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03x05 - The Magic Ghost, Part 2

Posted: 11/26/22 17:04
by bunniefuu
Oliver is Ethan's uncle?


What does Ethan have to do
with the Eloquent Peasant?

And now I'm extra nervous. [CHUCKLES]

I'm doing my first big magic show for a

kid who's sad that his uncle just died?

And if I don't get this dessert
by : p.m.,

I'm gonna need a magician
to get me out of trouble.

I don't understand
exactly what's going on,

but Oliver sent us here for a reason,
to find the sarcophagus.

Whatever's in it's gonna get us closer
to solving this mystery.

So, the show must go on.

This is gonna be a disaster.

Don't worry. If you get stuck,
Leo can help you. He's invisible.

Never! Charli can do it on her own.
She doesn't need my help.

You don't. You can do this.
Now start breathing.

In through the nose,
out through the mouth.



Let's do this.

It's a toy sarcophagus.

Hey! What are you doing?


You're that weird guy in my
karate class. And now you're here.

I-I'm friends with Charli, the magician.

Why are you in my room?

I, um, was looking for the bathroom
and made a wrong turn.

It's over here.

Slight problem. I found the sarcophagus.

It's like a little box
you can keep stuff in.

That's great. What's the bad news?

Ethan caught me in his room
before I could get to it.

I'll go back once the show starts.

We have a bigger problem.
Charli's freaking out.

She's hiding in the bathroom
and doesn't wanna do the show.

I've been there. It's not fun.

All right, everybody.
I think we're ready to get started.

- So...
- [MOUTHING] Okay.

...without further ado, Charli!

Uh, but before we see Charli,
we have a special opening act.

The Spectacular Samir!

- What?
- I needed to do something.

No problem.
I can talk you through the whole thing.

I, uh...


How's everybody doing today?

Great! Good opener.

- Uh...


Charli, come on.

[CHARLI] You don't understand.

I can't do this.

Your card is...

- Nine of hearts.
- [ETHAN] Nope.

It's the jack of spades.

- [LEO] Oh, he's pulling a fast one.

SAY THIS: "Well, all I see..."

Well, all I see...

" a joker and..." a joker and...

- [CHILD ] Whoa.
- [CHILD ] That's so cool.


The nine of hearts!

- Yeah.
- Thank you. Thank you.

Perhaps I should do something
a little less spectacular.

Wouldn't want to outshine the main act.

Good point.

I don't know what's going on, but I

know you need to get on that stage.

I'm angry at you.

- What?
- It's true.

I don't understand.
I thought you wanted to be a magician.

Of course, I do. But that gives you
no right to schedule this show

without asking me first.

Look. I-It's my first show.

That's a huge deal.

I needed to act fast. There wasn't time.

For a text?

I didn't imagine you would say no,
so I didn't check.

Look, I get it.

You're super smart,
and you usually do have the best ideas.

But that doesn't mean
you can make decisions for me and Samir

without asking us first.

And it's not just this gig.
It keeps happening.

Samir said the same
thing to me yesterday.

[SIGHS] I should've called you first

about the magic
show. I'm sorry I didn't.

Apology accepted.

And seriously,
I think you're super smart too,

and you have lots of great ideas.

- But sometimes...
- Sometimes they get lost

in all the bad ideas
that I can't help saying out loud?


Yeah, I've heard that one too.

Well, in the future,
I'll use my inner voice more.

And I'll use my outer voice better.

That sounds good.

Great. So, showtime?


What if I mess up?


You won't.

I wouldn't have gotten you this job
if I wasn't sure you can do it.


Hi, you guys! I'm Charli.
Really great to meet you today!

Who here likes magic?

- [BOTH] I do!

[CHARLI] Yay! Okay!
Who here likes rope tricks?

I'll head upstairs.

No. Stay here. We
need to support Charli.

[CHARLI] Yeah.


- Let's do a silk trick.

Now pick a card, any card.

- Eight of spades.
- [ETHAN] Wait, what?

One, two, three. [BLOWS] Okay.

I'll give you this.


- Happy birthday!

- And thank you! [CHUCKLES]
- Wow!

- Wepa!

- Happy birthday!
- Yeah!



- Charli, that was so good.
- Amazing!


And the best part
was, you were just you.

I work so hard to razzle-dazzle everyone

when maybe I should just be myself.

You're making me question everything.

Is that good?

Always! So inspiring.

The wepa is near. I can feel it.

I'll finally figure out this trick
and Leo's fans will be very happy.

So will Leo's sponsors.

It's gone. It was right here.

Who are you?

[SIGHS] ONE: You were acting super weird
at my karate class.

TWO: Out of nowhere,

your friend is performing
at my birthday party.

Great job, by the way.

AND THREE: Before the party,
I caught you snooping around in my room.

What is going on here?


I'm not dumb. I just turned nine.

I think we should tell him the truth.
What do you think?

Thanks for asking.

