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10x04- The Fair Bears/Return of the L.O.S.E.R.S.

Posted: 12/04/22 11:48
by bunniefuu
[jazzy music]

- ♪ Timmy's still an average kid ♪

♪ That no one understands

♪ Chloe's his new neighbor

♪ And she's ruining all his plans ♪

- Aah!

- ♪ All the wishes

♪ In the world

♪ So why should he care?

♪ Jorgen has reported there's a fairy shortage ♪

♪ So Timmy has to share

♪ His OddParents, fairly OddParents ♪

- More than one? - This should be fun!

- ♪ OddParents, fairly OddParents ♪

♪ Feather suit, nature boots, laser sh**ting, rescue ♪

- World peace, kale treats,

bunny feet, real neat!

- What? No! Leave me alone!

My fairies! Get your own!

- ♪ OddParents, fairly OddParents ♪

♪ Timmy, beware, you'll have to share ♪

♪ Your fairly OddParents

- Yeah, right!

[upbeat music]

[bell ringing]

[all cheering]

- School's out!

The nightmare's over.

- I'm never going back.

Tell my story!

- Boy, this was a hectic day.

I taught the kindergartners Mandarin Chinese

and created an experimental cure

for male-pattern baldness.

- You think you accomplished a lot?

I found a new app that shows me

what I look like with a beard.

Check it.


Ladies, get in line.

- Hey, Timmy and Chloe.

Check out this new app.

This is what Wanda looks like with a beard.

- Gentlemen, get in line.

- Ooh, I know the perfect way to relax after a day

of super achieving.

You guys are gonna love it.

Cosmo and Wanda, poof us to my house.

- Chloe!

Thanks to your experimental baldness cure,

I have hair.

And, oddly, webbed feet,

but I'm okay with that!

[magic wands chiming]

- Let's start the fun

with some healthy snacks.

- [munching]

[alarm buzzes]


Something terrible's happening in my mouth.

This is not a cookie.

- It's better.

It's a tofookie,

a cookie-like disk made with tofu

and something called cricket protein.

- Why?

- Now let's bump up the fun.

We're gonna watch the greatest television show

ever made.

[triumphant music] "The Fair Bears"!

- That show is the worst.

I thought it was canceled. Why wasn't it canceled?

- It was, but I have all seasons on DVD.

Never touch them!


[upbeat music]

all: ♪ Welcome to a world that's always fair ♪

♪ Get wots of wuv from friendly bears who care ♪

♪ Be happy, be fair

♪ Be truthful And share!

♪ We're the Fair Bears, and we're fair ♪

- Stop telling me what to do, Fair Bears.

- ♪ So if you're stressed or feeling blue ♪

♪ Come play with us the whole day through ♪

♪ We're ready for fun

♪ So how 'bout you?

all: ♪ We're the Fair Bears, and we're fair ♪

- Ooh, I love watching "The Fair Bears."

This is how I relax!

- I don't want to hurt Chloe's feelings,

but those Fair Bears make me want to

cough up my tofookie.

Know what I mean, Sport?


Oh, I don't think so.

[magic wand chimes]

- Busted.

- I'm Fair Bear,

and I never cheat.

- Me neither, 'cause it's wrong.

- I'm Better Bear,

and I believe that no matter how good you are,

you can always be better.

- That's what I tell everybody.

- What's with you?

- And I'm Happy Ray.

Be happy.

And that's an order.

- Sir, yes, sir.

- I love the Fair Bears,

but I'm not gonna lie, guys.

Happy Ray scares me a little.


- Busted.

[magic wand chimes]

- Ooh, I love the Fair Bears so much.

I wish they were real.

Oh, oh, oh!

I have fairies.

They can be real.

I wish the Fair Bears were real!

[magic wand chimes] both: No!

[triumphant music]

- [gasps]

[cheers and claps]

- Look, bear buddies.

We're in a super fun new world.

- I'm Chloe, and I brought you here

because I love you.

I love you so much.

- I'm Cosmo.

Want to see Wanda with a beard?

Sorry, I get flustered around celebrities.

- I'm Timmy, and I'm leaving.

- Wait.

What's that expression on your face?

It's like a smile, but it's upside down.

- Can you sign my DVDs?

Use the glitter pen.

Use it!

all: We all wuv you,

and we want to be your bear buddies.

- Oh, you want to be my buddy?

Quit touching my face!

Right, Wanda?

Get back here, woman!

- [groans]

- Um, time for some Fair Bear fun.

Let's play the Fair Bear board game.

[all cheering] - Huzzah!

- I'm already bored.

- Don't worry; I have a genius plan.

- Hey, Timmy, you can go first.

Roll the Nice Dice.

- I rolled two.


Two. I win!

