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01x09 - Coming Attractions

Posted: 11/27/22 11:13
by bunniefuu
- Oh, Asia really outdid herself this morning.

Breakfast was absolutely delicious.

- I think those are the best biscuits I've ever had.

- Yeah, I could've eaten a dozen of them.

- Split it with ya.

- I'll get the butter.

- We're gettin' low on feed.

Thought I'd run into town tomorrow and pick some up.

- We're out already?

- It's the end of the month, Jo.

- Where has the time gone?

Rob's birthday is just in a few weeks...

I haven't even thought about what kind of present to get him.

- Well, what does he like?

- All kinds of things.



story books,

but I really wanted to do something different this year.

- Well, maybe you could make him something.

What's his favorite story?

- Well, he really likes Little Red Riding Hood.

But I don't know what I could make out of that.

Noah's Ark is one of his favorites.

I must've read it to him a million times.

- Well, there ya go. Build him Noah's Ark.

- Build it? - Sure.

You can make him a little toy model, animals and all.

- I wouldn't know where to start.

- Well, I could help ya.

- Would you? I'd really appreciate that.

Woodworking is not my strong suit.

- No problem.

Go on...

Take it! - Are you sure?

- Sure.

[ Church bells ]

- [Nat]: Hey Dan, did ya hear that snorin'?

- Ha, how could I not?

I could hardly hear the Reverend.

- Listen, the guys and I,

we're gonna play some ball, do you wanna join us?

- I can't. I still haven't finished my arithmetic.

- I heard Franz is giving us a new science project tomorrow.

- Another one? - Yeah.

- I haven't even finished the last one yet.

- He said he's gonna break us up into pairs.

Maybe we could even work together.

- Yeah, I hope so.

- Lovely, lovely sermon. - Thank you, Mrs. Bhaer.

- Thank you so much, Reverend.

- Excuse us, please, Reverend.

- Amy, that was rude.

- You have to see this, Jo.

- What?

- Meg.

- [Jo]: Who's she talking to?

- Edward Trenton.

He went to Harvard with Laurie.

He's an attorney at a very prestigious law firm in Boston.

- What is he doing in Concord?

- He's here for the week on business.

I think he's quite taken with her.

- Is she blushing?!

- Come on.

- That was a,

a beautiful hymn you sang in church today.

I hope you don't mind my saying,


you have the voice of an angel.

- Thank you.

- Edward,

I'd like you to meet my other sister, Jo Bhaer.

- How do you do?

- It's very nice to meet you.

- Laurie's told me so much about you all.

- Really?

And just what have you told him?

- Just how lucky I am to have married

into a family full of such beautiful women.

- Yes, indeed, Laurie.

You are a lucky man.

- You will study the animal,

and then write a -page report about it.

Any animal is fine, mammal, bird, amphibian,

as long as everyone chooses a different one.

- Could we do fish?

- Fish are fine, Tommy.

- How 'bout trout?

- Trout are fine as well.

Now, as you'll soon find out,

animals of different species often work together

to ensure their protection and safety, so,

in keeping with this, I decided that

you will do this assignment in groups of two.

- Franz, can I be with Dan please?

We can do horses and pigs.

- Can I work with Tommy?

- Hey Nan, you wanna work with me?

- So I can do all the work?

- Class. Class... Class!

Please, settle down.

To avoid this precise scenario,

I've taken the liberty of choosing your partners for you.

Tommy, you'll work with Emil.

Nat, you and Nan will work together.

Dan, you'll work with Bess.

Peter, you and David will work together.

- Alright, we got plenty of wood.

Now, you just gotta decide

what you want it to look like.

- Well, there's a description of it right here.

Make thee an ark of gopher wood.

The door of the ark shalt thus sit in the side thereof.

Like a drawbridge.

- A drawbridge?

- Yeah, and then there'll be a little house on top.

You know what I mean.

Here, let me show you.

- I see drawin's not your strong suit, either.

- Very funny.

There. Like that.

You know, the little house that Noah and his family lived in.

- Oh! You mean the cabin.

- Yeah.

- Oh, well,

the cabin looks alright, but the bow needs a little work.

Ya gotta angle it more, or else she's gonna sink.


- That looks good.

Let's get started.

- Well, now we need to figure out how big you want it to be.

