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02x09 - The Weaker Sex

Posted: 11/28/22 04:37
by bunniefuu
[ ♪♪ ]

Hey look, nan.

I think I might have found one.

That's a crack, not a fossil.

Oh, yeah, you're probably right.

You know, fossils are pretty hard to find.

And I'm sure mrs. Jo doesn't expect all of us to come back with one.

Nan, this is a school assignment.

I know, but she won't mind if we take a bit of a rest,

Especially if we come home with somethin' tasty for dinner.

How can we go fishing if you only brought one pole?

You can watch.

I'd rather look for fossils.

Hey, look.


-What is it? -Looks like saddle bags.

Someone must have lost them.

More like they threw them away. They look pretty old.

Still good enough to use.

Hey, you can use 'em for your fossils

Or that fish I'm gonna catch.

-Feels like there's something inside. -Really?


Look at it all!

[ ♪♪ ]

Asia: I don't know how you do it.

Teaching and everything else you got to do around here.

Well, I couldn't do it without you, asia.

You know you got to take some time out for yourself every now and then.

Well, I am. I'm taking a nice, relaxing bath.

-What's this? -A few history projects.

I thought I'd take a look at them while I was in the bath.

Well, you looked at them.

Now take your bath.

-They were supposed to be marked... -Take your bath.

Two days ago.

[ Heavy sigh ] okay.

Nan: , , ,


$ !

This is more money than I've ever seen in my life.

We're rich.

Well, we can't keep it.

-I mean, we've gotta give it back. -Back to who?

-To whoever it belongs to. -Well, we will,

As soon as we find out who that is.

Till then we gotta hide it so no one else steals it.

I think we should tell mrs. Jo.

We will, but what's the hurry?

Well, nan, it doesn't belong to us.

I know, I know.

Look, the money was either lost or it was stolen, right?

-Yeah, I guess. -Right.

So if it was lost,

Then we'll find out who lost it,

And give it back, and maybe we'll even get a reward.

And if it was stolen,

Then we can turn it in and we'll definitely get a reward.

A big one too.

And if it was lost or stolen a long time ago,

Everybody's probably already forgotten all about it.

Well, it's possible. I mean...

We don't know how long it's been out here.

If nobody claims it,

Then who does it belong to?

Well, I don't know.

It belongs to us.

Nat, think about it.

It's over $ .

Do you know what you could buy with this?

We could buy anything we wanted!

I could buy a new microscope,

Or a rowboat.

And you could buy a...

Violin or something.

Or maybe we could buy something for mrs. Jo and the school.

Yeah, that... That too.

And we could split it right down the middle.

You can spend your half on anything you want.

Only if no one claims it.


We gotta find someplace to hide it.

Hey, maybe we should bury it.

No, look, this is perfect. It's hollow.

[ ♪♪ ]

[ ♪♪ ]

[ ♪♪ ]

[ Twittering of birds ]

[ ♪♪ ]

Oh, hi, nick.


Hey. I was, uh...

Just doin' a little plasterin'.

-Oh. -Uh, a little crack. Nothing really.

Just thought I'd better get to it before it got any worse.

-Good idea. -Um...

Just a... Just a tiny crack.

I noticed it a while ago.

-Walkin' by. -Oh.

But it's all fixed up now.

Good as new.

Jo: this is an interesting one.

I'll pass it around so you can all take a closer look.

That one's mine. I found it down by the stream.

Very good, bess.

Jo: if you look closely,

You can see the imprint of the shellfish

That probably lived thousands and thousands of years ago.

What about mine, mrs. Jo?

Which one is yours, tommy?

Tommy: the one with the gold in it.

-It's not gold. -Yeah, it is!

Well, it isn't exactly a fossil.

But it is a very interesting mineral, tommy.

How much is it worth?

[ Chuckle ]

Not very much, I'm afraid.

Dan was right. It isn't gold.

It's known as a mineral called pyrite.

And it's fooled many, many people.

That's how it got its nickname: "fool's gold".

Class: [ mocking laughter ]

I thought I was gonna be rich.

[ Chuckle ] nan?

Me? I'm not rich.

[ Chuckle ]

Which one of these samples belongs to you and nat?

We... We didn't really find any.

Jo: well, where did you look?

Nan: everywhere. By the stream, in the woods,

In an old stone pile.

And you didn't find anything along the banks of the stream?

Nan: nope. Nothin'.

Are you sure you didn't do a little fishing along the way?

