04x11 - Fairy Friends & Neighbors!/Just the Two of Us!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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04x11 - Fairy Friends & Neighbors!/Just the Two of Us!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ Because in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!

Floaty, crowny things!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse rubber goose ♪

♪ Green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake ♪

♪ Large fries, chocolate shake! ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents!

Vicky: yeah, right.

Hey, dinkleburgs,

Up for a game of extreme twisty?

Sorry, turner.

Still sore from last night's game.


Guess what you're doing tonight.

I can't feel my legs!


Hey, pfeiffers,

We want to take you to a fancy french restaurant.

Oh, my gosh!

Quick, to the turner shelter!


Timmy: oh, no.

My snail sense is tingling.

I can't swallow with this neck brace.


Hey, chamberlains!

The incredibly dull opera

That we know timmy would hate is in town,

And we've got extra tickets!



The alligators are new.

Oh, great.

My parents are so annoying--ptoo!--

They don't have any adult friends

To hang out with.

And now they're gonna drag me to the opera

Where I'll die of boredom.

Oh, come on, timmy.

No one has ever died of boredom.

♪ Aaaaaah

I stand corrected.

Timmy: opera?


Vultures picking at my neck brace?

Could you get this thing off me?


I'm sick of having to

Hang with my parents all the time.

I wish they had adult friends.

Man, I feel sorry for whatever suckers

Get stuck with that job.

Man: ding-dong!

Let me ring the bell next time.


I'm cosmo.

And I'm wanda.

Both: and we're your fairy...


New neighbors. Yeah.


I didn't see any houses for sale.

Um, we're in the one,

Uh, uh, right above you.



I never noticed a house floating above ours.

Not much of a yard.


So, uh, enough small talk.

What would you like to do?


We used all our boring ideas on timmy.

Let's do something cool!

I can't believe we're actually in china

Eating chinese food.

Well, it is the best place for chinese food.

But here it's just called food.

Yeah, and we got here so fast--

Almost like magic.

Good thing vicky was able to baby-sit

At the last minute.

You expect me to let you get away with this?!

Heh heh heh!

No, mr. Twerp!

I expect you to cry!

Heh heh!

Bye, new adult friends.

Bye, new human friends.



Thank goodness you're home.

Vicky can leave now, right?


We just came home to change.

We're going to the drag races.



Can I come, please?

No way!

It's the "don't drag your kids to the races" races.


Heh heh heh!

You're where?

Climbing the matterhorn.

No, you can't come.

It's the "only adults matter"...horn.

Ahh, it's just a goalie.


The moon?

Wow, can I go?!

No way.

It's the moo...

Uh, no, you can't come.

Heh heh heh!

You're gonna clean that.

Heh heh heh!

Bye, cosmo and wanda.

See you tomorrow, timmy's parents.

Ding! Dong!

Oh, look at timmy.

He looks so sad.


Well, he is our only son.

Maybe you should spend more time with him.

We can't cancel on cosmo and wanda.

That's rude.

But we can't ignore our child, either.


That's ruder and punishable by law.


We have to get cosmo and wanda to cancel.

We'll be so obnoxious to cosmo and wanda tomorrow night,

They won't invite us for anything ever again.


Be rude to not be rude?

Crazy, but it just might work.


And I want all these onions peeled

By the time I'm back here tonight!

Heh heh heh!

Both: yes!

Look at them.

Vicky might be making my life more difficult,

But at least my parents are happy.

Yeah, but you're miserable.

I can handle it, really.

I want mom and dad to have a good time.

I'll figure out a way

To have some fun with my friends.

Now, what's the most fun a kid can have

When his parents aren't home?

I am not putting on a blindfold and playing

"Pin the teeth on chip skylark."

Winner gets bucks.

Give me that!

And here's some loud rock music

To, uh, help you concentrate.

[Music playing]

Ok, guys! Coast is clear!


It's good to be king.

Ready? Yes.

Remember, we're doing this for timmy,

So be rude, but be subtle.

Subtle is my middle name.

Hi, everyone.

We-- oh, wanda,

That is about the most disgusting dress

I've ever seen.

Have you gained weight,

A lot of weight?

Uh, ok.

How's the coffee here?

You tell me.


Sounds hot.

Hey, find out for yourself.


It burns!

But now I'm wide awake.

[Rock music playing]


Dude, how many people did you invite?

Just a few friends.

[Helicopter whirring]

[Engines revving]



Although this could be trouble.

