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01x02 - The High Aldwin

Posted: 11/30/22 10:25
by bunniefuu
- WILLOW: Sorsha.

The Gales.


- WILLOW: They are coming.


SORSHA: Tomorrow, Prince Graydon
marries my daughter, Kit,

unifying Tir Asleen and Galladoorn,

till that day when the true
empress Elora Danan returns.



- Ah!



DOVE: Airk? Where are you?

GRAYDON: They took him.

He's what they came for.

KIT: I should go west, search for Airk.

SORSHA: You're going to need a sorcerer.

And I have a feeling, he's
expecting you.

BOORMAN: You're Willow?

WILLOW: Your brother's alive.

A prisoner of The Withered Crone,

who dwells in the Immemorial City

that lies beyond the Shattered Sea.

BOORMAN: That's where all the maps end.

WILLOW: And that's where we must go.
Into the unknown.

It's so good to see you, Elora.


(CHUCKLING) How are you?

It's so good to see you.

I had a dream, and somehow I knew.

It's what will happen
if we don't change things.

That's why I came back.

- 'Cause it's time.
- For what?

WILLOW: Our true enemy is still
out there,

and the only thing
standing in its path is Elora.

It's time to begin her training.

But she's still a child.

A child of immense power.

You've seen it.

But if it isn't encouraged, it'll fade,

like all things do
without proper nourishment,

till she's no more capable of magic
than anyone else.

Good. Hasn't she done enough already?

Hasn't she earned a life without

the burden of that responsibility?

There are other ways to defend

There is no barrier strong enough

to keep the enemy out forever.

I know. (SIGHS)

I know.


That's why I sent Madmartigan in search.

I found a clue in the ancient scrolls,

the whereabouts of the Kymerian Cuirass.

He rode out nine moons ago with
a squire.


But we've heard nothing since.

I'm afraid I've sent him to his death.

Death wouldn't keep Mads
from coming back to you,

- only delay him a bit.

But, Sorsha, there is no w*apon
that can defeat the Crone.

Only Elora can do that.

Raziel is gone.

Cherlindrea too.

There's no one left who could even...

I'll train her.

I'm High Aldwin now.

I've become what Raziel always
said I would, a great sorcerer.

My dear friend.


You are the bravest man I've ever known,

and you have the
truest heart I ever will.

But you're not a great sorcerer.

(SIGHS) And you never will be.


SORSHA: Willow.

- WILLOW: Come on, Silas.

SILAS: But how could it be?
It's Elora Danan.

- KIT: Hold on.
- SILAS: How can you know that?

You haven't seen her
since she was a little girl.

WILLOW: Well, unless...

JADE: She could be. She wears the mark.


So you're Elora Danan, huh?

- Huh?
- I said, you're Elora Danan...

We don't need to get carried away.

We don't know anything for sure.

It's not safe here. Follow me.




WILLOW: This is where we live.


BOORMAN: Yes, it's very nice
to meet you, too.

- No, actually...
- Da?

(WHISPERING) It's okay. It's Elora


- It is Elora Danan!

You are Elora Danan.

- ELORA: Uh...

- This is my daughter, Mims.
- It's really nice to meet you.


- Calm down. No.
- I can't believe you're really...

I can't... Wait.

- You don't remember me, do you?
- Oh, um...

I was the one who found you.

Well, me and my brother,

It was the best thing I've ever done.

And you were the most
beautiful giant baby.

- You still are.


- Not a baby.
- You're beautiful.

(CHUCKLES) Thanks.

- You wanna sit down?
- ELORA: Sure. All right.

- Sit down will you? Be comfortable.
- ELORA: Okay. Thank you.

All right, all right,
give her some space. Calm down.

- Can you dream?

- ELORA: Can I dream?
- CHILD: Yeah.

You okay?


You just look a bit, um, deranged.

Look, Airk is out there somewhere
across the Shattered Sea.

We don't know what they're doing to him
or how much time he has.

I'm just not really in the mood to learn

about Nelwyn culture right now.