Well, maybe a little... Fishin'.

Perhaps the two of you can make up for lost time today,

When you continue your search after school.

I'd like to see something from you.

Yes, mrs. Jo.

Jo: mmm, this one is interesting.

Whose is this?

Harrison: a fictional story

Inspired by something in the news.

What an excellent assignment.

Yeah. We're probably gonna have to look

Through a lot of newspapers to find exactly the right idea.

Mrs. Jo said it's a good way to find them.

Indeed it is. I know many good writers

Who start each day by reading a newspaper.

Really? I never thought of that.

There you go.

All the news published by the [span tts:fontstyle="italic"]chronicle[/span] in the last few months.

Should be a lot of good ideas in here.

I'll take the bottom and you take the top.

There's a good story for you.

The boston fire.

People died.

Nearly buildings were destroyed.

Yeah, I heard about that.

Yeah, it's a terrible tragedy.

[ Not interested ] yeah, real sad.

Oh, hey, look!

Nan: [ reading ] two armed men held up a bank today in broad daylight

And escaped with an undisclosed amount of money...

-That's it! -A bank robbery?

Well, that could make an interesting story too.

Nat: it says here the banker is offering a reward

For the capture of the men and return of the money.


-Hmm! -Nan: yeah, and...

And we could write a fictional story

About finding the money and turning it in for the reward.

What a terrific idea!

Lots of action and suspense.

Maybe the bank robbers

Could discover who found their money...

And then come after the kids.

Yeah, and then the kids could be on the run

And then the robbers could find them and...

Hunt them down and k*ll them like animals!

[ Chuckle ]

Thank you, mr. Bridger, I think that's all we need.

Nan: it's a great idea.

Thank you.

Uh, wait a minute.

You might want to borrow this for reference.


That'd be great. Thanks a lot!

[ ♪♪ ]

Hey, jo!


Well, look at you. The perfect teacher.

I hope you're better with these children

Than you were with me.

Well, unlike you, amy,

These children really want to learn.

-Most of them anyway. -What do you mean?

Well, it seems that emil has copied every answer from nat.

Spelling errors and all.

Well, I guess you're going to have to have a talk with him.

Well, it's always tempting to spy on your neighbor during a test,

You know, when no one's looking, just a quick peek.

Meg: are you saying you used to cheat on your tests?

Amy: once or twice maybe.

Are you saying you never did?

No, never.

Oh, come on, meg.

Meg: what's the matter, jo?


Nothing. Nothing.


Something strange happened yesterday.


What is it?

Well, I ran into nick,

Repairing a crack in the bathroom door yesterday afternoon.

At first, I didn't think anything of it.

-Well, why would you? -Exactly.

That is why I employ him.

But there was something odd about his behavior.


In what way?

Well, it was about an hour after I had taken a bath.

And he was tripping over himself

Trying to explain what he was doing.

It was almost as though I had caught him doing something

He wasn't supposed to be doing.

Meg: what are you saying?

Do you think he saw you?

I don't know.

Well, how big was the crack?

Well, he said it was tiny, but I didn't see it.

Meg: well, then, why worry about it?

As you say, nick was simply doing his job.

But doing his job an hour after jo had a bath.

Amy: I think that's a bit of a coincience. Don't you?

Meg: oh, amy, you're making far too much out of this.

Besides, what can one possibly see

Through a tiny crack in a bathroom door?

Nick: jo?

Hello, nick!

What happened?


Um... I mean, uh, well...

Must have slammed the door too hard.

The plaster fell out. Sorry.

Oh, th-that's... My fault.

I probably should've packed it in there tighter.

I-i'll clean this up and try again.

It's pretty big.

The, uh, crack?

A lot bigger than I thought.

Yeah, well you know, these, uh...

These things just get worse and worse

If you don't fix them right.

You know what?

I should probably just replace this whole door and be done with it.

I'll get on that right away.

See, I was right about hidin' the money

And not tellin' anybody about it till we found out where it came from.

Now all we have to do is return the money to the bank in boston.

Right, and collect that big, fat reward.

I just hope the bank robbers don't come chasing us,

Like the ones in your story.

Yeah, I liked that part, didn't you?

Nat, they're bank robbers, remember?

They're long gone by now.

So how much do you think the reward's for?

A lot.

Probably buy some really great things.

Yeah, plumfield could sure use some new instruments.

Medical instruments.

I was actually thinking musical.

I know.

Over there.

It's somewhere around here.

Oh, there it is.

