02x08 - Totally Spaced Out/The Switch Glitch

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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02x08 - Totally Spaced Out/The Switch Glitch

Post by bunniefuu »

F ♪ timmy is an average kid

♪ And no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Big twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality they are his oddparents ♪

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!

Floaty crowny things!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

Obtuse, rubber goose

Green moose, guava juice.

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are a kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.

U.s. Department of education

And nickelodeon

Captioned by the national

Captioning institute


All right! The weekend!

No school.

No vicky baby-sitting.

Just a nice, fun weekend with my parents.

You're leaving?

Mom and dad: on a weekend business trip.

Dad: to oceanside resort springs beach.

They've got golfing, not business,

Fishing, not business,

Snorkeling, not business,

Deep sea not businessing,

And different restaurants.

Where's the business?

Well, uh, they've got a copier...

That makes foofie lulu drinks!

You're going for the whole weekend?

We're all busted up about it, too, son.

But you'll be protected by vicky.

I hope our fishing boat--

I mean, business meeting-- doesn't do that.

Darn it! Vicky's gonna t*rture me all weekend

Unless we can figure out a way to get rid of her.

Come on, guys. Think of something--

Something that'll take vicky a million million miles from here.

I'm on it.

Happy birthday, mark.

Heh heh. Open it up, pal.

It's from your mom and me.

Radioactive waste!

Dude, that's the most awesome kind of waste there is.

My parents only got me medical waste.


It does not matter how horrifyingly bad these gifts are!

Nothing can fill the hole in my heart

Left by losing my one true love: vicky of earth.

, , . One million, one million. Phew!

Who dares to intrude on my pathetic weeping?

Federation express.

I have a message for mark chang from vicky of earth.

Help me, mark chang. You're my only hope.

I, like, miss you and stuff.

Won't you take me away from this planet forever?

And ever...and ever...

Jeff... Eric...

Road trip!

You! I remember you.

You're timmy's geek friend from europe

With that stupid alien costume.

Is there an idiot convention in town?

Dude, she's on to us. Do something.


Is this some sort of french perfume?

I'm sleepy.

Can't forget the good old boogie board.

Boogie board?

I mean, business boogie board.

Where have you been?

Wait for it.

[Ding dong]i'll get it.


Uh, hey, earth guy.

I just wanted to let you know

I have to go to, uh, eur--eur...


Yeah! Right. That. Ok, later.

No baby-sitter means you guys can't go on your business trip now.

Well, you'd think that, son.

But when it comes to the safety and welfare of our business trip,

We always have a plan b!

Flappy bob's peppy happy camp learn-a-torium?

That's plan b?

Hey, plan c was military school.

We love you, timmy.

Whoa there, special guest.

You can't just dive headfirst

Into the peppy happy ball pit.

And we're going to explain why in song.

♪ I'm happy peppy gary

♪ I'm peppy happy betty

♪ We're peppy happy happy peppy peppy happy hap ♪

♪ Ask peppy happy gary

♪ That ball pit's kind of scary ♪

♪ So before you leap you must put on ♪

♪ These helmet ball pit pads, yay! ♪

Am I having fun yet?

Beloved semiconscious vicky,

Behold yugopotamia. Ha ha!

Most feared planet in the galaxy, thank you very much.

Can I have a cookie?

Do you not see why I love her?

She is unafraid of one of the most lethal

Of all poisons found on our planet.

She rocks!

Stupid gary. Stupid betty.

Finally! Something mindless and violent

I'm totally excellent at.


You must learn.

How to smack?

No, silly willy walnut head--

About that mole and how it feels about being smacked.

I'm chet ubetcha, narrating the mole: smack me to extinction.

Let's start at the beginning.

Million years ago, the dreaded molasaurus

Ran rampant across the continent.

...which spelled the end

For our furry little friend the mole.

Now, who wants cookies and ice cream?

I do!

No, you don't.

They're not approved food groups.

Who wants soy cubes?

I do!

Well, I want to go home.

You can't. You don't have adult supervision.

And you're supposed to stay here

Until your baby-sitter returns from europe.

But she's never coming back.

Yay! We're going to be friends forever!


Guys, I never thought I'd say this,

But I wish vicky were back.

Oh, man, let me guess.

That alien kid loves vicky and...

Our magic can't goof up true love.


I wish we were on yugopotamia.

Why am I in my crash nebula space suit?

It's spacey and formfitting.

You wore it last time you were here.

