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02x16 - The Cradle Will Rock

Posted: 02/28/07 21:56
by bunniefuu
My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married. Just moved to a small town. Just opened up an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. "Earthbound spirits" my grandmother call them. They stay here because they have unfinished business with the living, and they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Here it is. I think you're gonna be very pleased, Delia.

Oh, Randy, you did a wonderful job. It looks brand-new.

Yeah, it took a month, but I tracked down the perfect match for that emerald you lost.

You can't even tell which one is new.

It is a gorgeous ring.

Charlie had such great taste, and he knew I loved antiques, so...

Do you want to wear it now?

You know what? Why don't you just wrap it up for me? - Sure.

Hey, how's your baby?

She's perfect.

She sleeps a lot, and the best of all, she looks like Lynn.

How old?

She's 6 months.

Tick, tick, tick.

You know, why are you always doing that?

I mean, I'm not even 30. I still have time, right?

I kid because I love.

Everybody on the floor! Now!

Put your hands behind your head, and no talking!

Eyes to the floor! Do it!

You! Get down!

Nobody move and nobody will get hurt!

Nobody move!

What are you doing?!

My inhaler!

Anybody else want to be a hero?!

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Get up!

Back room!

Anybody even twitches, I'll sh**t him.

Are you ok?

Yeah. You?

Did I hear you say something?

I told you not to look at me.

Now, you all have a wonderful day now.

Episode 2x16
"The Cradle Will Rock"

And what else do you remember?

He was tall, intimidating.

I feel much better. Thanks.

Is there anybody who can drive you home?

Oh, yeah. My wife, Lynn.

If you find that bag of jewelry, can you look for this art deco ring?

It had emeralds in it. It was, um... my engagement ring.

I will.

Hey, Barrett.

Excuse me.

How are we all doing?

We're fine.

I'm just a little shaken up.

I'm really glad you're here.

This is crazy.

Hey, you want me to take over for a little bit before I go?

No, I'm good. It's actually kind of therapeutic.

Remind me, we moved to Grandview because it was quiet and safe?

It's been a long time since anything living scared me like that.

I hate that you had to go through that.

Is Randy going to be ok?

Yeah, he'll be fine. He's just got to spend a little time on his own, take some rest, he'll be ok.

You sure you're going to be ok?

Yeah, I'm just glad to be home.


I'm just going to call in sick.

What? Why would you do that?

You know, I'm sick of this split schedule and...

I just don't think you should be alone right now. - Are you... I am...

I am fine, and a lot tougher than you think I am.

Right. I know. I just...

Look, you are going to work, ok?

And I...

I'm cooking.

All right.

I am having a perfect evening.

I just took off an exfoliating mask, and I am watching movies that you normally make me put back at the video store.

Yes, "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" is one of them.

Come on. It's sweet.

When are you going to come home?

No. Wake me up. I don't mind.

I've been having nightmares, too.

I guess it affected me more than I'd like to admit.

Well, I've been on edge all morning.

I tossed and turned all night last night.

I keep... obsessing about the ring.

I am just so pissed that I didn't just put it on my finger.

And then I feel guilty because I'm obsessing about an object when all that really matters is that nobody got hurt.

Hey, Charlie gave you that ring. It's ok to obsess about it.

It's just that it reminded me of this very innocent time with him.

Got a lot of memories attached to it.

I'm sure there are.

Hi. Just... just let us know if you need any help.

You know, it says that the robber got away with 35 grand in jewelry and over 75 grand in cash.

Yeah, I know. I heard that on the news last night.

What were they doing with so much cash in their store?

Can you believe how fast that guy was? I mean, it was like two minutes.

Felt like about two years to me.

You know what? I'm feeling a little skittish.

Do you mind if I just get some air?

No. Go ahead.

You want anything?

You know what? If you go by Village Java, an herbal tea would be great.

I can help you.

I just spoke to mr. Kaehler. It's about Randy.

He's dead.

His wife found him this morning. They think it was his asthma.

Now, Randy's sister Sally would like to say a few words.

