Come on.

- Maybe it'll improve your copy.

- [Danny sighs]

You know, she's been at it all day.

[Tully] Yeah.

This is worse than when Carol tried fro-yo

and threw up in Kate's hat.

But then Kate didn't know,

and she put the hat on.

Ooh! Look at this.

A bunch of receipts

from a place called PJ Pelican's.

Very suspicious.

You know, clearly a front for a drug den.

It's a restaurant on Orcas Island.

Hmm, I bet "Mr. Family Values"

has a mistress.

And that's where he brings her

'cause it's secluded.

- Out of the way.

- I know what secluded means.

- [phone ringing]

- [Kate sighs]

I can't take it anymore.

This is worse than the barf hat.

[Carol] The leg!

Maybe Carol could try silent meditation?

Oh, I wish. God, I have such a headache.

My gut says, go to Orcas Island.

Then I'm going too. Binzy's my beat.

Hey, I didn't steal his trash

to get you a story.

May I please have an aspirin?

- Tully's giving me a f*cking headache.

- Don't take that.

- I'll buy you more aspirin, ya cheapskate.

- It's not aspirin.

It's Ecstasy.

Yeah, right. Very funny.

I'm not kidding.

I thought we could try it this weekend.

But I just took one.

- You took one?

- I thought it was aspirin.

- Oh shit.

- Don't say, "Oh shit."

- Just say that you're kidding!

- It is funny. But I'm not kidding.

Wha I can't take illegal dr*gs!

We all took an oath as journalists

to uphold the law.

- No, we didn't.

- What oath?

Why do you have it?

I got it from Mutt

to see what the hype was about.

Oh my God.

I gave one to Johnny

like half an hour ago.

[echoing] Here we have sunshine

[enlightening music playing]

Oh my God. Have you guys ever done this?

It's amazing.

I'm gonna do the weather from now on.

No, no, then we have to fire Phil.

I love Phil. Phil's the best. [inhales]

I have to tell Phil how amazing he is.

Do you think it's kicked in?

Look at that. Look at the clouds.

Kate, do you have any aspirin?

- No.

- No.

Coming to you, live. I'm all right.

[upbeat music playing]

Yes. I love it in here.

I love this space. It's so intimate.

Seriously, don't tell anyone else.

You're my favorite people in the office.

Has it always been so bright in here?

What are we gonna do?

About what?

Don't freak out.

But there is a small chance

- that you might

- You're on Ecstasy, Johnny.

And you're currently

what they call "rolling balls."

No, I can't be on ecstasy.

I got a newscast to produce.

Oh my God. Do you guys hear that?

The printers, the telephone bells,

the typewriters

It's like music. Turn it up!

- Hmm. [sighs]

- Okay, just stay there.

Oh my God. How much longer

before I start bowling balls?

[chuckles] It's called "rolling balls,"

and don't worry, I'll take care of you.

[upbeat music continue]

I should get you some water.

- [Kate whimpers]

- Hey, can you get me some?

And gum.

Off to run some errands!

Back in a few.

You're going to PJ Pelican's.


Well, if I get hungry

and I happen to be in the neighborhood

It's on an island.

You have to take a ferry to get there.

- I happen to have business on that island.

- [sighs] That is my lead.

You can't go there.

- Free country.

- [Tully scoffs]

You have to follow this story.

[sighs] I can't leave you.

Oh, this is bigger than me. I'll be fine.

You are like a mighty bird of journalism.

You need to fly.

Maybe Mutt can babysit you.

[Kate] Exactly. He's done this before.

He'll be like my guide

on this magical trip.

Mmm. I love you.

Mmm. You're so soft.

- I'm gonna go, all right? Drink water.

- [Kate] What? It's like a

- [Tully] You'll be okay.

- [Kate exhales]

You'll be okay.

Then those are the lips, like that.

- Mm-hmm.

- And so then you just

Oh my God.

You're gonna rub off your lip gloss.

