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04x16 - ¡Un Día Con Plum!

Posted: 11/25/22 17:42
by bunniefuu
[music playing]

Hi, you're just in time.

Come on!

Plum is at my house; come meet him.

Periwinkle's friend Plum just came over for a special visit.

Do you want to go meet him?


Are you coming?

Yeah... come on.

Hi, Blue.[barks]

Periwinkle hasn't seen his friend Plum

since they lived next door in the city.

Plum, my friends, Steve and Blue

want to meet you.

That must be Plum.

Periwinkle has told us so much about him.

Let's go say hello.

This is my friend, Plum.



Plum just said "iHola!"

What do you think "ihola!" means?


Oh, "hello."

Yup, "ihola!" is how I say "hi" in Spanish.

Plum knows how to speak two languages.

He can speak English and Spanish.

Wow, you speak two languages?


My dad speaks Spanish

and my grandma speaks Spanish

and my grandpa speaks Spanish

so I know how to speak Spanish, too.


Well, ihola,Plum!

I'm Steve.


And this is Blue.


And this is our friend.


Steve, guess what?

I know some Spanish words, too.

Plum taught me.




What do you think "amigo"means?


Oh, yeah, "friend."

See, Periwinkle and Plum are amigos

just like you and me.


And Blue and me...

and you and Blue.

We're all amigos.

So what are you two amigosgoing to do today?

Hang on, we'll show you.

We're going to make a marioneta.

A "marioneta"?

What's a "marioneta"?

It's a puppet with strings.

I learned how to make them from my grandfather.

Look, I have one.


the strings make the puppet move.

And you can make all different kinds of marionetas

like a musician or a flamingo.

Or an astronaut.

Hey, maybe we should make a marioneta.

Yeah, then we can have a marionetashow.

Yeah, great idea.

Well, what kind of marioneta

should we make?


We'll play "Blue's Clues"

to figure out what kind of marionetawe should make.

[music begins playing]

♪ We are gonna play "Blue's Clues" ♪

♪ 'cause it's a really great game. ♪

So remember, Blue's paw print

will be on the clues, Blue's Clues.

Hey, Plum... how do you say "clues" in Spanish?

Las pistas.


So, Blue's paw print will be on las pistas.

We're going to start making our marionetas.





So, how should we get rid of this paw print?

Should we say "ihola!" or"adiós"?


Adiós,paw print.

Bye... adiós.

Wow, way to use your Spanish.

You know what we need to play Blues Clues?

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Come on.

iHola,Side Table Drawer!

I'm practicing my Spanish.

Do you know any Spanish words?

Um... I know a Spanish song.

Would you like to hear it?


♪ Abierta, cerrada♪

♪ Abierta, cerrada♪

♪ Abierta para tu libreta...♪

♪ Para tu libreta.♪

What a great song!

What do you think Side Table Drawer was singing about?

Yeah, open and close... for our notebook.







[music begins playing]

♪ To play Blue's Clues we got to find a... ♪

♪ Paw print!♪

♪ Oh, a paw print, right.

♪ And that's our first...

♪ Pista!

♪ Una pista.♪

♪ Then we put it in our... ♪ Libreta!

♪ 'Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We got to find another paw print, that's the second... ♪

♪ Pista!

♪ Put it in our... ♪ Libreta!

♪ 'Cause they're whose clues?

♪ "Blue's Clues"

♪ We got to find the last paw print, that's the third... ♪♪ Pista!

♪ We put it in our... ♪ Libreta!

♪ 'Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues ♪

♪ You know what to do!

♪ Sit down in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think... think... think!

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...


♪ That we want to do.

You know, I can tell

I'm really going to need your help today

trying to figure out what kind of marionetawe should make.

You will help, right?


So, did you see which way Blue went?

That way.

That way?

Come on.

[music playing]

♪ We are looking for pistas♪

♪ We are looking for pistas♪

♪ We are looking for pistas, wonder where they are. ♪

A clue, or apista!


I like pizza.