Three days ago, my sister-in-law lost her husband, a little girl lost her father...

And I lost my brother.

This town lost a good man.

He was just trying to make a living and do the right thing...

No one else sees me?

Just you?

He was just a simple man, who loved people.

He was just a gentle soul.

We're going to miss you, Randy.

Oh, Lynn, I just... want to tell you how sorry I am.

He was a really good man.

I still can't believe he's gone.

I keep waiting for him to just walk up to me, take the baby, and ask me how my day was.

I wanted to introduce you to my friend Melinda.

We were both in the store when it happened.

Your husband acted very bravely. I'm really grateful to him.

Thank you for telling me that. It means a lot.

She's so beautiful.

I feel like he's watching over her.

I'm sure he is.


Are you all right?

Can I get you some water or something?

I think it's just allergies.

Find it!

I still think we should just close the store for the day.

I don't know if I can concentrate with everything that's just happened.

Which is exactly why we should work today, just stay focused.

Yeah, but don't you think we need a minute?

I mean, just to, I don't know, let it sink in?

Yeah, but I do that by staying busy.

I do it by sitting on the couch, staring out the window with my mouth open.

Well, we all have our own way of dealing with it.


Are you all right?

Yeah. Yeah. I just thought I saw something.

I think he was building a cradle when he died.

In the basement?


As a surprise for his family?

Keep going.

And he wants you to tell his wife where it's hidden.

See? We could practically go into business together on this.

Wait a minute. Aren't we already?

Good point.

Ok, that wasn't even a challenge. Give me a hard one.

Be careful what you wish for there, wise guy.

All right, what are you going to do? You're going to go bang on his wife's door and tell her, "there's a surprise in your basement?"

No, I'm going to tell her Randy's here.

Do you think she's going to believe you?

It's the time when people are most likely to.

After a loss, you know, they really want to believe.

It's amazing.


Just that you can do this, you know? That you can make the difference.

Look at the impact you have on people's lives.

Is it worth the impact it has on our lives?

Yeah, even though I don't always think so.

All right. Enough philosophy. Time for food.

You bought me roses.

Dr. Phil encourages the occasional romantic gesture.

It's a signal from Randy.

Thought it was a signal from me, saying, "I love my crazy wife."

I just wonder what it means.

I think it means Randy owes me 50 bucks.

Can I help you?

Hi. Is Lynn here?

No. She went back to work.

Oh. I'm Melinda.

We met at Randy's funeral.

Yeah, I remember.

Do you know when she'll be back from work?

What is this... what is this about?

I'm sorry. I just have to talk to her. I have a message from Randy.


About Randy.

Why don't you come in for a minute?

Well, that's ok. I can come back if it's a bad time. - Just come in.

I actually have to change Rose.

Her name is Rose?

Nap time, finally.

Oh, sorry the room's such a mess. I was... trying to find her favorite teddy, and of course, it was at the bottom of the trunk.

Want some coffee?

So, what's the message about Randy?

Oh, it's just something I needed to talk to Lynn about.

Randy was my brother. You can tell me.

I know. It's just personal.

You know, I can come back tonight if that works better.

Lynn works just 5 minutes away. I can call her.

Well, where does she work? Because I could go there.

Oh, no, no, no. Just let me call her.

She's on her way.

You know what? I have to get going.

Um, my husband's expecting me...

She'll just be here in a few minutes.

No, I really have to go.

I'm sorry. I'm really going to have to insist.

Is that her?

Get out.

How's it going?

I don't know what's happening, but I need to leave.

I'm expected...

Take it easy. All right?

It's no big deal. You want to go, you can go.

Just tell me what the message is.

It's just something that I wanted to say to Lynn.

You had a little thing with Randy, did you?

No. I'm married.

Well, let me tell you something.

There's a lot of married people who like some candy on the side.

Well, I don't, and my husband's going to be wondering where I am, so...

Don't be stupid, ok, Melinda?

Just tell me what Randy wanted Lynn to know.

We're having fun now, though, aren't we?

