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03x07 - The Ghost, the Mouse, and the Motorcycle, Part 2

Posted: 11/28/22 19:07
by bunniefuu

What are you kids doing here?

Uh, we were just here on a...

No one's allowed
in here. It's off-limits.

- We're sorry. We were just...
- [GROUNDSKEEPER] Oh, save it.

Wait a minute. You're Nia Barnes.
President's daughter, right?


All right. I'll let you go this time,

but don't make me tell her
where I found you.

Got it? Good. Now get out of here.

- [NIA, CHARLI] Run! Run, run, run!
- [SAMIR] Go, go, go! Come on!

W-We need to be as honest as possible.

I'm not going to
jail for lying to a cop.

She's not a cop.
She's a private investigator.

I'm not taking chances.

I've been rehearsing the story
of how Oliver and I met,

because that part's true.

I just won't mention

how our Young Archaeologists'
Club started after he died.

- Samir, relax.

Just let me do the talking.
I'm good at that.



Sorry, I'm still sort of
reeling from last night.

How did that guy know who my mom was?

Hey, y-you don't think

we should tell the investigator
about the tunnels, right?

I think if Oliver wanted that,

he would've written "investigator"
and not "iron grate."

Right. We should bring Ralph.
He can snoop around and look for clues.

So, can I bring the bike?

Not for this one, okay?

- I mean, if you say so.

Wait a sec. [GASPS]

[NIA] All right, let's head out.


Where did Ralph go?

Okay, wake up.
Wake up! Wake up, everybody!

[STAMMERS] This is an emergency!
Everybody, wake up!

Oh, thank goodness you're here.

Listen, there is
an exterminator out there!

- You gotta...
- [ELDER MOUSE] Silence!

Yes, there's an exterminator out there,

and it's your fault.

I suppose you thought it was okay
to eat those cookies

because humans are our friends, right?

Now the rest of us
have to bunker down in this hole

till the traps and poison are gone.

It'll be a month at least.

Ralph, our food supplies are low.
If we don't get new food soon...

I'll talk to the kids, okay?
They can help you.

No humans!

Fine. I'll do it myself.

You want to help, Ralph?

Yes, it's my fault. I'll do anything.

Then get out. You've
done enough already.

[DETECTIVE] Okay. We should be ready
to get started now.

[SIGHS] Just getting some coffee here.

So, I'm not sure
how much you've been told,

but my name is Katie Donovan,
and I'm a private investigator.

I've been hired by the university

to look into the theft and forgery
of the Eloquent Peasant.

So, I'm just gonna
have to ask you a few questions.

To be clear, no one's in any trouble

here. This is just a
friendly chat, okay?

And also, we'd like you
to keep this whole incident quiet.

This is a sensitive issue
for the university,

and they don't want
this news getting out.

Any questions? [SIGHS]

May I use the restroom?

Sure. It's just outside to the right.

I don't have to go.



So, how did you get into archaeology?

[SAMIR] Uh, Oliver Ramos.

It all started with our mentor,
Oliver Ramos.

Let me tell you how we met.

Okay. I'll figure out
how to get her away from the desk.

Then I need you to look in the logbook.

The EP was stolen
the first week of October.

Search those dates.

We need to know who checked out
both the pelican painting

and the Eloquent Peasant.

Yeah. Right.
The pelican and the elephant pheasant.

- Got it.
- [SIGHS] Let's try this again.

So, one day I was having
a perfect yogurt parfait and Oliver...

Hi. I'm back.

Is it cool if we sit on the couch?
Looks comfier.

Oh, yes, please. [SIGHS] Let's.


[PANTS] Made it. All right.

So, do you want to hear
the rest of my story?

[DONOVAN] Um, maybe later.

So, you were all studying
the Eloquent Peasant

for your Young Archaeologists' Club,

Great. What did this involve?



Psst. I found him! "Alex Thompson."

- Nia?
- Right. The Eloquent Peasant.

We were just learning about
it, you know? History and stuff.

We also looked at photos for our club.

He checked the stuff out on October rd.

To, uh, study the
texture of the papyrus...

- [STRAINS] Whoa.
- ...and brushstrokes.

And that's how you noticed the fake?

[RALPH STUTTERS] And there's more.
Photos of the guy too!

Someone get over here and take pictures.

Is that correct?

Just distract her and get over here.

