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01x03 - Friend or Woe

Posted: 11/25/22 06:59
by bunniefuu
[eerie music playing]

[Wednesday] Let's assess, shall we?

Bag over my head

for optimal disorientation,

wrists tied tight enough

to cut off circulation,

and no idea if I'm going to live or die.

It's definitely my kind of party.

[mysterious voice]

Who dares breach our inner sanctum?

You can take the mask off, Bianca.

And just like that, my hopes were dashed

against the rocks

of bitter disappointment.

My foe was no psychotic k*ller.

More like a bunch of high school clowns.

Wait, I preferred you with it on.

- How did you get down here?

- Rowan showed me.

Left pocket.

I tracked the watermark to the Poe statue.

- Then I solved the riddle.

- Wait, there's a riddle?

I thought we just snapped twice.

Well, aren't you

the brightest in the bunch?

The Nightshades are an elite social club.

Emphasis on elite.

We have roof parties, campouts,

the occasional midnight skinny-dip.

And Yoko's an amateur mixologist.

She makes a k*ller virgin mojito.

It can get pretty wild.

Wow. Do you guys even have a bedtime?

Last I heard,

the Nightshades had been disbanded.

Yeah, the group kind of lost its charter

30 years ago after some normie kid died.

[Yoko] But we have

a lot of wealthy alumni,

so Weems looks the other way

as long as nobody makes any waves.

- Someone like Rowan?

- We booted that loser last semester.

Question is,

what are we gonna do with her?

Only members are allowed in this library.

- I say we invite her to pledge.

- [student] What?

She is a legacy.

After the crap she pulled in the Poe Cup,

there's no way in hell.

We talk about not making waves?

She's a tsunami.

Just because I beat you at your own game?

Let me save you the trouble.

I'm not interested in joining.

You're seriously turning us down?

Can you believe it?

Untie her.

I freed myself five minutes ago.

Do you want a matching black eye?

It's amateurs like you

who give kidnapping a bad name.

[quirky music playing]

[jauntily macabre theme music playing]

[chilling music playing]

[Wednesday] There were

so many threads to my investigation,

I could weave a burial shroud.

I still have no idea how Rowan

mysteriously rose from the dead.

Or why that monster is prowling the woods.

But right now,

nothing intrigues me more than this book.

If I'm going to be responsible

for Nevermore's demise,

the question is,

why am I sharing

this apocalypse with a pilgrim?

[indistinct chatter]

[Weems claps]

All students will report

for their volunteer jobs

at 10:00 a.m. sharp,

followed by a community lunch at 1:00.

As you know, this year Outreach Day

culminates in a very special event,

the dedication of a new memorial statue

in the town square,

which will also include

performances by Nevermore students.

[excited giggling]

[Weems] As representatives of our school,

I trust you will all

put your best face forward.

- [student 1] Yeah.

- [student 2] Yes!

Yes! I got Pilgrim World.

I have natural people skills

and a love of performing,

so it's kind of the obvi choice.

What'd you get?

Uriah's Heap, whatever that is.

Ew. It's this weird, creepy antique store.

You'll love it though.

I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I

will be outreaching together.

Oh my God, I got the Weathervane.

Dude, trade with me.

Come on, trade with me!

Wednesday, don't worry about your cello.

I'll have it brought

to the town square this afternoon.

My cello?

I caught your rooftop serenade

the other night.


I volunteered you to accompany

the Jericho High School marching band

at the ceremony.

I'm sure it won't be too challenging

to play an uplifting Fleetwood Mac melody.

As long as you promise

to hang me as a witch afterwards.

[tense, drawn-out chord playing]

[piston firing]

[overlapping chatter]

- Why are you staring at a blank wall?

- It wasn't blank last Outreach Day.

Are you still stewing

because I rejected your invitation?

I did go out on a limb for you.

Please. I'm just cannon fodder in whatever

cold w*r you're waging with Bianca.

- I have more pressing issues.

- Like what?

Tracking down the monster

that k*lled your roommate.

Oh my god.

For the last time, Rowan was expelled.

- Everyone saw him leave.

- Have you spoken to him since?

I texted him a few times,

but I never heard back.

I just figured he wanted

Nevermore in his rearview mirror.

Or he's dead.

I don't know why you care.

It's not like you knew the guy.

I'm not sure why you care so little.

