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04x07 - Adventure

Posted: 11/25/22 17:34
by bunniefuu
[birds chirping...]

STEVE [deep voice]: Queen Blue, I'm coming!

Whoa, whoa...

Well, hello.

It is I, Sir Stevealot

the shiny knight of the kingdom of Blue.

[normal voice]: It's really just me-- Steve.

We're playing Adventure

and I'm imagining I'm a knight.

Do you want to be a knight, too?


Hop on your horse.

We're off to see Queen Blue.



Ah, Queen Blue!

Your Highness.

Where is King Horace the Anteater?



Lady Pail, Lord Shovel.

We can't find King Horace anywhere.

Well, we'll find him.

Let's imagine we have a telescope

so we can see things really far away.

Horace is orange

with a long snout and a long tongue.

Uh, let me know if you see him.

[Blue barking]

Do you see him yet?

He's right there.


Oh, yeah.

He's on that faraway... box.

This isn't a box.

It's my castle in the sky.

And I'm Periwinkle, the Kitten Castle Keeper.


He's got King Horace!


Fear not, Queen Blue.

But Periwinkle's castle's in the sky.

How are we going to get up there?

Hey, we'll just have to imagine a way.

What could we be to get up to

the castle in the sky?


Oh... we'll play Blue's Clues

to figure out what we should be

to get to the castle in the sky.

♪ We are gonna play Blue's Clues ♪

♪ 'Cause it's a really great game. ♪

So remember, Blue's paw print

will be on the clues: Blue's Clues.


Hey... I think the paw print

is imagining it's a horse.


Farewell, good Sir Pawprintalot.

You know what we need to play Blue's Clues.

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.


Greetings, good Side Table.

We have traveled from faraway lands

to get the all-powerful handy-dandy notebook.


Here you go, Sir Stevealot.


To play Blue's Clues, we got to find a...

Paw print!

Oh, a paw print, right.

And that's our first... Clue!

A clue? A clue!

Then we put it in our... Notebook.

♪ 'Cause they're Blue's Clues

♪ Blue's Clues

♪ We got to find another paw print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's Clues

♪ We got to find the last paw print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook

♪ 'Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues ♪

♪ You know what do-- sit down in our Thinking Chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...


♪ That we want to do.

You know, I can tell

I'm really going to need your help today

trying to figure out how we should get up

to the castle in the sky.

Will you help?


So, which way did Queen Blue go?

That way!

That way?


♪ We are looking for Blue's Clues ♪

♪ I wonder where they are.

A clue!

Ooh... a lagoon.

How are we going to get past it?

No, a clue.

Oh, you see a clue, not a lagoon.

There's the clue!

On this... person.

Well, you know what we need.

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

So, a person.

Let's draw a circle for the head

a line down for the body

two lines for arms

and two more lines for legs.

There... a person.

So, we're trying to figure out

how to get up to the castle in the sky

and our first clue is... a person.

Well, how could we get up to the castle in the sky with a person?

What if we... what if we...

What if we find two more clues?

We'd better get to that castle.

Hey, halt!

Who goes there?

Hello, Castle Keeper.

It is I, Sir Stevealot and this is my friend.

We are knights from the kingdom of Blue

and we've come to rescue King Horace.

To get to the castle in the sky

first you must get through the land of magic spells.


The first spell will turn this dirt

into a huge pit of sticky mud.

Peripocus! Poof-poof!

A pit of sticky mud?

Oh... Periwinkle is imagining

that this dirt is a huge pit of sticky mud.

Well, how are we going to get past it?

Here's a hint.

No person has ever done it.

Well, if Periwinkle can turn that dirt into mud

then maybe we can turn ourselves into something else.

Yeah, but what could we be?

What if...?


What if we were frogs?


Imagine with me.


[croaks laugh]

Okay... we're frogs.

So how are we going to get over the pit of sticky mud?

Jump over it.


Jump over! Yeah!

We're frogs.

Let's jump over the pit of sticky mud.



