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02x19 - Children of Ghosts

Posted: 04/18/07 17:58
by bunniefuu
My name is Melinda Gordon. I'm married. I live in a small town, and I own an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except that from the time I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. Earthbound spirits, my grandmother called them. They're stuck here because they have unfinished business with the living. And they come to me for help. In order to tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Come on. Come on.

We can win this.

Now. Downcourt.

Bring it. Come on.

Come on. sh**t!

sh**t, you idiot!

Oh. Get it! Get it! Get it!


Son of a... un-friggin'-believable.

Someone down here?

Did you get a look at his face?

Dude, I almost peed myself.

What a geek. He actually thought I was a ghost.

I'm bad.

Teach him to chew us out for a little game of handball.

Better grab that firecracker.

Cool. All right. Let's go.

Whoa. What'd you do?

Nothin'. I didn't do anything.

What's happening?

Who's doing that?

I don't know. Let's get out of here!

So, what about Tim? Is he history?


In fact, we finally went on our first real date.

It was really nice.

But I gotta tell you, he burned me once, so a girl's gotta cover her bases.

That's so weird. I just... had the other shoe in my hand.

Oh! Here it is.

So who's the guy tonight?


He's a loan broker, boring, I know, but he is so nice.

He used to ask me out when I worked at the real estate office, and... you know, when I finally decided that I was ready to date, I called him, and you know...

Oh, great.

These are brand-new.

I can't believe it.

Well, just for the record, I agree that Tim deserves a little payback.

Oh, wow. Fright night. I forgot.

Correction. Retro fright night.

Psycho, Hell House, I Know What You Did Last Summer.

Wait. How is that retro?

Which one?

Cool. So I'm gonna go chill a minute.

Ok. Have a good time.

Hey, I don't want you staying up too late.

And, Ned, be sure to listen to Melinda tonight.

Ned, we gotta get started.


Who are you?

What do you want?

Stop it!


It's come back for me.

Delia's First Ghost What do you mean it's come back for you? Who?

I don't know. I...

Me and my buddy Grant, just for kicks, you know, we rig things to explode and stuff to scare people, mostly our old grumpy super.

Ok, so he's after you?


Today, there was something with us down there, something weird.

Scared the crap out of me and Grant.

It was a ghost, right?

Did you get a look at it?

I don't think it wanted me to, but it did want me to find these.

Wait. So this ghost is mad, right?

Does anybody ever go like...

Because in Claw 2, when that guy got that...

Ned, I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you.

But that thing's dogging me.

Yeah, and you're gonna have to help me figure out why, ok, so we can get it to leave.

Yeah. Ok.

You gonna tell my mom about those?

No, but it's gonna be a very different fright night than we had planned.

So, after we agreed on a rate, I said, "if you can't bring me comps, you're not gettin' your cap back. "

You really said that?

Seriously, I said that.

I was willing to blow a million-dollar deal for a phillies cap.

Very bold move.

You have a little something right here.

Oh, that is... not embarrassing at all.

Happens to me all the time.

I doubt that, but thank you.

How am I?

You're good. You're very, very good.

Thank you.

Now, I would like to propose a toast... to you, to thank you for finally saying yes.

Are you all right?

Yeah, yeah. I just...

I just got a little singed.

That was so strange.

Are you ok? I'm sorry I spilled...

No, I'm fine. Don't worry about it.

Come on, clancy. Man, don't be a buzzkill.

When was the last time we went out after work?

Last thursday.

Hey, is that...

That's Delia.

Is she on a date?

Please don't tell me that's a date.

It is.

Man, I thought we were good.

I apologized. I went to great lengths.

That coffee stunt was sweet, Flaher.

Right. She loved it.

I took her out to dinner. We had a great Time, so why is she...

You knew... and you didn't tell me?

Is it my job to tell you? She can go out on a date.

You hurt her feelings, Flaherty.

What are you, part girl now?

Is that it? Ok.

Ok. Fine. All right. Game on. Here's the deal.

I need an edge. All right? You gotta ask Melinda what kind of stuff Delia likes.

You don't need to jump through hoops for Delia.

She likes you.

Oh? Oh, yeah?

Then why is she out with pretty boy?

I nearly had a stroke when you called, but I get that you needed time.

Yeah, lots of it, I guess.

Waiting till you're ready is a good thing. h How long we gotta be down here?

Hey, that powder, do you know what that is?

Yeah. It's laundry soap.

We set firecrackers to explode the boxes...