People can dismiss me and make a million

other excuses, but I'm not gonna stop.

Oh, great. I guess you can

add "thief" to your resume.

I don't know what the big deal is about

an old Nightshade's journal anyways.

You didn't seem surprised

when I showed you this last night.

You've seen it before, haven't you?

Yeah. A couple days

before the Harvest Festival.

It was open on Rowan's desk.

I assumed he stole it after

we kicked him out of the Nightshades.

Then I confronted him about it,

and he kind of went ballistic on me.

- It is unbelievable

- Shut up!

- How can you?

- You're crazy!

[Rowan, Xavier both grunt]

He threw you against the wall

with his telekinesis.


How did you know that?

Lucky guess.

It's weird that you're in this.

This journal is like, what, 30 years old?

What's Crackstone doing

in the picture with you?

You know who that is?

Yeah, it's Joseph Crackstone.

He's, like, Jericho's founding father.

He's a big deal around here.

Yeah, look.

That's him.

[chilling music playing]

- Sheriff.

- Yeah.

You remember my son, Lucas?

I sure do. I ran into him and his buddies

last week at the Weathervane.

I'd better get to work.

Hey, no trouble today. You got it?

[Galpin groans]

Hey, don't look too excited.

Those outcast kids might think

we're happy to have 'em.

We got something lurking in the woods,

connected to that school.

Come on, would you stop

pointing fingers at Nevermore?

You know how much Jericho

depends on that place.

Who do you think pays for our roads,

our parks even your salary?

I'm just doing my job, looking out

for the well-being of our town, boss.

Don't lecture me, Donovan.

Before the good citizens of Jericho

elected me mayor,

I used to wear that badge, remember?

Mm-hmm. You never struck me

as much of a history buff back then.

If it's good for business,

then it's good for Jericho.

Especially if your business

is Pilgrim World.


Just find the damn bear

and take care of it.

[Galpin] Mmm.

[Weems] All right. Everyone take a seat.

We have a special announcement.


Welcome, welcome, Nevermore Academy.

Now, on behalf of

the entire Jericho community,

we are so, so pleased

to have you all here today.

Your generosity and hard work

are truly outreachous!

[Walker laughs, clears throat]

Okay, everyone. We'll see you

back here at one o'clock for lunch. Enjoy!


Switch volunteer assignments.

What? No.

Uriah's Heap is definitely not my bag.

It's an emergency.

I need to check out Pilgrim World.

But Wednesday, this is not a fair trade.

Why would I agree to spend the entire day

at some dumpy emporium of crapola?

Because Ajax is volunteering there.

Thing sneaked a peek at his assignment.

- But if you're not interested

- No!

Oh my God, thank you. You're the best!

[Enid giggles excitedly]

[whimsical, old-timey music playing]

[tourists chattering indistinctly]

Welcome to Pilgrim World!

Witch trials every day!

Two o'clock, four o'clock!

Hey, man! Woman!

[whimsical, old-timey music playing]

Hey, Wednesday,

want to grab a Hummers group photo?

Guess not.

Good morrow, my young Nevermore kin.

I am Mistress Arlene. A real OC.

Original colonist.

Now prithee, put your cell phones

on vibrate and make haste,

for you are about to travel back in time

to the year of our Lord 1625,

to Jericho's first pilgrim settlement.

[whimsical, old-timey music continues]


Behold, the meeting house.

Inside is a collection of artifacts

related to Jericho's most beloved

and pious founder,

Joseph Crackstone.

And beyond is our privy,

America's first gender-neutral restroom.

I haveth a query.

Pray, be quick, child.

In the meeting house,

which of Joseph Crackstone's artifacts

are on display?

It is truly a treasure trove,

including original farm tools, tableware,

even the Crackstone family chamber pot.

Sounds fascinating.

I volunteer to work in there.

Pray, no. That exhibit is being renovated.

Today, thou will all be working

at the beating heart of Pilgrim World.

[hawker] Ye olde fudgery!

"Ye Olde Fudgery?"

More like ye olde diabetes in a box.

Volunteers, prick up thine ears.

Fudge is the lifeblood

of our humble community.

And samples equal sales,

so grab a uniform and a box

and make our forefathers proud.

Are these for muzzling tourists?