[both chuckling]

Ah, I can't believe

that we're going on a double date

with Brad and Eugene tonight.

Stargazing in the park

so romantic I could die.


[retro music playing faintly]

Maybe I'll finally get my first kiss.

Are you not excited, Tul?

No, I like Brad.

A lot.

And I'm really glad

that they asked us out. I just

I haven't been on a real date since Pat.

[Kate] It's gonna be okay.

I'll be there.

Yeah. I know.

But if you want to be alone with Eugene,

give me a signal

and I'll drag Brad to the ice cream stand.

Oh, um, okay, I'll wink.

Oh, wait, no.

I'll I'll scratch my nose like this.

[chuckles] Okay.

I've been reading

Ten Tips on How to Keep Boys Hooked.

Tip number one,

never say the forbidden word.

What's the forbidden word?


You shouldn't talk

about yourself on dates.

Instead, just repeat back

what he says in different words.

He'll think you're

the most interesting girl in the world.

Okay. That sounds easy.

Tip number two, sense of humor is key.

Oh, that's perfect. You're hilarious.

Oh, no. They mean They mean laugh.

A lot. At things that he says.

- Oh.

- And don't be a know-it-all.

- Let him teach you things.

- Mmm.

[Tully] Oh, hey, Sean! Sean!

We're practicing how to talk to boys.

Let me practice on you.

Ew! Gross. Sean's gross.

It doesn't matter. I don't think

any magazine on the planet will help you.

Okay, well, will you do it for me?

Please, Sean.

- Okay, fine. Only 'cause you asked.

- [Tully] Okay. [inhales]

So, what'd you do last weekend?

Mowed some lawns.

I'm saving up for a new skateboard.

Wow. You skateboard?

That sounds hard. I'm impressed.

Yeah, I'm not the best, though.

I completely wiped out

when I tried to do a 360

- and I almost crushed the neighbor's cat.

- [laughs] You're so funny.

Tully, that was amazing.

Sean, you sucked.

Better practice your flirting

if you want a girlfriend like Robbie.

[gentle music playing faintly]

You know, I thought you were great.

Not even kidding.

- Yeah?

- [Tully] Yeah.

If you and I weren't friends,

I might even get a crush.

Okay, that's It's too much.

You gotta go.

Oh God, I'm gonna barf.

[gags] Oh God.

- [Tully sighs]

- [knocking on door]

- [Kate] Hey.

- Kate!

Oh, I I should have called.

No, no, no. It's a surprise.

A good surprise.

- You wanna

- I got this for you.

- Oh, you didn't have to get anything.

- Oh, it's nothing.

There was a two-for-one sale,

and I had to get one

for Sean for his new place, so, um, yeah.

[Johnny] Okay.

Wow. [chuckles]

It's actually really nice.

Well, I wanted something

that felt like a home for Marah.


I'm so glad you're all settled in.

Oh yeah. Yeah, it's a

it's a whole new me.

I've got throw pillows.

I'm in therapy.

Yesterday I went to yoga and


Don't laugh,

but I'm keeping a "feelings journal."

- What? Seriously?

- [Johnny] Yeah.

It's like whatever,

but I actually like it.

- [Kate sucks teeth]

- I'm learning a lot about myself.

That's so great.

Yeah, you know, it's it's, um, you know,

it's not easy, but it feels good.

I think you kicking me out

was the best thing that could've happened.

So, thank you.

You don't have to thank me. I'm just glad

that you're doing so much better.

- [knocking on door]

- Hello, hello.

Kate! Hi. You're here.

Yeah. I'm I'm here and you're here.

Charlie and I are doing some work tonight.

Johnny had the brilliant idea

to expand our article into a book.

[Johnny] Well,

we gotta do the proposal first.

- Oh, first things first, private.

- First things first, private.


That's so How How How great.

Yeah, it's gonna be a long night.

Well, then, I will leave you two to it.

Parker Binswanger,

younger brother of Benedict Binswanger.

Graduated with honors

from St. Barnabas Prep in 1960.