Attention! Attention!

Come on, guys, bums on seats.

The High Aldwin
will now address the village.




My back!

I'm not that heavy.

Thank you. Thank you very much.
Thank you.

Good brave people,
we Nelwyn have seen our share of woe.

We've suffered, sacrificed,
grieved, toiled, and endured.

And that's just on the weekend.


I like to try and loosen 'em up
a bit at the start.

- (SOFTLY) Yeah.
- Anyway, tonight, we rejoice.

For that which I'd believed was lost,
has been found.

Elora Danan has come home.

- Yeah!

- Now some of you, if not most of you,

are probably wondering
what this all means,

and looking to me, your High Aldwin,

for answers, which I will now provide.


(WHISPERING) Come closer.



- Ready?
- I don't know what you're gonna do, but...

I will consult the bones.

- WILLOW: Mmm.

- Oh!

- Ah!

- Yeah.

- Oh!

- WILLOW: Hmm.





There is a balance between all things.

Light and shadow.

Good and evil. Oh!

Sweet and spicy.

When that balance is upset,
the universe corrects.

The Crone's influence grows,
forcing us into hiding.

And just when we were
starting to lose hope,

the Child of the Prophecy
returns to fulfill her destiny,

by uniting the world against the enemy
in the great w*r to come.



My apprentice, Karthy,

who I was really sorta counting on
for unconditional support,

wants to know when. Soon.

Once Elora here completes her training.

Now, who else is famished?

Roughly how long
do you think that will take?

Not long, I should think. Uh...

Couple of weeks, or less, maybe, um,

depending on how much she already knows.

Or rather, how naturally

- the magic flows out of her...

... which, I imagine,
will be pretty naturally considering,

uh, she's the One.


Do the finger test.

She ought to be able to pass that.

Finger test! Finger test! Finger test!

WILLOW: All right. All right, all right.


The power to control the world
is in which finger?

ELORA: Um... Uh...

(WHISPERING) Yours. Yours.

- (WHISPERING) What? What?
- (MOUTHING) Yours. Yours.



It's all right.
It doesn't mean anything anyway.

I got it wrong the first time, remember?

And look at me now.
Well, I'm, you know... Well, I'm me.






The child has revealed herself.



How long?

PRUNELLA: I can't be certain.

I saw her the morning after Airk...

She was quite upset.

If she's passed beyond the Barrier,
it may already be too late.

Are you sure you're all right to ride?

That wound on your shoulder was...

It's just a scratch.

Well, I wouldn't ask but,
I'm rather fond of this girl.

She's capricious,
and maybe a little foolish.

I just worry she's gotten herself lost.

A capricious kitchen maid, eh?

I need you to bring her home.

If she's out there, we'll find her.

Did you tell him?

- I mean, who she really is?

I've given him a task.

That's all he needs.


She has strayed from her sanctuary.

THE CRONE: She could still destroy me.

Elora Danan must not reach the city.

THE LICH: My disciple hunts
her even now.



Do you use magic to make this food?

No, you can't use magic to make food.

I did it once,
I was in the toilet for a week.

So, West, huh?

Gnostic Hills, Nockmaar Badlands.

Nobody goes through Nockmaar.

- Go around, to the north.
- Or the south.

- Dependin' on where you're goin'.
- True.

Especially, if you wanna go
through Manheim

- or Camryn, definitely go south.
- Yes.

Still gotta go through the Wildwood,

over the Alkalynes, the Dragon's Spine,

all before you reach
the Eastern Coast of the Shattered Sea.

And then, who knows, what?

It'll be a long, arduous journey.

- One you've no doubt made before?
- Well, no.

- So, when can we leave?
- What are we waiting for?

You're not going anywhere.

You'll remain here and learn the Art.

- Like hell I will.
- You don't understand what's at stake.

You're Elora Danan,
Last Blood of Kymeria...

Yeah, and I still don't know
what that means.

Two days ago, I left Tir Asleen
for the first time in my life.

