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02x32 - The Time Wheel

Posted: 11/22/22 07:53
by bunniefuu
♪ He-Man

[He-Man] And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia,

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said:

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,

Man-At-Arms and Orko.

Together, we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.


♪ He-Man

When Man-At-Arms sent us out on a geology field trip,

I didn'’t expect this kind of excitement.

Neither did I.

I think the sand storm'’s getting worse.

We'’ll have to stop and wait it out.

Well, how about over there?

[Adam] Good idea.

Those boulders will give us shelter from the storm.

♪ He-Man

[wind gusting]

Well, this isn'’t much shelter.

We'’d better find a cave or something to hide in.

Maybe He-Man can help us make our own cave.

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!


I'’ve never seen a cave like that before.

[He-Man] It'’s not a cave, Orko.

Somebody built that tunnel,

and from the looks of it they did it a long time ago.

[Orko] Well, they won'’t mind if we go inside to get out of the storm.

Oh, I'’m sure they won't.

Is that what they look like?

Orko, I think we'’ve stumbled

onto an ancient Silkon laboratory.

[Orko] Silkons?

I'’ve heard Man-At-Arms talk about them.

Gosh, I wonder if any of them are here.

[He-Man] Not likely, Orko.

The Silkon civilization vanished thousands of years ago.

[Orko] He-Man, help!


Uh-oh, boomerangs.

It looks like somebody didn'’t want any visitors.

I hope there aren'’t any more of those booby traps around.

♪ He-Man

There'’s got to be a way out of here.

Even the Silkons wouldn'’t build a room without doors.

I hope.

Well, maybe that'’s what I'’m looking for.

Let'’s see if this opens a door.


Boy, it would take He-Man to turn that crank.

I'’d better try some magic.

Doors that squeak and chains that clank.

All magic power turn the crank.

I don'’t see any door opening.

What'’s that?

Who seizes the mighty Tamusk from his royal palace?

I-I-I guess I did. My name is Orko.

I have never seen such an odd creature as this.

Where am I?

I think this is a Silkon laboratory.


Hey, watch it.

Yes, this is a machine of Silkon design.

What'’s the matter with Silkons?

They are my bitterest enemies,

always warring upon my territory.

"Your territory", "your palace"? Who are you?

Do you not know Tamusk, king of all Eternia?

King? But Randor'’s King of Eternia.

Then you must tell me more about this Randor.

It is well to know one'’s enemies.

Orko has to be around here somewhere.

[Orko] Randor isn'’t your enemy, believe me.


Who'’s that?

It'’s He-Man.

Am I glad to see you.

There'’s a fellow in that room named Tamusk

who thinks he'’s King of Eternia.

Tamusk? Why, Tamusk was the last of Eternia'’s sorcerer kings.

But that was thousands of years ago.

Stay back, traitors.

Orko tells me that you'’re calling yourself Tamusk,

King of Eternia.

Who are you really?

I am Tamusk, the real king of Eternia.

This Randor is the pretender.

I will meet him in battle to prove it.

Randor will be no match for me.

[squeals and roars]

The two of you will await my return.

He sealed us in.

I wonder who he really is.

He does look like the statue of Tamusk

that'’s in the Hall of Kings back at the palace.

You mean, he really is King of Eternia?

Not is. Was.

But it was a very long time ago.

I don'’t understand this.

All I know is I turned this big wheel here

and he jumped out of it.

Ah, that explains it.

According to the inscriptions on the wheel,

it'’s some kind of a time machine.

Well, then it is Tamusk?

Yes, and if he thinks he'’s in his own time,

my father could be in real trouble.

Come on, Orko.

There he is.

First, they take me from my palace,

and now they chase me in a magic machine.

Powerful magic.

But I am more powerful.

He-Man and his friend are worthy enemies.

Better see if I can fool them with a giant Tamusk.

How did Tamusk get so big?

Hey, he'’s trying to grab us.

No, he isn'’t. It'’s just a giant illusion.

-See? -Hey, we went right through him.

That was fun.

Now, let'’s catch up to the real Tamusk

and see if he'’ll listen to reason.

Tamusk, why don'’t we talk this over?

There is no talk with Silkons and their friends.

There is only action.

Tamusk has brought up a Sandipede.


He will make a nice pet for the two of you.


A long time ago, there was an ocean here.

I'’m going to dig down and see if there'’s any water left.

Wow, He-Man'’s swimming like a fish in water.

[Sandipede growls]

[teeth chatter]

I hope He-Man gets back soon.

I don'’t want to be tied up with this Sandipede.

[He-Man] Look out, Orko.

I'’m going to give that Sandipede a shower.

The Sandipede doesn'’t like the water.

It'’s going away.

I'’ll just leave the water flowing for thirsty travelers.

Lucky for us, the Sandipede didn'’t like getting wet.

Like most desert creatures, it wants to be dry.

We'’ve lost a lot of time already because of it.

Tamusk may already be at the palace.

♪ He-Man

This cannot be.

I recognize this place, and yet, it is so different.

Mount Eternia stands as always, but this is not my palace.

It'’s changed so much, so quickly.

A powerful magic is at work here.

This Randor is strong.

I must att*ck him swiftly, and without mercy.

So, this is the mighty Randor.

I am Tamusk, and I have come to reclaim my throne.

Who are you? What do you want here?

You cannot trick me, pretender.

I am King Tamusk.

Though you have spirited my palace away,

I am still ruler of Eternia.

He does look like the statue of Tamusk in the Hall of Kings.

[Tamusk] Where is my queen? My children? My servants?

I can'’t answer those questions.

I don'’t even know how you came to be here.

