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02x55 - Monster on the Mountain

Posted: 11/22/22 08:48
by bunniefuu
♪ He-Man!

And the Masters of the Universe!

I am Adam, prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ He-Man!

"I have the power!"


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man in the universe!

Only three others share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress, Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.

♪ He-Man!

[woman vocalizing]

Oh, my, what a beautiful morning.

[vocalizing continues]

-[twig snaps] -[gasps]

[vocalizing resumes]

Hmm. Oh, '’twas worth the walk.

This well has the sweetest water in the forest.


Oh! Oh, uh, uh...

I h-hope it...

it'’s-it's not...

It is. The Tingler!



Ah, I hope we make it to the market in time.


Oh, Squire Wilkins,

it'’s horrible, it'’s terrible!

Calm yourself, calm yourself. nothing could be that frightening.

[woman] He'’s come down from the mountain,

and he'’s after me!

-Who? -The Tingler.


The Tingler?

-[both screaming] -[donkey braying]

♪ He-Man!

I received an urgent request from Squire Wilkins of Ruckstown.

Ruckstown? Isn'’t that one of our colonies in the north country?

Yes, Teela, a small colony with no close neighbors.

The people of Ruckstown are good, hard-working people,

but they'’re a little naive-- they believe in superstitions and such.

But I'’m afraid one of their superstitions

may be very real indeed.

Have you ever heard of the Tingler?

The Tingler? Yes, I have.

Let'’s see. He's rumored to live on Mount Fear.

But it'’s just a rumor. There has never been any real proof.

Then there must'’ve been some reports of him.

I want you to leave immediately to investigate.

We'’ll leave right away, Father.

♪ He-Man!

[Adam] Well, there it is: Mount Fear,

the most dangerous mountain in all of Eternia.

[Teela] I can'’t imagine how anything can survive there. Look at that snow.

[Adam] Well, according to the stories, the Tingler lives in one of those caves.

-Can you see them? -[Orko] Yeah.

There'’s a whole lot of caves in that forest. Look, Cringer.

I'’m not looking! I'’m-I'm afraid of heights!

Adam, what'’s that?

[Adam] Let'’s go in closer.

Whatever it was, it'’s disappeared.

-Hmm. Must'’ve gone into one of the caves. -We'’d better land.

♪ He-Man! He-Man!

♪ He-Man!

-Any sign of him? -Nope.

I checked a couple of caves, but no luck.

We might as well head for Ruckstown.

I have one more cave to search.

I'’ll meet you back in the Wind Raider.

Come on, Cringer, let'’s...

Cringer, what'’s the matter?

Don'’t you want to catch the Tingler?

The only thing I-I'’m gonna c-catch in this place

is a c-c-cold.


Well, we'’d better head back to the Wind Raider.

-Teela'’s... -[rumbling]

Wh-What'’s that?

[Adam] It'’s an avalanche!

Yow! We-We'’ll be buried!

And so will Ruckstown.

-Orko, you'’d better warn Teela. -Right!

This is job for He-Man and Battle Cat.

B-Battle Cat?

Just saying the name makes me n-nervous.

By the power of Grayskull!

♪ He-Man!

♪ He-Man!

♪ He-Man!

I have the power!

♪ He-Man!


♪ He-Man!

This way, Teela! There'’s a cave!

-Look! It'’s the Tingler! -The Tingler...

does look like someone

or... or something.

Don'’t worry. He-Man'’s here.

Battle Cat, there must be , tons of snow in that avalanche.

We'’ve got to divert the avalanche away from them and the town.

-Come on. -[roaring]

Just follow my lead.


Look. He-Man'’s diverting the avalanche into that dry lake bed.

Thanks, He-Man. Where are Adam and Cringer?

Oh, I think you'’ll find them back in the Wind Raider.

Now, if you'’ll excuse me, I have to leave.

-But... -I'’ll be around if you need me.

Oh, what a guy!

[woman] We aren'’t safe

until we rid ourselves of the Tingler once and for all.

[man] He probably started the avalanche.

Yeah! He could'’ve buried the whole town!

[crowd yelling]

No one knows for sure if the Tingler even exists.

Why, of course he does.

A lot of us have seen him plenty of times.

But according to the reports,

the descriptions of him are all different.

Well, has anyone actually seen him-- I mean, really seen him?

Well, uh, uh, I was with Jed Hansen once,

and we saw him, right, Jed?

