04x09 - The Big Superhero Wish!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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04x09 - The Big Superhero Wish!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ Because in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!

Floaty, crowny things!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse rubber goose ♪

♪ Green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake ♪

♪ Large fries, chocolate shake! ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents!

Vicky: yeah, right.

♪ The big superhero wish

♪ The big superhero wish

Narrator: before that.

Yeah, right.

Narrator: no, no, no. After that.

That's better.

We'll meet again, crimson chins.

I swear it.

You can't swear.

Only the super-edgy, crimson chin can swear.

Yeah, and I got cancelled for it.

[Watch beeping]

Bah. I guess it's time

To resort to my evil plan. Short fuse.

You rang, boss?

I have need of your special brand of tiny evil.

Tiny evil?

I mean big. Big evil.

Big evil wrapped up in an easy-to-carry package.

I need you to go into the -dimensional world

And signal me as soon as you see

Any superpowered weirdness.

You got it, boss.

All: cheers for crimson chin!

They think they've beaten me!

They think they'll win!

But I know the secret

To the crimson chin's powers

In that -dimensional world.

His sidekick cleft, and his sidekicks canine sidekicks.

But mark my words, child. You will pay. [Watch beeping]

Time for my evil laugh. Aha-ha-ha-ha-ha.


[School bell rings]

Oh, no! The bell!

You're going to be late for school!

And he should care about this why?

Aah! It's francis! I mean, meow, it's francis!


[Watch beeping]

Hear that? It's time for me

To beat the lunch money out of you.[Siren wailing]

Ha ha ha ha!

Cool! A firewoman! She'll help me!

Huh? Wait! Wait!


Here, stupid-looking green kitty.


Yay! My hero!

I mean, meow! My hero!

[School bell rings]

Well, the good news is,

When the day starts this bad,

There's no way it could get worse, right?



Ha ha ha ha ha!

You like it? I decided to get ahead of the game

And give you every "f" you'll get

Between now and college!

[Watch beeping]

And now that I'm ahead of schedule,

I have time to laugh at you.


Somebody save me!

Well, look at all these papers. I should--

Phlegmers of the future, unite!

[All sneeze]

Heavens to betsy. Germs.


Cool. There's a "d" in here.

Oh, cheer up, timmy.

School might have reeked, but you're almost home now.

I know, guys,

But the firewoman ignored me,

Then the janitor.

Doesn't anybody stand up for the little guy?

Hey, little guy. You look like you had a hard day.

How about a nice peanut butter sandwich?

Who are you and what have you done with vicky?

You probably want some milk now, right?

[Muffled] mm-hmm.

Got milk? On your head? [Laughs]

Man: milk!

Get your fresh, ice-cold milk!

[Muffled speech]

[Gasp] a cat!

Mmf! Yank!

Cats are much higher than kids

On the "I like milk" ladder,

And because they don't have opposable thumbs,

It's up to me to feed 'em.


Thanks. I mean, meow.

Man, what a day!

Every time I waited for a regular person to be a hero,

They blew me off.

Where are the heroes when you need them?

Why can't people be more like

The heroes in my "crimson chin" comic book?

But they're just pretend heroes.

Well, I'm tired of nobody coming to my rescue.

I wish the world could be like a comic book.

Tumbling tardiness.

I'm going to be late for school!

Comic book world. Superpowered dogs.

Boss, it's time.

Wow, already? That was short.


This is super. The whole world is like a comic book.

I can't wait to see all my superpowered friends.

Brace yourself for matter muncher lad!


Munch-munch-munch-munch-munch- munch-munch-munch-munch-munch.

I'm the bouncing boil.

And I am the sonic youth.

I and my sonic scream are ready for higher education.


And I'm professor a.j.

My mutated brain gives me the power to levitate,

Project a force field--


And the power to read minds.

[Thinking] munch-munch-munch- munch-munch-munch...

That is so obvious.

I'm wonder gal.

I'm superfast, superstrong,

And superpopular.

[All cheering]

And I'm hawk gal.

I can fly between and miles per hour.

I have all the powers of a hawk and a girl.

Ugh. Why are you on my team?

Oh, cool! This is super!

Everyone's a hero now!

Um, not everyone.

Uhh!i am the bull-e.

Tiny turner make bull-e angry.

Bull-e? What's the "e" stand for?

It's the second letter in "death,"

And the third one in "die."



Oh, no! When I wished for a comic book world,

I didn't just make superheroes,

I made supervillains, too!


