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01x02 - The Fresh Prince of Edgewater

Posted: 12/04/22 21:11
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Fire Country

- We're going to Edgewater?

My lawyer said we'd

be going to a different camp.

This is Three Rock Con Camp.

We fight fires all over

the state of California.

You do what I tell you, when I tell you,

you'll reduce your sentence and go home

to your friends and your family sooner.

We never deal with

what's really going on.

Come on, Eve.

Not everything's about Riley dying.

Gabs, don't move out here for me.

I just told you I love you.

- Your boyfriend?

- Yeah.

So, what now?

Four years is a long time to wait

for your real life to begin.

Yeah, I can relate.

Sharon, he's back.

Manny, give us the room.

Hi, Mom.


What the hell are you doing here?

Happy birthday to you ♪

Happy birthday to you ♪

Happy birthday, dear Riley ♪

Happy birthday to you ♪

Happy birthday, baby.

So, to you guys.

I'm so lucky to have you as parents.

And to Eve,

I remember the day that you moved here.


We were like nine years old.

I marched across the street.

And you were like

"I'm Riley, you want to be

best friends?"


- And you have been.

- Yeah.


you know,

Bode never wanted to

share you growing up, but

over the years you've become

a good friend of mine, too.

- Aw.

- And I'm really grateful.

And to my big brother Bode, you, uh

You fought your way through

a really tough year.

With the baseball injury

and all of the mess

that went on with it

The pills and the rehab.

You fought some demons and you won.

I love you, big bro.

Love you, too.

Okay. Cake time.

- Riley, I

- Please just go.

Because I have to go back

over there and act happy

because it's my birthday.

Ri, what's up?

Are you and Jake together?

We were, yeah.

But we're not anymore.

I didn't

want to tell you, or anyone,

until it got a little

more serious, but

Turns out, Jake wasn't

serious at all, so

Now I am the idiot

crying on her own birthday.

Can you just please

not tell Mom and Dad?

I'm so embarrassed.

Pull over. Let me out now!



Hey, stop! Are you crazy?!

That's what you told Riley, isn't it?

After you dumped her.

It's my fault that she d*ed,

but it's on you that she

d*ed with a broken heart.

He made a mistake.

This this is so far beyond a mistake.

Okay? He went to prison, he's in prison.

No, he is in the conservation camp now

because of his good conduct.

Yeah, day one here

at fire camp and what?

He gone rogue already.

To save a firefighter. To save Jake.

You want to send him

back to prison for that?

He is unable to follow basic orders.

Yeah. Okay.

I followed one order

pretty well, didn't I, Dad?

Well, I think I'm all caught up.

Good news is, whatever happens next

is not up to you, it's up to me.

He may be your son

but he's my inmate.

You can't send him back.

Sharon, you just heard

what he said, okay?

- It's not your decision.

- All due respect, Chief,

I'm in charge of all my inmates,

including Bode.

I'll collect the incident reports

from the Buckeye fire,

then I'll make my decision.

Send me to Valley View,

or High Rock, anywhere but here.

I'm not taking requests, Bode.

There's a process here.

Manny, he's my kid. That's my boy.

So imagine if it was Gabriela.

- Chief

- No.

He's a liability, Manny.

Having him on a hand crew

puts everybody's life at risk.

Yours, too.

You heard him. I'm a liability.

Transfer me.

Look, man.

I can't work the fire camp program

because the baggage I have here

But I want to work it.

Hey. You headed home?

What was Bode talking about?

What order did he follow?

Hi, Chief.

- Not here. Okay?

- Why?

You're worried people are

gonna stare? I don't care.

Yeah, you do.

Fine. Let's go home. We'll talk there.

Look, it's been a long day. I just

I don't want to make it

any longer for you, okay?

Our marriage has survived

way worse than long days.

We always come out the other side.

You're really not gonna tell me?

I'm just a little worried

about your stress level.


You should give me a call

when you're ready to talk, then.