No,una pista.

Oh... oh, una pista.

You see a clue, or... una pista.


Behind you.

There it is...

there's a clue on this pad of paper.

You know what we need, our handy-dandy...


Notebook, or libreta.

Okay... abierta.

A pad of paper.

Let's draw a parallelogram...

a line for the binding...

a line for the bottom of the pad

and a bunch of lines that bend around the corner-- the pages.

There, a pad of paper.

So, we're trying to figure out

what kind of marioneta we should make

and our first clue is a pad of paper.

So, what kind of marioneta should we make

with a pad of paper?


But I think we should find two more pistas.



Hey, that sounds like Periwinkle.

Come on.





iHola, amigo!

Look, we started our marioneta.

Do you want to help us

finish putting it together?

Will you help finish putting together

Plum and Periwinkle's marioneta?


Sure, we'll help.


Plum, what do we need?

La cabeza.

"La... cabeza."

What is "la cabeza"?

I think I'm going to need your help.

La cabezagoes right there.

Oh, okay...

So which one of these shapes could be la cabeza?

That one, the head.

Si, la cabeza.

Oh, la cabeza... it's the head.

Good listening.

What should we add next, Plum?

Las piernas.

"Las piernas."

What are piernas?

Las piernasgo right here.

So which one of these shapes

could be las piernas?

Those, right there, the legs.

Si, las piernas.


Las piernas, the legs.

What's next, Plum?

Los pies.

"Los pies.

What are pies?

Piesgo right there.

So, which one of these shapes

could be los pies?

Those right there, the feet.

Si, los pies.

Right, los pies,the feet.

Look, we're almost done!

Cabeza, piernas, pies.

Cabeza, piernas, pies.

Now, we just have to add a few more parts

attach the string and color it in.

Thanks for helping.


No problem.

Graciasfor teaching us some new Spanish words.

We'd better go look for some more pistas.



BOTH: Adiós!

[music playing]

♪ Cabeza... piernas... pies.♪

Hey, it's kind of like a song.

Do it with me:

♪ Cabeza... piernas... pies.♪


♪ Cabeza... piernas... pies.♪


iHola,Shovel, iHola,Pail!

♪ Cabeza... piernas... pies.♪


A clue, a clue!

Yeah, do it, too.

♪ Cabeza...♪

No, there's a clue,una pista.

"Una pista"?


Behind you,una pista.

There's una pista...

on this... smock.

Wow, way to use your cabeza.

You know what we need?

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, or our... libreta.


We can draw rectangles touching at a corner

for the collar, then the outline... of the shirt...

two lines with some dots in between for buttons...

some squiggles for smudges... and it's a smock.

So, we're trying to figure out

what kind of marioneta we should make

and our first clue was... a pad of paper.

And now our second clue is a smock.

So, what kind of marioneta should we make

with a pad of paper and a smock?


But I think we should find our last clue.


CHORUS: ♪ Mail time, mail time!

The mail's here!

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail, "mail!" ♪

Steve, I just learned my first Spanish word.

Plum taught it to me.

Really, what word?


Carta...what's that?

I'll show you.

Here's.... your carta!

Oh... carta.



You're welcome.


We just got una carta.

[music begins playing]

♪ We just got una carta.♪

♪ We just got una carta.♪

♪ We just got una carta, wonder who it's from. ♪

[music ends]


Look, it's una carta from our amigos.

ALL: iHola,Steve!

We're playing a colors game in Spanish.









ALL: Adiós,Steve!



[Blue barking]

Hey, Blue, what are you doing?


Hey, did you borrow Plum's puppet book?

[barks "mm-hmm"]

Blue just skidooed into the puppet book.

Let's go.

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too! ♪

Oh... this must be where puppets get their clothes.


Me llamo, Pedro.

iHola, Pedro!

Do you speak Spanish?


Wow, Pedro speaks Spanish just like Plum.

Necesito mas ropa, por favor

"Mas ropa"?

Oh, ropa...clothes.

