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13x07 - Heroes

Posted: 12/03/22 07:54
by bunniefuu
Give me the money. Give me the money.

Empty it out.

Hurry up, hurry up!

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

All of it. Put the money in the bag.

Put the money in the bag, come on.

- Take it easy, huh?
- What're you doing?

I'm just getting a bag, okay?

All of it. Put the money in the bag.

- Come on.
- Hurry up, I need table six.

Hey! Get back! Get back!

Get down!

There's a male with a g*n,
sh**ting people

at the Bel Aire Diner on st Street.

Early s, gray hooded
sweatshirt and jeans.

Greatest superhero,
including Marvel and DC?

- Mm-hmm.
- Got to say Spider-Man.

Aw, Peter Parker's flawed.

That's what I like about him.

He makes mistakes,
but he has good intentions.

Plus he's a native New Yorker.

I'll give you that.

Spidey represents.

But he's a one-woman man.

I don't think you have that in common.

That's only because I haven't
met my Mary Jane yet.

- Oh.
- Okay, what about you?

Wonder Woman.

She's hot, but come on,

what kind of superpowers
does she actually have?

Uh, just superhuman
strength and speed. Hello?

Plus she's got cool boots
and magic bracelets.

I do dig that golden lasso.

Oh, my God!


Police! Police!
Clear the way, clear the way.

Everyone back up.
Clear the way. Back up.

She was shoved in to traffic.

We're going to take care of you, okay?

But you can't move.

Central, -, we are requesting a bus

at th and Washington.

I have a woman struck by a car
at this location.

What happened?

Out of nowhere,
this crazy guy just shoved her.

Did you get a good look at him?

He was in his, uh, s,

uh, green sweatshirt, jeans.

Which way did he go?

He ran that way,
laughing the whole time.

Baez. Hey, Danny.

Hope this isn't gonna become a habit.

- Nice to see you, too.
- Well, what do we got?

I've got a series
of robberies in the -

targeting young women.

This fits the pattern.

Young women being robbed
is part of a pattern?

Well, two perps in broad daylight,
grabbing high-end bags,

and then assaulting
the vic is the pattern.

Yeah, well, sounds like every
other robbery on this street to me.

I think we can handle it
without a babysitter. Thank you.

Doesn't have to be a fight, Danny.

- If it was a fight, you'd know.
- All right.

Look, who's the vic?

Grace Mitchell, Adam Reynolds.

They're boyfriend and girlfriend.

They were both robbed and assaulted?

No, she was robbed by the two guys,

he tried to step in,
he got assaulted, too.

Great. Can we take it from here, boss?

Looking forward to not working with you.


Excuse me. Hey, can we have a word?

Sorry, no can do.

We need to transport them ASAP.

What hospital?

St. Benjamin's.

If this is stranger on stranger,

the city is worse off than I thought.

Call came in approximately : hours.

We responded immediately,

but she was DOA when we got here.

Who called it in?

The witness. Sophia Abetemarco.

years old.
She's kind of shell-shocked.

She hasn't given
a statement or anything.

Where is she now?

She's outside on the back of the bus.

Any other witnesses?

Just her. She was
getting a private lesson.

No other students around.

Anthony, I came as soon as I heard.

Is she okay?

No, she's not okay.

Her ballet teacher, Miss Patty,

was gunned down right in front of her.

Is she hurt?

Not wounds you could see.

Hi, Sophia, how're you doing?

Are you okay?

I'm sorry this happened to you.

Did you happen to see anything?

Um, I...

No, she didn't see anything.

Okay. Well, maybe
we can let Sophia answer?

Maybe you didn't hear me, Erin.

She didn't see anything.

- Dad?
- Uh...

Hey, Malone, can you
help me out over here?

Can you, uh, stand up
and take your jacket off for me?

And then we'll give it to the officer.

Here. Now you got everything you need.

I'm taking Sophia home.

Anthony, uh...

Come on. The car's over there.
Goodbye, Erin.

Officer Hayes.


Have a seat.

DCPI Garrett Moore.

Yes, sir. I've seen you on the news.

And I'm Lieutenant Gormley.

Thanks for coming up so quickly.

As you know, I gave a full statement

to the detectives who responded.

Yeah, we talked to those guys,

and we watched the security footage.

So, you saw he had a g*n,

started sh**ting it without warning.

We did. And you were off duty.

- I was.
- But the guy

didn't come in sh**ting, though, right?

