01x05 - Father Time!/Apartnership!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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01x05 - Father Time!/Apartnership!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish that grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪

Wands and wings. Floaty crowny things.

♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake ♪

♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you're a kid ♪

♪ With fairly odd parents

Yeah, right!

[Upbeat music]

[Bell ringing] [kids chattering]

[Dog barking] [dog boinging]

Come on, honey, smile!

Smiles make everything better. [Mom gasping]

Chest on fire, can't breathe.

Man, it's an awesome day.

And I'm stuck in the house doing chores.

If there was less stuff in here to clean,

I'd be done by now. I know!

I know!

You could melt some of it with heat vision.

Or you could wish that all the chores were done.

That's a great idea, wanda!

I wish-- or you could melt it.

With heat vision! Right.

I gotta go with the super power.

I wish I had heat vision. [Magical tinkling]

Awesome! [Lasers firing]

Hey, that's not funny!

Now it's funny. [Maniacal laughing]

[Upbeat music]

Aww, see?

Look how happy we've made him.

[Laser firing] toaster's clean!

Laundry's done!

[Laser firing] dad's trophy dusted.

Smile. [Groaning]

Trophy senses tingling.

To the trophy case.

[Dramatic music]

What happened here?

I melted your trophy with heat vision.

Where did you get heat vision?

Internet? Oh, he's good.

I won this trophy years ago when I was your age.

And you melted it!

I'm so mad.

I wish beams of heat could come out of my eyes right now!

No, no!

Ours is the one with the silly pink hat.

Go to your room and don't come out

Until you learn responsibility

For other people's property.

Or welding skills.

Whatever comes first.

Whoa, I've never seen dad that mad before.

All over a dumb trophy he won years ago.

Well, it wasn't so dumb to him.

Maybe you should apologize.

Yeah, I guess. Or you could

Go back in time and stop your dad

From ever winning the thing in the first place.

What he said. All right!

Two wishes for cosmo, zip for wanda.

I'm on fire, baby! [Blowing raspberry]

[Magical tinkling]

There ya go.

One magic time scooter to take you any when you want to go.

Excellent. [Loud beeping]

[Alarm ringing]

Wow, the time stream!

We're traveling years into the past.

Well, you know you could have just

Wished yourself minutes into the past

And stopped yourself from melting the trophy

In the first place. I could've what?

[Dramatic music]


What a totally wicked trip!

You mean groovy, what a totally far out trip.

We're in the s now!

But we were in the s in the s.

[Tires squealing]

Groovy, we're back from the s.

And like, best of all, billy, you stopped your dad

From winning that medal.

Now you won't have the chance to like,

Melt it with heat vision.

Like, I'm never gonna suggest heat vision again, man.

Oh, yeah, I remember that now.

Whoa, check it out!

Wow, like, you're like us, but like--

More mature and concerned about websites

And the global warming.

[Soft pinging]

Guys, I'm gonna go find my future dad.

Cool, we're gonna stay here and find ourselves.

Hey, there we are!

Let's dance!

[Scooter rumbling]

One, two, one, two,

One, two, one, two. There he is!

That's my dad as a kid.

Hey, dad!

Well, that's my nickname, stranger.

My real name is [horn blowing].

But everyone calls me dad.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I gotta finish training for the big race tomorrow.

I'm gonna win and give the trophy

To that groovy chick over there.

[Gasping] chest on fire.

Can't breathe. Wow, my mom as a kid.

Yeah, and she's got a beautiful name.

It's [horn blowing].

But everyone calls her mom.

Man, dad's really determined.

I gotta make him lose that race

So he doesn't win that dumb trophy.

I hate lava lamps. I know.

They're really boring.

Oh really?

Like, what do you do for fun?

And you can download different lava.

Hey, that gives me an idea.

Someday I'll link every computer in the world together.

I'll call it the internet. That's silly.

You should call it the timmy.

Okay. Oh, that billy gates

With his crazy ideas. Come on,

Pizza, ice cream, pizza, ice cream!

You sure this is some futuristic training program?

Of course.

I'm a fitness instructor. You're too young.

No, actually I'm .

I just look .

That's how fit I am.

Now, keep eating!

Come on, more miles and we're halfway done!

[Soft music]

Now it's time for scary stories from the future.

In the future, there will be tv channels.

Far out. But nothing to watch.


[Alarm ringing] oh, my gosh!