[Dogs barking]


Oh, wanda, I'm sorry...


I hope you don't hate us

And ask us to leave, forever.

Why would we do that?

Have you gained weight?

A lot of weight?

Will you excuse me for a second?

Here's the flaming shish kabobs

And target bibs you ordered, ma'am.

Um, I'll go see what wanda's doing.

What are you doing?

Checking the rules

To see if there's anything against

Eliminating your godchild's parents.

These people are jerks!

Darn it.


They've been gone a long time.

Hmm. Maybe they're dead.

Quick, let's establish an alibi.

Hey, they're gone.

Wanda, what did you do?

Oh, thank heavens.

As long as timmy hasn't done anything

To get him into monumentally gigantic trouble,

Everything will be fine.


And he said, "is that a chevy?"

And I said, "no. That's a fjord!"

Ha ha ha!


Mom: timmy turner!

Young man, you are in monumentally gigantic trouble!

No, no.

It's ok.

Mom, dad, you're home early.

Not early enough.

You missed a k*ller band.


All our neighbors are here?

We're sorry we couldn't go out with you before,

But we didn't know how cool you were.

Ha ha ha!

And I thought you might be

An annoying family of vampires,

But your son has convinced us otherwise.

From now on, we have to hang out a lot more.

Timmy, can we speak with you privately?


Without your scary viking friends?

Guys, it's cool.


Son, on the one hand,

We know you've been feeling neglected.

But on the other hand,

You didn't have permission to throw a party.

Aw, she said it was ok.




Mom: you see,

We just wanted to spend more time with our son,

So we're sorry if we hurt your feelings.

Or your bones or your heads or your skin.

Oh, that's ok.

Uh, we're just sorry we have to suddenly move away.

Back to timmy's goldfish bowl!

Uh, did I say,

"Back to timmy's goldfish bowl"?

I meant, back to timm...oo...la...

No, you can't come.

Ding! Cookie!

It's over.

Aah! Aah!

So, am I in trouble because of that party?


Yes, you are.

Because you didn't invite us.

Hit it!

[Loud music playing]

Aw, man, we never get invited to anything.




Ice skating sure is fun,

Especially when you have a*t*matic training blades.

Or you don't have skates.

I know.

This is gonna be the best day of skating ever.

Man: all right.

It's time for couples skate!

Boys, go partner up with that special girl

So you won't look like

One of the only losers without a date.


Oh, no!

We're the only people without dates.

What do you mean, we?

I brought my emergency couples skating kit.

You better call me after this.


What am I gonna do?

Is the answer "be humiliated"?

Not necessarily.

Look, there's trixie.

Why don't you ask her?

Hey, you're right.

Even though she's shot me down

Every time I've asked her before,

This could be her big chance to do it on ice.

All: gosh, you're pretty!


Face it, dude,

The only way trixie would skate with you

Is if you were the only boy in the whole school.

Hey, watch the hands.


That's it!

I wish I was the only boy in school!

Careful with that wish, sport.

Being alone with someone for a long time

Can get annoying if it's not the right person.

What are you trying to say?

Are you leaving me?

I thought you loved me!


Now that I'm the only boy in school,

Trixie will have no choice

But to spend time with me.

Bonsoir, mademoiselle.

I am french boy from a french school

And therefore not from your school at all.

Shall we skate while I tell you

How pretty you are, cherie?


You should have been more specific.

All right.

How about:

"I wish I was the last boy on earth"?

Do you mind?


Finally, trixie will be mine.

Whoa. Sorry about that.

[Clears throat]

Earth female,

As you can see from my gelatinous body

And many waving tentacles,

I am clearly not a boy of this earth.

Shall we slide around on this bed of frozen liquid

That is somehow clearly amusing to you earth people?

Oh, give me a break.

How about: "I wish trixie and I

"Were the only two humans and or intelligent life forms

"On earth besides my fairy godparents

And trixie didn't question why"?

Now you're being specific.

I can be specific, too...

About some things.


Anybody here?


Weird, huh?

It's like we're the last two people on earth.

That means there are less people around to adore me.

I need somebody to adore me!

Uh, I'm here.


Ha ha!

Don't ever leave my side!

[Laughing hysterically]

Say it!

Uh, wow, you're pretty.

Whew! Thank you.

Come on.

Let's have some fun and do stuff

While you compliment and adore me.

Timmy, honk your horn.

Gosh, you're pretty.

Gosh, you're pretty.

I know.

I know.



Now, tell me I'm pretty.