And that's when the room started shaking?

So he's after your fireworks.

All right, here's the deal. You have to apologize, and once maybe you make things right, hopefully I can get the spirit to move on.

Ok. So I'm sorry. I...

Ok, that didn't happen before.


All right. Ok, stop it. He said he was sorry.

What's going on?!

I don't know.

Did I say something wrong?

Ok, let's get out of here. Let's go.


Ok, don't go into the basement until I can figure this out.

Now, he said, "stay away, "

so hopefully if you're not bugging him, he'll back off.

What's up with "hopefully"?

Not to doubt you or anything, but that ghost seemed pretty hardcore.

Whenever they seem angry or evil, it just mostly means that they're confused.

So it's clueless? That makes me feel a whole lot better.

All right, listen. This is not my first barbecue, ok?

I will take care of it.

Take a deep breath.

Let's go get something to eat.

Are you ok?

My toe.

I stubbed my toe.

Was that the ghost?

This one's just as scary.

You know, as far as fright nights go, this one rocks.

Yeah. Let's hope your mom's having as much fun.

Any luck down there?

This is... unbelievable.

You know, this is a brand-new car, ok?

These tires never blow out.

I am so sorry.

You know, normally, actually, I can change a tire. Really.

I guess I just... call a tow truck, right?

Not lookin' good for that second date, huh?

Dare I even ask?

Oh, you know, I just don't remember dating being this challenging when I was younger.

Yeah. I wouldn't even know where to start.

Frankly, I haven't had a date go well yet.

That's all right.

You know why?
'Cause I'm gettin' out there.

You know, Charlie and I, we never even dated.

How did you manage that?

I was friends with his business partner, so we just started hangin' out.

Anyway, how was your night? Did you get the crap scared out of you?

Ooh. Sure did. Scary, scary.

Anyway, Jim is on his way home, so I'm gonna...

Tim did see you guys at Lento's, by the way.

Was he upset about it?

Jim called and said that he had to let him win at pool all night just to sort of ease the pain.

Is it awful of me that makes my night?

No. I'd be worried about you if it didn't.

But I think you care more about Tim than you'd like to admit, because I found these... in one of your magazines.

Yes, I like him.

We have a good time together.

I'm just not ready to narrow the playing field quite yet.

I can't believe it.

You know, poor Delia.

It's hard enough to date as a single mom, and then your son brings home a ghost.

I just hope he doesn't do any more damage.

Well, if it's any consolation, Tim is more determined than ever, and he wants me to scope out what Delia likes so that he can impress her.

Well, that's cute, but isn't part of the fun of dating figuring it out?

All right, was it fun when I asked you to close your eyes for a bite of ho ho and you broke out in hives?

Look, if you'd known I was allergic, you wouldn't have gotten to play doctor.

Good point.

I'll tell him no.

You're not really worried about this ghost, are you?

It's just... I don't know. He's kinda creepy and in their apartment.

Are you gonna be able to talk to him?

He doesn't seem like he's in a talkin so now I just have to go and talk to the super.

Please don't do that.

My pants. I need my pants.

Yeah, and I would really love to help you, but now is not a good time.

Do we have a visitor?

It's gone.

Thank god.

You should have seen the look on your face.

That must have been one freaky ghost.

You have no idea.

You know, Flaher, I never knew you were into bikes.

It's a funny thing. I didn't, either, but I just woke up with a picture of this bike in my head like I'd been dreamin' about it.

This isn't just a bike.

This is a full-blown... midlife crisis.

You hear that?

Yeah. Sounds like one dead battery comin' up.

That guy's gonna be bummed.

All right, you keep workin', and I will, too.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

I can't believe he even talked to you.

Must be because you're a babe.

Oh, that, and I slipped him a 20, but you know what? It worked. Look.

We got to scratch 3 names off the list.

But this guy Roy Smead, he died 4 years ago, and he was known to have been a bit of a recluse.

Yeah. I remember something about him.

You knew him?

Nah. That was before we moved in, but Grant said he had all these newspapers piled up in his apartment.

They could hardly find the body in the mess.

Well, ok, so if he was a loner, he'd be mad at you for disturbing him.

But I'm not anymore.

No, but it gives me time to get some information on the family and find out if this ghost is attached to something in the basement.

What's up?

What's up is I was trying to surprise Delia with some flowers, but having no idea what kind she liked, I didn't.

If you'd asked Melinda like I'd wanted you to... - I asked her.

You did? What'd she say?

