05x06 - Escape from Unwish Island/The Gland Plan

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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05x06 - Escape from Unwish Island/The Gland Plan

Post by bunniefuu »

* Timmy is an average kid

* That no one understands

* Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands *

Bed, twerp!

* The doom and gloom up in his room *

* Is broken instantly

* By his magic little fish who grant his every wish *

* 'Cause in reality

* They are his oddparents

* Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!

Floaty, crowny things!

* Oddparents, fairly oddparents *

* Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod *

* Obtuse rubber goose *

* Green moose, guava juice *

* Giant snake, birthday cake *

* Large fries, chocolate shake! *

* Oddparents, fairly oddparents *

* It flips your lid when you are the kid *

* With fairly oddparents!

Yeah, right.

There we go.

One more drop, and I'll have solved the energy crisis.

Huh? What?!



Now my butt and the dishes are clean.


Happy halloween!

Wait! Wait!

I don't have any clothes on,

And it's not halloween!

I don't have any idea how that happened.

I was just driving while I did my makeup,

Hair, and taxes.

Hey, turners!

Need a lift?

I know it's wrong

To take rides from talking bikes,

But ok!

Bike: hang on...

[Evil voice] for your life.


Are you friends with timmy turner?

Arf! Arf!

Well, we kind of hang out together,

But I've never been to his house.

Close enough.


I haven't seen chester and a.j.

Or my backup friends sanjay and elmer in hours.

I wonder where they are.

Mom? Dad?

They're gone, too?

What am I gonna do?

Well, I know what I'm gonna do.

And I know what I'm gonna do--

Everything I always wanted to!

Hmm! Not messy enough.


Every -year-old's dream!

A room full of supermodels!

Can you guys make cookies?

All: super cookies!




Uh, don't you think you should be

Looking for your mom, dad,

Friends, and backup friends?

Or we could just watch this tape I was given

By imaginary gary.


Imaginary gary?!

Sure, gary!

You remember gary--

Your imaginary friend,

Really doesn't like you,

Tried to k*ll us all.


Good times.

Good times.

When did you get this?

Remember when you were bouncing on the bed

With the supermodels who made the cookies?


Imaginary gary!

That's right, tim-tim,

It's me--

Your former imaginary friend

Who vowed I'd make your life miserable.

Me and a bunch of your other unwished wishes

Have captured your family,

Friends, and your backup friends.

Now, you can suffer the loneliness--

Hi, timmy. It's me-- sanjay!

I suffered when you left me alone

To rot in your head--

Before someone left the door unlocked

And I escaped. Ha ha.


Oh, my gosh!

It's dark laser, superbike,

And the pumpkinator

All in one convenient evil location!

But we got rid of those guys months ago.

What are they doing with gary?

Shouldn't they all be in storage?


Jorgen: welcome to fairy world

Giant unwished storage--

Where all discarded fairy godchild wishes are stored.


I didn't know I had unwished so much stuff!

Your locker got so cramped,

I had to give you a bigger locker

And then relocate your most violent

Timmy-hating wishes to an undisclosed location.

Where? Duh!

An uncharted island

In the bermuda triangle, of course!

I love the bermuda triangle.

It's my second-favorite country

And my fourth-favorite shape!

It's perfect

Because we know that no one

Would be fool enough to go there.

For your own good,

Stay away from unwish island.

Now, be gone!

There it is--

The bermuda triangle.

What are you doing?

You can't go to the bermuda triangle.

Like jorgen said,

Only a fool--

I'm in!

I've even got bermuda shorts!

Rescuing my parents, friends,

And backup friends should be a snap.

I have you guys

Plus a closet full of cool stuff

I didn't unwish.

Like my shrink suit!

It's so full of gizmos and gadgets,

There's no way gary can defeat me.

Did I mention I played with

The suit a few times and broke it?

Did you play with anything else?!


I get bored when you're at school.

Hey! Don't you still have heat vision?