You need more clothes.

Si, mas ropa.

Well, maybe we can help...

and learn some new Spanish words

from Pedro, too.



Necesito algo para mis piernas.

"Piernas," we know that word.

We just learned it from Plum.

Necesito... zapatos, guantes

pantalones o una camisa?

Okay, so what should Pedro wear on his piernas:

zapatos, guantes, pantalonesor una camisa?



Si, los pantalones son perfectas

para mis piernas.

Yeah, Pedro can wear pantalones

on his piernas.

Mas ropa, por favor.

Mas ropa.

Necesito algo para mi cabeza.

Oh, right, your cabeza.

We learned that word, too.

Necisito una gorra, guantes

sandalias o un suéter?

Okay, so what could Pedro wear on his cabeza:

una gorra, guantes sandaliasor un suéter?

Una gorra!

Una gorra?

Si, una gorra es perfecta para mi cabeza.

Yeah, Pedro can wear una gorraon his cabeza.


Mas ropa, por favor.

Mas ropa.

Necesito algo para mis pies.

Oo, pies.

Necesito una bufanda, calcetines

una corbata o un abrigo?

So what could Pedro wear on his pies:

una bufanda, calcetines, una corbataor un abrigo?



Si, los calcetines son perfecto para mis pies.

Yeah, Pedro can wear calcetineson his pies.


[music begins playing]

♪ Una gorra en la...♪

♪ Cabeza!♪

♪ Pantalones en las...♪

♪ Piernas!♪

♪ Y calcetines en los...♪

♪ Pies!♪

♪ ♪

BOTH: ♪ Una gorra en la...♪

♪ Cabeza!♪

♪ Pantalones en las...♪

♪ Piernas!♪

♪ Y calcetines en los...♪

♪ Pies!♪

[music ends]


Adiós, Pedro!


Una pista... a clue!


Oh, yeah.

Hey, Pedro, don't forget the shoes.

O, mis zapatos.


No, a clue.

Oh, you see a clue.


On the paintbrush.


Oh, yeah, there's a clue...

on this paintbrush.

You know what we need?

Our handy-dandy...?



Okay... abierta.

A paintbrush.

We can draw this pear shape with a long curve for the handle

a wavy line for paint, bent lines for bristles

a line here, and we've got a paintbrush.


Hey, we have all three pistas.

You know what that means?

We're ready to sit in our...?

Thinking chair!

Thinking chair.

Let's go.

Okay, now that we're in our thinking chair, let's... think.

You will help, right?


So, we're trying to figure out

what kind of marioneta we should make

and our pistasare... a pad of paper...

a smock...

and a paintbrush.

So, what kind of marioneta could we make

with a pad of paper, a smock and a paintbrush?

Well, maybe the marioneta could wear the smock.


And maybe it could use the paintbrush on the pad of paper.

Well, who wears a smock

and uses a paintbrush on a pad of paper?

A painter.

A painter, yeah!

Blue wants to make a painter marioneta!

We just figured out Blues Clues!

[music begins playing]

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ Because we're really smart!

Come on... let's go make our marioneta.

Then we can have our marionetashow.

Look, we finished our marioneta.

We're ready for the show.



BOTH: iHola!

Remember how we helped them

put a cabeza, piernasand pies

on their marioneta?

Then we added a pelo

los ojos, la boca, la nariz y las manos.

Oh, it's our marioneta.

It's a painter.

Si, un pintor.

Oh, un pintor.

Hey, Blue, let's put something on la cabeza.

Would you help, por favor?

What do you wear on your cabeza?

Una gorra.

Si, una gorra!

iHola, Pedro!

Remember how we helped Pedro

find his pantalones, gorraand calcetines?

Look, our marioneta is finished.

Now it's time for the marionetashow.

iHola, pintor!

I like your gorra.


What are you going to paint?


O, adiós.


[barks"adiós" ]

You were such a big help today.


[music begins playing]

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, Blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.



[barks bye-bye]