"Where's the sport in that?"

Or something to that effect.

Oh, yeah. I forgot. She hates me.

She doesn't hate you.

No, she has to.

I burned her girlfriend. It's like a rule or something.

Please. You have got...

Clancy, your radio's busted.

Just needed a more manly touch.

I wish you could put some clothes on.

Well, it's a really beautiful frame.

You have great taste.

Yeah, when you're picking it out.

Oh, my God. What's wrong?

Are you ok?

Can I get you some water or something?

Is it your heart? Are you in pain?

Are you all right?


Stay away!

I would have seen him around Delia by now, but sometimes when people die of violent deaths, the longer they stay away, the more confused they get.

Maybe that explains why he's been acting so out of character.

It's like he's protective of Ned and Delia, but in his state, that can be dangerous.

Now, at the risk of certain death, can I suggest that maybe this is something you should tell Delia about?

I can handle it.

I have to at least try.

Ok. Fair enough.

Besides, I need Charlie to be a little more stable before I bring Ned in, you know?

Delia told me that Charlie had a business partner.

Maybe that's who I need to talk to.

I just can't go through Delia to do it.

Oh, thank you.

Charlie was a real force of nature, fun, warm, always helpin' people out.

But I imagine if you work with Delia, you already know that.

Did she tell you he and I built this business up from nothing?

No, she didn't. That's very impressive.

We worked night and day.

But all that changed after the fire.

What fire?

Our office building burned out 6 years ago.

Charlie was never the same after that day.

How so?

Not so driven.

We rebuilt the business, but... he just didn't care some much.

Did it change the way that he felt about his family?

No, Charlie loved his family.

He and Ned used to fly all those planes together.

I think I have still have a plan somewhere in here.

He was building it to suprise Ned for his birthday.

He designed it himself.

Whatever happened to the plane?

Lost in the fire.

Never quite knew what to do with these.

Afraid they might bring up painful memories for Delia, but might mean somethin'
to his son, though.

That sounds great. Can you drop it by the store, or do you need me to pick it up?

Ok. Terrific.

Um, thanks. Thanks a lot.

So what do you think?

It's pretty sweet, huh?

Is this yours?


Just had this impulse. Bought it just like that.

Crazy, huh?

Why are you lookin' at me like that?

Charlie had the exact same bike.

No, he...

Yeah. 1957 BMW R69, just like this one.

You must have seen a picture of it when you picked me up the other night.

I would never buy the exact same bike Charlie had. That'd be... weird.


Sure would.

Why are you still here?

I told you. I need my pants.

I promise you won't need your pants in the light, and if you do, that they'll be there, so why don't you just do us both a favor and go?

Don't get testy with me, girlfriend.

I'm doin' all I can to hold it together here.

You see, that dream where you're naked and you can't wake up, welcome to my life.

Afterlife. Whatever.

I don't know.

Maybe you're right. Maybe I do have your pants and that's why you're stalking me.

Hey, I'm not stalking you.

Ok, look, we got a shipment of vintage in last week.

I haven't looked at it yet.

Can we just get this over with? I have dinner waiting.

Wait. My pants are in there?

Let's pray.

All right, do you see anything that looks familiar?

Well, maybe if you slowed down.

Wait. That's them. Those right there.

Are you private Jackson Reynolds?

Yes. Yes, I am. That's me.

Hallelujah. We have pants.

Ok. Do you see a light?

See you, guys. Later.

I have something for you.

It's plans for a model that your dad drew.

He was building it for your birthday.

This is amazing.

My dad drew this?



Why do you have 'em?

Because I saw his partner.

Look, Ned, I know that this is gonna sound really crazy, but the ghost that's been haunting you... it's your dad.


Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

And I think that he's stuck in one of those confused states.

It sometimes happens. He won't talk to me, but he might talk to you if you'd be willing.

Oh, my god.


Ned, you know that you're gonna have to tell him to move on, to cross over.


Why would I do that?

Because... he's meant to be in the light, you know, not here.

And it's not good for spirits to stick around too long.

It's hurting your dad. It's hurting you guys.

That's not true.

Ok, look, I know that you really... want your dad to be here.

I wanted my dad, too, but the longer that he's here, it makes it worse on everyone.

Don't touch me!

Dad wants to be with us.

I'll never make him go.

So, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do here.

I was kinda young when we did these.

I'd always mess 'em up, and you'd fix 'em later when I wasn't looking.

But I'll be better now.

The thing is, dad, I miss you.