I crossed the Barrier,
fled from Bone Reavers,

now I've got this weird
clicking in my jaw.

But I did it all, and I'd do it
all again, to save Airk,

not take wizard classes from you.


ELORA: I'm sorry.

Look, you,
you seem like really lovely people,

and we're so grateful for you telling us

where he is, but I'm going with them.





She was the most serene baby.

I remember.

Those thoughtful,
gentle eyes would just follow me,

and she seemed to understand...


- What happened to that Elora?
- Oh.

She fell in love.

And I'd have thought you,
more than anyone,

would understand why you'll never

talk her out of it. (CHUCKLES)

I have to.

It's too dangerous.

- She should never have come here.
- But she did.

And now, she needs your help.


What haven't you told me, Da?




WILLOW: If anything happens to her,

the world will burn.

And that's why you have to go.

To protect her like you did before.

I can't just... I'm High Aldwin.

I made a promise to our people.

And this is how you honor it.

Not by hiding
from what you know is coming,

but by rising to meet it.

And when she's ready

you'll give her this.



(PANTING) She's gone! Elora's...

We can't find her anywhere!

- Where were you gonna go?
- West.

- To the Shattered Sea.
- Alone?

Well, you're more than welcome
to join me,

but I'm not waiting for Muffin Girl

to learn how to pick the right finger.

Okay, her name's Elora Danan.

- We owe her our allegiance.
- Says Willow.

- She bears the mark.
- Maybe he put it there.

It wasn't there before.

And even if it was Raziel, how do we

know she didn't mark a bunch of babies.

Yeah, maybe you have one too.

Maybe you're Elora Danan.

- BOORMAN: Maybe I'm Elora Danan.

I always thought there was something
special inside me.

You don't believe it either?

It's not that I don't believe it,
as much as I don't really care.

I guess you have a better idea
on how we can save the prince.

I'm bursting full of better ideas.

But first, I recommend that we split

before Miss Chosen Face
catches wind and decides to follow us.

- You shouldn't do that.

- Lurk much?
- She is Elora Danan. I'm sure of it.

How? Can you provide me
one shred of evidence

that proves she's capable
of literally anything, magical or not?

Idiots! Nincompoops! Where is she?

- Elora?
- We thought she was with you.

This, right here, is why no one's
allowed above ground, ever.

Relax. She's probably just frolicking

in a meadow somewhere nearby.

Yeah, I forgot you're hilarious.

You're also being awfully cavalier

with the fate of the world, Princess.

Now think about this for a moment.

Everyone you've ever cared about will be

made to serve the
power behind the Crone,

and their only hope
of escaping that nightmare

is now wandering around in the woods!

SILAS: Stay in pairs. Let's spread out.

Where are you going?

To look for her.

But just do what you want.

You always do.


MIMS: Elora!

- Elora!
- GRAYDON: Elora!



Dada, Dada! (CHUCKLES)

KIAYA: We've never been apart.

I miss you already.

YOUNG RANON: We found something
in the river.

Dada, it's a baby.

Can we keep it, Dada?

Willow Ufgood, the safety of
this child depends upon you.


You're afraid.

Well, of course I'm afraid.

I couldn't even pass the damn
finger test.


What if I can't do magic?

What if I can't save him?

You just have to believe.

That's what the finger test is about.

Having faith in the power
that's inside you.

Please, come with us.

We need you to find Airk.

I need you.


If I do,
if I take you to the Immemorial City,

- you have to listen.
- ELORA: I will.

I will, I'll do whatever you say.

And you're gonna have to study.
It'll be hard work.

Oh, I'm a hard worker.
Everybody says that about me.

And trust in my decisions,

- even if you don't agree with them.
- I will.

I already do.

I can't defeat the Crone without you,

you can't save Airk without me.

I guess that makes us partners.

No. It makes me your teacher
and you my student.

That works too. (CHUCKLES)

- I'm excited...

To learn magic, and whatnot.



I guess it's time.

MIMS: Yeah.

Have you got enough layers on?

You know how you get chilly at night.