Ow! Hot!

That's a yes.

And there's my escape tube system

To the uncharted bermuda triangle islands.

Let's go to unwish island.

And you said this was a dumb wish!

Good idea disguising us as monkeys, cosmo.

I just wanted to scratch my butt

Without being judged.


Guys, we have to find everyone--quick!

All: timmy!

Wow! That was convenient.

Mom! Dad!

A.j.! Chester!

Elmer! Uh...

Sanjay. Right.

Step away from the bars!

Our son timmy has set aside his selfish

And cowardly instincts.

And has come to rescue us!


And uh...this isn't real,

And you guys are all in a dream.

Oh, a dream!

That explains it.

I'm having one of those dreams

Where I forgot to wear my pants!


And I'm having one of those dreams

Where timmy saves me again.

But where is your white horse?

Now go home!

Go to bed!

And when you wake up,

It'll all be normal.

See you in my next dream.


All: bye, timmy!


And you said a second tube

Was an even stupider idea.

Mission accomplished.

Hey, it's the sphinx you wished away.

But I didn't wish it away!


Well, it sure adds to the drama.



I wish the sphinx away!


We can't wish it away.

This is where it gets wished away to.

Well, lookity-loo.

If it isn't johnny uncool wish-away.

Let's see you wish yourself out of this.


And now,

Prepare for my diabolical-- yet totally cool--

-Part revenge plan.


Not cool.

I'm not afraid of you, gary!

Them--them, I'm afraid of.

Now for phase uno.

The totally rigged-- you're guilty--trial!

Gary: order! Guilty.


Timmy turner, how do you--guilty--plead?

Timmy turner guilty!

The trial's not over!

I'll be back in -- guilty--minutes.



Oh, I called it!

And now for your sentence--

Phase dos of my totally cool

-Part plan--

A duel with your most dangerous

Unwished wishes,

Kooky booky boo,

After which you will be locked away--

Like you locked me away

In your head--

Represented here by this

Totally metaphorical jail head.


Timmy doesn't unwish all his wishes!

Why don't you give him a fighting chance?


Timmy can bring any of his wishes

That still like him--ha ha--

If there are any.


[Music playing]

Introducing the largest gathering

Of evil unwished wishes

Who totally want to crush timmy.


Trick or treat!

Dark laser-- cha cha!



And super toilet.

Aagh! So much clogging!

Gary: and in the loser corner,

Fighting with the vile pink-hatted tutu

Is mark chang and the founding fathers--

Ben franklin, thomas jefferson,

And george washington.

Must chop wood!

Are you telling me

These are my only wishes who still like me?!

Dude, let's face it,

You can be a little harsh.

[Snarling] I'm dead.

Buck up, buck-toothed soldier.

It's time to chop some butt!

I'll amend...

Your face!

Maybe I'm not dead.

We rock!

[Ding] a-ling.

[All yelling]

We wreak!


Now that timmy has landed us

In the hoosegow,

I feel as though I'm not loving him

Much at all.

Same here!

Me, too!

You hate timmy, too?

Oh, then come on out.

I'm never voting for any of you again!

Wow! They may dislike you,

But they sure love each other.

You're right.

I'm the common enemy that binds them together.

If you keep me locked up in this jail head,

You'll lose the one thing you all have in common:

A deep hatred of me!

And although everyone felt lonely

And unwished,

Look at all the friends you have now!

Well, we do love this island,

And we all really can't stand uncle overbite over there.

I mean, I don't. Do you?

Yeah. Right.

Still, we live in straw huts

And eat coconuts for breakfast, lunch, and din-din.

What would you say if I could make it all better?

All I need is wanda's wand back

And the magic copier.

Hooray! Yeah!

Cowabunga, flipsy!

Arf! Arf!

[Steel drums playing]

What'll it be, sir?

The i-hate-timmy burger,

The timmy's-a-jerk chicken sandwich,

Or the I'd-like-to- club-timmy club?

