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02x04 - Opposites Attract

Posted: 11/28/22 04:32
by bunniefuu
Laurie: all this correspondence.

How does it pile up so quickly?

I don'’t know.

Investment proposals, business ventures.

I'’m tired of painting landscapes.

Here'’s the one I was telling you about:

The indoor food refrigeration system.

Remember? The air-tight cabinet

-That helps preserve food? -Sounds good.

The more I think about it, the better the idea sounds.

Perhaps I should paint a still life.

They'’re asking for short-term capital

To help generate a prototype.

Well, there'’s risk of course,

But I think the positive outweighs the negative,

Don'’t you think? Absolutely.

Maybe a bowl of fruit or some flowers.

I'’m going to wire him right away.

If this project is as successful

As I think it could be...

One of bess'’s figurines, sitting on her night table.

It'’s perfect, isn'’t it?

Yes. Perfect.

Franz: the minutemen gathered right here.

Ordinary citizens of concord, banding together,

-United in their... -Is this gonna be on the test?

Just listen, tommy.

Imagine a spring day, april , ...

Oh, wait. Do we need to know dates?

Yes, but for now...emil: we do?

But you told us not to bring our pencils and paper.

Franz: will all of you just stop?

Don'’t you understand?

We'’re lucky enough to walk through a town

Where so many great things happened.

Woman: back off, I said. I'’m workin'’.

You'’re always workin'’.

Yeah, ya oughta try it sometimes,

'’Stead of always getting in my way.

This is where history was made.

"The shot heard '’round the world".

Man: I got a better idea.

How '’bout you and I go upstairs, huh?

Woman: you better mind your manners

If ya know what'’s good for you.

[ Suggestive chuckle ]

Man: got a feelin'’ you'’d be good for me.

Of course in '’least that'’s what I hear.

Franz: ...this hotel wasn'’t here.

Instead it was a...

Nan: [ shriek ]

Oh! I'’m so sorry.

It... It... It... It'’s all right.

It'’s all'’s not all right.

You'’re wet. You'’re...

You'’re very wet.

I'’m aware of that.

Children: [ laughing ]

Amy: the reason I came over early was so we could talk and have tea.

Amy, I can'’t. I have chores to do.

Does that smell fresh to you?jo!

Ugh, we could really use one of those refrigeration cabinets about now.

It would keep these vegetables fresh in the warm weather.

Refrigeration cabinet?yeah.

That new invention that you and laurie are investing in.


Well, didn'’t he tell you?

No. When did he tell you?

I don'’t know, the other day.

Why would laurie go and invest in something

Without consulting me first?

I mean, I am his wife.

I think I should have some say in how we spend our money.

I'’m sure he intends to tell you, amy.

Probably just slipped his mind.

He should have told me.

[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]

Bess: remember how much trouble I had with arithmetic?

Remember? Bess, you were near tears.

Well, look!


Sorry I'’m late.

We did say : .

I suppose it slipped your mind.

Um, father, look how I did on my test.

Bess, that'’s wonderful.

Jo: isn'’t she doing beautifully?

Oh, did you show them your story?

The one that you wrote about your trip to europe?

Oh, no. It'’s all about paris.

I'’ll be right back.

Laurie, why didn'’t you tell me

About the refrigeration cabinet that you invested in?

Yes, laurie, regale her.

Well, I already did.

When?the other day.

Remember? We were in the parlor?

You were talking to me about the landscape you'’re painting.

I'’m not painting a landscape, laurie.

I'’m painting a still life.

Weren'’t you listening to me?

Well, weren'’t you listening to me?

You know, I think I smell dinner?

Obviously you weren'’t paying any attention, otherwise you...

Well, obviously you weren'’t paying any attention either.

I could barely get a response from you

When I told you about the still life that I was going to paint.

You know, I do smell dinner.

Well, forgive me if I didn'’t summon up the appropriate enthusiasm.

I don'’t want your enthusiasm if it has to be summoned.

I have an idea. Why don'’t we sit down,

And we'’ll discuss the refrigeration cabinet

And the still life painting over dinner?


[ ♪ ]

Franz, we'’re choosing teams to play ball,

And we'’re one person you mind?



[ Knocking on door ]

Come in. So you wanna play ball with us?

I can'’t. I'’m busy.

Doin'’ what?


[ Giggling ] shaving what?

[ Sigh ] out!

[ Giggling ]

[ ♪ ]

Oh, I'’ll get the mail.