Game over. Genius!

We're out of here, Wanda.

- What was that you just did?

- It's called cheating.

Timmy's an expert.

- But it's not f--

it's--it's not fair.

- I have a funny feeling inside,

and it's not--

[stammering] happy.

- Did you eat a tofookie?

'Cause those things will turn on ya.

- [whispering] I'm bear-y uncomfortable.

Someone make it better.

- Okay, let's all just take a bear-y big breath

and sing the song that helps us say bye-bye

to bad feelings.

all: "The Forgiveness Song"!

[upbeat piano music]

all: ♪ You've got to forgive and forget ♪

♪ You can't live with regret ♪

♪ Whether you're bear buddies ♪

♪ Or you just met

♪ You got to forgive and forget ♪

- Stop it!

- Timmy, this may sound kind of harsh,

but you're being a little bit of a bummer bear.

- Why does everything you say now

have to have the word "bear" in it?

- Well, someone's a cranky bear.

- I know what makes cranky bears feel better:

nap time!

- Right, like I'm gonna take a nap.

I'm almost a tween.

[dreamy music]

all bears: ♪ Put your sleepy head

♪ On your sleepy bed

♪ And close your eyes and sleep ♪

- [snoring]


[unicorn whinnies]

Where are we?

This place looks like a unicorn ate a rainbow

and threw it up.

- Or maybe it ate a tofookie.

- We're in Happy Hollow,

where cranky bears come to wear the Happy Hat.

- Listen up, bonker bears,

there's absolutely no way that Wanda and I

are putting on these--

- Do it!

[shouting, hats zapping]

[bell dings]

[bell dings]

[shimmering chimes]

[all laughing]

- Am I dreaming,

or are you guys actually getting along?

- We're bear-y, bear-y good buddies now.

- I wuv everyone.

- We wore the Happy Hats

with wires and blinking lights.

I smelled smoke.

- Wait, I've seen every "Fair Bears" episode,

like, a bazillion times,

and I have never seen a Happy Hat.

- Who wants a hug?

- I do. I wuv hugs!

The nice bears changed my brain.

- I'm not sure I'm wuv-ing this.

You brainwashed my friends!

I can't believe I'm saying this,

but put Timmy's brain back the way it was.

- We just made him a better bear.

- Boundaries, Timmy.

You're creeping me out.

- This is not cool.

Turn my friends back to the way they were.

- Hey, Chloe, your smile turned upside down.

Maybe you should wear the Happy Hat too.

- [screams]

The Fair Bears are bonkers, Cosmo.

Poof them away!

[triumphant music]

- Sorry, I ate my wand in my sleep.

I thought it was a tofookie.

all: Get 'em!

- Run!

- Don't worry,

I hid a super secret spare wand in Timmy's room.

It should be easy to find,

because there are signs all over town

pointing to where it is.

[exciting music]

- Hunt them down!

[tires screech]

- I wuv you!

- Hey.

both: Let's sing the safety song!

all: ♪ When you cross the street ♪

♪ Always look both ways

♪ Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da ♪


[car horn blaring]


- Mother, I told you not to drive

right after your eye exam.

You want to go to prison again? Is that what you want?

- Denzel, is that you?

[alarm blaring] - My Fairy Finder's in a frenzy!

I'm gonna bag me some fairies.

You get the car to the chop shop

before the po-pos take you to the pokey.

[both groaning]

both: ♪ Welcome to a world that's always fair ♪

♪ Get wots of wuv

♪ From friendly bears who care ♪

[both groan]

- I never thought I'd say this,

but that song is driving me cuckoo!

- Relax.

All I have to do is follow these signs

to the spare wand.


Ha! What do you know?

It was in my sock the whole time.

Never would have found it without the signs.


- You've been a bear-y bad bear, Chloe!

- You call yourselves the Fair Bears,

but there's nothing fair about forcing people

to be like you!

You're the ones that have been bear-y bad bears!

Bad, bad bears!

- You know, I've had just about enough sass

from you, Miss Thang!

- Cosmo saves the day!


- My fairy finder found fairies!

Fork 'em over, folks.

- Fairies? Here?


Oh, wait--yes, yes, there are fairies,

and they're right there.

all: Wait, what?

- They're not fairies.

They're Fair Bears,

and I wuv them.

- Ooh, let's see, who should I believe?

The boy who always lies

or the girl who always tells the truth?

Tough call.

Fairies in the hole!

[vacuum whirring]

all: No fair!

If the po-pos ask, I was never here.

[both groaning]

- I wish Wanda and Timmy were back to normal.

Hurry, before Timmy hugs me again!

- Ew, girl cooties.

- What happened to the Fair Bears?

Nothing good, I hope.

- Oh, don't worry.

I can pretty much guarantee that.