You were just so great, you know.

There was nobody like you.

Can you hear me, dad?

Are you there?


Look, mom, I can explain everything.

Honey, you don't have to.

I understand.

You miss him.

I do, too.

You know, sometimes you feel ok, and then... something reminds you of him, and you're right back to where you were.

It gets better.

I promise.

I promise.

So maybe we could move, somewhere that no one would ever come and visit, like the Antarctic or Queens.

You're still gonna have to tell Delia.

Yeah, I know, but when I do, who's to say that she's gonna be able to get Charlie to move on?

I mean, he was pretty clear about the fact that he's not going anywhere.

Then I'd be out a friend, a coworker, and I'd gain a crazy ghost.

You really think he's crazy?

I don't know.

It just gives me the creeps, the way that he's just trying to fit right back in with the family.

One minute, he's with them, and then the next, he gets shot at an ATM.

I could see how that could make you crazy.

Look, I probably should have mentioned this before, but I think Tim's got a ghost attached to him.


I'm not really sure, but he's got that look in his eyes.

He keeps talking about purple flowers and some song he keeps hearing.

Oh, god.

It's Charlie, right?

Yeah, trying to protect Delia. Now I really have to tell her.

I think when you tell Delia your secret, you will feel relieved.

You do?


I think this has been harder on you than you think, keepin' it inside.

I think when you let it out, everything'll be better.

I don't know who gave you the best husband handbook, but you're really good at it.

This fell out of your pants.

I think it's what's keeping you here.
Maria Suarez.

She was the most beautiful, passionate, sexy woman I'd ever met.

I was gonna ask her to marry me that night, but then we had this stupid argument.

So why didn't you?

She brought that dumb, yippy dog to the restaurant in her purse.

Have you ever tried to ask someone to marry you with a dog yipping?

The worst.

I got steamed, and I left.

I went to a Buddy's, had a few beers.

All right, like ten.

Had this crazy idea to run down to the lake.

Without trunks.

It was spur of the moment.

I slipped on something.

I wanted to marry her.

She never even knew.

She will now.

Who were you just talkin'...

What is up?

You know, the other day, you called somebody Charlie, and now you're talkin' to yourself.

Actually I'm glad that you brought that up.


You know how sometimes when you...

You know how you think that I...

How do I say this?

Oh, my god.

Are you pregnant? You're pregnant, aren't you?

No. No, I'm not pregnant.

I see ghosts.

You're kidding, right?


No, I'm not kidding, actually.

That's insane.

Why would you tell me this?

Because you have a ghost attached to you.

Look, Delia, I know how you feel about this stuff, and I really...

I really didn't wanna have to tell you, but... the reason that I am is because the ghost that's attached to you... is Charlie.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

You told Ned this, didn't you?

Yes, but he already knew, because he had seen me talking to one once.

And I know that I should have told you first, and I'm so sorry.

How dare you mess with my kid like that?

He thinks his dad's ghost is here.

I heard him talking to him, for god's sake.

Well, he was. Charlie...

Just stop. Stop it.

You need help.

You need help, Melinda.

And if you ever, ever talk to my son again, so help me, god... how many times did I walk in here and see you talking to yourself or acting all jittery? And I never said a word, never.

I just thought you were quirky...

But it turns out you are nuts.

And by the way, I quit.

Things are not better.

Now that she knows, they're worse.

I'm sorry.

I wish it would go away.

I wish that I could wake up tomorrow and it would just be gone.

Don't say that.

You do too much good with your gift. You help too many people.

What good is it if it hurts the people that I love?

Andrea, Delia, it did not help them.

I can figure out perfect strangers'
ghosts, but I can't help my friends.

That is not a gift.


Were you playing with your dad's cologne?

Ned, were you in your dad's stuff?

Ned, if this is one of your pranks...

I want you to tell me what the hell is going on.

This is crazy.

I smelled his cologne.

How are you doing this?

I'm not doing anything.

Ok, think about it. What would I gain by tricking you or anyone?

I am not buying any of this, Melinda.

There's obviously some kind of explanation for it. - Yeah, there is.

You just don't wanna know about it.

So you're saying Charlie is here because he's trying to protect me.


From what?

Other men. I...

I don't know.

I don't know, ok? It doesn't have to be rational.

Trauma can affect people's personalities dead or alive.

You know, it's like Chad.

I mean, he said...

You spoke with Chad?

He said that...

You know, it was hard for Charlie and that his... he was not the same after the fire.

