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01x01 - The Gales

Posted: 11/30/22 10:24
by bunniefuu

SORSHA: In a time of dread,

a child was born.


SORSHA: Elora Danan,
destined to save our world.


SORSHA: Relentlessly pursued
by the forces of darkness,

Elora was rescued by two
unlikely heroes.

A Nelwyn farmer

- who dreamt of being a sorcerer.

Willow was a man of pure heart
and unfailing courage.

- The other...

SORSHA: ... an impossibly

conceited thief, liar, and rogue.

Madmartigan was the man I'd marry.

What can I say?

(SIGHS) I was young.


SORSHA: Together, we defeated my mother,
Queen Bavmorda.

- SORSHA: And freed the Kingdom

- of Tir Asleen from its curse.

SORSHA: We thought the w*r was over.

But soon after returning home,

- Willow had a vision.

SORSHA: That one day,

an ancient evil would rise again

and destroy the future Empress,

and her end would herald a new dark age.

And so, Elora was hidden away,

her true identity concealed,

even from herself.

It was the only way I could protect her.




- I almost had you.

Don't beat yourself up about it.

You know, there's skill,

then there's talent.

I just happen to have both.

Along with a generous amount
of arrogance.

Gotta have that too.

Who knows?
In a few years, you might beat me.

(CHUCKLES) I would have beaten you

if it wasn't for that loose rock.

It's not about
mastering the moves, Jade,

it's about adapting to your terrain.

And, uh,
I'm just better at that than you are.

Yeah, superior in every way,
Your Highness.


One day, I'm gonna prove it.

Tell me you don't still think
about that.

You know, going beyond the Barrier,

having these wild adventures like...

we've always talked about.

Kit, I spoke to Ballantine earlier...

- KIT: Yeah?
- LACHLAN: Princess!

I bring word from the Queen.

Are we under siege?

You need to get dressed for dinner.

Her Highness expects the royal party

from Galladoorn to arrive shortly.

I take it my brother's been called

on too, to scrub behind his ears?

Yes. The prince, I believe,
is hunting in the Western Wood.

I wonder who he's hunting today.




Was that too much?

No. It was, uh...

- You're trembling.
- Am I?

- Yeah.
- I don't know. You just,

you have this effect on me.

It's just like nothing
I've ever experienced before.

Me too.

Just didn't think
you felt that way about me.

- What do you mean? Why not?

You've got a bit of a reputation.

If you heard the things
they say about you,

- things I know aren't true.

(STUTTERS) Some of them might be true.

But that was before. That was before.

I'm not that guy anymore.

Airk, I love you.


- KASE: Your Lordship.

- Kase. Excellent scowling.

Trudging across the Western Reach
looking for you,

just how I'd hoped to spend
the afternoon.

- I do what I can for my friends.

King Hastur, with a great host,
were seen riding into the Vale.

They'll get to Tir Asleen by dusk.

I'm afraid your mother insists

you're presentable when they arrive.

And what do we suppose
she means by "presentable"?

Well, I suppose
not covered in dirt and grass.

Ah, well, she's so particular.


I'll take Eclipse to the stables.

You know you're coming tonight, right?

- No.
- Yeah.

- Really?
- Yeah.

You know how I feel
about gowns and wearing them.

You're gonna have to suck it up,

because I'm not gonna be able to

survive this thing without you.

- What did you wanna tell me?
- When?

Before, you said you talked
to Ballantine.

- Yeah. We can talk about it later.

JADE: All right, that was fun.

- Yeah, bye. Bye.

- One more.
- Oh. Mmm-hmm.

- Okay, okay, you gotta go.
- Okay.

- You really gotta go.


- You saw nothing.

I saw everything. (CHUCKLES)

That's the kitchen maid, right?

That makes those buttered muffins

everybody always talks about?

I happen to be a great admirer
of her muffins.

KIT: I'm concerned about

what she's gonna put in those muffins

when you inevitably break her heart.

I'm not gonna break her heart.

Please. Airk,
you're gonna lose interest...

- Thanks.
- ... and move on to the next.

It's like the one way
you're totally consistent.

No, she... Dove... (GROANS)

It's different,
Dove has this ineffable human quality

- about her soul.
- Whoa, whoa, wait, you said Dove?

Dove. Yes. That's what I call her,

like the most romantic, beautiful...