He went to the register first,
and he told the owner

- to empty the drawer.
- Yes.

And you observed that going down?

I did.

Could you walk us through
what you did to stop it?

As I said in my report,

I just figured
I'd let the crime go down,

give a good description after

to minimize people from getting hurt.

Well, once he opened fire,

I'm not sure who you were protecting

by not getting involved.

The report indicates you were armed.

Yes, but I was afraid if I fired,

I might hit an innocent bystander.

So instead you let one civilian die,

two others are clinging
to life in the ICU,

one a -year-old boy.

I've said all there is
to say in my report.

That's all, Officer Hayes.
You're dismissed.

His answers are totally unacceptable.

Ask Baker to come in.

I want to take a hard look at
that surveillance footage again.

I think we got a problem.

I was walking towards the High Line,

and out of nowhere,
this guy just pushed me,

full force, into traffic.

Do you remember anything else?

I remember hitting the hood of the car.

Would you be able to describe him?

No. Honestly, I was too busy

taking in the buildings and all.

I had just arrived an hour before,

unpacked my bags
and walked out to see the city.

I'm so sorry this happened to you.

From the time I was five,
I've wanted to come to New York City.

This is my graduation present
from my parents.

You're here by yourself?

I have friends here.

I was supposed to meet them
in the Village for drinks,

but I told them I couldn't make it.

Well, is there anyone
we can call for you?

Can you call me a cab to take
me back to Albuquerque?

Well, your injuries are minor at least.

So you can still enjoy
the rest of your trip.

Are you serious?

I don't want to go anywhere
except home and away from here.

I never want to come here again.

I know, you could write
an interim order,

call it the "Hero Clause."

That ought to get people lining up

to put their life on the line

every hour of every day

at a starting salary of ,.

I think the guy
should get a serious rip.

I think he should be
sent for retraining.

Well, I think he should be fired.

Well, clearly, I'm in the minority here.

You got that right.

I'm not one for fantasy.

I prefer my feet firmly planted.

What're you talking about?

Well, while you all weigh in

on what should happen to Officer Hayes,

you ought to go back and read
the Active sh**t Manual again.

It only mentions on-duty personnel.

There's no decision to make
about Officer Hayes

because, technically,
he did nothing wrong.

Give me a break, Garrett. He's a coward.

Morally? Ethically?
Maybe you have a point.

Legally? Procedurally? None.

Why am I the only one
willing to acknowledge this?

I'm not a cop. I'm sorry,

I missed the secret
handshake on the way in.

Please, let's not go there again.

Sid, Abigail, give us the room.

You've got something to say, say it.

I believe I did.

I'm just trying to keep you
from firing someone

without due cause,

and keeping your response
to the press on point.

My response to the press is:

Officer Hayes dishonored his shield

and will be fired
for dereliction of duty.

- Really, Frank?
- That is my opinion.

You can't have an opinion.

This is about facts,

not about how you feel
about Officer Hayes' actions.

I might not be a cop,

but I know how to separate the two.

Excuse me. Detective Reagan.

This is my partner Detective Baez.

We were wondering if we
could ask you some questions

about the men who robbed
and assaulted you.

Yeah, sure.

There was...

There was two of them.

Both wearing baseball caps.

Did they refer to each other by name,

or have any distinguishing
features or marks?

Um, they were both
in their late s, early s.

One Hispanic, one African-American.

I'd just paid the bill.
We'd just finished breakfast,

and I was just waiting
for the credit card back.

And I told Adam I'd meet him outside.

It's a nice neighborhood,
I wanted some air.

I had just got to the car

when one of them came up behind me

and, um, grabbed me and...

He tried to take my purse.

Did they have any weapons?

I don't know.

He just said, "Give me your bag, bitch."

And I said, "No."

Why should I hand over
everything to that punk?

Mainly because he could've k*lled you.

Do you remember what happened next?

When I didn't let go, that's
when he punched me in the face.

And then I came out
and I rushed over to Grace,

but then the other guy, he grabbed me

and he threw me to the ground
and just started stomping on me.

And the other one just kept...

He just kept kicking me.

Would you be able to sit
with a sketch artist?

I'll do anything I can
to get them off the street.

Absolutely. Same here.

Good, and we'll do
everything we can to find them.

She's a real badass.

And lucky he didn't
have a knife or a g*n.

Well, I didn't say she was smart,
I said she's a badass.