Come on.

Hey, Chief.

- Are you two okay?

- What? Oh. Yeah.

- Always.

- Bode's been gone since Riley d*ed,

and now he comes back?

Where the hell has

he been all this time?


Before that, he didn't say.

Mm. No surprise there.

Hi, Jake, how's the, uh, pain?

My foot's fine.

These are damn solid boots, Chief.

That's good to hear.

I was talking about your shiner.


Manny is gonna want an incident report

from both of you guys.

Do not hold back.

He needs to know

if his inmate is dangerous.


- Eve.

- Hey, Gabi.

- You guys okay?

- Mm, hey.

Eve saved me out there

at the Buckeye fire.

You should've seen it.

Did you hear Bode's back?

From prison.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

Hi, Bridget.

- Hi.

- I know you were

just about to say that

you're happy for Vince and I

that our son is back,

and that he's thriving at the fire camp.

Are those scones that I smell?

Fresh out of the oven.

I'm Aydan. I'm new.

Yeah, you're from San Francisco.

And you worked at Chez Panisse.

We're all wondering

what you're doing here.

And there are rumors you're gonna take

onion rings off the menu.

It's a super gossipy town.

You just got to be able

to deal with that.

I'm Sharon.

- Hi.

- So

I got to come to Smokey's now

to run into my own wife?

And that super handsome man

across the room is my husband.


Did you, uh, stay at the hotel

last night or at your sister's?

My sister's doesn't have room service

and I needed snacks

wondering what this awful secret is

that you won't tell me.

And stalking our incarcerated

son's records in the system.

He legally changed his last name

to hide from us. Did you know that?

You know, I stayed up all night, too.

You two want to sit together?

- Yes.

- No.

Station 42. Vegetation fire caused by

incoming dry lightning storm.

Highway 101 at Canyon Road.

Vince, there's a

There's a lightning storm

in Willow Creek.

- Yeah, I heard it.

- Yeah, yeah.

There's a second one in Blue Lake.

- That means

- Yeah, I know what it means.

I don't know what it means.

It means calls are gonna be

popping off all day. Let's go.

Dry storms don't rain water.

They rain lightning.

So it's like little fires everywhere.

Thank you. Wait for me.

All right, listen up.

This rec center's in dire need

of defensible space.

We got a dry lightning storm

rolling in, fellas.

So every bit of lightning

that may strike here,

we want to starve, not feast.

Any flammable debris, we clear it.


- Yes, sir.

- Yes, Cap.

- Yes, Captain.

- Good.

Now, safety safety is your religion.

You practice it,

you shorten your sentence. No theatrics.

Hey, he's talking about you

going up that mountain

- at the Buckeye.

- Let him.

If lightning should strike nearby,

I want you to become as small

and as low as possible.

Crouch down to the ground.

Avoid grasslands and avoid high areas.

You stop running all your power tools,

and you drop your manual

tools, all right?

And, Bode no freelancing.

- I wasn't planning on it.

- Good.

Then we're on the same page.

You know you're gonna send him packing.

Why wait?

Incident reports aren't in yet.

Plus, I need the manpower.

This lightning storm's gonna be a doozy.

All right, gentlemen.

We want a four-foot line

with two-foot clearance on each side.

Let's turn these shrubs into stumps.

Without fuel, fire won't get

to the structure.

Use your McLeods on the shrubs,

use your Pulaskis

on anything that's thicker.

Yes, Cap.

- Copy that.

- Hey, it's "Copy that, Cap."

You need to suck up

so he goes easy on you.

Yeah, well, it's too late.

He doesn't care 'cause

he knows I'm out of here.

Why don't you care?

I do care.

I want to be at fire camp,

just not this one.

You keep saying that,

but this is your home, dude.

There's no place like it.

There's a reason that's a saying.


Not in a good way for me.

'Cause you're Cal Fire royalty?

His mom's division chief.

Dad runs a station. Word's out,

after their visit to your hospital room.