[vacuum whirs]

- At last, my lifelong dream of having fairies

has come true.

For my first wish-- ooh, so excited!

I want you to, uh...

- Denzel, is that you?

[all screaming]


- [screams] Why, Mother?

- That wasn't bear-y fair.

- I could be better.

- Let's sing the revenge song.

[suspenseful music]

- [yawns]

Another awesome day

where my fairies do absolutely everything for me.

Cosmo, Wanda.

Open my eyes.

[magic wands chime]

Now dress me, please.

[magic wand chimes]

- Done. You're in a dress.

You go, girl.

- Oh, dear, I can't un-see that.

Well, bye, Sport.

We're off to the Fairy World iWand store

to line up for the new iWand.

- We're getting awesome upgrades:

Wish Autocorrect, faster Wand-Fi,

and a Find-Your-Wand app,

which I need, 'cause I lost my wand.

- It's in your hand!

- Now, see, if I had the Find-Your-Wand app,

I would have known that.

- You can't go.

In case you haven't noticed,

I'm not great on my own.

My eyes are dry. Blink for me.

- Don't worry, Sport.

We asked Chloe to look after you

while we're gone.

- Yeah, we know you're basically

a potato with a hat.

- Chloe Carmichael, reporting for babysitting duty.

So where's the wittle cutie?

- Wanda, raise my hand.

[magic wand chimes]

- I'm babysitting Timmy?

- I'm not used to doing things without my fairies.


- Don't worry, Timmy.

Wanda and Cosmo will be back soon.

How soon?

- We'll be back by dark.

- I wish it was dark!

- I'd grant that wish,

but I lost my wand.

- It's in your hand!

You're a potato with a wand.

- [yells]

I'm helpless till dark.

- Spending months in this thorn bush

finally paid off.


My arch enemy, Timmy Turner, is defenseless.

Time to alert the League of Super Evil Revenge Seekers.

Ring, ring.

Ring, ring.

Ring, ring.

- [barks]

- [giggles]

- Ring, ring.

- Hello? Flipsie Fan Club, Dark Laser speaking.

- Dark Laser, Timmy Turner is vulnerable till dark.

- Ooh, I am so there,

but first I have to walk Flipsie.

- Flipsie doesn't walk; it just flips.

I hate Flipsie!

See you in five at the Cake 'n Bacon.

You're buying.


Thorns in bad places!

[dramatic music]

Ring, ring.

- Hello?

- Foop, it's Turner time.

- [giggles] Goody.

But I'll be a minute.

I'm in a time-out for putting spiders

in my daddy's pis-ghetti.

- With my team of borderline lunatics,

I'm invincible!

- Time to trim the talking bush.

[string trimmer buzzes]

- [screams] Not invincible!

The League of Super Evil Revenge Seekers unite.

Who are we?

all: Losers!

- Today's a momentous day.

- You bet it is.

It's Bottomless Clam Chowder Day.

- That, and we're going to annihilate a ten-year-old!

- Just a heads-up,

I can only pay with the teeth of my enemies.

It's legal tender in space.

- Teeth back in the wallet, nut job!

We need a plan to destroy Turner.

- Well, you know I have a thing for poisonous spiders.

Listen up.


[all laughing]

- Ooh, you're one bad baby.

Me likey.

- Flipsie has some questions.

- [barks]

- Flipsie has a C-battery for a brain!

- Did you dress yourself yet, Timmy?

I know you can do it.

- Nailed it.

- Ooh, that's super close.

Remember the song we practiced?

♪ If you want to dress neat

♪ You put your shoes on your ♪

- ♪ Hands

[doorbell rings]

- Spider delivery.

- [groans]

You're not supposed to say "spider."

[doorbell rings]

- Spider delivery.

- [groans] Switch it up.

- Uh...what's my line again?

- [groans]

[doorbell rings]

Pis-ghetti delivery.

She's giving me a weird look.

I knew we should have gone with pizza.

Who orders pis-ghetti?

[clears throat]

Anyway, here's your pis-ghetti.

Don't open it till we're far away.

- Uh, thank you?

Wow. Were they losers or what?

- Yes, and they're my sworn enemies.

Whatever's in that bag-- it isn't pis-ghetti.

- Right you are.

It's just a bag of deadly spiders.

[dramatic music]


Deadly spiders!

[all laughing]

- Quiet!

Wait for the agonizing screams of terror.

[all screaming]

[whimsical music]

- I can't wait for my upgrade.

Steve Wandzniak is a genius.

Oh, it's him!

- Good news, fellow fairy nerds.

Well, for me, anyway.

There's only two iWands left.

You fight over them while I make my escape.

- Everyone, stay calm...

while we grab the last two wands!