Hard to see their faces
with the baseball caps on.

I have footage from the other
side of the street, too.

Can you zoom in on the phone?

- Kind of blurry.
- Yeah.

Hey, so you were right.

The as*ault on your two vics isn't part

of the pattern of assaults
that we've been investigating.

Hmm, what do you know?

Maybe you should leave the investigating
to us next time, huh?

Okay, so you don't want me to
tell you about the cop

who just collared a guy in possession

of one of Grace Mitchell's credit cards?

That's great.

Tell your officer to hold him there

until we can get
over there and question him.

Oh, you want a favor?

I thought I was supposed to
leave the investigating to you.

Hey, how's Sophia?

She's upset, Anthony.

I'll talk to her.

Not right now.
She's talking to a therapist.

A therapist? What're you talking about?

You know, just to help
with what she saw.

Anthony, she hasn't been able to eat.

She's upset and agitated,
and when I told Erin...

- You told Erin?
- Well, she came by to check on Sophia,

and when I told her,

she suggested
Sophia talk to a therapist.

And you didn't think to call me?

I just figured you knew

since it was coming from your office.

You went behind my back? Really?

What're you talking about?

You set Sophia up with
a counselor, and, what,

you didn't think it was
important to let me know?

Well, I thought Vivian
would've told you.

Yeah, well, she didn't.

Look, I'm just trying to help.

Yeah, well, people always say that

right before they screw things up.

Look, Anthony,

I don't think you're looking at this
the right way.

I'll tell you what I'm looking at:

a prosecutor who'll do
anything to get an indictment.

That's not fair, and you know it.

I'm her father, Erin.

I'll decide what's best for my daughter.

You're just gonna
victimize her all over again.

We have a suspect.

Who is he?

An ex-boyfriend of Miss Patty's.

We have surveillance video
of him leaving the ballet studio

with blood on his shirt.

Okay, so that's case closed.

Not by a long shot.

We both know it's gonna take

more than that to prove he's guilty.

Sophia saw the m*rder.

We need her to come in
and talk about what she saw,

hopefully ID him.

So this lunatic can go after her?

I will make sure she's protected.

Stop it, Erin.

You can't guarantee that,
and you know it.

Okay, I can guarantee that
if she doesn't come in

and talk about what she saw,
he could go out

and hurt someone else,
or even k*ll someone else.

Or Sophia could get k*lled.

Anthony, she is old enough
to come in here

and answer some questions,

and I think that's what she needs to do.

I don't want to have to subpoena her.

Do what you need to do.


- Ready to go?
- Come here.

Take a look at this.
It's video footage from the traffic cam

where Sarah Longo was pushed.

I thought this was kicked
upstairs to the squad.

Detective Giorgio likes me.

Yeah, you'll solve his case for him,
and he'll take all the credit.

I don't care about that.

It was put through facial recognition.

So, now all we do is cross our fingers.

I really want to get
this guy off the street.

Me, too. Guy is pure evil.

- I feel bad for her, too.
- I get that,

but honestly, she should be thankful

that she doesn't have worse injuries.

Don't tell me you're one of those people

that make themselves
feel better about things

by imagining an even
worse tragedy happening?

Yes, I am. I own that.

We got a match on facial recognition.

Okay, meet Michael Harris.
Oh, serial offender.

as*ault, possession of a w*apon,

harassment, attempted m*rder.

Wow, that's great.
Should we let the squad know?

We should go pick him up,
and then we'll let the squad know.

See? Sarah Longo is lucky after all.

We got your subpoena.

Are you kidding me?

- Look, Anthony...
- Yeah, don't, okay?

Some friend you are.

Yeah, I am, and I'm hoping
you eventually realize that.

You would have never done this to Nicky.

You would have never
put her though this.

Yes, I would, and if I wasn't,

I would hope you would do
something to make me see the light.

Yeah, well, the difference is
I wouldn't interfere

with how you parent your daughter.

This has nothing to do with parenting.

What do you think is going to happen

if you don't encourage Sophia
to talk about what she saw?

You think it's just
gonna magically disappear?

I'm trying to keep her safe.

- So am I.
- By what,

putting her in front of a grand jury?

Look, Anthony,

I am going to prep her in this office

before she testifies to make sure
that she knows exactly

what to expect. Just get her in here.

You're interested
in one thing and one thing only.

It's the right thing to do.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Erin.

Do you think I'm a hard ass?