And that's it.

Shit. I looked at the camera.

- Well, stop. Don't ruin the segment.

- I [groans]

I think I found something!

Stop staring straight into the lens.

Parker Jeremiah Binswanger

legally changed his name in 1975

to Parker J. Baldwin.

That's his mother's maiden name.

[hopeful music playing]

This is him.

There's a Parker J. Baldwin

on Orcas Island.

He's listed as the owner

of a business called

PJ Pelican's.

PJ Pelican's

Why does that sound so familiar?

[seagulls squawking]

- The waiter'll be right with you.

- [Tully] Thank you.

If you wanted to go on a date with me,

you could've just asked.

Don't flatter yourself.

I'm only here so you don't steal my story.

If this even is a story.

- [waiter] Hi.

- Hey.

Hi. We are reporters from KPOC

And we are starving.

And we are doing a story on local cuisine.

- [Danny] Mmm.

- What do you recommend?

The white wine and oysters.

Ooh, fancy.

You must serve a high-end clientele.

[waiter] Not really.

Come on. You must have

high rollers come in here.

I heard Benedict Binswanger

loves your salmon.

Lots of people love our salmon.

Does he come in alone,

or is he usually with someone?

If you're doing a story on Binswanger,

I can't help you. I don't know the guy.

This is just a story on great food.

Could we speak to the owner?

PJ doesn't come in much.

He's a bit eccentric.

[Danny sighs]

You guys ready to order?

White wine and oysters.

I'll have the calamari.


you're just blowing this case wide open.

[lights crackling]

[euphoric music playing]

Where are you?

[exhales] I'm at work.

No, but where are you in life?

I don't know.

When your mother was your age,

she had two kids and a husband.

- [toilet flushes]

- [shrieks]


Oh, I'm so sorry

that you had to hear that.

- [faucet running]

- Hear what?

God, it's so hot in here. It's hot.

Um, okay.

We should be friends.

I've not been nice to you,

because you have

a huge crush on my boyfriend

and I just love him so much.

Like sometimes, when I think about him,

I feel like my whole heart's gonna explode

out of my body.

And it's not your fault.

Everybody has a crush on him,

because he's incredible.

But so are you, Lottie.

L-Lottie, L-L-L-Lottie ♪

Lottie dottie, we like to party ♪

We don't cause trouble

We don't bother nobody ♪

We're just some men that's on the mic ♪

And when we rock the mic

We rock the mic right ♪


Anyway, I'm just so glad

that we had this talk. Yeah.


[magical tinkling]

[Carol] And that is how you breakdance.

[upbeat hip-hop music playing]

I'm Carol Mansour and wikka-wikka-wikka.

I just tried it.

Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.

So good.


Dude, we've made out with the same woman.

So, like, spiritually,

we made out with each other.

[chuckles] Yeah.

[Kate] Mmm.

Twenty licks so far. Let's see how many

it takes to get to the center.

- Yes.

- [Mutt] All right.

It's been 15 minutes

since you last hydrated.

I'm gonna get you some more water.

- Twenty-one.

- [Lottie] Hey, so, uh, just a few things.

- Um

- Lottie, what's your favorite animal?

- Mine's giraffe.

- Mine's kangaroo.

- I've never even seen a kangaroo.

- You serious? They're amazing.

- Really?

- [Lottie] I like cats!

'Cause they're like,

you know, rawr. [chuckles]

Oh, so here's the copy

for tonight's opening story.

Um, just wanna

Oh my God. It's so

- Depressing?

- Yes.

Who wants to turn on the evening news

and hear about a stabbing?

It should be inspiring,

not bum people out.

[Johnny] We need to rewrite it.

You literally read my mind.

How incredible is it

that we are k*lling the news today,

even though we took those dr*gs?

Was that this morning or yesterday?

I don't know.

It's like we opened a window

into the universe.

We were meant to be here

in this moment, Johnny.

I would call it destiny


or maybe happenstance,

but it's all so surprising

and amazing and beautiful.