Ethan, we knew your Uncle Oliver.

And what I'm 'bout to say
will sound crazy,

but Oliver sent us to the party

because he wanted you
to give us your sarcophagus.

- Yeah, right.
- It's true.

I don't believe you.
You didn't know my uncle.

Guys, uh?

Guys, uh, what?

Giza, home to the Great Pyramids.

You were gonna visit them with Oliver.

How do you know that?

Uh, he told everyone how excited he was

to take his favorite nephew to Egypt.

A screw? There's a flower on it.

I think it's a lotus.
It's one of the words I translated.

Where did you get this?

I was at the library with Uncle Oliver.

- The university library?
- Yeah.

He said he was
trying to solve some big mystery.

He found the screw on the floor
and thought it was really suspicious.

He gave it to me
and told me to keep it safe.

Do you remember
where you were in the library?

I remember there was
a big painting of a bird.

Well, this is really helpful, Ethan.
I guess we can go now.

I wish we could tell you more,

but we think Oliver was
keeping this a secret for a reason.

I understand.

Thank you for trusting us.

Happy birthday.

I really miss him.

We do too.

- That was so sad.
- Yeah.

Wait. Shouldn't we talk to him?

I agree, but I thought
you needed to get to the bakery by :.

I'm sorry about Oliver.

Thank you.

I know what it feels
like to lose someone.

There's a w*r where
I come from, in Syria.

My cousin died last
year, and I miss him.

[SIGHS] It's very hard.

It's even harder
on special days like birthdays.

Uncle Oliver and I used to go to
the park and pretend we're in Egypt.

We would pretend the slide was a Sphinx,

and he always did this funny voice.

the Sphinx, and I am svery sfunny."

[NORMAL VOICE] I know it sounds dumb...

Not at all. Oliver was...

VOICE] ..."svery sfunny."


[NORMAL VOICE] Just remember, he'll

never really be gone from your life.

He'll always be around.

I thought this was broken.

You were really great.

He's a nice kid. [CHUCKLES]

[SIGHS] There's no way
I'll make it to the bakery in time.

Guess I'll just have to face my father
and tell him the truth.

Dad, is your pantry stocked?


- [NIA] Ooh.
- [CHARLI] Whoa!

- [SAMIR] Wow.

That looks great.

I worked in a Lebanese restaurant
after college.

Syrian food is pretty similar.

Am I crazy, or does
it smell like flowers?

- That's the rosewater. [CHUCKLES]
- It is.

My grandmother's kitchen
always smelled like this

after she baked desserts.

Mr. Barnes, thank you so much.
I promise we'll repay you.

It's on me, and not another thought.

That's impossible for me.
I-I'd really like to make it up to you.

All right. Well, you can all clean up.
That'll make me a happy man.

- Have a good time at the party.
- Thanks.

- Hi, hon.
- Hi, sweetie.

Smells good in here.

I might be a little late.

No problem. We'll clean up.


Mom, can I talk to you for a few minutes
after we clean up?

- Sure thing.
- Okay.

Samir, what took so
long? We were worried.

I told you how important this was,

baba. Did the bakery have the namoura?

A-Actually, no.

[BOTH] What?

Don't worry.

- You made this?

- Mmm, I had a little help.

It looks wonderful, Samir.

No problem.


Yeah! See, I told you so.

- Nia's dad's, like, a four-star chef.

You worry too much, Samir.

It's very well written.

Thank you.

And very persuasive.

- But?

But, I'm not sure
you'll get the response you want

with one social media post,
as eloquent as it is.

Mom, that's why you need to help.

If you spoke out and joined the boycott,
people would listen.

It might even get on the news
because you're, like, famous.

[CHUCKLES] Fame is relative.

As president of the university,

I can't be associated with the boycott

of a convenience store near campus.

It's simply inappropriate.


It's inappropriate for that guy
to racially profile Black people.


Fine. I'll organize the boycott myself.

Grandma was in the
Montgomery bus boycott.

I'll carry on the family tradition.

That was a well-coordinated effort
that took many months to organize.

Mom, I can do it myself.
Please stop treating me like a baby.



After that lady called
the police on you,

I know you've been searching
for a way to fight back.

But you gotta do it right.


So, let me introduce you
to a student I know.

He knows everything
about anti-r*cist activism,

and he can point you
in the right direction.

- Fine.
- Hey, don't misunderstand me.

I want you to fight,

but I also want you to win.

Thanks, Mom.


This reminds me so much
of Sunday dinners back home.

My abuela would cook,
and the whole family would show up.

- Toufik! Hi!
- Hi.

Uh, this is my friend, Charli,
and this is my other friend...

Never mind.
There is only one friend. [CHUCKLES]

Um, okay.

- Nice to meet you, Charli.
- Hi.

Samir, I haven't seen you
at the community center in a while.

What have you been up to?

Yes! Well, I've been pretty busy
with... with...

With what?

Young Archaeologists' Club.