I think it depends.

Not the answer I was looking for.

Well, if the situation warrants,

you can be... rightfully demanding.

How's that?

What's on your mind?

Anthony's -year-old daughter Sophia

was the only witness to a m*rder.


And he doesn't want her cooperating.

And he...

thinks I only care about the case.

Well, Erin...

At the end of the day,
you have to do what you think's right,

even if it puts you at odds with...

...your most trusted confidante.

Are we still talking about me here?

Well, let's just say being
a hard ass runs in the family.

Anything to do with the off-duty
officer in the diner sh**ting?

Yeah. According to the guidelines,

he did nothing wrong, and Garrett thinks

every cop doesn't have to be a hero.

And that I have no right to demand that.

Well, except you had a son
who made the ultimate sacrifice,

so, yeah, I think that qualifies you.

See? Now, there's the hard ass answer.

You assaulted Grace Mitchell
and Adam Reynolds

and you stole their belongings.


You got it all wrong, dude.

Okay, dude, then tell me what happened.

I found that card. On the street.

Right, you found it on the street,

and you just started using it.

Yeah. Finders keepers.

Finders keepers, huh? Well, well.

Oh, wow. Look what I found.

A cell phone belonging to Maurice.

But I guess it actually
belongs to us now

because, well, finders keepers.

Hey, you can't see my phone.

- Why not?
- 'Cause it's mine.

Hmm. Well, you said yourself,
finders keepers.

What don't we have CCS
hack into this for us, okay?

Don't y'all need, like,
a warrant or something?

Actually, we don't.
Unless we have your permission.

Oh. Then you don't.

- Hmm.
- You know this guy

has two felony convictions?

That's really bad news
for him, isn't it?

Hey, I did my time.

- Right.
- Oh, but did you know

that having two prior felony convictions

means that this time,
this felony conviction

will get you mandatory years to life.

- Mm-hmm.
- What're you talking about?

What she's talking about
is you're a three-time loser,

so the only thing standing between you

and years is us.

And once we pick up your accomplice,

and he decides to cooperate,
then he'll get the deal,

- and you'll...
- Go up the proverbial creek.

You know which one that is right?

You made your point.

- You want to unlock the phone?
- Mm-hmm.

I'll unlock it.

Carefully. Make sure
you don't erase anything.

What time was the as*ault?

Um, :.

What do you know?
"She's on the way out now."

Sent at :. That from your partner?

Nah, it's from the dude
who paid us to do it.

What dude?

The chick's boyfriend. Adam.

Hi, Sophia, how you doing?

- A little nervous.
- Okay.

Well, there's nothing
to be nervous about.

I'm going to be here,
and I won't ask you

to do anything that
makes you uncomfortable.

And you don't have to answer anything

that makes you uncomfortable, either.

Okay, do you want to have a seat?

Emily's gonna help us out today.

Can I see you outside?

- So, you can't be here, okay?
- Why not?

Because you're not a D.A.
investigator on this, you're a dad.

And you think I'm just going to
leave her alone in there?

She's not alone, she's with me,

and she's with a paralegal.
She'll be fine.

I don't know about this, Erin.

Anthony, I need to get her ready
for the grand jury.

Okay? She will be safe and protected,

and I will send someone
to get you when we're done.

Okay, let's get started.

You recognize him?

- No.
- That's funny,

because he told us that you hired him

and his brother to rob your girlfriend.

And we've already got a subpoena,
for your text messages.

You don't have anything.

Hmm, okay. Well, then maybe
we should bring Grace in here

and she could tell us
what happened herself.

My God, why would you bring her here?

I thought you didn't have
anything to hide.

We'll just bring her in
and show her Maurice's picture.

Of course, then we'll have to show her
the text messages

between you and Maurice.

You know, the ones where you warned him

that she was coming
out of the restaurant

just in time for him
to rob her and as*ault her.

No, I'd never do anything

to hurt Grace, okay? Just the opposite.

Like hire two guys
to rob her and beat her up?

They weren't supposed to really attack.

They were supposed to
pretend to rob her.


So I could come out
and stop the robbery,

and those guys
were supposed to run away,

pretending to be scared of me.

Sacred of you? To what end?

I wanted to be a hero, you know?

She'd think I saved her,

and then she wouldn't
want to break up with me.

You did this because you thought

she was going to break up with you?

One of her friends told me
she was getting bored.