Liar. You have taken my throne and I will have it back.

Could he be the real Tamusk?

Listen, if you are Tamusk,

the world you knew is long gone,

thousands of years ago.

But we will do everything we can to return you to your own time.

Tamusk will listen to no more of your lies, sorcerer.

Then you leave me no choice but to summon my guards.


Now we will do battle, Randor,

to prove which one of us is the true King of Eternia.

No, Tamusk.

In your day, battle may have been the test of a king.

But now it is wisdom, compassion and reason that rule Eternia.

Fighting proves nothing.

Coward. I will make you fight.


What trick is this?

King Randor.


Are you all right, Your Majesty?

Yes, Orko, though I am glad to see you'’re both here.

This fellow claims to be Tamusk.

I'’m afraid he is, Sire.

But how?

Well, I guess I kind of had

something to do with it.

I should have known.

[Tamusk] Randor.

We are not yet finished, pretender.

This warrior of yours is strong, but I will defeat him yet.

And then I will defeat you.

Tamusk, please listen to us.

You don'’t understand what'’s happened.

No, you will not trick me again.

Maybe now you'’ll agree to talk this out.


Tamusk will never stop fighting his enemies.

[Marlena] Guards, take him.

Too many. Must escape.


I am too quick for them.

Is there no end to this sorcery?

[metal creaking]

Now he sends dragons for me.

I must flee this place.

Tamusk, wait.

Boy, he sure has a lot of tricks in that club of his.

What'’s going on here? Who was that?

A former King of Eternia,

somehow snatched from his own time.

And we'’ve got to find a way to return him.

♪ He-Man

[Orko] What makes you think Tamusk

will go back to the Silkon laboratory?

Tamusk is confused. He'’s frightened.

Our Eternia is very different from his.

The only place he might feel safe is in that old lab.

I guess that makes sense.

I only hope I'’m right.


Oh, it'’s no use. I cannot move it.

I am trapped by this cursed Silkon magic forever.

[Orko] He-Man, you were right.

He'’s here.

Again you appear to torment me.

Well, Silkon, this time we finish our fight.

It'’ll take more than a little sand to get rid of us.

Then I will find another way.

Ah, just what I need.

It looks as if Tamusk found himself an army.

Those soldiers aren'’t alive, Orko.

They'’re just stone statues made to move by Tamusk'’s magic.

Oh, yeah? Tell that to this guy.

Maybe his friend will tell him all about magic stone statues.

You see, Orko? Just rock.

You will learn not to insult me, Silkons.

Ah, I should have known I could not trust a Silkon statue.

It'’ll be tricky to destroy the statue without hurting Tamusk,

but I have an idea.

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

Silkon thing, fight me like a warrior.

I hope this rope is long enough.

Do you feel safer now that I am tied up, friend of Silkons?

What are you going to do, He-Man?

The old spinning-top trick.

[Tamusk groans]

♪ He-Man

Are you all right?

It would take more than a child'’s toy

and a flight through the air to hurt me.

[Orko] The statue'’s shrinking.

Not shrinking, Orko.

Worn away by the sand as it spins.

You saved my life, He-Man.

By my code of honor, I am now your sl*ve.

We have no slaves here on Eternia, Tamusk,

but I would be pleased to call you friend

and help you get home to your own time.

Then what you have said is true. I really am in the future.

[He-Man] Your future, yes.

You are remembered with honor.

Then I am glad I have come. But now, please, send me home.

We'’ll be happy to.

Stand where you first appeared so that the time vortex

can pick you up.

I am prepared.

What a warrior you would have made in my time.

I only fight when I must.

And each time, I hope it is the last time.

Hmm, an unusual idea.

-Ready? -[Tamusk] I am ready.

But I doubt you can move the crank by yourself.

I could not move it, no man could.

You don'’t know He-Man.


Let'’s go.

I will think about this not fighting unless you must.

Perhaps I could learn something.

Thank you, friend.

Hey, you forgot this.

Gee, my throwing the club into the vortex

made the time wheel glow.

Throwing the battle club through the time vortex

must have caused an overload of some kind.

This old building can'’t stand the strain.

-It'’s collapsing. -Let'’s get out of here.

I hope Tamusk made it home all right.

No question about it.

The history books say he ruled wisely and peacefully

into a ripe old age.

You did us a great service.

Who knows how Eternia'’s present might have changed

if Tamusk had not been returned to his place in history.

Perhaps his visit to our time was not an accident.

History books say that late in life,

Tamusk turned away from wars of conquest

and fought only when he had to defend himself.

Wow, I bet he changed because of what He-Man said to him.

Why Tamusk changed doesn'’t matter as much as the fact

he did change.

Boy, kings sure were different back then.

That they were, Orko.

I wonder what King Randor would have looked like

if he was king in those days.

I bet it would have been something like this.

Now, just a minute, Orko.

Well, how do I look?

Well, you sure look interesting, Father.

I think I like the helmet best.

All right, all right, that'’s quite enough.

Change me back, Orko.

No sooner said than done.


[both laugh]


I'’ll get it this time, Your Majesty.


Gee, I kind of like that.

[all laugh]

I hope you enjoyed today'’s adventure story.

Wouldn'’t it be wonderful if we did have a real time wheel?

We could turn it back to the Stone Age

and meet some real cave people.

Or into the future, where we could see

some of the wondrous things yet to come.

Well, we don'’t have a magic time wheel.

Not yet, anyway.

But we do have some things just about as good.

They'’re called books.

Reading books can be your time wheel

to just about any time or place you choose.

Why don'’t you give them a try?

You'’ll be glad you did.