Nick wants me to check for those hinges.

Then come right back. I need help with this list.

Man: I said no more credit.

You'’ll have to put something back.

I can'’t do that, mr. Gerson.

Sure you can. Uh, how about this flour?

Well, how do you expect me

To bake a chocolate cake without any flour?

That'’s your problem, miss macgregor,

Unless you have another cents.

You know that I get paid on fridays.

Then come back on friday and buy it.

No. That'’s too late.

My brother'’s birthday is tomorrow.

-Let go! -But he wants a chocolate cake.

Oh! Oh-h.

Oh, my!

Now look what you'’ve done.

It was an accident.

Are you all right?i... Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Here. Here, let me do that.

No, please. I...

No, i... I'’ll just wipe...


Oh, no.what?

Well the... The, uh... The... The glass popped out.

Give me that.

Didn'’t i...?

Oh! Well, how are you? Hello.

Hello?oh, you must think I'’m so awful

And clumsy and rude.

I must.oh... Well...

Of course you would,

Considerin'’ you just, uh, dried off from the last occasion,

And here i... Well, this should...

This should just brush right off. Honestly.

That'’s... That'’s not necessary.

Well, I'’m almost done.d... Don'’t!

I mean, thank you.

Well, don'’t thank me. I...

No, it'’s just, uh...

Not another thing, um...

Because i... Uh... Bye.

You all right, franz?

Sorry, i...


[ ♪ ]

Dan: and franz, he was just standin'’ there,

Mindin'’ his own business,

When whack!

That sack of flour exploded all over him.

It was great.

Yeah. She really got you good, franz.

Yes. Yes, she did.

Nan: that makes twice.

Franz: I know.

That girl, she'’s so...

-Pretty? -Yes. I mean no.

No, she'’s... She'’s... She'’s infuriating.

Exasperating. Always making a scene.

Hmm, maybe you should steer clear of her then.


That girl'’s nothing but trouble.

I kinda liked her.

Yeah, me too.

Obviously so does franz.

Comin'’ through loud and clear.

But he just said she was nothin'’ but trouble.

The good kind of trouble.


Another few years, nan.

You'’ll understand.

Nan: [ heavy sigh ]

[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]

Distant? How?

Amy: when laurie and I talk now,

We talk, but we don'’t listen.

Not really.

You heard us, jo. Last night.

Well, that was one instance.

I know. But it started me thinking.

And I realize that this kind of thing has been happening a lot lately.

There'’s a certain...

I don'’t know...

Lack of interest.

Meg: oh, amy,

All relationships experience a little lull now and again.

Do you and edward?

Well, no.

But our relationship is very new.

We still have so much left to discover about one another.

What if laurie and I have already discovered everything about each other?

What if there'’s nothing left to know?

Oh, amy, don'’t be so dramatic.

I'’m not, meg.

I just feel as if we'’re drifting apart.

Jo: amy,

I remember fritz and i...

We used to get so caught up in the routine of our lives,

That we would have to stop and remind ourselves

To appreciate each another.

Meg: yes, maybe that'’s all you need.

A reminder.

You think so?

Jo: just talk to laurie.

Get things out in the open.

And you never know.

Laurie may not even share your doubts.

I'’ll talk to him tonight.

[ ♪ ]

It'’s a shock, isn'’t it?

The that bess got on her arithmetic test.

She'’s becoming a regular mathematician.

How about that story she wrote?

I know. So descriptive and eloquent.

It felt like we were in paris all over again.



I know this will sound silly.

I'’m sure I'’m overreacting.

It'’s just that I'’ve been feeling lately...

What is it?

Things don'’t seem as...

Easy between us anymore.

No. They don'’t.

But that'’s not to say that things aren'’t wonderful.

I mean, any couple married over years

Is bound to experience a little...


A lull.

That'’s the perfect word for it.

We'’re experiencing a lull.

And that doesn'’t bother you?

Bother me?


Because I know...

I mean I'’m sure this is just temporary.

It'’ll pass.

It will pass, won'’t it?

It'’ll pass.


[ ♪ ]

[ Chuckling ] thank you.

Thank you for coming.

[ Mixed chatter ]

Well, that was too long.

Yeah, thanks, nan, for snorin'’.

Everyone turned around and thought it was me.

Well, I was just havin'’ the best dream

About the big fish I'’m gonna catch.

Well, it had to be a dream,

'’Cause everyone knows I'’m gonna catch the biggest fish today.

