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02x33 - Search for the Past

Posted: 11/22/22 07:54
by bunniefuu
♪ He-Man

[He-Man] And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia,

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said:

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,

Man-At-Arms and Orko.

Together, we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.


♪ He-Man

[indistinct chatter]

[Man-At-Arms] Orko, don'’t take one from the bottom.

See? Nothing to worry about.

With my magic touch, I knew just which one to take.



W-W-W-What happened?

Your magic touch worked about as well as the rest of your magic.

And now we'’re going to have to pay for all this fruit.


That fruit dealer was a little angry, wasn'’t he?

Do you blame him?

[man] Treasures from faraway lands.

Treasures never before seen.

Why, it can'’t be.

A magnificent choice, good sir.

[Man-At-Arms] Where did you get this? I must know.

That piece? Let'’s see now.

Was it in the mountains of Jasmine?

Uh, no. The Crystal Sea?

No, no, no, no, that'’s not it.

Well, you must remember. It'’s very important.

I think, yes, the Swamps of Enchantment.

That'’s where I found it.

[Man-At-Arms] The Swamps of Enchantment?

[Randor] My father'’s crest. Can it be?

Yes, Sire, shall I organize a search party?

No. If my father is still alive, it'’s up to me to find him.

Prepare my Wind Raider.

Forgive me, Sire.

I know how you feel about this,

but I can'’t let you go alone.

If you won'’t take a whole party, at least let me accompany you.

Very well, Duncan, we'’ll do this together.

And may the ancients grant us success.

[Adam] This fruit is great, Orko,

but don'’t you think you bought a little more than you need?

Well, I wasn'’t exactly planning on this much.

[Marlena] Orko.

Orko, is Adam...?

There you are.

Oh, come in, Mother. Have a piece of fruit.


No, thank you, Adam.

I'’m worried about your father.

I thought he and Man-At-Arms

were on a friendship mission to Gamelon.

That'’s what I thought, but then I found this.

Hmm. Hey, this crest looks awfully familiar.

[Marlena] It should be. It'’s King Miro's.

King Miro'’s?

Who'’s King Miro?

King Randor'’s father.

And my grandfather.

Hey, he vanished many years ago,

before you even came to Eternia, Orko.

The story was that he had been lost in a battle

with his evil enemy, the Enchantress.

But Randor never believed it.

He always felt that Miro was still alive somewhere.

Somewhere like the Swamps of Enchantment?

What makes you think that?

Well, that'’s where that wristlet came from.

At least, that'’s what the peddler told Man-At-Arms

when he bought it this morning.

Are you sure about that, Orko?

Well, I was with him.

Man-At-Arms was really excited about it,

but he wouldn'’t tell me why.

Would you like me to go after them, Mother?

[Marlena] Yes, do it, Adam.

Perhaps, I'’m being just a bit silly,

but I have a bad feeling about this.

-[frogs croaking] -[birds screeching]

[Randor] What a terrible place.

No wonder people avoid it.

[Man-At-Arms] You know, Sire, I had a thought.

If your father is still alive, his old enemy the Enchantress

could be alive too.

He might even be her prisoner.

Yes, that would explain why we'’ve had no word from him

all these years.

Hmm, prisoner, prisoner.

-Duncan! -Your Highness,

have you heard the tales of the prisoner of Lost Mountain?

Why, yes. You don'’t think...?

I don'’t know if the mountain even exists,

but the stories tell of a mountain peak

floating above the edge of these swamps.

We must find it.

My father could be there.

[bird screeches]

[Enchantress] A good guess, King Randor.

A good guess.

Not that it'’s going to help you.


I have work to do.

Whirling pool that now will be,

bring the king to stand with me.

[wind gusting]

-[Randor] What'’s that? -Why, it sounds like a--

-[loud crash] -Aah!


Your Majesty.

Duncan, help me!


[Randor] Duncan!


I bet that'’s a ride you won'’t forget, Mr. King.

Where am I?

[Enchantress] Why, in Castle Fear, of course.

The Enchantress!

You remember me.

Oh, how flattering.

I could never forget, you witch.

What have you done with my father?

You'’ll see your beloved father soon enough, noble fool.