[all yelling]

- Okay, champ.

Let's try walking.

It's easy.

Just put one foot in front of the other.

Left, right, left, right.

- Got it. Left, left, left.


- Wow. Really?

No right, just the left and the left and the left?

And I still have three hours till dark.

- Oh, it's gonna get dark a lot sooner than that,

little missy.

- Quiet, she'll hear us!

[doorbell rings]

- Now watch how much better

this scam works with pizza.

- "'Who is it?' she said, already knowing who it was."

- Spider delivery.

[groans] Now you've got me saying it.

- Ugh, I'm surrounded by nincompoops!

- Pizza delivery.

Nailed it!

- You are getting very sleepy.

[all snoring]

- Oh, mother, mother.


- Man, I'm good.

Then again...nincompoops!

- [groans]

- Time to wake up the snoring bush!

[all shouting]

[all screaming]

- Mother, we're making a super evil plan,

so we'll need snickerdoodles and juice boxes.

- You still live with your mother?

That's weird.

Flipsie and I went halfsies on a bachelor pad.

Who's Daddy's little wingman?


- Goody, I found a spot on my body

where I wasn't bitten by a spider.


Never mind.

- We only have an hour of daylight left to get Turner.

Let's brainstorm a new plan.

- I know-- prank phone calls--

really mean ones with cutting personal slights.

- Or we just have him move in with Mother.

No human can survive that for long.

Mother, snickerdoodles!

- Well, we could use my death annihilator ray,


We could ding-dong-ditch his house;

you know, where you ring the doorbell and run away.


- Whoa, tap the breaks.

You have a death annihilator ray?

You couldn't have brought that up before the pizza fiasco?

- Losers, we finally have a plan

to annihilate Timmy Turner.

- Snack-y time.

both: Hello, Mrs. Crocker.

- Hello, boys.

Here are your snickerdoodles.

Now get back to your evil.

- k*ller doodles, Mrs. Crocker.

- Hey, Laser, eyes up here.

- Okay, buddy.

Which utensil do we eat our soup with?

This is an easy one.

- [slurps]

- You bozo.

It's the spoon!

What are you, a single-cell organism?

Open wide.

Here comes the choo-choo train.

Choo, choo. Choo, choo.

[dramatic music]

- Pizza delivery.

- We're not doing that anymore.


[laser g*n fires]

[both screaming]

- Run!

- Left, left, left!


- Oh, brother.

- [screaming]

[laser g*n fires]

- [screams]

- So good to get out of that chaos and get back

to the peace and quiet of home.

Why's there a smoking hole in the wall?

- Could be anything.

Construction, big termites, annihilator ray...

[laser g*n fires]

[both screaming]

- The losers are after us, and there was pizza with spiders

and left, left, left is wrong!

- He can't eat soup by himself!

- This may be a bad time to bring this up,

but is your mother...

seeing anyone?

- [screams] What is wrong with you

besides everything?

- No worries, Timmy.

We'll just poof them away with our upgraded iWands.

The software upload should only take a minute,

unless there's a glitch.

[wand beeps]

There's a glitch.

- I'll call tech support.

[laser g*n f*ring]

I'm on hold!

- Okay, it's all good.

I just need a password.

Let's see. "Cosmo"?

No, I'll never remember that.

- Just do it!

- "Just do it."

Ooh, fun password.

[wand beeps] Oh, it's taken.

Glitched again.

- Your time on this Earth is done, Timmy Turner.

Did that sound scary?

I--I--I wanted to sound scary.

[accordion music]

- Pizza delivery.

- I'm feeling peckish.

[all screaming]

- I can grant a wish in ten seconds.

I'm just downloading my pictures.

Oh, look, Wanda.

It's us at that luau.

You look hot.

Seriously, you were sweating like a pig.

[laser g*n fires]

- [screams]


[dramatic music]

[all screaming]

[all cheering]

- We annihilated Turner.

We did it!

Well, you did it.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

- So that's our story? We blame him?

- Wait, what? It wasn't me.

It--it was Flipsie. Sorry, Flipsie.

Daddy's too pretty for jail. [giggles]

I'll call you, baby.

[all yelling]

- Oh, Timmy.

I'm sorry I called youa bozo,

but you kind of were a little bit.

- I will avenge you...

right after I watch cat videos on my new iWand.

- Aw, I miss my little potato with a hat.

- I'm okay. They missed me.

I played dead, 'cause lying on my back

with my eyes closed is what I do best.

[all cheering]

- My new iWand is ready.

I'm gonna poof us up a big celebration party.


Wanda, call tech support.

- I'm going out for the evening.

Don't wait up, Denzel.

- [groans] What is wrong with you?

- [giggles]


[jazzy music]

[jazzy music]

- Frederator.