Hey, nice work.

Your imagination

helped us out of a... sticky situation.

[croaks laugh]

Wow, you got past it!

Okay, it's time for the second spell.

I'm going to make a giant rock.

Peripocus, poof-poof!

Periwinkle is imagining that this is a giant rock.

Here's a hint.

It's too big for a person to walk around.

And too high for a frog to jump over.

Well, let's imagine.

What could we be?

Hey, what if we were bulldozers?

Yeah, let's try it.

So we have big wheels...

and a motor...

[imitating motor]

All right, we're bulldozers.

How are we going to get past this rock?

Push it.

Push it, yeah.

We're bulldozers.

We can push big, heavy things out of the way.

Come on.

[imitating motor...]

We did it!

Whoa, you got past the rock, too!

Well, there's one more spell

and it's the toughest one yet.

Sir Stevealot, I'm going to turn you into a block of ice!

Peripocus, poof-poof!

A block of...

Hey... hey, I'm a block of ice.

What are we going to do now?

Here's a hint, okay?

You need to be the sun.

Oh... okay, go ahead.

Be the sun.

Are you doing it?

Okay... you're the sun.

So, how can you help me

so I'm not a block of ice anymore?

Melt the ice!

Yeah, melt the ice!

You're a big, hot sun.

Go ahead, melt the ice.

Go ahead, with the... yeah, okay...

that's good... keep... uh-huh... what...

Hey, we did it again!

Wow, you melted.

You got past all the spells!

Yes, that's right.

We used our imaginations and we figured them out.

Great job, knights.

Look, we're closer to the castle.

And to rescuing Horace.

Let's go!

♪ Mail Time, Mail Time, Mail Time, Mail Time!♪

Soon as we get the mail.

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail, "Mail!" ♪


[toots horn]


Hear ye, hear ye.

Sir Stevealot, I bring you

this letter from a faraway kingdom.

Thank you, kind Mailbox.

You're welcome.

[toots horn]

We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from?

It's a letter from our friends.

BOTH: Hi, Steve!

We're going on an adventure.

To the secret cave!

First we have to get through the tunnel.

Come on.

Let's cross the ocean.

GIRL: But watch out for the sharks.

BOY: Watch your step.

I think I see it.

We found it!

We found the magic cave.

What's inside?

It's a monkey! Cool.

BOTH: Bye, Steve!


Hear ye, hear ye.

I have another delivery.

This time it's from the Queen.



I wonder why Queen Blue sent us this drum.

[drum booms]

A clue, a clue!

Yeah, it goes boom, boom.


No, a clue!

You see a clue?


Oh! On this sound!


You know what we need.

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

So, this sound.

We can't really draw a sound

so let's draw some curved lines, like this

to help us remember the sound.

What was our first clue?

A person!

A person, right.

And now our second clue is this sound.

[drum booms]

So, what should we be to get up to the castle in the sky

with a person and this sound?


but I think we better keep on our quest for Blue's Clues.


Look, it's the castle in the sky.

[barks "castle in the sky"]

Let's go.

Hey, halt!

[barks question]

We've come to rescue King Horace.

Well, first you need the magic key

to pass through this gate and get to Horace.

We don't have a magic key.

But we shall return...

when we find one.



[barking "Blue Skidoo" tune]

Hey, Blue just skidooed into that storybook.

Maybe that's where we can find the magic key.

Come on.

♪ Blue skidoo, we can, too. ♪


I wonder if the magic key is around here someplace.

[Blue barking]

Maybe this nice troll can help.

Pardon me, good troll.

We come from the kingdom of Blue

in search of the magic key.

Do you know where it is?

Yes, good friend, do not fear.

The key is very close to here.

Really? The key is very close to here?

But I don't see it any... where.

Of course you cannot see it now.

But answer my riddle and you'll know how.


Will you help me answer this riddle

so we can figure out how to find the magic key?


What is really small...

likes to crawl...

and has no arms or legs at all?