I'll be fine.
I'll be back before you know it.

I love you, Dada. (BREATH TREMBLING)

You've always been,
and you always will be, my hero.

If I'd known going on a perilous quest

was all it would take
for you to say that,

I'd have done it a long time ago.

MIMS: Proud of you.

Let's go.


MERRICK: They were here.

Two days ahead.

We need to keep moving, catch up.

MERRICK: We need rest, so do the horses.

No rest till we find the girl.

What's gotten into you, Commander?

BALLANTINE: Do you really want to know?

It's such a wonderful feeling.

What is?







Wow, you really covered some distance.

Yeah, I'm really
not in the mood for banter.

BOORMAN: Ah, that's a shame.

I want you to know I'm with you.

I'm not with them.

I was coming to find you

but it just so happens
we're all going on the same road,

so I duped them into thinking
that I'm with them.

- The truth is I'm with...
- Yeah, I get the gist.

BOORMAN: Despite what you may have heard

I'm not actually a thief by trade.

I'm what you might call
an obtainer of rare artifacts.

- Grave robber.
- BOORMAN: Hmm. Treasure hunter.

And I became this
because when I was about your age,

someone told me the legend
of the Kymerian Cuirass.

- "The Kymerian Cuirass"?
- Yeah. The Cuirass.

- A legendary armor...
- I know what it is.

Kinda changed my life.

And so you wasted it
searching for a magical breastplate

that somebody told you in a
bedtime story?

That's like
the saddest thing I've ever heard.

No. Your father,
he didn't think it was sad.

No, he spent five years
searching the world for it.

I know 'cause I was with him.
I was his squire.

So, what? You're telling me
you know what happened to him?

Oh, yeah.

He found it.

- Huh?

- I'm excited we're gonna do some magic.
- We're gonna talk about magic.

- Is there anything I need?
- No.

- No? No. Okay.
- Just listen.


Magic is the bloodstream of the univ...

Before we start, you should
probably know,

that the rocking back and forward
of the wagon

is making me a touch queasy.

I don't think we can do anything

- about that.
- No, no.

- It's kinda the nature of the beast here.
- Okay. (CHUCKLES)

Magic is the bloodstream of
the universe.

Forget all you know or think you know...

Oh, I don't know anything,
so, we can probably just skip that bit.

Well, that's okay.

- 'Cause all you require is your intuition.
- Okay.

Have you ever had the feeling,

there was something happening
beyond what you can see and touch?

- Uh...
- How about, uh... have you ever dreamt

of something and then it happened?

- Communed with animals?

- You commune with animals?
- No. Do you?

No! No.

I wanted to train you
when you were a child.

- But Sorsha wouldn't let me.
- Why?

She thought it was safer if you grew up

believing you were
just like everyone else.

But you're not.

There's something very special inside

you that's been
stifled for far too long.

Our job is to set it free.


- Oh, my God.
- Come on.

- ELORA: Sorry.
- You should probably walk for a bit.


There is an energy that flows through
all living things.

- The bloodstream of the universe.
- Yes.

Now that energy can neither be created

nor destroyed, only transformed.

What we call magic

is the art of transforming that
energy from one form to another.

Okay, hold out your hand.

Oh! Eckleberry seeds.

WILLOW: Plant them.

Anywhere. Just here.

Repeat after me.

Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

Too aka throck morda whoatha.


Let's, uh, let's try it again.

Repeating the words exactly as
I say them.

Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

Tootha authrock mora hooatha.

What's all the hands?

- ELORA: No hands?
- WILLOW: No hands.

It's not what we need for sorcery.

Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

Too-ah-tha authrock-mora hoo-atha.

- What's with your face?
- I'm just doing what you're doing.

WILLOW: I don't do it like that.

- Kinda...
- WILLOW: Repeat the words as I say them.

- Tuatha...
- "Tuatha..."

- Authrock mora...
- Too-at-ha. Too-at...

- Wait, let me say it first.
- Too-at-ha.

No, wh... Tuatha.

- Twowatha.
- Tuatha.