Wait, listen.

Man : come on, we gotta keep movin'.

Gotta find it here somewhere.

Man : yeah, sure.

I wish you'd have paid more attention.

[ Whispering ] it's the bank robbers!

Looks like it.

We headed up that way when we crossed the river.

See? Right over here.

They're coming! Quick, over there!

They gotta be around here somewhere.

I remember seein' them on your horse a few miles back.

Man : too bad you didn't see them fall off.

[ Sniffing ]

[ ♪♪ ]

Uh, we picked up the trail just over there.

We gotta get out of here!

They're goin' towards the money.

Forget the money!

Not in the log. Not in the log.

Not in the log... [ Muffled groan ]

Come on, let's go.

Man : keep movin', will ya?

Come on!

You're wastin' time.

I'm comin'. Comin'.

We been out here all day...

Nan: I can't believe it!

They didn't find it.

Nan: where is it? They're not here.

Where are they?

They've got to be here.

They're gone!

[ ♪♪ ]

Let me do the talkin'.

What happened?

Uh, we fell in the mud.

Both of you?

Well, we were standin' on this rotten log,

And it... It broke.

I thought you were going to look for fossils.

-Well, w-we... -Nan: well, we were,

But then we just started explorin',

And we were lookin' at all this dead stuff

Growin' out of this log and...

And we were standin' on it, and it busted right in half!

Jo: I thought you were going to use this time

To make up for yesterday.

We're sorry, mrs. Jo.

Nan: yeah, I guess we just lost track of time.

Are we late for supper?

Just about.

Jo: go on now. Get washed up.

[ ♪♪ ]

Nat, come on. I gotta show you somethin'.

Can't you just tell me what it is?

No, I gotta show you. It's up here.

You won't believe it.

I was up here pitchin' hay,

And you won't believe what I found.

How did they get up here?

I don't know.

Well, someone must have saw us hide them in the woods.

Well, yeah, but... Somethin' else.

Over $ is missin'.

Someone's spendin' it?

Looks that way to me.

But who?

Wait a minute. Maybe it's bess.

It's not bess. She doesn't need the money.

Her folks are filthy rich.

It's dan.


You saw how he was lookin' at us yesterday.

Nan, dan would never do something like this.

How do you know?

Because he would tell me.

Why would he tell you? You weren't gonna tell him.

[ Distant laughter/chatter ]

What's goin' on?

Emil: yes, I did!

Mommy! Mommy! Emil got a horse.

Can I ride? Please? Please?

Emil: yeah, it's mine now.

Dan: thing's lookin' a little skinny.

You better start to feed it.

Where did emil get a horse?

My uncle gave him to me. Isn't he a beauty?

Well, it looks a little, uh...

Old to me.

Your uncle gave him to you?

Yeah, he sent me the money, and I picked him out myself.

He gave you the money?

Emil: yeah, my birthday's comin' up,

And he figured I should learn to ride.

He never gave you no birthday present last year.

Well, he's making up for it this year.

Well, isn't that that uncle that's so cruel and mean to you all the time?

If that saphead was my uncle, it would take a lot more

-Than a horse... -Jo: that's enough, nan.

I think he's a very nice horse, emil.

I hope you thanked your uncle for him.

Yes, ma'am. I did.

[ Whinnying of horse ]

Nan: lookin' for this?

-Hey, that's mine. -No, it isn't.

We found it by the stream, and then we hid it in the woods.

I got to it before the guys who were looking for it did.

It's mine!

You saw those men in the woods too?

Look. I thought the money wouldn't be safe in the woods anymore,

So I decided to move it. And it was a good thing I did.

Then why were you followin' us in the first place?

[ Sigh ] I thought you'd know where the best fossils were.

Those men robbed the bank in boston.

I had a feeling they'd stolen it from somewhere.

Yeah, then you stole it from us.

Look, I was going to tell you.

After you've spent it all?

-No! -Nat: no one's going to spend any more,

All right?

We're going to give it back.

-Back? -To the bank.

They're offerin' a big reward.

L-look. What's wrong with spending a little?

It's stolen money, emil. That's what's wrong.

The bank robbers would have spent it all anyway.

So we can spend a little,

And give some back to the bank.

And maybe we can still even collect the reward.

-Yes! -Are you crazy?

I bought a horse.

You can get something that you really want,

And so can nan.

We can take the rest back to the bank.

It couldn't hurt.

This is just as bad as stealing.

Nan: no, it isn't, nat.