But for now, I think you should dry off in my dungeons.

Take him.


Let me go!

Let-- let me go!

♪ He-Man

See anything down there, Cringer?

It looks like a plate of spinach.

[Adam] I'’ll turn on the tracer.

If Man-At-Arms is down there, we can hone in on him.

[tracer beeping]

Cringer, we found him.

We'’ve got to get down there quick.

I'’ll set the Wind Raider to land itself,

and we'’ll eject right here.


Can'’t we just land with the Raider?

In that spinach?

[Cringer] No...


[Adam] Quite a ride, huh?

[Cringer] Just tell me when it'’s over.


Ooh, ooh, ooh, am I glad to see you.

Something doesn'’t feel right to me, Cringe.

I think we'’d better get ready for anything.

Uh-oh, we know what that means.

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!

♪ He-Man


Let'’s find my father and Man-At-Arms.

♪ He-Man

He-Man, Battle Cat.

I can'’t believe it. What are you doing here?

Looking for you and the king.

The queen was worried about you two.

What'’s going on here, old friend?

Where'’s my father?

A whirlpool arose from nowhere and carried him away.

It must be the Enchantress.

The Enchantress?

Hurry, it went this way.


There it is, Lost Mountain.

Incredible, an entire mountain suspended in midair.


[Battle Cat] That'’s no legend.

[He-Man] How are we going to get up there?

I don'’t know, He-Man. I don'’t know.

The Wind Raider would come in pretty handy right now.

[He-Man] But since we don'’t have one,

I'’ll just have to find another way up there.

And I think I see just the thing.

♪ He-Man

[He-Man] I'’m ready.

Let her go!

Good luck, my friend.

Made it.

Phew, but not by much.

Now, to find King Miro.

[Drude croaks]

[Drude] Enchantress, look.

[Enchantress] Go away, you bothersome insect.

But someone is going up the mountain.



He-Man! Ha!

Now we'’ll see something, witch.

He'’ll rescue my father from your mountain.

He-Man? Oh, oh, oh, oh. I'’ve heard of him.

He'’s trouble. Big trouble.

He won'’t be much trouble when I get through with him.

[wind blowing]

Hmm, it looks like the Enchantress

is trying to make things miserable for me again.

King Miro.


You are King Miro, aren'’t you?

The father of Randor?

Yes, Randor is my son.

Where is he?

I had hoped to find him with you.

I haven'’t seen my son or anyone for years.

But who are you?

How did you get here?

I am He-Man.

Randor came looking for you,

and was spirited away by...

The Enchantress! Now she has my son too.

Your Majesty, is she on this mountain?

No. This is her prison. She lives in Castle Fear.

I saw no castle.

You can'’t see it from the ground.


There'’s Castle Fear, young man.

[He-Man] Why, we weren'’t far away from there.

Well, now you'’re trapped here like me.

Well, I wouldn'’t say that. Follow me, Your Highness.

♪ He-Man

[creature roars]

The Lurker!

The Enchantress has released it. We must hurry.




♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

That'’s one for me, you ugly snowball.

My legs are frozen.

I can'’t move.

I have one chance.


♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

King Miro.

King Miro, are you all right?

I'’m fine, but now I know how it feels to be an icicle.


Well, let'’s get going before the Enchantress

thinks up other ways to stop us.

Young man, I believe you'’re more than a match

for anything she can dream up.

No! Oh, no.

My Lurker, they'’ve beaten it.


I'’m not through yet, King Miro, as you'’ll soon see.



He-Man, are you all right?

I wouldn'’t want to make a habit of that, but I'’m all right.

How about you, Your Highness?

Fine, fine. In fact, it was quite exciting.

Your Majesty, here, let me help you up.

Duncan, is that really you?

Yes, and it'’s good to see you again, Sire.

Why, you were just a lad when I left.

Has it been so long?

It'’s been too long.

Duncan, the Enchantress is holding Randor in Castle Fear,

not too far from here.

All right, let'’s go.

[Drude] Enchantress, they'’re here.

[Enchantress] My sludge creatures will stop them.


Looks like a welcoming committee.

I'’ve seen these creatures before.

