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02x04 - A Rag, a Bone, a Hank of Hair

Posted: 11/25/22 11:27
by bunniefuu






Hey. Hey. It's okay. It's okay.



hate this f*cking place!



[IN SPANISH] Let's get the f*cking
monkey and get out of here, bro.

We need to be home before five.







He's asleep.

What happened? I mean, why
did he sink the trawler?

Does he know what we're doing,
Ma? I don't think he does.

I don't. I mean... how could he?




Slept like the dead.

Haven't slept like that in
years. Must be the clean air.

Honey. You wanna give me
and your mom a second here?


It wouldn't have worked.
You didn't have enough fuel.

I had enough to get us
away. That's all I needed.

Let's say that you and
Dina didn't run out of gas

in the middle of nowhere, didn't
die of thirst or starvation,

or... [STAMMERS] run into someone
that might exploit that situation.

Or you get across Mexico, cross
the border into the United States.

[ALLIE] So, now what?

You tell me.

You're about to, right?
I mean, try stopping you.

What happens is, is you get arrested

and spend the rest of
your life in prison.

Charlie? He gets extradited to Mexico.

That's the best case.

That was your plan, right?

Gonna take Dina with
you. Gonna take Charlie.

You're g*dd*mn right, I was.

You don't wanna stay here with me.

You're being impulsive,

and you're not thinking
through the consequences.

Not for yourself and
certainly not for the kids.

I would've turned myself in. And
the kids, they would've been fine.

I know what I'm doing.

You would've lasted a week in the
US, and you burned that bridge.

Well, aren't you the voice of reason.

I just wanna keep everyone safe.

You wanna keep everyone together.

You wanna make this a home,
whether we like it or not.

- And you expect us to be happy about it.

But you can't compel
people to be happy, Allie.

And you can't make a home
by putting a fence around it.

This... This is not a home.
It's a detention center.

And I'm not gonna change your
mind about that. Not here.

Why don't you give it a try?
I mean, I could use a laugh.

I guess what I'm saying is,
is if you're gonna leave me,

I know I can't stop you.

But please wait.

At least until I know that you
have formulated a realistic plan.


[CHUCKLES, IN SPANISH] The iguana first?

[IN SPANISH] If you want to.



[IN ENGLISH] You f*cking assh*le!


[IN SPANISH] Hey! What
are you doing here?

- [IN ENGLISH] Let them go!

[IN SPANISH] Get away! Get away!

[IN ENGLISH] Leave them
alone. I don't care!

[IN SPANISH] Where did you
come from, assh*le? Go home!


Hey, back off, I'm
warning you. Back off.

[IN ENGLISH] Let them go!

[IN SPANISH] Are you
deaf, assh*le? Get back!


f*ck this kid!



[IN SPANISH] I'm going to
rip your ears off, assh*le!



[IN SPANISH] We need to go!



[DINA] Is he mad?

As in angry? Or...


No, he's not angry. Not at you.


But he's right. Even
if we could get away,

there's a warrant on your dad.

Charlie k*lled a cartel guy.
There's nowhere we can go.

Bullshit. There's somewhere.

- There's always somewhere.
- Oh, yeah?

Where we don't end up dead, or going
to jail for the rest of our lives?

Outstanding. So, why don't
you tell me all about it?

Tell me what we do and where we go?


This is just him getting his way. Again.

You've always done what he wants, Mom.

Every single time.

And we have to pay the
price for it. Me and Charlie.

I mean, look at you sitting there.
Thinking you've got all the answers.

You sound just like him.


Well, f*ck you.

f*ck you too.

- Did I say you could leave?

- Stop me. I'm .
- And I'm your mother. Now sit down.


Look. [SIGHS]

I'm really, really tired. I'm
sorry. I'm just... I'm tired, okay?

So just get the f*ck off your high horse

for one minute and sit down, please.

Okay. I'm listening.


There's a way. It's... [SIGHS]

It's a... It's a roll of the
dice, but there could be a way out.

- Okay.
- But you have to understand,

if we do it, it's something
we can never come back from.

And you have to be okay with that.

I don't care, Mom. What is it?

Oh, my God. It's gonna
break his heart. It's just...

Why does that even matter to you?

Do you really think he loves you, Mom?

'Cause this isn't love,
it's coercive control.

Is that what I look
like to you? A victim?

I need to give your dad an excuse
to stay in that g*dd*mn workshop

for a couple of hours and
keep him out of the way.

And you need to keep the boat
kid off the boat. The Magdalena.

- You mean Adolfo?
- Whatever.

You just gotta keep him away
from the boat. Can you do it?

Yeah. I mean, yeah, I can
definitely try. What's the plan?

No, no, that's not good enough.

I need to be able to get on that
boat without anyone seeing me.

So you do it, or you
don't. No half measures.

- Dina?

Yeah. Okay.




A lot more organized than it looks.

I guess it would have to be.

