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02x03 - Dangerous Lessons

Posted: 11/28/22 04:31
by bunniefuu

It's lunch time.

Nan: I'm coming.

Where's nat?

Nat: where do you think?

[ Violin ♪ ]

[ Sigh ]

I should have known.

[ Whinnying ]


Hi. You're ready for lunch?

Oh, I guess I must have lost track of time.

Again? [ Chuckle ]

Are you practicing for the contest?

Oh no. I finished that a while ago.

Just having fun now.

[ Whinnying ] [ jo laughs ]

I guess penny likes it too. [ Chuckle ]

Come on. Let's eat.

[ Violin ♪ ]

[ Applause ]

All right, nat!

Well, that concludes our contest.

And while our distinguished judge, mr. Joseph arlotta,

Is making his final decision,

I would like to remind everyone that today's winner

Will represent concord in the boston competition

To be held next month.

To help our winner prepare for the contest,

Mr. Arlotta has very graciously agreed

To give one month's worth

Of lessons free of charge.

[ Applause ]

It looks as though our judge

Has made his final decision.

Yes, I have.

And a difficult one it was, too,

As all the contestants

Gave such wonder- ful performances.

The winner is nathaniel blake.

[ Cheers/applause ]

Great, nat!

Way to go, nat! Way to go, nat!

Woman's voice: nice job!

All right.

[ Chuckle ] I'm so proud of you.

Thanks, mrs. Jo.

Mr. Arlotta, it's a pleasure.

Mrs. Blake.

Quite a family you have here.

Actually, I'm jo bhaer.

I'm the owner of the plumfield school

And that's one of my students. Ahh.

We're her other students.

A passionate group.

No wonder nat plays from his heart.

How long have you been playing?

Oh... Pretty much as long as I can remember.

Well it shows.

You have developed a fine technique.

I didn't even know I had a technique.

I just like playin'.

Well, I promise you, nat,

When we are finished working together,

You will be the talk of the commonwealth.


[ Whinnying of horses ]

Folks, uh, I'm sorry to disturb you,

But I'm afraid this just can't wait.

Earlier today, a circus train stopped in bedford on the way to boston.

During the stop, one of their lions att*cked a trainer and escaped.

[ Nervous reactions ]

About an hour ago, it k*lled a goat,

Just up on the craven farm, just outside of concord.

Which means it's heading this way.

Now folks, please, don't panic.

There's some men from the circus, heading out to track it down now.

But they've asked for help from our town.

Captain hoffmann and I will be joining in in their search.

Anyone else who'd like to help out is certainly welcome.

We can use all the men we can find.

In the meantime, I suggest we all head directly home.

Make sure you travel in groups and on the main roads only.

And, folks,

It's important that we remain calm.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Be assured that we will not rest 'til we have found this animal.

We will hunt it with untiring vigilance.

We will find him.

And when we do, we'll k*ll him.

[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]

Stay inside as much as possible.

If you do have to go out,

Make sure you take a r*fle.

I wanna go with you.

I don't think so, dan.

But I can help.

I know how to track animals.

Dan! This ain't a deer.

It's too dangerous. I know it's dangerous, mrs. Jo.

But I'll be careful.

I know how to take care of myself,

I know how to survive. Dan.


You're staying here.

[ Whinnying of horse ]

Mr. Riley. Sheriff.

Mrs. Bhaer.

You know captain hoffmann and gerry taylor.

These other two men are from the circus.

Mr. Daggett and mr. Jones.

Mr. Daggett is the lion's trainer.

Where's everybody else?

Sheriff: I'm afraid this is it.

Let's get moving, shall we?

We'll ride up to craven's farm

And pick up the lion's trail from there.

Hoffmann: come on, let's go. Go!

Be careful.

You too.

[ Whinnying ]

[ ♪ ]


I still can't believe it.

A lion, right here in concord.

Yeah. Dan was pretty upset that he couldn't go with the posse.

I know.

And when he's a little older,

He'll be able to go off and do these kinds of things.

But right now it's just too dangerous.

Nan: I thought that indian friend of his

Taught him not to hunt unless it was for food.

And protection.