So, to spice things up,
you hire a couple of criminals

to scare the crap out of her
and beat her up?

I told you, they were never supposed to

lay their hands on her. I swear.

But then the guy,
he tried to steal her bag,

and she fought back,

she wouldn't give it up,

and then that's when they
started hitting her for real.

So now it's her fault
that she got beat up? Not yours.

No, it just...

It wasn't supposed to go down like that.

That wasn't the plan.
I tried to intervene,

I tried to get her to let it go,

but then they started...

punching and kicking me, too.

Some hero you are.

Thanks for coming up.

If this is a disciplinary
meeting of some sort,

I'm not comfortable answering
questions without my union rep.

Nah, you don't need your union rep.

Internal Affairs cleared
you of any wrongdoing.

That's great news.


He in? I need a word with him.

Not right now.

- That's Officer Hayes.
- It is.

I didn't get a memo about the meeting.

The boss didn't think it was necessary.

So they said you did
what you were required to do.

You called , and that is
considered taking action.

And I gave a great
description of the perp.

Absolutely right.

From your hiding place
under the counter.

Excuse me?

Somehow you managed to do

the minimum you were required to do.

There's nothing that says I have
to put my life on the line.

If I'd have fire,
I could've been k*lled.

You're not exactly a guy I'd
want to be in a foxhole with.

We're not in a foxhole, we're in a city,

one that likes to crucify cops
for any and every infraction.

If I'd have used my w*apon
and shot an innocent,

I'd be on the cover of
the Post, labeled a m*rder*r.

Instead of a coward?

I did what I had to.

You have no recourse.

You're absolutely right about that.

You're dismissed.

Oh, by the way...

Monday, you are to
report to your new position

at Fleet Services.

Fleet Services? That's in Queens.

I live in Staten Island.

Is that a problem, Officer?

That's a rubber g*n squad.
You can't do that.

Actually, according to

the Patrol Guide you so revere...

I can.

Enjoy your new post.

So, we arrested him
and now he's at Central Booking,

and he's awaiting arraignment.

And the judge will probably let him off

with no bail,
like everyone else these days.

He has a record, so that
will be taken into account.


Which one's your favorite?


I didn't go to any.

You haven't left your
hotel room since the attack?


Not that it's any of your business.


Can I be left alone now?

Come on. Let's go.

She literally hasn't left her
room since this happened.

I know. It is not our problem.

We're not ambassadors to every tourist

who gets taken for a ride

and then wants to blame the entire city.

Most of the time, all we see
is the underside of the city,

and we never let it get to us.

Exactly. Congratulations to us.

Now, let's get back to work.

You know what? You're absolutely right.

- There you go.
- Grace,

the D.A. said she can
talk to you later today.

Do you want me to organize
a ride home for you?

No, um... No, no, it's okay. I can...

I can walk from here. Thanks.

You son of a bitch!

You are nothing but a coward!

I'm sorry.

I hope you rot in prison.

Get him out of here.

Thank you for all your help.

Of course.

And thank you.

Congrats on closing your case.

You're welcome.

You know, he did help us
close this case.

I'm aware of that. Thank you.

Then why do you always
have to make it so awkward?

Why can't you just say, "Thank you?"

I will next time, okay, Mom?

I'm just saying,

he tried to make an effort with you.

It's nothing to do with any
past disagreements we've had.

I think you're a little
too old for a sibling rivalry.

It's not that either.

Well, what is it then?

You do realize when he was shot,

it was working one of our cases, right?

Yeah, but that was just a coincidence.

No, to you it was.

To me, it was my worst nightmare.

What, the fear of losing
another brother?


It's more than that. You know...

I've seen my dad afraid once.

In my entire life, one time.

That was the night
my brother Joe was k*lled.

years, I never saw him afraid.

And he's never been the same since.

It's understandable.

No, I know that, but I also
made a promise that night

that I would do everything
and anything in my power

to make sure he never
had to experience that again.

Jamie being a cop
and working with us, it just...

makes it a little difficult
to keep that promise.

Because you think
it's your job to keep him safe?

I don't know. I...

I know I can't do that.

It's just, when he works with us,

I just wish he would
stay on the sidelines

and stay out of harm's way. That way...

That way, I can keep from
disappointing my old man again.

Losing another brother on my watch...

But Jamie doesn't know that,

and to him, you just come across
as an ass most of the time.

You really want that?




You want a drink or something to eat?

