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05x30 - Blue's Big Car Trip

Posted: 11/26/22 09:04
by bunniefuu
[ music begins playing]

♪ Come on in.

[ Blue barks "Come on in"]

♪ What did you say?

KIDS: A clue, a clue!

♪ You see a clue? We see a clue.

♪ Another Blue's Clues day, hooray! ♪

♪ Do you want to play...

♪ ♪

♪ Blue's Clues?

♪ Well, count to three...

♪ One, two, three.♪

♪ And clap your hands...

♪ Clap your hands!♪

♪ Learn something new...

♪ Something new.♪

♪ Join our Blue's Clues band today! ♪

Right this way.

♪ It's another Blue's Clues day. ♪

♪ ♪

♪ It's another Blue's Clues day. ♪

Hey, you're here!

You've got to see this-- come on.

You are going to love it.

[ car horn beeps]

It's a car!

And we're going to go in it.

Hey, Carmen!

Hey, Joe.

This is our friend, Carmen.

She's a really good driver.


Are you coming in the car with us?

Well, you'll come with us, right?


Oh, hey, Blue.

[ barks]

Are you ready for our car ride?

Oh, right, we'd better help Blue

put her booster seat in the car.

Does it go in the front seat or the back seat?

The back seat.

The back seat.

Blue... we get to sit in the back seat--

that's the coolest.


Hey... I wonder where we're going in the car.

Blue, do you know?

We'll play "Blue's Clues"

to figure out where we're going in the car.

I love Blue's Clues.

[ music begins playing]

♪ We are gonna play Blue's Clues ♪

♪ 'Cause it's a really great game, yeah! ♪

So remember, Blue's paw prints will be on the clues--

Blue's Clues.

[ imitating car engine]

Beep, beep!

You know what we need to play Blue's Clues.

Our handy-dandy...



You need a notebook?

I have one.

Ah, here it is.

It's a car notebook.

[ imitating car engine]

Thanks, Carmen.

We can use this to play Blue's Clues.

"Blue's Clues"?

How do you play that?

Well, Carmen...

[ music begins playing]

♪ To play Blue's Clues, we've got to find a... ♪

Paw print!

♪ Oh, a paw print, right.

♪ And that's our first...


A clue? A clue!

♪ Then we put it our... Notebook!

♪ 'Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We got to find another paw print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's Clues!

♪ We got to find the last paw print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook

♪ 'Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues ♪

♪ You know what to do!

♪ Sit down almost anywhere

♪ And think... think...

♪ Think...

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...

[ barks]

♪ That we want to do.

Are you ready to play Blue's Clues

to figure out where we're going to go in the car?

You are-- great.


Carmen, now we have to look for clues.

Oh, hey!

I almost got wet.

A clue!

You see a clue?


Behind you.

Behind me?

Oh, you found our first clue,

and it's on this... water.

You know what we have to do now--

draw this clue in our handy-dandy...


Our car notebook, right.

[ imitating car engine]


♪ I'm water!

Where do you think we're going in the car with me?

♪ Water.

Good idea.

But we should probably find two more clues--

just to be sure.

[ car horn honks]

Ready to go?

Come on in.

Okay, we're inside, the doors are shut.

Let's go.

[ barks]

Not yet?

Well, what else do we have to do

before we can go?

Put your seat belt on.

Oh... put our seat belts on and buckle up.

Of course-- thanks.



You're all buckled up, Blue.

You'd better put your safety belt on, too.

Zip, click.

Is it on?

Oh, great.

Carmen, we're all safe and ready to go.

Then let's hit the road.

[ engine starts]

We're moving!

[ bird chirping]

Nice driving, Carmen.


[ barking]

Music-- good idea, Blue.

Let's see what's on the radio.

ANNOUNCER: Here's the song you've all been waiting for.

It's hip, it's hot, it's number one on the pop charts.

It's "The Back Seat Boogie."

[ music begins playing]

Blue, are you doing "The Back Seat Boogie"?

Let's do it, too-- ready... here we go.

WOMAN [ over radio]: ♪ The doors are shut, we're ready to ride ♪

[ with Joe]: ♪ Boogie in the back seat♪

♪ Seat belts are buckled, our hands are inside ♪

♪ Boogie in the back seat...♪

Boogie with us-- come on.