You don't know her name?

- I know her name.
- KIT: Yeah?

- AIRK: Yeah.
- What is it?


AIRK: Ah, Mother! We got your message.

We raced back, we're gonna... (PANTING)

We're gonna wash up...

Why do you look like
you've been rolling around in grass?

Training. Tourneys and such.

What's that on your neck?

Oh! I got bit by a fire moth,
which was strange.

Sure it wasn't a dove?

SORSHA: Lachlan told me he found you

and Jade atop of the Canyon Maze again.

I don't like you playing on those rocks.
It's dangerous.

Unlike him, we actually were training.

I've had them draw you a bath,

and I've laid out a gown for
you to wear.

You're picking out my clothes now?

What am I, six years old?

I shouldn't have to,

but when you neglect
your responsibilities

for your hobbies,
you leave me no choice.



AIRK: Okay, we're going, we're going.

Kit. Kit! Come on!



The Gales. They are coming.


(SIGHS) My lady.

JADE: Don't. Ballantine, don't.

For Kit, and only Kit,
do I endure this agony.

BALLANTINE: Have you told her yet?

- Jade?
- I am going to.

This is what you've always wanted,

what you've worked for,
harder than anyone I've ever known.

If she's really your friend,
she'll be happy for you.

She'll feel like I'm abandoning her
when she needs me the most.

Because I am.

(MOUTHING) Thank you.


Graydon Hastur,

- the prince of Galladoorn.

JADE: I thought there was two of them.

There were two,
but one of them fell out of a tree.

So I have to marry that one.

- JADE: Have you spoken to him?
- KIT: Yes.

- I curtsied, like a real lady.
- JADE: Hmm.

And then he sort of grunted
and shuffled his feet,

like a real...


You were saying, skirmishes in the west,
beyond the Barrier.

Bone Reaver scum.

Nothing to worry yourself about.

Except I've had similar reports
from the north.

Settlements torched and abandoned.

What if it's something else?

Nonsense. Nothing gets through
the Barrier, ever.

Here you go.
I do pretty much everything around here.

I cook, I clean, I heal the sick.
I actually made the wine.

- NIAMH: Mmm.
- AIRK: There you go.

You know, they say you're
quite the swordsman too.

Best in Tir Asleen.

Pfft, no, no. Definitely, not the best.

- NIAMH: Hmm.
- Second best.


My dad, he was great.

He was a knight of Galladoorn.

- What? Madmartigan.
- AIRK: Yeah.

We all grew up on the stories
of your parents,

how they rescued Elora Danan
from Queen Bavmorda

in the Battle of Nockmaar and

- took care of her before she went away.
- Oi!

You're supposed to be watching the

ovens, not gawking at the high borns.

Think that countess is pretty?

The one with the lips and the face?

- Hmm.
- (WHISPERS) Oh, don't be obvious.


BALLANTINE: Nobles of the realm,
the Queen!

SORSHA: Two-hundred moons
since the Knights of Galladoorn

vanquished Bavmorda's legions
and freed Tir Asleen from its curse.

And for two-hundred moons,

we've maintained a civil alliance,

governing with mutual consent,
while preserving our autonomy.

One realm, separate kingdoms.

Until now.

Tomorrow, Prince Graydon
marries my daughter, Kit.

At last unifying Tir Asleen
and Galladoorn,

ensuring us a harmonious future,

and strengthening us against
any threat we might face.

To the bride and groom,

may they rule wisely and justly,

and defend our realm till that day

when the true empress Elora
Danan returns.

Till that day!

Till that day! Till that day!



shadow lengthens.

(ECHOING) Only by her light can we find

our way in the darkness.

The Gales, they are coming.




BOORMAN: How's the party?

You should see the prince.

He's a mouse.

Kit shouldn't have to...

BOORMAN: (SIGHS) We both know

how fond I am of our little chats,

but unless it's to bring me

a slice of cake, why are you down here?

Maybe it's because you want me

to tell you not to force your
daughter into a loveless marriage.

You know I don't have a choice.

You married Madmartigan.

Nothing easy about that choice,

but at least you made it
for the right reasons.

Everything I've done, I've done
to protect the people I love.

It costs a lot.

I'm tired.

How long can you keep it up?

(INHALES) As long as I have to.


KIT: I mean, maybe I'm overreacting.

