05x11 - Crash Nebula

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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05x11 - Crash Nebula

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky

♪ Always giving him commands

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

♪ Wands and wigs

♪ Floaty crowny things

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.

Guys! Guys! Wake up! Wake up!


Jeepers, timmy, what's the hurry?

It's on! It's on!

The special episode of "crash nebula"

Is on today.

Ooh! Is it the one where he finds

The barfing lung bunnies from ramulak ?

Ooh! Blaach!


The one where he travels backwards in time,

Lands in the old south,

And finds out he's actually his own great-grandfather?


I know. Is it the one

Where he learns the greatest love of all

Is inside of him?


Boy, voice-over: wondering how I got here,

A billion light-years from earth...

About to be swallowed by a black hole

With some weird girl from an anti-matter universe?


The worst thing is if I can't figure a way

To get us out of this, my sister gets my room.

I'm thinking of a nice pink.


And that's where I draw the line.

[Both screaming]

This is my earth home, hours ago,

Before I goofed up.

[Cat meowing]

School book...


Ma, pa, if sprig doesn't come back,

Can I have his room?

Pens and paper...

No, sprout, honey.

Your brother isn't going away forever.

He's just going off

To a fancy new school for a while.

Sprig, voice-over: those two? Those are my ma and pa.

That's me: sprig speevak.

And that little girl down there, that's my little sister sprout,

Or as I like to call her, evil incarnate.

Guh! Aah!


Now can I have his room?

We sure are proud of you, son.

You're the first speevak to ever go away to school.

We're just sorry that all you've got to wear

Are those hand-me-downs.

Ah, that's ok.

Sprig knows it's not the clothes that make the man.

It's the man that makes the clothes.

I have no idea what that means,

So I'm just gonna smile at him.

I was gonna knit you a sweater,

But I only got halfway through,

'Cause every time I thought of you leaving,

I started to cry.

And sprig, I want you to have this.

Huh? The lucky speevak cow pie?

Yep, this natural occurring source of fuel

Has been in our family for generations.

It's yours now, boy.

Wow. Thanks!

I'm not being sarcastic.

This is actually a touching family moment

That just happens to involve poop.

[Horn honking]

Oh, my gosh! It's the bus!

Bye, ma! Bye, pa! Love you guys!

Don't give sprout my room!

That must be one of those fancy floating city buses.

Sprig, voice-over: so, there I was,

Getting ready to go away to school.

I mean really go away to school.

The great thing about a new school:

Nobody knows you.

You can be anybody you want to be.

I could be somebody different!

Somebody cool!

Somebody totally unafraid of the unknown!


[Heart pounding]

[Speaking alien language]


[Continues speaking]


[Roaring] aah!

Hi. Uh, please don't k*ll me.

[All speaking alien languages]

I'm sorry. I don't understand.

Please don't eat my brain.

Guh? Aah!



What? What?


I said that's not a chair,

You earth idiot.

That's my...friend.


Wha-ha-ha-ho! That's cool!

Ha! Ha! It's no big deal.

Everybody on my planet can do that.

What makes you so...special?

Well, i...

Saved princess galaxandra.


No way. You expect us to believe that?

That you're the squeege that saved galaxandra? Ha!

Even I heard about that, and I don't have any ears.

No, really! It's true.

That's why I'm here.

I was just hard at work, doing my chores like always.

Sprout: sprig! Time for supper!

Ma made turkey!

What was that last part?

Uh...lemme finish.

Ma made the turkey... A nice sweater to wear,

And is treating it like a complete equal

Who we would never eat!





Voice-over: all I could think of was what would brock rocket do

In a situation like this?

Be a hero! Fight the bugs!

What are you, nuts?




Be a hero. Fight the bugs.

For the record, I just wet myself.

Be a hero! Don't wet yourself!


Come on!






Voice-over: I didn't realize I had saved princess galaxandra,

The woman in charge of the galaxy's

Most prestigious school!

Wow. So that makes you the first earth kid ever

To be enrolled in the celestial academy?

That's right!

Hey, everybody,

It's this year's charity case!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!


On it.

I believe ving just told a joke.




Oh, my gosh. We're here:

The celestial academy.


Oh, you again.

Time for your welcoming wound.