- Well, it's probably not gonna be as big as the real one.

- Probably not.

- Um, uh, hundred cubits

it says in here.

So, a cubit was...

- Use the inside of your arm.

It's from here...

to there.

So, one cubit...

- What?

- The ark for Rob, about one cubit?

- Oh yeah, sure.

[ Clears throat ]

- Alright, better get started measuring some wood.

- [Bess]: But butterflies are so dainty.

But you wouldn't know what that means, would you...

- Giraffe. That might be interesting.

- Mm, yeah, they're pretty and all,

but they don't really do anything.

I want something that eats the giraffe.

How about a lion? - A lion, yeah.

Franz can we do a lion?

- Sorry, Nat. Tommy and Emil already chose that one.

- Oh.

But I want something that eats other animals.

- Alright, how about... hyenas?

- Yeah, but hyenas don't do anything,

they just wait around for other animals

to do the k*lling.

- Well, keep looking.

- Hey, how 'bout that?

- An alligator.

Yeah, they k*ll things.

- [Dan]: Penguins? - Yes, penguins are so cute.

- 'Kay, whatever you want.

- Good. We should divide up the work.

You can study their environment, diet,

and social habit.

- And what are you gonna do?

- I'm gonna study nesting.

- Nesting? - Yeah, you know,

how they build their homes, feed their cute, tiny little babies.

- Oh, so, I have to do things,

and you only have to do ?

Well, that sounds real fair. - I'll have you know

the study of nesting is much more complicated

than what you're doing.

- Yeah, sure it is.

- It is.


You're so rude!


You don't do anything right.

Here's penguins!

- Yeah, right.

- I think we'll need more potatoes, Asia.

- Oh? Well, then I'd better get a few more.

You know how these kids like my potatoes.

- Amy, Meg.

What are you doing here?

- Oh nothing, we just stopped by to say hello.

- What's the matter with you two?

What's going on?

- Go on. Tell her.

- Well-- - Edward sent Meg a note.

- A note?

- He asked Laurie permission to send her one.

- Ahh, what did it say?

- Oh, nothing really.

- Nothing?!

It is the most romantic letter I've ever read.

- He does have lovely penmanship, don't you think?

- He wants to court her.

- Well, are you going to accept?

- Of course she is.

- Well, I haven't decided yet.

I need to think about it.

- Meg, what's there to think about?

He's very handsome,

he's Society,

and he's disgustingly rich!

- Amy!

- And he's a gentleman.

- He seems very nice.

- Well, it all just seems a bit sudden to me.

- Jo...?

this opportunity may not present itself again. Meg just can't

... throw it away. - [Jo]: Well Amy,

we can't pressure her either.

This is a big step for Meg.

When she's ready, she'll make the right decision.

- I think I'd like to accept his invitation.

- Well then, good.

Th-That, that's good.

- You're supposed to help me set the table, Bess!

- I am! I'm making the napkins look pretty.

See? It's a swan.

- It is?

- Yes, it is.

- Yeah well, it looks more like a turkey!

- It says here that other animals eat baby alligators,

so the mothers will sometimes

carry their babies in their mouths.

- That doesn't sound very safe.

What if she accidentally swallowed?

- Oh, hey, look at this.

It says that alligators court by nudging and shoving each other.

- Agghh!

Stop it!

- You want a swan?!

- Courting season begins

with splashing head slaps and roaring bellows.

- There! - If you won't do it right,

don't do it at all, Dan!

- You know, I think Dan and Bess shoulda been alligators.

- [Nan]: Yeah, right! - [Dan]: You happy now?

- It's decoration! It doesn't go on the plate!

- Of course!

That's why Dan and Bess are always fighting.

They're courting, just like the alligators.

- Really?

- Yeah, they must really like each other and not even know it.

We're gonna have to help 'em find out.

- I don't know, Nan...

- Trust me. I'll prove it to ya.

- So Tommy comes to me with this idea

about how to help me clean the chimneys.

He figures

if we throw a chicken down there,

it'll flap its wings and clear out all the soot.

That kid's sure got his own way of seein' things.

- He certainly does.

- You know,

you keep sanding that wood down any further,

you're gonna be able to see right through it.

- Sorry.

- You alright?

- Of course.

- I saw your sisters here earlier today.