Thanks, Troll.

Okay, let's try it.

What is really...


likes to crawl...

and has no arms or legs at all?

A worm!

A snake!

Yeah, a worm, or a snake.

Because worms and snakes are really small

and they crawl around in the dirt

and they don't have any arms or legs.


Let's pretend we're worms, or snakes

so we can find that key.


There's the key!

Being really low to the ground

helped us see under those bushes.

Let's get it.



That little dragon took the key.

Excuse me!

Little dragon?

Are you looking for the magic key?

Yes, Goblin.

But, uh, this little dragon took it and flew away.

You'll find it if you answer my riddle.


What lives outside and grows real tall

and loses leaves in the fall?

Good luck.

All right, let's try it.

What lives outside, can grow real tall

and loses leaves in the fall?

A tree.

A tree, yeah.

Because a tree lives outside

and it can grow really tall

and it loses its leaves in the fall.

Let's get up on our tippy-toes

and be really tall, like trees.


Hey, there's the key!

On that rock!

Being tall trees helped us see over the wall.


It's that dragon again.

Come on.





Hello, good dragon.

Do you have that magic key?

I do.

It's here in the forest.

You could get it if you answer my riddle.

Ah. All right.

What's your riddle?

What can mess up people's hair...

make a sailboat sail to anywhere...

and keep a kite up in the air?

Hmm... well, what can mess up people's hair

make a sailboat sail to anywhere

and keep a kite up in the air?

The wind!

The wind, yeah.

Because when the wind blows, it can mess up your hair

or make a sailboat sail

or make a kite fly.

Let's be the wind.

Do it with us, okay?



The key!

We did it!

The wind blew those flowers and we found the magic key!

You deserve it, riddle masters.

[barks "thank you"]

Hey, great job solving those riddles

Well... we must continue our quest for clues.

Farewell, good dragon.

A clue!

Yes, yes, that good dragon was very... cool.

Oh... oh, you see a clue.


Right there!

Wow! There's a clue on those really, really big shoes.

You know what we need.

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

So... really, really big shoes.

Really big.

An oval for the top...

with a line around for the rest of the shoe...

and loops for the shoelaces...

another oval for the top...

with a line around for the rest of the shoe...

and loops for shoelaces.

There... two really big shoes.

We have all three clues.

We're ready to sit in our...

Thinking Chair!

Thinking Chair.

Let's go.

Okay, now that we're in our Thinking Chair

let's think.

You will help, right?


So, we're trying to figure out what we should be

to get up to the castle in the sky

and our clues are:

a person...

this sound...

[drum booming...]

and really big shoes.

Well, I'm a person

and you're a person

so, so let's imagine that we're people who wear really big shoes

and, and maybe when we walk around in our really big shoes

we can make this sound.

[imitates booming]

Well, what kind of person would you be

if you wore really big shoes and made this sound when you walked?


A giant!


A giant... yeah.

We could be giants and take giant steps

up to the castle in the sky.

We just figured out Blue's Clues!

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ 'Cause we're really smart.

Come on.

Now we can rescue King Horace.

Here's the gate.

And here's the magic key.

[barks "the magic key"]

[barks "ta-da"]

King Horace, we're coming!

Lord Shovel, Lady Pail.

We must all be big, tall giants

and take big, giant steps

to the castle in the sky.

Are you ready?

[very deep voice]: Let's be giants.

[imitates booming...]


We made it!

Wow, you did make it!

Good King Horace...

it is I, Sir Stevealot and my friend.

We used our imaginations

to get past the land of magic spells

to find the magic key

and to become big and tall like giants

to reach the castle in the sky.

And now, we have come to rescue you.

We did it!

King Horace is rescued!

[all cheer]

That was fun!

Maybe I'll be the king

next time.

And I can be

the castle keeper.


What a great adventure.

Thanks so much for all your help today.

We couldn't have rescued King Horace with you.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, Blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.

Farewell, and thanks again.


Easy, whoa...


[giggles, laughs]