02x10 - Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary/Nectar of the Odds

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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02x10 - Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary/Nectar of the Odds

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ Timmy is an average kid ♪

♪♪ That no one understands ♪

♪♪ Mom and dad and vicky ♪

♪♪ Always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪♪ Doom and gloom up in his room ♪♪

♪♪ Is broken instantly ♪

♪♪ By his magic little fish who'll grant his every wish ♪♪

♪♪ 'Cause in reality... ♪

♪♪ They are his odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪♪

Wands and wings. -Floaty, crowny things.

♪♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪♪

♪♪ Really mod, peapod, buff bod, hot rod ♪♪

Obtuse, rubber goose,

Green moose, guava juice.

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪♪

♪♪ It flips your lid when you are a kid ♪♪

♪♪ With fairly odd parents ♪

Yeah, right.


Oh, boy! Two more minutes

And I'll have the very first tickets

For the crash nebula movie!

It is time?

Did we succeed?

Yes, my friends!


After successfully camping out all night,

We will make history as the first kids to see

Crash nebula,the movie!

After me.

Hey! Who the heck are you?

[Timmy reading]

I don't care how rich you are!

We were here first!


Tickets, please.

How many?

All of them.

[Kids cheering]

Oh! Puh-lease!

They're not for you unseemly urchins.

I need all the extra seats for my piles of money.

You're kicking virtual butt in this video game!

And if I get the high score,

I'll finally get my name on the bathroom door!

I win.

Something's fishy.


Catfish? Sea monkey?

How can that remy kid get so much better than me--

At -everything?

Yeah. And he's everywhere.

I know one special place we can go where he could never ever be.

Ahh! Just what I needed.

Some good, old-fashioned, superhero, bashing evil action!

The golden gut!

Activate utility cleft.

♪♪ The crimson chin! ♪

Don't worry, c.c.


I'll save you.

Way to go, cleft,

Rich boy chin wonder!

Awright, let's see how the richer half lives...

Well, uh...



Oh, right! Right.


It certainly was thrilling

Spending our daily two minutes with you.

Well, time is money.

Money? Where?

Have a nice time with your oddly colored ferret, son!

I think I know how remy's pulling all this stuff off!

Remy buxaplenty has a fairy god parent!

You knew?

I'm sorry, timmy.

It's in the rules.

We can't tell you about other kids with fairy godparents.

Ya have to figure it out on your own.

Do you know this fairy?

No! No! Nope!

Not at all. No idea. Clueless.

You know him.


I wish you'd tell.

Oh, darn it!

His name is wandisimo magnifico.

He's my ex-boyfriend.


Turner has godparents, too!

Why didn't you tell me?

Pero,it is not permitted.

It is in the rules.

And I am a fairy of principles,

And principles, much like my biceps, are muy bonito.

[Repeats phrase in spanish]

If turner has godparents,

He could wish he was richer than me!

I wish his godparents were gone!

I cannot.

Fairies cannot be wished away by other fairies.

For that way lies madness.

And madness is muy malo.

Godparents can only be wished away by their god kid

Or in a magical duel.

"Godparent against godparent.

"Winner keeps his fairies, loser--"

And by loser, I mean turner,

"Forgets he ever had them."




Let's cut to the chase, shall we?

You know I have a fairy godparent.

I know you have fairy godparents.

Wanda, my sweet.

I have missed you, as the sun misses the dawn...

Well, that's all very flattering--

But that's my hand, pal!

And guess what?

I don't need magic to turn it into a fist!


When I get my wand,

Ohh, you are in for it!


You see how he almost turned his hand into a fist?

I am lucky to be alive!

So, how much will it take for me

To get you to wish away your fairy godparents? Hmm?

You know what stinks about you, remy? You're rich,

You have godparents, and you're still miserable!

What? You think you're happier than me?

Dude, I know I'm happier than you.

And I've got better godparents.

We shall see about that, little monkey.

Call it.

I call "magical duel!"


All: duel! Duel! Duel! Duel!

Puny fairies and gentlemen, prepare for magical battle!


These are the rules.

Winner takes all.

Loser won't recall.

Best two out of three wins!

What? If I lose, I lose you forever?

So there's absolutely no pressure!

Your voice.

It is like the chorus of a thousand angels.

Yeah, well, my foot is gonna feel

Like the chorus of a thousand--



Challenge one.

Godparents must be able to rescue their kids from any danger!

In this case...

A giant ape!

Have no fear...

Wandisimo is here.

There is only one way to soothe a savage beast...

You're going to sing?

I must. It is who I am.

It is the magic of my soul.

The handsome fairy has failed to rescue his godchild!

[Crowd boos]

But he is still very sexy!

[Crowd cheers]

This I can live with.