Is everything alright?

- Yes.


There is this man,

a friend of Laurie's,

he's asked Meg to court him,

and she's accepted.

- You don't like him...?

- No... I, I don't really know him.

I just think she may be getting herself into something

she's not ready for.

- Well, if she's accepted his invitation, then I guess

... she's ready.

- Her husband, John, has only been gone a short while.

It's too soon for her to be thinking about courting.

- Ah, who's to say what's too soon?

I mean, just because she lost someone she loved

don't mean she can't never love someone else.

A woman shouldn't have to be alone the rest of her life, Jo.

No one should.

Well, we should, we should finish the hull.

- Nick,

it's getting pretty late.

I'm tired.

Do you mind if we finish it in the morning?

- Sure.

You should have seen it.

Edward was so taken with Meg,

he barely even touched his tea.

Honestly, Jo,

I've never seen a man more smitten.

- Well, that's wonderful.

- Laurie says he has the most beautiful house in Boston,

with the biggest library he's ever seen.

- He has an autographed copy of Great Expectations.

I never thought I'd meet anyone

who loves Dickens as much as you do, Jo.

- Oh, he sent Meg another note.

- Another one?

- And she sent him one right back.

- You did?

- It was just a simple note.

- She wrote him a love letter.

It was beautiful!

- I see...

so we've progressed to love letters have we.

- It's perfectly acceptable to send letters, Jo.

I thought you'd be happy for me.

- I am happy for you, Meg.

If you want to send letters to Edward, I think that's great.

- You know, Jo, if you spent some time with Edward, you'd see

he's a really lovely man.

- I'm sure he is.

- Perhaps we should all have dinner together sometime.

- Well, I think that's a lovely idea, Amy.

We could even do it here at Plumfield.

- How about tomorrow night?

- Sure.


- [Nat]: So, Bess likes Dan, huh?

I don't believe it.

- [Nan]: Oh yeah, she really likes him.

- [Nat]: Why's she so mean to him then?

- [Nan]: Oh, just 'cause she's uncomfortable.

She doesn't know how to tell him that she likes him.

She's scared if he finds out, he'll just tease her.

You should hear the way she goes on and on

about how big and strong he is!

She likes him alright.

- You think he took the bait?

- Oh yeah! Those two'll be kissing in no time.

- You gonna stand there all night,

or you gonna come over here and give me a hand?

- Ah...


it's really starting to take shape, isn't it?

- Yep.

We keep workin' like this, we'll have it done in no time.

Here, why don't you hold these pieces in place

while I put the roof on?

- Like that?

- Yeah.

- Oh.

- Ooh, watch your fingers there...


Okay, tryta hold, tryta hold-- Hang on, hang on...

Gotta let the glue dry for a minute.


that oughta do it.

So, I was thinking about the ramp.

Thought maybe we could put a handle on it,

make it easier to open.

Then for the windows,

what I was thinkin' was-- - Nick...


I appreciate all that you've done...

But I think that I should take it from here.

I mean this,

this is a gift from me to Rob.

I wouldn't feel right if I didn't do it myself.

I mean, he is my son.

- Aw, it's still your gift, Jo. He doesn't know I helped.

- Well, I know that, but...

I would know.

- What's going on here?

- Nothing.

I just think I should finish it myself, that's all.

- Alright.

- [Amy]: What about...

this one?

Mmmm... no.

Isn't this fun?!!

It's just like Belle Gardner's coming-out party!

Remember Meg, when we were helping you to get ready?

- Well, how could I forget?

Jo left the curling iron on my hair too long

and burned it all off.

- Oh! This one would look fabulous on you, Meg.

- Oh, it's beautiful!

- It's silk.

- What do you think, Jo?

- I think it's a bit much.

- I don't know... - Don't worry, Meg,

there's plenty for you to choose from.

- Amy, she doesn't need to get all dressed up anyway.

I mean, this is just a dinner at Plumfield.

I think Meg should just be herself.

- Jo, she has to make a good impression!

After they're married,

then she can go back to being plain old Meg.

Oh, you know what I mean.

- Married?

Amy, they haven't even had dinner yet.

- I don't know if I can go through with this.

- Come on, Meg, it'll be fun,

it'll be just like the coming- out party you never had.