It doesn't mean
that our life has to change.

We can still ride and...

Ballantine submitted
a petition on my behalf.

I've been accepted to train
with the Shining Legion, Kit.

To become a Knight of Galladoorn.

But they don't take...

JADE: They've made an exception.

It's their first ever, actually.

I have to go south with King Hastur
after the wedding.

KIT: My wedding?


I wanted to tell you before
but I didn't know how to...

Kit. Kit, stop.


KIT: Hey!

So, we're getting married.

That's weird, right?

Uh, I'm looking forward to it.

Why? You don't even know me.

I am grateful for the opportunity
to serve the realm.

Sorry. Excuse us.

KIT: I am getting acquainted
with my betrothed here,

but you can go wherever you want,

as you've made abundantly clear.

Have you ever heard the story
of Taramis?


She was a princess of Cashmere

thousands of years ago, (SMACKS LIPS)

and she was, like,
by all accounts, like,

the most gorgeous woman that ever lived.

So, the King invited all the knights
and all of the princes

to compete for her hand.

The winner of each event advancing

to the next until two remained.

This cocky young knight of Galladoorn

and this helmeted warrior from some
far off distant land

who's face no one had yet seen.

And after a fierce battle, our

mysterious stranger bested the knight,

then removed his helmet.

Can you guess who that was?

It was Princess Taramis. (INHALES)

Secretly entered the tournament
to fight for herself,

for a chance to, to choose her
own future.

(SIGHS) Sis, just a quick word, please?

- I tried that.
- Make yourself useful.

Say there was a tournament for my hand,

we were competing.
Do you think you would win?

You want me to...

What? Scared you might
blind my pretty twin brother?

I'm worried about that.


Perhaps not.

Mmm, wouldn't wanna miss.


You embarrassed the prince.

- Let go of me.
- You embarrassed me.

I don't care.

You showed everyone in that room
who you are,

a petulant child who needs to grow up.

I'm a prisoner, sentenced to a
life I didn't even choose.

No one chooses their life, Kit.

- Or their mom.
- SORSHA: That's right.

You think I'm tough,
you should've met mine.

It's fine. It's fine. Everything's fine.

I spoke to Graydon,

who is actually not such a terrible
guy if you get to know him.

He'll talk to the King,
smooth things over...

I think you should stick to
chasing girls

rather than sticking
your nose in matters

that you're incapable of understanding

- and are not your concern!

Go to bed, both of you.

In the morning, you will apologize

to the King and the Prince,

and then you will marry him.


What do you think you're doing?

Huh? Oh, are you gonna beat me up?

Because I'm a little tired after that.

I didn't ask for your help.

No. But you're gonna get it anyway

because you're my sister,
and I love you,

despite your winning personality.

Everybody loves you because
you're so charming and fun,

as long as they don't
expect anything from you.

The moment that they do,
you'll just leave.

Just like Dad did.

I'm not him.

Kit, I'm not going anywhere.



- Nope, can't do this.
- AIRK: Dove! Hey.

Dove. I just wanted to, um...

- Wanted to find you.

Don't speak. Shh.

I think it's best
that we stop seeing each other.

- Wait, I actually...
- Seeing you with those...

Just, uh, made me crazy. Made me mad.

And I was so distracted, I...


(WHISPERING) I burned my muffins.

- No! (GROANS)
- DOVE: Yes!

I never burn anything, ever.

And I suddenly realized,
how can I expect you, the Prince,

to commit to me, muffin girl,

when you've got countesses and trollops

- shamelessly throwing themselves at you.
- Okay, uh, wait.

What if, uh...

I did?


What if I did?
What if I was ready to commit?

- Uh-huh?
- It's not the greatest marriage proposal,

in fact, it might be the worst.

But what if it was...
What if it was better?

That's definitely something
that we can discuss.



- Hey, hey, hey, stop. Stop.

You scared the blummins out of me!

I'm leaving. I came to say goodbye.

(SIGHS) Kit, I know you're upset...

I'm not. I'm not.

I'm thinking clearly
for the first time in my entire life.

If you were,
you would know running isn't...

KIT: This isn't about marrying Graydon.

I mean, it is but,

I'm looking for something.

And it's not here.

It's out there.

Beyond the Barrier. (BREATHING HEAVILY)


(CHUCKLES) You're gonna be a
great knight.