[NIA] Hey.

It's the ghost.

Hi, ghost.

Oh! Whoops, sorry.
I'm a magician. This happens.

You mind helping?


It's working.

Coming back at you.


What's that?

Oh, um, I... I was just saying, yes,

what you said before was correct.

That's how we noticed the fake.

- Right?
- Mm-hmm.

[RALPH] Scrunch.

- Okay, what do we know?

We have a name for our thief,
Alex Thompson.

Right, but the name is common.

There are a handful Alex Thompsons
in our city alone.

Why does you mom keep
all these old student newspapers?

She said she's gonna read them

someday. [SIGHS] Come on. Pay attention.

I am. I'm listening.

And we have a date for our crime,
October rd.

[NIA] But why then?

And how did the investigator
figure it out?

Do you think she
knows about the tunnels?

[NIA] I'm not sure.

But Oliver clearly wants us
to work on this case too.

I get it now! [CHUCKLES]

This newspaper is
from the day after the crime.

In it, this guy, uh, Greg,

says that he saw Old Chauncy's ghost

"leaving the schoolhouse
on October rd."


So this guy says he saw Old Chauncy.
Uh, like, saw him.

Uh, he saw his "cloak"
and his "old-timey hat."

I-I don't get it.

[CHARLI] Look,
we all know a real ghost now.

And you can't see him, right?

So this guy couldn't have seen
Old Chauncy's ghost.

What if what he actually saw was...

Was Alex Thompson making his escape.
The hat was a disguise.

There could be a tunnel exit
in the old schoolhouse

that we haven't found yet.

It's the only thing that makes sense.

It has to be
what Oliver meant by "Old Chauncy."

We need to find that exit
and look for clues.

But we can't get caught
going back to the schoolhouse.

You won't get caught.

Not if you're careful
and enter from underground.

I'll have this tunnel open tomorrow.


[CHARLI] Sydney?

What's going on?

You said
you couldn't work on the magic table

because you had to be
at the library studying.

- Charli, I...
- Syd, you coming?

Yeah, Griffin. I'll be right there.

If you don't come clean right now,
I'm telling Mom and Dad.

Listen, I'm sorry I lied to you.
It's nothing bad though.

I was chosen for the Hawthorne Club.

And the thing is,
I'm in this trial period right now

where I can't tell anyone,
or they won't let me in.

Oh, no. Did...
Did I just screw it up for you?

No. No. It's fine.

Look, Char, this is huge.

I'm one of only .

Wait, does that mean they think

you're one of the best and brightest
on campus?

You sure you don't want me
to take this one?

No. I wanna do it. [SIGHS]

Remember, asking him
to sign the pledge is strategic.

He doesn't sign,
people can choose to not shop here.

What if he wants to sign?

Confront him about what you saw.
See what he has to say.

Right. Okay. [SIGHS] Here goes.


[SHOPKEEPER] Can I help you?

Hi. D-Do you mind signing this pledge?

It's a sincere, long-term commitment,

and signing would mean a lot
to kids like me who shop here.

Not interested.

Listen, don't tell me
how to run my business.

I think you should leave.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

- You all right?
- He told me to leave.

Said I shouldn't tell him
how to run his business.

You know, it's weird,

but a small part of me hoped
he wanted to sign.

That we could talk about what happened.

That maybe I can convince him
to change the way he does things.

Pretty naive, huh?

Not at all.

I wish there were more people like you.

Come on. There's more places we can try.

[NIA] I know one.

"Engage in anti-r*cist education
for you and your team.

Commit to hiring employees who

reflect the diversity of our community."

Wow. I am impressed.
Did the three of you come up with this?

I-I'm just here for support.
Nia and Malcolm deserve all the credit.

Well, it's great. I'll sign.

Thank you, Ms. Reyna. Seriously.

And you could put this sticker
on your window to let people know.

Hey. What if we had
a little celebration here

for all the businesses
that sign the pledge?

Oh, you... you don't
have to do that, Amy.

No. I want to.

And I'll organize.

When my parents bought this store,

they saw it as a place
to bring the community together,

and you're doing just that.

[RALPH] Mmm. Okay.

With the cookies
at an altitude of three feet

and the ramp's angle of inclination
at degrees.

I'll need to approach
at a speed of roughly...

Let's see. Carry the one.

Super fast.

All right. Here I go.