♪ Doin' the back, doin' the back♪

♪ Doin' the back, back seat boogie♪

♪ Doin' the back, doin' the back♪

♪ Doin' the back, back seat boogie.♪

♪ I say yeah, yeah!

Wow, you are a really good boogier.

[ music ends]

So, what do we do now?

[ barking]

Hey, good idea, Blue.

Let's play a game.

Let's see...

Hey, we could play

the Look-for-Stuff- Out-the-Window game.

Do you want to do that?

[ barks]

My shirt?

Yeah, let's look for something

that's the same color as my shirt.

Well, my shirt's... purple.

So, what's the same color as my shirt?

The car!

[ horn honking]

Yeah, that car's purple, just like my shirt.

[ chuckles]

Good work.

Okay, now let's look for something

that's the same shape as the sun.

Now, the sun... is shaped like a circle,

so what's the same shape as the sun?

The Ferris wheel.

There... the Ferris wheel.

It's a circle, the same shape as the sun.

You are really good at this.

Hey, Carmen, how's the driving going?

Not bad... but I could use some gas.

Do you see a sign for a gas station?

Which sign is for a gas station?

That one.

That one.


Follow that sign

for a gas station, Carmen.


Good job reading that sign.

Here we are.

Let's get some gas.

BOTH: ♪ Hello... hello... hello...

♪ We'll fill you up and make you go ♪

♪ We're... gas!

I can give you some gas.


Fill it up, please.

Will you count how many gallons of gas Carmen needs?


You'll count, too, right?

You will?


[ dinging]






Carmen needed four gallons of gas.

That costs... six Blue dollars.

Here you go.

Thanks, bye.

Bye, thanks.

We're all gassed up and ready to go.

Hey, let's see what's on the radio.

Oh, great!

I love the radio.

ANNOUNCER: And now, back by request,

it's "The Back Seat Boogie."

"The Back Seat Boogie"-- we know that song.

WOMAN: ♪ The back seat is the cool place to be ♪

[ with Joe and Carmen]: ♪ Boogie in the back seat♪

♪ And a safety seat made just right for me ♪

♪ Boogie in the back seat♪

♪ Doin' the back, doin' the back♪

♪ Doin' the back, back seat boogie♪

♪ Doin' the back, doin' the back,♪

♪ Doin' the back, back seat boogie.♪

ANNOUNCER: Here's an all-time favorite.

Hope you're ready to wail, because here comes the mail.

It's mail time!

♪ Mail time, mail time...♪

And look...

♪ Mail time!♪

We're right by the Post Office.

Carmen, can we go get our letter?

Sure, just let me park.

Okay, it's safe to get out now.


♪ Mail time, mail time, mail time, mail time!♪

It's mail time!

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail "Mail!" ♪

Excuse me, I've got a letter for "Joe."

Do you know who he is?

He's me.

He's you?

He's me-- I'm Joe.


Here's your letter.


You're welcome.

We just got a letter.

♪ ♪

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ I wonder who it's from.

Oh, look, it's a letter from our friends.

ALL: Hi, Joe!

We're playing cars.

Zip! Click!

ALL: Beep! Beep!

[ imitating car engine]

Beep! Beep!

Beep! Beep!

[ all imitating car engine]

Got to stop at the stop sign.



Beep! Beep!

Oops, I'm running out of gas.

Fill 'er up.

Here's your gas.

Thank you.

Bye, Joe.

Thanks for playing with us.

[ boy imitates engine]

Beep! Beep!


[ laughing]

Our friends were in a car, too.

That's so great.

I love cars.


[ imitating car engine]

[ imitates brakes squealing]

A clue!

[ imitating car engine]

You see a clue?

Well, where?


Behind you.

Behind me?

[ imitating car engine]


You found a clue on this... soap.

Let's draw soap in our handy-dandy...


[ imitates car engine]


Beep, beep.

[ giggles]

Hi, there.

♪ I am soap...

Your second clue.

Hey, soap.

♪ I'm water.

♪ And I'm soap.

I wonder where we could go in the car...

♪ With me, soap.

♪ And I'm water.

BOTH: Where do youthink we'll go?



[ horn honks]

Let's get back in the car.

[ car starts]

[ Blue barks]

[ barks]



Ooh, I know what we have to do before we can go.


[ seat belt clicks]


Are your seat belts on?

[ barks]


Now let's get back on the road.

[ barks]


[ barks "uh-oh"]

Look at all this traffic.