[euphoric music playing]

[Lottie] I'll just go, um

- Ah, Lottie too.

- [Lottie] Oh!

[Kate] Yes, feel the love.

That's it. Ooh, there it is.

Oh, you smell like rain.

You know the ancient Greeks thought

that the stars controlled our destiny.

Wow, so so the Greeks believed

that the stars were

in control of our fate.

That's That's really interesting.

Eugene, you're really smart.

Didn't we learn that in the same class?

I actually think

I cheated off you on that test.



Oh my gosh.

That is so funny. You're hilarious.

You think you cheated off of me

on that test.

I'm serious.

You know, fate's a load of crap. [sighs]

People like my mom use it as an excuse

not to take responsibility

for their lives.

'Cause they don't want to admit

that most things are just random.

The rest is up to you.

Wait, you don't believe in

any of that stuff?

Not even astrology?

[chuckles] Well, you're kidding, right?

I'm a Libra. [chuckles]

We value beauty, balance, diplomacy.

That's why you're so good at Model UN.

You're just a natural diplomat. [chuckles]

Maybe it is sorta dumb, but wouldn't you

rather believe in some kind of magic?

I believe in myself. And I'm magic.

Oh man, I think that's the coolest thing

I've ever heard another human say.

Shut up. Don't make fun of me.

I'm totally serious.

If you wrote a book, I'd read it.

Destiny is Bullshit by Tully Hart.

[both chuckle]

Oh, um, Eugene,

do you want to go get an ice cream?

[Eugene] Uh, um, okay.

[retro music playing faintly]

[bell dings]

- [cook] Order up!

- Can we just get outta here?

Look, aside from the delicious food,

your mission has been a complete bust.

- Let's go.

- I don't get it.

The waiter won't talk.

The hostess won't talk.

Someone has to know something.

Or maybe there's nothing to know.

Look, I get that you're following

your hunch on Binswanger,

but we haven't found any dirt on the guy.

On the house. For the hardworking couple.

Oh no, no, no. We are not

[waiter] Oh!

[gasps] Oh shit.

Okay, we gotta run some water on that.

Come on. Come with me.

- [Danny] Go ahead and do that. Thank you.

- [Tully sighs]

- [Tully sighs]

- You'll be all right.

- Maybe you should switch to iced coffee.

- [Tully chuckles]

I tend to gesticulate when I'm passionate.

Well, apathy never built anything.

There we go.

[Tully] Thank you.

[Tully chuckles]


- Really? The whole plant?

- Keep it.

And if fate should ever bring you back,

- oysters on me.

- [Tully chuckles]

Well, thank you. I should go.

The news waits for no one.

Neither does the ferry. [inhales]

The last one leaves in four minutes.

- Four minutes?

- Yup.

- I gotta go. Thank you again.

- Okay.

[foghorn blows in the distance]

- What the hell?

- [Justine] Told ya. Shoulda called ahead.

Documentary crews don't "call ahead"

when they're confronting

their deadbeat father

who abandoned them before they were born.

Damn it.

Guess we gotta go back,

catch the next one.

No. I just got off the boat.

Actually, according to this schedule,

which is slightly different

than the one on their website,

the last ferry was at 3:07.

We missed it.

- I kinda feel like this is my fault.

- Kinda?

I'm gonna go pee in a bush or something.

[Justine exhales]

Well, there's gotta be a hotel, right?

I know a place.

[Danny sighs]

Anything else, Your Majesty?

- No. That will be all, Jeeves.

- [Danny chuckles]

I'm glad we missed that ferry.

- Not my fault.

- This entire thing is your fault.

Hey, this is way worse for me.

I have to share a room with you.

Oh, wait a minute. Get the remote.

We're missing the broadcast.

[Danny groans]

[Carol] As Mercury flies

through the zodiac,

so do Seattle's commuters.

But not today,

because metro workers went on strike

for higher wages and back pay.