[old-timey music fades away]

[creepy, ornate music playing]

[clocks ticking]

- [Enid grimaces]

- I'm pretty sure it's dead.

See the tire treads across its tail?

Local artist scooped that fella up

right here on Route 22.

You're telling me someone

actually goes out and collects roadkill

and turns them into that?

Can't keep them on the shelves.

Got a whole section

dedicated to these beauties.

Squirrels, skunks, snakes,

and my personal fave

family of ferrets at a clambake.

Too cute.

You two want to make yourself useful?

I reckon they could use

a good brush with a Tangle Teezer.

It freshens up the fur.

Maybe we can do that after, like, a

An extended coffee break.

Right, Ajax?

Uh, yeah. We'll hit the Weathervane.

Want us to pick you up something?

No need to pay

for that overpriced hipster swill.

I'm brewing chaga.

It's my own blend.

Mushroom tea.

I foraged the little buggers myself.

Better get teasing. You're in for a treat.


This is good.

- Delicious.

- You're welcome.

[in German] Enjoy your "authentic"

pilgrim fudge made with cacao beans

procured by the oppressed

indigenous people of the Amazon.

[tourist] What?

All proceeds go to uphold this pathetic

whitewashing of American history.

Also, fudge wasn't invented

for another 258 years.

Any takers?

[tourists] No, no, no.

[discontented murmuring]


[Eugene gasps]

Check out this greedy little freak.

Please, I need to get back to the

[stomach rumbles queasily]

[bully] Whoa, yuck!

Yuck, man.

Come here!

[Eugene flinches]

[bully] Get in there!

Howdy, Pilgrims.

- Let him go.

- You want to end up in the stocks too?

Remember what happened

the last time we did this dance?

[tense music playing]

[bully 2] Get her!

[bones crack]

Are you two still here?

I can't get into more trouble with my dad.

[boy in stockade] No, wait!


Let's get you cleaned up.


Principal Weems.

Well, it looks like another

successful Outreach Day is upon us.

[Weems chuckles]

And, uh

thank you for your generous donation

to my re-election campaign.

[clicks tongue] Consider it a token

of our ongoing cooperation.

Apparently everyone

is off to their assignments.

And so far no incidents.

Mayor Walker,

I'd like you to meet Marilyn Thornhill.

In the spirit of outreach,

she's Nevermore's first normie teacher.

[chuckles] Well, the pleasure is all mine.

Hey, have we, uh Have we met before?

Not officially,

but I see you in here every morning.

You're always tucked into that back booth

when I come for my daily matcha latte.

I knew it! [chuckles]

Miss Thornhill, please keep me posted,

especially about

a certain pig-tailed upstart.


Nobody's ever stood up for me before.

You said Hummers stick together.

I know this might come as a shock,

but I don't have any friends.

You remind me of my brother,

sans the desire to strangle him

every waking moment.

Now follow me.

I need to know more about this Crackstone.

We have a meeting house to break into.

[chickens clucking]

- Give me your retainer.

- What? Why? Your teeth are really good.

Not as straight or white as Enid's, but

Hand it over!

What if Mistress Arlene catches us?

Hive code, deny everything.

That's not hive code!

What's the big deal anyway?

The fudge is definitely

the best thing about this place.

Stop talking. Keep watch.

[tense music playing]

[Wednesday] My grandmother once told me

secrets are like zombies

they never truly die.

I'm not sure what secret

Crackstone is hiding,

but I have a strange feeling

the answers to my future lie in the past.

The Old Meeting House, 1625.

Thing, this is the girl from my vision.

She's even holding the same book.

That black one she had

outside Crackstone's crypt.

[dramatic music playing]

How now.

Your Nevermore sister,

the one with the dark eyes

and the sour face,

where has she hithered?

You mean Wednesday Addams?

Knowing her,

she's hithered somewhere she shan't be.

This is the book!

Codex Umbrarum.

That's Latin for "Book of Shadows."

Great. It's a fake.

I don't know who Etsy is,

but I doubt she was an outcast settler.

- [door opens]

- [grunts]

Just what the fudge

are you doing in here, missy?

Mistress Arlene. How now?

How now, indeed.

I proclaimed the meeting house

is under repair.

I know thoust heard me.

I told her the door was unlocked

and you were dying

to learn more about Crackstone.

Yes, and this display case

was already open.

- That book's a replica.