We need to get to that tollbooth all the way up there.

We might have to wait a while.

[ Blue singing]

Oh, yeah.

♪ Wait, wait, wait.

What should we do while we wait?

[ barking]

Oh! Yeah!

We could look for numbers out the window.

[ barking]


So, where is the number one?

[ barking]


On that truck.

JOE: Number one, on the truck, yeah!

But we're still a long way from that tollbooth.

[ barks]

Let's play again.

Good idea.

[ barks]


Number , where are you?

On the sign.

JOE: Number , on the sign.

Good eyes!

[ barks]

Carmen, are we there yet?


[ barks]

Hey, let's keep playing.

Blue, do you have another number?

[ barks]

Hmm, .

Oh, that's a really big number.

[ barks]

So, where do you see the number ?

There, in the sky.

JOE: Number is in the sky.

You found it.

And while you were looking for numbers,

we made it all the way to the tollbooth.

[ barks happily]


What do we do here?

We pay the toll.


Go right ahead.

Here we go.

[ barks]

Thanks for being so patient.

[ barks "you're welcome"]

Whoa! That train is going really fast.

[ imitating train engine]

Woo, woo!

[ imitating train engine]

A clue!

Yeah-- woo, woo.

[ imitating train engine]

No, a clue.

Oh, a clue.

Well... where?

Out the window.

Oh, there's a clue, right here on that...


Well, you know what we need now--

our handy-dandy...


[ horn beeps]

Our car notebook-- right.

Beep, beep.


[ giggles]

So, a car.

♪ Car, car, car

♪ Honk, honk.

Hi, there, car.

♪ I'm water.

♪ And I'm soap.

♪ Well, I'm a car, car, car

♪ Honk, honk.

ALL: Now that we're three, what will we be?

We have all three clues

to figure out where we're going in the car.

It's time to sit in our...

Thinking chair.

Thinking chair-- to figure it out.

Hey, wait a minute.

We're in a car...

and we're pretty far away from our thinking chair.

But, we can think anywhere, right?


So, let's do some back-seat thinking.


We're trying to figure out where we're going in the car,

and our clues are...


♪ I'm water...

♪ And I'm soap...

♪ And I'm a car, car, car ♪

♪ Honk, honk.

Hmm, I know.

Maybe we're going someplace that uses...

♪ Water...

♪ Mixed with soap...

♪ And a car, car, car

♪ Honk, honk.

Maybe we're going someplace

where they clean cars with soap and water.

Where could we be going?

A car wash.

♪ When the family car is dirty

♪ There's a place that you can go ♪

♪ Just be sure to close your door and roll up the window... ♪

ALL: ♪ 'Cause it'll pull you through and bubble you up ♪

♪ And spray you down and dry you off... ♪

CAR: ♪ At the car wash.

A car wash-- yeah!

Because a car wash uses water and soap to clean cars.

Blue, are we going to the car wash?

[ barks]

Then we just figured out Blue's Clues.

[ barks excitedly]

♪ We buckled up

♪ Figured it out

♪ What Blue's Clues were all about. ♪

Wow, you know what?

♪ We're really smart.

[ song ends]

[ barks]

Ooh, Carmen?

Are we close to the car wash?

We sure are.


[ gasps]

[ barks]

We're at the car wash.

This is so exciting.

[ car wash buzzes]

Here we go.

[ barks]

Look at those big sponges.

[ barking]

It's kind of like being in a giant bubble bath.

[ dryers whir]

And now I'm getting nice and dry.


[ barking excitedly]

The car wash is done.

You want to get out and take a look?

[ barks]

Carmen, you look beautiful.

You're so clean and sparkly.


Oh, I have something for you.

Since you sat in the back, used a booster seat

and wore your seat belt, you get safety stars.

[ barks]

One for Blue.

[ barks "thank you"]

One for Joe.

And one for you.

[ barks "for you"]

Safety stars.

Thanks, Carmen.

[ barks "thank you"]

And thank you for helping us be safe

and play games in the car.

[ barks "thank you"]

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And our friend Blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.

♪ ♪

♪ We can do anything...

That we want to do.


You're going to drive us home, right?

Of course.

WOMAN: ♪ Come on!

♪ Kids in the back seat, baby!

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh.

♪ Yeah...

WOMAN: ♪ Oh!

♪ Oh, do that.