I mean, we don't really know how much that reward is.

It could just be a couple of bucks.

It isn't right!

Two against one. That's the way it is.

And whether you like it or not, nat,

You're a part of this as much as we are.

[ Sigh ]

Amy: [ gasp ]

You really can see everything!

Let me see.

-Hurry up, you two. He could be back any minute. -Oh, my.

You can see the whole room from here.

It's hard to believe that such a tiny crack

Would reveal so much.

Amazing, isn't it?

All right, you two. That's enough!

That's enough!

I'm so sorry, jo.

You must be so embarrassed.

Well, he might not have seen anything.

You just said you could see the whole room from there.

Well, yes.

But he might not have looked.

And even if he did, it's not the end of the world.


I was taking a bath!

I was...

-Well... -Jo,

These things happen when people live under the same roof.

I'm surprised it didn't happen before this.

Yes, but the thought of nick spying...

Spying? Amy, really.

Meg: nick is not the sort of man

Who would stand there watching.

He would fix the door right away,

Exactly as he did.

Amy: well...

I suppose the only way you're going to find out for sure

Is to ask him.

What good's a horse without a saddle? Am I right?

Good to see you again, my friend.

Hello, mr. Percy. This is nan.

She's buying the saddle.

She just inherited some money.

My great-aunt died.

I'm so sorry.

You know, buying something really special

Is one of the best ways to remember a dear departed loved one.

Yeah. I'm buying the saddle to keep things even.

Yeah, we're sort of sharing my horse.

Oh. Well, uh, I've got lots of saddles, as you can see.

Uh, how much you looking to spend?

Nan: well, not too much.

But emil says you got the best deals in town.

We want a really good saddle.

Of course. Of course.

Well, I've got these english saddles, uh,

Very nice, very dependable. But...

If you want something really good,

Something really special,

Take a look at this.

I present to you an authentic western saddle.

Shipped all the way from texas, first of its kind in concord.

I've never seen a western saddle before.

Just like the cowboys use.

You betcha. Now it won't be long

Before everyone's using them out here,

But, uh, you...

You could be the first.

And if you want a really good,

Really special saddle,

This here's the one to buy.

How much is it?

Well, I'm selling them for ,

But since you're more or less a repeat customer,

I could let it go for a little less.

How about ?


Well... All right.

$ It is.

[ Chuckle ]


It really is quite a door.

You've done a great job.

Ah, thanks.

You know,

It's a wonder something like this didn't happen sooner.

You know...

The crack in the door.

Oh, yeah.

But these things happen all the time.

-They do? -Yeah.

The wood warps and twists on account of all the water.

Oh, the water. Right.

I was talking about

The actual crack in the door.

I mean, who knows what someone might have seen through that crack.

It is the bathroom, after all.

Right, right.

Family life can be full of embarrassing moments.

Yeah, it can be.

And it's always best to prevent 'em if you can.

That's why I put a whole new door on.

I'll do your chores for a week if you let me ride.

Two weeks and you got a deal.

How do you make this thing go faster?

Turn the clock back years.

That's going to be how long it is

Before you get a ride, dan.

Hey, where'd you get the saddle?

From my uncle.

Your uncle?

Uh, y-yeah. It was part of the gift.

I-i had to wait for it to come in from texas.

All the way from texas?

Nan: you know, that captain hoffmann's pretty nice.

On-once you get past all that mean stuff, I mean.

Emil: and, uh, what good's a horse without a saddle?

Just like the one I learned to ride on.

Nan: come on. Come on!

-Go! -Emil: you're not doing it right, nan.

Come on. Stupid horse!

Show me what I'm doin' wrong

'Cause I can't get this old bag of bones to get movin' at all.

It ain't goin' anywhere, nan.

Nan: go! Come on!

Stupid horse.

Nick: all right. Point your heels down in the stirrups.

Nan: thank you, nick.

Why did you buy such an old horse anyways, emil?

[ ♪♪ ]

Dan: so why didn't you wanna ride emil's horse?

No reason. Why didn't you ride it?

You kiddin'?

That thing's like years old.



What's goin' on with you and nan?

What do you mean? Nothing's going on.

You mean nothin' you wanna talk about?

Harrison: good morning, dan!

Nat. How's life treating you this morning?

Ah, couldn't be better, mr. Bridger.

Harrison: how about you, nat?

You and nan get that story in on time?

-Story? -Yeah!

Yeah. We finished it yesterday.