But I'll still kick your ass.



AIRK: It's a symbol
of my commitment to you.

Just until I can get something
more real.

I don't have anything for you.

Well, that's okay.

You could just look at me,
just like that,

for the rest of my life.

I could.

I will.


BAVMORDA: This child will have

no power over me. Start the ritual.


WILLOW: Sorsha!

ELORA'S MOTHER: They're going
to k*ll her!

WILLOW: It's begun. (ECHOING)

The Gales, they're coming.

- WILLOW: You know what to do.






(GASPS) Oh, God!

You think you're gonna
talk me out of this...

I know you well enough to know

there's no talking you out of anything.

I'm just asking you to wait longer.

For what?

You wanna come?

Kit, you know what I want.

I wanna serve the Queen
and defend Tir Asleen.

If you're my friend, you won't

ask me to choose you over them.

If I don't go now, I never will.

- Okay. Fine. Just do what you want.
- KIT: Ugh!

You know, there's nothing brave
about running away...

Is that fog?

SENTRY: What's goin' on?





Death Dogs.






Please be careful.

I'm always... relatively careful.

Let our love be your strength.

Right. Definitely gonna do that.







- (GRUNTS) Jade!


Inside, Your Highness! (GRUNTS)






We're under siege.

- Bone Reavers?
- Something else. Something worse.

Fellas, fetch my Cleaver.


Where's the Queen?




Would it be too much to ask
you not to do anything stupid?

- Probably.
- Stay behind me.








- Come on!











- No!

- Mom!












Oh, man. I'm sorry. I thought
you were gonna let go of her.







Help! Somebody help her!


- Airk? Airk?

Where are you? (BREATHING HEAVILY)

He was just behind me.

Fighting that witch.

GRAYDON: They took him.

I think...

he's what they came for.


I was up in the tower, and I

didn't know what to do or how to...


And then I heard that
voice speaking in Pnakotic, I think.

I saw a creature with huge gossamer

wings rise out of the mist,

with someone in its talons,
thrashing around as it flew away,

like a hawk who'd caught a mouse.

This is none of your concern.

DOVE: (WHISPERING) None of my...

- It's my only concern.
- BALLANTINE: Which direction did it go?

They're saying Airk was kidnapped.

We have to find him.
We have to rescue him.

Look, I appreciate
your affection for the prince,

but these are serious matters.

And I assure you,
everything that can be done, will be.


Caught up with him on the edge of town,
trying to steal a horse.

False. Patently false.

I was actually checking on the
conditions of the stables

as I was concerned
for the welfare of the animals.

(STUTTERS) Is it a crime to care, huh?
To feel?

- Enough!
- KIT: I'll go.

I'll go.


Mother, I said, I think I should
go west to search for Airk.

I heard you.

And I agree.

Oh. Okay.

My queen, if that is your decision,
I volunteer to go with her.

You are the commander of the Pacalcade.

You can't relinquish that responsibility
to go questing.

I'll go.

I've known Airk since the day he
was born,

and he's as close to a son
as I'll ever have...

At least, that I'm aware of.

Thank you.

You're just the leader
this expedition needs.

Me too. Where the princess goes, I go.

In that case, so is Graydon.

- I'm what now?
- You know, I think we're good,


You'd let your bride-to-be travel

beyond the Barrier without you?

It's not ideal
but I'd learn to live with it.


Thraxus Boorman.

Get off.


- You've been beyond the Barrier.

Aye, and it's no place for children.

Be their guide,
and I'll pardon all your crimes.

Really? Even the one
in the haberdashery with...

I like the feel of velvet on my...

Even that.

- Okay.
- Madness! As good as setting him free!

He'll see it done.

Not for a pardon,

and not for me,

but to square a debt with an old friend.

Where would we even look?
You can't track something that flies.

Which is why you're going
to need a sorcerer.

BOORMAN: A sorcerer?

Terrific. Okay.
All the sorcerers are gone.

SORSHA: There's one.

A Nelwyn.

Lives in a village on the River Freen.

And I have a feeling, he's
expecting you.

SORSHA: It's all happening
just as he said it would.

I believed if Elora Danan disappeared
and we forbade magic,

that perhaps we could keep evil out.

Willow disagreed.

He believed eventually evil
would find its way in,

and when it did, magic would be

the only thing that could save us.


But there's more.