Make it stop!

We've gotta help timmy!

Hmm. I need some thinkin' food!

Good job, honey, distracting that ape.


Hey! That monkey ate my banana!

The puny fairy has rescued his godchild!

Timmy turner and his fairies win round one!

Challenge two.

The child must now help the godparents

By distracting a human adult so they don't see them

Magically douse this fire.


Hey, look at me!

Hey, look a ufo!

Hey, mister, wanna see a card trick?


This is pathetic.

We will end this before you burn fairy world to the ground.

Next child.

Look! Money!

[Sniffs, pants, barks like a dog]

Round two to remy buxaplenty!

Look...we can call this a draw. Right now!

I don't care if you have a godparent, remy!

But I care if you do!

My parents are never home!

I never get to see them!

Why should you get real parents and godparents

That love you when I don't?!

It is time for the tie breaker!


Each child will describe an imaginary animal

And then their godparents will turn him into that animal.

The godchild who is the most fantastic animal will win.

I wish I was a crab!

With two heads!



All: yawn.

Yeah. Gonna be hard to beat that.

But just in case...

I've got something better than imagination!

Highly paid consultants!

Uh-huh. Yeah?

Horns of a goat? A body of an antelope?

Head of a jackelarf?

Mm-hmm. V engine.

All right!

Wandisimo is gonna make remy into an amazing animal!

Guys, do something!

If only there was some way to distract him!

Ooh! Ooh! I know!

Hey, muscles magoo!

Look at me.

I'm fancy, and my long black hair flows in the wind.

Stop making fun of my outer beauty.

Seconds left!

Wandisimo, don't let him distract you!

I'm strong, but I still lost my woman to an idiot!

! !

Hurry up!

Chunky hunky!


Monkey chunky hunky!

I cannot concentrate!

... ...


Crowd: ooh!

[Crowd cheers]

Ha! The most amazing animal ever!

I win!

Actually, the challenge was...

The child who is turned into the most fantastic animal wins.

She is right!

Timmy turner gets to keep his godparents!

And you lose yours!

Adios, remy buxaplenty.

We will not meet again.

Timmy, what's wrong?

I feel sort of sorry for remy.

I wish I could help him.

Both: we can do that.

I wish remy's parents had more time to spend with him!

Well, we could be here a while.

I'll count the money!

And I'll count the money!

And I'll find us something to eat!

Hmm. Great idea, liam.

Remy. But it's a start.

Why, hello there, little fella.

You look familiar.

Like a long lost friend or something.

Oh, well.

Who wants turtle soup?

No! I am too sexy to eat!

Announcer: the evil clutchulacs have invaded earth.

[Woman screams] who can stop them?

♪♪ Crash nebula! ♪

♪♪ Crash nebula! ♪

♪♪ Crash nebula! ♪

Announcer: yesiree, folks, it's...

This weekend, one night only, at the dimmsdale dimmadome!

[All gasp]

Announcer: it's a once in a lifetime,

Space-skating spectacular!


Crash nebula on ice!

We should get our tickets right now!


Don't sweat it, guys!

I've totally got it handled.

You sure?

Announcer: yes...there are thousands of tickets

Left for crash nebula on ice!

See? No problem!

Later, timmy!

Ok, guys, time to do your stuff.

Gone fishing?

But they are fish!

Ha! Ha ha ha!

Your turn!

This just in...

I lied.

There are actually no tickets left for crash nebula on ice.


Hello, dimmadome ticket office.

How may I help you?

Uh, yes, I'd like three tickets

For crash nebula on ice,please.

Ha ha ha ha! Are you crazy? Ha ha!

Tickets for crash nebula on ice.

Ha ha! I'm sorry, kid.

We're sold out.

[Bell rings]

I can't believe you didn't get our tickets, timmy!

Don't worry, guys.

There's always a way to get tickets.

Francis' toilet of tickets.

How may I help you?

Three of your best seats for crash nebula.

On ice?


$ , .

Thank you very...what?

We don't have that kind of money!

That's for free.

We can't miss that show.

Dude, relax.

I will get us those tickets.

What are you going to do?

Make three tickets appear by magic?

What do you mean I can't just make

Three tickets appear like magic?

Timmy, it's sold out!

If we gave you three of the tickets,

It means we'd be taking them away from someone else

Who already has them!

And that would be stealing...

Which is bad.

I have to buy those tickets from francis!

I wish I had $ , .

That's counterfeiting.

Which is, of course...


How do most -year-olds make money?

A lemonade stand.

Oh, no.

There is no way... No way I'm selling...



How's the lemonade business, timmy?


Nobody's buying any.

Well, I wouldn't want your self-esteem to be crushed.