Harrison: ah, bet it didn't turn out the way the real story did.

Oh, they caught those two bank robbers last night.

-They did? -Yeah.

They recovered all the money, too.

All of the money?

Yeah. Every penny.

Well, we'll see you boys later.

What's goin' on, nat?

Nick: you boys all set?

Yeah. Yeah, let's go.

Jo: it's beautiful, meg.

Meg: it will be when it's finished.

Stand still for a minute. Let me look.

Now turn around.

Amy: it really does complement your figure, jo.

Jo: it's not too revealing?

Amy: I don't think so.

Meg: okay, hold this up for a second

While I put some pins in.

Jo: is that high enough?

Meg: mmm, a little higher.

Amy: here, let me help you.

Oh. Why don't I just take it off?

What was that?


He was spying.

I don't believe it.

You have to talk to him, jo.

Nan: it didn't come from the bank in boston?

Nat: no, that money was recovered,

And those robbers were arrested.

Then where did the money that we found come from?

-And who were the men in the woods? -I don't know.

It must have been from a different robbery.

Yeah, and they were different robbers than the ones that were caught.

Nan: which means

We're just right where we were in the beginning.

If no one claims the money, then it's ours to keep.

-All of it? -Yeah, why not?

Because it doesn't belong to us, that's why not.

Listen, I'm not a part of this anymore.

Yes, you are. And if we get caught,

We're going to tell them it was your idea.

-Leave me alone, emil. -Take it easy.

Look, nat. We're not doin' anythin' wrong.

We're just holdin' onto the money

Till we find out who it belongs to.

Just like we originally agreed.

And we won't spend another penny.

I promise.

We should be getting back.

[ Splashing of water ]

[ Exhaling ]

[ Rattle of buckets ]

-Jo! -Nick!

Sorry. I didn't see you standing there.

Ah, that's all right.

I guess we're even now.

Even? What do you mean?

Ah... I don't know. I just said it.


No reason.

H-how much did you see?


Through the bathroom door.

[ Sigh ] nothin'.

That's why you were so anxious

To replace the whole door.

How long were you standing there?

-I wasn't. -Yes, you were.

And what about the window?

I was fixin' it.

How long has this been going on, nick?

How long have you been peering

Through windows and cracks in doors?

How long have you been spying on me?


You think I was standin' there watchin' you?

I was walkin' by. I seen a crack in the door.

I stopped to take a look at it,

And I seen your foot steppin' into the bathtub.

My foot?

That's right.

I could've stopped to look, but I didn't.

I walked away.

I'm sorry you got such a low opinion of me.

Asia: ah, food must be good tonight.

No one's got time to talk.

It's exceptional.

Don't you agree, nick?

Asia's cookin's always the best.

Did you tell jo that story you were telling me?

What story is that?

I ran into sheriff webster earlier today.

He was tellin' me about a family from boston,

Come out to buy the old tapscott vineyard north of town.

Get it goin' again.

Jo: I know that place.

That's a nice piece of property.

Dream of a lifetime for these folks.

Some years they saved to buy it.

Then somewhere between here and boston,

They lost all their money.

Jo: they lost it? How?

Nick: father and son were ridin' out

To put a downpayment on the place.

Somewhere between here and town,

They lost their saddle bags.

A family from boston?

How much they lose?

Everything they had. Over $ .

It's just terrible.

Poor family must be devastated.

Maybe someone found it.

But they don't know who it belongs to yet.

Nick: no one's come forward.

Sheriff webster's organizin' a search party.

I told him I'd help round up some volunteers.

Well, that's an excellent idea.

We can all help.

Yeah, it'll be like a treasure hunt.

What are we gonna do?


Uh, morning, everybody.

I'd like to thank you all

For giving up your time to help in this search.

This here is mr. Butler.

Mr. Butler: hello.

Seeing all you folks here

Reminds me of all the things that money can't buy.

My wife and my daughter,

My parents and i, we...

We came out here to buy a vineyard.

And whether we find our money or not,

We've found a place we'd like to call our home.

Sheriff: ah, the butlers figure they lost

Their saddle bags somewhere between here and concord.

Now I want you all to split up into small groups,

Spread out,

And make your way back to town.

We'll meet up again at :

In front of my office.


This is for you.

For us?

But this must be all the money you have in the world.

Just like what you lost.

Well, thank you, son.

You keep your savings.

I'm sure with all these good people here,

We'll find our money in no time.

Where's he going?

I don't know.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna get the money

And give it back to those people.