I'm sure nick and the others will find the lion soon.

Neil said captain hoffmann's been on safaris in africa.

And he's seen people carried off by lions

And eaten while they scream for mercy.

Very nice, nan.

Jo: mr. Arlotta.

Did you see the lion?

Well, no. I'm afraid I didn't have that pleasure.

Nat: I thought you weren't gonna come.


I fear no lion

When a talented pupil awaits my instruction.

And when my driver is carrying a loaded r*fle at his side.

[ Laughing ]

Well, we can't thank you enough for coming

And giving nat these lessons.

No need for thanks.

I'm more than fairly compensated

By the contest entry fees.

I didn't know you had to pay for the competition.

Well, it wasn't much, nat.

Well, $ may not be much to you, mrs. Bhaer,

But it's a sub- stantial sum where I come from.

I'll pay you back.


When you become a professional musician, nat,

You can pay me back then.

[ Laughing ]

Agreed? Agreed.

Shall we? Hah!

All set?

Not quite.

May I see your violin?

It was my father's.

He gave it to me for my birthday before he died.

Means a lot to you, then?


It may sound some kind of stupid, but sometimes when I play,

I feel like he's there playing with me, you know.

Like he's the one playing, not me.

Well, that doesn't sound strange at all.

You're a very sensitive young man, nat.

It shows when you play.

But I'm afraid you have outgrown your father's violin.

This is what you should be playing, nat.

It's a schweizer.

A what?

It's a very good violin.

I've had it for a very long time.

Looks new.

I take good care of my violins.

The slightest blemish could interfere

With the quality of the music.

As a result of my care,

This violin expresses itself in a...

A dark under- tone that it unsurpassed.

I won several competitions with it.

And so shall you.

You're a very gifted young man.

You deserve to play on a fine instrument.


Don't you think your father

Would want you to have the very best?

[ Sigh ] I guess.

Of course he would.

Why don't you play something on it?

Something you know very well.


[ ♪ ]


Do you hear how lovely it sounds?

Yeah, it sounds beautiful.

It's settled, then.

You play on this from now on.

That was a charming melody.

What do you call it?

Well, it doesn't really have a name.

I kind of made it up.

You compose as well?


I make things up.

I can't really read music or anything.

What about the vivaldi piece you played yesterday?

Well, I heard my father play that a few times.

So I guess I picked it up from him.

By ear?

Y... Yeah. Is that a bad thing?

No, no! Of course not, nat.


There are very many talented peo- ple in this world

Who work very hard to become very good.

I am one of those people.

I am a very good musician.

But there are precious few people with true genius.

You are one of those people, nat.

And if you work very hard,

You will be a great musician.

Is that what you want, nat?


All right, then.

Let's get to work.

[ ♪ ]


A genius?

Jo: that's what he said.

It was amazing.

You should have seen him with nat.

He was wonderful. Charming, patient,

Explaining every- thing so clearly.

Well I wish he stopped playing that song.

He's been playing it all morning.

Well, I guess even geniuses

Got to start at the beginning sometimes.

Aunt jo,

Dan's gone.


He left this note.

[ Sigh ]

He's gone after the posse.

I cannot believe that he would do this

After I speci- fically told him not to.

And where do you think you're going?

I'm going to find him.

But he... He could have left hours ago.

Jo, you can't do this.

That lion is still out there.

So is dan.

I'll go with her.

Jo: [ shouting ] dan?



[ Rustling of brush ]

Well whatever it is, it's gone. Let's go.

We've been looking for hours.

I'm sure he's caught up to the men by now.

I don't under- stand this, franz.

[ Sigh ] I mean, dan's had a problem with disci- pline in the past,

But I thought he was over that.

I... I don't think this is a disci- pline problem.

Then how else do you explain it?

Dan's at that age where he's no longer a boy

But not quite a man yet.

At least not 'til he proves himself.

He doesn't need to prove any- thing to us.

Not to us. To himself.

Well I can't go back.

Not yet.

[ Moaning with pain ]

You all right?


Hoffmann: over here!

More prints.

Daggett: blood.

It's still fresh.

Made another k*ll.

Best keep moving.

We're drawing closer.