You think they'll remember me?

It's timmy turner,

The earth warrior who ate the dreaded chocolate!


I'd call that a yes.

Queen: mark was so disappointed with his gifts.

I hope this surprise birthday party cheers him up.

He's coming. He's coming.



We left your planet in peace.

What do you want with us?

I demand the release of the earth girl vicky.

He's coming. He's coming!



[Dance music playing]

You have brought the wrath of earth upon us.

Give him his mate back.


It is my birthday, and I am a man now.

I will not relinquish my love.

I challenge the earth punk to dijifat.

I accept. What kind of chocolate-eating,

Cookie-crunching, flower dancing horror is dijifat?

[Sniff] I'm sorry. I sneezed.

I meant to say death combat!

Excuse me?

Each warrior may choose their own arena of combat.

And since it is mark's birthday, he may choose first.

All righty then.

I choose the yugopotamian w*r arena.

Let the battle begin!

I wish you were amazingly cool

High-tech protective space weapons.

Bring it on, soap scum.

Alien scum.



Feathery softness!


Yugopotamians hate fluffy and nice

And good and sweet.

Yeah, timmy. On this planet,

You have to fight fire with fun.

Checkmate, dude.


Whoa! I missed.

Whoa! I missed.

That is the end of the first round.

You may now choose the battle arena.

[Thinking] think, timmy, think. Fight fire with fun.

They hate good, and nice is icky.

Good and nice combined?

Aah! Those colors!

Those animals!

Aah! It's all so fuzzy and nice!

Hey, mark, I got a surprise for you.

Fat-free soy cubes.

Aah! Way too healthy.

I'm pink the polar bear.

Can you save me from extinction?


Hello, there, funny head.

Aah! No!

My head is not funny!


♪ You have a funny head

The laughter of children!

I cannot take the laughter of children.

I surrender.

You win the dijifat.

Earth child, once again, you have won fair and square.

Here. Take your woman and kindly slay our son.

Hey, man, she's not my woman, ok?

She's my baby-sitter.

And once I'm , you can have her back for good.

Years? This birthday stinks.

Well, I do feel bad about spoiling your big day,

So I will give you two gifts.

One, I will spare your life.

'K.and two--

Jeff: dude, that earth kid isn't so bad.

Yeah, check out his awesome present.

Foolish human!

When I am done with this combat training device,

I will return for vicky yet again.

Soy cube?


Well, mark's gone.

Vicky's back in baby-sitting,

And I'm not in happytown anymore,

And everything's right with the world.

And you're not dead!

I--uh--hey, where am i? What am I doing here?

Why aren't you miserable?

You'd better--



It's saturday!

You guys know what saturday means.


Outdoor activities like gardening and bird-watching.

Or cartoons.

Or vicky.

Wait. That's not a good thing.

Or vicky!


Now, timmy, you know you can't come with us

To the annual mother father no kids allowed cookout.

But it's saturday. Saturday!

We have a deal.

It says here quite clearly, and I quote...

Well, you're right, son.

And this is a legal document--

A really nice legal document.

And now it's fish wrap-- really nice fish wrap.

Oh, don't feel bad, sweetie.

It's just one saturday.

You'll have a lot more fun here with vicky.

[Cat screeches]

How do you know?



Bye, mr. And mrs. Turner.

Stay away from me, vicky.

Oh, don't worry, twerpy.

I brought all kinds of fun things for us to do together.


Nope! These are my shoes that need to be shined,

These are my clothes that need to be washed,

And this is my homework that needs to be done.

And this is my butt, which will be in that chair

While I watch you do it all.

And if I refuse?

Then I let your parents listen to this recording I made of you.

Timmy's voice: hi. I'm timmy turner and i--

Gruff voice: cheated on my math test.

I never cheated on my math test!

Timmy's voice: hi. I'm timmy turner. And i--

Timmy's voice: cheated on my math test.

I'll get to work.


I'm not doing chores in a dress.

Hi. I'm timmy turner, and I'm...

In a dress.


Oh, man, I'm so embarrassed.

Well, at least nobody can see you

Up here on the second floor, right?

See the boy in his underwear.


I wish the trampoline was gone.



I hate being baby-sat by vicky.

She can do anything she wants to me,

And I can't stop her.

Wanda: well, kiddo,

That's kind of what the baby-sitter gets to do.

Yeah. And if I was the baby-sitter,

She'd have to listen to me, right?

Ooh. Ooh. I know where this is going.