But I'm going to get serious in a minute.

There's a cradle in the basement Randy was working on before he died.

He wanted Lynn to know that it was down there. That's it. That's the message.

Good girl.

When did he tell you about the cradle?

Not that long ago.

And why? Why'd he tell you?

Because I was the only one listening at the time.

Yeah, I'll bet.

Well, where is it, huh?

I don't know.

Where is it?

Why in the hell are you asking me?

This where the money is?

What money?

This where it is? Huh, Randy?

Well, where is it?

Where is it?!

What the hell are you doing?

Why are you doing this? Just tell me where the money is.

Who are you talking to?!

Randy is here, his spirit. That's how I knew about the cradle.



Maybe Randy is here.

This is where he died.

Locked down in the basement, all by himself.

Now, when you remember where that money is... you give me a shout, ok?

Excuse me. Can you tell me how much this is?

Oh, there's no price on it?

Oh! Heavy. Hang on a second. I'll find out for you.

What are you doing? I already checked in here.

Yeah? You got a better idea?

No answer.

Are you all right?

No. Are you kidding?

Get me out of here.

Yeah, I will, I will. Wyatt's going to leave in a minute.

He wants me to watch you.

Where the hell is it? Damn it!

He's crazy, but I'll get you out of here as soon as we hear his car leave.

Wyatt robbed the jewelry store, didn't he?

Where's the baby?


You left her up there with him?

It's ok. He'd never hurt her.

Wyatt said that you act like Randy's here, like you see his ghost or something.

Can you? Can you see my brother?

He did this to me.

He did!

Yeah. I can see him. He's right behind you.

If that kind of thing was true, could he hear me and see me?

Because if that kind of thing is true, I want to tell him that I'm sorry that, that things got messed up and they weren't supposed to.

Ok, look. Sally? If you leave me down here like this, you're only going to be in the same trouble as Wyatt, so why don't you do the right thing, ok? Just do it for Randy.

Don't talk to me like I haven't done for Randy.

He was the kind of kid that needed protecting.

He was a sickly kid growing up.

Tell her.

He's saying that your husband did this to him.

I know, I know. He did it to both of us.

And now we're in so deep.

He k*lled me.

What? What is it?

Wyatt k*lled him.

No, that can't be.

Wyatt knows how much Randy means to me... uh, meant.

Ok, he's gone. Let's go. I'll take you out of here.

You know what?

If you know where the money is, then if you told me, then we could split it and I could get away from Wyatt.

He'd never have to know.

Don't you think if I knew where the money was, I would have told him an hour ago?

I don't care about the money. I just want to go home.


If she knows where the money is, she's not telling.


She's lying.

I don't think so.

She's not going to play games. She's scared to death.

Yeah? She tell you she sees Randy?


She said he was right there with us.

Gave me chills.

So what? What, is she nuts?

Why would she be here if it wasn't to tell Lynn where the money is?

She says that Randy told her that you k*lled him.

So you tell me. Is she nuts?

Maybe you're both nuts.

All right, take Rose to the apartment. I am going to tear this place upside down until I find what I am looking for, and I will find it.

Now, go.

Why the hell won't you tell me what he wants to know?

I am. I will.

Yeah, right.

Is it true?

Did you die in this basement? Did he do something to you?

You were in on it.

I had to.

Nobody has to do something like that.

I did it for my daughter, for Rose.

What's wrong with Rose?

She was born too soon. It was a miracle she lived.

The day we got her home... to her house, her room...

I never had another day like that.

No insurance, hospital bills, thousands and thousands...

Still doesn't mean you should steal.

I was... so desperate.

Wyatt came to me with this plan.

He told me I would look innocent.

Nothing would happen to me, and I'd have enough money to take care of Rose.

There was nothing I wouldn't do to protect her.

What did your wife think about all this?

Lynn doesn't know.

She was so glad I wasn't hurt in the robbery.

What happened after the robbery?

I didn't really think I could trust Wyatt or Sally.

She's my sister, but she'll do anything Wyatt wanted.