Oh, boy! Yarn!

[Delighted squealing]

Felos, come back! It's a trap!

All right. Time for class.


Taught by...

Pam dromeda.

You want to be heroes?

You little clusters think you have what it takes

To pilot the thought-activated,

Hyper-driving-abled nebula battle suit?

Yes, ma'am!

That was a rhetorical question,

And you're wrong!

Now, all of you, give me laps.




You keep this up,

And everyone will hate you by the end of the...day.

[Whistle blows]

Hey, turkey, no floating.


Lemme tell you something, earth monkey,

You ever make me have to run laps again,

I'll vaporize you.

That's what she said. What she meant was...

I'll vaporize you.

Dang. That's what she meant.

Ving: you can vaporize what's left of him

After we're done.

Hey, get away from my soon-to-be-girlfriend, squeege.

Oh, quark off, ving. I don't date matter.

What? You plan on taking on the charity case, too?




Hey! [Trilling] back off!

You want him, you have to go through us.


Huh? What are you guys doing?

You're the only kid here who talks to us.

We losers have gotta stick together.

Wait, we're losers?

Burt's a turkey, I'm a glob,

You're a moderately evolved ape.

What did you think we were?

Oh, crunch.


Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!



Hey, I'm not hungry anymore.

Let's get something straight, earth kid.

There's only room for one space hero in this class,

And it's gonna be me.

You don't have what it takes...

And you never will.

You think you have what it takes?

All I've seen you do

Is cower behind your thug friends.

What can you do?


Ha! That's your power? Thumb sucking?

Hey, everybody, baby's sucking his thumb.




So, that's what he can do.








This is all my fault. I'm calling for help.


[Alarm beeping]


I have got to start thinking these things out more.


Aah! You idiot!


My stuff!




Ving, we gotta do something. We're heroes!

You're the hero, remember?

You save her.

Fine. I will!




Wow. One size fits all.

Ok, it's thought-controlled,

So if I think fly, I should be able to...



Hang on!

I don't need any more of your help!

But this would be an excellent time for you

To prove me wrong!






Ani, look out!




Oh, great.

What did she call it?





Look, I know I got off on the wrong foot,

But you think maybe we could have lunch or something?

Even if we don't die, I'd rather die.

Well, that's what she said, but what she meant was...




[Beeping slowing down]

Which brings us back to...


They say when you're about to die,

Your life flashes before your eyes.






Ha ha!

Luckily, I was , and it didn't take very long,

Just enough time for me to remember this:

This naturally occurring source of fuel

Has been in our family for generations.

It's yours now, boy.

[Heart beating]

[Flies buzzing]

If you were ever gonna do anything

Other than draw flies, now would be the time.




Ugh! Ugh!



They're... Laughing at me?

Well, yeah.

You crashed the nebula, earth geek, but...

Thanks for saving my life.

Crashed the nebula?

Hey! That's great!

I'm not sprig speevak, earth geek.

I'm crash nebula, space hero, and I'm...

In detention?

That's right. Detention.

Gotta teach you not to touch my stuff, you little mirk.

Although he did show a skill level and proficiency

That I daresay surpassed even yours at his age.

But he touched my stuff!

And I didn't give him permission!

True, and just because he has the skills

To pilot the suit

Doesn't mean he has the maturity to use it wisely...

Here it comes:

Which is why we're sending him back to earth.

Which is why ms. Dromeda will have to tutor you

On how to use it after school.

What? What?

Sprig, twice now you have been confronted

With the strange, wondrous,

And dangerous things

That exist in the universe

And faced them without fear.

Oh, my gosh. She's totally buying it.

So, I can use the suit again?

Only in matters of grave importance.

I won't let you down, ma'am.

I'm thinking of a nice pink.



Well, this is gravely important...

To me.


They'll never believe you.





Wow! Look at all this fuel!


Is it the one where they suck his macho brain out

With a bendy straw?

No! It's the one where we find out

How an ordinary earth kid

Gets to enroll in a space academy

And fight bad guys with a super-cool space suit!


Wow. I bet that was really cool.

I sure wish we saw that.

Uhh...that's ok, timmy.

I'm sure they'll run it again.

Well, what do you want to do until then?


Centrifugal force. How do I know that?
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