End of the line for us.


Been tracking a whole day, now.

We gotta get back before the circus moves on.

What about the lion?

Go ahead and k*ll it.

Do whatever you want.

I got no use for it.

Taylor: lion do that?


Ow!... Been nothin' but trouble to me.

Come on.

[ Rustling of brush ]

[ ♪ ]

[ Gasp ]


[ Sigh of relief ]

What are you doing here?

You almost got yourself k*lled, son.

I'm sorry.

I... I didn't mean...

Does mrs. Jo know you're here?


I-i mean I left her a note.

A note?

Nick, I couldn't stay home.

Not with all you out here hunting a lion.

We don't need any help.

Well just give me a chance.

I promise, I won't get in the way.

No. You won't.

'Cause I'm taking you home right now.

Mr. Riley, wait.

If you go, that just leaves three of us.

Fact is, we're short-handed enough as it is.

We can't afford to lose you.

Well we can't send the boy back alone.

[ Sigh ] no, we can't.

It's too dangerous.

Probably the safest place for him is here with us.

Absolutely not. He'd just slow us down.

No, I won't.

[ Sigh ] he's just a boy.

Dan: I can take care of myself.

Mr. Owens taught me how to survive in the wilderness.

Mr. Owens?

An indian friend of mine.

He also taught me how to track animals.

An indian, of course.

Well known experts at tracking african lions.

Sheriff: look, we're losing precious time arguing here.

It's not safe for the boy to go back alone,

I say he stays here with us.

Mr. Riley?

Hoffman: fine. But just be certain he does as he's told

And stays out of the way.

Dan: I will.

I promise.

[ ♪ ]

[ Violin ♪ ]

Arlotta: two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

Tempo, watch the tempo.

Two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

[ Playful growl ] nan: max!

Asia: max, bring back that bone,

It's for the soup!


It's quite all right.

Continue, nat.

[ Breaking of plate ]

[ Barking of dog ]


[ Barking of dog ]

Quite an active household, isn't it?

Yes, it gets hectic around here.

Perhaps there's somewhere else for lessons?

Somewhere quieter?

Oh, yeah. We can go to the school room.

No one goes around there when they don't have to.

Perfect! Shall we?

[ Panting/growling ]

...'Til I get my hands on you!

[ Distant whinnying of horse ]

Mrs. Jo's back.

Any sign of dan?

We didn't see him.

But we ran into two men from the circus.

They said they saw him with the posse.

Ah, thank goodness.

They weren't exactly sure which direction the posse was headed

So we had little chance of finding him.

Well at least we know he's safe.

[ Whispering ] I hope so.

[ Rumbling of thunder ]

Dan: the wind's shifted.

The storm's come out of the north now.

The lion won't even know we're following it.

Come on, nick.

You'll stay mad at me the whole time we're out here?

I was just hoping you'd understand.

I mean, you did things like this when you were my age.

Because I didn't have a choice.

I didn't have any family worry- ing about me.

[ Sigh ] mrs. Jo's probably out here searching for you right now.

She wouldn't that.

I told you, I left her a note.

Do you think a note's gonna keep mrs. Jo

From coming out here look- ing for you?

I don't know.

I didn't think about it. [ Rolling of thunder ]

That's right. You don't think.

You don't consider the consequences.

All you care about is whatever you wanna do.

[ Nervous sigh ] she... She shouldn't be out here,

Not with a lion on the loose.


Now you know how mrs. Jo must be feeling.

[ Rolling of thunder ]

[ ♪ ]

Tempo, nat.

Keep going, it's all right.

Come on, nat. Listen,

Listen to my baton, nat.


I'm trying. Try harder.

[ Rolling of thunder ]


I'm sorry.

It's all right, nat.

You'll get it.

But your mind is wandering.

The bach sonata requires your complete attention

In order to master it.

I know, it's a difficult piece.

But the others in the boston competition

Will be performing equally complicated pieces.

Now, in order to fully explore the passion of this piece,

You must first learn the proper tempo.

You must not allow the rhythm to falter.

Yeah, I'm trying not to.

I mean, maybe I'm still getting used to the new violin.