Bess, fishing?

I didn'’t know you'’d developed such an interest.

Oh. Well, it'’s become kind of a tradition.

We have this little friendly competition every sunday.

But we thought you'’d spend the day with us.

Oh. Well, I just assumed that...

Sunday'’s our chance to be together.

But you just had dinner with me the other night at plumfield.

I know, but we'’ve scheduled such a lovely afternoon,

Just the three of us.

Well, I guess the fish can wait.

Laurie: wonderful.

Guess I win by default.

Hello. I was just wondering,

Um... Have you talked to him?

Oh. Yes.

I feel so much better now that we'’ve discussed everything.

See? You just needed to get everything out in the open.

Absolutely. You were right.

So you and laurie...

We'’re fine, jo.

We'’re just... In a little lull.

It'’ll pass.

Woman: franz!

That'’s her.


The one who dumped flour on franz.

How did you know my name?

Mr. Gerson told me. Here.

It'’s a cake.


You'’re not going to throw it at me?

No, silly. I baked it for you,

To make up for all that mess.

That'’s nice. You shouldn'’t have gone to the trouble.

Oh, no trouble. I was already baking one for my brother,

So I just doubled the recipe.

-So you got the flour after all. -Oh, sure.

Old gerson makes a fuss now and then,

But he knows I pay up when I can.

Franz: yes, mr. Gerson likes to make a fuss., um...

We were... I mean, this is...

Uh...isabel macgregor.

Isabel macgregor. Mrs. Jo. Bhaer.

It'’s a pleasure. I'’ve heard so much about you.

Oh, I can only imagine.

I been causin'’ poor franz so much trouble.

Well, I'’m sure he hasn'’t minded much,

Now have you?

No. No. Not too much.

Asia: well, I don'’t care what it looks like,

You'’ll never see me passin'’ up a piece of chocolate cake.

I'’m with you, asia.

It was very thoughtful of miss macgregor, don'’t you think?

I suppose.

Oh, well it'’s the least she could do after what I heard;

Throwin'’ all that flour and water on ya.

She does have spirit.


A spark. A certain vibrancy.

Maybe you should think about courting her.

All three: what?

Well, he is of courting age, after all.

But... That... That doesn'’t mean that...

Well, and she did bake you this cake.

She obviously thinks very highly of you.

Asia: now, jo, stop pressuring him.

Jo: I'’m not pressuring him.

I'’m really not interested.

Not interested?!


I'’m not interested.

The way you were standing there, gaping at her?

Huh. Gaping?yes, franz,

Your jaw was hanging open.

You could barely speak.

Well, she... She hardly gives me the chance.

I know what that'’s like.

She'’s too impetuous and strong-willed.

And loud. This...

We'’re too different. This is silly.

Asia: well, differences are good sometimes.

You know what they say:

"Opposites attract."

"They" don'’t know what they'’re talking about.

I still think that you...i am not courting

Isabel macgregor.

And that'’s the end of it.

Let'’s just enjoy our cake.

[ ♪ ]

Aunt jo?


What are you doing, sweetheart? You should be in bed.

I know. I just couldn'’t sleep.

You couldn'’t sleep?

Oh, I'’m not sick or anything.

I, um...


Why don'’t you come in?

Tell me. What'’s wrong?

It'’s my parents.

Did something happen today?

No. Nothing in particular.

They'’ve just been acting so strange lately.

They seem so tense.

Well, your father has been working awfully hard lately.

No. I mean with each other.

It'’s so strange because they seem

To be trying so hard to seem happy,

But underneath, I know something'’s wrong.

I can feel it.

Do you know what it is?

Bess, I wouldn'’t worry about this.

Married couples, they...

They go through off days.

This will pass.

[ Whispering ] right.

[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]



Oh, excuse me.

Did you forget something?

Uh, no, i... I just, uh...

I, uh...

Just taking a stroll?

Yes. I mean, uh...

No, i, uh...

So this is where you work?

[ Sigh ] yes.

This is the grand palace.

It'’s... It'’s nice.

Nice paint and, uh...

The windows are exceptionally clean.

Really sparkling.

Well, thank you.

It'’s funny how you can walk through town

All the time and not even notice.

Well, I'’m pleased you did.


Yes, franz?

C-could you, um...?

Um, could we...?

Would you do me the honor

Of accompanying me on a carriage ride?

Perhaps we could enjoy a picnic...yes.

Say again?

I said, yes, franz.