They are nothing but mud and swamp moss.

It'’s only evil magic that makes them appear alive.

Then I'’ll finish them quickly.

Come and get it, mud balls.

By the ancients!

He fights like an entire army.


You may have destroyed my creatures,

but you must still deal with me.

He-Man, look out.

He'’s too powerful.

We must run.

Come back, you slimy slug.

[Miro] Enchantress, release my son!

Royal buffoon.

If it'’s your son you want,

try and take him from me.

She'’s sealed the castle doors magically.

Shall we be polite and knock, Cat?


That'’s the right thing to do.



She'’s running for it.

Let'’s go.

Your friends are too much for the Enchantress.

Please, don'’t let them hurt me.

Now you'’re showing some sense, Drude.

Drude, you traitor.


Please, mistress, please. Don'’t hurt me.

I didn'’t mean it.

No, Drude, I won'’t hurt you.

Instead, I will make you powerful enough

to defeat my enemies,

like this.

Yeah. I am big. Big and strong.


[Battle Cat roars]

There she is, and Randor'’s with her.

My son.


Get them, Drude.


[Drude] Drude has you now, little men.

Ah! Well done, you toad.

Toad? Drude is no toad now.

Drude is big and strong.

Don'’t obey her, Drude.

When you'’ve done what she wants,

she'’ll turn you back to what you were.

No! Drude likes being big, strong.

Drude, you fool, have you forgotten my power?

My father'’s right, Drude. You should listen to him.

Do you want to be her sl*ve all your life?


Drude will not serve you anymore.

You were not nice to me.

Drude is big, strong.

Drude will make you serve him.

Stop! Stop!

Let me go you... you... you...



Ahh... Drude not sludge.

Drude, even though she treated you badly,

if you do the same to her you'’ll be no better than she is.

Do you understand?

I understand.

I will not be cruel,

but I will teach her good manners.

[Enchantress] No.

No, let me go. Let me go, I say.

Well, the Enchantress seems to have gotten

what she deserves at last.


Randor, my son.

I think King Miro might like to meet his grandson too,

don'’t you?

And his grandson wants to meet him.

I'’ll be back in a minute. Come on, Cat.

You'’re king now, of course.

Yes. When you disappeared,

I had to take up the reigns of the kingdom.

But now that you'’re back...

Forgive me, Your Majesties,

but someone who longs to meet his grandfather

has just arrived.

-Adam! -Adam?

Is it really you?

Yes, Grandfather. I'’ve missed you.


Father, surely you can'’t mean to go.

-You'’re king now. -No, son, you'’re king.

And a very good one, from what I hear.

I'’ve been gone too long to run the kingdom.

It'’s yours, and that'’s as it should be.

But that'’s no reason to leave us.

Yes. I need your advice, your wisdom.

And I want to be able to give it to you, son,

but the truth is I know very little

about this new Eternia, and I want to see it for myself.

I want to roam about, get to know the people again.

You understand, don'’t you, Adam?

I guess I do, Grandfather, but, well, I too wish you'’d stay.

Me too.

[Miro] Now, now, there'’s no need for tears.

I'’ll be back soon, and then I'’ll stay for good.

Uh, I believe this is yours.

My bracelet. Where did you find it?

Man-At-Arms found it. It led us to you.

My lucky bracelet.

No, Father. My lucky bracelet.

My son.

Well, I must be off.

See you soon.

Take care, Father.

I don'’t want to lose you again.

There'’s little chance of that.

Well, goodbye.

Goodbye, Grandfather.

Adam, Marlena, take care.

And remember, I love you all.

Well, he'’s quite a man, isn'’t he, Father?

Yes, Adam, that'’s what your grandfather is.

Quite a man.

Well, you know what I like best in today'’s story?

Well, there were three things.

First, was when the Enchantress found out

you can'’t do bad things without being punished for them.

The second thing was when King Randor found his father.

But what I liked best of all was Adam and his grandfather

getting together.

Grandfathers and grandmothers are very special people,

and they give their grandchildren

a very special kind of love.

So, if you'’re lucky enough

to have a grandmother or a grandfather,

or maybe even both,

well, you'’re really especially lucky.