You're the Fresh Prince of Edgewater?

You got to work that!

Have Mom pull some strings

so you can stay.

I would never ask her to do that,

especially not for something

I don't even want.

You have to.

I heard the food at High Rock

is all suspicious soups

and mystery meat.

Hey, Charlie

Tell him about the goulash.

Anyone ever tell you

you're a real close talker?

Come on, man.

I like you.

You're really gonna leave me

here with that dude?

Sorry about that, Freddy.

Lightning expected in the area.

- Head inside.

- I don't get it.

Bode comes back and you don't

want to talk about it.

Imminent lightning storm in the area.

Seek shelter.

I get why you didn't

tell me after Riley d*ed.

But all the years since then?

I tell you everything.

We got together a couple of

months before she d*ed.

And Bode said you broke her heart.


It's complicated.

That's all you're gonna say?

Are you gonna rat out Bode

on the incident report?

For him punching you?

I don't know yet.

Look, I told you. It's complicated.

You are ruining dry lightning for me.

Greencrest, 1591.

New incident, east of the canyon.

Vegetation fire caused

by a lightning strike.

We'll handle with our unit on scene.

Copy, 15

Storm's already here. Let's go.

Oh, lightning. Everyone out of the pool!

- How come?

- Let's go. You're not getting

electrocuted on my watch. Let's go!

Run towards that building

while I gather the rest of the campers.

Get a roof over your head.

Let's go!

All right, tools down, gents, quickly,

unless you want to be

a human lightning rod.

The storm is here, so keep your heads

on a swivel,

looking for lightning strikes.

Greencrest dispatch,

this is Three Rock Crew Four.

We're seeing lightning strikes

at the rec center.

We've got summer campers

to corral and shelter.

- Copy, Three Rock Crew Four.

- Let's go.

Move, gentlemen.

- Go, guys, pick up the pace.

- Come on, let's go, boys.

Move it.


- Manny, what's your status?

- Sheltering civvies.

Then rolling out with my crew.

Everybody down!

Down, down, everyone, stay down!

Keep your heads down!

What the hell was that?

Lightning just exploded a tree.

I got to call it in.

Greencrest dispatch.

New incident. We have a vegetation fire.

Multiple ten-by-ten spots on the ground.

Start two Type 3 engines,

I'll be assuming incident command.

Copy, Three Rock.

Game on, fellas!

Everybody stay down!

Freddy. Suit up.

You got to protect that pretty

face for Cookie, right?

Oh, snap.

Manny, I'm sending you

a Type 1 and a water tender,

but this storm is gonna bleed

all my resources dry.

I've got lightning fires

all over the county,

with no signs of stopping.

So shelter the civvies

and keep me posted.


All right, gentlemen.

Our job's not done.

Now that we have fire, we're

here until the civilians are evacuated

or an engine arrives with water.

But it's raining embers.

- We know that, Freddy.

- Game on, Cap.

Where do you want me?

Division 1501.

Requesting the nearest

Type 1 to the rec center.

Yes, Chief.

We've been in contact with

Three Rock Crew Four.

Working on getting engines to them.

Yeah, they've got nothing

but hand tools.

They need water or that fire's

gonna get out of control.

Manny, hold tight.

Trying to, Chief, but Mother

Nature keeps throwing lit matches.

Hit all that vegetation back there.

Everything wet.

Got it, Chief!

Eve, Jake, keep up the pace.

There's too much slack

in the hose. Watch it.

There wouldn't be slack

if you picked up the pace,

like Chief said.

It's not about

the slack, and you know it.

Yeah, right.

Eve, Jake, you got a fire behind you.

Fire behind you!

- We got it, Chief.

- Stop the truck.

Stop the truck.

Jake, you want to explain how

you fumbled a mobile att*ck

when I know I taught you better?

Understood, Chief.

Keep the embers in

the black, where there's no fuel left,

otherwise they could start more fires.

All right, hey, kids, right over here.