All: aah![Laughs]

Man: unhand that sidekick, villain!

♪ The crimson chin

The crimson chin!

Bull-e hate the color red.


Whoa! Crimson chin, you saved me,

With that weird raygun.

Why are you using that weird raygun?

Why, it's a teleportation g*n.

I teleported him to a super-secret, supervillain jail.

So, cleft, do you have any other archenemies

I should be on the lookout for?

Well, there's her.


The baby shredder!

My razor-sharp claws,

Viciously sharp tongue,

And strict : sharp curfew

Will tear you apart!

Boy: surrender, you cretin.



Man, that's a dumb power.

And there's him!

I am dr. Crocktopus.

Multi-tentacled master of the mystic arts.


My magical tentacles have the power to give you

Failing grades at the same time!

Dr. Crocktopus: f!


F! F!

Magic...tentacles... Too...strong!

Enough tricks, evil ones.

You're both about to disappear,

Behind the iron bars of justice.

Thanks for saving me, crimson chin.

You're a real hero.

Yes, I am, cleft. Yes, I am.


Hey, what's up with the evil laugh?

Uh, uh... Stay in school!

Wow, the chin sure seemed like

He was in a hurry to get out of here.

Well, sure. I mean, the world's full of heroes

That means a world full of villains.

He's probably swamped.

[Beep beep]

Hey, this is a very depressing room.

No sunlight, no hope.

I should teach kids in here!

I didn't even get a chance

To shred the twerp with my unbreakable claws.

Must find bathroom.

Cannot destroy turner with full bladder.

Man: oh, don't worry.

You'll all get your chance.

All: the crimson chin?!


Crocker: the nega chin! The crimson chin's archenemy!

How did you know that?

I confiscated a lot of comic books in my time.


And together we'll defeat cleft

And the source of his power,

His reality-bending superdogs,

And then we'll take over this -dimensional world.





[All laugh]


So we're all clear on the plan?

All: yeah, I guess. Sure. Whatever.

How about some evil coffee and donuts?

[All chattering]crocker: oh, great! Evil pastries!

Those'll be my favorite. I love mean food.

Timmy: this is the greatest.

Everybody's a superhero.


Uh, not everyone.

[Alarm sounds]

Principal: students, we're in red alert.

Ooh, a red alert! Yay!

This is jeb umedja, your superpowered anchorman,

Where an evil trio of supervillains has banded together

And is tearing apart downtown dimmsdale.

Bull-e tear tiny turner's head off

And use it for diveball.


Heaven only knows what person they're after

And what sport they want to use his head for!

This looks like a job for...

All us superpower kids!

[Straining] wait for me!


Mmmwah hah hah hah hah!


Frank gorshin's goiter!

You won't keep me here forever, short fuse!

Forget it, chin!

That cage is unbreakable from the inside!

Just the inside? Not the outside?

That's pretty small thinking, don't you think?


Why, you...

[Ticking, beeping]


Nice job, little idiot!

They should call you the "lidiot"!

Timmy: the whole town is deserted!

Hey! Where are all the bad guys?

I guess the other heroes must have already won.

Guess again, cleft!

The nega-chin!

You can't beat us superkids all by yourself!

Guess again! Again, cleft!

You might think it's just me...

Until you see what's behind...

Mike, the evil living building!

Oh, my gosh! It's my archenemies!

Cool! I have archenemies!


Bull e's tiny mind not affected

By tiny bald man's powers.

Munch munch munch munch munch munch munch munch munch munch!


Munch munch munch munch munch!


Face the retreaded fury of my boil!

Curses! Boiled again!

I'm almost there--


For justice!

Forgive us!


What are you gonna do now, cleft,

Have your superdogs help you?

That's exactly what I'm gonna do!

I made this world of heroes and villains,

And I can wish you all away!

I wish...

We lived in a world...

Without superheroes and--

You heard him! He wished for a world without superheroes!

You must do it!

Ohh! These loopholes are really annoying.


She wasn't much of a hero anyway.

Bill bixby's buttocks!

Cleft, no! It's a trap!


Oh, no! All the heroes are gone,

But not the villains!

But I can fix that with one...

Wish? I don't think so!

Your mutant canines won't do anything...

Once I seal them inside a bubble of anti-magical energy!

That fixed them for good!

No! I don't want to be fixed!

Now you are both mine to control!

Ace! Clefto!

You'll never get away with this!

I can't believe he's gonna get away with this.

We have to save them somehow!

What are we supposed to do?