- You don't say.

The original was stolen last month

during the two o'clock witch trial.

It was probably

the only authentic thing you have in here,

yet you still charge $29.95 a ticket?

Hold thy tongue.

I'm reassigning you both.

To fudge-churning duty.

[disappointed sigh]

The original meeting house,

the one in that painting, where is it?


How the hell should I know?

I only moved here

from Scottsdale in April.

[quizzical music playing]

Can I help you?

[door opens, bell chimes]

Ooh. That gives me the heebie-jeebies.

[Ajax] I don't know.

You think squirrels and rats

could ever work out?

I mean,

they're two totally different species.

Oh, yeah.

I mean, totally.

Why not?

They have more in common than you think.

Most people are scared of them,

so it would just be us them

against the world.

Wow. [chuckles]

That was deep.

You know, by the way,

I totally dug the way you scratched out

the bottom of our boat at Poe Cup.

It was pretty badass.

Thanks. You're not mad you lost?

I was just doing a solid for Xavier.

I mean, he's my boy,

but he's super competitive.

Seems so laid-back.

Bro's got a darker side

most people don't see.

I think it's because his dad is

well, you know, famous.

All that pressure.

You realize this is, like,

the longest conversation we've ever had?

[heart-warming music playing]

Gorgons are taught not to engage.

You know, I don't want

to accidentally stone someone.

I'm not afraid of being stoned by you.

It's just temporary.


You mean that?

One hundo!

So, um, I was thinking of sneaking

behind the greenhouse tonight.

Supposed to be a blue moon.

Only happens once every 23 years

or something crazy.

Should get a k*ller view from there.

Cool. Hey, have fun.

You know that's where

a lot of kids go to hook up, right?

- I mean, it could get awkward.

- Ajax!

I just spent all morning flirting

and hinting and trying to act cute

while brushing some roadkill

just so you would ask me on a date.

Oh! [laughs]

Oh! That's what you were doing.

I kind of wondered when you spent

so long brushing that opossum's tail.

[both chuckle]

Hey, so you want to meet up

behind the greenhouse tonight?


Yes, I do.

[proprietor] Ajax, can you help me move

the badger dentist to the front window?

Yes! I can't believe he asked.

[plucky, excited music playing]

I thought you were

supposed to be at Pilgrim World.

I deserted it

while my sanity was still intact.

Oh yeah?

You want a coffee?

It's one of the many perks

of this wonderful assignment.

I'm actually here for Tyler.

I told you he was bad news.


But who I speak to is my business.

[bell dings]

You rang?


Want the usual?

And some help.

You know the original pilgrim

meeting house, the one from the 1600s?

You know if it's still around?

What's left is out in Cobham Woods,

but it's pretty much a ruin.

Show me.


There, but, look, it's kind of sketchy.

Squatters and meth heads

use that place as a crash pad.

My dad has it cleared out

every couple weeks.

What's this about?


You're becoming obsessed

with this monster in the woods thing.

Would you rather I develop

an obsession with horses and boy bands?

Thank you for the help.

Hey, listen, the ruins

are kind of tricky to find.

I could take you this afternoon.

My shift ends at 2:00.

Principal Weems would hang,

draw and quarter me

if I miss the big statue dedication.

And as enticing as that sounds,

I'd prefer to keep a low profile.

Besides, I know my way

around the great outdoors.

Don't tell me you were a Girl Scout.

I could eat Girl Scouts for breakfast.

I have an uncle

who went to prison for that.

[whimsically morbid music playing]

[birds cawing]

I was expecting more too.

Who you talking to, little girl?

Use "little" and "girl"

to address me again

and I can't guarantee your safety.

This is my place. Get out!

Thing, a hand here?

[man exclaiming]


[Thing's grip constricting]

[man grunts]


[grunting] Get off! Get off me!

There's nothing here.


No, I can't just touch something.

My visions seem to happen spontaneously.

I would rather dye my hair pink

than ask my mother for advice.

Oh, you want me to prove it to you?



Ah, I bet this will give us

some real insight.

My visions are about

as predictable as shark att*cks.

[eerie whooshing]

[crowd shouting, clamoring]

[girl grunting]

[villagers] Burn her!

Burn her!

[villagers] Burn her!

Burn her!

Devil spawn!

[villager 1] Devil spawn!

