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01x06 - Morticia Joins the Ladies League

Posted: 12/04/22 21:52
by bunniefuu

I didn't know there was anyone
down here in the playroom.

I just came down here to relax.

Uncle Fester! I see you're relaxing, too.

Very sensible.

Something the matter with that door.

- You rang?
- This door wants attention, Lurch.

Dear Uncle Fester,
is there anything I can do for you?

No, I'm very comfortable.

This feels so good.

Thank you, Lurch. That's much better.

I just love creaky doors.

We both thought we'd rest up a bit
before going on our spider hunt.

That reminds me,
have you seen little Pugsley's octopus?

It's been running all over the house.

That animal's just plain spoiled.

I know, Mama, but you know
how children are with their pets.

That's not right, Morticia.
Children need discipline.

I know, Mama, but they also need love.

That's why I left
Gomez and Pugsley alone upstairs.

They need some time together.
You know, father and son.

Father, could I go to the circus?

What's come over you, Son?

Why would a healthy American boy
wanna go to the circus?

What was that thing you got yourself
involved with last week?

- The Boy Scouts?
- Oh, yeah. The Boy Scouts.

- This week it's a circus.
- I'm sorry, Father.

Well, just this once, mainly because
he happens to be a friend of mine.

The gorilla?

No, the owner of the circus, Oscar Webber.

I'd rather know Gorgo.

I've got lots of people friends,
but I don't know one gorilla.

Oscar was a sword-swallower
when I first met him.

"Oscar, the Human Knife-Nibbler."

That's a nice name, but I'd still rather
know Gorgo. He'd make a wonderful pet.

You're right.
I'll have Lurch get the car ready.

We'll have a grand old time.

We Addamses always had a way
with gorillas.

You rang?

The car, Lurch.
I'm taking Pugsley to the circus.

Thanks, Father.

Gomez? You simply must do something
about that bell.

Lurch says he can hardly hear it.

Morticia, I'm taking Pugsley to the circus.

Do you really think you should?

I mean, after all, I'd feel a lot better
if he was home playing in his bat cave.

This circus can't be so bad.
It's Oscar Webber.

You remember Oscar.

Oscar Webber, of course.

But what in the world
is he doing with a circus?

- He owns this one.
- Lovely.

You know, I'll never forget
the wonderful times we had

when we double-dated
with him and his girl.

What was her name? That Irish girl
with the pictures all over her.

Tattoo Ralloo Raloora,
the Illustrated Colleen.

That's the one.

I especially loved the one
that Picasso did on her chest.

Well, you two run along and have fun.

I must say it'll be especially Ionely here
with the others off on a spider hunt.

I feel so guilty running out on you, Tish.

Oh, darling, don't.
I'll be busy with my plants.

My coniferons, bless them.
They're eating like pigs.

Especially since I switched them
from pot roast to hamburger.

Say, why don't you invite
some neighbors in?

I would like to have
that lovely Miss Magruder.

You know, the one
with the beautiful hatchet face.

This is Mrs. Magruder.

Mrs. Addams!

The woman in that strange house.
She wants to join the Ladies' League.


- Inviting us to tea.
- Think we should?

We are on a membership drive.

We'll be delighted.
Oh, yes, we know the house.

The one that...

Well, it does look sort of haunted.

Why, thank you!

And thank you, Thing.

There, that wasn't so difficult, was it?

Darling, being married to you makes me
the world's most fortunate woman.

You always were so frank.

- Ready, Pugsley?
- Be right down!

Just want to get some money
out of my piggy bank, Father!



Look who we're going to see, Mother.

The mighty Gorgo.

- My, he is a handsome fellow.
- Yeah.

Business really looks bad for Mr. Webber.

There he is!

I'm going over to find Mr. Webber.
You go play with the gorilla.

I just couldn't wait to see you, Oscar.
How long have you owned the circus?

I bought it three years ago.

But this past season,
everything's gone wrong.

The fat lady fell in love.
Couldn't eat, couldn't sleep.

- Lost 240 pounds.
- That could be noticeable.

Then Marvin the Midget,
he got himself on a vitamin kick.

Little punk started growing again.

- Oh, no.
- Yeah.