Keep moving. Come on.

Right in this building.

We're looking for a bus

to take you all home.

But for now,

the safest thing for us to do

is to find a roof

and put it over your head.

All right? Everything

is gonna be just fine.

You guys are doing great.

There you go, right in there.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Come on, it's gonna be okay. Hey, Dad.


What're you doing here?

I got the swimmers out of the pool.

No, what are you doing here today?

Oh, um, teaching diving to the campers.

I need a job if I'm gonna live here.

If you're gonna be

out here, you need cover.

Good looking out, thank you.

She's not gonna be out here.

She's gonna be inside.

You're gonna stay safe,

and you're gonna stay inside.

You can't

Can't outrun lightning. I know.

You heard the captain.

Everybody inside. Let's go!

I could guess what

you two are fighting about,

but I don't have time to care.

I've already got one renegade kid.

I need you two to be

the ones I can rely on.

There's a staffing shortage.

A lot of long shifts,

nobody's going home.

So whatever it is, work it out.

Or you'll do worse damage

than pissing me off.

- Eve, I'm sorry.

- Let's just work.

That's good.

Push it back.

As far from life

and structure as possible.

Without water, it's up to us.


Hey, the fire's jumped!

That awning is toast.

Once that fire eats through that

awning and jumps to that roof,

the whole structure is compromised.

There's kids in that building.

Yeah, and we got to get them

out of there to safety.

What are we doing, Cap?

We're gonna revisit that

evacuation plan.

We're gonna load the civilians

into the bus with us

and we're all gonna get

the hell out of here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Manny.

We put the kids on the bus,

but not with the inmates.

That's a huge violation, man.

I'm sorry. It's too dangerous.

Yeah, well, so is fire, man.

And this one is getting

bigger by the second

while we stand around talking.

Manny, I can't let them comingle.

Well, you got a better idea?

Hey, hey, don't pack us in there.

Just take the kids.

I said no freelancing, Bode, all right?

I don't want another

repeat of the Buckeye.

I'm not freelancing, man.

But given my conduct at the Buckeye,

I'm guessing this is

my last day on your crew.

Okay, the least I can do with that time

is help save some kids.

Look, permission to give up my seat.

- I'm asking.

- It's not that simple, all right?

If Cory's saying that we can't

comingle inmates and kids,

then your one seat is not

gonna solve the problem.

It's got to be all of us or none of us.

Every man has to decide for himself.

If my grandkids were in there,

I'd want the firefighters to save them.

I give up my seat, too.

Damn it, me too.

All right, then.

I'm gonna go tell those campers!

Look around for any emergency hoses.

Let's go save some kids.

Let's go.

How far out are you?

Oh, hello to you, too.

- How far out?

- Uh 15 minutes.

You want to tell me why

my crew is being rerouted?

You wiped out that brush fire

in record time.

Great work. So now you're the

closest engine to the rec center.


Where Manny and his crew happen to be?

That's quite a coincidence.

Aren't you the guy

who was just complaining about

his son not following orders?

You think that could be genetic?

Please hurry.

Love you, too.

Manny, Vince is close.

Uh didn't you say we were

headed to Manny's crew?


Then why are they headed to us?

Let's move, let's move.

Asphalt's busted

straight through the windshield.

At least one injured party.

The driver. And the rest?


The bus wasn't carrying Manny's crew.

It's full of kids.


Hey, buddy, can you hear me?

Greencrest. Engine 1591 on scene.

We got one victim trapped

with crush injuries.

Send a Code 3 ambulance

and the nearest truck company.

And, uh

And a bus to evacuate

about 15 civilians.

He's unconscious.

His pulse is thready.

His pupils

are equal and reactive.

And he possibly has internal

bleeding and third-degree burns.

All right, we need to cool this guy off.

Let's stabilize him.

I need a Lifepak,

C-collar and run a line

wide open on him.

- Here's a jump bag.

- Thank you.