It's a little bigger than mine. Nat?

Don't ever, ever blame an instrument

For your own lack of focus.

If you intend to be a professional musician,

You must learn to take responsibility. Hmm?

Never let up on yourself.

Always push that much harder

In order to become

That much better.

Do you understand?

All right.

Go inside. We'll resume after lunch.

[ ♪ ]

[ Sighing ]

[ ♪ ]

Hoffmann: ...the lion had been stalking us,

Waiting for the right time to strike.

Shortly after we fell asleep, it slashed its way into our tent.

He tore the man to shreds,

Dragging him out into the brush.

We never did find the body.

Did you k*ll the lion?

No. We hunted it tirelessly for two weeks

But it eluded us.

They're clever animals, very cunning.

You've been to africa, right, nick?

You ever see a lion?

[ Sigh ] once.

It was sleeping under a tree.

It wouldn't budge to swat a fly.

We stared at him a while

'Til we got bored.

Moved on.

More prints.

Can you tell how far ahead there?

Hard to say. We're definitely on the right track.

I say at least five hours.

You see?

There's sand stuck to the bottom of these leaves.

Which means the grass was wet with dew

When the lion stepped on it.

Figure he must have come through here early this morning.

Then we'd best increase our pace.

[ Excited chatter ]

Arlotta: nat!

I win!

We have a lesson to resume. Remember?

I'm sorry.

What were you thinking?

We were just playin'.

You could have broken your arm.

And then where would that have left you?

You can't engage in these sort of activities, nat.

You must protect your hands.

Your fingers, your entire body and mind.

Every waking moment must utter- ly be devoted

To perfecting your craft.

Do you understand?


Listen to me, nat.

Your music must always come first.

Before school work,

Before chores,

Before friends.

The violin must be your life.

Or you shouldn't play at all.

[ ♪ ]

Now come along.

We've wasted enough time

And there is much to do.

[ ♪ ]

[ Chirping of birds ]

What is it?


The lion?

[ Whispering ] no.

A deer passed by.

We could use some meat.

Hoffmann: which way did it go?

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ ♪ ]

Excellent shot, captain.

What I wanna know is how you found that deer so fast.

Ah, years of hunting, my friend.

No game is safe when I'm on its trail.

I saw it first.

Did you, now?

If such was the case,

Why then did you not sh**t?

Taylor: ah, probably because all he has is that little bow and arrow.

Can't see how he hits much with that.

[ Laughing ]

I can hit plenty with it.

Oh, is that so?

How about that tree over there?

Sheriff: not bad, dan.

Hoffmann: yes, it's quite an accomplishment.

Hitting a stationary tree,

No more than feet away.

All right.

How about one of those birds up there?

[ Crowing ]

That's ridiculous. They're too far away.

No way an arrow can reach that far.

Dan, what are you doing?

Ah, it's just a bird, nick.

[ Crowing ]

Dan, don't!...

Taylor: he hit one.

You see that? He actually hit one! [ Chuckle ]

Sheriff: nice sh**ting, dan.


But will his aim be as steady

When faced with a charging lion?

Ah, I guess we'll find out soon enough, won't we?

[ Laughing ]

[ ♪ ]

[ Violin ♪ ]

That was beautiful.

Is that the song you're gonna play in the competition?


Well if you play it like that,

You're gonna win, easy.

You think so?

Nan: yeah, it was perfect.

Next stop, the boston philharmonic.

[ Laughs/applause ]

Asia: well, let's go celebrate.

I've got some cookies in the kitchen.

[ Mixed chatter ] let's go.

Good job, nat.

You did real good.

How was it?


The tempo is better,

But still faltering.

And the coda leaves much to be desired.

We still have a lot of work to do.

[ Sighing ]

[ Chirping of birds ]

[ Low growl ]

Taylor: where is it?

You see it?

Nick: there.

[ Growling ]



[ Fierce growl ]

We've got it down!

Sheriff, I don't think he's ready to handle a r*fle.

Now, you let him keep it. He's a good shot

And I think every man on this posse should be properly armed.

[ ♪ ]

[ Whinnying of horse ]

Jo: whoa.

Any word yet? Franz: nothing.