And so, gentle viewer,

as you flit to and fro in your daily life,

ask yourself,

if the bus driver drives the bus,

what drives the bus driver?

[Tully] Hmm.

As Proust once said,

"The real voyage of discovery

consists not in seeking new lands,

but seeing with new eyes."

On behalf of the entire KPOC family,

I'm Carol Mansour.

Be safe, be well, and remember,

always be yourself.


- we're out.

- [Kate] Hmm.

[Carol] I have no idea what that was,

but I loved it! [chuckles]

Thank you, sir. [chuckles]

That was journalism.

Oh. Yup? Okay.

- How amazing!

- Incredible.

[Johnny exhales]

- [Kate chuckles]

- [Johnny inhales sharply]

- [Kate exhales]

- [grunts]

I know I was supposed to be your guide,

but today

I was the student.

- Yeah.

- [Kate exhales]

Love you, man. [chuckles]

[Johnny] Mmm. [inhales]

Did Carol just quote Proust?

You quoted Proust.

And Carol quoted you quoting Proust.

I've never read Proust.

It did get a little weird.

But I think we pulled it off.

Did we?

I don't know. Maybe we'll get fired.


No. I think we did good.

We make such a great team.

[Kate sighs]

I love you so much.

I don't care if we ever get married.

I don't ever want to be apart from you.

I don't even want to go to the bathroom.

[exhales] That is so sweet.

- We should move in together.

- What?

Live with me.

You're my future, Kate Mularkey.

[Kate sighs]

And then after college,

I want to work for the Sierra Club.

Perfect. You can give me

tips on polluters,

and I'll expose them in the news.


- Are you cold?

- A little.


[tender music playing]

[chuckles] Come here.

[Tully chuckles softly]

[dramatic music plays]

- [Tully gasps]

- Sorry. I I I didn't mean it.

No, I just realized

that I actually have to go.

[Johnny] Hello?

Hey, it's me. Um, I just wanted

to say goodnight to Marah.

Too late, she's in bed.

I can already hear her snoring away.

How does she like her room?

[Johnny] She seems happy.

Good. So do you.

Getting there.


That's so great, Johnny.

That's all I really want.

That's all I want for you too, Kate.

[Kate] All right. See you at drop-off.

Okay, see ya.


[Calvin] Hey, boss. Checking in at home?

Sort of. Um, my daughter's

at her dad's house, so, not my home.

Yes, yes, co-parenting with the ex.

A delightful journey I do know well.

- Wait, you have kids?

- Two, yeah. We share 50-50 custody.

I miss 'em so much.

You know, I hate it

when they're with their mom, but

Least you have time for your band.

Hey, don't make fun, Miss Fancy Producer.

[laughs] Oh, please,

I haven't produced in forever.

I'm just a mom

helping out her best friend.

And I was not making fun.

I think it is so cool

that you're a musician.

Hey, we're not just

some crappy old bar band either.

You remember the song "Sunscreen"?

Wait, that was you?

[Calvin] Yup. [inhales]

We actually started the very short-lived

grunge-ska-punk-funk craze of '94.

That song was everywhere.

You guys were like the next Nirvana.

- [chuckles]

- How did it go? It was like

She's got every kind of sunscreen ♪


She's a solar-powered sex scream ♪

[laughs] I loved that song.

Hey, I was just about to order

a pay-per-view movie.

You interested?

That sounds, uh, really fun.

But it's a big day tomorrow.

I should get some rest.

- [Calvin] Oh, that's why you the boss.

- [both chuckle]

See you tomorrow.

[Kate] Night.

Ugh, what is wrong with you?

- What's wrong with who?

- [Kate] Nothing. Me. No.

I just should be moving on,

and I am still hung up on my ex.

Been there.

Got any advice?

What I got is a bubble bath running

and a date with this Cabernet.


You'll figure it out.

- [gentle music playing]

- Hmm.

- Are you okay?

- [sighs] Yeah, I'm fine.

- Was it Brad?

- [Tully inhales]

Was he like too pushy or something

Brad's not like that.