We'll dress you up, do your hair. Maybe even curl it

and you could wear it down, like you used to.

- You want her to wear her hair down?

- Why not? You wear yours down.

- I know Amy, but I am not Meg.

You know what I mean.

- Out. Both of you.

- No wait... Ah--

- Out... Out!

- [Amy]: Open this door!

[ Chickens squawking ]

- Here, um, ahem...

Let me help you with that.

- No, that's okay--

- No really, it's too heavy for you.

Besides, I've carried stuff that weighs times more than this.

- Good for you.

- Come on Bess, just let me help ya.

- No, I've got it. - Nah, it's alright...

I wanna do it.

- Give it back.


My dress!

Look what you did to my beautiful dress!

- Look what I did?

You're the one who spilled it.

- If you hadn't grabbed it in the st place!!

- I was just tryin' to help ya.

- Well, next time, don't!

- Don't worry, I won't. - Fine.

- Good.

- This is gonna be harder than we thought.

- Ah, yep.

- I think it's time for Plan B.

- What's plan B?

- I'll think of somethin'.

- You get your fingers outta my cooking!

- I think your soup needs a little more salt.

- Would you mind getting your husband outta my kitchen?

- Laurie, go keep Edward company in the parlor.

- Oh!! And you get outta here, too.

- Wow!!

You look great.

- Thank you.


can you help me with this bracelet please?

- Sure.

- So, Nick,

will you be joining us for dinner?

- Amy, I'm sure Nick has better things to do with his time.

- Yeah, I guess I do.

Y'all have a nice evening.

- Well, as soon as Meg comes down, we can start dinner.

- So, things are going well. - Yes, they are.

I just have to finalize some paperwork,

and I'll be heading home next week.

- I'll be in Boston on Wednesday.

- Well, you should come by to the new office.

It's on the corner of Arlington and--

- Meg...

- Excuse me.

Eh, you look...

You look beautiful.

- Thank you.

- Well,

now that we're all here...

Shall we?

- Shall we...

- I was playing Roderigo.

- Sir Roderigo.

- Oh, so sorry.


Jo played the Duke of Lancashire,

fake beard and all. And Meg,

she played the enchanting Lady...


She gave the most delightful performance.

- So not only do you have a beautiful voice,

but you're an actress, too.

- Oh, it was just something we did for fun.

- And Meg was such a professional.

Right in the middle of her soliloquy,

a mouse ran underneath her skirt.

Well, did she scream?

No, not a sound.

- I remember that. It was climbing right up my leg.

- After she finished,

that's when she screamed.

- Growing up, it seems I spent more time at their home

than I did at my own.

- Well, I can understand why.

- Mmm, I think he was trying to get out his studies.

- Now that I find hard to believe.

At Harvard, I recall you being a model student.

- Oh, he wasn't always so disciplined.

He used to hide out at our house,

but John always knew exactly where to find him.

He used to say that you were the most

unruly scholar he'd ever tutored.

- Ha, ha, well,

I did give him a hard time.

- Well, I don't think he minded looking for you at our house.

It gave him a perfect excuse to see Meg.

- Who's John?

- He was Meg's husband.

- What a beautiful home you have, Jo.

- Yes,

it was great Aunt March's.

After she passed away, she left it to Jo.

And Jo turned it into a school.

- [Edward]: And a very fine one, from what Meg tells me.

- Thank you.

- [Laurie]: Well, Bess is doing very well here.

- And I hope that Demi and Daisy

will attend Plumfield when they're old enough too.

- Those are your children?

- They're quite remarkable.

Very bright.

- They certainly are.

Just like their mother.

- Excuse me.

- Meg,

are you alright?

- Just leave her alone, Jo.

You've done enough harm for one night.

It's alright.

- I don't know what was I thinking.

It's too soon.

- No.

It isn't!

You see what you've done?

You just had to bring up John.

- I didn't mean to upset her.

- It's not your fault.

I never should have accepted his invitation.

I'm not ready for this.

- You are ready, Meg.

- That's not for you to decide, Amy.

- She's just nervous.


it's not too late for you to enjoy the rest of the evening.

- I can't.

I can't face him, not now.

- I didn't know anyone was down here.

- You couldn't sleep either, huh?

- No.

I just, I thought I'd come down and get something to eat.

- Yeah, me too.