To your very sweet invitation.


All right.

Well, uh, I'’ll... I'’ll see you soon.

Uh, l-later,

Uh, miss... Uh...


[ ♪ ]

I was looking for a reason to come by and talk to you,

Laurie, you never need an excuse.

I'’m glad that you came by.

I'’m sure amy'’s spoken to you about our difficulties.

Yes. She has.


Bess is aware of it too.

She came to me last night, distraught.

She said that she sensed a strain between the two of you yesterday.

[ Sigh ] I'’m not surprised.

I spoke with amy and she said

That the two of you had cleared things up.

We did...

Sort of. [ Sigh ]

We both feel a certain distance in our marriage.


Laurie: well, I'’ve been thinking about it.

I finally realized when it all started.

It was when bess first moved here to plumfield.

Laurie, of course there'’s going to be a bit of adjustment,

When a child leaves the home.

Laurie: it'’s more than that, jo.

It seems so empty at home without her.

The only time amy and I seem to connect now

Is when we'’re talking about bess

Or when bess is with us or...

The two of you have so much to offer each other.

I'’m not so sure anymore.

We'’ve always been a surprising match, you know that.

At first that was part of the attraction.

I remember when we began courting in... In paris,

Everything was fresh and romantic and exciting.

We fell in love quickly,

Married quickly, had bess quickly.

We were the instant family and that...

That was wonderful.

Now bess is living here,

And it'’s the first time

That amy and I have ever really been alone together.

I can'’t help wondering.

I mean...

Is bess the only thing we have in common now?

Did we ever have anything in common?

I mean, tell me, jo,

Is there a reason for amy and I to stay together?

[ ♪ ]

Goin'’ somewhere?

[ Sigh ] what do you want, nan?


When you gave us that assignment,

You said, " words",

You meant words approximately, right?

'’Cause I'’ve got the feelin'’ mine might be a little short.

How short?

Oh, or so.

Give or take .

Keep writing.

-Where'’re ya goin'’? -Who says I'’m going anywhere.

Well, you been standing in front of that mirror now for minutes.


Have you been standing there the whole time?

You'’re goin'’ to see that girl, aren'’t ya?

That isabel.

You are, aren'’t ya?

C'’mon, franz, where'’re ya takin'’ her?

Look, it'’s really none of your concern.

Well, I'’m not concerned. I just wanna know.

[ Sigh ] nan.where'’re ya takin'’ her?

If... If I tell you, do you promise to leave?

Yes, I promise.

[ Sigh ] well, we'’re going on a carriage ride,

Followed by a picnic.

-Sounds good. -You see,

There'’s this poetry reading in the park.

And I thought maybe we could...wait. Back up.

Did you say, "poetry reading"?

-Yes. What'’s wrong with that? -Well, franz,

You might as well be takin'’ her to school.

Goodbye, nan.

Fine. But if ya ask me,

A girl like that is not gonna be interested in poetry.

And what makes you so sure?

'’Cause she'’s not the poetry type.

She'’s more like...

Well, more like me.

You oughta take her out into the countryside,

And do somethin'’ fun.


And anything is better than a poetry reading.

Trust me.

[ ♪ ]

Franz: are you comfortable?

Isabel: couldn'’t be better.

You better move aside though.

Why'’s that?

There'’s a turtle down here.

And I think he wants to pass us.

Well, it'’s a winding road.

You never know what'’s coming around the bend.

Mmm. Kinda makes it more interesting though, don'’t ya think?

Ya mind?

What... What are you...?

Uh... Uh...

What are you...?

Look, uh... Isabel, come on now.

It'’s fun.

No, it'’s not because...

Come on, isabel.

Franz: a carriage!

There'’s room.

-There'’s room. -Pull over.

-Pull over. -There'’s room.

There'’s no room.

There'’s no room.

Driver: out of the way!

[ Whinnying of horses ]

[ Whinnying of horse ]

Both: [ gasping ]

Now that was close.

[ Laugh of exhilaration ]


It was...


... ...

... .

That should be enough.

Thank you.

Oh, dan, wait. Two more.

Amy and laurie are coming tonight.


Are they eating here again?

-Of course. -Of course they'’re welcome.

But it seems those two have been eating here a lot lately.

Bess: they have, haven'’t they?

Jo: bess...

Excuse me.

Bess: aunt jo,

I know why my parents have been eating at plumfield a lot lately.

It'’s because they don'’t want to spend time alone together.