[exhales] He's sweet.

Okay, good.

I don't want to have to kick his ass.


[sighs] I think I'm just messed up.

Other girls are going all the way,

and I can't even kiss a boy

without freaking out. [sobs]

I just wish that I was normal.

I know what you mean.

I'm sorry that Robbie

has a girlfriend. [sniffles]

Why would I care?

Sean, I saw you guys together. [sniffles]

Yeah, guess you and Kate

got a kick out of that.

I didn't tell her.

I would never tell anyone.

You know, it's it's fine.

I'm happy for Robbie.

We always said

we were just messing around.

Just because we didn't have girlfriends.

Have you ever tried with a girl?

Donna McKenzie stuck her tongue

down my throat behind the bleachers.

But I don't think that counts.

It felt weird.

Maybe she could tell that

I'm not like the other guys.

[tender music playing]

And I I wanna be.

I wanna try, at least.

What if we try?

With each other?

[tender music continues]

Was that okay?

Your lips are really soft.

[Tully chuckles softly]

[dramatic music playing on TV]

Don't go, don't go!

[speaks Spanish]

[in English] And m*rder*d

by a devil bat. Nice.

He had to go to bed alone.

- Feels like a metaphor for my life.

- [screams on TV]

You're gonna steal the fortune

of a humble chemist?

Unaware vengeance soon takes flight.

[chuckles] No.

I mean, being sure,

and then everything goes sideways.

So you admit that today was a boondoggle.

I only came here

so you wouldn't steal my scoop.


I love it when you talk like a reporter

from a 1930's screwball comedy.

Speaking of which,

do you want me to hang a sheet

down the middle of the bed?

I don't want you getting any ideas.

You wish I was getting ideas.

- You wish I wish you were getting ideas.

- You wish I wish you wish

Yeah, you're right.

[indistinct chatter on TV]

Are you ready for the sex girls? ♪

The hot, hot, lean, hot

Big hot girls? ♪

[both chuckling]

[Danny] Come on! Mmm!

The right, right

Ultra-vital nice-nice girls? ♪

They play pool in your house

And take off their own clothes ♪

[Danny] Wow!

Whoo! You really, really like me.

[Tully exhales]

You really, really like me.

[Danny chuckles]

We're screwed. [exhales]

- What are we gonna do?

- [Danny inhales]

Way I see it,

for whatever reason,

fate keeps pushing us together,

so maybe we shouldn't fight it.

I don't believe in fate.

No, me either.

[both chuckle]

I believe the universe is cruel

and random.


when you find something

that brings you joy,

you gotta hang on to it.

So we're covered either way.


[gentle music playing]

[knocking on door]

Come in.

Just wanted to say goodnight.

You know, I stayed here a long time ago,

and I am pretty sure

they haven't changed a thing.

Maybe not even the sheets.

- [Cloud] Who was he?

- [Tully chuckles]

It was a long time ago.

That's [sighs]

[Cloud] That's the worst part

about being middle-aged.

When you're young,

there's so many possible roads to go down.

A left turn, a right turn, U-turn.

You got the whole map in front of you.

And then sometime in your 40s,

you realize there's no more U-turns.

A bunch of roads are closed,

and half are in the rearview mirror.

[chuckles] Jesus, Cloud.

- Way to bum me out.

- [both chuckle]

[tender music playing]

Sorry I never tucked you in

when you were a kid.

Sometimes I carried you to bed.

I was a terrible mother.

- You were just a kid yourself.

- But I could have done better.

I could have told you who your dad was,

but I was just so ashamed.

- I'm so tired

- I wanted to be someone, anyone else.


But I was always just

stupid little Dorothy Hart.

And I hurt you, baby, and I'm so sorry.

Let's talk about this tomorrow.

[Cloud breathes deeply]

Save it for the cameras.

[door opens]

Well, goodnight,

and, uh, don't stay up all night giggling.

You nervous?

Not really.

- Dead inside, remember?