No way. I love archaeology!

Is there a specific time or region
you focus on?

Uh, well, we like them all.

No, we don't. We love them all.

- Hi.
- [SAMIR] Nia!

Just in time. This is my friend, Toufik.

Nice to meet you.

So, what's the occasion?

A new family arrived from Turkey,
and this is a welcome party.

They aren't Syrian?

Well, they are,
but when they came from Syria,

they had to live in Turkey
before they could come here.

We did the same thing.


Because of the w*r in Syria,
life became very unsafe for many of us,

so we had to escape to nearby countries

like Turkey or Lebanon, or Jordan.

We were refugees,
and we lived in a refugee camp.

And we waited there
to be assigned to a new host country.

Very few people get to leave,

but we were lucky.

That's how we ended up here in America.



It was so kind of your father
to help you make the namoura.

Please take him these treats
as a token of our appreciation.

Oh. Wow! This really isn't necessary.

I insist.

Thank you. [CHUCKLES]

[PARENT] What a wonderful evening.

I wish I didn't have to go
to work tonight, but so it goes.

Enjoy the party.

Where does your father work?

He's a janitor at the university.

Does he clean the library?


Go ask him if you can tag along tonight.

- Why?
- [NIA] Of course!

Now that the library's closed, this

is our best chance of getting inside.

That's true.
We can figure out where that screw goes.

I'll give it a shot.

Have you figured out your big trick?

No, but it's so close.
I can feel it. My brain's tingling.

That always happens
right before the wepa moment.

My dad said yes.

He was so excited about the namoura,

he would've said yes to anything.

Meet me tonight at the library
at : p.m.

I'll text you the exact meet-up spot,
and then I can let you inside.

- [MAMA] All right. Be cool.
- [GUEST] Whoa.


This is good.



[ALL] Mmm!

- [CHARLI] That's really good!
- It's delicious.

My compliments to the chef.

I'll be sure to tell him.

Hey, Dad, why did they react that way,
to the namoura?

In the village where I grew up,

Amira's family ran a bakery
for generations,

and the dessert they were most
famous for was the namoura.

And last year,
the bakery was bombed and destroyed.


They miss the bakery and home very much.

- Thank you again.

Couldn't have done
it without my friends.


- You thought of the trick!
- No.

Then what is it?

Ever since I arrived here, I've
seen such amazing acts of friendship,

and none more amazing than this.

The wepa isn't that I'm supposed to
come up with some illusion

for a fancy show in Miami
in front of a bunch of strangers.

The wepa is to stop saying "wepa"
all the time.

I just wanna go back
to being a normal kid.

I wanna go back home to La Vista. I

wanna see my friend, Amanda, again.

And I wanna do magic shows with her,
for our friends and our family.

And now,
it's time for my disappearing act.

But wait! We're finally
getting into the library tonight.

Yeah. What about the screw
and blind spot and everything?

- We need you!
- Not anymore.

You know everything you need to know.

I'll miss you. You taught me so much.

And you taught me more.

You made me remember how
much I loved magic in the first place.

Good luck, my friends.

And uno, dos, tres...

[SAMIR] Dad?

Do you miss home?

I don't miss the conflict.
I don't miss the destruction.

I don't miss
worrying about you and your brother.

Makes sense.

But there are other things
I miss very much.

The busy streets, the markets,

the sound of the music.

What do you miss?

My cousins. Our neighbors.

Playing soccer after school.

We'll always have
those memories, habibi.

Now that we're here, and we're safe,

we can make new memories.


Come on. [WHISPERS]
There's the main door.

My dad and I already cleaned this room.

Stay here until I text you,

and we'll all meet
just outside the archive room. Okay?

- [NIA] Got it.
- Thumbs up.

Hey, Cowboy. We know that kid.


Yeah. Everything looks great in here.
Let's head upstairs.

[DAD] Only five rooms to go.

- [SAMIR] One small problem.
- What?

I left my garbage can in the last room.

Oh. Do you remember
how to get back there?

- Sure. Won't be long.
- Meet me in the faculty lounge.

Got it.

Now, remember,

the only audience we need to deceive

are those three security cameras.

Oliver, if you're
listening, wish us luck.

- [CHARLI] Nia!


- [CHARLI] That was close.
- Let's hurry.

Sure, but remember,
stay in the blind spot.

[NIA] There are no holes.

[CHARLI] Hey, look.

[NIA] It's a match.

I don't see any holes on this side.

- [CHARLI] None over here.
- [NIA] What is this thing anyway?

- [CHARLI] Donors to the university.
- [NIA] It goes back a long time.

I need to get back to my dad.
We don't have any more time.

"If you wanna see the big picture,

then you need to look at things
from a different angle."


Those three nameplates.

They stick out further than the others.

"Mason Kenning."

"Lawrence Osgood."

"Granville Winthrop."

Who are they?

- I'll take Winthrop.
- Osgood for me.

Nia, you look up Kenning.