No, I just popped by to tell you

that Sophia is definitely
her father's daughter.

She gave great details on the m*rder,

and picked the suspect out
from a double-blind photo array.

The ex-boyfriend?

Yeah, being arrested as we speak.

That's good.

But, you know, um...

...the most disappointing part
of all this

is you didn't think I had
Sophia's best interests at heart.

- Erin, look...
- No, you listen to me.

You're like family to me,
and so is Sophia.

The fact that you didn't trust me,

or even questioned my motives,

well, that just... hurt.

It hurt.

You ever add up how much money

you've put into this car over the years?

You can't put a price on nostalgia.

So true.

I had my first kiss in that car.

Kenny LeBrandy.

Joe taught me how to drive in this car.

That would explain why
you still can't make a U-turn.

You know, I went to my
senior prom in this car.

With Marie Romano.

Ah, also known as "Double D" Marie.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, well,

I can tell you
from experience, she wasn't.

Congratulations on, uh, closing
the case against Adam Reynolds.

We charged him with conspiracy.

Wow. He gonna see any time?

First offense, three to five.

Good. Well, I couldn't have
closed it without Jamie.

That's not true.

It is true.

Why are you being so nice, anyway?

Hmm, he's probably looking for
someone to take over his dish duty.

No, I'm not. I just...

realize that I can be
a pain in the ass sometimes.

Sorry. Sometimes, or all the time?

I'm not talking to you.


And arrogant.

Arrogant, yes. Arrogant.

And often ungrateful.

That's why nobody ever
wants to apologize to a Reagan.

They make it impossible.

Wait, was this you apologizing?

Uh, did you hear an apology?
I didn't hear one. Definitely not.

It was.

And it is an apology.

That looked like it hurt. Are you okay?

- It still hurts.
- Yeah.

I'm gonna go inside.

That... That was awkward.

You okay?

I'm okay. Sorry.

You really transferred
the guy to Fleet Services?

He'll have a lot
to think about on his commute.

That he will.

You're pretty ruthless. Just saying.

So I've been told.

Some might say a "hard ass."

I think you did the right thing.

- I agree.
- A cop's still a cop,

it shouldn't matter what
suit of clothes he's wearing.

Well said.

I get you're looking at this through

your own ethical lens,

but won't there be blowback
if you discipline him

when he didn't break any rules?

I didn't discipline him,
I just transferred him.

A distinction without a difference.

Hey, some guys
aren't cut out for patrol.

But, he wasn't on patrol.
He was off duty.

A distinction without a difference.

I mean, you can train
and you can prepare,

but you never know until
you're in that moment

if you have what it takes or not.

I'm with Dad on this.

There's no room in
the department for anybody

who's not willing to step up and act

when someone's life is on the line.

"Courage is not the absence of fear,
but the triumph over it."

"And the brave man is not he
"who does not feel afraid,

but he who conquers that fear."

Martin Luther King?

Nelson Mandela.

I still think it's harsh punishment

for inaction when you're off duty.

Well, you haven't seen
harsh punishment from him

until you tried telling him
you don't want to get up early

for Mass on a Sunday morning.

Hey, I was trying to build character.


Looking around the table, Francis,

I think it worked.

Amen to that.

Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts,

which we are about to receive,
from thy bounty...

You did a great job.
I'm so proud of you.

Thanks. It wasn't as scary
as I thought it would be.

Hi. Hi.

Sophia, this is Jennifer,
Miss Patty's daughter.


I just want to thank you so much

for coming forward like you did.

It was really brave.

I'm really sorry about your mom.

Thank you.

Hey, who was that?

Miss Patty's daughter.

Sophia did a great job
testifying in front of the grand jury.

You're free to take her home.

Thank you, Ms. Reagan.

- Erin, please.
- Erin.

I know this wasn't easy,
but you can go home

knowing you're helping to put
a really bad man away.


Come on, honey.

I got you one.

Officer Hayes is filing
a grievance with the union.

Let him. He doesn't
have a leg to stand on.

Optics aren't great.
It'll look like punishment.

Which is exactly what you want.

I may not have walked a beat,

but I understand more than you think.

And what is it you think
you understand, Garrett?

Why this case gets to you.

I understand that if you'd been
the guy sitting in that diner,

you would have gotten involved.

I sense a parable.

And that diner owner
and those two victims

would likely be having dinner
with their own families tonight.

And maybe your family
would be at your funeral.

Because that's how you roll.