- [Kate chuckles]

If he's not completely thrilled

to find out that you're his daughter,

then he's the biggest fool

in the universe.

[Tully chuckles]

[Tully breathes deeply]

[seagulls squawking]

God, I'm worried about Cloud.

I do not think she's ready to do this.

I don't know if I'm ready either.

Okay, so we wait.

Yeah. We wait till you're ready.

We've got five minutes till they open,

so you know what? Take six.

Take six if you need.

Tully Hart?

Wait, are you sure?

Hi. We're hoping that we can speak

with the owner.

I'm the owner.

[Tully] Oh.

What about PJ? [chuckles]

I am so sorry.

He passed away about six weeks ago.

Well, we googled him.

There was no mention of that.

[Tully breathes deeply]

I need a minute. Stop the camera.

[Kate] I am so sorry, baby.

[Kate sighs]

[Tully laughing]

He's f*cking dead?

[continues laughing]

Six weeks?

You gotta be kidding me?

- Oh my God.

- I know, it's it's awful.

I can't do this.

I I gotta get out of here.

f*ck this docu-special.

f*ck my career.

f*ck the universe.

f*ck everything.

I'm going to Alaska.

I don't even care.

Six weeks?

Six weeks?

I'm gonna send the crew home.


Let's go to Alaska.

- [Tully] Yes, thank you.

- Yeah.


I need to fix my make-up.

See if this woman will talk to us,

let us sh**t inside.

Roll the cameras. [sniffles]

So, my dad left you this restaurant?

He was my husband.

I've been the hostess here for 20 years.

He didn't know he had a daughter.

I was pregnant when he left.

He wrote me a letter

and said he never wanted to see me again.


He told me that you wrote him a letter,

saying you had changed your mind,

and that you were gonna

take care of it.

No, I didn't.

He said he went to your house

and your father gave him the letter.

No, no, no, no. Why would my father

Maybe, do you think

Benedict could've paid him off?

[Cloud] I don't know.

Gran always took care of us.

Maybe that's how she got the money.

[woman] PJ never got along

with that family.

Eventually, he cut ties,

he changed his name and bought this place.

His brother used to come around

every so often,

especially when he was running

for governor.

He was worried

that PJ would talk to the press.

PJ wouldn't do that.

He wanted nothing to do with Benedict.

I can't believe this. [chuckles]

He never forgot you.

When he got back from Europe,

he tried to find you.

I must have been in [inhales]

San Francisco. [sighs]

I can't do this. I'm sorry. I can't.


- I have to leave, Tully.

- Okay.

They'll take you back to the hotel.

- [Kate] Shall we take a break?

- No.

I'm, uh I'm fine. Just keep rolling.

[tender music playing]


my father didn't know about me.

Not exactly.

Last year, I read that article about you

in Seattle Digest.

When I saw your mother's name,

I showed it to PJ.

We did the math,

and we realized you were his daughter.

Which was wild,

because whenever I watched your show,

he would brag about you.

How, if he didn't know about me?

You came in here once.

You burnt your hand on some coffee,

and he gave you his aloe plant.

He used to tell people

he had a famous aloe plant.

Wait, he was the waiter?

[tender music continues]

That's your father.

- [Tully exhales]

- He wanted to contact you

as soon as he realized you were his.

He was working up the courage.

Then he had the stroke.

What an assh*le.

My husband was a good man.

No, not him.

His brother.

We have to talk to Benedict Binswanger.

[tense music playing]

[Tully] Do not underestimate him.

Binswanger'll be on guard

when he sees the camera,

so we'll need to move fast.


I know this is hard.

But it's the closure you never got.

- Here he comes.

- [Tully] Let's move. Come on, let's go.

Hey, we're gonna do this together.

Okay? You don't have to be scared.

[Cloud] I'm not.

I've got you.

I'm happy. I'm alive.

I mean, he's just a sad old man.

And if I yell at him,

it doesn't change anything.

I I'm done being angry, baby.