Oh, bess, that'’s not true.

-Your parents... -Yes, it is.

I overheard you and my father talking yesterday.

Your parents are going through a difficult time right now, bess.

It'’s true.

But they'’ll work through it.

They just need to remember why their marriage is so special,

And why the two of them belong together.

Well, I think I have an idea to help them remember.

But I'’m going to need everyone'’s help...

Including you.

Isabel: I'’m sorry, franz.

I sure didn'’t mean to break anything.

Don'’t worry. Nick'’ll fix it.


Our caretaker.

I'’ll just ride back to plumfield and...

No, we don'’t need anybody'’s help.

I'’ve fixed wagons worse than this before.

You'’re going to fix it?

Of course.

All right.

Hello, jo.hello.

Laurie: sweetheart.

[ In french ] bonjour, maman, papa.

C'’est fantastique de vous voir.

My, how sophisticated.

French lessons today?

Les etudes? Je ne comprends pas.

Bienvenue a paris, madame.



Uh, I mean...



Entrez, s'’il vous plait.

[ Mispronounced french with english accent ] bon-juror.

[ Mispronounced french with english accent ] um... Les fleurs...

Pour la dame.

[ Trying french ] beaned... Beanedvenue.

What'’s all this?

It'’s for you.

[ ♪ ]

It was remarkable how you fixed that wagon.

Oh. Well, I couldn'’t have done it without you.

All I did was hand you my suspenders.

Exactly. Without them, I wouldn'’t have been able to fix it.

Oh, i... I put a lot of pepper in my potato salad.

I like them spicy.

Me too.

[ Clearing throat ] marvelous.


You know, I'’ve never been out with anyone...

So polite before.

It'’s lucky we crashed here.

It'’s so beautiful.


I mean, yes.

It sort of recalls

A lewis carroll pastoral setting,

Don'’t you think?


I wouldn'’t know.

Haven'’t you read "through the looking glass"?

It'’s wonderful. You should.

Oh, well, I don'’t.... I don'’t get much time for reading really.

[ Clearing throat ]

"Middlemarch" is a great novel.

I just finished reading that.

Never heard of it.

It'’s by george eliot.

Don'’t know him either.



George eliot. That'’s a woman.

Named george?

Well, it'’s a pseudonym.

Look, franz, you know, you don'’t have to make fun of me.

What?i mean, i...

I don'’t know about books or... Or suit-o-nims

Or women named george.

I didn'’t get proper schooling.

Isabel, I know. I... I wasn'’t making fun of you.

I just...

I just got nervous, that'’s all.



Because I don'’t know what to say all the time.

And I know I'’m not the most interesting person.

You'’re very interesting.

Not like you.

You'’re so confident and outspoken.

You must be used to boys who are the same and...

I'’m just not that...


You are a gentleman.

You'’re sweet and... And you'’re kind.

And that'’s why I like being with you.

I like being with you too.

[ Violin ♪ ]

Oh, dan, wait. All right, I want you to say:

Voudriez-vous plus de vin, madame et monsieur?

I can'’t remember all that.

Of course you can.

But I feel stupid.

Please, dan.

Thank you.

[ Trying hard ] uh, vooders ploo...

More wine?


Asia, all right, I want you...i know. I know.

Asia: le poulet.

C'’est magnifique, madame.


[ ♪ ]

They'’re starting to remember already.

[ ♪ ]

I enjoyed the carrots.


I wish you didn'’t have to work this afternoon.

I know, me too.

[ Giggling ]

I had a fine time today. Thank you.

Thank you. Perhaps we could...

You were saying?

[ Clearing throat ]

Um, I hope the two of us can, uh...

Women: [ snickering ]

It'’s what happens when ya fix a wagon.

Um, i... I... I should get going.

Yes, you should.

-Isabel... -Thank you for the picnic.

I had a wonderful time.


[ Door slams ]

All this trouble to transport us back to france.

It'’s been delightful, bess.

But why?

Paris, that'’s where you two first fell in love, isn'’t it?

-Yes. -And I thought

You'’d like to remember that old feeling,

Of loving each other like you first did.

Unfortunately some of our french accents

Made sure that you never left massachusetts.

Let me get some of these dishes.

Thank you, jo.

Anyways, uh, don'’t mind me.

Go ahead and talk.

All right.

Well, we certainly do love paris, don'’t we?

Yes. There'’s definitely a magic about that city.

And you'’ve certainly managed to capture that magic, sweetheart.