I went along with it for a while.

But when he hit 5'8", I had to fire him.

5'8". Had you thought of billing him
as the world's tallest midget?

Tried that.
"The World's Skinniest Fat Lady."

But it didn't work.

The only real attraction I got left
is Gorgo the gorilla.

I saw him as we came in.
He's quite a fellow.

Good voice.

But even Gorgo doesn't bring in
the customers like he used to.

If you've seen one gorilla,
you've seen them all.

What are you gonna do, Oscar?

Well, I'm gonna close down early tonight
and go to Springfield,

see if I can pick up a couple of new acts.

The funniest thing happened to me
in Springfield.

Wish I could remember what it was.

My word, the afternoon has flown, Oscar.
I must be running along.

It's been a lot of fun, Gomez.

Now, you promise you'll call us

the minute you come back
from Springfield.

Morticia and I wanna have you
for dinner soon.

We'll prepare something special.
Eye of newt.

- Eye of newt?
- Baked.

Pugsley! Time to go home.

Fine-Iooking beast, isn't he, Son?

Yeah, we're buddies.

I told you, we Addamses
have always had a way with gorillas.

Bye, Gorgo.

- I'm so glad Pugsley enjoyed the gorilla.
- Fine type.

- Could I hang Gorgo's picture in my room?
- Well, of course you may, darling.

He has such a fine sense of beauty.

- Goodnight, Mother.
- Goodnight, darling.

Goodnight, Father.

- Sweet dreams.
- I hope they're about gorillas.

That boy, cute as a bat's ear.

Gorgo! It's you, it's really you!

You'll wake the family.

I just wired Oscar in Springfield,
told him Gorgo is with us,

there's nothing to worry about.

You know, I've been watching him
play with Pugsley.

They've been racing to the top of that tree.

- Pugsley's won every time.
- A true Addams.

Of course, the boy has an advantage.

Gorgo can't hang by his teeth
like our son can.

That's true. I never thought of that.

A snack for the plants.

No, thank you, Lurch.
They're getting much too fat.

Lurch, have you seen our new houseguest?

- He's the smartest ape I ever met.
- He seems to have lovely manners.

Sets a fine example for little Pugsley.

Lurch, you will show him
the usual Addams hospitality.

Fine man, Lurch, but a bit of a snob.

We've been having such fun.
This is my mother, Gorgo.

He is a playful one, isn't he?

We want you to feel quite at home here.

- Just happy to be here, I guess.
- Pugsley, darling,

try to make your friend understand that
expressions of gratitude aren't necessary.

And, by all means, forget you were in
a cage and just act like one of the family.

- I'll bet you youngsters are hungry.
- I'll ring for Lurch.

Lurch, lunch.

Perhaps a bunch of bananas.

Bring two, I'm going to eat
as much as he does.

- Isn't he darling?
- Yes, as I've always said,

any boy who loves cobras, toads and apes
can't be all bad.

I'm so happy. Oh, no, I'm not.


I did so want everything to be all right

- when the ladies come for tea.
- Why shouldn't they be, sweet?

Well, with Mama away,
and all my tea linens need laundering...

If only I wasn't so busy with my plants.

That is a problem.

The problem is solved.

Me? Laundry?

- Dear Lurch, I knew you would pitch in.
- It's the old Addams spirit, Lurch.

Yes, sir.

- Now let's see, what shall I serve?
- Let's think.

Darling, you're always there
with the right suggestion.

Excuse me.

Lurch, to the harpsichord and play.

- While I'm doing the laundry?
- No, no, now. It helps me to think.

That's very nice,
but you're still missing the wrinkles.


Oh, well, it's all right. You've never
worked as a laundress before.

Have you?

I'll try again.

Now, you mustn't be
impatient with Gorgo, Lurch.

Very nice,
but you're still missing the wrinkles.

Oh, I think I'll do
the dining room curtains, too, Lurch.

I should've bought black curtains.

Black is so much more cheerful.

- Isn't it amazing?
- Congratulations, Gorgo.

Well, Lurch, there are some things
you can do

and some things an ape can do.

Darling, I'm afraid
you hurt poor Lurch's feelings.