I can do this. I think I can do this.

Yeah, I-I know I can do this.
I'm a mouse after all.

Here we go. All right.


I'm gonna pretend
that I'm already flying through the air.


Coming up on that ramp and...

Oh, baby! Come to papa. Whoo-hoo!

[DISTORTED] Whoa! Whoa!



- [DAD] Idris?
- Huh?

Uh-oh. [GASPS]


- What was that?
- I don't know.

Oh, I think your bag fell. [GRUNTS]

Samir, an A. [CHUCKLES]
Why didn't you tell us?

Wait. This was from days ago.

All this time
we're rearranging our schedules

so you can study for a test
that you already took?

Stay here. I'm getting your mother.


Ralph, you did this for cookies?

I can explain.

No, that's it. You're done.
No more motorcycle.

- Samir!
- Just go to my room. Now.

[RALPH] Oh. My mother was right,
I am a reckless mouse.

Who do I think I am?

Riding motorcycles
and getting people in trouble.

[SAMIR] I know it was wrong to lie.

I just didn't know how to handle the

pressure. School, chores, everything.

I know I should spend less time
with my friends, but I don't want to.

They make me feel like
I-I'm a part of something.

I haven't felt this way
since I had friends, back home.

We didn't know you felt like this.

Am I in trouble?

- Yes.
- Karim.

Obviously, you should never lie to us,

but your father and I
will need to discuss, hmm?

[SPEAKS ARABIC] Go to your room.

Good night, habibi.

[SAMIR] Night, Father.

Mother was right. I am a reckless mouse.

Who-Who do I think I am?
What? I'm riding motorcycles now,

and I'm... Capers and heists
and knocking over cookies.

- Who-Who do I think I am?
- Oh, Ralph.

Maybe it's a good thing
they found the test.

I had to be honest with them
at some point.

[SIGHS] The cookies weren't for me.

Look, I need your help.

I would've asked before,

but the mice in the bookstore
don't trust humans.

There are mice in the bookstore?

Uh, yes.


What did she say, Ralph?

She said, "Thank you." We saved them.

They have enough food now
to hole up in the wall

till the poison and traps are gone.


[RALPH CHUCKLES] Well, well.

Uh, he says,
"Maybe not all humans are bad."

Thank you?


He says you have shown great kindness,
and it has moved him.

If you're ever in need,
feel free to call on them.

They are always here.

All right, testing flashlights.

Hey, pretty good, huh?
Is that a hole or what?

[NIA] Here's some extra
batteries. Just in case.

[GASPS] Oh, uh, hey. Here.

Our paint supplier signed the pledge.
The hardware store too.

My parents will be at
the bookstore event.

I'll be there too.

If I'm not grounded. [CHUCKLES]

[SIGHS] Thank you so much,
both of you, for all your support.

Now, come on. Ralph didn't dig a hole
in my basement for nothing.


[RALPH ECHOING] Mind your heads.
Whoop! Watch it. Watch it.

Come on, slowpokes.
Follow, follow me. Always following me.

Easy enough to follow me,
I'm a mouse on a motorcycle.

[CHARLI] Nia, are you sure
you know where you're going?


This way.


I don't get it.

The basement to the old schoolhouse
should be around here somewhere.

But there's nothing.

It doesn't make sense.

Unless... What if there is no basement?

W-What if we're under the schoolhouse
right now?



Good thinking, Charli.

What are you waiting for? Pull it.

[ALL] Whoa.

[NIA] Guess we found the schoolhouse.

Careful, careful. Easy does it, Samir.

Nice work. I'll go first.

Someone grab the motorcycle.

Come on, slowpokes. Keep up the pace.

Wow. It's still sort of creepy,
even during the day.

I know, right?

Take a look at the hatch.
It blends right in.

So, that must be where Alex Thompson

climbed out of the tunnels with the EP.


Are you serious?

Really? Then what happened?

What's she saying, Ralph?

She lives here,

and she remembers
a night a couple of months ago

when someone came out of that hatch.

She remembers
because it scared her half to death.

Was this the person you saw?

No, she says she's pretty sure
it was a woman.

A woman?

[NIA] No one knows about these tunnels.

She must have been
working with Alex Thompson.

Yeah, but who are these people
and how are we gonna find them?

Wait. If there are mice in the
schoolhouse and mice in the bookstore,

then there are mice,
like, everywhere, right?