[villager 2] Beast!




- Witch!

- Stand aside!

Goody Addams!

You have been judged

before God and found guilty.

You are a witch,

a sorceress,

Lucifer's mistress herself.

For your sins,

you will burn this night,

and suffer the flames of eternal hellfire.

I am innocent.

It is you, Joseph Crackstone,

that should be tried.

We were here before you,

living in harmony

with nature and the native folk.

But you have stolen our land.

You have slaughtered the innocent.

You have robbed us of our peaceful spirit.

You are the true monster. All of you!

- [sharp slicing]

- [villagers exclaim]

[villager 3] Punish her!

The Devil ne'er sent such a demon.

[Goody Addams cries out]

And I will send you back!


[villagers hollering, clamoring]

You are abominations in the Devil's grip!

I will not stop

till I have expunged this New World

of every outcast.

Godless creatures!

[intimidating music playing]

[captives crying out]

Set it ablaze!

[captives scream]

[terrified screaming]

[captives crying out, whimpering]



[chains rattle]

There's no time, child.

Leave me. Save yourself.

He's chained us all to the floor.

[despondent music playing]

[panicked, agitated murmuring]

[Goody Addams] I shan't leave without you.

Run. Avenge us.

Find the others

and save our future. [coughs]

Please. My sweet lamb.

Run. Run as fast as you can.

You are our only hope.

[mournful, dramatic music playing]

[Wednesday coughing]

[chilling notes play]

He won't stop until he's k*lled us all!

He's here.

[menacing gurgling]

There will be no escape for you.

- [thunder rumbles]

- [gasps]

Thing, I saw her!

The girl from my visions.

Her name is Goody Addams,

and I believe she's my ancestor

from 400 years ago.

[suspenseful music builds]

Must've been the bearded man from earlier.

- [creature snarls]

- [gasps]

Come on! Come on!

[dramatic music playing]

The monster's human.

[Xavier] What the hell are you doing?

- I was following the monster.

- You saw it?

It's here? Do you have

a death wish or something?

What are you doing here?

I overheard you say you were

checking out the old meeting house.

It's lucky I showed up when I did.

I did learn one thing.

The monster is human.

Its tracks turned from monster prints

to human ones.

Show me.

The rain washed them all away.

[Xavier scoffs]

I know what I saw.

- I'm trying to keep an open mind.

- How big of you.

I do think you might be right about Rowan.

- [suspicious music playing]

- Why the sudden change of heart?

I texted him again today. I said

maybe we could meet over spring break

and go snowboarding like we did last year.

This time he texted right back,

said he wouldn't be able to make it.

Only you never went

snowboarding last year.

Part of me wanted

to blame his recent weirdness.

I didn't want to think

something bad had happened.

The cover-up is

always worse than the crime.

Now I need you to be honest with me.

Why'd you come out to

the old meeting house in the first place?

I was trying to learn more

about Crackstone.

Figure out how he's connected to this.

Yeah, you were trying to use

your psychic abilities, right?

What makes you think I have any?

Lucky guess. When did they start?

About a year ago.

When they happen,

it feels like I'm touching live wire.

I usually enjoy that sensation.

Yeah, but you can't control it

and that freaks you out.

My dad's a psychic.

Vincent Thorpe.

My brother's his number one fan.

Watched his Vegas Special so many times

I'm surprised it's not

imprinted on his eyeballs.

So I've lived with

a self-described master.

The first thing he'll tell you

is that visions can't be trusted.

They only show one part of the picture.

I saw Joseph Crackstone in front of me

as clearly as I'm seeing you now.

He gathered all the outcasts

in the meeting house

and burned them alive.

Okay, he was a sadistic assh*le.

It was 400 years ago.

It's got nothing to do with now.

But what if it does?

You saw Rowan's drawing.

Crackstone was standing in the quad.

You're creating a story in your head

and using visions to back it up.

- They're telling you what you want to see.

- Are you mansplaining my power?

All I'm saying is my dad, the expert,

would warn you that psychic ability

isn't rooted in logic.

It's triggered by emotions.

And let's be honest,

emotion isn't your strong suit.

I believe Rowan was right.

Something bad is going to happen,

and I need to stop it.

Starting with that monster.

Whoever it is.