We're weak and powerless, and it's all my fault!

Crimson chin: that's where you're wrong!

You're never powerless.

As long as there's one smoldering ember

On the barbecue of justice,

You can still cook a mighty steak of victory!

Oh, great. Now we're powerless and hungry!

Uh, who is this guy again?

Uh, he's my uncle--

My big-chinned, muscular uncle

Who speaks in metaphors.

And we're not alone!

These everyday heroes can help us as well!

What?! Those lame-os?

They couldn't help with a normal problem!

What are they gonna do now-- help us surrender?

Just because somebody doesn't wear a superhero costume

Doesn't mean they can't be a hero.

Timmy, I know you think we let you down before,

But we're gonna make it up to you now...

By cleaning up this mess!

And I'm gonna put out the flames of evil!

And I will deliver a cold bottle

Of h*m* justice, too!

Ok, we get it!

That's the spirit!

[Buzzer]who is it?

Weak human janitor, here to clean up

Your superpowerful messes.

I'll buzz you in.

[Wheels squeaking]

Well, you can start by cleaning out the mess in bull e's pen!

Then when you're done, you can swear your allegiance

To my evil!

Never!what?! Who said that?

Is it craig, the evil living trash can?

No! It's us!

Regular people!

Without powers!without powers!

Right! Now surrender,

Or face the wrath of we everyday heroes!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

This shouldn't take more than seconds.

If you need me, I'll be taking a bath...

Of evil!

Grrrr! Aaahh!


Heh heh heh heh heh!

Sanjay: oh, no! Those superpowered freaks

Are going to tear us apart!


You might crush our normal, powerless bodies,

But you'll never crush our superhuman spirit!



The mop dryeth... The mop wetteth again.


Hey! I used my normal kid window-opening powers!

Maybe my big-chinned uncle was right.

Maybe we all have normal things that make us heroes!

He's right about me being right!

Anyone with the power to stand up for what's right can be a hero!

Hey, if it means I don't have to listen to another one

Of your big-chinned uncle's lame speeches,

I'm ready to fight!


Heh heh heh!

Face the fury of my fs!

It's time to stop, chop, and roll!

Hey! One of those isn't mechanical!



Prepare for your--

Can't believe I'm gonna say this--

Udder defeat!

There, I said it! Ha ha ha ha!



Ha ha ha ha!


My teeth might not be super anymore...

But I've always wanted to do that!

There's never any evil hot water in this stupid hall of evil--


What?! This is impossible!

You're just normal people! You can't defeat me!

I'm superpowerful!

We might just be normal,

But we're still heroes, pal!

That's right! As long as there's a single drop of water

In the mighty river of justice,

It will always cut a canyon of truth--

Oh, please stop, will you? You're worse than the milkman!

My nega-vision will cut through your body like nega-vision!

Yay! Yay!

What?! No!

We're free! We can help!

We can do anything we want now!

I'm on it!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

And so am i!

I wish everybody was back to normal

And we were all back in the crimson chin's comic book!

Oh, poopie.

Adam west's waistband!

I'm chin-tastic again!

I don't understand! You beat me--

A bunch of normal, powerless kids!

Dude! Don't you understand?

Being normal doesn't mean you're powerless.

In fact, normal people control your entire existence!


Actually... It's true!

See that? That's the guy

Who writes the stories for your comic book!

And he believes that good should always triumph over evil,

And what the writer says, goes!

Egad! No wonder I can never win!

Right! So you'll abandon your mad attempts

To take over the three-dimensional world?

Of course not! The next time I get out,

I'm not going after your stupid dogs--

I'm going after a much bigger prize!

Ace! Clefto! Stop him!

Let him go, cleft.

His chin-themed brand of evil can never triumph,

For wherever there is a single blade of grass

In the lawn of all that is good...

No, uh...wait!

As long as there is a single slice of justice

On the deli tray that is goodness,

Our sandwich of righteousness will always be a low-fat

And delicious victory!

No, what I mean is...

Wait, it's not me! It's the writer's fault!

As long as there is a single...zit...

On the teenage face of justice...

No, that's--that's dumb.

The crimson chin would never say that...

Unless I tell him to! Heh heh heh heh!

[Bang bang bang]

Who is it?

Special delivery for the geek

Who writes "the crimson chin"!

Oh, I hope it's my new issue of

"Nerds who live with their mothers" monthly!

Let's have a little chat about heroes!


Mom! I'm going out!



Mom: don't come back unless you bring me grandchildren!
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