Hey, everybody. I'm Chief Leone.

And me, uh,

and all my firefighter friends,

we're gonna need you guys to help us out

by getting off this thing

as soon as possible.

Just to be extra safe, in case

there's some danger to the truck

that we can't see.

Okay, let's go. Come on.

Come on.

All right, come on.

Come on.

Hey, buddy.

Coming with us?

I'm scared.

I got you, pal. Don't worry.

You'll be all right.

You'll be all right. I promise.

All right. Run over there.

And keep them

off the road and low

until the bus gets here.

Jake, I'm handing over

incident command to you.

I got to get to the rec center.

They still need water.

Copy you, Chief.

Permission to pick up a chainsaw, Cap?

Nah, Bode, I got it.

If we cut down the awning

together, it'll be faster.

It lowers your risk of getting

struck by lightning out here

- in this insanity.

- Yeah, but it increases yours.

I told you It's my last day here.

I want to make it count.

The faster we move,

the sooner the whole team

will be out of harm's way.

Where do you want me, Cap?

All right, Bode, back-cut that brace.

Watch the kerf! Make sure

not to pinch the bar!

Face cut!

That's it!

Drop the chainsaw.



Let's go!

Not bad for a hand crew, huh?

I got water! I finally found

an emergency hose

- that works!

- Gabriela.

I thought you were on the bus

that took off with those kids.

- The counselors are with the kids.

- You know what?

Cutting line in town

That's one thing.

But it's dangerous out here.

That's why we bust ass

to keep everybody out here

as safe as possible.

I'm another set of hands to help.

- You would've been safe just leaving.

- Dad,

I couldn't leave you.

You want water or not?

Be careful.


You're a lifesaver.

Just trying to help out.


- Be careful with the

- Kickback!


Okay. Let's see how we're doing.

All right, he's hypotensive.

Let's lift the asphalt off

- of him.

- No, we let the hospital

- remove the asphalt.

- Listen, this thing

- is cooking him from the inside.

- But if he bleeds out

before the ambulance

gets here, it's over.

And if we wait until it

compromises his organs,

he'll die before then.

We need to get this off of him now.


But we have to avoid peeling his skin

along with the asphalt.

I'll minimize the damage.

We need to move together

- on this thing, all right?

- And fast.

These fires keep popping up.

And we keep hitting them.

You play a lot of Whac-A-Mole as a kid?

Be efficient with that water.

This hose is hooked up

to a local supply.

There's no telling

when it might run out.

Good, Bode.

You're the reason we have

any water at all.


Want to tell that to my dad?

He cares about you.

Wants you safe. You're lucky.

Fire on the roof!

Must've jumped when

we pulled down the awning.

We got to keep it from spreading

even more or else we'll lose control.

Come on, let's hit it.

Greencrest, Three Rock Crew Four.

We're fighting a structure fire

with a glorified garden hose over here.

What's the ETA

on those engine crews I ordered?

Okay, we got to do this in one go.

- Ready?

- No, wait, wait.

- My hands are slipping.

- Look,

- we are out of time.

- No, I

I can't get a good grip.

And if we're off by

even an inch, he'll bleed out.

Okay, he can't wait. He's crashing.

Listen, this is our best sh*t.

Trust me.


All right. Good. Keep lifting. Go, go.

- All right, how are we looking?

- It's hot.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hold on, hold up. His skin is sticking.

- Pour more saline.

- No, I can't. I have to keep packing.

Don't stop. You got this, Jake.


- Okay. Okay.

- Yeah.

It's you. It's you.

Okay. Let's get him on a backboard.

What do you got?

Open chest wound.

He's hypotensive. Third-degree burns.

Bolus to two liters in the line.


Can't believe he's alive. Good work.

Engine's here!

Gentlemen, we did it!

We've been released by the new

incident command, Chief Leone!

Now, let's stay in the game,

but let's give 'em some room!

Three Rock crew,

clear out. Give our hoses access.