It's time for the race. [Kids cheering]

I love a good race. We think all races

Are good, man. We don't judge.

Oh, look, here come the runners!

[Kids cheering]

All right, dad didn't win the stupid trophy!

Mission accomplished.

I wonder how that'll affect your future?

Yeah, I'll bet-- [loud poofing]

That can't be good. And for coming

In last place, you get an all-expense paid,

Mandatory -year scholarship to dictator's school.

What? [Men grunting]

Dad's never mentioned dictator's school.

[Doors slamming] [tires squealing]

Hey, little dude, you'd better get back

To your own time and figure out what's going down.

And we'll go, too.

Time isn't my master. Right on.

[Loud zapping]

Ooh. Ooh.

[Tires squealing]

Whoa, the future looks bleak.

Oh man, I changed the future.

[Sirens blaring]

It's the man, man. Fight the power!

Chester, a.j.!

Boy, am I glad to see-- welcome to dimsdale.

Happiest place on the planet. Or else.

Now, show us your papers. Whoa, man!

The system's trying to take him prisoner.

We're all prisoners on the inside.

I love you. Guys, come on, it's me!

Your best friend! Silence.

Our best friend is our cheerful leader, dad.

It's me, timmy turner.

And that's my dad! We are all dad's children.

Aw, man, dad never met mom because he never

Won the trophy.

I don't exist anymore.

And since I don't exist, cosmo and wanda

Aren't my godparents.

[Tires squealing] ha, after him!

I gotta find my dad and get him to fix this mess!

[Dramatic music]

[Doorbell ringing]

Dad! That's what they call me.

Or else!

Come on in, or else!

Who are you, son? I'm your son!

All people are my children.

I rule the earth.

That's me, graduating dictator college.

And this is me taking over the world, with smiles.

And this is where I'd put a trophy, if I had one.

Sorry, lost the happy.

But the happy's back.

Why are you so happy all the time?

Well, years ago after losing both my trophy

And the love of my life, I dove into denial.

And as ruler, I demand the world to do the same.

That's why everyone smiles every waking moment.

Or else? Now you're getting it.

But you can't be happy all the time!

Ha, rebellion.

That is so ' s.


Little freedom fighter! We'll get you out of here.

Ooh, the colors!

[Dramatic music]

Come on, I gotta get back to the ' s

And make sure my dad wins that race.

You following this?

I'm a leader, not a follower.

[Dad screaming]

[Alarm ringing]

[Soft tinkling]

Wow, you look just like your dad as a kid.

That's the plan. Oh, now he has a plan.

On your mark, get set, go! [g*n firing]

Oh man, I forgot, I'm the slowest kid in my class!

I'm gonna lose.

Oh, I'm so mad, i-- [laser zapping]

I still have heat vision! [Laser zapping]

[Crowd cheering]

The first prize is this amazing trophy!

Hi, mom, I'm dad.

Will you take this, go out with me,

Marry me, and someday have a boy with a silly pink hat?

Okay, I'll come by your house later.


If I'm asleep in my test in the backyard,

Wake me up and tell me about the race

With excruciating detail. Okay.

Way to go little dude!

You're back!

That means everything's back to normal.

What is normal, anyway? I love you!

And I always will. Aww.

Hey, it worked!

[Dramatic music]

Bye ' s cosmo and wanda.

It's been-- out of sight?


Well, it was nice meeting us.


If you're ever in the future--

Oh, we will be! Oh, right.

Now all I gotta do is apologize to my dad

For melting his trophy. You could just

Go forward in time enough to-- quiet!

[Loud zapping]

Go on, timmy, you can do it.

Just go in and let your dad know you're sorry.

Everything's still melted.

Which means the time stream's fixed.

And I'm still in trouble.


Dad, what you doing? Oh, trying

To locate a new trophy off the timmy computer network.

I just wanted to say I'm sorry about melting your trophy.

I didn't realize it was so important to you.

Apology accepted, son.

You know, I was pretty mad yesterday,

But for some reason, now I'm just glad you exist!

You know, that whole race is such a blur to me,

I barely remember it anyway.

Yeah. In fact, here.

Give it to some girl you think is groovy.

You never know what'll happen.

Yes, I do. [Loud zapping]

[Loud hammering]

Stupid trophy! Hey!

You'll thank me for this later.

I'm welcome? Oh, internet,

Breakfast is ready!