All I said to him was, "Lurch,
there are some things you can do

"and some things an ape can do."
What could be fairer than that?

I know, dear, but Lurch is very sensitive.

Besides, I think he's jealous of Gorgo.

He probably thinks Gorgo is after his job.

That's absurd.
Lurch has been with us too long.

I better explain it to him.

You rang?

Lurch, something been bothering you?

Perhaps you resent our houseguest.

Well, Lurch, you shouldn't, because we
feel that you're his equal in every way.

He has talent, true,
but you have charm and personality.

No question about it.
Come on, let's see you turn a little of it on.

I'd like to see the woman
who could resist that.

Well, we just wanted you to know
how we feel about you.

We hope the feeling's mutual.

- Good.
- That will be all, Lurch.

Darling, you handled that beautifully.

Well, there's nothing
like a good heart-to-heart talk.

- She's almost finished, Pugsley.
- Looks like a real space rocket.


Hello? Hello?


Hello? Hello? Is someone there?

Addams residence.

One moment please.

- Mrs. Addams.
- Oh, thank you, Lurch.

Ready for the countdown, Pugsley.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go!

Went right through Uncle Fester's room.

Too bad he's not home,
he'd have gotten a bang out of it.

That was Mrs. Magruder.
She and Mrs. Page are on their way over.

In that case,
I'll take a run over to my dentist.

He's got some wonderful new drills.

But, darling, I did want you to be here
when the ladies arrive.

No, I don't. I know the effect you have
on the opposite sex.

Sometimes it frightens me.

I live in constant fear that some woman
will steal you away from me.

Banish the fear mi querida. You are
the only cactus in the garden of my life.

I'm sure glad gorillas don't act this way.

I'm so delighted you ladies could come.

- Our pleasure, Mrs. Addams.
- We'd heard so much about your home.

You certainly have some
unusual furnishings.

I was afraid the white curtains
would give it a dreary look.

That's a very unusual clock there.

Oh, thank you. It keeps perfect time.

Well, I'm afraid it's 10 minutes slow.

What strange plants!

Well, they're really not at their best.
I think they need some more hamburger.

- Hamburger?
- Their favorite food.

Well, I never heard of it as plant food.

I wonder if it would be good
for my daisies.

I wouldn't know. I've never raised daisies.

Won't you ladies be seated?

If you'll excuse me a moment,
I'll see if the tea is ready.

That's excellent.
I'll ring when I want you to serve.

I serve.

- Are you ready for tea?
- Thank you.

That bell!

- Oh, we're having it fixed.
- I should think so.

Oh, thank you, dear.

Gorgo's so handy around the house.
And a fantastic laundress.

Now, lemon, cream

or saccharine?

Mrs. Magruder?


- My sweet, you mustn't be so distressed.
- But I did so want to join their club.

And Gorgo spoiled everything.

You know, I once read somewhere
where some people are afraid of gorillas.

Who could possibly be afraid of a gorilla?

No, it was just that
he served so abominably,

spilling the tea out of the pot.

I can imagine, spilling the tea.
I hope you didn't punish him.

Oh, no, I tried to cheer him up.
I gave him some more clothes to iron.

Thoughtful of you, Tish.

I'll get it.

Oscar! How good to see you.

I just got in town
and came right over to pick up Gorgo.

- Come in, come in.
- Thank you.

Gorgo, your master is here.

- He's ironing clothes?
- He learnt it all by himself.

Show him how well you do it, Gorgo.

Gorgo, the k*ller gorilla, a laundress!

I'm ruined, I'm ruined.

Not while there's an Addams on the scene.
There must be a solution.


And now, ladies and gentlemen,
I bring you the great attraction

that you have all been waiting to see,

the attraction that has brought thousands
of people to my circus this week.

Gorgo, the world's
most domesticated gorilla.

Darling, did I tell you
I spoke to Mrs. Magruder?

- She saw Gorgo at the carnival.
- And all is forgiven?

She apologized for being so hasty

when she realized
we were training him for a friend.


Guess he was won over by his association
with a typical American family.

Darling, you're so right. However, the
next time I serve tea to Mrs. Magruder,

I'm going to do it in the usual way.

Never spills a drop.