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02x61 - Capture the Comet Keeper

Posted: 11/22/22 08:52
by bunniefuu
♪ He-Man

[Adam] And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia,

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said:

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,

Man-At-Arms and Orko.

Together, we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.


♪ He-Man

Oh! Attaboy. Good.


Good, now the two together

-Whoa! -Hey!

[Orko] Did you see that?

-That was wonderful, Zagraz. -It sure was.


Oh, thank you.

I'm glad you like it.

This is my little one, Doodles.

He's very timid, don't you know.

And he sometimes doesn't do everything I tell him,

but he has a very good heart.

Gee, he reminds me of someone.

Yeah, reminds me of you, little buddy.

Yeah, that's right.

Maybe we can play sometime.

Oh, you're welcome to play with Doodles anytime you want.

Gee, thanks.

May we see just a little more, Zagraz?


Very well.

Away, my friends.

Time for an encore.

[comets yelping and chattering]

[Skeletor] Yes, it is pretty amazing.

But what a waste.

He plays with them.

All that power, and he plays with them.

But Skeletor, remember the trouble you had

the last time you tried to use a comet?

Yeah. Besides, Zagraz is the only one

who can control those goody-goody comets.

That was the beauty of the cosmic comet.

It was already evil. It was easy to control.


Yes. Yes, that's it.


I just had a delightfully wicked idea.

All I've got to do is control Zagraz,

and I will control the comets.

You going to go after Castle Grayskull with the comets?

Of course, fang face.

Now go get Zagraz and bring him here.

Oh, I feel so much better when I do something bad.


[Adam] Goodbye, Zagraz.

And thanks again for the show.

[Zagraz] You're welcome.

You're welcome. I'm so happy you came.



Let me go.

Stop struggling.

No, you stop.

You don't know what you're doing.

The comets... the comets--

oh, stop, please.

My comets need me.

[thunder crashes]

[Skeletor] Welcome to Snake Mountain.

I'm pleased to have you as my guest.

Oh, don't give me that.

My comets will go wild without me.

You're causing a great deal of trouble.

Don't I always?

I want you to use your comets to help me defeat He-Man

and break into Castle Grayskull.

Never. Oh! You must let me go, for goodness' sake.

I never, ever do anything

for goodness' sake.

Everything I do is for the sake of evil.

But there's some good in everybody.

Not in this body.


When are you goody-goody fools going to understand?

I am completely and utterly evil.

I live to be bad.

I care for no one, and no one cares for me.

What about your friend here?

Watch your mouth.

Yeah, don't ever call me that.

You see? They, uh...

that is, he hates me.

But what is more important: he fears me.

That's the way I like it.

You can trust someone who's afraid of you.

Oh, that's terrible.

How can anyone be as evil as you?

Oh, you flatter me, Comet Keeper.

And speaking of comets,

you're going to use yours to help me,

or I shall keep you in my dungeon forever.

[Adam] I just love the view from this balcony.

Me too. It's so peaceful.

Hey, look.

Zagraz must be playing with his comets again.

That's odd.

We shouldn't be able to see them from here.

-I wonder what's going on. -[radio beeps]

Yes, Duncan what is it?

[Man-At-Arms] I think you better come down here right away.

Something's wrong. I'm in the lab.

I'm on my way.

♪ He-Man

Zagraz's comets are not even close

to where they're supposed to be.

[Man-At-Arms] That's what has me worried.

There's no telling what effect

these comets may have on the world.

Have you tried calling Zagraz?

Yes, but he doesn't answer.

Maybe you and Teela should fly out to his mountain.

He may be in trouble.

Hey, look.

That one's heading for the ocean.

Boy, it's a pretty good thing

there are no people out there.

[Man-At-Arms] The comet is too near the water.

It's causing a tidal wave.

The comets are going all over Eternia.

That tidal wave is only the beginning.

Those comets will start windstorms and avalanches,

and who knows what else.

Look at all that.

Tidal waves, sandstorms, avalanches.

So far no one's been hurt.

The comets have wandered into vacant areas.

Oh, no. Oh, no. One of the comets is heading this way.

Quick, we need He-Man.

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!

♪ He-Man

He-Man, what are you doing here?

No time to explain.

But I can use your help.

You got it. Let's go.

♪ He-Man

This is going to be tough.

That comet is zigzagging all over the place.

-What are you going to do? -I've got to stop that comet.

[Teela] Well, how?

Oh, you're not going to jump on it.

I'm going to try. Just hold it steady.

A little closer.

♪ He-Man


I've got to catch him.

He-Man, are you all right?

Yes. When it zigged, I zagged.

[Teela] It's going to hit that tower.

Get me down, fast.

♪ He-Man

No time. I've got to jump.

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

I'll have to fix this later.

[Teela] He-Man, are you all right? That fall!

Yes, I'm fine.

But we must hurry to Zagraz Mountain

before anything else happens.

[thunder crashes]

Can you see the mountain?

[He-Man] I can't see a thing.


I've got a feeling Zagraz isn't here.

[Skeletor] How did you get so smart, muscle head?

[He-Man] Skeletor.


So you came looking for your friend, huh?

Well, no one's home.

Zagraz is with me.

If you harm one hair...

Harm? Why, Zagraz and I are partners.