Let's throw a ladder up

the alpha side of the building!

Give me 1.5-inch cross-lay. Let's go!

All right, let's clear out, everybody.

Every drop helps, right?

Uh, uh, hold the water!

Hold the water!


We can't hit it until you move.


You're not helping.

Get out of the way!

Greencrest, this is Chief Leone

assuming I.C.

We need an additional Type 1 engine.

Copy, Chief. Rerouting. 10-4.

Bus is here for the kids.

I'm gonna hop on the next

engine to the rec center.

I'm gonna hitch a ride to the hospital

and see this one through.

I cheated on Riley.

So you played her?

Thanks for telling me.

Look, Riley d*ed before we

could work through our issues.

I couldn't make the same mistake

with you now.

So you two used to be best friends?

Jake told me.

Your boyfriend?

A lifetime ago, yeah.

Jake. Welcome to the party, man.


Oh. What are you doing here?

Are you trying to scare her

into pulling a g*n on you again?

Jake, it's fine.

Baby, you should get checked

for smoke inhalation, okay?

Yeah, I feel a little winded.

You want to punch me again?

Smoke's green.

Hey, Chief! Chief, the fire

must have b*rned through

the roof, into the storage room

on the ground level.

Green smoke is chemical.

Maybe pool supplies. Ammonia, chlorine.

- Yeah, if those two mix

- Building's gonna blow.

If we keep flowing water,

that chlorine will become

hydrochloric acid.

And we'll all be toast.

Yes, we will. All right.

Hold the water! Hoses down!

Hoses down!

- Jake, grab the CO2

- CO2 extinguisher. On it.

All right, smoke's back to gray!

Nice job.

Way to go! Good job, Jake.

Well done, pal.

Thanks, Chief.


Tell me you got there in time.

Don't I always?


Everyone's safe. We got it.

Weather report says the

lightning strikes have moved on.

Calls are finally slowing down.

Good to hear.

Love you. See you in a bit.

We're on mop-up, guys.

You see an ember?

Mop it up with your hand tools.

You know, if we'd have

showed up any later,

we'd have lost this structure.

Great job keeping it standing

as long as you did.

My guys did great work.

Especially Bode.

Oh. So you got Good Bode today.

Good Bode

will lure you in and break your heart.

Sharon has a hard time

accepting that, I don't.

Yeah, I noticed that.

You make your decision about him yet?

Been a little busy, Chief.

Well, we kicked its ass again.

That's how we do it, people.

Cheers, everyone!


What can I get you?

A beer, please.

Freshest tap you got.

I'm Eve, by the way.

Oh, you're the thumbs-up girl.

I remember you.


Um, I wanted to ask you out.

But I lost my nerve and went

with the thumbs-up instead.

But, um, today at work,

I helped saved this guy's life.

And, uh, it's kind of a big deal.

So, uh, you want to grab dinner

sometime to celebrate?

I don't.

You kind of made it about

your weird, near-death,

lifesaving thing.


try me again when some guy

didn't almost die on you.

I'm sorry.

No. No. Please don't

apologize for being honest.

Here's your beer.


Wait, wait, wait. Okay, okay, okay.

Yougot on the nozzle?

Baby, I found the nozzle.

My dad was so pissed.

You did my job today.

I fought fire today.

- And how'd you like it?

- I loved it.

I can tell.

There's a Cal Fire

recruitment event next weekend.

I think you should check it out.



Look, anything that makes

you light up like this, hell yeah.

- Really?

- Oh. Ah.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm gonna get us

I'm gonna buy us a round.

Two beers please.

Does she know? About Riley?


Yeah, she knows.

Look, I'm I'm in it with Gabriela.

I tell her everything.

You know what bugs me?

I show you my ugly, my mistakes,

and you keep all that stuff to yourself.

Makes me feel like

I don't even know you.

Anything that doesn't fit

your Superman persona,

you swallow it up.

I'm working on it.

And-and look at Bode

in his orange jumpsuit.