-Thank you. -Yes, bess, please stay...

And tell us

How you planned such a wonderful treat.

Well, I guess I can stay for a bit.

I told aunt jo about the idea,

And she thought it was very lovely

So here we are.

I'’m sorry, bess.

I know what you were hoping for.

I was silly to think it would make a difference.

I mean, one lunch can'’t change everything.

That'’s right.

I have to be with them, all the time, aunt jo.

Bess, that isn'’t the answer.

I'’m leaving plumfield.


I'’ve made my decision.

I mean, my parents need me, aunt jo.

I have to move home with them.

[ Sigh ]

I'’m sorry.

So you'’re leaving just like that.

It'’s not like I have a choice, nan.

Well, yes, you do. You can stay.

Let your parents fight it out by themselves.

My parents are not fighting.

They'’re just not very happy with each other right now.

And ya think havin'’ you around'’ll cause some sort of party?

I'’m sorry.

It'’s just...

Well, I'’m kind of gonna...

You know.

Yeah. Me too.

There, that oughta do it.

Good morning, nick.

I didn'’t see you there.

Everything all right, franz?

Yes. Yes. Fine.

Uh, nick, uh...

I don'’t want to make a big fuss about it

In front of everyone, but...

I took isabel on a picnic.

You did?

How'’d it go?

Oh, it was splendid.

I mean, I'’ve never felt so...

But you know, our... Our personalities, our backgrounds...

We'’re a terrible match.

Are ya?

Well, yes, anyone can see that.

It'’s obvious.

So you don'’t want to see her anymore?

Well, i... I just think it'’s important

For couples to have things in common, that'’s all.

Don'’t you?

Well, I suppose it helps,

But the question you gotta ask yourself is this:

Are you happier with this girl

Or without her?

She'’s determined to move home.

She'’s packing right now.why?

Because she thinks it'’s the only thing that will help.

Maybe it is.

How can you be so selfish? can'’t burden bess with this.

This is your problem to solve.

Now, I understand that you are both

Having a hard time right now,

And I will do anything that I can to help you.

But if bess is truly the only thing

Keeping your marriage together,

Then bringing her home to make things feel right again

Is only going to be as make-believe

As the day you spent yesterday in paris.

Isabel: , , ,

And cents.

That settles it.

Mr. Gerson: until next week.

As always, a pleasure doing business with you.


I'’ve been looking all over for you.

-Is that so? -Yeah, I just went to the hotel.

The manager told me where to find you.

Well, he'’ll be expecting me back.

Wait, isabel.

Look, I know I behaved badly the other day.

I don'’t need an explanation.

But you deserve an apology.

I'’m sorry.

Isabel, just give me a moment of your time, please.

[ Sigh ]

Go on.

Look, I know that people are going to look at us

And they'’re going to say, "what an odd combination."

You, you'’re so full of fire and spirit,

And me, I haven'’t seen much life outside the classroom.

But I also know...


Ever since you spilled water on me that day,

I haven'’t been able to stop thinking about you.

Isabel, when I'’m with you, i...

I feel so happy

And alive.

And I guess I just want to make you happy too.

But what happens the next time some folks start whispering

Or looking at us funny?

I don'’t care.

I don'’t care what people think anymore.

I intend to court miss isabel macgregor!

And no one had better have an unkind word to say about it.

Why, franz bhaer,

Must you always make such a scene?

[ ♪ ]

Oh, father and mother,

I'’m so glad you came.


It took a while, but I managed to squeeze everything in.

Sweetheart, we'’re not taking you home.

But I want to go.

No.but, father,

I gave it a try as I promised,

And I'’m really not enjoying myself.

We appreciate what you'’re trying to do...

You don'’t understand.

I'’m not trying to do anything.

Bess, we don'’t want to pretend anymore.

The difficulties your mother and I are having,

We will deal with them.

Work them out.

And you need to stay here with your friends,

And continue your studies.

You'’re doing so well.

And we are both so proud of you.

But I just don'’t understand.

I'’m not sure that we understand either.

But I do think that your father and I

Need to spend some time alone together...

To get to know each other again.

But you guys still love each other, right?


Very much.

[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]

Uh, I didn'’t mean to interrupt.

I don'’t mind.

Those colors,

You wouldn'’t think so at first but they, uh...

They do complement each other beautifully.

Yes, and they find a lovely balance somehow,

When you see them side-by-side.

[ ♪ ]