We spoke to the sheriff's deputies.

Even they're worried.

It's been five days,

They should have been back.


Another lesson?


Didn't he just have a lesson this morning?

And most of the day yesterday.

I guess practice makes perfect.

You're late.

[ Sigh ] I'm sorry.

I... What do you have there?

Well, you know how I'm having trouble with this song?

I was wondering if I could try play- ing on my violin.

[ Sigh ] nat,

I told you... I know.

And I'm not blaming your violin.

It's all my fault... Nat...

Your fears are understandable.

You're being pushed hard to perform in a level

To which you're unaccustomed.

But to turn back now is out of the question.

You might as well admit defeat right now.

The others in the competition

Will be playing on instruments as fine as this.

The judges expect nothing less.

Look at this.

Ah, look.

The wood is all faded.

Chipped even, in several places.

The sound is hollow,

It's empty. It's without life.

If you show up trying to play something like this,

You will imme- diately be judged a failure.

And you will have to play that much harder

In order to impress them.

Is that what you want, nat?

To be a failure?

But I won't let you.

You're far too talented to accept anything less than perfection.

So, pick up the instrument, and let us begin.


Please sir, just...

Pick up the violin.

I will. If I can just...


You have been given a gift from god!

And I will not allow you to ignore it.

[ Sigh ]

You owe it not only to yourself,

But to mrs. Bhaer,

Who wants nothing more than to see you

Become a pro- fessional musician.

And... To your father,

Who would certainly be disappointed

To see you squander the incredible talents

That he has passed down to you.

[ ♪ ]

[ Sigh of exhaustion ]

We've lost the trail, haven't we?

We lost it this morning, back at...

We have not lost the trail.

Then which way do we go? [ Sigh ]

South. About eight miles back there's a ridge...

Hoffmann: we stay the course.


Nick: no.

[ Sigh ] take a look around you.

We chased this thing out into the middle of nowhere.

Ain't a town around for days.

It ain't no harm to anyone out here.

I say we start heading back.


We've been tracking this thing for five days.

Now you want us to turn around and just give up?

We're not givin' up.

We've done what we had to do,

Kept it from hurtin' anybody.

It may make its way back to town.

Nick: then we'll deal with it then.

I don't think that's gonna happen.

It's got plenty of food out here.

It don't need to go back to town.

He's got a point.

We can't turn back now.

So long as that lion is alive, it represents a danger.

We'll have it by nightfall.

Not if we keep goin' northeast.

I've had enough of your insolence.

Why can't you just admit that you lost the trail?

You know it, we know it.

Easy, dan.

Nick, you know I'm right.

He's just leading us away from the lion.


I was tracking lions before you were even born.

Yeah, but you ain't never caught one.

Dan, knock it off!

I've had enough of this.

I came here to k*ll a lion.

And that's what I intend to do.

Then you do it without my help.


Sheriff: [ sighing ]

I'll give him 'til nightfall.

Nick, I know where we lost the trail.

It was just past the stream over by the ridge.

Now, if we hurry, I know we can...

Only place we're going is home.

Now, come on.

Nick! We can't go back empty-handed.

And we've come so far,

I know I can get that lion.

You're not gettin' anything.

But it's close.

I can feel it.

I said, "no".

Nick, you can't make me turn back now.

Yes, I can.

Now move.

[ ♪ ]

This is it.

This is where we lost the trail.

Now, if we follow the ridge... No.

You know, turnin' back now is a mistake.

As long as the lion is on the loose...

What's happened to you?


You run off from plumfield when you're told not to,

So dead-set on killin' that lion...

I'm just tryin' to protect the town.

From what?

You know that lion's no danger to anyone out here.

I just wanna be sure.

No. You just wanna make sure you k*ll it

Before captain hoffmann does.

Get the trophy.

You do that, and you'll be just like him.

[ Violin ♪ ]

[ Sigh ] idiot.


Are you having trouble?

Yeah. A little.

You're still getting used to the new violin?

Maybe you should tell mr. Arlotta

That you wanna use your old violin.

No, it's all right.

I'll get it, don't worry.

It doesn't have to be perfect, you know.