And instead of a tip,

You can punch me in the head!

Leaving timmy copies on unwish island

To serve gary and his cronies

Was a good idea.

I think they like it.

Almost as much as they dislike timmy.

Yeah, and the timmy copies

Don't just help my enemies...


Timmy's cleaning so fast

He's everywhere at once!

We sure are fortunate

To have a son like timmy.

All: at least somebody likes me!

Timmy: I'm just saying...

What if vicky's father

Suddenly got a new job in new zealand

And she had to move?

Ah! Excellent plan, timmy.

But what did new zealand do to you?


Look out. Someone's coming.

Change into something inconspicuous.

Oh, boy! Face-cake!


[Cosmo grunting]

Cosmo, you need to be more careful

About what you change into.

Yeah, I know.

It's a good thing my scream

Spoiled his appetite.


Cosmo, what's wrong with you?



Oh, yeah?

Why aren't you a goldfish?

Oh, goldfish are so last week.

Jackhammers are all the rage!


Don't lie to me.

Lie?! What are you talking--



I'm sorry, sweetie.


All right, what's going on?

Why do you keep changing into the wrong things?


Are you having problems with your...

You know what?

Ah! No!

My figiggly gland is fine!

No, it's not.

Cosmo's figiggly gland is far from fine.

What's a gigiggly-whoey?

The figiggly gland...

The special magical organ in a fairy's body

That allows us to change shape.

Oh, give it do us straight, dr. Rip studwell.

Meow. Is cosmo sick?

Let me put this to you in terms

Cosmo could understand.


Oh, no!

If I can't disguise myself anymore,

My days as a godparent are over!

I'll have to go back to my old job!

Cosmo, I've got good news and bad news.

The good news is I'm due to tee off at : .

Uh, hello?

Bad news?

Oh, right, the part about you.

The bad news is there's only one treatment

For figiggly gland failure--

A figiggly transplant.

But cosmo is an only child.

Where are we gonna find a donor?

Jorgen: welcome to fairy world

Maximum security prison.

It is here where we house fairy world's

Most dangerous, villainous,

And smelliest criminals.

You will notice

We have equipped all of our prisoners

With anti-flight- and-magic uniforms.

They prevent magic

And are both form-fitting and slimming.

It's true, yo!

Check me out!

I look like one of them

Teeny little runway models.

Exceptin' for my teeth!


And the fact that I'm eating food!


Hey, it's your opposite anti-fairy!

Yes, this is where we keep

The truly evil prisoners--

Like him:


Hello, clarice.

Who's clarice?


Aw, so sorry.

Can't see a thing without my monocle.

I don't like this.

Anti-cosmo is the opposite of cosmo.




Relax, child.

I know you're here

Because cosmo's figiggly gland

Is going bad.

How do you know that?

Because I'm the opposite of you, cosmo,

You ignorant boob.

And my figiggly gland

Is going good.

Moo! My days as an anti-fairy

Are coming to an end.

Our only chance is for jorgen

To let me out of here

So dr. Rip studwell can transplant

Our figiggly glands into each other.

Really? It is all up to me?!

Let me see.

I don't like you.

And I don't like you.


And stay out!

Well, I guess it's back to

My old, unmentionably horrible job.

Not so fast, cosmo.

If jorgen won't let anti-cosmo out,

We'll bust him out.

But, timmy, fairy world prison

Is escape-proof.

Ha! That's what they said about the anti-fairy zone!

And I got anti-cosmo out of there, didn't i?

That was by accident.

And it's the very reason they built this new prison--

To keep evil geniuses in!

Then what we need is something subtle,

And most of all, quiet.


Uh, this is subtle and quiet how?

I can't hear you!

I'm sneaking up on the prison!

What's he saying?


I love you, too!



Timmy: we're gonna use it to tunnel

Under the walls and get anti-cosmo out.

Tunnel?! Wait! No!


We were on a cloud, you idiot!