I'll be your first customer!


To my first customer!


And your last!

This stuff you made yourself is horrible!

Give me that back.

I'm afraid I'll be taking my business elsewhere...

Like here.

Hello, mrs. Turner!

Would you like to try some

Of grandma vicky's old-style country lemonade

And help me raise money to see crash nebula...

On ice?

Yeah...he's a hunk-sicle!

He sure is.

Ok, one lemonade coming right up.

The light...it burns!

Here you go, mrs. Turner!


It's delicious!

It's so much more tasty than that rank bile timmy made!

Vicky wants those tickets, too.

That does it!

I've gotta make better tasting lemonade!

I'll say! This bile tastes like fish!

Finally, I think I've found the secret ingredient

That will make my lemonade the tastiest ever.


Ok, cheese is not the secret ingredient.


Uh...neither is taco sauce.

Or peas.

Darn it, I'm running out of ingredients!

So, that would be a "no" on the chocolate laxatives?

Listen, you-- bathroom!

Well, you're not gonna find it in there!

I don't understand why he doesn't just wish for sweeter lemonade?

Oh! I can do that!

Wooo hooo!


I said sweeter, not sweatier!

Really? I thought you said,

"Dunk your sweaty socks in timmy's lemonade!"

That was thirsty work!


Hey! This is great!

I wish I had a pitcher of this!

I didn't do that.

The secret ingredient is feet!


So? What do you think?


This lemonade is so great

I wish everybody knew about it!

[Car screeching]

I'm chet ubetcha saying my tire is flat

And we'll never get back to the studio in time.

This is chet ubetcha saying...

I'll do the news from right here.

Good evening, dimmsdale,

I'm chet ubetcha with breaking news.

After pulling his crew from the twisted metal

Of his burning news van,

Ace anchorman, chet ubetcha,

Was reported today as saying that...

This lemonade is fantastic!

Everyone within the sound of my voice

Has really got to taste this astounding lemonade

Made by dimmsdale's own, timmy turner.

All: timmy turner's lemonade!

Timmy turner's lemonade!

I wish I had more.

Now that's service!

So, how are we doing?

♪♪ We're going to see crash nebula ♪♪

♪♪ We're going to see crash nebula ♪♪

Dude, at this rate,

We're gonna own crash nebula.

You man the fort,

I'm gonna get some more sweaty socks for my lemonade.


Uh, I mean I'm gonna make six more

Sweaty pitchers of... Look, a monkey!

I have dreams, too, you know!

Less talkie! More sweatie!

Man, this was a great idea!

I can't believe how fast we're making money!

I wish my dog was here!

He used to love lemonade.


It's a miracle!


Once people drink cosmo's sweat,

Their wishes get granted!


Dad, no! Put that down!

Are you mad?

This lemonade's tangy and refreshing!

If only there was some way I wouldn't have to go back to work,

I'd stay here and drink it all day long!


That's my office!

Cool! I'm unemployed!

Come on, honey, let's go frolic

With the other unemployed people!



This is chet ubetcha with big news!

I'm the tallest newscaster alive!

Details at !

Oh, man!

Gotta find cosmo.

Everybody's wishes are coming true!

What are we gonna do?


Enough body fluids to make one more glass...


I'm gonna fight lemonade with lemonade.

[Boom boom boom]


Hello there, little fella.

Not so tough now, huh?


Gotta watch that.

I wish that was back to normal...

And that...

I wish all that was back to normal.

This is chet ubetcha saying,

I'm shrinking.


I wish that everything was back to normal

And nobody remembered any of this!

Well, everything is back to the way it was.

Which means I still have no money

To buy francis' tickets.


There's still a little bit left.

[Door squeaks]

Vicky has kept me locked up for so long

I-i-i gotta have something to drink.

Here, drink this.

I wish my father was here.



Hello, son!

Timmy turner, my name is doug dimmadome.

Owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome.

Thank you for locating my long lost son, dale dimmadome,

Heir to the dimmsdale dimmadome fortune.

If there's anything I can ever do to repay you for your kindness,

All you need to do is ask.

Doug dimmadome?

The owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome?

That's right, doug dimmadome,

Owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome.

The same doug dimmadome, owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome

Where they're showing crash nebula...

On ice? Yeah!

That's right.

Then you can get me three tickets

To see crash nebula on ice,right?

Not right. -Not right?

Right! I'm afraid it's sold out.

Oh, right.

However, there is one way I can see to it

That you and all your little friends can see the show.

Well, guys, I told you

I'd get you in to see crash nebula on ice.


Get your lemonade!

On ice!

Well, at least it's better than vicky's job.


Don't you just love crash nebula...

On ice?

He's a hunk-sicle!
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