Wanta split a biscuit?

- No, thanks.

- It's alright, I don't mind. - No, it's alright.

Actually, I'm, I'm not that hungry, after all.

I, I should probably go up and get some rest.

Got a busy day tomorrow.

- Sure.

- Goodnight.

- G'night.

- Dan, can you take these plates please?

- Why?

Wait, you don't need my help, remember?

- Oh Dan, just take them.

- Well, you told me just to leave you alone, so...

... that's what I'm gonna do.

- Hagghh! What is wrong with him?

- Wh-what do you mean?

- He's been acting weird all week. Haven't you noticed?

- Oh, now that you mention it, I guess...

- What?

- I was looking through one of Dan's nature books

and I found a poem.

- Dan doesn't write poems.

- It was a real mushy one too.

- Really?

Let me see it.

I watch her from a distance, keeping out of sight.

I know my heart belongs to her and this has been my fight.

With hair like golden silk and eyes the bluest blue,

she is a graceful princess, and this I know is true.

Who did he write this to?

- Come on, isn't it obvious?

- No.

- Graceful princess?

He's not writing to me!

- You think... Dan wrote it to me?

Dan likes me?

- Remember, you didn't hear this from me.

- Bluest blue...

Golden silk.

Hey, Dan.

[ Horse whinnies ]

- Hey.

- What are you doing?

- I'm grooming him.

- Oh, sure looks like you're good at it.

- Yeah.

- Ah Dan,

don't you just love horses?

Their hair is so...


And the way they move, is just so...


[ Whinnies ]

But you know what I love even more than horses, Dan?

Hah, poetry.

You have to be a very sensitive person

to write poetry.

- Yeah well,

this is real interestin' and all,

but... I got a lotta work to do, so if you don't mind?

- Alright, excuse me

for trying to have a polite conversation with somebody.

Next time I'll just talk to the horse.

- Plan C?

- Did I do something to offend you?

- What?

- The last few days you been actin' different.


you don't want me around anymore.

- No, that's not true.

- Is it 'cause of what I said about Meg?

- No.

- 'Cause if it is, I'm sorry.

If she's not ready for a relationship,

then who am I to say anything different?

I'm sure she'll do whatever's best for her.

- Hello, Jo.

- Amy, it's late. What are you doing here?

- I've just come from seeing Meg.

- How is she?

- How do you think she is?

She's upset.

She's refusing to see Edward again.

- I didn't mean for this to happen.

I only wanted what was best for Meg.

- This isn't about Meg.

If you're feeling guilty because you're having feelings

towards Nick, well...

don't take it out on Meg.

- What?

That's ridiculous.

- No, it isn't.

This is about you and Nick,

and we both know that.

- Nan, I don't think this is working.

- Well maybe we gotta give 'em a bigger push.

Like lock 'em in a room together or something.

- Then they'll k*ll each other for sure.

- No they won't, it'll be romantic.

Once they realize they're trapped,

there'll be no one to turn to but each other.

- What are you two up to?

- Well, we're trying to figure out a way

for Dan and Bess to kiss.

- Why?

- [Nan]: 'Cause they like each other.

- Dan and Bess?

- Well yeah, haven't you noticed?

- Those two are like oil and water.

Bess can't even stand to be in the same room as Dan.

- [Nan]: Yeah, I know! See how much she likes him?

That's the way nature works.

If you like someone, you gotta push 'em away first.

The more you like him, the more you push him away,

just like with the alligators.

- You sit there much longer,

I'm gonna make you peel somethin'.

[ Sighs ]

- Yeah, should probably get back to work.

Did Jo go into town today?

- No, she's upstairs.

- She seem alright to you?

- Suppose so. She's been a little quiet this week.

- You and Jo are friends.

If she had something on her mind,

she'd probably tell you, right?

- I like to think she would.

- Has she said anything about me?

- Like what, Nick?

- Oh well, like is she happy with me here?

You know, things like that.

- She seems to be.

She's real fond of you.

- Fond...

- Come here and taste this stew for me.

- Mm-mmm...

it's good.

[ Chuckles ]

- It's been simmering all day.

It just needs to cook for a while.

You know stew is always better when ya just give it some time.

- Hey.

- Hi...

Have you been here long?

- Nah.

Nah, I just got here.