That fire was the best thing that ever happened to Charlie.


Charlie was a workaholic.

For the first 7 years of Ned's life, he was just this weekend warrior dad.

So then what happened?

I don't know why we are talking about this.

Because I...

I really wanna know.

I don't know what happened, but there was something about that fire.

We never talked about it.

But afterwards, he was much happier.

I just remember him saying all the time, over and over again...

"I just don't wanna wake up one day thinking it was all a waste."

Charlie was obsessed about not wasting his life.

Thanks, but what does that have to do with the fire?

He started saying that stuff after the building burned.

Report is printing.

You know, everyone keeps saying that something changed about Charlie that day.

Nobody seems to know what.

I know about you, Charlie. You can stop hiding from me.

You don't know anything.

I know that Tim's the guy that rescued you from the fire.

See, I was thinking that it was like all the other guys you were driving away from Delia, but that's not true, is it?

I told you to keep out of this.

So then I was thinking the lavender roses, the song, the bike... all things that Delia likes.

You're not trying to keep them apart. You want them to be together.

Look, you've already put everything I've worked for at risk.

I just need a little more time.

And I just need to know why you're doing this.

I was workin' late, again.

I was the only one in the office.

Hurry up, guys.

Come on! Hurry up!

I just saw my life going down in flames.

Don't go in there!

I didn't listen.

And I realized right at that moment that it wasn't about the files.

It was about my life with Ned and Delia.

Captain, I'm goin' in!

Careful, Flaherty!

When I came to, I was delirious.

I remember, lookin' up into that face, and just I was so happy to be alive.

I was so happy to get a second chance.

Thank you so much.

I told him I would never forget him, I would...

I would never forget how he risked his life to save mine, but he told me he didn't see it that way.

He just tried to do the best he could with every day that he had.

I'll never wake up thinkin' it was all a waste, you know.

He just knew what took me so long to realize, and thank god I did, because
3 years later, I was gone.

So you wanted him to take care of Ned and Delia.

I just knew he was the one, you know? I felt it.

So she starts dating, and you make sure that they all go badly.

And it was goin' fine until you butted in.

I'm the one who wanted them to be together, so why wouldn't you just come to me?

'Cause I didn't trust you.

So instead you gave hints to Tim on how to win her over.

Not the greatest plan.

Oh, I did much more than that.

It was a long time ago.

I knew she needed the lamps for her open house.


So I sent her to you.

Come on, mom. I'm gonna be late.

Let's go.

And you brought her to Tim.

You know, it may not work out, but...

I wanted them at least to have a chance.

Tim rescued my dad?

She's never gonna believe you, but at least she likes Tim now, so you can't completely screw things up.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Who are you talking to?

She's talking to dad, mom.

He's here.

Ned, it's time to say good-bye.

It's time for him to go, but before he does, he wants to tell you why he tried to scare you in the basement.

Don't you?

I did a lot of crazy things when I was a kid, startin' about your age, and, uh... it got me into a whole bunch of trouble, and I still regret it.

And I just wanna keep you from having to go through all that.

Ned, your dad did a lot of messed-up things when he was your age, and he just wants to keep you from making those same mistakes.

I get it, and I'm glad you came back, dad, but... you don't have to worry about us anymore.

I can take care of things.

I know you can, son.

You grew up so well.

I'm proud of you, buddy.

All I want is you to be happy now.

I want you to find the love you deserve.

What was that?

He's saying good-bye, and he says that he wants you to be happy now.

And to find love.

Ok, um...

I'm sorry, but I just... I can't...


What if Charlie wasn't dead?

What if he was here and you had no doubt?

What would you say?



I would...

I would say... that he made me happy, too, more than he could ever know.

That he gave me peace, and I would...

I would say, "I love you, "

and that, "I will always, always love you. "

I love you.

I love you both so much.

He loves you, too.

Both of you.

And thank you.

I just thought I'd...

You know what?

Before you say anything, can I just...

I'm really sorry that I went behind your back with Ned.

I know you are.

Thank you.

Here's the thing.

I think the reason why I got so mad, so hurt is because you're just so important to me.

You have been such an amazing friend, and I know you're a good person. I know you are.

Just nuts.

Yeah, slightly nuts.

But I don't wanna lose your friendship, and I just...

I just can't go where you go.

Can you understand that?

I understand that.

How did he know lavender roses were my favorite?

Do you really wanna know?

Tomorrow, you want me to open up?

That would be great.