- Tuwaitha.
- Tuatha.

- Tw'atha.
- No, no. Slower.

- Tuatha.
- Too-ah-thaa oh-thock-morna hoo-ah-tha.

You're being something weird.
Be you. Be a human being.

This is a simple spell
compared to what you'll be doing.

Look at these.

It's not a good idea to show me that.

Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

Tuatha owthrock morna hooatha.

No, "Hoatha."
Like you're hoeing the garden.

- Hoatha.
- ELORA: Hoatha.

- WILLOW: Hoatha.
- ELORA: Hoatha.

Twoahhtha throck moreda whoahtha...

Kinda sounds like
she's gettin' further away from it.

You're doing really well. Honestly.

You don't seem so sure.

Look at my face, do you believe me?

- You're doing really well.

Keep practicing
saying the words in sets of three

- till you get it right.
- How will I know when I got it right?

Well, a little sprout, about yea high,

will poke up out of the dirt and,

after a few weeks practice,
we'll all be having eckleberry jam.

"Few weeks"?

Okay, yeah.

How long until she starts sh**ting

lightning bolts out of her fingertips?

She has to master
the four pillars of sorcery,

charms, potions,
concentration, and divination,

before she can even begin battle magic.

Why don't we just do battle magic now?

That sounds really fun.

- No. Nothing fun about it.
- Oh.

- Can I use this?
- No! Give that back.


This is Cherlindrea's wand.

It's a powerful magical conduit
you're nowhere near ready for.

Okay, well,
I love eckleberry jam, you know.

On a toasted bun,
little bit of melted butter.

It's delicious.
Really looking forward to that.

So, you keep up the good work, Elora.

Yeah? 'Cause I'm very excited.

- Just ignore him.

I firmly believe
you have the power deep inside you.

Very deep.

ELORA: Tuatha.
Ahhthruck mora. Whooatha. Tuatha...


- WILLOW: Do you remember me?
- Mmm-hmm.

Last time I saw you, your hair was red.

Pru rubs lemon juice and beetle blood
in it to change the color.

- That's disgusting.
- Why are you so small?

WILLOW: Well, I come from
a beautiful valley with a winding river.

And there, everyone's small.

The houses are small,
the beds, even the horses,

and it's the tall folk
you don't see too often.

Big, small, you'll find
it's all a matter of perspective.

I have little ones, Mims and Ranon,

and they're even smaller than me.

I think you'd like them.
I know they'd love you.

Wait! Wait!

Wait, come back! I was only...

I didn't mean anything!

- What's happening?
- Oh! Nards.

What did you say to her?

- Nothing! It was...
- What did you think?

That you'd just slip away

and I wouldn't send every knight
in the kingdom after you?

- Stay back! I'm warning you or I'll...
- Or you'll what?

Do your old disappearing pig trick?

She's as much mine as she is yours!

If you think I'm ever coming back here
after the disrespect...

From now on, I'll protect my people.

I don't care what happens to you,
or her!


I've made some poor decisions.

SILAS: When?

You know, over the years.


Go to sleep, Willow.






BALLANTINE: We mean no harm.

We're looking for a girl
who was traveling with the princess.

Queen Sorsha sent us to bring her home.

Don't, don't. Don't. Don't. Don't...



Have you seen her?


He's with them?

My name is Ballantine.

I'm the commander of the Pacalcade.

We want to help them.

And we can if you'll tell us
where he's taking them.


Back to Tir Asleen.

Said it was too dangerous.

- They'd never survive.
- We came from Tir Asleen.

Didn't see 'em on the Pilgrim Trail.

They took the Saracen pass.

If you leave now
you'll probably catch up with them.

You wouldn't lie to us, would you, Peck.

No... Sir.


Wagon tracks, less than a day old.

Headed west.


Mount up.


ELORA: Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

Tuatha authrock mora hoa...


Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

- WILLOW: Good.

Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

- WILLOW: Again.
- No.

I've done it, again and again,
and guess what?

Nothing's happening.

WILLOW: Elora...