No you're not. We've already spent some.

How are you going to explain that?

That's your problem. I didn't spend any.

I did.

Look. You saw those people. We've gotta do something.

It's too late.

We're gonna get thrown in jail for this.

Yeah, nat. Do you want to go to jail?

We're not going to go to jail if we try and make things right.

Whether you help me or not,

I'm going to get the money and give it back.

-He's right, emil. -No, he's not.

-Hey! -Emil, stop! No!

-You're not going to tell anyone, you hear me? -Get off me!

Leave him alone! Emil!

What's the matter with you?

Emil: you can't tell anyone!

You think people won't figure it out?

-Go get nick and mrs. Jo. -No!

We have to. We've got no choice.


She'll tell my uncle.

Jo: $ .

I couldn't believe it when nick told us about it last night.

How is nick?

Yes, have you spoken to him since the, uh...


That silly door.

It's been the cause of more trouble.

What do you mean?

[ Sighing ] he saw my foot.

Your foot?

That's all?

Meg: well, that's a relief.


Well, if I didn't know better,

I'd say you were disappointed.

Amy: disappointed? Meg...

Well, I mean,

When you were imagining what nick might have seen,

You were...


Maybe it's time that you and nick considered courting.

-What? -Amy: why not?

You've already admitted to having feelings for him, jo.

Meg: and it's pretty clear those feelings aren't going away.

Nick: hey!

Here you are.

I been lookin' all over for you.

Jo: you have?

Kids found the money.

They did?

-[ Chuckle ] -yeah.

They found it a few days ago.

How much is missing?

$ .

That you spent on a horse and a saddle.

Nat wanted to tell you about it right away.

Why didn't you?

Why didn't either of you?

Well, what are you going to tell the butlers?

We'll pay them back.

Yes, you will.

I'll accept any punishment, mrs. Jo.

Just don't tell my uncle.

First, you're going to return the horse,

And then the saddle.

Nick: I'll take the saddle.

-How much you pay for it? -$ .

$ For a saddle?

-It's a nice saddle, jo. -[ Sigh ]

Nan: thanks, nick.

Now all we gotta do is take the horse back,

And then we can get all the money.

And then you're going to return it

To the butlers, in person.

And if they're satisfied with your apology...

Then I'll agree not to report this little episode to captain hoffmann.

Thank you, mrs. Jo.

Go on. Get busy.

I'll get the horse.

We'll take that.

$ .

That's the best I can do for you.

$ ? But I paid for him.

I guess you paid too much.

I'm sorry, my friend.

I can appreciate your predicament,

But I've got to make a livin' too.

$ , Take it or leave it.

A-all right.

We'll take it.

It's been a pleasure doing business with you.

I'm sorry that it didn't work out.


We're still $ short. What are we going to do?

We're really sorry, mr. Butler.

We knew what we were doing was wrong.

We should've known better.

Nan: yeah, we'll work all summer to pay it off.

As long as it takes.

We're not afraid of hard work.

Well, you're good kids.

You could've kept all of it.

So you come out to the old vineyard,

You help me get it all up and runnin',

We'll be happy to consider it repayment in full.

-Thank you, mr. Butler. -Thank you so much!


[ ♪♪ ]

[ Whinnying of horse ]

Nice saddle you've got there.


Probably paid a little more for it than I should've, but...

[ Sighing ]

I always wanted a nice saddle.


I came to apologize for accusing you of spying on me.

It was an awful thing to say.

Yeah, it was.

I'm sorry.

Though I was tempted.

You're a beautiful woman, jo.

Where should we go from here?

I don't know.

I don't know what to do.

Meg thinks we should start courting.

Might not be a bad idea.

Been on my mind for a while now.

Mine too.

Kids'd probably be all for it.

Oh, they'd be thrilled.

It might make things easier for us as well.

We wouldn't have to hide our feelings no more,

Or pretend we didn't have any.

We could walk down the street together,

Arm in arm if we wanted to.

It could be all right.

[ Giggle ]

[ ♪♪ ]

But then we are so different.

Yeah, we don't see eye to eye on very much.


And courting can be so formal...


Aw, I'd never get it right.

I'd be worse.

And as much as I like it here, there's a part of me

That's always gonna wanna go back to sea one day.

And you should.

I wouldn't want to stand in your way.

You deserve a better commitment than that, jo.

And you deserve a woman who will wait for you.

We're just too different.

It would never work.

Ah, not in a million years.