I'm not.

What's all this?

Stop rolling.

It's for my mother.

Okay, start the camera.

- I have nothing to say to you.

- [Tully] Just a few moments of your time.

You owe me at least that much,

seeing as you never invite me

to the family reunions.

Is that supposed to be

some kind of a bombshell?

It's the truth.

And you know that how?

Because of a story you were told

by a convicted criminal?

Someone who spent years harassing me

and threatening my family's name.

You know, I should sue you both.

All those times we met,

and you just pretended

not to know who I am.

Didn't you pretend your mother was dead

so you wouldn't have to deal with her?

You ruined her life.

I saved her life. You think they would

have lived happily ever after?

They were kids.

It would've been a disaster.

She was a drug addict.

I helped her. I gave her money.

I told her to make something of herself.

She should be thanking me.

- And so should you.

- Hmm.

Where do you think

you got your ambition from?

Your talent?

You certainly didn't get it

from her side of the family.

[Tully chuckles]

Well, I certainly didn't get

anything from you.

And I'm glad.

Because you're just

a pathetic, lonely one-term governor,

who lost his brother

because of his selfishness and greed.

And as much as it hurts

that I never knew my father,

at least I never had to call you "uncle."

[inspiring music playing]

Damn, she's good.

- She's Tully f*cking Hart.

- I wish we'd filmed that slap, though.

Oh, we got it.

Yeah, we did.



Got it.

Will do.

- Thanks. Bye.

- [receiver clatters]

Thank you.

Tacoma had a few questions

about yesterday's broadcast,

- but I talked 'em down.

- [Kate exhales]

- I think we're good.

- I'm so sorry for drugging you.

I promise I will not hold you to anything

that you said while under the influence.

Let's move in together.

What, you mean it?

Yes. I love you.

[Kate] Oh my God. [exhales]

Uh, get a room, you two.

Tully, we gotta talk.

Danny too.

Hey, Sports Man.

- What's up?

- I just got off the phone with Tacoma.

Billy's retiring.

We're gonna need a new weekend anchor.

It's down to the two of you.

You'll both audition.

Best one gets the job.

- ["Ask Me No Questions" playing]

- Ask me no questions ♪

Thanks for coming, Mom.

Tell me no lies if you don't mind ♪

And come with me ♪

That's where I first saw him.

He was so handsome.

He had these soulful eyes.

You have his eyes.

There's a lot of him in you. [inhales]

It used to bother me.

Not anymore.

Sorry, I know I should save that

for the cameras.

[Tully] No. [inhales]

No cameras this time.

Just you and me.

So tell me more about my dad.

He had this book I wanted. [chuckles]

And then he looked at me.



["Ask Me No Questions" continues playing]

[young Sean] Tully, is this comfortable?

Don't tell a soul of what you saw ♪

It's just for you ♪

Keep this a secret ♪

Make me a promise that you will ♪

[can cracks open]

It kills me, you know?

All the stories, these soldiers

are barely out of high school.

If I'm still dealing with

what happened in Iraq,

how's a kid

supposed to come back from that?

- Therapy

- Hmm.


I heard a professor at UDub

is working on treating PTSD with Ecstasy.

- [Johnny] Seriously?

- Mm-hmm.

That's wild.

- You think that'd work?

- You tell me.

You're the one used to do X at the office.

Wait, you knew?

Kate and I thought

we were so slick that day.


You guys wouldn't let me leave the office

until we all held hands

and sang "American Pie" in its entirety.

Oh, if Marah could only see

what her square parents used to get up to.


- Where is Marah?

- She's sleeping at a friend's.


So, should we, um, hang out,

or or watch a movie, or

just talk?

[tender music playing]

[Johnny sucks teeth]

Thanks, Charlie, for coming over.

I think we made some good progress

on the book.

But I gotta call it a night.

Yeah. No. Of course. Sure, yeah.

[Charlie clears throat]

[tender music continues]

[faint chuckles]


[tender music continues]

[music fades]