It won't be easy to hear this,
but you must.

Bavmorda's blood, her spirit, survived.

In me, in your brother, and in you.

Willow had a vision that one
day that spirit would return

and destroy Tir Asleen.

Last night, I saw it too.

The last thing that Airk said to me

was that he would never leave me.

And when he said it, I...

I didn't care.

- Mom, I'm so sorry.
- SORSHA: I'm sorry too.


Look, just be careful.

We have enemies without and within.

BALLANTINE: I had this made

as a gift for when
you left for Galladoorn.

A knight is defined
not by skill in battle,

but by the oaths they keep.

JADE: I hope that when we next meet,

you feel like I've earned this
beautiful gift.

The fate of Tir Asleen may well rest

on whether you succeed or fail.

I won't fail.

SORSHA: Kit's like her father,

she'll never stop looking for Airk.

JADE: I won't let anything happen
to her.

SORSHA: She'll need you to be sensible
when she's rash.

I'm counting on you as I would
any knight.





KIT: How much further to the Barrier?

BOORMAN: Another day. Maybe less.

KASE: Rangers garrisoned
at the Mothers' Gate

are led by Commander Remar, an
old friend.

We can resupply
before we head beyond the realm.

- BOORMAN: You ever seen the Mothers' Gate?
- Aye.

Ever been beyond it?

Don't worry. There's plenty of stuff
I've done that you haven't.

JADE: I think someone's followin' us.

You know, that's what I thought.

Then I realized,
you'd have to be daft to follow us,

considering we're all gonna die.

Wait, you think we're gonna die?

I wish someone told me.
I'm really scared of dying.

- That and communal bathing...

Let's get off the road.

Hey, they're coming. Get down.



DOVE: Hey! Put me down!

- (SCOFFS) Uh-uh.

- Absolutely not.
- I wanna help rescue the Prince.

Tough. Go home.

You don't understand. We're in love.

Don't know how to break it to you,

but Airk's been in love with...

Not like this, not like us.

- You think I'm a fool, fine, I don't care.
- KIT: Hmm.

What we have comes around once,
maybe, if you're lucky.

There is nothing
we wouldn't do for each other.

Have you ever been in a fight?

- You mean, like, verbally?

I mean, like, defending yourself

- against someone who wants to hurt you.
- No.

Have you?

I can do other stuff, whatever you need.
Tend horses.

Somebody's gotta cook, right?

- Are you any good?
- I'm phenomenal.

She's not coming with us.

KASE: You heard the Princess.

You're going back
to Tir Asleen at first light.

KIT: What?

What? It'll be dark soon.
She can go back in the morning.

So what can you cook out here?


Seriously? You brought a flute?

Yeah, was that not a good idea?

My nan believed that music
was a balm for the soul. So...

This is not some jaunt
or your chance to see the world.

It's dangerous.

And those things that took Airk,

they're not just gonna give him back.

Hey, tell him.


Well, you're all so naive, it's

What? You've never known
pain, fear, hunger.

Out there,
it won't matter who your parents are,

or what you think you deserve.

The world is bigger
than you could possibly imagine...

It doesn't give a damn about any of you.

Possum stew?

- (WHISPERS) Phenomenal.

I know this is a silly question,

but what is the Barrier, actually?

It's a force field, forged by Raziel

and Cherlindrea to protect the realm.

It was a refuge for those who wanted

a life that was more than just survival.

My, um, family was headed

to the Mothers' Gate
when we were att*cked.

I was the only one who survived.

That's... depressing,

but not why they built the Barrier.

KASE: He's right.

It wasn't built to protect the realm,

it was built for Elora Danan.

What happened to her?

People say she's dead.

But the prophecy says
that one day she'll return

and unite the world against
forces of darkness. (CHUCKLES)

Truth is, no one actually knows.

My mother knows.

Pretty sure my father knew too.

I think he snuck her out of the castle

one night and took her somewhere

far away where nobody would find her.
And then, (INHALES)

stayed with her. (EXHALES)

That what you really think
or what you wanna believe?

Why would I want to believe
that he chose her instead of us?

I don't know.

Maybe 'cause, you know,
sometimes it's easier to hate them.





JADE: The kitchen maid?

She's gone. When I woke up.

Yeah, one night of sleeping
on the hard ground

will cure anyone
of their romantic fantasies.