What about you, Allie?
Are you under control?

How are the kids doing?

Hmm, they're fine.

Charlie is struggling
but he's resilient.

I'm gonna let him work through it.

Dina is a bit homesick.

Margot didn't exactly enjoy your
guy sticking a g*n to her head.

- He was never going to hurt her.

Well, then she's the same. She's
Margot, she's f*cking nuts. [LAUGHS]

[CHUCKLES] Says the guy
who just sank his own boat.

My request was clear. I
thought we had an understanding.

I did you a favor. I had to
make an executive decision.

That's not how we do things.

That boat was always
gonna be a problem for you.

Big -foot billboard out there saying,

"Come to Isela's place,
the Foxes are here."

That boat was a valuable resource.

And you know that.

And we don't go around making
rash, executive decisions.

I took a very personal risk
bringing you here, Allie.

Please, don't make
me regret that choice.

You won't.

Good, because as you can see,

it took a long time for this
place to find its footing.

And I need you to respect that.

Good. Having said that, I
am very glad you're here.

I wish we came years ago.

[SCOFFS] Well, don't blame me.
I've been inviting you for years.


[CHUCKLES] And it would've been a
much simpler thing having you around.


Just, uh, one more thing.

Level with me.

Margot. Is she gonna be a problem?


'Kay. Believe it or
not, I'm going to church.




- What happened?

- Charlie?

- Hey, look at me. It's okay.

Okay. How bad is it?

So, are you going to Isela's?

Yep. I gotta go see a
girl about a boat. You?

Uh, I'll just hang out on
the boat till you need me.

She's trouble, Dolfo. They
all are. The whole family.

I need you to pilot
the trawler back solo,

so no heavy drinking. You understand?

Yes, sir.

Till then, you do what you want.

Where's the trawler?

Take care of the boat kid, right?

They're not coming looking for you.

As long as they don't know
where you came from, you're good.

And these men, you're sure
they didn't follow you home?

[SIGHS] I don't think so.

"Think" or you know?

Yeah but there was this camera.

What kind of camera?

I don't know. It was, like,
in a box nailed to a tree.

[SIGHS] Like a trap camera?

I guess.

Okay. You think you can find it again?




What are you two cooking up?

[ALLIE] Just hanging out. Why?

It was, uh, eating my books,
and it has a few friends.

So I just wondered if you
could make another mousetrap.

Yeah, sure thing. Can I get to it later?

Right now, Charlie wants to
show me these, uh, soldier ants.

- Army.
- Army ants.

In the jungle?

Yeah, in the jungle.

Well, uh, be back before dark please.

Can I, uh, leave this here?

Sure, yeah. We'll cook it for lunch.

Where's the f*cking boat?

Sit down.





[IN SPANISH] You still
wanna do something?

Yeah, sure.

[IN ENGLISH] I mean...

[IN SPANISH] We don't have to.

No it's fine, really.


[IN SPANISH] What do you want to do?

[IN ENGLISH] Uh, well, Ridley
wants me to clean the boat.

So I was thinking
maybe you could help me?

Yeah, totally.

[IN SPANISH] I mean, we could...

- [IN ENGLISH] It's... It's... It's a joke.

- Oh.

Um, I'm glad you got your boots on.

- I want to show you something.
- Oh, no.

All right. [SIGHS] Shall we?

We shall.

This isn't about the trawler. I
could give a damn about the trawler.

This is about you.

I know you care about
this place, Ridley.

You've lost your mind
when it comes to this guy.

Do you know about the antics
his boy pulled back in town?

- He shot a guy in the face. Cartel guy.
- Of course.

- And you're cool with that?
- I'm not alarmed by it.

It's brought all manner
of asshats sniffing around.

- Such as?
- Cops, journalists.

Plus, some gringo guy with
friends in high places.

He's been flashing g*ns and
money like there's no tomorrow.

And did you take it?

His money? But someone's
gonna, and what then?

[SIGHS] As long as nobody who
knows anything says anything,

they'll get tired of looking.

This guy, Allie, shouldn't be here.

He's putting all these people at risk.

They trust you, Isela.
To look after them.

So why are you doing this shit for him?


Because we need him.




Directory assistance, Washington, D.C.

[IN SPANISH] Almost there.


[IN ENGLISH] Pretty cool, right?

It's, uh... I don't
know the word. [CHUCKLES]

You could say something
like "qué chido" maybe.

Or "padre."

Uh, "padre" means cool?


No mi padre.



If you don't mind. Thank you.

[IN SPANISH] Uh. What are you doing?

Taking you to the movies.


What are we watching?

TRANSFORMERS: Age of Extinction.

- [IN ENGLISH] Okay.

[IN SPANISH] No, just kidding.

I like classic movies a lot.

- Oh.
- It's incredible. You'll love it.







[IN ENGLISH] Margot who?


You pulling my leg a
little bit there, Margot?