Any other bright ideas?


Timmy: this prison track meet is bound to work.

Yeah, they'll never expect prisoners

To run away during a prison track meet.





Oh, look!

There is anti-cosmo

About to do the pole-vault.

Tally ho!

Ha ha! I'm free!

So long, suckers!


You know, for an evil genius,

You'd have thought he'd have taken the time

To measure that stick.

Why didn't you?



Time for plan c.


Timmy: maybe anti-cosmo can't fly,

But we can.

Yeah, this plan is perfect!

And now it's not!

Cosmo, you ignorant boob!



You ignorant boobs!

You are so pathetic!


Pathetic fairies!


[Telephone rings]


It's me, dr. Rip studwell,

With bad news and good news.

The bad news is if we don't do

The figiggly transplant soon,

It's going to be too late.

What's the good news?

I'm under par after holes.

See? At least one of us is happy.

Oh, what are we gonna do?!

We're almost out of time.

Hey, this is a diagram

And an escape plan.

Is it from anti-cosmo?

Let me check.

"Dear morons:

"Yes, this escape plan is from me,

Anti-cosmo, evil genius!"

So, who's it from?

This plan is brilliant!

Well, he is the anti-cosmo.

Uh, what does that make me?!

Hurry up!

So, mr. Big-toothed laundry man

And hairy-lipped laundry woman,

Are you ready to leave with your load of "laundry"?

Yeah. You bet.

So, you will not mind if I

Violently stick this pitchfork

Into your "laundry"?

No. No, not at all.

Can we go now?

Well, since your laundry

Isn't screaming like face-cake,


My anti-cosmo sure was right

When he said you'd be so busy

Looking at the laundry basket

You'd never think to look under this thing.

Oh, anti-wanda,

I do love you so much,

But you are such a twit.

I feel your pain.

Yeah, well, prepare to feel my pain!


This way!

No, this way!

Run for the gate!


Cosmo, you ignorant boob,

It's locked.

Yeah, but remember that unmentionably horrible job

I said I hated?

That job was being a magic key!


So many dark locks.

So cold. It's so cold!

Yes, yes, let me summarize:

Cosmo's an idiot, we're very lucky.

Now, if cosmo can stay a key

For about seconds,

We can get out and find our doctor.


Tree, knee,

Flea, letter "g,"

Magic key!


All: hooray!

You fools!

No one escapes jorgen von--




My figiggly gland!

I must find the anti-jorgen!


Wanda: dr. Studwell,

We're here with anti-cosmo

For the transplant.

Fantastic! I've got good news!

All: and bad news.

And more good news.

The first good news is

You just made it.

All: hooray!

The bad news is we don't have time

To get to the hospital.

All: aw.

But the other good news is

I'm a fairy doctor!


You might want to look away.

[Chainsaw sound]

If I don't make it,

Stay away from my wife.

And if I do make it,

Take mine.


Well, doctor?

I've got good news, bad news,

Worse news, and horrible news.

The good news is the operation

Was a complete success,

And cosmo is going to be fine.


Look at me! I'm back to normal!

And I got this really cool scar!

Aagh! Hey!

I thought you were cured.

I am.

I just never get tired of that.

And the bad news is,

Your insurance isn't going to cover this.


The worse news is

Anti-cosmo has escaped.


And the horrible news?

He's on my cell phone for cosmo.

And he called collect.

Your insurance won't cover that either.


Yes, I'll accept the charges.

Cosmo, old friend,

Since we both carry a piece of each other

Inside of us,

I see no reason for us to do battle.

But I warn you: don't look for me.

I said don't look for me!

Bye, timmy! Bye, wanda!

Oh! Oh, no!

Well, that was weird.

For a second, right as he left,

Anti-cosmo sounded just like cosmo.


You don't think that more than

Their figiggly glands got transplanted.

Oh, perish the thought!

Clarice, when did you get here?

Have you seen wanda?
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