Honey, what's wrong?


Maybe this is too much pressure for you right now.

No, mrs. Jo, it's... It's not.

I'm just...

A little nervous.

I remember when I entered my first writing contest.

I must have rewritten that story times.

It still didn't feel right.

But you won?


I didn't.

And I was devastated.

And I remember thinking, "well, if I can't win,

Then what's the point of writing at all?&Quot;

I even thought about quitting, never writing again.

Until my mother reminded me of something very important.

What's that?

I loved to write.

I still do.

But you see, I got so caught up in that competition,

I lost sight of that.

It stopped being fun.

He broke it.

My violin. Mr. Arlotta broke it.


He broke it? On purpose?

He doesn't want me to play it.

He says I'd... Be a failure.


Mrs. Jo, I'm really trying hard.

I really am.

I know.

I just can't get it right.

[ Sobbing ]


[ Distant roar ]

What is it?

[ Distant growl ] I don't believe it.

It's comin' from over there.

Dan! Slow d...

[ Soft growling ]

[ Roaring ]

[ Low growl ]

[ Pained growls ]

Go on, dan.

This is what you wanted.

[ Low growls ]

It's hurt.

What's that around his neck?


Circus uses it to keep him chained up.

It's bleedin' bad.

Must have been that blood we seen in his tracks.

I guess another animal got to it before we did.

Nick: an animal didn't do that.

Those marks are from a bull-whip.

Probably that trainer's.

Dan: no wonder the lion att*cked him.

Nick: he's suffering.

Dan: mr. Owens taught me

There's three reasons to k*ll an animal.

For food...



[ Pained roar ]

[ ♪ ]

How could he do this to nat?

I don't know.

But give me five minutes alone with that man

And I'll make sure he never does it again.

And here I thought he was such a wonderful teacher.

Now what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna get this violin fixed.

And then I'm gonna have a little chat with mr. Arlotta.

Asia, I can't believe

That nat had to endure this abuse.

Why didn't he come to me sooner?

He's growin' up.

And they all wanna take care of themselves

And they all think they know how to.

But we know they just can't, sometimes.

Nan: dan and nick are back.

Oh, thank god.

Are you all right?

Did anyone get hurt?

[ Sigh ] everybody's fine.

Did you k*ll the lion?


I buried it out in the woods.

Dan, how could you do this to me?

I'm sorry, mrs. Jo.

[ Whispering ] sorry isn't good enough.

I have been worried sick about you for nearly a week.

I know.

I've got no excuse.

I'm gonna take any punishment you wanna give me.

We'll talk about this tomorrow.

Jo: dan.

I'm glad you're home.

Me too.

[ ♪ ]

Is mr. Arlotta here yet?

No. No, he isn't.

[ Sigh ] it's heavy, isn't it?


Dan was telling me how awful the lion looked when they found him.

It had a sad life.

Didn't deserve to be treated like that.

No, it didn't.

No living thing does.

It's just that animals don't have a choice.

Good morning, nat.

I see you're ready for your lesson.

Yes, I am.

But I just wanna let you know some- thing before we get started.

I'm listening.

I've made my decision.

Mrs. Jo's getting my father's violin fixed

And I'll be playing that in boston.

Nat, I explained to you why you can't...

I know you have.

But I'm gonna do it anyway.

It's more comfortable for me.

If comfort is what you want,

You shouldn't play the violin.

The violin is about hard work.

I'm used to hard work.

And I'm also used to being treated better.

I'm not gonna let you treat me like that anymore.

Then I will not be taking you to boston next month.

Jo: it's all right.

'Cause I'd love to take nat to boston.

Mrs. Bhaer,

Surely you can see I am just trying to do

What is best for nat.


I think that nat can decide what's best for him.

Isn't that right?

Well then, apparently, I have no further business here.

It's a shame.

You are quite talented.

But you will never be a great musician.

Maybe not.

But I'll be havin' fun.

[ ♪ ]

Let's go.

[ ♪ ]

Nan, it's time for lunch.

All right, comin'.

Where's nat?

Where do you think?

[ Violin ♪ ]

I think we'll just let him play for a while.

[ ♪ ]