You're pretty.

Ha ha!

Say it again!

You're pretty.

Come on.

This has been so great

Being the only two people on earth.

I'm hungry.

Feed me and tell me I'm pretty.

I have an idea.

Timmy, you've made me so happy.

But we were meant to be together,

Forever and ever and ever.

Well, sport, what do you say you wish

Everything back the way it was before

You-know-who gets a little you-know-what?


You're talking about me, aren't you?

Why do you hate me?!


No way!

I love this.

I'm never gonna unwish this wish.

Trixie: timmy!

Where are you, snookums?

Right here, angel.


Where did you go?

Why aren't you here complimenting me?

I just did.

Not in that last sentence!


I missed you.

Didn't you miss me?

Where did you go?!

Uh, the boys' room.

Don't lie to me.

Who's in there?

What's her name?

Tell me I'm pretty!

I should be safe in this part of the store.

Women hate electronics.

Why aren't you wearing that sweater

I picked out for you

In the junior men's department?

I was just getting some, uh...soup.

We're all out of cream of "gosh, you're pretty,"

And now I'm off to get a box of

"I gotta get out of here" cereal!

Hurry back!

Oh, man.

She's gone nuts.

Timmy, I'm not one to gloat, but...

I told you so, I told you so!

Ha ha ha!

Wait, wait.

I'm not done.

Ha ha ha!

Ok, I'm done.

♪ Go, wanda

♪ Go, wanda go, wanda ♪

Trixie: timmy!

What's taking so long?

Trixie's used to having

Hundreds of boys adoring her.

With just me here,

She wants me to adore her

As much as hundreds of boys.

I've gotta get out of this relationship.

I gotta unwish this wish!

Good idea.

Oh, so you're with him again.

She's mine, pal!

Back off, punk!

Auto parts!

She'll never look in here.

Can't break free.

Only one thing to do.

Sweetie, you're not trying to gnaw your own arm off

Like a trapped coyote, are you?


Oh, no, no, no.

I was just thinking, you know.

Uh, I guess I have to do this the hard way.

Do what the hard way?

Are you breaking up with me?

Oh, man.

I never thought I'd say this, but yes, I am.

I'm breaking up with you.

I knew it.

You were trying to chew your arm off

In a desperate attempt at freedom.

Trixie, it's not you.

It's me.

Well, actually, it is you--

Too much of you.

I need some time for myself.

You can understand that, can't you?


And you can understand

That if I can't have you, nobody can!

Am I pretty?


Note to self:

Never break up with a girl

In the violent gardening tool section!

Gotta find cosmo and wanda and unwish this wish!

[Engine roars]

Love hurts!

And it makes a fine mulch for your lawn or garden.


Timmy, you need to wish fast because--

Timmy, timmy, timmy.

What about my needs?

I couldn't throw her off in auto parts,

But I should be safe in sporting goods.

Trixie: if you're keeping score,

It's -love.

Or should I say love-less?!

Ah! You're pretty?

That's not going to work anymore!

But thank you, though.


Cosmo! Wanda!

Aw, come on!

Is there anything they don't sell here?

Trixie: oh, timmy,

Since it's technologically impossible

For me to miss you...

I'll miss you!

"Missiles sold separately"?

Huh? We're in the book section.

Timmy would never look here.

Cosmo, stop.

I've been with you for more than , years.

Don't you think if I wanted to leave,

I'd have left by now?


Oh, I love you, you idiot.

Now, give me a hug.

Can't...break free.


Ah! I need my space.

Is this what it's like for timmy?

Ooh, I gotta unwish this wish.

Timmy: aah!


Hi, timmy.


Talk about your messy break-ups.

Quick, unwish the wish.

Quit following me.


I wish all the people on earth were back--

And by people, I mean people and aliens!

And I wish trixie didn't remember any of this!

I'm back!

A hostile alien bent on taking over the world!

I mean, a harmless girl scout.

Who wants cookies?

[School bell rings]

I never thought I'd say this,

But yay, other people!

All: gosh, you're pretty.

But I am done with couple stuff for a while.

It's just gonna be about me, me, me.

Good news, class.

Today is romantic lab partner day.

Choose your partners!


Get the emergency romantic lab partners kit!

Tell me I'm pretty.


Oh, poor timmy.

Someday he'll figure out

That he has to find someone

He has the right chemistry with.

Get it, cosmo?

Stop breathing my air!

It's not me, it's you.

Tell me I'm pretty.
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