Yep. That Tingler'’s sure scary-looking. Covered with fur.

What color is his fur?

-Uh, bright red. -Dark green.

I saw the Tingler at the water well.

He was huge!

Eight feet tall, and he had a tail.

But in your report, all you saw were his eyes.

Oh. Yeah, well...

But I could tell from his eyes the way the rest of him looked.

His eyes were horrid, and he had three of them.

It looks as if we'’d better check out the facts.

Facts? But you saw him yourself.

He-He tried to bury you and our town with an avalanche.

We never got a good look at the... whatever it was.

And besides, the avalanche could have been an accident.

Prince Adam, I can'’t imagine

why you'’d be defending the Tingler.

For years, there has been rumors about him.

Well, that'’s exactly the problem: just rumors.

King Randor sent us here to find the truth.

[man] Oh, he... he'’s here.

I-I seen him.

The Tingler'’s inside

the old windmill.

Mm-hmm! Now'’s our chance to trap him.

-Let'’s get the Tingler! -Not me.

If we all go together, we'’ll be safe enough.

Come on, Teela. We'’d better get to the windmill before it'’s too late.

[crowd yelling]

We know you'’re in there.

We'’re coming after you, Tingler.

I'’ll try to reason with them.


Please, everyone calm down.

Please, Prince Adam, we know what we'’re doing.

We'’re... [screams]

What-What'’s going on here? What'’s all the fuss?

Miller Perkins, what are you...

Uh, we thought the Tingler was in there.

The Tingler? Do I look like the Tingler, you ninnies?

Why, I'’m trying to get the old windmill working again.

All right. I think we'’d better go back to the town square.

I-I thought for sure

it was the... it was the Tingler.

[woman] Hmph! Scared me nearly out of my wits.

I'’d sure like to get a look at that Tingler monster.

Wonder where he is. Hmm.

Last time, they saw the Tingler at the water well.

But I'’d hate to go there alone.

Maybe I can talk Cringer into going with me.

Uh, Cringer, do you know the safest place to be

if you don'’t want to be caught by the Tingler?

Yeah. Back home in bed,

with the covers pulled up over my head.

Nope. The best place is at the water well.

The well? But-But that'’s where

they last saw the-the Tingler!

Exactly. That'’s why he would never show up there again.

He'’d know everyone was looking for him there.

Y-You sure?

Positive. Come on.

we don'’t want the Tingler to catch us.

Right. You'’re a pal.

Let'’s-Let's get out of here!

[Cringer] I don'’t get it.

If this is the safest place to be,

why-why are we hiding?

[Orko] Oh, just don'’t want to take any chance.

-After all... -[rustling]

-[Cringer] Wh-What was that? -It'’s the Tingler!

The-The-The Tingler? [screams]

Cringer, wait!


-[thud] -Cringer, come on. Let'’s get out of here.

I-I can'’t!

I-I hurt m-my leg!


[Orko] Oh, n... Oh, no.


[gasps] It'’s the Tingler.

Leave... Leave me alone!

Orko! Save me!

What am I going to do?

Eh, it'’s time we took matters into our own hands.

[all clamoring]

He lives in one of the mountain caves.

I say we go up there and get him.

[all shouting agreement]

Hold it. You'’re asking for trouble.

Trouble? The Tingler'’s the one causing the trouble.

You were ready to tear down the windmill

because you listened to a rumor.

All I know is, the rumors keep getting worse and worse.

[all shouting agreement]

But don'’t you see? That'’s one of the bad things about rumors.

Rumors get worse and worse,

until people start believing they'’re true.

Well, what do you expect us to do? Twiddle our thumbs?

♪ He-Man!

Poor Cringer.

I'’d better follow them.

Ooh! Help!

D-D-D-Don'’t eat me.

Don'’t eat me.

Im-I'’m junk food.

D-Don'’t you hurt him.

No, no, no, no, no.

I'’m not going to hurt him.

I would never hurt any living thing--

a plant, a tree, certainly not your friend.

You'’re not going to eat him?

D-Don'’t give him any ideas.

I just want to fix his leg.

Whew! That'’s a relief.

We thought you were that horrible monster, the Tingler.

I am the Tingler.



The Tingler'’s footprint.

Why-Why, it'’s huge.

His footprint? Where?

-Look. -That'’s no footprint, it'’s a dried mud pond.