JADE: Maybe she kept goin'?

Nah, unless she found the gate.

She won't get across that gorge.

(SIGHS) Shit.





BOORMAN: Where is everyone?

JADE: Armory's untouched.

If they fled, they went in a hurry.

- KIT: Guys.
- They'd never abandon their post.

Guys. Look at this.

"We stand at the threshold.

"We peer into the void.

"We bear witness to his glory.

"The Eternal One, the healer of worlds."




"As he stirs from his deathless slumber
deep below the surface,

"the Harbinger of the Wyrm will come."










- Whoa.

- Wow...


- Unbelievable.
- JADE: Gotta admire her persistence.

KIT: No, she's gonna get herself k*lled.

- Hey!


- DOVE: Oh...
- What did I say?

DOVE: You're not the boss of me,
Princess. Not out here.

I like her. We should keep her.

- Nobody asked!
- Shut up.

Enough. We don't have
time for your bickering.

Airk doesn't have time.

I don't care if you like each other.

We're all in this together now.

And out here, in the world beyond,

if you're not vigilant at each moment,

I swear you will not survive...




Bone Reavers!


- Ride! Hyah!
- Hyah!


Really? Thank you.

Yeah, this is exactly
why you can't come with us.


Get 'em!

Why are you riding so slow?
We are being chased!

Oh, no! (YELPS)

Oh, God!

Come on!

You okay?


- Okay.

REAVER: Boorman,
you're supposed to be dead.

That's not me, mate.

You're thinkin' of someone else.


(IN ANGORIAN) Hsu-gala! Hsu-gala!

- Boorman!
- Boorman! What are you doing?

- Hsu-gala!
- Hsu-gala?

(ALL YELLING) Hsu-gala!

- What?





KIT: That was incredible.

How did you get him to...

I've never seen horses do that.
What is Hsu-Gala?

It's an ancient Angorian word.

It means, "Stop."



I wanted to say, uh, I'm sorry...

About the way I behaved.

It was...

I was very childish. And...

No, it's okay.

I, I can understand not wantin' to

marry someone that you barely know.

I wasn't happy about it either.

You weren't?

I mean, you're... (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY)

You're a very pretty person,

- but, uh...

I just think you should be
in love with someone

before you commit to spending

the rest of your life with them, right?

And what about our responsibility
to unite the realm?

One day you and I are gonna be
in charge.

And when that day comes,

we don't have to do things
the way our parents did.

KIT: Are you sure this is the same

village my mother was talking about?

- It's the only village in the valley.
- JADE: Where is everybody?

MAN: Oh, Daikinis.

Terrific. Just what I need.

JADE: What happened here?

Plenty. And if you're not careful,
it will happen to you too.

We're looking for the sorcerer Willow.

Congratulations. You found him.

You're Willow?

Yep, that's me. Willow.

But I'm out of the sorcery business now.

I've retired. So jog on.

My name is Kit Tanthalos.

My mother is Sorsha.

She sent me here to come find you.

She told me that once long ago,

you stood together against the forces
of evil and defeated them.

The world needs you again.
It needs your magic.

WILLOW: It's okay.
She is who she claims to be.

SILAS: How do you know?

WILLOW: I read her mind.

- Kidding.

(CHUCKLES) Had you though, didn't I?
I didn't read your mind.

It's just, you remind me of your mother.

- My brother, Airk, was taken by...
- The Gales.

- The what?
- WILLOW: Your brother's alive.

A prisoner of The Withered Crone,

who dwells in the Immemorial City

that lies beyond the Shattered Sea.

The four who came to Tir Asleen
are her servants.

I'm sorry, did you say,
"beyond the Shattered Sea"?

- Okay.
- What?

BOORMAN: Princess, I've traveled
all across the world,

met some real magical marvins,

but I never met anyone
who crossed the Shattered Sea.

That's where all the maps end.

And that's where we must go.
Beyond the edge of our world,

into the unknown. It's the only
way to...




What are you...





WILLOW: You shouldn't be here,

but it's so good to see you, Elora.

Did he just say...

DOVE: No, you've made a mistake.

That's not... I'm not... I'm nobody.

You are Elora Danan,

Last Blood of Kymeria, future Empress,

High Priestess, Semprum
Sorceress of the Nine Realms,

and the world's last, best hope against

the evil coming to destroy us all.