Yeah, pretty much.

Ew, really?

I have an idea.


- [SIGHS] Ready?
- Good to go.

[SAMIR] Thanks, mice,
for helping us get the word out.

All right, team. Let's
blanket this town.


[ROSIE] Whoo-hoo!


Special delivery.


Whoo-hoo! [CHUCKLES]


You know, I've been around a long time,

but I'm starting to wonder
if I've ever really lived.

Oh, yeah? Well, try this.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! [ELDER MOUSE LAUGHS]

[AMY] Hello, everyone.

Thank you so much for coming.
Gather round.

It is my great pleasure
to introduce Nia Barnes.

Hi. I wanna thank everyone
for coming out today,

especially Ms. Reyna from Village Books
for hosting.

And Malcolm Turner
for helping me create this pledge.

You know, for most of my life...

I don't think
I experienced a lot of racism.

Firsthand, anyway.

My parents worked very hard

to create a space
where that's possible for me.

And I'm grateful.

But... growing up
and learning more about the world,

I find racism harder
and harder to avoid.

And I'm only , so...

To be an anti-r*cist

isn't just acknowledging
that racism exists

throughout our businesses
and communities.

It means taking action against it.

By signing our pledge,
your business is not only making

a commitment
to diversity, equity and inclusion.

It's making a real difference
in the lives of kids like me.

[SIGHS] You're saying
you're not gonna racially profile me

when I walk into your store.

You're saying
you're not gonna call the cops on me

just because of the color of my skin.

Look, us kids,

we're not business owners... yet.

But we're a part of this community.

And this is the community
we'd like to see.

Thank you.


Go, Nia!

Way to go, Nia! [CHUCKLES] Well done!

Oh, I'm so proud of you.
Did you write that all by yourself?

Well, Dad helped. [CHUCKLES]

I proofread. She did all the work.

Aw. Listen, I have to run
to a university thing,

but can I just hug you again?

[MOANS] I love you, sweetie.

I love you too, Mom. And thanks
for introducing me to Malcolm.

[LAYLA] My pleasure, sweetie! Gotta run!

Thanks for signing the pledge, Dad.

Are you kidding? I'm proud to do it.

I'm really impressed
with you and your friends, Charli.

I wish I'd been that engaged
when I was your age.

- Charli.
- Hey, where were you?

- You almost missed Nia's speech.
- But I didn't, and she was amazing.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Hey, can I borrow Char for a sec?


You finished the magic table!

- It's perfect.
- Mm-hmm. And check this out.

Now you see it...

- And now you don't!
- Oh, yeah!


[MAMA] Your father and I discussed it,

and we're gonna look for a way to

give you more time with your friends.

We moved here so you kids can be safe
and have a good life again.

And that means being
part of a community.

It seems you found yours.

I promise I won't lie again.

And you'll keep your grades up?

Yes. Of course. Thank you.


Hey. Hey!

Hi there! What can I do you for?

Uh, this is Village Books, right?

Is this yours? I just saw this guy.

He's eating with a lady
at the Paris Canteen.

But you better hurry.
They just got appetizers.

Oh, wow. Thank you.


They found him! They found him!

- What?
- Alex Thompson.

He's at the Paris Canteen,
eating with a woman.

The mice saw them. Come on. We've
gotta get there before they finish.

He's right.
This woman could be the accomplice.

Let's go!

- Thank you, Ms. Reyna!



Hey, Ralph. Thank you.

- For what?
- For your help on the mystery.

- Couldn't have done it without you.
- We owe you. Big time.

This adventure has been payment enough.

I've had more fun than I ever knew.

Got into more trouble too. [CHUCKLES]

See why my mom worries about me so much.

Probably worried right now.

You know, I should
really pay her a visit.

- How far is the Mountain View Inn?
- Uh, pretty far.

Yeah, like another world away.

Well, the way I ride,
it won't take long!

Until next time.

He's back in the book.

[SIGHS] I'm gonna miss the little guy.

Let's go.

There! On the patio,
behind the purple flowers!

[CHARLI] That's Alex Thompson.

[SAMIR] Yeah, but who's he talking to?

Come on. Move your head.

- Lovely to meet you.
- Absolutely.

- We'll be in touch.
- Take care.

[SIGHS] I don't believe it.

I-It can't be.