Well, it looked like a footprint.

What are all you people doing in the forest?

We'’re after the Tingler, and this time, we'’ll catch him.

Adam and I had better do something about this, and fast.

Well, you see, I'’m a hermit.

Yes. I live by myself.

People have always made fun of me

because I'’m so big.

They call me names.

But here I am at peace because the birdies

and the trees, they'’re my friends.


They don'’t call me names.

they don'’t care if someone is big

or if someone is small.

No. I can'’t help it if those silly villagers

call me the Tingler.

Well, that'’s the way it should be.

But if you'’re not a monster,

how come you go around scaring everybody?

I don'’t try and scare anyone. No.

I usually live high in the mountains,

but with all the snow lately,

I'’ve had to come down to the lowlands

for food and water.

Oh. That'’s why you were at the water well.

And when I saw you and your friends,

I was trying to warn you

about the big avalanche.

I'’m gonna go back to Adam and Teela and tell them what happened.

Oh, don'’t leave me!

Well, I guess you'’re still afraid of me.

I'’ll tell you what. You two stay here,

and I'’ll go get your friends.

You will? Golly, you'’re terrific. [kisses]

Uh, well, I, uh,

uh, I'’ll be going.

You two be careful, you hear?

I'’m not going anywhere.

Bye, bye.

Bye. Uh, hey.

Gosh, that Tingler'’s a nice guy.

Wonder what his real name is.

[man] There he is. Let'’s get him!

[clamoring continues]


They'’re after the Tingler. They'’re chasing him up the mountain.

We'’ve got to stop them.

He'’s getting away!

Ah, not yet.

We can take a shortcut over the old mountain bridge.


[all clamoring]

[Adam] There they are.

We'’d better get down there.

They'’re stuck on that narrow ledge.

It looks like it'’s starting to crumble.

Oh, if only He-Man were here.

He-Man told me he'’d be around if we needed him.

Hope he meant it. Maybe I can find him.

By the power of Grayskull!

♪ He-Man!

♪ He-Man!

♪ He-Man!

I have the power!

♪ He-Man!


Oh, oh, we'’re trapped.

The ledge is breaking.

-It'’s all the Tingler's fault. -Look!

[man ] It'’s He-Man.

He'’s carving something out of the mountain.

♪ He-Man!

I-I don'’t believe it.

is building a bridge to rescue us.

-♪ He-Man! -[grunting]

[all cheering]


The-The ledge is collapsing.

She-She can'’t get to the bridge.

-Help! -He-Man.

She'’s too far off. The bridge isn'’t long enough to reach,

and I don'’t know if I can make another one in time.

Look! It'’s the Tingler!

Oh! Don'’t touch me! Go away, go away!

Why don'’t you take my hand?

No! You'’re a monster!

I'’m afraid of you. Go away.

Do I really look like a monster?

Please. I want to help you. Take my hand.

-[rocks tumbling] -[screams]

Come on. That ledge is going to collapse.

[people cheering]

Now, that'’s a real hero.

Takes one to know one, He-Man.

[cheering continues]

I don'’t know how I can ever repay you.

You risked your life to save me.

Well, you were in trouble. I had to help you.

-[brays] -[sniffs]

And after all those terrible rumors I spread about you.

Well, I guess you all found out that gossip can be pretty dangerous.

Here I thought you were a monster. Oh, silly me.

And you go saving my life.

Well, like I told Orko, I'’m just a hermit.

Don'’t you get lonely up there

in that cold cave of yours?

Uh, sometimes.

You know what you need:

a nice, warm meal.

Oh! That would be nice.

Well, I'’ll make the dinner, and then we'’ll...

Oh, no, Squire.

You can do that tomorrow.

Today, I'’ll do it.

[people shouting farewells]

My name'’s Emma. What'’s yours?

I mean, other than the Tingler.

-Uh, Herman. -Herman!

Oh, what a beautiful name!

It'’s human nature to exaggerate.

And then He-Man put across a bridge to span the canyon.

Why, it must'’ve been feet, easy.

Two hundred? Why that bridge was

feet if it was an inch.

I guess as long as there are people, some of them will exaggerate,

and others will believe them and spread rumors.

It makes it hard to tell what is true and what is false.

The important thing is to use our common sense

and not to believe everything we hear.

-That'’s right. So, until next time. -Bye.

[theme music plays]