Happy anniversary, honey.

Are you ready for your anniversary present?

Oh, I'm so excited!

What is it, what is it?

Open your eyes.

[Gasping] it's a blindfold!

Oh, I've always wanted one.

And I've always wanted roller skates.

I love the blindfolded rollerskate anniversary.



If they're into that stuff,

They're going to love it when I

Cook them their special anniversary dinner.

Don't forget, timmy.

You still have to help me with my anniversary surprise.

I know, today's yours and wanda's anniversary, too.

That's convenient.


Yeah, wanda and I have been married , years today.

That's the styrofoam anniversary.

Cool. Yeah.

Thanks for sending wanda away for the day

So I could decorate the room.

What sort of meaningless task did you

Wish for her to do, anyway?

Oh, something she'll never be able to do.

Even with magic. For the last time,

Learn a trick!

Sit up!

Roll over!

Care about something other than yourself,

You stupid cat! [Loud slicing]

Mr. Whiskers.

Thanks for the styrofoam tuxedo, cosmo.

Wanda's gonna be really surprised.

I wonder how she's going to surprise me?

She really loves me, you know?

She loves everything. [Loud zapping]

I hate everything!

I hate cats, I hate this day!

I'm going to bed, which I hate.

Hey, lamb chop, aren't you forgetting something?

Oh, right. [Cat screeching]

I'm outta here.

[Cosmo yelling]

She didn't remember our anniversary.

I spent all morning slaving over a hot wand for this?

Ah, cheer up, dude.

I'm sure she'll love the styrofoam.

[Wanda] and get the styrofoam out of the fish bowl!

Fine, if she can't remember our anniversary,

Then I'm not gonna be around for her not

To remember any more anniversaries with!

Huh? I'm going home

To my mommy, and I'm taking my half of the magic with me!

Happy anniversary, cosmo. You mean, you remembered?

Of course.

Every fairy knows that the , th anniversary

Is the false anger anniversary.

Every fairy except cosmo.

He thinks it's real anger.

And he's so upset, he went home to his mother.

His mother?

Mama cosmo?

Oh, no, that's really bad.

She doesn't even know cosmo and I have

Been married , years.

What does she think he's been doing

For almost , years? Did you get the milk, cosmo?

It seems like you've been gone for , years!

Mama, I have a confession to make.

I wasn't exactly out getting milk.

Well, as long as you weren't out

Getting married to that wanda girl,

Then I still love you.

But mama, I did get married to wanda,

And I had a fight with wanda. Oh, poor cosmo.

I told you she was horrible.

Good thing you didn't marry her.

But I did marry her.

[Door slamming] [cosmo sighing]

Oh, you've gotten the milk!

Bring your single self in.

There's some lovely young ladies waiting to meet you.

Cool, we're in fairy world!

I wish--

Back off, he's with me!

Posers! Hey, are you okay?

Getting a human to fairy world takes a lot of magic.

When cosmo and I aren't in tune with each other,

It's almost impossible. You mean I'm stuck here

Until you guys make up?

I wish we could get to mama cosmo's house, and quick!

That much I can still do.

Girls, cosmo's here!

And he brought milk!

These nice young ladies have been waiting

All this time to marry you.

I mean, meet you. [Girls giggling]

Now, who wants some I rather dislike wanda cookies?

I do, I'm starved!

Mama cosmo's place.

Cosmo's mad, and his mama's probably in there

Making it worse! Come on, wanda.

I'm sure cosmo loves you just as much as he always did.

[Gasps] cosmo!

This better not be what it looks like!

You mean, cosmo not surrounded by women

More aesthetically pleasing that you,

And biting your face in half on a cookie?

Nope, that pretty much hits the nail on the head.

Sounds like a plan. [Loud zapping]

[Loud slamming]

[Dramatic music]

He's not going to stand for that!

That's right, take this you nasty,

Yelling anniversary forgetter!

Did he do anything?

I made her hair more summery.

I'm not a summer, I'm a winter.

Here, try this.

You're such a mama's boy. I am not!

Now you are.

Hey, you made me make a poopy.

[Loud crashing]

We don't like potty mouths. All right, that's it!

I wish you guys would stop fighting.

This is silly.

You two love each other.

That's why you chose each other

Over everyone else in the world.

And if you had to, I bet you'd choose each other

All over again. Okay, you're on.

On what?

On the fairy dating game. I didn't mean right now.