It occurred to me that
you expect Officer Hayes

to intervene.

You expected him to put his
life on the line without question.

There's no part of you that
doesn't understand why he didn't.

You think that's what cops do.

But you don't?

I get the theoretical,

but honestly, Frank,

do you really expect someone off duty

to possibly get themselves k*lled

as some sort of self-sacrifice
to save innocents?

Yeah, I do.

There is the letter, and a spirit,

in the oath we take.

A good cop has to honor both.

All these years in, you still
idealize the profession.

Oh, I turned in my rose-colored lenses

for readers a long time ago.

You're unique in how
you look at the world,

I'll give you that.

Is that your way
of saying I'm a dinosaur?

Sort of like the way
you didn't invite me

to your meeting with Hayes
as your way of saying

things are going to be done
your way, protocol be damned.

I didn't invite you to the meeting

because it was a personnel matter.

Like hell. You didn't invite me
because I didn't agree with you.

I have never demanded
consensus from you, Garrett.

No, but when a case
gets under your skin,

you don't want to hear
anything but your side.

But what do I know? I'm not a cop.

For what it's worth, I think
you'd make a great cop.

Thank you.

But no, not by your standards.

I'd be the guy under the table
dialing , too.

Maybe not, given the day.

Oh, absolutely. Any day.

We're both better off
with me where I am,

the thorn in your side.

Not always.

But just enough.


I do trust you.

It hasn't felt that way lately.

Look, I just wanted more
than anything to protect her

from all the horrible
stuff in the world,

and I felt like a failure
because I couldn't.

But you can't protect her from this.

It's random, heat of the moment.

You're right.

And that's the logical way
to look at it,

but I wasn't thinking logically.

Look, it's hard for you to understand,

with your family and all,
but when I was growing up,

we didn't talk about things.

It was more like,
ignore it and it'll go away.

Even "I love you" sounded more like,

"Have you checked the oil lately?"

I get it, I do,

but it doesn't mean you need to
carry on the tradition.

I'm learning.

How's she doing?

Honestly, she's happier
since she testified.

I mean, still traumatized,
don't get me wrong, but

I can tell she's proud of herself.

Feels like she made
a difference, you know?

She did make a difference.

When the defense read her
grand jury testimony,

they agreed to discuss a plea.

- Wow. That's great.
- Yeah,

Sophia won't have to go through a trial.

Ah, that's such a relief, Erin.

I hope you can forgive me.

Well, that depends.

On what?

Dinner. I haven't eaten.

Well, how about if I take you
to the best Italian meal

you ever had at Da Nico's
on Mulberry Street?

Well, that sounds like a
throw-down if I ever heard one.

My car's around the corner. I'll drive.

One question though:

have you checked the oil lately?

I don't understand.
What're we doing here?

There's someone we'd like you to meet.

- Oh, no, I don't want to meet anyone.
- Oh, no, no, no.

You're gonna want to meet her,

she's a real New Yorker.

She's seen worse than
you happen in New York.

And she still loves
the city with a passion.

The Statue of Liberty?

- You got it.
- Really?

Our shields don't get us
too much these days,

but it can still get us
into certain landmarks

without having to wait.

I don't know what to say. Really...

I've never been on a boat before.

- What?
- Wait till I tell my parents.

Wait. Should I get
a New York hot dog before we go?

- Uh, yeah.
- You got to get a New York hot dog,

- I suppose.
- Okay.

- Yeah?
- Hi.

What happened to Mr. "We are not
ambassadors to every tourist"?

Yeah, I couldn't get my dad's
voice out of my head.

How so?

He was from the Dominican Republic.

Came to New York in .

Loved the city the minute he arrived.

So, every time a new relative came by,

he would drag us to every
tourist attraction in Manhattan

because he wanted to make
sure everyone else loved it, too.

Oh, my God.

It's so beautiful.

How about you let that be
your memory of New York City?

I will. And thank you.

Thank you both.

Hey, can I get a picture with you guys?

- Uh, yeah.
- Of course you can.

I am a model, so of course.

Say, "Cheese."

- Cheese.
- Cheese.

- There you go.
- Thank you.

This is a really good thing
you did today, Badillo.

Can't wait to tell
the rest of the squad.

Oh, no. No way. You can't.

- What?
- I have a reputation to uphold.

Okay, tough guy,

your secret's safe with me.

Thank you.

I bet your dad would be
so impressed with you today.