People see his mistakes

before they see him.

I'm telling Captain Perez the truth.

Bode punched me.

But Cap will send him back to prison.

- You know that.

- I can't control that.

I've been lying for too long.

I'm done.

- It's time to tell the truth.

- He was our best friend.

- And he saved your life, Jake.

- So I should save his ass?

I would if I were you.

If you ever want to get

this family back together.

This booth is for conversation.

Are you ready to converse?

I am.

What was Bode talking about

back at the hospital, Vince?

What order did he follow well?

After Riley d*ed, I, um

I told him I didn't want

to see him anymore.

I told him to leave and never come back.

Oh, my God.


Our marriage would not have survived

if he had stayed around, okay?

We we clawed

our way out of hell after the accident.

Oh, my God.

I've been mourning that child for years.

We lost two kids in one night.

Yeah, I'm aware of that.

And now he is back,

and I want to enjoy it.

If you ruin this I-I am so serious.

I-I thought that

if he stayed around,

it would just hurt you more.

- So

- No. No.

You were wrong, you were dead

wrong, and now we have a chance.

Now we have a chance to be

a family again. I am taking it.

And I hope you Get out. Get out.

I hope you take it, too.


there's more.

What the hell else could there be?

I'm pretty sure

he punched Jake in the face

at the Buckeye, and

if I know Jake,

he's not gonna lie to Manny.

So, there's just

There's not a chance

in hell he's staying,

and I'm sorry, Shar.

I'm I'm really sorry.

I will come home tonight.

And I love you, and

I will find some way

to forgive you for this someday,

but right now, I have no idea how.

Great job today, Cap.

Thank you, Chief.

Have you made any decision about my son?

I went through the incident reports.

He saved Jake Crawford's life.

Using unorthodox methods, sure, but

Jake's grateful and has

no complaints about Bode.

I knew you were gonna give him

a chance. Thank you, Manny.

I'm gonna transfer him

over to High Rock, not back to prison.

There's a lot of good people out there.

And most importantly,

it's far from here.

No, Manny, I-I can't lose my son.

I understand that, Chief.

But Bode's been very clear.

He doesn't want to be in Edgewater.

Manny, I'm sick.


I have chronic kidney disease.

I've told Vince, but no one else knows.

Being sick didn't really even

bother me a couple of days ago.

I had already lost both of my kids.

I figured I would just

live out the rest of my days

with a job and a husband

that I loved until my time came.

How's the prognosis?

Uh, it depends on the treatment,

but it's bad.

There's no promises here, and

I don't really ask for favors,

Manny, and I don't cut corners,

but I need my son.

Okay? I

I need my family, so

please, Manny.

I'm almost done.

I'll, uh I'll be out of here

before everyone else is back from chow.

You're a pain in my ass, you know that?

Well, guess I'll be a pain

in someone else's soon.

Incident reports say you went rogue,

and you saved a firefighter's life.

The good seems to outweigh the bad.

I can't be here.

Yeah, so you've said.

And I think

what you want is to be as far

away from your dad as possible.

I saw that today when he showed up.

There's a lot of hurt between you two.

But what you really want is

an escape from his voice,

telling you you're not good enough,

that you don't deserve to be here.

That voice is inside you, Bode.

And wherever you go High Rock,

Valley View, it doesn't matter

That voice is going to go with you.

You can't outrun it, man.

I know where you're at

'cause I've been there, too.

I was an inmate at this camp, too,

before I was captain.

I stole cars.

And I was really damn good at it,

till I wrapped one of 'em

around a tree on a bender.

They let you do this job after that?

Your mom did.

'Cause she believes in second chances.

So do I.

Man, your fearlessness, your

your intuition, your leadership

I can't teach that.

This program will work

if you work it.

You're staying, Bode.

So it's up to you to decide

if you're gonna be the deadbeat

your dad thinks you are,

or if you're gonna be the man

your mom and I both know you can be.