And I wish I wasn't a toilet anymore!

It's getting late!

I still gotta make my parent's anniversary dinner.

I hope she's not too hungry.

When she's hungry, mom gets kinda testy.

Monkey feet!

Boy, I wonder what's taking timmy so long

With our dinner? [Mom growling]

Now, honey, too much fiber will spoil your appetite.

[Mom growling]

And I'm just fine with that. And now, heres' the host

Of the fairy dating game.

Cupid! Hi, there!

Welcome to the fairy dating game.

Where fairy godparents find the the fairy

Of their fairy dreams.

Our contestant today, prodded by his mother

Is here to see if he'd choose his wife all over again.

Please welcome, fairy and mama's boy, cosmo!

I am not a mama's boy. Yes, you are!

Yes, mama. You'll see.

He'll pick wanda as his true love, just like the first time.

You're right, which is why I bribed cupid

With oodles of cash.


Cosmo, it's time for you to start asking questions

Of our two, beautiful mystery contestants.

Hey! And the average-looking one.

Who yells a lot. Whoever you choose

Will be hit by these magic love arrows.


Which will bond them to you forever.

Okay, fairy bachelorette, here's a question.

Would you ever, a, yell at me

On our styrofoam anniversary,

Or b, throw an angry cat on me.

No or no? Styrofoam?

I thought it was the false anger anniversary?

Wait, wait!

It was the false anger anniversary?

Who cares?

Ask another question. Yeah.

Fairy bachelorette, would you turn me

Into a literal example of a mama's boy?

You know, with a diaper, a binky and everything?

Well, maybe that was a little harsh,

But it was funny. Yeah, it was kinda funny.

But harsh. [Arrow whirring]

I'm sorry, you're all out of time.

We'll be back for the final question

After this commercial break.

[Buzzer buzzing]

It's not working.

He's falling in love with her again!

Well, where's the dough?

You know as the god of love, I love cash.

And I love the idea of cosmo not being able

To love wanda. At this rate,

I'm never gonna get home.

I'll just make 'em fall in love with each other

And sort it out later. Ooh, I spy a nickel.

You know, mama cosmo, there is something

I love more than money.


Now all I gotta do is give wanda a chance

To win cosmo back and I can get them

To get me home! And now, here's cupid!

Hi, timmy. No, I'm cupid.

Okay, then I wanna be the easter bunny.

I love eggs. Focus.

Okay, cosmo, your last question,

And then you get to choose the fairy bachelorette.

If I thought you were mad at me and you really weren't,

And I went home to my mother's,

And we both ended up on a game show, what would you say?

Red? Red!

I would say I was sorry.

And I would say I'm proud to be your wife,

Wanda, who is your wife. Oh, ooh, her, I pick her!

Whoever she is, I hope it's wanda!

Goodbye, ladies!


I'm sorry I yelled at you puddin'.

I promise I won't do it unless you really mess up again.

Like I will tomorrow? It's a date.

[Upbeat music]


I forbid this! What is the big deal, mama?

Why do you hate wanda so much?

It's not wanda.

I dislike anybody who took my cosmo lo lo away.

That's why I want you to marry star or twinkle.

They're robots. We love you, cosmo.

We love you, cosmo.

They'd do anything I told them to do

Because that's how they're programmed.

Unlike you, you bossy, pink-haired, overly controlling--


Let's get something straight.

I'm not bright, big words confuse me.

I have the attention span of a rodent.

And wanda loves me anyway.

She makes me happy, and that should be enough for you.

[Sign beeping] aww.

I never realized how much you loved her.

So you'll back off? Oh, heavens no!

I'll just have to try harder.

I-- oh, mama cosmo!

You haven't heard the last of me.

I'll be back!


Oh my gosh, it's almost midnight on earth.

Come on!

I wish I could go home.

Well, you now I need a little more magic

To get us back, timmy. Me, pick me!

Every time.

[Audience applauding]

[Crickets chirping] one minute to midnight.

Enjoy your anniversary dinner, guys.

I made it myself.

Oh, timmy, this is really very sweet.

But you know I don't really like mushy,

Sugar-coated crash nebulo's potato chip chocolate casserole.

But now I do!

And I love your mom. [Mom growling]

But I can wait.

Is this the getting rained on

By mushy gobs of food anniversary?

It is now.

Happy anniversary!

It's our anniversary?
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