[thunder rumbles]


[mellow synth-pop music playing]

[Wednesday] I thought nothing scared me,

but that was before I stared

into the eyes of Joseph Crackstone.

I don't believe in heaven or hell.

But I do believe in revenge.

I usually serve it warm

with a side of pain,

but I've never faced

an adversary cast in bronze.

[mellow music continues]

[Walker] Thank you.

It is my honor

to celebrate our town's history

and Jericho's noble forefather,

Joseph Crackstone.

Now, he believed that

with a happy heart and an open ear,

there was nothing

our town couldn't achieve.

So together as one, our community

and our friends at Nevermore Academy,

we've built a monument

to celebrate his memory.

Now, may the spirit of Joseph Crackstone

be memorialized for eternity.

[band playing peppy arrangement

of "Don't Stop" by Fleetwood Mac]

[crowd cheers]


- [rapid popping]

- [vendor yelps]

[crowd screams, panics]

[Wednesday drawing out agitated notes]

[playing intense arrangement

of Vivaldi's "Winter"]

[sirens wailing]

[song trails off]

That was a disaster.

The mayor is furious!

I've lost count of the angry phone calls,

emails, and people in the town,

alumni and parents.

They want answers and so do I.

I would lead the inquisition,

but I left my thumbscrews

and rack at home.

Miss Addams you're already on thin ice.

Wafer-thin ice.

I swear on my late scorpion's soul,

my hands are clean.

[cheekily dramatic music playing]

[music ends abruptly]

I may not have hard evidence,

but I see you.

You're a trouble magnet.

If trouble means standing up to lies,

decades of discrimination,

centuries of treating outcasts

like second-class citizens or worse

- What are you talking about?

- Jericho.

Why does this town

even have an Outreach Day?

Don't you know

its real history with outcasts?

The actual story of Joseph Crackstone?

I do.

- To an extent.

- Then why be complicit in its cover up?

Those who forget history

are doomed to repeat it.

[pensive music playing]

That's where you and I differ.

Where you see doom,

I see opportunity.

Maybe this is a chance

to rewrite the wrongs,

to start a new chapter

in the normie-outcast relations.

Nothing has changed

since Crackstone. They still hate us.

Only now they sugarcoat it

with platitudes and smiles.

- If you're unwilling to fight for truth

- You don't think I want the truth?

Of course I do.

But the world

isn't always black and white.

There are shades of gray.

Maybe for you.

But it's either

they write our story or we do.

You can't have it both ways.

You're exhausting.

I know.

[exasperated sigh]

Goodnight, Miss Addams.

But you should know

I don't tire easily.

[foreboding music playing]

[distant sniffing, crunching]

Who the hell's there?

[suspenseful music builds]

- [screams]

- [creature snarling]

- [camera bulb popping]

- [flesh rending]

[man screaming]

[typewriter keys clacking]

Too much?

[sighs] I feel like

you just napalmed me, Enid.

So glad I have my date with Ajax tonight.

Get my mind off that trainwreck

of an afternoon.

I literally think I have PTSD.

I didn't even get to do my dance routine.

What a tragedy.

What kind of twisted psycho would want

to sabotage such a life-affirming event?

You're going to be late.

[typewriter keys clacking]

Wish me luck.

If he breaks your heart,

I'll nail-g*n his.

[elegant instrumental music playing]

[Wednesday] I don't believe

in mandatory volunteer work,

sugar-coated history, or happy endings,

but most of all

I don't believe in coincidences.

- [gasps softly]

- [sirens wailing]

[elegant instrumental cover

of "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica]

To paraphrase Agatha Christie,

one coincidence is just a coincidence,

two are a clue

[Ajax humming]

and three are proof.



Rowan's drawing of me and Crackstone

happens sometime in the future.

Goody Addams' warnings

about Crackstone were in the past.

And the monster is here in the present.

Three coincidences

that I know are connected.

That monster could be anyone.

The sheriff thinks they only exist

behind the walls of this school.

The truth is,

there are monsters everywhere.

[muffled screaming]

And sometimes the monsters we least

suspect are the most dangerous.


[metallic scraping]


They don't need teeth

and claws to terrify.

They hide in the shadows

until no one is looking.

And then they strike.

But I'm looking now.

And I won't stop until I find the truth.

[instrumental music intensifies]

[chilling music builds]

[music fades]

[jauntily macabre outro music playing]