I'm glad you came.

- Yeah, me too.

Listen, Dan, I know we haven't been

very nice to each other this week...


- This week?

- Okay, ever.

But if you're willing to start over,

then... so am I.

- Oh,

I guess I can do that.

- I was really glad to get your apology letter.

It meant so much.

- What letter?

- There's no need to be shy.

- No, Bess,

I never sent you any apology letter...

You sent me one, remember?

- No, I didn't.

- Yeah, ya did.

- If you didn't send me a letter,

and I didn't send you a letter,


- Hey!

- Nan, aghh...!

- Hello.

- Meg.

What a surprise.

- I, uh,

came to return your necklace.

Thank you for letting me borrow it.

- I see you put your hair back up.

- Yes well, you were right,

it just wasn't me.

- Well, I thought it looked nice that way.

You should wear it down more often.

- Well, thanks again for the necklace.

- Meg.

I owe you an apology.

- No Jo,

it's alright.

- Meg, wait, please.

I behaved terribly this week,

I'm sorry.

I haven't been a very good sister to you.

You know, you have always been there for me,

and the one time you needed me, I wasn't there for you!

I hope you can forgive me

'cause I couldn't bear for you to be angry with me.

- Oh Jo,

I'm not angry with you.

- I'm so sorry.

- I've been doing a lot of thinking these last few days,

and I have come to realize

how fortunate I am.

I've had love in my life with John.

Some people live their whole lives

and never know that kind of love.

- There's nothing that says you can't have that love again.


if there is even the slightest possibility

that you can find that love with Edward,

then you should go after him.

- It's too late.

He's leaving for Boston today.

- Maybe it's not too late.




- Jo, Meg, what's going on?

- Has Edward left yet?

- Yes, he left about a half hour ago.

- See Jo, I told you it was too late.

- I bet we can still catch him.

- You're going after Edward?

- Yes. Are you coming?




- Oh

[ All laughing ]

We're never gonna catch him.

- Hurry, Jo.

- Gettup! Gettup! Faster! Faster!

Where is he?

- Ooohh!!

- I think that's him.

- Ohh!

- What? Is that his carriage?

- Yes, that's it, that's it!

- Jo! Jo!

- Hang on! Gettup!

Go! Go!

Gettup! Stop!

Stop that carriage!




- Oooh-ohh!

- Coachman, stop.

Ha! I thought I recognized that voice.

- [Breathless]: Ah-ha, sorry, I don't usually holler like that.

- Sounded like the voice of an angel to me.

I wasn't so sure--

- Isn't it nice to see Meg looking so happy?

- It certainly is.

- I'm just very glad we caught you--

- It'd be nice to see you looking that happy, too.

- Amy, I--

- You could have that, Jo, if you want it.

- I wasn't so sure--

- I know Fritz would want you to find love again.

He would hate the thought of you being alone.

- [Nan]: I don't know what the big deal

about kissing is anyways. - I know.

Even if Dan and Bess did kiss,

they'd probably go back to fighting again.

- The theory is if people kiss,

they're gonna fall in love, right?

- Yeah, that's what they say.

- That's just stupid.

It's not like the kiss is magic or anything.

- I know. You're just squishing your lips together.

What's so magic about that? - Nothing.

Have you ever kissed anyone before?

- Nope. Have you?

- Nope.

Maybe we should try it.

- What? - You know, like,

test the theory. Like in experiments.

- Alright.

- I think we're supposed to close our eyes first.

- Okay.

- Well?

- Nothing. You?

- Nope.

There goes another theory.

- Nick?

- Jo, hey, just give me a second,

and I'll be outta here.

You can have the place to yourself.

- No, act-actually, I was looking for you.

I was hoping you could help me finish Rob's ark.

I know that I told you earlier that I didn't need your help,

but I'd still like to have it,

if your offer still stands.

- My offer still stands.

If you're sure that's what you want.

- I'm sure.

- Alright,


the st thing you oughta do is file this door down.

- Yeah I know, I couldn't get it to fit.

- Well, you can't force it.

Gotta take your time with it.

Just be patient,

and the whole thing'll come together real nice.

- So, sand it right here?

- Yeah, just right along this edge here.

You know what,

if I use this, let's see...

- Of course!

- Ah, I've done this for a couple a years.