I was afraid they'd leave town, double-cross me, so I managed to get my hands on the money and I let Wyatt take the jewels.

He, uh, came here when Lynn was out with Rose.

Wyatt! Wyatt!

He locked me down here.

He wouldn't let me come up till I told him where the money was.

Just tell me what it is that he wants so he can let me go.

I don't know if he will let you go.

Ok, you have to help me get out of here. - You have to help me, too.


The key.

Give Lynn the key.

You help me... and then I help you.

I'll get you out of here.

I have an idea.

What is it, honey?

Hey, lady, move it.



Randy, what are you doing? Let me out.

I'm really sorry. I just can't let you go.

Randy, open the door.

We have to wait for Lynn. You give her the key, then you go.

What? There is a man with a g*n in that basement.

Do you want your wife to come home to that?

If I let you go now, you'll go straight to the police.

I can't let that happen until Lynn gets the key.

I'm really sorry.

Please understand. I just can't take any chances.

Look, you and me, we got better things to do than this.

Just tell me where the money is, and I'll let you walk away.

I'll be damned.


Is that you?

Hey, Delia. You know where Melinda is?

Yeah, I think she went over to Lynn's to bring her some cookies.

Yeah, but she should be back by now.

Yeah, I thought she went home.

You know where Lynn's house is?

Um, I think so.

We shipped something over to Randy a while ago, so let me see.


Right here.

I know the street. Call me if she shows up.

Maybe we could talk about...

Hey, you think he's some innocent victim in all this?

No, he's playing you, girlfriend, just like he played me.

Don't listen to him. He'll say anything.

Hey, I didn't even know there'd be all that cash in the store.

I was just looking for a little jewelry.

Well, Randy, he double-crossed me.

What is he talking about?

Didn't you, Randy?!

I feel... so lightheaded. Why do I feel so tired?

It's because you're using up all your energy.

Wait a minute.

You all have a wonderful day now.

He didn't know about the 75 grand, did he?

Come on, Mel.

I knew it didn't make any sense.

He didn't have time to go to that safe, and he left with one bag of jewelry.

You took the money, didn't you?

You took it before the robbery even happened, to make sure that it got blamed on the thief.

Where'd you put it?

In my car, but I moved it later.

And you set him up.


Ha ha. Poor Wyatt. He thought I was so stupid.

Treated me like such an idiot.

Do you think I was going to take a chance like that for a few thousand in jewels?

And then they reported the robbery on the news and how much had been stolen.

You should have seen the look on Wyatt's face. It was... priceless.

I still thought I had enough time to get Lynn and Rose and get away.

That's when he trapped you here?


And you know the rest.

Do I?


Hi. I'm looking for Lynn Cooper.


Welcome home.

That's Lynn.

She and Randy moved months ago.

Did they leave any kind of forwarding address? - No.

I think they just needed something a bit larger.


Sorry to bother you.

Where's Rose?

Get inside. Get in here.

What's wrong with you?

Get in the kitchen!


You want Rose to be an orphan? Do it!

You remember Lynn.

Move it! Get over! You, too! Move!

What the hell is this, Wyatt?

Tell him not to hurt her. I'll tell him where the money is.

Randy is asking you not to hurt her. He'll tell you what you want to know.

What is she talking about?

I'm not going to hurt you.

I just want to know where my money is.

What money?

The money from the robbery.

Your husband and Wyatt were in on it together.

Oh, well, that's crazy because Randy would never do that.

Oh, that's the easiest part of the story to believe, trust me.

Give her the key.

Look, Randy has something for you.

He says that you'll know what to do with it.

Well, whatever this key opens is where he hid the 75 grand.

It belongs to me.

I don't understand. Why would Randy send this message to you?

It's complicated.

What does this open, huh?

It's to my locker at the gym.

It's to Randy's locker at the gym.


What gym? What gym?

Um, the main street gym.

What's happening? Why haven't you called me?

Don't worry about it!

Just meet me at the gym on main street.

Where's Melinda? Where's Lynn?

They're both here with me.

What are you going to do?