He's going to help me open Grayskull.


The game is almost over, He-Man.

I hope you enjoy losing.


Zagraz would never join forces with Skeletor.

Skeletor's bluffing.

But he might hurt Zagraz if he doesn't cooperate.

He-Man, look!

That comet's heading right for us.

[Teela] He-Man, you're in the comet's path. Run!

I've never played a game of catch with a comet.


You don't want to play here on the ground.

Why don't you be a good comet and go back to the sky.

Back you go!


Whew, that was a close one.

[He-Man] Behind you.

[Teela] Behind you too.

I think we'd better stop playing catch a comet

and get to Snake Mountain.

[thunder crashes]

Oh, you lied to He-Man.

I am not your partner.

You will be once you come to your senses

and do as I say.

Oh, I will never help you.

-[alarm pinging] -Skeletor, intruder alert.

I know what it means.

It's He-Man.

Of course it's He-Man.

They say two heads are better than one,

but I think they're wrong.

Did you think He-Man would do nothing?

Do you want me to try my new defense system?

No, I want you to open the front door for him.

Of course I want you to defend Snake Mountain.

I don't suppose you have this kind of problem

with your comets?

No. My comets are good.

Not for long.


Snake Mountain dead ahead.

Be careful. Skeletor will be expecting us.

Activating the pulsar.

[radar pulsing]

The Raider is stalled.

[He-Man] We're falling. Hold on.

[Teela] The controls don't respond.

We're going to crash into that rock tower.

Not if I can help it.

If I can just hook one of those towers.

Hold on.

Are you all right?

Oh, what a ride.

Yes, I'm fine.

But we're sinking.

Hold on to me.


Hurry, He-Man. It's almost under.

The mud doesn't make it any easier.

They came down in the swamp. You want me to go after them?

Yes, yes, if your two heads can find the way outside.

I don't like him when he makes fun of me.

I don't like him, period.

The Raider is going to need a bath when we get back.

[chuckles] That's for sure.

Let's go.

It's not going to be easy to get to Snake Mountain

through this swamp.

We are Zagraz's only hope.

We must get through and rescue him.

Hey, keep a sharp lookout.

He-Man must have come down near here.

There they are.

They've seen us. Split up. They can't follow both of us.

You can't follow me here.

Oh, no, look out.

Hold on, I'm going through.

She's on the other side of that rock.

-He-Man! -He-Man!

Are you two through playing around?

-Let's get him. -Right.

Yuck, I fell in the mud.

Better you than me.

It'll be easy to get inside Snake Mountain

using their own vehicle.

Oh, please, please let me go.

You must, before my comets ruin all of Eternia.

I will, once you direct them against Castle Grayskull.

I can't. I can't.

That would mean the end of everything.

It's going to happen anyway.

Eventually one of your comets will hit Grayskull.

Help me do it now,

and you'll save the rest of the world.

Saving the world for you to rule is not saving it.

That's your opinion.

[He-Man] And mine, Skeletor.

[Skeletor] He-Man! Who let you in?

The door was locked.

We let ourselves in, and you need a new door.

Now, let Zagraz go.

Forget it. Zagraz is mine.

You want him, then you have to fight for him.

[sighs] Fighting is all you ever think about.

Ah, you're wrong.

I think about ruling all Eternia

more than I think about fighting.

Fighting is a close second.

You think you must fight to get your way.

Fighting is no way to solve differences.

I think it is.

[He-Man] That's why you'll lose.

Want to bet?

You broke my staff!

[Skeletor screams]

You never learn.

As long as I'm around, I will not let you do evil.

You meddlesome muscle man.

-[alarm blares] -Now what? More trouble?

Wonder what that could be? Zagraz, what's the matter?

Why, it's Doodles, don't you know.

He made it over to this side of Eternia.

And he's coming this way.

Is this one of your tricks?

No, no, I can't do anything

while I'm bound.

Release Zagraz so he can stop the comets.

I don't need his help to stop one measly comet.

I'll do it myself.

Don't destroy the comet.

Butt out!

Uh-oh. Gangway! I'm coming through.


Oh, my poor Doodles.

What did that villain do to my little friend?


Take it easy, little fella.

You'll be all right.

Now you're free, Zagraz.

We must get back to your mountain.

Oh, I'm sorry. I can't think of anything but my poor Doodles.

He's always been so timid.

You saw how brave he was today.

You saw, didn't you?

Yes. We saw.

He was very brave.

I'm going to miss his singing.




Doodles, you're all right.

Is that renegade rock still here?

[Teela] Doodles, where are you going?

Oh, no, not you again.


Oh, I hate comets and I hate mud.

Oh, I don't know if it's so bad.

Yeah, it just takes some getting used to.

Who asked you?

[thunder crashes]

I am home, my friends.


I am home!

That's wonderful, Zagraz.

Oh, it was nothing.

It's so good to be home with all my friends,

don't you know.

Especially my little Doodles.


Some people think the only way to solve a difference

is to fight.

Skeletor, for example.

His answer to every problem is fight.

He doesn't care who's right or wrong.

He thinks that might makes right.

Well, it doesn't.

He-Man knows that.

Even with all his power,

he always tries to avoid fighting.

Fighting doesn't solve problems.

Fighting only makes more problems.

See you soon.