My name's not Elora.

It's not even Dove.

That's just what Airk calls me.

- It's... Brünhilde.
- Oof.

- Really?
- Yeah.

And unsurprisingly I got teased a lot,

and when I wasn't getting teased,

I worked in the kitchens,
and I learned how to cook.

That's who I am.

- That's all I am.
- No.

You can do this.

You're just not feeling the words.

Come on. Try it with me. Tuatha...

I swear, if you say "Tuatha"
even one more time, I'm gonna lose it.

WILLOW: Right, I get it.
You're frustrated. Well, so am I.

But, believe me, seed charms are nothing

compared to what you'll face
once we reach the Immemorial City.

- Great sorcerer.

Think you'd be able
to beat some feeble old hag.

"Feeble old hag?"

If the Crone was ever a person,

she became something else long ago.

A moldering abomination.

If you ever wanna see Airk again,

let alone save him, you have to focus!



Well, it's the truth.

JADE: Don't start.

- I didn't say anything.
- You don't have to.

- I know exactly what you're thinkin'.
- Really?

What, that this isn't working
and we're wasting time?

- You haven't given...
- Time that Airk doesn't have.

I'm subject to the queen.

She ordered me to follow Willow,
so that's what I'll do.

- Even if he's wrong?
- You don't know that.

All I know is what I can see.

And so far I haven't seen any magic.

BOORMAN: And that is why the three of us

- need to stick together.

You know, we're the glue of this group,

and I want you guys to know
that you can tell me anything,

all your secrets,
all the embarrassing stuff

from when you were a child
and you wet the bed

to playing healers and nurses
with that neighbor girl

and it didn't work out.

What the hell is that?

A dog.

I'm gonna give it to Libby
when I return home.

She collects 'em.

BOORMAN: Different animals?

SILAS: No. Just dogs.

BOORMAN: Do you want a name?

You can call it Boorman.

It's a good name for a dog.

Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

Tuatha authrock mo...



I don't really feel like talking.

Yeah, no, that's okay.
Neither did I really.


It's just, uh, you shouldn't be
out here alone, you know.

None of us should.
Willow said it's not safe.

- I'll be fine.
- Okay, yeah.

Also, I just wanted to say that the book

I'm really good with that kinda stuff.

Languages, Arcana...

So, um, if you ever needed any help,

I could do that, help you, whenever.

Okay, I'll just, um...

ELORA: When Willow said
I was Elora Danan...


... part of me thought,

"Yes. This is it."

The answer to a question
I've been asking my whole life.

"Who am I?"

But this other part of me,

this little voice in my head,
just didn't believe it.

The truth is, I'm not special.

I'm just...



You think that's funny?

(STUTTERS) What? No, no, no. I didn't...

Uh... (SIGHS)

Well, yeah, sort of.

Why do you think Kit is so mean to you?
She's jealous.

Why do you think Jade defends you?
She's dedicated.

And Boorman sticks around
to see what you can do.

So, yeah, there's something kinda funny

about the fact
that you seem to be the one person

who can't see how extraordinary you are.



Anyway, I'll... I'll... um...


GRAYDON: I'll leave you to it.




authrock mora





I think we should turn back.


I can't believe I'm the one to say this,

particularly since it's me
that has to listen to it all day,

but you have to be patient.

WILLOW: You don't understand.
It's too late.

The power inside her had to be nurtured

or it would dissipate
till there was nothing left.

She was Elora Danan once.

She isn't anymore.

But your vision.

You saw her fight the Crone.


In my vision,
I wake up on a b*ttlefield.



My body broken.


I crawl through the rubble.


Nelwyn, Daikini, all manner of...


Till I find her.



No matter what I do,

no matter how many times
I try to change her fate...

Ah... in the end,

for our world to survive,

Elora Danan has to die.



Sorry, force of habit.

Can I help you?

I want you to tell me
what happened to my father

and everything there is to know
about the Kymerian Cuirass.






Tuatha authrock mora hoatha!


- Please.


- Tuatha...