Just get to the gym!

You park in the lot and you wait for me.

And when Lynn gives me what I want, you give the baby to her.

All right, right here. This is it. Pull in right here.

Now, we are just going to walk inside and go to the locker.

Just a few more minutes and this will all be over, girls.

All right, good. Get out. Get out.

Let's go. Move it.

Which one?

Tell him it's locker 39.


Open it.

It doesn't work.

What are you doing?

It doesn't fit!

Give me that.

Son of a bitch!

You got to be kidding.

What the hell are you doing?

Where's my money?!

Freeze! Don't move! Hands up! Let me see them now!

How did you know to call the police?

Well, honey, I didn't. They called me.

Lynn, I'm sorry.

For the record, this is Wyatt Hawkins?

Yes, that's him.

He was my brother, Wyatt, and you k*lled him.

Would you tell him that I'm sorry?

Tell him... tell him that I should have watched over him better.

Come on.

Tell her it's ok. Tell her I'm fine.

He said it's ok. It's fine now.

I'm really sorry I let this happen. Will you watch out for me?

Hey, Melinda.

Hi. Good morning.


Please tell me you don't need another statement.

Oh, no, no. We've got plenty of those.

We just sent Wyatt for a psych evaluation.

Really? He didn't seem like he was nut-house crazy.

Well, he said you'd been speaking with Randy Cooper's ghost.

Does sound kind of nutty, doesn't it?

Yeah, well, he's probably just angling for an insanity defense.


Listen. We were able to find all the jewelry in Wyatt's house, and I got the ok to give Delia her ring back...

But I thought you might like to.

I'd love to.

You don't know what this means to me.

I never thought I'd see it again.

Thank you so much.

I can't believe everything you have just been through.

You know what? I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

It seems to happen to you a lot.

In fact, I was meaning to ask you, the day I found out that Randy had died, I saw you in the square and I was about to tell you, but... you told me first.

How did you know that?

She doesn't know? Wow. How did you pull that off?

I... could just see it on your face.

But how?

How did you make the leap that he had died?

I really don't know how to explain it. I just... have very good instincts about these things.


You skated on that one.

It's my turn to buy you coffee, right?

No way. No, no, no, no, no. Coffee is on me, so I'll be right back.

You put my life in danger and your wife's.

It--it was a calculated risk.

You used me.

Look, all I wanted was for Lynn be taken care of.

Yeah, but nothing came from any of it, Randy. You're dead, and your sister and your brother-in-law are going to prison, and no one but you knows where the money is, so what do you want your wife to do now?

I--I tried everything I could. And now it's time to move on.

Do you see the light?


Wait--wait a minute. Where are you going?

You know, I can't help wondering what's going to happen to a guy like me on the other side of that light.

You can't stay here.

You're meant to cross over.


Let's just say I got a better offer.

Randy, don't do it.

I know what you're talking about, who you're talking about.

Don't go to him.

I've already made my deal, and they want me to give you a message.

What message?

The dead will walk.

What does that mean?

You think you know so much. You don't know anything.

They've shown me things, so much that's about to happen.

There's no way I'm going to miss it.



I didn't know you were there.

Were you just talking to yourself?


You know, I was just... thinking about the money from the robbery and how frustrated I am that they didn't find it.

Oh. Well, here.

Didn't you say that Lynn got a key from Randy? Maybe she knows something.

Front door is open.

Car's not here.


Hey, Lynn?

Are you here?

Well, she cleared out everything.

Lynn? Are you up here?

She sure got out of here in a hurry.

You think she knew where the money was?

I don't know, but even if she did, the police have the key, so unless she has a duplicate, there's no way of her really getting to it.

Wow. She left a lot of great stuff behind.

Would it be immoral/illegal of us to sell it?



Look at this.

That money was here the whole time.

I thought the police had the key.

No, it doesn't matter. It was never locked.

Randy knew that she would recognize the design on the key.

That's the only signal she needed. The money was right here.

Which is why she was so confused when he said that the key was for a locker.

Do you think Lynn has the money?