Yeah. I wish I could be vicky's baby-sitter.

Maybe I don't know where this is going.

Huh? Huh?

Hey! What happened?

Who are you? And where am i?

Everything looks bigger!

Hi, vicky.

You're , and I'm your -year-old baby-sitter timmy.

You're in for a great day.



Welcome to the corner of pay and back.

I can't cut the grass with just a plunger.

You're right, twerpette. My bad.

Knock yourself out.

But i--

Ah! You wouldn't want your mommy to hear this, would we?

Vicky's voice: hi, I'm vicky, and i...

Gruff voice: stole from my mom's purse.

I never stole from my mom's purse!

Hi, I'm vicky, and i...

Stole from my mom's purse.

This is great.

Fear the power of the new baby-sitter.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

You know, honey, being mean shouldn't make you that happy.

Maybe you're right, wanda.


Nope. I'm gonna give vicky

The most miserable day of her life!

So declares evil baby-sitter timmy.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Hey, wanda, can you turn into a firehose?

Gonna help vicky water the plants?

Something like that.

Man, I don't even like her,

And I feel sorry for her.

I thought getting back at vicky would be fun,

But maybe I should apologize.

Way to go, timmy.

You've had enough revenge for one day, don't you think?

Yeah, timmy, just remember

All the good times you've had with vicky.

Yeah. I guess.

Hey, vicky, I wanted to say I'm sorry.


I wanted to, but I changed my mind!

Ha ha ha!


Ah ha! Sigh.

That's odd.what?

I thought this would be hilarious.

Why isn't it hilarious?

I just got my ultimate revenge on vicky,

Evil vicky, icky with a v.

No, all you did was use our magic

To torment a -year-old girl till she cried.

You're right.

I should wish her back to normal. I--

Reassignment orders for wanda and cosmo.

She's wanda and cosmo.

You're being reassigned to a sad little kid who needs your help.

What? Who's the sad little kid?


We don't want to be her godparents.

She's mean!

Yeah. We like timmy. His hat is pink.

So? She's a kid. She's miserable.

You're fairies. Make her happy.

Because unless she says...

...you two are stuck with her.

But--but this is all a huge misunderstanding!

So? Who cares what you think?

You're a mean baby-sitter.


I'm cosmo.

And I'm wanda.

And we're your...

Neato. I have fairy godparents?

Welcome to the corner of pay and back!


Ok. Maybe she won't find me here.

But in case she does...

I, timmy turner, being of sound mind

And no godparents, do hereby bequeath--

Sorry about this, timmy.

Aah! A bat! A bat! A bat! A bat!

All right, vicky. You're getting your revenge now.

Fine. I deserve it.

Hey, timmy, look at me. I'm terrifying.


I wish you had pimples.

And looked like a pig!

Stop granting her wishes, you guys!

We can't, timmy. We're her godparents now.

You two have to do something,

Because it's only a matter of time

Before she totally kills me.

Oh, she can't do that, timmy.

It's against the rules.

What? There's rules?

What do you mean, there's rules?


Well, yeah, uh, you see,

With every pair of godparents,

You get a nifty rule book.

There's lots of rules, vicky,

But the most important thing

Is you can never say

This sentence right here.

Let me see the rule book.

[Reading aloud]

Why would I say that?

All right. Who said "I'm happy

And I don't need my godparents anymore?"

Wanda and cosmo: she did! She did! She did!

Oh, yeah? Prove it.

Vicky's voice: I'm happy and I don't need

My godparents anymore.


You made this kid go from miserable to contented

In nothing flat.


You, on the other hand,

Are a miserable, miserable kid.

Miserable kid, fairy godparents. Make with the happy.

I lost my godparents already?


Hey, what are you going to do to her, timmy?

Head like a toilet? Face full of zits?

Oh, no, better than that.

But I'm miserable.

Why won't anybody believe me? I'm--

Ooh, vanilla.

Why are you being so nice to vicky?

Well, if it weren't for her making me so miserable,

I wouldn't have gotten you guys in the first place.

So I'm going to give her the best day of her life.

And best of all, when I wish her back to ,

She won't remember a thing.

You see, timmy? Two wrongs don't make a right.

Yeah. But rights make a left.

And now it's time for the show.

♪ La cucaracha

♪ La cucaracha

♪ Enchilada blah blah blah ♪

♪ La cucaracha, la cucaracha ♪


♪ And a burrito blah blah blah ♪

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