'Cause the other one's
got a little bell on it.

You know what? I don't have
time to piss around here.

- I'm on a clock.
- Yeah, you and me both.

You got seconds till
I step into a meeting.

[MARGOT] Okay, fine.

You're the prick who spent ten
years with a hard-on for Allie.

You sent a bunch of agents
down to Mexico to bring us back.

They had no jurisdiction.
They ended up dead for it.

All because you wanted to
get payback on some handyman

who made you look
stupid back in the day.

Well, it's nice to meet you, Margot.

Seems like you and the old
man have quite a bit in common.

Honestly, not as much as you'd think.

So, why are we having
this conversation, huh?

Ideal world, what do
you hope to get from it?

I'm gonna need full
immunity for my children.

Full. Official. On paper.

And I'm gonna need full immunity
for myself to be with my children.

Now, Margot, from what I understand,

you blew a nice young woman to hamburger

for no apparent reason the
FBI could ever ascertain.

So, why would I wanna help you?

Because if you do...

I'll give you Allie Fox.


You get back what you lost.
Your job. Your reputation.

I get to keep my children
safe, and everyone's happy.

Everyone but Allie.

I want my life back.
Isn't that what you want?

Listen, Margot, I'm gonna do something
that's not really in my nature.

I'm gonna level with you.

Yeah. I wanted Allie.

I... I played fast and
loose. I lost people.

I'm out.

So this is your way back.

I can't tell you how
much I wish it were.

But the truth is, Allie's not enough.

Not to... Not to buy my way back in,

and not yours either.

He doesn't know you're
making this call, does he?


Listen, Margot.

For what little it might be worth...

I got a pretty good idea what it
took for you to make this call.

How desperate you must be.

It's like the man says, huh?

"Love is whatever you can still betray.

Betrayal only happens if you love."

- You're my only way home.
- Margot, it's out of my hands.

You're wherever the hell
you are, and I'm where I am.

That's just the way it's gotta be.

f*ck you.






Okay, so, like, is it on? Do
you think someone has my picture?

- Yeah, could be. Sure.
- f*ck!

- f*ck! f*ck!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey!

- It's okay. It's fine.

People are looking for us. They...
They're looking for me 'cause I...

All right. The guys at the other
end, maybe they've seen your picture.

End of the day, so what?

- That was a long way away.

I don't want you to worry about that.

Now, worst thing these guys are
gonna see is some muddy-ass kid,

you know, looks like
an orc or something.

Some kind of a jungle monster.

Now, the chances of
them connecting to that

to something else that
happened a long, long way away?

That's not gonna happen.

We're safe.


But no one needs to
know about this, okay?

Not Isela, not your mom.
Nobody but you and me.



little Los Saicos vibe going on there.

Course, they put a modern spin on it.

Still, I guess these
things have to move on.


So, you're the guy who's
been asking for a sit-down?

Yes, sir, Mr. Bautista. I am.

- And what is it you're looking for, man?
- A job. If you're hiring.

[CHUCKLES] Okay, sit.
Please, and join us.

Look, I know Lucrecia
Salazar, of course.

Why are you no longer working for her?

- I'll take a soda, please.

sir, if you're asking me

to bad-mouth Lucrecia Salazar,

I'm afraid that's not gonna happen.

Truth is, I don't think
Lucrecia wants to see me

on the wrong side of the grass
any more than I wanna be there.

She just feels obliged is all.

You know, rules of
the game and so forth.

- However, were you to intercede...
- [g*n COCKS]

... she would be
absolved of that burden.

So you're not asking for a job, amigo.

You are asking for protection.

I'm just a guy down on his luck
looking for a new opportunity.




- All right. Let's get this done.
- Okay.





- [IN ENGLISH] Bang.

[IN SPANISH] Say something,
bro! Stop messing around!

[IN ENGLISH] Now, if you want
me to sh**t him, I'll sh**t him.

Seems to me like a waste
of a nice enough fella.

Still got a lot of use left in him.

[IN SPANISH] But, you are the boss.

Okay, take it easy, man.

[BOSS] You can put the g*n down.


You're Mr. Bautista?

I have to say, that's a pretty
nifty first line of defense

you got there.

I do what I can.

You're hired.

[IN SPANISH] Friend.


[IN ENGLISH] Go home.

Hey, Mom.

Where's your dad?

He's, um, just at the workshop.
Working on a new rattrap or whatever.

Okay. Well, it's late.

You should go to bed.
Shower in the morning.

Okay. [SIGHS] Good night.

Good night, honey.

Love you.

I love you too.

Are you okay?

Sure. Of course.



Y-You know, actually, uh,

I think it's gonna be
a really good rattrap.

- [MARGOT] Oh, yeah?
- [CHARLIE] Yeah.

Dad showed me the plan and everything.
It... I think it's really cool.

[SIGHS] It will be okay.

I bet he did.

Go to sleep. Long day.


Night, Mom.